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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1916)
! Till; HKK: OMAHA, WKDXKNDAY. .f ANLATiV 10, 1916. i i i ! HOLCOMB ASSERTS OMAHA ISFAYORED General Freight Agent cf the Bur lington Sayi He Prefers to Haul Here. CITES NUMEROUS POINTS , Railroad officials, especially those representing roads that operate In southern Nebraska, take exceptions to the statement of Ed P. Smith, who asserts that these, lines discrim inate against Omaha and In favor of Kansas city In the matter of rates on prain hauled to this and the Kansas City market. ! Miirlin(ron sr.rt Tlock Inland railroad freight official afflert that not only doM Omaha have an adrantaae over Kansas Oty In the matter of grain rates from moat of the south Nebraska stations, hut tat It has a decided advantage In' the hiatter of rates on merchandise. In sup port of this contention they assert that Khlle the distance from St. Tyrol to Omaha Is 415 miles by the short line and ibe distance from St. tiouls to Ksnsas C"y 177 miles, the rates are the same. Oft ents per MO pounds on first class; 45 cents on second, 35 on third and 37 cents n fourth class freight. Thus, they a ert, Omaha enjoys a distinct advantage In' merchandise freight. Holeomb lira t'aaea. General Freight Agent Holcomh of the W.nrlltiston asserts thst In a crcot num ter of Instances from stations along the Burlington in southern Nebraska and here the distance la much less, the rate 6n grain Is much grester to Ksnsss City rhsn to Omaha David City Is cited ss ne of -the Instsnces. I Tha rata between Kansas City and St. Iuia and between Omaha and St. liuls Ca tha aame, cents per bushel on wheat. This I on account of an arrangement made several years ago. Prior to that the differential was In favor of Kansas fity. t Into Omaha tha David City rata Is H OT fents and Into Kansss City 1!. cents. The I cents added to Its rate from either Omaha or Kansss City Into St. IaiiI Jrinss the total charge up to M.07 cents er bushel on . grain going to St. Ixiiils Ihrough the Omaha market and Sft.ft rents if shipped by way of Kansas City. The Instance, It Is aaserted, from David city J.y way of .Kansas CUy to St. Louis Is 16 miles, whereas by wsy of Orrlaha It Js B7. Z Cheaper from Dareheater. Z Dorchester la In Some Lumberman of This Burg is Out One Fine Silk Umbrella On more msn has been found In the world who did not know Omaha Is a real city. Chnrlcs A. Shourds of Atlantic City. N. J., went out of his wav to stop off at Omaha and return an umbrella he had borrowed of an Omaha lumberman while at the San Franciaro exposition. He stepped offat the ptatinn and In qulted for the nesreat lumber yards, lie wss hustled Into the elrvator and ordered to consult tho city directory. When he stumbled out of the elcator he began to blink blsnkly st the great stone pillars and st the smaslng sticcea slon of street cars. "Why why, is this Omaha, or did I get off st the wron station?' he mum bled, ss he readjusted his glasses. 'Paper, mtMer. paper?'- c : Imed a l.nlf doaen newsbnya, as they flocked around the bewildered figure. "Sure llila Omaha, paper?" Baffled and bewildered. Mr. Shourds took a csr uptown. t'plown. "somewhere-- he got off. lt did not know, where, but lie did not went to ride for ever, ao he "Just got off." He turned in a dozen circles like a top that has lost Its momentum, for he wsnted to return a valuable umbrella to a lumberman of Omaha who had loaned It to him In San Francisco. When he asked who wer" the lumber dealers In Omnha be wss regnrded as a "nut" by those he arcosted on the street. "Why there sre thousands Of lumber men here." he was told. Again he resdjusted his glasses, and stored 'at the eighteen-story buildings towering above him. ' , lie bad forgotten the name of the lumberman Who loaned him the umbrella, but ho felt sure he could find him Just around the corner from the depot. One always run In a country town. Me consulted a directory, and finally stumbled into the of flea of Walrath Sherwood, then C. N. Diatl ft Co.. then the Dodda Lumber company, and still he had found no owner for the . umbrella. At the Dodda office he was told It wss hopeless to try to find his msn In Omaha unless he knew his name or hsd at least some Idea of" the first letters in the man's name. "Well, 1 swan." exclaimed the east erner. ' And he atopped aboard the train and wss hurled to his home at Broadwalk and Delaware avenue, Atlantic City. N. J. Meantime one lumberman in Omaha Is out a fine umbrella for not Impressing it upon bis acquaintances at the exposi tion that Omaha Is a metropolitan burg. NEBRASKA-IOWA BLAU-GAS MEN HOLDING CONVENTION The Nehrsska-Iowa lllsu-cns Dealers' association, whoae membership comprlt-ea sixty-five representative of the Ne braska niau-gaa compsny, convened here Mondav fir the exchsnge of tdeaa and to promote their Interests. These meet ings are held every three months. Charles F. Chase of Atlsntlc, la.. Is prealdent. and If. Msrcher of Ne braska City Is secretary of the orgsn Isation. The compsny occupies a block on Iloyd street, le'wern Twenty-FCV-enth and Twenty-eighth streets. The sssociation was in aesslon yester day and concluded the meeting by giv ing a theater party Inst evening. Presi dent Chase reportrd last year as the best year of the organization and predicted thst IW would exceed previous years. SALE OF QUARTER MILLION CITY BONDS AUTHORIZED Ordinances authorizing the sale of $.V (tvt park, $lf.s xewcr snd lVVK inter section bonds -vere psssed by the clty eotincll. Thli act 'on Is according to a provision of the city chnrter. HOSPITAL PATIENT COMMITS SUICIDE Mrs. Margaret Williams of Logan, la., Hangi Self with Cord from Her Bath Robe. ILL WITH NERVOUS TROUBLE Despondent from long suffering with a nervous ailment, Mrs. Mar garet Williams, 4 7, wife of Dr. David Williams of Logan, Ia Tuesday morning went to the bathroom of the Rlrcta Knoll sanitonum, 2211 St. Mary's avenue, where she was 1 ting treated, and, with the . cord from her bath robe, hung herself to a book on the, wall. She was found dead at 7.3't a. m. by jWIss .Msrcle Frassrr, head nurse at the I aanltorluni. Corner Crosby took charge the aouthern part of I of tha body. Dr. Williams was out In the Nebraska. Mr. Holeomb contends that 3he rate from there Into St. Louts by way f Omaha la 156 cents per bushel, a stistanca of 643 miles, where the rats by' ray of Kansas City, a distance of 61S Jnlles, Is 18.(5 cents per mile. Curtis Is another example that tha wiurllngton officials cite as an Illustration Jo ahow that the road they represent Is rot discriminating In favor of Kansas 5'ity and against the Omaha grain mar ket. From . Curtis, In the western part f the atate, the rate on wheat to Omaha li s centa per bushel and Into Kansss J'lty 1, making the total rate Into fit. alouia by way of Omaha 19.9 and tha 1st by way of Kansas City 24.(. The Jilntanie by way of, Omaha la 729 and by way of Kansas City CM mllea. Said Mr. Jjtolcomb: J Moat Fa tor Omaha. J "These, are Juet a few of the Instances, As a rule, from all Nebraska points on ihe Burlington lines the ratea sre less than Into Kansaa City. There are a few points In tha extreme southern portion of tha state, where the distance to Kansas City is much less, the ratea are slightly higher than Into Omaha.. The Burlington Is working for tha Omaha grain market, aa It naturally ahould. for If It geta a car of wheat from any atatlon on Its Nebraska lines and btlngs It Into Omaha, tha chances are decidedly favorable for getting It when It mbvea out of the Omaha elevator and goea on to fit. Louis or Chicago. Whereas. If the car la hauled to Kansas City, are' not so certain of getting the haul beyond. It being more likely to . o over some other road than If brought to Omaha." Ratea ay Eeaea. Sir. Holeomb points to tha fact that In freight rata making the country Is thrown Into sonrs. In handling shipments nut of these sones, there might be soma lolnt In a certain sone where a rate to a certain point would be much higher than to some other market than the one to' which tha majority of tha points In the' cone would ahlp. This might look like discrimination, but on the whole, ha, asserts that the rates would fully equalise themselves. ' According to the present plan of mak ing.' rates, Mr. Holeomb asserts that those oik grain into Omaha are fully In line and If anything, a little to the advantage of the Omaha market, aa agalart that at 'Kansas City. , ., .., , country making a call, when news of his w ife's suicidb reached him. . He rushed to Omaha In his auto. Mrs. Williams had been a 'patient at the aanitorlum aince last October snd before that time was at Clarkson hos pital. She was prominent socially and in organizations at Logan, where the fam ily had lived for ten or fifteen years. Two Children Survive. Two children, Margaret, 17, and riillip, l, attend the lxgan Higli school. A sis ter, Mrs. Laura Oleeson, lives at Coun cil Hluffe. Mrs. Williams' desth was a great shock to the ssnltorlum nurses . who never aus lected that ahe might take her life, but watched her closely all the time. Life had been extinct about two hours when the body was discovered. No one hsd heard the patient leave her room and go to the liatliroom. Miss Clertrude Held Fmlth, proprietor of the ssnltorlum, is said to be In New York now. Besides Miss Trasser, the y.ead ' nurse. Miss Mary Wagner and Howard Cote, both employed at the place, .helped to cut down the body. The foroner esys no Inquost will be held unless requested by the husband,, aa the case was clearly one of suicide. OMAHA MEN ATTENDING DENVER LIVESTOCK SHOW John A. Kyler. live stock agent, and S. B. Howard. Immigration agent, both of the Burlington, and J. Kane, general freight aent of the Vnlon raclfic, have Hone to Denver to attend tha annual meeting of the' .National Western Live Stock-show thst Is being held this week. Nate Denny, head hog buyer for Armour & Co, also has gone as a Judge In the hog division of the show. Next Murder Trial ' Will Be the Case of : RellyM. Smith The next murVr trial to be held In dis trict court is the sse of the stste against ilrlly M. Smith, who la. charged with shooting to deatn Mrs. Frances Campbell iH October 31. The county attorneys tifflce Is already nreiaring for in tr'al. which. It Is now thought, probably wf)l begin one week from next Ma.iday. U la understood that the defence will 1 that the gui with which Mrs. Camp bell was kill ras accidentally dis charged during a scuffle. Police Officers Go to Lincoln for Suit Chief of Police Henry W. Dunn. Cap tain of Detectlvea Bteve Maloney and Detective John Dunn have gone to Lin coln, where they are defendants In a damage ault for alleged falsa arrest, brought by a woman who waa held aa a witnesa In tha murder case of Bunk cltrk Nlckell at the Hasel McVey re- aort. IOWA ELECTRIC LINE REPORTS MOD BUSINESS - - siamnvain feHCf SB I fralgbt and . paaaeoser agent of the Waftarloo. Cdr F-alta M K t. ii way company, aa electric line operating wun general otTloes at , Waterloo. U In the city. He asserts tliet t'b freight and passanger buainesa en t'lecrtrtc U like W-at In the history of (he load and tuat there ,as bee a a te- , M4 iipi4-inent In roiid!t;ona since .'..ut Hi ln-Jdt of i Xovrinbcr. ...... ... Is Life Worth Living? It Depends Upon the Liver. Wrong living is the cause of most physical ills and generally' stomach ami liver are first to suffer. Coffee drinking 'is a very common cause of di gestive disorder, but it usually takes' the user some" time to fully realize it. Fact is some people drink coffee with seeming impunity, hut when disturbances of the digestive organs result in headache, biliousness, irritability and other, common symptoms of caffeine poisoning it's time for the oof fee, drinker to look to his morning beverage for the true cause.' For any coffee drinker who finds that his health is wrong, but don't know just why, it's a good idea to quit the coffee and xiso POSTUM the pure food-drink Made of wheat and a small amount of molasses, Postum has a rich, snappy flavour much like that of mild Java coffee yet contains no caffeine (the drug in coffee) nor other harmful element. There are. two forms of Fostum. The original Postum Cereal must be boiled; Instant Postum is soluble in boiling water and can bo made in the cup at table. Both kinds are equally delicious and the cost per cup is about tho same. A change from coffee to Postum is a good move toward right living. "There's a Reason" Send a S cent slao p to I'oatuni Cereal Co., Ltd., at Battle Creek, Mtih., for a 5-cup sauiple of InMaiil I'oMuui. lis "' " ill V ' ' ' , X a" s ' 'v r . . . '. riaWWr': r , ( ' Jf . C J -J h III I told you get you A good Little car Here it is Many who were not in position to buy cither of my twin six machines have asked my opinion about an automobile large enough for five or six people to cost not more than $700 or $800. . I wanted to servo these people, but "would not take on a car that I could not indorse from every angle. T have had my eye on the Dort for some time; in fact, made a contract for it last year, but could not get a sufficient number to warrant handling it last season. 1 went into its mechanism thoroughly with skilled engineers pt the New York show 2 weeks ago. I pronounce it all right. In fact, I have not seen a car under $1,000 that will compare with the Dort. It is 4-eylinder, 5-passenger and sella for $650. Not only has this car been successfully built and marketed for several years, but I have dealt with these people for the last 20 years. Increased production, induced by satisfied owners, now enables the manufacturers to sell the car $93 under last year's price, including full equipment. The car is a better car than it was last year better equipped and with more refinement. loday the Dort is known the country over. 1,000 cars a month are required to take care of Dort dealers, with another increase of production in sight. - I cftn conscientiously recommend and sell the Dort, and am ready for orders. We have a good dealer's contract and open territory in Nebraska and Iowa. We hare-these ears in stock and hundreds of them on the way, so that there will be no possibility of delay in delivery. PRESIDENT. a if m 1 I I m : :v,'. I. I, Complete With Electric Starting Electric Lighting Demountable Rims. 4- CYLINDER 5- PASSENGER Place Your Orders Now rt I I Specifications Model 5 Touring Car - . These specifications should convince you of its value, if you will compare them with any other car under $1,000: Kive-passenjjer ; 105-inch, wheel base; stream line body, with am ple room in both compartments ; left-hand drive; center control. 4-eylinder; 30-hornepower Dort motor, oast en bloc; circulating oil pump and splash lubrication, with Thermo-syphon cooling. .WEST1NOHOUSE, Two Unit Starting (Bendix automatic drive) and Lighting System, with Connecticut ignition; Carter car buretor. 501 s-inch full cantilever rear springs; 14 floating rear asles; selective type transmission; three speeds forward and reverse ; in ternal expanding and external contracting brakes; JAYCOX ir reversible steering. 30x34 OOODYEAll tires, ALL WEATHER tread in rear; DETROIT demountable rims; gravity feed gasoline system in cowl; one-man top; speedometer; gasoline gauge; side curtains; electric horu, and complete tool equipment. FOSHIER-ENGER COMPANY 12TH AND FARNAM STS. OMAHA, NEB. I