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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1916)
30 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, .JANUARY I'M. iiir, COP TURNS DOCTOR AND SAYES A LIFE In Absence of Police Surgtoni Jim Murphy Successfully Applies Pulmotor to a Woman. THONED HUSBAND FAXEWELL Because she was "lonesome" and her husband had grnne to a dance without her, Mrs. Mary Skow, 2$, wife of Marius Skow, telephoned goodbye to the latter yesterday and atempted suicide by turning on the gas. In the absence of police surgeons, Tatrol Conductor J. T. Murphy rushed to the residence, 2 213 North Eighteenth street, with a pulmotor in the police ambulance, and proba bly saved th woman's llfo by promptly administering first aid treatment. Later Dr. C. D. Folti was reached and he declared that the woman would survive. Marius Bkow, bsrtender at Kurky Holmes' saloen, raid ha was Just leaving to (to horn for lunch when bla wlf thnnsd him andssld that she would tK df'ad when bo reached their house. Aa he hart previously threatened to end her life. "kow said he didn't think much of the threat thla time. Knanil UK. I nronarloMs. When ho took a street car and reached the hotmo ho found doors and windows loeked and Mrs. Pkow was lyln uncon scious on the floor of her bedroom, with a cat Jet turnd on full. A nolo left by her read In part pa follows: pear Husnand and Friends: I am lonesome and l.sve no children. Dear lodge sisters, forflvo me." Chow said they had been married nine eara, and that his wife had been "sore" because ho went to a dan re Tuesday eve ning with aomo male . friends without taking her. Ho b:oko down and cried. Gas Generated by a Battery Caused Blast WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 Gas generated by tha now Edison storace battery and limited by a. spark of unknown oritin Is held responsible for tho eplrlon on tho submarine, E-i, at tho New York navy yard Saturday, in a report to Secretary Panlels today by tho board of Inquiry. Thla board made an Investigation pre liminary to tliat now being conducted by tho naval court of Inquiry to determine the causa of tho disaster In which five men lost their Uvea and nlno were seri ously Injured. Only one of tho survivors was examined by tho board, as the othera were not In a condition to testify. Consequently tho report la regarded by tho secretary as Inconclusive. Cincinnati Aerie of Eagles Facing Trial iTNCINVATl. .. Jan. I!.-Wlth the arrival here today of tho trial officers, It became known that tho entire mem bership of the Cincinnati aerie of Kaglea. numbering more than 2.Snn, will be placed on trial tonight, charged collectively with "conduct unbecoming Bglcs." The trial officers Include former Governor Thomas A. Hell of California. The trlala aro tho outgrowth of dif ferences that originated In the local lodge aomo tlmo ago relative to the ex penditure of money on a trip to one of tho annua) reunions of Kagles. Pioneer Swedish Settler Dies at the Age of Ninety Swan Nelson, one of the earliest Swed ish settlers In Nebraska, died Wednes dsy ".Horning at 2 o'clock at tho ago of M years. Ho died at his home, 160tt Vin ton street. Mr. Nelson came to Omaha in July, is!, and has remained hero ever since. He Is survived by one daughter, Mrs. George Hanson; five grandchildren, May, rtheta and Rdwln Ilasmussen, and Ed ward F. and Rudolph Hanson, and one great-crandchlld, Eddie T. Hanson. The funeral will b held Friday from the residence at I o'clock, with burial la Trospect Hill cemetery. Burlington Wants to Build Another Viaduct Over 13th , Ths a19 sMnmlasloners will agree to the lower of the grade 'of Thirteenth street, south of tho Burlington tracks, provided that the railroad company ar ranges with Interested property owners as to damages. The Uurllngton people wish to place another viaduct acroas Thirteenth street and havo asked tho city to change the grade to permit them to make this Improvement. The proposed cut will start at tha present Burlington via duct and will attala a depth, of sis feet at Mason street Wickersham Home in Dundee Robbed A burglar broke the glass In the front door at tha home or G. W. Wickersham, Bo North Forty-ninth street, Dundee, rarly Tuesday evening, while tha family was away. Tho house was ransacked, but only Z worth of Jewelry waa taken. MAN FOUND DEAD IN BED PROVES TO BE ROY EDWARDS Police officials havs discovered that the man who bad it filtered at the New Home lodging hoi-se, 1321 Douglas street, as C. F. Kesslcr, and who died of heart failure while lying In bed Tuesday, was Hoy n. Kdwards of North riatte. He had given an assumed name at tha lodg ing houae. Edwarda' -wife arrived from North Platte and identified her husband. he will take the body to Tryon, Neb., for burial. There will bo no coroners inquest as a post-mortem examination proved Kdwards succumbed to heart fall-ire. Kitchener Says Draft Bill to Do the Work I,'NfiO. Jnn 11-Tlif second day of the committee stage of the military serv Ico bill in the House, of Commons was chiefly Interesting from the fact that it elicited the opinion of Karl Kitchener, secretsry of war, that the bill would pro vide all the men he required to enablo him to do all necesssry to be done In or der to win victory. He Goes to Jail for Giving Liquor Away bKNVKII. Colo.. Jan. 1!). James Cnrr of Urldgeport. Conn., waa sentenced to servo ten days In Jail In pollen court, to day on the charge of giving away liquor on a train entering nenver. In violation of the atate prohibition law. Thla was the rirst case In Denver under the new law. PRESIDENT WILL SPEAK AT OMAHA Special Dispatches Say Wilson Will Speak Here on Stumping Tour for Preparedness. WILL TAKE PERSONAL CHARGE Tresldent Wilson will speak in Omaha on a stumping; tour of the great cities of the country in his fight for a bigger army and navy. This information was contained In special dispatches received last night by The Bee from Washington. The president, who will take per sonal charge of the administration's defense program in order to push it through congress, will deliver ad dresses in ritsburgh, Chicago, Kan sas City, St. Liouls, here and perhaps Denver. Friends of Former Secretary of State Bryan, the reports said, will send the Nebraskan to trail the president, speaking ngainst pre paredness. Will lake I'rrsonal (barge. WASHINGTON. Jan. 19-rresldont Wilson Is planning to assume personal leadership In the fight for a stronger army and navy. Bo many reports have reached him of confusion over tho Issue beforo congress and of the uncertainty of the outcome, that lie hss determine not only to go before tho country In pub lic addresses, but to confer further on the subject with leaders of the senate and lion ie. Representative Hay and Representative I'adeett, chairmen of the house military and naval committees, respectively, have Informed Mr. Wilson that it will be from fix weeks to two months before the com mittees will bo ready to report nny army and navy appropriation bills. While thl work Is going n he prnjioscs to do his utmost to solidify sentiment among the people and members of congress In favor of the plnns 1rnn up by the War and Navy departments. ot lleterred hy 'opposition. Friends of the president represent him as being undeterred by the oicn opposi tion of former Secretary liryan and oilier pacificists, and by d'f feiences among ml vocates of national defense over the ex act plana to be adopted. He is said to be firmly of tho opinion that the piomam prepared by Herretsrles Cnrrlqnn an 1 Daniels Is the bctt which can be offered at this time. Dans for the rpeaklng trip will he prepared aa quickly as possible. If neces sary, tho president may elisnse tlio White House social program, mapped out before Christmas. PIMPLES ON FACE BURN AND ITCH Became Worse and Worse. Face Disfigured. In Blotches. Were Red and Scaled Over. PANAMA CANAL WILL BE OPEN BYFEBRUARY 15 NEW YOrtK, Jsn. JT-Thn Panama canal will bo opened to the largest ships on February in. according to Colonel k. r. Glenn, U. 8. A., who arrived here today on tho steamship Metapan from Colon. Colonel Glenn returned from a si weeks' trip to tho cannl tnno und said that when lie left thero was n chan nel twenty feet deep at all points where tho slides occurred. Ho added that canal officials had sent out a notice on January 16 stating that tho waterways would be ready for all traffic one month trom that date. HEALED BYCUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "I had pimples on my face which gradually became worse and worse all the lime. They burned and Itched and I would wakeupoften at night, and my face would burn dreadfully and it. was dliflgured for the time being. At first, the pimples were in blotrhea but gradually scat tered, and they were red and festered and also sealed over. "Then I got some Cutlcnra Soap and Ointment. At flr I put the Cutlcnra Oint ment on and then I bathed my face with warm water and Cuttrura floap. and I had not used them more than two weeks till t noticed a rhange and now my faro Is entirely healed." (Signed) Miss Marie Christiansen, Itoute .1, Neola. Iowa, July 2.1, 1915. Sample Each Free by Mail With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad dress post-card "Cotirara, Dept. T, Rosa ten." Bold throughout the world. A "For Sale" or ' For Ttent" Ad placed In The Bee will accomplish Ita p'ur-' pose. THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER iOBBlg M Of Business Sal Furniture and Stoves Rugs and Draperies At Less Than Wholesale Prices Danish Steamer 4 aptared. !NION. Jan. IS. -A Cnnenhairen Mia. patch to Tlouter'a Telegram company says that the steamer Kiev, hound from t npenhHgen for IJvri pool, has been cap tured by a German destroyer. According to the same dispatch, it Is feared that ths Swedish steamer Miner, which left Cop enhagen Hundav for Yslail. and whixh did not arrive, also has been captured.' Historic Hotel Ilaraed. MKTtCRR, Va.. Jan. 1 Tho Hotel Humes, built more than inn vear an .n.i which bad entertained among many other uinLinauinnen men, i.enorui i.aiayotte, was destroyed by fire today. I We Must Vacate Our Store n?n n ri We Must Vacate our Warehouse Rooms S8Yenty-FIv8 Thousand Dollar Stock Must Be Sold Positively Nothing Reserved Hundreds of samples and all of tho homo furnishings now stored in our big ware house rooms must bo closed out. Wo must sell and sell fast and in order to move this big stock quickly wo will arrange easy terms at tho same low prices. Rubel Furniture Company, 1513-15 Howard St. eiex; D Now That We Have the N PECK RAILROAD DENIED RIGHT TO RAISE RATES ON COAL Some month a(o the Uurllngton. Union Pacific and Northwestern rail roads Joined In an application to In. .crease the rates on bituminous coal from Colorado and Wyoming mines to points in Nebraska and Colorado Word cornea that the Interstate Com merce commission has denied tho a p. plication and tho old ratea will stand Jn their application tho railroads asked permission to Increase the coal ratea H to IS cents per ton on net weight. LOOK FOR GAS LEAK AND FIND A BULLET IN METER The .M-callbro bullet which Hoy AVat Mns. colored youth, aent through hi, riiiht lung Monday. In a vain attempt to nd his life, following a love at fair, has een removed from a gas meter at his home, ISO North Twenty-third street. Oaa company empluyra found tho lead lllet when called to the bouse to locate a gaa leak, following the attempted sui cide. Watkina Is at Kt. Joseph's hospital and a III probably recover. PSJ t 0 $ yt7 TK TK TK Oa ' rock s D LETTERS CARRIERS ARE AUVE Tp NEEDS OF POOR Tho Omaha letter carriers aro right aliva to the needs of tba poor. They aat what waa left of their banquet last Sat urday to tho Wlunteers of America, for dUtritiuiioo among tha needy. One letter man ho read the story of cheery olj Aunt Mattie In Tha Ueo Tuesday evening at Mis. McCormick II to buy some lutdfiil Ihing for Aunt Mattie. VlM-)fi' d Ad" habit. J vi ad Tlx x Want Ads. Jt !'! n we find it so big and the time so short that we cannot place the entire amount on sale at once. This stock will accord ingly be sold by sections. The Hen's Overcoats and Boys' Clothing on Sale Saturday, Jan. 22d The other parts of this stock will go on sale as soon as they can be gotten ready. D D n for this sale one of the largest and greatest value-giving sales ever known to this part of the country. Watch daily papers for further announcements. , D J j n D War upon Pain! g Tain Is a vi.itor to every homo anj usually it comes quite unexpectedly. But you sre prepared for every emergency il you keep a smsll bottle of Sloan's Liniment handy. It ii the Jresteit pin killer ever discovered. Simply laid on the skin bo rubbing required It drives the pain away instantly. It is really wonderful. n 0 0 n n n U : i ! : I . !!.!! . !(.! w! ilii!!!!! i I! ii i I ii H i ii j mi ! ! i ! ii H' I ! I M'!''J II I g !! ! H!l ' ffm ill - i 1 1 ' m a i iiA , Sloan's Liniment MS iii 'yy Rh SprinIB s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r SoreMus jaHHnAHHHRHtlllHHItHHHHO mm 1 At 7 Enjoy mo? w... T UUAU1 1C9 of a m California Winter Winter tlierc is the same as summer. Flowers bloom, fruit matures, birds sing and sun shines the year 'round. It costs no more to live m California than in Nebraska. Furnished cottages or bunga lows may be rented at nominal, cost. Supplies of green vegetables and fresh fruits know no winter prices. Besides, every day is a day for out-of-door life: Motoring, golf, tennis, polo, surf bathing the only snow you will see i that that caps mountain peaks hundreds of miles away. If you would rid yourself of that dread of winter, arrange now to visit California, and be sure to travel there via Um P ACIFIC The Warm Winter Way Two daily trains to Los Angeles and Pasa dena, three daily trains to San Francisco. For California literature and information about train service, rates, routes, sleeping ear accommodations, etc., apply to L. BEINDORFF, C. P. & T. A. 1324 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Phone Douglas 334. KT'5 i il --.k . 1 Most Modern and Sanitarv BrAwrv in h w Family Trade supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor, 2502 N St. Telephone Douglas 4231. South 863 or 868. Se real estate columns for bargains u H canncao f