Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1916)
L Tin; r.v.i'.: omaiia. w i;n.!;s!AV. jam ai:v v. r.u. Nebraska f FARM TOPICS IN j m$ still lack candidate P.flNTER HE QTAP.l7iNo 0ne H" Come Forward to File Organized Agriculture Gets Started with Rimh at Cnnital City. . All, LINES ARE REPRESENTED " (From a Staff Con csionuYr.t. I the (lemon a I le luiiii.ii i '. : et i . , ,,. LINCOLN, Jan. is. (Specie 1. 1 I'ulit ics, ernor. potatoes and prohibition me hoMing tin- 1 Conner suite s n itor l-Vrmi, I!jmu eentar of the stage In Nebraska capital ' present, but when ;is!;.-.l jf . city tola week, ami .there is n lar.v i1'"11 to ,k"' ha ml In r gnvcmoi crowd In attendance nt the meetings. . Jiniklnsr hiiwlii". whu-iI the .iri; I ner White the meetings are In the Interoot of ,''' with n il:au!ie.l Kir r.tvl cniplut agTioulture and stock mining, occasion- I1''"":' hiuiouiu cd that hi' wr out of pol- illy someone likes to talk politic. Tne fruit shoxr started last night af me tny Auditorium, and Ir. Comha oiiiuy I" nIo piesen; ami i.s hoinnini? showed aome of the pictures of Xi- 1 fo' " If he would like to have the hraska life which have been taken by ' democrat lo notnimilnn for governor, him and his assistant during the sunt- j ben naked why he did not run for gov . mer. Thla ia a part or the pros; rani ! o replied that no poor man rould each evening starting at 7 o'clock ami 'bopc to attain any such honor, as the running for an hour. jjitiicy salary tn:i.le it prac:icallv prohln- . I itive l-roi .lien Upcn The horticultural society started Its sessions this morning wltn a Bhort pro gram In. the Rose room of the Lindell hotel. President K. M. l'oilard of tho association made the opening address, nr. Condra gave a lecture on Nebraska1 soil, and accompanied it with motion pictures. Music by the Misses Kuphemla .skinner and Marjorle Kemeu of Lincoln interspersed the program. In the afternoon the speakers wero C G. Marshall of .Arlington. G. X. Beavers of Omaha. KImer Berlin of Brownvilla and Prof. II. K. Vasey of the University of Nebraska. In the evening the annual banquet of the society was held at the Lindell hotel. The Home Economics association be gan its meetings this afternoon at tho agricultural farm, Emma Reed Davidson, president of the association, delivering greetings. Alice M. Loom Is gave a talk marketing and Mary ltokahr and na On gf ;-eTdemonstrIuuknahor the on Kmma wldo range of cooking and its cost Yesterday tho horse breeders started their sessions, and followed up this morning with a meeting in which a free-for-all program was given, the subjects taking a wide range and being discussed in a lively manner by many present. Later in the day Prof. L. AV. Chase of the State farm gave a talk on horse barns, and "Doc" Blxby of the Stale Journal, gave a poem on the horseless age. Cnrlla of loirs Talks. Prof. C. F. Curtis of the Iowa State Agricultural college was the principal speaker of tho afternoon, which was fol lowed with a general discussion on stal lion service fees. W. J. Kennedy of Sioux City spoke on draft horse production. This was followed by a horse Judging contest. Tho swine breeders held their session this afternoon at the stock Judging pa vilion at the State farm, and were wel comed by Dean Burnett, 'while Samuel MicKelvie, president of the association, re sponded. The speakers during the after noon were Superintendent W. P. Snyder of the North Platto experiment station, V. Thompson of "West Point, and Dr. W. . Alford of the State Agricultural i farm. ... Name of Cummins To Be Filed Today i For Presidency (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 18.-(Spccial Tclegram.T The iiumo of Senator A. H. Cummins of Iowa will be filed Wednesday morn ing with the secretary of state for tho republican nomination for the presidency. Tho petition, which has been circulate. by Frank Harrison, has been completed and ho will filo It In tho morning. Tho petition is signed by: Krunk'A. Harrison. Lincoln; C. A. Ran dall, Newman Grove: W. M. Slebhins. Gothenburg; W. T. Parkinson. 1'iiwiif City: O. R. Thompson. Wiener; J. D. llasik. Able; o. p. Stewart, Sterling; Crawford Kennedy. I.'neoln: F. J. Hidl-b-k, Wilher; John D. Haskell. Wakefield; L. King, Osceola: George W. Marsh, Lincoln; Z. T. Ieftwich. St. Paul; W. J. Blystone. Lincoln; M. D. Bench. Lincoln; W. I). Reynolds, Omaha: O. C. Smith, Kearney; D. M. Douthett.' Overton; An thony Ruddy, Albion: O. S. Chrislv Johnson; C. C. Hoslaw. York; C. A. Sandall, York; W. W. Cole, Nellgh. Tekamah Bank Head Dies at Advanced Age TKKAMAir, Neb.. Jan. lS.-lSpccial.)-11. 8. M. Splcliuan. president of tho Burt County State bank, died ut his home in this city last evening at the age of SO years. Mr, Splelman was born in Blair county, Pennsylvania, March It, lftas. He was married to Miss Caroline Boring Juno 2;'. 1K4. and in October, 1S57, they moved to Bort county, which has been their home aincc. In 1907 Mr. and Mrs. ispielman cele brated the fiftieth anniversary of their J coming to iiiirt county, at which tune about "jO peoplo were present. Mrs. Spiel tnan died the same jcar Mr. Splelman was one of tho heaviest land owners in Burt county. He is aur vived by two sons and two daughters. SPECIAL AUDIT OF BOOKS AT NORFOLK IS ORDERED NORFOLK, Neb., Jan. is. ( Special Tele gram.) A sjieclal aud.t uf the books of the State Hospital for thu Insuno at Not folk la being conducted as a result of a decision suddenly urrixed at by members of tho State Board of Control when they visited the institution last Saturday. rhjslclaus la Aulo I pari. BEATRICE, :'u., Jan. lS.-Special.) Last night as Dr. C. P. Fall of this city and Dr. L. 1 Noble of Holmesville were returning from a professional call at Virginia in tho former's coupo the ma chine skidded I'nd turned over. Dr. Fall escaped uninjured, but Dr. Noble was se verely bruised, mid it is thought he sus tained two frictured ribs. The top of the car was bad' smashed. Cos pel Tram at lo. LYNfl. Neb., Jan. 18 (Special.) The "Billy" Sunday gospel team, composed of Omaha people, held services at this place Sunday. The members uf the party were: Misses Nourso and Bliss, W. G. L're, D. M. Potter, G. A. Rohrbaugli and P. J. Rushlau. I Advertiser and customer profit by the Classified Ad" habit. . Nobraska for Position that is Still 0 eu. i G. 0. T. ASPIRANTS AEE ACTIVE I (Klein a Slnff I'nipT nm.lin I 1.I.WOI..V. Jan. is. -iSn. , i ,1 i - W Mri nuri men,,,, ',,. , I , Have not born able In sut.'iit I 'oincr State SviimIim- Unnnini; i.f r;tM Democrat fe there Is little use to think any more about Governor .loiched for a third term. The opinion pi e ails that with the governor it i the i ni'.ed States senate or nothing and that erv soon aomething win be giv.-n on, one or the other. llepiiltllen on Deck. Republican candidates for novel nor are iiiot lacking. L. M. Pollard Is present as president of the 1 lort'cultural society. Walter George has secured room Y22 at the Lindell. Many a statesman has son to remember l-'J, for many a pollt- leal stunt has been pulled off In that room, and, too. It was a part of the pollt- ical headquarters of the republican state committee in the last campaign, and. therefore, Tncle Waif feels perfectly at home. Samuel Roy McKelvio is also present and has opened up headquarters and has his name In big red letters posted WP !, ' y "nnouncinK at-h1 1" 'Z. ..v .... nci c.Hrii" AVIIaon Ha Filed. Senator Wallace II. Wilson of Kre- mont lias filed for the democratic noml- nation from the Fifth district composed of the counties of Washington and Dodge, j Senator Wilson w as a member of tho democratic majority the last session and I w as one of the hustlers. Ilteiinlalt Ion for Itrdnion. Governor Capper of Kansas wants Governor Morehead of Nebraska lo give I him back J. L. Redmon. who left that state to look after Itself and came to Nebraska. Ho la accused of destroying. selllnir and diKrv.Rii,ir of mnrinH rnn-tho selling and disposing of mortgaged prop erty at Larned, Kan., and is being held in Grant county, Neuraka. He has asked for a hearing. MRS. HENRY LOVELL DIES OF SMALLPOX ALLKN. Neb., Jan. 18. (Special. )-Mrs. Henry Lovcll, ajed CO, died at her home in this city Sunday of smallpox. The body was laid to rest In the Kastvlew cemetery Sunday afternoon. Her husband and five children survive her. Her mother is still living and halo and hearty despite the fact that she is M years of age. The surviving children of the de ceased are: Frank of Allen, Earl of Oak land, Mrs. Lynd rf Leeds, la.; If. J. of Allen and Mrs. Oscar Johnson of Allen. iDcccascd was a faithful and devoted member of the Rcbekah lodge and a wo man who was held In the highest esteem by all who know her. The Lovcll family was among the first settlers of Dixon county, taking a homestead in the early days and later moving to Allen. Although a number of 'he homes here have been quarantined for several weeks this is tho first death due to tho disease. from lien trier. BKATRICIO, Nib., Jan. IS. (Special.) K. E. Abbott, a iial estate dealer of this city, yesterday o enounced that he would enter the race a n candidate fop city commissioner r.nj It circulating his peti tion for signers. G. T. Reynolds, another real estate mm, Is a candidate. Mayor J. W. Mayor pn i Commissioner J. R. C. Field will be candidates for re-election, but Commissioner Spicer says that lie will not enter the race again. William J. Dukes, a pioneer of this city, died Sunday nl;hi after a brief Illness, aged sr years, lie Is survived by a fam ily of seven children, his wifo having passed away ye:irs ago. John Jeffries, a veil known farmer liv ing near Rockford, this county, is lying critically ill at nis homo from blood poi soning caused by an injury to his hand while buteheriiiiT. The smallpox tcourge lias been prac tically stamped fit In Wymore and nearly all of tho cases l.uvc been released from quarantine. Girls! Beautify Your Hair and Stop Dandruff Hair becomes charming;, wavy, lustrous and thick in a few moments. Every bit of dandruff disap pears and hair stops coming out. For ;i cents you can save your hair. In less thsn ten minutes you can double its beauty. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, ubundanl and appears as soft, lustrous and charming as a young tills after applying gome Danderlne. Also try thi.s-moi.stcn a cloth with a little Dandcrine and carefully draw It throuKh juur hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and in Just a few moments you have doubled tho beauty of yuiir hair. A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair. Dandcrine dissolves ex cry particle of dandruff: cleanses, purifies and in igurates , the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' ue, when you see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing ail over the sculp. If you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots of it, surely get a j-Qtiit bottle of Know lion's Dandcrine from any drug store or toilet counter and Just try it. Advertisement. New Chemistry Building at University of Nebraska " V-T It.- jk Jslt The tetry work of erecting the new Chciu buiMiug for the I nixerslty of Ne- COYOTE CHASE FOR . STATE'S FIREMEN Crawford Prepares Lively Enter- i t. . Tr- ' tainment Program for Visit- ; j ing; Volunteers. j j ' LIVELY DAYS FOR CRAWFORD I i . ' CRAWFORD, Neb., Jan. lS.-iSpeclal ; Telegram. -Thc lhlrt -fourth annual con - rea-lvention of Nebraska volunteer firemen opened here today. Delegates began ar- riving Monday afternoon and up to Toes- day noon over 3.T0 had registered. The ; estimated attendance Is placed at ,jo0 j Kvery littlo detail has been looked after . by Crawford men for the comfort and en- tertainment of the visitors. j The convention was called to order at this evening by Presldent Clyde J. illornsby of the loral department. Mayor i ?h I-.. rford 1, out of the Cty, .out. a tetter was reaa irom mm In which i he delivered the city over to the Visitors I for the entire three days, I A. tiraff of Seward, president of the state association, responded and after the invocation by Father Moser the conven tion was on. After the appointment or (committees the convention adjourned until 9 Wednesday. Teddy Brothers, Omaha burlesque wres- I 1 1M fUltflrtalnA li rt hnv, Imn.alolnlv t after the adjournment of 'the convention. ! Cr.wfnr i,. ,.i ,...., HoiK. ! tertainment. Two wild coyotes have I y n1 "e ,akp" ;"t " t ort Robinson rifle range and tuil loose. Hounds from several neighboring towns aro on hand to capture the coyotes I and the visitors will be given something novel in the way of a genuine chase. Wednesday night a ten-round boxing contest will be staged between Al Green wood of New York and Tommy Smith of Omaha. j Thursday night a banquet to all dele gates will be held in the Co-Operatlxe building. Among the most prominent and i early arrivals are Colonel Cleland of Fremont, the father of the organisation. and a life member; Hauser of Fremont, j Hoffman of Ord, Tobln of Sidney. Guth- j He of Alliance, ex-Senalor Bartllng of 1 Nebraska City and last, but not least, Fire Commissioner W. S. Ridgell. Heat Treatment for Croup. "I have used Chamberlain's cough Remedy in my family for the past five years, and for croup I have never found Its equal," writes Bernard George, Nel son, Mo. Beforo becoming acquainted with this remedy Mr. George Inst a child .from an attack of croup. Obtainable every where. Advertisement. BRICK AND TILE MAKERS HEAR OF NEBRASKA CLAY (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 18. (Special.) The Ne braska Brick and Tile association held a session today at tho Lindell hold. The morning session was devoted principally to a business meeting In which the busi ness affairs of the association we're dis cussed. The afternoon program was a very in teresting one and held under I he aus- Furniture Reductions That Impress You as Genuine This is only a partial lift selected at random, but furniture for every room In the home Is Included in this sale. Regular Sale l'rtce. $ 70.00 Very fine Mahogany Chiffonier $45.00 32.00 White Knamel Chiffonier S20.00 2 8.00 (loldcu Oak Chiffonier $20.00 41.0(1 Walnut Chiffonier tflii!.00 :!0.00 4-Post Walnut Hod 50 as. 00 Walnut Ladies' Desk 8UI.OO 4 0.00 Golden Oak Console Table and Minor $25. OO : Golden Oak Dresser $iifMH) 2t;.00 Mahogany Hocker, genuine leather seat $lH.OO 150.00 Mahogany ltocker, leather upholstered reat and back, $20.00 4.V0O Solid Mahogany Library Table $;15.00 IIi.OO Golden Op If Library Table SliO.OO 12.". 0 0 Genuine Spanish Leather Overstuffed Davenport, Bolt, luxurious cushion seat $75. OO .ri::.00 Mabosany Con:ole Table i nd Mirror $3rt!5( (id. 00 Karly Kngiich Buffet, 60-inch width $'to!oO !0.00 Jacobean Oak Huffet, t0-inn width $50.00 2S.00 Fumed Oak Hastings Pining. Table, 4S-lnh top, o-ft. extension $10.00 fi.50 FlaucVrs Oak Tabourette $ 21.25 21.00 Fumed Oak Chair, leather sej,t and back $li.r0 22.50 Golden Oak Rocker, b ather seui and back, high back, $1500 51.00 Walnut Drccs r, Adam i tyle, tane panel beneath mirror $?lft.00 32.00 Open Top Walnut Desk $2000 3.50 Fumed Oak Child's Rocker or chair, at each 2"'5 42.00 Fumed Oak Library Thble. :s-inrh by 60 Inch $.1000 137.00 Mahogany Colonial Post. C0-inrh Dresser $HO.00 Sale of Bric-a-Brac Continues A large assortment uf gift article, 0f which theao few suggest the savings. $5.00 Itose Silk Doll Porter, 2.SO 1 0.80 Imported Cherry Illos $1.50 Imported Wild Plum soma yo.40 Blossoms, each $0.75 $?.25 Crystal Fringe, yard, l!l5 Orchard & braska will won be under wa, the con tract having been let to It. J. Jobhl of pices of the engineering department of tho Flute university. Chancellor Axery presided and welcomed out -of-towners, while Dean O. V. P. Stout or the col lege of engineering gave a very able talk on ' Krflcleiu y Study vt Hrlcklax Ing." Prof. 1". II. Barbour gave a short talk on the clay of Nehraska and on museum work as conducted by the unlxerslty de. partment of which he has charge. Dr. George R. Chntburn and Prof. C. K. Mickey gave able talks along the lines of testing bulldinj: material. In the evening Prof. M. L. King, secre tary of the IVrni-.inenf Building society or loxva uuve an Interesting lecture on permanent farm buildlni;. ' ' i I : I j ' I Another Statement Given Out by Burkett (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. .Ian. IB. Rperlnl.) Rx-Sena-tor KImer J. Burkett, who says he Is running for vice president, got away from the telephone long enough today, where he has been conversing with the reople who are enlisting under his banner, to glxe out another carefully prepared type written Ktutement for newspaper Con silium ion. "This is not a tiersonal contest, but one for Justice," ho says In this self, made Interview. "If nny of the splendid men west of the Mississippi river, that are mentioned as candidates for presi dent shntil l be nominated for that of "V,0 .,'P" ' W P-.-t. of course, to diaxv my candidacy in favor of aome fice i 1' nrtil ni ntu -n atiun f -l.. i. . . candidate for preldnct W. noml m.tcd from the eaM. then " shall "nslst , ., x.kiiiiioii lor me rest or tno coun try in the vice presidential nomination," and so on. Plallsmonlh Woman III, I'LATTSMOCTII, Neb., Jan. 18-(Spe-clal.) Mrs. Beesnp, xvlfo of Judge A. J. Beeson of this city, was taken to Omaha today to undergo an operation mado nec essary by an extremely severe attack of l,1, sr'P. DEATH RECORD. Theoilore T. Pry. PLATTSMOl'TH. Neb.. Jan. 18.-(iSpe-cial.) Theodoie Thomas Fry died this morning after but a few days' illness of pneumonia at the age of 70 years. He was bom near Iowa City, where he lived untlt after the civil war, whun he located in Plattsmouth, living hern ever since. Ho was a veteran of tho civil war and a vet erinarian by occupation. Tho funeral will take place at his lute homo Thursday. He leaves a w idow and a number of chil dren, all grown. .In colt I.ohuas. PLATTSMOl'TH, Neb., Jan. 18.-(S-cial ) At noon today the funeral of Jacob I -oil n.i h. who lived In Cass county for over forty cars and recently removed to Plainxlew. lie met an accident by some heavy weight falling on his head, caus ing an infection which caused death. Services xxcre held at St. Paul'a Evan gelical ihurch. of which lie was a mem ber. Mr. Lohnas was born In Germany .sixty-five years ago and came to America and Cass county, Nebraska, over forty years ago. Orchard & Wilhelm FURNITURE-RUGS-DRAPERIES Wilhelm Co. Oinahi for $.i.i,iiw. Woi ft f clearing the site of the eld fiame structures Is al ready under xxa. MORE PAVING ORDERED I FOR CITY OF KEARNEY I I KEARNEY, Neb., Jan. IS. (Special ! Telegram.) With every member of the city council voting for the measure, ordl- j nances were passed and petitions ac- I cepted today for at eHt three miles ad- dltional paving to be laid on Kearney I street. Most notable of the districts i named was the one which connects the ) city paving with the sedling mile tun- I nlng out to the Industrial school. The I seedling mile was completed last fall j and already plans have been perfected to extend this road tn the west aloim j the Lincoln Highway, as well as to build one mile to the cast of the rlly. Com- j pleted. tho work will give a paved road- 1 way along tho highway for a distance ' of five miles, as the city bad already j finished the street extending to the Kear- ney State Normal. I 'air bury Nrna olr. FAIRBI'R V, Neb., Jan. IS. (Special.)-- I Rock Island timetable No. ;!7, supersed ing all former schedules, has taken ef fect on the Nebraska division. A mini- ! ber of changes are made in the arrival ! and departure of fast pai.sanirer trains. ' A number of Rock Island passenger j engineers are 111 this week and Include i Mi-ssrs. C. II. Lalnt. L. Brown. .1. T. j McLean, J. K. Rider. W. A. Archer and ! N. Dow lies. The second semesler of the Falrbury schools opened Monday morning What l.naiir nlirlnl l.rfl. NKW YORK. Jan. IS The net xalua tion of the estate of I'eniamln CuKKen belin. who lost Ins life In the Titanic dis aster. Is placed nt .',tvlP,.".)i7. according to the report of the transfer tax appraiser, filed today In the surrogates court. llonif l.eavra London. LONDON'. Jan. 18. Colonel K. M, House. President Wilson's personal rep resentative has left Ijoudort for the con tinent, according to the T mer. THERE IS A VAST ARMY of men and women who really nevei know what it is to enjoy sound, vibrat ing health who would lc surprised tc suddenly gain that exhilarating vitality that robust health brings. Literally thousands without any par ticular sickness live in "general de bility", as the doctors call it have headaches, are tired and indifferent. To all such people we say with unmis takable earnestness "Take Scott's' Emulsion after meals for one month and allow its rare oil-food to enrich and en liven your blood, quicken your circula tion, stimulate nutrition, and aid nature to develop that real red-blooded life that means activity, enjoyment, success." Scott's F.iTiulsioii is not a druR, but a pleasant food-tonic free front alcohol Onn bottle may help you. Scott 4 buwue, Uluom&eld.K.J. 13-31 Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Co. All Drapery Remnants ONE-FOURTH Regular Price mid Less Includes MtiMln, Net. Cretonnes, Madras, hYrlm and Sunfast rem nants from one-half to 5 yards. Over Drapery Materials Worth up to $1.50. Some Sunfast 38c Yard Tapestry Upholstery Fabrics Values $2.50 to $3.93 yard, for 75c Yard Curtain at $1.85 Pair Scrim, Net and Iace Curtains, values to $5.50 pair, for $1.85 Pair GARRISON WANTS A NATIONAL ARMY Regular Standing Military Force Federal Troops Subject to Call Necessary. SAYS PACIFICISTS ARE BUSY NKW YOliK, jin. IS. An appeal to the people of 1 1 1 Tnitod Slates to organize In Mtp.-nt ,,f a FVs tematic national defend xv;t:- o.ced by l.liidloy M. t;arr; mi. s.-ciriavy of wnr, in an nddrer-j t.iniRl.t at the manual banqupt of (itou;( S (.f ;he No'v York Hankr-iv' nssoiu liou. !rot:p S Is composed l(f ho bankets of New York City. Secretary Cat Hson doclai ed that the opposition to national lofon:te Is well organized. Hnd I hat unless tho people of the country urge upon congreFs that they dcsiic adeqiiHlo national defense, the ptesont n.vstot.i, which the speaker said was "utrrly inefficient." would bo retained. Mii.l lie National. National defense, the scrotal. v slated, must rest upon national force. I'nity of responsibility, aut'iorlly and control is the essential ..rlncllal of all inlliiMry af fairs, ho said. A real military policy. Secretary (larrl son nald, must te continental in nope, and tho federal (.overniuent must be In Fine Healthy Child Convincing Evidence Simple Inexpensive Remedy Checks Early Tendency to Constipation About the first thing impresred on the young Mother la the necessity for regu l.nlty In ber bab, which brliiRs tip the question of the most desirable laxatlxe for children's use. Mrs. Jesse Richardson, Philpot. Ky., saxs she has used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for the past year and that there Is no medicine In the world like It. She writes. "My littlo son. Wllllan, Jr.. Just loved It because It 1 m pleasant to take, and everybody talks about his be ing such a fine healthy boy." Dr. Caldwell , S.xrwp 1'epeln Is a com pound of simple laxative herbs, free from any opiate or narcotic iIiiib, and is the standard remedy for cnnsllpalio In thousands of homes throughout the land. Drug Stores everywhere sell ll for fifty cents a bottle, tlet a bottle of this excellent remedy, and hax-e It In the house. A trial bottle, free of charge. (on? f Fast trains on convenient schedules arrive Knglewood Union Station (63rd St.) and La Salle Station most convenient locations in Chicago connecting with limited trains for all Kastern tenitory. The Ifavcs 6:08 p. m. daily. Have dinner on the train arrive La Salle Station, Chicago in the heart of the business district ready for the day no time lost. Carrie sleeping car for Tri-Cities may be occupied until :00 a. m. Other Solid Through Trains Daily "I lock y Mountain Limited" - - . 2MM u. in. "('hicngo-t'oloi-tulo Kvpress' .... a.-5.1 1. in. Automatic Block Signal Fintit Modtrn AH-Stttl PaiMmngtr Equipment Absolut Softly Write, phone or call at Rock Island Travel Bureau, 1323 Farnam St., for tickets, reservation!, information. J. S. McN ALLY, Division Passenger Af ant Phone Douglas 428 mm S j jJ GROTTE DROTHERS CO. Ol j jt I Ceaeral DuUibutor Omaha, Nebraska I 1 j authority. All roposalj, he said, I build a military system for the I'nite I States upon the basis of state troops at' proposals to Continue a situation that i "illusory and not real; that Is a sham and not substantial; that Is a mockery and not honest." The secretary said that while there la disagreement among military experts as to the particular number of troops needed, nil views agree upon tho essen tial principle that tho troops should be national troon. ItaiitllitB trtny VirrMnrv. There must be, he continued, a regular standing army end orcaiilzed federal troops subject to Instant call. This, lie said., tins been called a cont Inental army. In suptioit of lids principle. Mild th ieii,t;ny, there must be cohesive or ganization to combat the i lements sup pertlng a syxbvn, founded u.ou troops i.ndcr state authoi ity. U. K. II. Installation al l on. I.YO.NS. Neb. .tan. Tho (!'. and Ann ,o:d il.e Wom-in's Relief e.op ,e, J' bit installation of officers Saturday. The Womtm Relief corps ofliieis nie it follnxva: Jennie Char I. PI ll hi. lit; Ili-ace Wils,,, tcn!,, x. ,-, Clara Soiithxvi 11, Junior xi.e; Mr.Monles, trenainer; Maiilm chaplln: Bertie Smith, conductor. Slls: ;l Coal.'. I illy Srhiordcr. guard; Kill Ii S.aiiffer, see re- ! tary; iteorgbt Robins, inn.-di I m : j Southwell, assistant conductor: Sei a Ldl ' Sam ll ! Southwell, assistant u:und llctnteman. press eorn-cpomlciu : Friiukie Smith, patriotic liinl r I, tor; coh r leareis. Nellie Smith, Ague Burns, Mary O'Connor aid A I ma Mussnck. The au inuil biiiuiiiet will be held F, I i ia rv 1". The old Claud Army of the Reoubli cfflceis xvlll hold over for another v.n I .-': VM. J. HK'HAKDNOX, Jl can be obtained by writing to Dr. Caldwell, 4:4 Washington Ht , cello. III. W. II. Monti- SI V TI r