Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Plenty of Fun in Connection with
Midwest Implement Show at
the Auditorium.
ThcaSSe"tnec Mary Page
By Frederick Lewis, Author of
"What Happened to Mary"
All work and no play will not get
cn opportunity to make the Imple
ment "Jacks"' dull boys. No, they
ruve arranged In connection with
their Mid-west Implement Dealers'
fifsociation convention In Omaha and
the Mid-west Implement show, a big at the Fontenelle for
this evening Bnd a big recep
tion and entertainment, compliments
cf the Commercial club, at the club
rooms Thursday evening.
Thursday pfternnon n theater rsrty Is
planned nt the urnhcum tor the visiting
Indie. Tl is is tvrn compliment dry by the
omnha A; I'uuniil Hluffs Implement and
cliirlr Hub. At this same hour, The dele-p.-ites
to tlir association arc to take time
off to Inspect the exhibit of the Imple
ment show.
All Pinter lard.
Sixty-dp') Implement companies are
to have rxPiliita at 111" hK show which
hiis contracted for every bit of the floor
space of the Auditorium a well as for
every foul of the concreted basement.
Forty -niii" companies are exhibiting or
dinary lines of implements while nine
teen are exhibiting tractors. The Imple
ments began to be moved In and set up
early in the morning following the Pade
rewski concert of Monday night, and by
noon the big Auditorium was a Jumble of
machinery, and buzz of machinists set
tine up the parts and Retting the ma
chines In shape for a show and demon
stration. Oo Community Plan.
T. N. Witten of Trenton, Mo., author
of the Trenton rlan of community Inter
est Is to address the convention Wednes
day afternoon. This Is the plan which
extends commercial club spirit and com
munity Fpltit outsido the city limits and
enlists farmers in the ranks of the club,
making it a grand community boosting or
ganization, instead of merely an or
ganization for the boosting of the par
ticular town or city in which the club
exists. Mr. Witten has recently been j
elected piesidcnt of the Western Retail
Implement. Vehicle and Hardware asso
ciation, which Is an organization twenty
eight years old and the lnrgest of Its
kind In the United States.
On Friday morning V. R. Sebenthal ef
I'au Claire, Wis., is to address the asso
ciation on the subject, "Is the Implement
Dealer a Business Man?" Mr. Sebenthal
Is aeeretary of the Wisconsin association.
The implement show opcn3 Wednesday,
the" Fame date as the convention, but
continues until Saturday, or ono day
longer than the convention proper. Tho
convention sessions will be held on the
tlagc of the Auditorium during the show.
(Copyright. IMS. by McOlure Publications.)
(Continued from Yesterday.)
"I guess I'll go with yon," ld Pol
lock with alacrity, then suddenly ho
gripped the others shoulder.
"Since when." h snarled, "have out
eiders been allowed In the wings at a
dress rehearsal?"
"W-what" stammered lanlels. swln?-
i Ing about. "Why, a mosquito couldn t
get past Jerry."
"Well, a lawyer has," retorted Pol
lock. "Over there -to the right see "
Pnnlels stared wrathfully.
"Pon't that beat the dickens!" he
snorted, "who is It?"
"Philip Lan6don." said Follnck,
grimly, and again Daniels' eyes naftr
rowed shrewdly, for It was common
gossip that these two men, so striking
a contrast in type and character, were
rivals for the favor of the lovely young
".Maybe Hss rase left word for him
to get in." he said, with a sly smile;
and the hot blood rushed to Pollock's
"If I thought that" he muttered, tak
ing a quick step forward. But Daniels
caught at bis sleeve.
"I was only kidding. tJon't be a fool,"
he said, soothingly. "Rehearsal la about
over anyhow, and a five-minute talk
with that fellow Isn't going to hurt
Mary. Lt 'em alone. I guess he'H look
like a two spot to her when you tell her
that little story of yours tonight eh?"
Ho chuckled, though his eyes were full
of a strange anxiety, and his touch on
Pollock's sleeve was by no means light.
The latter turned with a shrug.
"I guess you're right," h admitted.
"Come on, let's go get that drink."
At the door, however, he glanced back
over his shoulder and set his teetb
grimly as Mary's glad welcome to l,ang
don floated out to J.Lqv wonderful
she looked!
"Phil! How In the world did you get
in? '
"Bribery and corruption and a funny
story," he laughed, taking her hand in
his. "Is rehearsal over?"
"Yes, thank goodness!" "She nodded,
as the players with friendly Uttlo smiles
brushed past them. "Pld you sco any
of It?'
"Knough to realize how fine you are
as Nora." he said with sudden gravity,
and she smiled up at him with a flush
of pleasure at the words as she dropped
wearily into the chair of the garish
throne that held the center of the stage.
"I'm glad you like it." she ssid simply,
adding with a quiver In her soft volco,
"Oh, Phil, Phil. I'm so happy-to thln'rf
Its-it's come at last this wonderful
dream men call success!"
"I'm happy, too, my dear," he said,
gently, sitting down on the edge of the
throne's dais to tho dismay of the busy
scene-shifters. "I wish you the greatct-t
triumph you could desire, and I know
you deserve It"
"But you don't sound happy." she per
sisted, her woman's Int'itlon uppermost.
For an Instant bis eyes met hers.
"Success can build a big wall," be whis
pered "between a star and a-poor law.
"Nonsense"i she protest"!. "Oh. Philip,
you mustn't feel that way. Nothing
nothing In tho whole wide woild could
come between you and me. Why you've
always been tho 'bestest' among iuv
friends. Do you remember those days
when you used to come and take me to
the school ball games? And hew some
times I wouldn't go because I didn't he
pretty frorks like the other girls? And
how poor wo were? And now now " --he
spread nut her slim hands with n tri
umphant laugh, and Philip, striving t?
attune himself to her mood, smiled gaMy
In reply.
"And now," lc cried, "you are a queen
upon a throne and I sit at your feet as
becomes a humble vassal."
"You humble!" Mary mocked "This Is
indeed a chnngc!"
Cannot Open Flace, at Leatt Until
Kupel Returns from Trip to
the Coatt.
" 'There is no king upon his throne.
No seer or soldier, proud end stern:
But what love's call can reach their
And make them humble each In turn.' "
quoted Philip, and Just for a moment
Mary's fingertips rested en his shoulder
caressingly and her face glowed like n
rose as she looked out over bis head at
the empty theater.
They were almost alone now, and w ith
a little laugh she straightened suddenly
In her royal chair.
"Poetry and memories, and a throne,"
she said gently, "make one forget that
'tempi's' Is always 'fugiting'; and I must
hurry and dress. Will you wait and take
me home. rhil?" I
Hia face, which had fallen at her
change of mood, brightened at the words,
and, promising, he waived with her to
her dressing room door. Daniels was
standing by It as they came up. At
sight of Thillp he frowned.
"It's against orders, Mr. Lsncdon," ho
said brusquely, "for outsiders to be be
hind the scenes today. I don't know
how you got in, but "
"But, I'm now going out," laughed
Ijtngdon carelessly. "Mary. I'll call s
taxi and be waiting for you when you
"All riRht." she called bark, and went
In. closing the door behind her.
For an instant Paniets seemed about
to knock; then be walked thoughtfully
out towards the stage and glared as If
puizlcd at tho gaudy garden pictured on
the back drop, and then sgaln walked
back to Mary's door, indecision writ large
on his heavy face.
"It's a mean business." be muttered,
"but I don't see that V' e any choice,"
and, shrugging his shoulders, he rapped
CTo Be ContinucdTomoriow.)
One member absent and a tie vote
of the ait attending a regular sos
tion of tbo city council presents an
unusual situation In the rase of a
retail liquor application of Isaac
Crossman, 52 4 North Sixteenth
J street. It requires at least four
votes of the council to grant a pa
loon license. In this Instance the
license was not granted and the
mooted question Is, does the tie vote
constitute a legal rejection of the
application, or is the matter still be
fore the council, subject to reconsid
eration at some fu'.ure date? Kor
the present, at least, the effect Is
that the saloon cannot be reopened.
Commissioner Kugel will be out of
the city for three weeks and It Is not
l.nown how he would vote on this
proposition. Ills return may be tbo
occasion for bringing the matter be
fore the council again.
Maoaarer I.aat Tear.
Monday afternoon the rouncil heard
e idenre in connection with a protest
filed by Fannie Marksbury, who also filed
a protest against the application of I sartor
Goldstein who had this saloon last year
and whose renewal was rejected by the
rouncil two weeks ago. Grossman Is a
brother-in-law ef Goldstein and was man
ager of the saloon last year.
Commissioners Hummel. Jardlne and
Prexel voted to refuse the license this
year and also voted to sustain the protest.
Mayor Dahlman and Commissioners But
ler and Wlthnell voted to grant the
license and against tho protest.
Mr. Hummel was particularly opposed
to this mloon which Is located near his
home. His contention Is that there are
too many saloons on North Sixteenth
" One can stand on any Intersection of
North Sixteenth street and see seven
saloons," stated Mr. Hummel.
mm nasais
Onr big Jannary Clearing Sale enters upon Its third week tomorrew.
The echoe of lite first two weeks ef thl. the greatest of all clearance
sale, scarcely die away when we are red with news ef ether and Mill
greater bargans at a taring of 8100 to 8200.
Make yonr selection from the following well known makes. i STF.I5
USD F.MAS ft SOS. S( IIMOI.I.KR 4 MI'Fl.l F.R, t lllTKr RI1 A SONS,
Remember that these are Piano from the World's Greatest Factories slightly used, some that we have
ased for demeattrattiwr pnrpeses, ether taken In exchange on rianola llanos, all nut In first class thape
and almost Impossible to distinguish from brand new Pianos.
Common sense demands that any man or woman who appreciate a sating WITHOUT SACRIFICING
QCAl ITT, will ke ea hand early tomorrow to get the bargain ef their live.
i Christie rnsrUre
Piano, bow
I2J0 Norwood Piano, Oak case,
927i Wellington It a so. Mahogany
rase, new
$.100 Yose Son Piano. Phony
CAe, ins
3i Emerson Dana, Mahogany
case, now
4fl0 Tryber Piano, Doll Walnut
case, now
800 Weber Piano, Mahogany cae,
t!t50 Sehmer Piano, Ebony rase, $ 1 5 0
ftifl Knrtiman Practice Tlnno,
t-oO ( ranter Piano,
$1,000 ( bickering Grand, rare
bargain, now
I27S Fisher Plnno, Plain Walnut
case, now
$.10 Stelnway Tertlgrand, (rood
as new, now ,
WOO Arlnh Piano, Walnut
rase, now
$1,100 Stelnway Grand, Rosewood
cae, now
i m n r
Schmnller & Mncller, Mahogany Crfk
case, now luU
SchmoBBotP & YSaaclictP Piano Go.
The Hon of Quality. 1811. IS Fa mam Street, Omaha, Neb.
We make no charge whatever for onr 4 years' experience and honest reputation as the "West's Largest
Piano Douse," which hack op every deal made with us.
Are You Taking Advantage of the Sensational Bargains at 1
t Mvitrrn rnnil &
HtAU blurrcu rnum
Says Cream Applied In Nostril j
Open Air raaeagw iun vV.
I mutant relief-no waiting. Your clogged
'nostrils open right up: the air passages
of your head clear and you can breathe
if Magi
Succumbs to Heart
Trouble as He Lies
Asleep On His Cot
Assuming that C. F. Kessler was In
good health and enjoying his usual
sound sleep, because lie was snoring
loudly, W. N. Kcegan, Kessder's room
mate, left their room late yesterday
morning to get breakfast. When he re
turned at noon he found Kessler dead on
his cot at the New Home lodging house, I attention by their conduct and Wright
gave them a friendly warning.
"Go on. Dare you to put us in Jail,"
thoy said.
The officer took the dare and the men
went to Jail to recover their equilibrium.
Dare Sheriff to
Put Them in Jail,
Officer Makes Good
Chris Marks and George G. White, who
dared Deputy Sheriff Joe Wright to put
them tn Jail, were immediately hurried
to tho county prison by the oflfcer.
The deputy was passing a saloon on
North Twenty-fourth street, when the
two men came out. They attracted his
second floor of Douglas street.
Dr. Clara B. Cross, Fourteenth and
Douglas Btree.ts, and Officer John
Hchwager declared when summoned thst
heart failure had caused Kesslcr's
The man was employed as a car repairer
by the Union Taclfic at North Tlatte, his
home, until recently, when ho waa laid
off. He camo to Omaha tn search of work
and had sent for his wife. Mary, who
will arrive in timo to arrange for the
Coroner Crosby took charge of the body
aid will hold a post mortem examination
and perhaps an inquest.
Clearing House for
Second-Hand Autos
is Plan of Dealers
A clearing house for second-hand auto
mobiles Is an aim and deelro of the
Omaha 1 Automobile Show association,
which consists of nearly all of the motor
dealers In Omaha.
The show association met at the Com
mercial club at noon and unanimously
decided it would be a good plan to or
ganize ejeh a clearing house, obtain a
building solely for this purpose and In
the future turn over all eecond-hand cars
to the clearing house for t-ale. Thus no
dealer would sell any second-hand cars
at all, but would turn over all such
stock to the clearing house.
It was decided to hold another meeting
of the association Friday when a alto
fo a building for the clearing house
would be chosen and definite plans of
organization made.
for a dime he had cnrefully put away
for the time when he would need it for
car are. He Jumped oTt the ear and
walked home.
Clyde Taylor, on being released from
the county Jail found a deputy United
Btutea marshal waiting for him and he
was Immediately rearrested and put back
in quod on s charge of altering and forg
ing a certificate of the United States
po3tal bank. He will have a hearing
Thursday, before Commissioner Klnghaus.
Captain Kewhous of the fire depart
ment, attached to Chief Salter's office, is
In a brown study.
Having read In the 'newspapers consid
erable information and advice about
"Know Omaha," he betook himself to tho
Fontenelle for luncheon. He espied a dime
on the floor under his table and promptly
turned It in to the waiter with ex
planations. When he started home after his day's
work he searched vainly in every pocket
"Cascarets" For
Headache, Colds,
Liver, Bowels
Enjoy life! Don't stay bilious,
sick, headachy and
Best for bad breath, sour
stomach, coated tongue
or indigestion.
On December 1 Burgess-Naah an- '
nounced that as an expression of appre- '
elation for the loyal support rendered by
twir employes during the last year a ,
special Christina bonus of one-half of
1 per cent of their entire net sales for
the "-eriod December 1 to H, inclusive, j
'oild be given In addition to the regular
s-lary of every sales person. The non
sM'liie force, or those who do not come
i li-ectly in the -el,ltig end of the business,
vivd reeeive 7 per cent of their salary
'r this same peilod.
TM r"istribu'lon, which amounted to
sev. ril thousand dollars, was made after
the sales had been compiled, and no doubt I
was more than nelcomed by the em
ployes, as in evirv instance a neat little
sum was by each one in addi
tion to his or her regular salary.
In addition to the above the manage-
' cecfcc?
To Consider
V.We AP(TiJ'"
tthlv ar'-.-.
COMMENT tnvarl
aa a result of our
extreme care and thotiehtfn! atten
tion to thone who Been us In their
hour of need. It la our policy to do
too much, rather than too little to
anticipate the desires and wishes of
those we would serve end to see that
no detail Is overlooked.
Expressions of commendation are,
therefore, frequent. The Increasing
ly large number of burials made In
West Lawn also attests the apprecia
tion of this district service in which
we are pioneer.
In esse of need, a representative 1s
Instantly at your command. He wl:i
take members of the faintly to Went
Uwn by automobile and otherwise
assist with the arrangements In every
way possible. Phone us.
They're fine! Cascarets Uvea your
llu.. U.. . Vl.t .. u A K 1
mem onerea ii u nn.iHiw iur io
i riased sales during the month of De-j
i ember three t pcclal prlies of 'Ji for
first, $.3 for tevjnd and $15 for third, to
the tales person who waa in the same de.
I sriinent as a y?ar ago and showed the
irmifnt T cent of sales Inercase for
li given prlod.
The prizes were awarded as follows:
Kut prize, Mn. Anna Novasek of the
lok department; second prize. Hose Mis
kell of the domestic department; third
pri.e, Mrs. Hammond of the drapery department
and sweeten your stomach. You eat
one or two, like candy, before going to
bed, and in the rooming your head ia
clear, tongue Is clean, stomach sweet,
breath right and cold gone. Get a box
from your druggist and enjoy the nicest,
gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you
ever experienced. Casrarets stop sick
headache, biliousness, indigestion, bad
breath and constipation.
Mothers should give a whole Caacaret
to cross, Lilious, kick, feverish children
any time. They are harmless and never
gripe or sicken.
Beth sad Center.
1 5th and Harney.
freely. No more hawking, snuffling,
blowing, headache, dryness. No strug
gling for breath at night; your cold or
catarrh disappears.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm
from your druggist now. Apply a Uttlo
of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing
cream In your nostrils. It penetrates
through every air passage of the head,
soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous
membrane and relief comes Instantly.
It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh. Advertisement.
We Are Forced to Vacate
Our Store and Warehouse Rooms
And Must Close Out This Splendid Stock
There is positively no reserve, we must sell and sell fast, and in cases where it is so
desired easy terms will be arranged on any purchases which you wish to make.
Rubel Furniture Company, 1513-15 Howard St.
r!TiT?TirrirT7ti "m sw, phimhii' m Hum i H!Hii.MMwiuTiiiiiiii77iMiiiiMr
We Have Purchased the
u u n
rlnt beat-producing coal for fur
nace, hot tUr plant ar cook stove.
Hih tn rarboo. which moans host,
woll ai reonod, low tn nrot and ImI
coat. Comas In throe alia Nut, Me
dium Lump and Lump, f gy fw g
Order todar. DiUU
Nebraska Fuel Co.
411 ao. last. pouf ao
137,0 Stock
t a.', 'mtt. suot il
lftvte ia Tmruu lengths to suit mnf mr. trust fit W
4 on. m
tr. -ou-rid ia ftloch quick bttsmmt. W tr imH
Acatloe ftt our tipenM. AIM GnjjTS
fttW up. Wnt tudy.
yl&3 Wt Wwt Imw City. IU.
Watch the Daily Papers for
Further Announcement
WffB57Lllli in i ill