THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JAN U Alt r 19, l'JIO. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. . The nee Publishing Company. Proprietor. BEE BUILDING. FARNAM AND SEVENTBF.NTH. : Kntrrri at Omiha postofflee ss seond-cls matter. TERM9 OF SUBSCRIPTION. Pjr cerrtT FT rnaJl per month. pf yr. i Dsllv and Pundur Wo " 1 lslir without Sunday....' o . i lining snJ Sunrtnv .V J J" ' Kwnlnj without Sunday I Sunday Bre only - Dntly and Sunday lire, three yeara In advance 110. W Send nitl"e of ihsniro of sil'lriss or complaint of liTPiila tv in dehvrry to Oinntia llee, Circulation Pe'.nrtnif nt ItKMITTANTB. J Remit hy draft, express or po'al order. Only two- I counts Pereonal rhrrk. except on Omaha and eastern j nchanire. not accepted. Omaha The tlnllilinc South Omaha ai N etrert Council muffs It North Main Mreet. I Inroln M I.lttle HulMIn. Chtf ao Hart Hulirllna- Nw Vork Room lift'.. 2vii Fifth avenue Ft. I.ouls-603 New Hunk of Tommerre. Wsshlnston 735 Fourteenth 8t., N. W. CORRESPONDENCE). Address rommunlcatlona relatlnir to new and edi torial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. ' IKCTMI)EIi CIRCULATION. 53,534 tate of Nehrsske, County of Douglas, aa: Irwlght Williams, circulation manager of The Fe I Publishing company, being duljr sworn, aaya that the ) average circulation for tha month of December, 1816. waa U.34. DWIOHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before. . ana, thla 4th day of January, T1. ' ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public. ; Kubserlbers leaving the city temporarily should hare The Bee mailed to them. Ad. 1 tire. a will be changed as often an reqneated. ) i wy of securing the "freedom of the seas." Merchandizing submarine Mazes one sure J Omaba has always bsd to flgbt for a square deal from the railroad rate-makers, so let the fight keep up for more equitable grain rates. After all tbt British searching and analyzing, the papers of Captain von Papen have not yet yielded enough ammunition to pay the cable toll. Montenegro makes the smallest bite In the Balkan pie counter, but forms the juiciest mor sel Austria has munched since Uosnla tickled the royal palate. Judging by the tone of the talk of socialist members of the Prussian Diet, their position puts them beyond the reach of the muzzle clapped on Maximilian Harden A little matter of repudiating mileage bookr Is a routine Incident to a corporation which can nullify laws with a flood of tears and repudiate Its pledged word to a city. Turks claim to have gathered up $10,000, 000 worth of booty left by the Dardanelles In vaders. A minor. Item in the total, but the Allies are satisfied in getting off so cheap. I Hostile guns again are thundering around j the Garden of Eden that was. The operation is ? intended to expedite the demise of native kick i ers who merely hang around to save funeral expenses. All the crimes In the Mexican calendar are row attributed to Pancho Villa and his bandit band. Villa committed an irreparable blunder when he dismissed his press agents without aa n.uch as a peso. , "Things come to him who waits," or words to that effect, echoed through the state fir marshal's office as the belated pay checks blew in. Which also shows the value of starting a fire in the rear and sitting tight. - .The official report of the New York state census showing a decrease In the number of resident Indians tallies with known conditions . 1-ack of proper nourishment for more than a year has decimated the tribe of Tammany. Knowledge combines power and profits on ' the farm as In all human vocations. The higher V the Intelligence applied to seed selection, cultl $ vatlon and crop rotation, the greater the re- suits. Prof, llolden's exposition of intensive i farming merely brushes the dust from truths ss old as creation. The official announcement that American citizens who emigrated to Canada are not shirk ing their duty is welcome evidence of the right spirit. Wherever a man makes his home, to that country allegiance is due and whatever sacrifice time and occasion call for. 't 'liiu S mm Does Nebraska Bar Progress ? Progressive people of this progressive com monwealth will surely be pained to learn that Nebraska, along with a dozen others, has been listed as one of the "states which bar progress." This latest ignominy is heaped upon Nebraska by "Equity," the special organ of the direct government methods, which finds thin "absurd bar to progress" In the fact that a constitutional amendment submitted to the voters Is decided not by a majority of those voting on that proposition, but by a majority of those voting on the entirely different proposition as to who shall be elected to some public office. "Equity" kindly notes the exception for us that ti ls does not bold good on amendments by popular initiative, for here simple majorities rule, and there being no limitation on resort to the initiative, what difference It makes that legislature-submitted amendments still require a ft 11 majority of the total votes Is not clear. But, as a matter of fact, Nebraska has progressed farther than any other state In mak ing It easy to change our constitution. Does not "Equity" know that by legislative Jugglery and Judicial interpretation we have made it so that all straight ballots marked in the party circle are counted "yes" for amendments en dorsed by nomlnsl majorities in the party prlniary although cast without the slightest in tention of voting on any amendment at all? If ease of constitution-changing Is the test of progress, then Nebraska Is not only maligned when listed among the "states that bar prog ress," but we are entitled to first award for a progresslvenesg which no other state in the union can match. For ourselves, we confess we would rather have the progress of our state determined by some different measuring rod, and we submit tr at any fair measurement of progress will rank Nebraska nesr the head of the column in the sisterhood of states. Blockade of Neutral Forts. Great Britain now proposes the formal ex tension of Its "order in council" to Include an effective blockade of neutral ports, as well as tha declaration of a war zone wltnlwhlch vessels of all nations are subjected to the treatment ac corded blockade runners. In plain terms, the purpose Is to stop, If possible, all trading be tween neutral countries and Germany. Undei the newer conditions, Great Britain would be come In fact the dictator of the high seas and the director of the world's commerce. The Quadruple Entente s Piles have been carefully sounded on the proposition, and Frame and Italy hesitate over engaging In the enterprise. The practice of the United States during the Civil war is relied upon by Great Britain to support its suggestion. This practice may af ford a pretext, but hardly a precedent. Eng land had openly and flagrantly espoused the cause of the Confederacy, and was almost at ally of the rebels. The blockade of the ports of Nassau and Matamoras was necessary, be cause they were admittedly depots for military supplies for the rebels in arms against the United States. No such conditions exist today. Against this proposition from Great Britain maj be placed the rerent disclosures of the London Dally Mall, which made a thorough investiga tion, and reports that shipment of foodstuffs and other supplies from British to Scandinavian porta far exceed the normal requirements of the destination countries, and which openly charges that the surplus of these shipments finds its way into Germany. John Bull has plenty to do at home for a time before he entirely assumes charge of th world's affairs. Submersible Milk Wagons. It is now solemnly avowed that the untersee- bote is also available for service as a milk wsgon, the object being to provide some method whereby the blockade of German ports by the Allies can be evaded and a food supply for babies In the central empires be assured. Of course It can, and with the coming of the sub mersible milk wagon, maybe we'll hear the last of the farmer who forgot to roof his cows, or the milkman who forded the creek on the way to town. But what of Neptune and his dolphin team? Will they patiently abide this newest Invasion o( the water god's realm? All sorts of indignities have been visited on the denizens of the deep, but they have not' yet been subjected to the inconvenience so patiently borne by land lubbers, that of the matutinal visitation of the milkman. What will the Nereids and the Oceanlds say, when their games are interrupted by the whizzing past of the submarine milk cart? Their comfort must be considered, for they are venerable, and entitled to a little respect, although, to be sure, they should not be permitted to entirely block the way of prog ress. Let us have the undersea milk route at once, but let it be so maintained as to only moderately Interfere with established customs at sea and below the surface thereof until the gods and the nymphs, the mermaids and the sirens have time to adjust themselves to new conditions. 1 he r Iret ona-regatlonal church h. ku r. .ii to the old building and will temporarily occupy tha eitaung mm. wmia me new no. edifice la erected on me sue or me oia. The church memberahlp at prew-nt la 3tt. after two others St u.r.'. a.-.- Hd the Third Congregational, have been formed from ma wrrni cnurrn. Frank Colpetser. chairman tf the managing com luittee of the charity ball, accompanied by John S). Collin. Id tha course of a few hour, nnu.r. ..... ... u . V. . uvvr ti.OQu In aubaciintloua from bualneaa irn -. . u booat the total to W.uuO. Mr. Colpetaep flgurea that i.uw ncxeia to tne bail at 15 each will b aold In 'ivam aa compareu w"n a aale of sue tickets laat year. Tl third national convention of the Nebraska. Civil Engineers, u in aeaaion. The Omaha member attending are: George W. Tillaon. A. J. U rover, George Hmlth. C. II. Huwea and Andrew Roaewater. A plat of a a addition to the city was filed ta be known aa Cunningham and Brennen'a addition, aod la located north and weet of Walnut HUl. O. R. Clark of Boston, with Mrs. Clark and their son, Allle, are guests of Dr. Parker, who la a brother .f Mrs. Clark, and whom he has not seen for fifteen re. W illiam A. J'akton and John A. Mt Shane return il from an eastern trip.. Joi.u (J. Bruncr, one of the prominent pioneers of Ji-rrkf, and lather of T. ., C. E. and J. B liiui.rr, an4 Mia. Jacob rwartslandrr of West Point, i.i.l lu in la city. He was la his elghty-fuui tb year. Aimed at Omaha Tork Democrat: Attorney General Reed's Intima tion that the 8 o'clock cloelnf law la violated In Omaha cornea as a atunnlng aurprlae. It leads us to believe that the antl-clgaret law Is violated here In Tork, that every now and then some one violates the law against burglary, and that every now and then some publlo official may actually devote to private practice the time that belong to the public. Doud City Press: Omaha I to have a real hay market, a system of trackage for hay. official In spection and grading, official record of aalea. etc. Because of lack of such a market, little hay has been sold directly In Omaha. Hundreds of thouaanda of tons of hay have been shipped right through Omaha to Chicago or Kansas City. The Union Stock Yards company of Omaha haa been buying much of 1t hay on the Kansas City market, thus paying freight for the haul from Omaha to Kansas City and back. Plalr Democrat: An Omaha woman I" paying her husband alimony, bat that Is no reason for some fel lows saying "yes" when a arl asks, "Will you be mine?" or words to that effect. Albion Argus: Mayor Charles Bryan released ten Inmate of the Lincoln city Jail from durance vile In honor of Chrlstmaa day. In thla he emulated the example of Mayor Jim of Omaha, who lets out acada of Jail convicts who have been convicted of misde meanors. Neither mayor can pardon convicted crim inals, but may forgive those condemned of close communion with John Barleycorn. Hastings Tribune: An Omaha women Is aaid to have the lockjaw. We don't believe It. Whoever heard of aa Omaba woman who could not talk con tinuously? Tork Republican: Omaha people aeem to find the occupation of holding; each other up after night quite profitable. If an outsider refuses to play tha game they shoot him. Newman Orove Reporter: The Omaha Bee ha discovered the meanest man on earth. Ills wife needed a set of teeth ant had no money to buy them. An Omaha dentist was going to give her a set for a Christmas present, but her husband arose In his might and refused to allow her to accept them. Some one ought to pull all of that fellow's teeth and then make him live on rubber boot heels for the balance of his life. Beatrice Rxpresa: The Nebnaeka Bar association, now In aeaaion in Omaha, refused to go on record en the question of state-wide prohibition, ruling out a resolution dealing with the matter as being wholly "leading. Immaterial. Irregular and having nothing to do with the ease at Issue." No exception waa taken to this ruling by any of the attorneys present. Twice Told Tales Holden's Advice on Cora. Prof. P. G. Holden recounted in Omaha the result of a test ot the value of selecting seed corn, carried on so extensively as to thoroughly establish the service of the practice. From s field of 8,000 acres an increase of eleven bush els per acre was secured, the only change in methods being the thorough test of the seed be fore planting. This is only a portion of the mass ot accumulated proof that no farm labor Is more profitable expended than In the careful selection and thorough testing of seed corn. Elaborate experiments and thorough research has proven that corn breeds true to type every time. Farmers know this, or, at any rate, they have been given the information many times. By following the advice of the experts, the farmers have Increased the average yield by many bushels to the acre, but have not as yet reached the limit of possibilities. Every fanner Is Interested la this, and all should unite In ap plying the easy test necesssry to determine the germinating qualifications of the seed corn, after it has been picked because of Its desirabil ity for other reasons. This is the time of year to do this work, so that -when planting time comes, the seed that goes into the ground will be known to be dependable. Happened la Boatoa. Every seat In the electrle car waa occupied, when a group of women got In. Going through the car to collect the fares, the con ductor noticed a man asleep. Seising him by the shoulder he proceeded to shake htm back Into a state of consciousness. "Wake up!" shouted the conductor. "That la where you may have another guesa. my boy." wakefully responded the passenger. "I wss not asleep." "Not asleep, eh returned the conductor, with a dubious expression. "Then, what were you doing with your eyes shut?" "It waa because of the crowded condition of the car," explained the passenger. "I just hate to see women standing up." Boston Herald. He Was Some Sick. Oeorge Sidney, the actor, tells a story, for which he confesses a particular fondneaa, on one of the players of his company in his Blsiy Issy days. "My friend was hopelessly addicted to his cups," aays Mr. Sidney, "and nothing that we could say to him ever seemed to reform him much. But some times we eould get him on the wag-on for a couple of months, till temptation came toe strong, and he'd go back to his sins with a terrible bump. "Once we had him sober for four or five months, ao that when he went on hla spree It hit him a lot harder than uaual. He disappeared Just after the performance, and when I came Into the theater the next day he waa lying across the floor of my dressing room. He was moaning and groaning, and for a minute or two X thought I'd have to send for a doctor. "I lifted him up, however, and carried him In side. Tou're feeling pretty sick, old man. aren't you? I said, sympathetically. " 'Sick, Oeorge? Mck? Why. thousands have died who were not as sick as I am now.' "Indianapolis Newa. Fasaled the Teaeaer. They were speaking about the Importance ct punctuation the other afternoon when an appropriate story waa told by Mlas Theda Bara, the motion-picture star. Some time since the teacher tn a public school told the puplla to write a sentence on any subject and lay the papers on her desk. The first that the teacher took up for consideration was that of little Willie Jones. "This Is a warm doughnut. Step en It," read the teacher from the paper, with a pussled expression. "What In the world are" "That ain't right. Miss Mary," hastily Interrupted Willie. "Toil didn't read "Well, then," said the teacher, handing him the pa per, "suppose you read It." "Tee, ma'am," humbly acquiesced Willie. "This Is a worm. Do not step on It" Philadelphia Telegraph. People and Events rtJIC? CO What Form of City Oovernmentt OMAHA. Jan. 1.-To the Editor of The Bee: I note your editorial yesterday on "City Manager and the Citizens." Your editorial and Mr. Allen's rresence here naturally bring up the question of whether Omaha should consider adopting the city manager plan or really the more general problem of what la the best plan of city government. Under the home rule bill, we are now free from entanglement with the state legislature and can adopt any plan we please, provided we can "get together." May I auggest that you start a column open to anyone, under the caption, "What Form of Government Should Omaha Adopt?" If the arttcJes are short and Intelligent the same will be read with in terest C. F. HARRISON. Note: Thla column Is open to letters on this subject within reasonable limits of length. Trlbate to Ella Wheeler Wilcox. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Jan. I8.-T0 the Editor of The Bee: May I not In the columns of your paper express my hearty appreciation of the sublime and lofty thoughts of Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Just as Shakespeare read the thoughts and passiona of men for all ages and covered every shade ot life, from the depth of despair, the lurking nature of revenge, the allurement of ambttlon. the sgony of remorse, and the gloom of doubt, so that we behold life ss It la. A fitful fever, a slough of despondency wherein no ona knows whom to trust. So, on the other hand, thla gifted woman has penetrated the religious hopes and desires of humanity and has condensed them Into a creed where those who trust In It have at least a faith of perfect peace. Undoubtedly the storms of con troversy. In which so many others are toased about, they - can welcome all men as brothers in faith, for all of them, even the most hostile, contribute to sup ply the atones of the broad foundation upon which their philosophy Is built. Scientific discoveries and philosophic Inquiries touch not this religion. It Is built upon the laws of nature; evil and good bring their rewards respectively, but, thank the Lord, the Idea of either eternal pain or eternal happiness la ab sent. "Heaven must begin here on earth and we must save ourselves by thoughts and acts of love." Is this not reasonable? The efforts of those who have been postponing their state of heaven or harmony to another world should be to strengthen the bonds of friendship on earth, to widen the range of human sympathy, to seek that love In one another which they have hitherto been required to seek In otber future worlds. Best of all. as one reflects on these thoughts, the world takes on a different aspect. He sees the thief who did not openly repent snd he wonders at his fate at the hands of one who prayed for forgiveness. He sees those less fortunate than he. those brought up In homes of squalor and filth, and he says that they, too, are embraced in the divine law of love. Mrs. Wilcox's faith In Immortality Is a bulwark of protec tion. It tells those who think to escape from their wretched condition (often thoughts) by entering another world. that it Is not to be. The grave win not destroy personality and it must be made here or there. On the other hand, to those who hare really believed, "the kingdom of heaven la within us," the thought of the grave has no terror. Like a child, weary at the close of day, will he go to sleep In the bosom of the all- cheering mother earth. "For the dis appearance of a single life Is but a ripple on the ocean of humanity and humanity feels It not." but the mind, his person ality, will live. He meets hla doom calmly then, bowing to the verdict ot fate or nature with unwavering resigna tion and fearless calm. CLARENCH W. KELSO. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. Philander O. Knox Is slated by the powers In Pennsylvania to succeed United States Senator Oliver, whoae term expires next year. Senator Oliver de clined to stand for re-election. A Mlasourt woman, at the age of 80, recently mar ried her fifth husband, and together they are honey mooning for the winter tn Florida. That's some record for the younger generation to match. Ia the Syrian quarter of New Tork City, beginning at Rector and Washington streets, a tourist may see Egyptian cigarets In the making, as well as Japa nese klmonoa, Syrian jewelry and Irish laces, cash mere shawls and Havana cigara. But the Syrians do not live there. It is their work ahop, owned by other nationalities. A- XIS.OOO.OOO banana truat suit growing out of a steamship combine. Is now In Its tenth week In a federal court la Philadelphia, and piles up a court ex pense bill of tS.000 a day. Besides, there are fourteen eminent lawyers engaged tn the case and many other expensive Heme, all of which will peel the profits of the banana bualneaa for some weeks to come. President Charles E. Boott of the Alabama Agri cultural college, waa attacked at night by some of his students In revenge for disciplinary measures. At roll call next morning four students appeared with draped eyes, and two reported being laid up at tbe hospital. Mr. Scott had a few signs of the melee', but didn't say a word, leaving results to prove tbs celerity ot his dukes. Elderly men of means Inclined to feminine gaiety find warning signs along- the road. One Sam Stuart. 71. of Fort Pmlth. Ark., contracted a lawsuit by at tempting to Ills a demure widow. Sam failed to con nect with the amacker. so the jury considered Ito would settle the damage. On the other hand, George K. Ksufinan of New Tork, was pinched for I3.M0 for taking two from a housemaid without permission. Signs of Progress Engineers have proposed to dam the Niagara river near Its outlet, to pro duce ,000,000 horsepower, in addition to that now derived from the falls. There are more than 8,000,000 electric flatlrons in use in the United States and more than 1,660,000 fans, those two being far In the lead of all other elec trical devices. New piers begun by the city of New York during tbe last two years will furnish W.680 feet, or almost seven miles of wharfage space and approximately forty-five and one-half sores of dock apace. pulmonary tuberculosis Is being treated by a Danish physician with air that haa been subjected to the action of ultra violet rays, which seems to have a healing effect when Inhaled through the mouth. To save locomotive enginemen In wrecks a Texan has Invented appar atua that, when a lever Is pulled, drops them Into heavy steel caissons, at the same time shutting off stesm and ap plying brakes. As a result of the war, American glass manufacturers have discovered that the supposedly superior clay they have been Importing from Germany Is really Inferior to the domestic clay. Well trained German salesmen. It seems, had hypnotised them Into believing that the Imported substsnce was better for the refractory pots In which glass Is melted. A United States artillery oRloer has Invented a camera that will photograph a mortar shell at the Instant It leaves the muxsle of the gun. showing even the curious "smoke ring' or "gaa ring" that accompanies the emerging shell. The ahutter which ran be adjusted to make an expoaure as ahort sa 1-ftnO of a second Is worked by electric motor which makes severs! thousand revolu tions a minute. Here and There With each ascent of three miles and a half ths density of the air Is halved, and the steps shorten, through the condenaing power of cold st high altitudes. The border town of Elkton la the Gretna Green of Maryland elopers snd the elop ers of nearby states. Marriage licenses to the number of tsU wore Issued tn the town last year and more eouplea were married by the busy justices than the population of the town. Cyrus Chase, 77, a civil war veteran of Towanda. Pa., was too proud to accept a pension for fighting and died tn the county poor house. He would not apply for a pension even when adversity got him. "People are crazy about pensions," he used to say. "No man ought to expect or reoelve pay for fighting te save his country. It's a man's plain duty to help when tbe flag Is In danger." 'She believes everything she Is told, don't she?-' "Yes, indeed. Why, that woman would even believe a letter of recommendation." Life. The Swell Ouest Your cook Is a very hendKome girl. The Shrewd Host Phe Is. She marhea the potatoes hv elmply looklne at them. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. JA AIR. KABimG, AfV FIANCE SWS THAT IF HE" CAN ET MARRIED H 14 BOSS WLl RAISE HrS SAMkV. ' SH0UU I AAARRT H(M ONTrWr Its OVSt AS CjCWD A REASON AS MARkYW A Felum er CAUdff HE WEAFS SViBU. COLLAR "Why did Ponce de Leon associate a fountain with the idea of perpetual youth? ' "Maybe," replied Miss Cayenne, "he meant a soda fountain in a drug store where they sell coametlcs." Washington Star. Judge Have you ever been In Jail? Iefendant (bursting out crying) No, sir! Judge Well, don't cry. You're going there now. New York Kvenlnir World. THE HEART OF A BOY. Grin Alexander, In Pittsburgh Dispatch. I once owned the heart of a boy and I know Just a little wee bit of Its working; Not a much as I'd like, for 1 ltt the thing go Where the Yearly Forgettera sre lurk Inff. They snapped the thing up ere I knew It was lost; Took a sons along with it; a laugh, too; Likewise Inclination to do, scorning cost, Why, any old thing I don't have tol How my heart used to sing with a rhythm most true When the world and all In It was fresh, clean and new; "The thing I am willing and anxious to do Is any old thing I don't have to!" The duties of life were a bore and a pest; The lapses were finer than silk, man! I scorned running errands; but what I loved best Wss to work without pay for the milk man. A Jolly would work where I'd doAge a command. My taskmasters flattered and chaffed too. My soul sang a song It could not under stand; "Why, any old thing I don't have to!" Have we grown? Yen, In guile. Now our selves we deceive. The thing that's Imperative still makes ua grieve; But to save our poor facea we're making believe That the thing that we do we don't have to: Don't Merely "Stop a Cough step the Talaar that Censes) ff and Ike Cough will top Itself A cough is really one of our beat friends. It warns us that there is in flammation or obstruction In a danger ous place, 'therefore, when you get a bad cough don't proceed to dose yourself with a lot of drug that merely "stop" the cough temporarily by deadening tne throat nerves. Treat the cause heal the inflamed membranes. Here is a home made remedy that gets rifrht st the cause and will make an obstinate cough vanish more quickly than you ever thought pos sible. Put 2 ounces of Piner (50 cents worth) in a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated auesr svrup. This gives rou a full pint of tne most pleasant snd effective cough remedy you ever used, st a cost of only 64 cents. No bother to vrepare. Full directions with Pinex. It heal the Inflamed membranes so ge.ntlv and promptly that you wonder now it does it. Also loosens a dry, hoarse or tight cough and stops the formation of fhleem in the throat snd bronehisl tubes, bus ending the persistent loose cough. Pincx Is a highly concentrated corn pound of Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol, and is famous the world over for its healing effect on the membranes. To svoid di'sppoiTirmetit. ssk your druggist for "2V ounces of Plnex."and don t sceept snvthin elue. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt ly refunded, goes with this preparation. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. OTIS CANDIDATE r 3 CUTS fHEk Ve MAKE lHE t FOR ' BEE ENGRAVING DEPARTMENT PMONt ttlir 1000 til BUILDING OMAHA WINTER EXCURSIONS To the Ever-Sunny Southland VIA TIIE WABASH RAILROAD HOUND iniP TICKETS ON RALE DAILY TO Florida, Cuba, Mobile, New Orleans And all other Gulf Coait points. Final return limit, June 1, 1916. To destinations in FLORIDA and CX'UA can go one route and return another at rlightly hilier fare. LtUEIt.Ui STOP-OVEUS PERMITTED. Attractive cruises to the West Indies, Panama Canal and South' America. For detailed information and descriptive literature, call on or address H. C. SHIELDS, General Agent. Passenger Dept., 311 South 14th Ht., Woodmen of the World Uldg. Telephone Douglas 353. Winter Office Comfort Extremes of weather are the real test of an office building. It is then that the little things count This building has not only a vacuum heating system, but is metal weather stripped. The court provides wonderful ventilation. The building is always practically full, because of its popularity, but occasional changes offer oppor tunities to get choice offices. "While the list below is all we have to offer today, there may bo something which will just suit you. If not, let us know your re quirements and we will watch for an opportunity to take care of you when the first change occurs, THE BEE BUILDING "The building that i alway new Room 222 Choice office suite, north light, very de sirable for two doctors or dentists; waiting room and two private offices; 620 square feet S45.00 Room 619 n tne beautiful court of the building; size 13 5 square feet Tf nnm R36 Only vacant room on the 17th street ftuumww side of the building. Faces directly on Seventeenth street. Partition for pri. vate office and waiting room. Size 187 square feet S 10.00 318.00 RoomlOS At lne nea1 ' tne eta,r9- on th floor opposite The Bee business office. Size 2 70 pquare feet. Would be specially use ful for a real estate firm 830.00 Apply to Building Superintendent, Room 103. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful i