Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Labor Leader Sayi Preparedneii
Necessary to Preserve IJeali of
American Democracy.
WASHINGTON. Jan. IS Adequate
preparedness for national defense
vii advocated bere today by Samuel
Gompers, president of the American
Federation of Labor, In a speech be-,
ft. re a session of the National Civic
federation, devoted to that subject. '
While he insisted that all military or- !
Eanlzatlons must be democratic and
the nation must be safeguarded
rainst the evils of militarism, Mr.
(iompers declared that America's
freedom had been achieved by re
sis'ance to tyranny and that pacifists
fulled to understand that quality of
the human race which made men
willing to risk their all for an Ideal.
"Men worthy ef the name," he ssld,
'"will fight even for a 'scrap of paper'
when that Pper repreeents Ideals of
human Justice and freedom. There Is
little progress made In the affairs of the
world In which resltance of others la
not Involved. The progress of all
the ages hss come as the reault of pro
testa against wrongs and existing condl
tionn and through assertions of rights
and effective demands for Justice. Our
own freedom and repub' form of gov
ernment have been achieved by resis
tance to tyrsnny nnd Insistence upon
rlghtl. Freedom and democrscy dare
not be synonymous with weakness."
Preparedaeaa Means ( -Ordination.
"National preparedness Involves power
to co-ordinate and to titlllie national
forces and national resources. Wsr as It
Is waged today Is not determined merely
h the men on the. battlefield, hut also
by the mobilization of the national re.
sources, national Industries and com
merce. The real problem Is tho organl
ta;lon of the material forces snd re
sources of the country and the co-ordination
of these In the furtherance of
a definite defensive mllltsry policy."
"Whatever plan may ie adopted." ssld
Mr. (Iompers. explaining tho attitude of
labor, "the organised labor movement of
America demands that certain funda
mental principles must be regarded. All
policiea and plana for national defense
must be determined by representatives of
all tlia people. The organised labor
movement asserts Its rights to represen.
tatlon In all committees, commissions or
bodies that decide upon military defense.
Army Mnat He Dr-aorrslle.
"The labor movement demands democ
racy in all things. Including military o
gapiiatlons and Institutions of the coun
try. Not only must entrance to all in
stltutlona be freely and equally accord
to all. but the military must be demo,
cratlcally organised.- democratically of
ficered and under the control of heads,
who are responsible to the cltliens of the
"The labor movement has never advo
i .td the abolition of ageticlea for right
and Justice, or for abolition of the mili
tary arm of the government, but It does
lemand that these shall be so organised
as to prevent their mieuae and abuse aa a
aieana of tyranny against m
and to prevent the development of pel
nlcloua resulta that have grown out of
toillltartsm, the building up of a separate
military casta snd the subveral-r; of civil
life to military goverf-nent and military
Artloa iBas-aratlTe, Bays Ilasaaaaaa.
"Wo ara forced to the conclusion, how
ever opposed wa may be to tha proflig
ate expenditure of the nation's wealth,
that military and naval defense, eves,
in the face of a peace-loving nation. Is
Imperative in the present status of In
ternational relations." declared Mr.
Hammond. He declared that only two
objections could be urged aganat pre
paredness, first by the "peace at any
price" class, because they fear the de
velopment of a militaristic mania. Hec
ond, the question of cost. Mr. Ham
mond urged that the proposed expendl
tur of one billion beyong the country's
'present naval and military budget he
'looked upon as "a business investment.
an insurance not always effectiil
'against wsr-but which will at least
minimise the distress inctdentto war."
In conclusion. Mr. Hammond ti pressed
the belief that a Panama canal bond
lusue to meet the cost of national dJ
fense would be lesa objectlonablo than
faiiy system of direct taxation.
I'rsr- Doctrine Demoralising.
Former Governor O'Nell declared it
waa difficult to believe that the "peace
at any price" advocates realise the "de
basing and demoralising doctrine they
"The paramount duty of America la
prrparediiene." be said. "The inoet se
rious objection in congress to the pre
parednexs program," he continued, "is to
be eMiected from those memliers who
bitterly oppose any reduction In the
ite or capacity of the pork barrel.' It
la true," he said. " that If preparedness
meant tha estubli'litnent of more useless
army ports and n.tvy yards In their
' congresslonsl districts, their opposition
' would disappear. Fortunately these de
fenders of the 'pork barrel' represent
lt a small and noisy minority."
The speaker urged the i ronton of an
adequate navy as a first line of defense,
, au efficient standing army of several
hundied thousand men and the adoption
' of the Fwlsa er Australian plan of uni
versal service to risks up a reserve
' army.
Threat ml Big Indemnity.
. declaring that tlu I'nitrd Hates if
,eer defeated in war wojM have to pay
( an Indemnity reaching aa high as lO.tfaJO,-
jO,000 If the tribute laid on France by
-rinany in 1 71. may be taken as a
imasur. Mr. Wllilaina said that the In
' trest on this enormous sum would be as
' Isrge as any expenditure now proposed
' tor Increasing this country's army and
' navy. For all the time, he added this i
I interest would be met by all of tha In- ,
duatrtes of the land and any attempt to
. throw this aside would destroy national
, solvency.
"The crofting reason for an adequate I
, army and navy for tha United Elates,"
said Mr. Williams. "Is not war, but peace.
Tha boundaries of the country need de-
' (euse but no more than Its duties need
' tlUcbaige."
' ' Da dm a a far Klgrceat Navy.
Mr. Padraun urged tho adoption of a
naval policy that would ultimately f urn
. tab the United Ktate with a navy second
i to aoae. He also advocated a general
i staff for the navy, aa improved personal
, law and aa Uurea. of 2u.(lua seaman and
, naval apprentice to fully pits all use
t ful ships."
tio Inadequate Is the country' military
efficiency, declared rWnalor Wadeworth,
turn In Mexlr-o todsy. It would be 'Mhrfe.
four or five months brfors. e could get
Hie Irnopn to Intervene.
' The Idea linn prevailed that If we give
a man a en and rut a uniform on hli
back we will have a soldier. Iiut t my
to you that If we give a man a gun and
a uniform and send him to tha firing
line, wa come veiy nearly committing
murder If that man 1 not trained. More
and more I rome to the conclusion that
tho only efficient way to establish a re
serve force Is by the Institution of a sys
tem of compulsory military training. We
should let our younc men understand
that scrvli e to the country la something
each man owes.'"
Contlnued from Tage One
massac-re did not carry safe conducts
when they went Into Mexico and wera
lain, waa denied today by persons who
saw the passports which were Issued by
r:nrl Atvarn rrn-nn the military
cnl,.f now ,t Queruro with Oeneral
Cnrrania. Statement emanating from
Mexican officials that eQiwral Jacinto
Trevlno had offered an armed guard and
was refused, also were denied.
The refugees who arrived today de
clared that exlean official at Parral.
Camargo and Chihuahua City had urged
them not to leave Chihuahua state.
premising every protection against
further violence, provided they would
gather at central points under the guns
of Carranxa garrisons. Many of the
foreign residents, they added, had ac
cepted these proffers and would remain,
slthough a number announced their In
tention of coming out on a train which
left Chihuahua City last night snd proh
sbly will arrive sometime today.
Obrcaoa Practically Prisoner.
A number of well Informed men,
among the Americans aboard the train,
ma.le the statement that Oeneral Ohregon
Is prsctlcally a prisoner at Quaretaro.
The encomiums he received while military
chief In charge of the Carranxa interests
on the border Is declared to have met tha
dlsprovnl of General Carranna, whose
favor Is now snld to he shsrod by Oen
eral Tshlo Conxales, a son-in-law, and
Oeneral Jacinto Trevlno, a relative.
Itaadlts Defeated at tiserrers.
CHIIfUAIIt'A CITY, Mexico. .Isri. 1
Flghtlng between bandits snd Csrransa
troops occurred yesterday at Oucrrero,
13u miles northwest of ChlhtishUH, ac
cording to advices received here today.
The bandits numbered 'JO. They fled,
leaving one machlie gun. cighty-flvo
rifles and ST."fK) rounds of ammunition In.
the hands of the Carrsnta troops.
Oeneral Jacinto Trevlno, Carrania mili
tary chief of Chihuahua, declared today
that all bandits would be vigorously
hunted down and no quarter given. Tro
vlno claim to have 4,0rt men with 5)0
officers in the vicinity of this city.
Ths bandits who looted Maglstrat, an
Isolated mining camp south of Rosarlo,
Dtirango, not only took all visible sup
plies, according to advices received to
day, but warned all foreigners they
would be killed If they did not abandon
the place. Only three foreigners boarded
the train which left hers today for
Juares. Ths rest express no fesr for
their safety.
I-sslla Webb, a companion named Rob
inson and twenty picked Mexlcana are
guarding the mines at Xxs Asules, thirty
miles south of Parral. Three Oermans
are left at ths Trolotea mines nesr tfanta
Head In of an Rdltorlal Pralalnsr
llnerta ghnt Off by Vote.
WASHINGTON'. Jan. l.-Mexlco came
up In the senate again today, when Sen
ator I.lppltt. republican, had the clerk
read an editorial attacking President
Wilson and eulogising the late Oeneral j
Huerta. Senator Myers, democrat, Inter-
rupted the reading, saying he 'thought It
Improper for tho senate to criticise tjie
president "In eulogy of a man charac- j
terlsed aa a cutthroat and a usurper." j
"The senator Is entirely right," declared
Chairman "tone o the foreign relations
committee. "I hope In the future we will
not have more of this thing attempted
or done." j
By viva voce vote further reading of the j
editorial was denied. Senator Iewis ;
asked thst his resolution directing the
president to Intervene In Mexico be re
ferred to the foreign relations committee.
Senator Borah suggested the resolution
be acted upon at once.
"Tha resolution might Juat as well be
withdrawn for any good It will do Ameri
can cltisens being murdered la Moxlco,"
he said.
"This senate ought to take a decisive
step this moment notifying the de facto
government .n Mexico that we are ready
to use the armed forces of the United
States to protect our people."
Vice President Marshall ruled the dis
cussion out or crder and Senator licale
gave notice that later he would move to
have the resolution referred in order that
the committee might act upon It tomor
row. Read Ths Bee Want Ada It pays!
KF.ARNKY. Neb.. Jan. ,' ls.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The attempted plot in
Chicago in which the family of Furman
Updike la Involved aroused much Interest
here today. For msny years members of
the family were residents of this city.
During the boom days Furman Updike
was a promoter snd real estate man. He
a as a partner or Y. O. Keens, millionaire
Kearney land ner, and well known to
hundreds of Buifslo county people. Mr.
Updike lefe he.-e In 1S92, going to Chicago,
where he became a big oeiator on the
Chicago Board of Trade.
To reduce our stock sod keep
our tailors busy.
We use good linings, first-class
work and guarantee perfect fit
and style.
wOU Reduced from f 40.
tU ITti fOC
OaCO Reduced from 135.
Tailoring Co.
31.1 MII TII 13lb fiTKtt.T.
President White of Coal Miners
Says Mentions Makers Back of
the Proposed Scheme.
INDIANAPOLIS, lod., .ian. 18.
John P. White, International presi
dent of the United Mine Workers of
America, declared In Ms biennial re
port, read to the delegates of tha
union in convention here today, that
he was "fully convinced that tbo
men of labor are unalterably op
posed to the whole scheme of pre
Mr. White commended President
Wilson for keeping the country at
peace and said that too much
praise "cannot be given to the pres
ident for his great efforts In this
direction. The leader of the miners
then referred to preparedness and
asserted that "the munition manu
facturers who are reaping enormous
profits by reason of the European
war no doubt have much to do with
the general topic of preparedness."
Wnaes Khoold Ite Raised.
Taking up organisation matters. Presi
dent White referred to tlm fact that wage
agreements will expire April 1 In the
anthracite field and In many central and
western states later In the year and in
Pritlsh Columbia In March, 1917. "I most
earnestly urge that our scale committee
carefully canvass the situation when for
mulating our demands for the considera
tion of this convention," he said. "Indus
trial conditions ate greatly improved
now, and from various authoritative
eourcea wa are advised that the country
la entering upon an unprecedented era of
prosperity. We should demand such Im
provements In our wage scale as condi
tions will warrant."
Work Durlnar Negotiations.
Mr. White said he thought the policy
of keeping the minors at work pending
settlements Is essential to tho well belnsr
of the organization and lis membership
and tho welfare of the public. Continu
ing cm thlei line he said:
"There Is no lonser any need of re
maining Idle during settlements and dis
turbing marketa of tho organised terri
tory by permitting a few who speculate
In stock coal to make money out of the
mlnfortunoa of tho people. I can see no
well defined reason why the miners can
not, with Just as much safety to their
welfuro ami ninterest, work pending ne
gotiations ha An other bodies of organized
workmen under like circumstances. I,
therefore, recommend that we reaffirm
our policy to work pending negotiations."
Convention Is Too Large.
White urged thst efforts be made
to reduce the
sire of the International
convention. Thi
report noted the fact
that a committee
of the United Mine
Workers had reported against the propo
sition of amalgamating with tho Western
Federation of Miners. Mr. White reviewed
the history of the Colorado strike and
reiterated his opposition to tho Rocke
feller plan of dealing with labor In the
mining districts of Colorado. Mr. White
had this to say about the Colorado labor
"Our federal rovemment has been
greatly exercised about the weirare of
Its citizens In foreign lands and upon the
high sea, which is commendable, but
when its attention is directed to these
domestic outrages occurring In one of
our own sovereign states we are advised
that it Is powerless to protect the clti
sens of our own country under such cir
cumstances. Tills condition cannot long
endure, and even-handed Justice muse be
meted out to the high-priced anarchist
the same as to eny other who trans
gresses the law."
To Prevent tha tirlp.
Colds cause grip Laxative Uromo
Quinine removes tho cause. There Is
only one "Hronio Quinine." K. W. Crovc's
slgnsture on box. fc Advertisement.
.klV1. "? lima K.j
TONT envy a man's cham-
pagne income. Maybe
he's got a dry toast digestion.
An' a pipe of VELVET tastes
as good after bacon an' greens
as ir aoes alter
Let The Bee get you a good job.
"Situations Wanted" ads are free
State Poultry Show
Is On at Falls City
FAL.1-8 CJTY. Neb, Jan. lH.-8pecial
Telegram.) The show coops and decora
tions, as well as the fancy, specclal dis
play of white doves and oriental ducks
and bantams has been put In place and
the thirty-first snnunl exhibit of fancy
and utility poultry held by the Nebraska
Htate Poultry association Is ready for
public In-pectioii.
Tho Judging begins this morning. The
Judges are: K. O. Roberta of Fort At
kinson. Wis.; K. C. Uranch of Iee Sum
mit, Mo; S. It. Johnston of Falrland,
About 2."0 exhibitors from Colorado,
South Dakota. Oklahoma. Iowa and Mis
souri are here, Snd luO poultry raisers
and editors of poultry papers arrived
The annual meeting of the association
will be held on Thursday, at which time
the place for the exhibit next year will
be decided upon. Already Orand Island
and Omaha have men on hand to secure
tho show for 1al7.
n I - vi n. w r..w
NF.IJ?ON, Neb., Jan. W.-tSpcclaU-D.
W. Montgomery died st his home here
this morning nt the ripe old age of W
years. Mr. Montgomery waa the father
of Nuckolls county, so to speak. He came
to Nebraska In JS70 and settled near what
Is now known nt Oak. lie wus one of
the organisers of NuckolaT county and
surveyed the towwslte of Nelson. He was
the first county 1, rk of this county and
also served In the capacity of county su-
perlntendent. Mr. Montgomery leaves a
widow and five, children. The children
are: Mrs. S. A. Fcarle, Omaha; Mrs.
May Canfield, Californio; Mrs. Charles
Ayres. Omaha; Roy Montgomery, Oak
and John Montgomery, California. The
funeral will bo held Wednesday and In
terment will be made at Edgar, where
th cservlces will bo held under the
auspices of the Masonlo order, of which
deceased had been a member of long
Charles flmltb.
FALLS CITV. Neb . Jan. !.-(Special.)
CharlcH t-'mlth, who represented this
county In the legislature during tho ses
sion of 1W, died at his home In Nemaha
townahlp Saturday night. He whs born
In Germany In isto and came to Missouri
when IS years of age. In inns he moved
to this county and settled on Honey
creek, near tho state line, and he resided
on tho farm ever since, except for th
limo when he served aa a soldier during
the civil wsr in Company G, Fifth Mis
souri cavalry. In 1!3 he married MK
Jennie Lockwood. To this union nine
children were born, five of whom survive,
as follows: Fred Smith, Mrs. Goorga
Kunk, Mrs. O. C. Ayers. Mrs. Stadler and
Mm. 8. B. French. His wife died three
years sgo. The funeral was held today.
I.emael Shepherd.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., Jan. l.-(Speclal.)
Lemuel Shepherd, a resident of Table
Rock for many years, died Sunday after
a long and painful Illness at the resilience
of his son William O. Shepherd in Table
Rock, aged 80 years. He leavea several
children here and one at his former home
at Ilemple, Mo. The body was taken to
Ilemple this morning and he will bo
burled by the side or his wife, who died
many years ago.
Mrs. Barbara llofer.
COLUMBUS. Neb., Jan. 1. (Special.)
Mrs. Barbara Hofer died Sunday after
noon at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Bam Oass, sr. The deceased waa born In
Canton Basacrland. Switzerland, ninety
three years ago and came to Columbus In
1SS;. living here since that time.
Department Orders,
WASHINGTON. Jan. R (Special Tele
gram.) Postmasters appointed: Iowa
Uelawart, I'eluware county. Axel K. I .ar
son, vice John F. Iawon, removed;
Concavlllo, Muscatine county, Ray Train
man, vice Mrs. Minerva Miller, removed;
WeHtnn, l'otlawattamlo county, Mrs.
Christina Maim, vice l'etru Peterson, re
signed. South Dakota Howeua. Minne
haha county. John S. Thomas, vice Krgen
S. limine, removed. ,
James Kilward has been appointed rural
letter carrier at Katherville, la.
Omaha Now Ranks
With Larger Cities'
From s :'taff Correspondent.)
WASIIINGT )N. Jan. lS.-(Speclat Tele
gram.) E. J. McVann, working for the
Interests of Omaha, saw the secretary of
commerce today and explained that while
Omnha did not ai pear In the census ss
having lSO.frt) or more population, which
would entitle it to be represented at the
executive council of commercial clubs
which meets early in February, his city
woi-'J more thau qualify since Its con
solidation with 8outh Omaha and Its en
virons. He told Mr. Redfleld that Omaha
has now 2n0,ono population and the secre
tary of comme.-.-e was more tbon pleased
lth the statement and agreed to Include
Omaha In the general call for representa
tives from the larger cities.
ORAND ISLAND, Neb.. Jan. U.-fpe-clal
Telegram. Mike Ciin.ln .
"ut 35. a farmer, residing near l'hll-
lips, llflS be.
been missing since last nlaht.
when he left hla automobile two mls
southeast of this city alongside the
road. Curtain came to the city some
time yesterday, and left the garapo at i
7 last evening, acting somewhat pecu- !
Usrly, so that the garage people backed
the car out of the building for him. ,
This morning his family telephone In-
qulrlea to Orand Island, and late today
notified the local officers. j
A search fhU . . - ..... .
mittens, big fur overcoat and over
, shoe, were Itf i the car aa ai. " the
groceriea he had bought, but no trace I
of the man was found '
Curtain has been particularly unfor- ;
Uunato of late, his severest misfortune
being the death of his child noma mnnht. 1
"go Dy railing off a load of sand he was
hauling and being crushed to death. His
family fears that this may have preyed
upon his mind.
Tomorrow morning posses from Phillips
ond this city will search tho entire
surroundings under tho direction of
Sherlfr Plovers. Curtain was lujht com
plcxloned. tall and slender.
PIERRK. S. I., Jan.
IS. Louis Fish
erman, a Cherry Creek Indian, went to
tho home of his father-in-law, Oeorgo
I'ony, on the Fine Ridge Reservation
and murdered his wife and her father,
and made his escape.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Jan. IX. -(Special Tele-
.u.,-v narios uales of Omaha, has
been appointed a clerk In ths Treasury
Don't Suffer Needlessly
An eminent nhvalclan atstpa th ,.n
tr"c of all diseases have their origin in '
stomach troubles, so if you suffer from
dyspepsia. Indigestion, bad breath, belch- i
lug, sour stomach, uncomfortable feeling :
of fullnesa after eating, sleeplessness or
tired feeling, you should promptly seek .
to aid your stomach in performing the,
functions that nature intended. Delay
often results In a rapid undermining of
the entire system, resulting In the utter
wrecking of health. However, whenever
the stomach can take care of food and '
properly distribute nourishment to all
parta of the body a healthy condition Is
mu re to result. Stomach sufferer should
avoid harsh purgatives, which generally
serve to aggravate the trouble, and
promptly el.-e TABLKR'B STOMACH
TAHLKTrt a trial. Being absolutely free'
from harmful and habit forming 'drugs
and containing the best known acid neu- i
trallzer, combined with pure, soothing '
strengthening and healing ingredlenta '
scientifically combined, their action while
mild, cannot help being beneficial to any
stomach sufferer. TAULER'8 STOMACH 1
TABLETS are sold on a positive guaran- 1
tee of satisfaction or your money re-1
funded by all reliable druggists. If your!
druggist should happen to be out of them 1
he will gladly get them for you. Adver- I
tlsement. i
Bcddeo's fti
Clearing Sale
Now On
1417 Douglas St.
kOuickas a
the critical
man al
ways de
Jv tiAC0LDi!ICr.t-AY
I j r J M . 'fc UB-s-COlS TMUT S" 9
U y t K';
". 1 if t 1 ?'7 . !S .'.".';?f JT RauxW-au
V 1 IS oosas o I -fTi 1
'i ss caata '
Is your boarding house ad marked?
People carrying marked Want Ads from The
Bee go through this town every day looking for
good boarding houses. If your boarding house is
advertised in this issue, someone is probably
marking the ad now, intending to call on you.
If your ad is not there, telephone at once to
TyUr 1000
Everybody Rtada Dt Want Ads
The fashion Confer of e Middle WesK
Wednesday Linen Specials
$4.50 .Tobn S. Brown's
Cloths, $3.00
$4.73 John S. Brown's
Cloths, $3.25
$.").00 John S. Brown's
Cloths, $3.89
$6.00 John S. Brown's
Cloths, $4.00
Thursday, the Great Clearing Sale of
Dress Goods and Silk Remnants
Here is the important point to be considered:
After you have hurried here Thursday and bought
eagerly on account of the prices, you won't sit down
the following day and be bitterly disappointed on ac-'
count of inferior quality or unfair prices.
For this is a Thompson-Belden Sale.
Special Wednesday
Women's Underwear
Women's heavy weight wool vesta
and pants; regular 1.25 qual
ity, special,
Women's fine ribbed mercerized
cotton union suits, regular price
$3.00, Wednes
day Women's wool union
mer prices $1.75 and
cial, Wednes
day $1.65
6uits, for
$2.00, spe-
Third Floor.
Embroideries at Greatly Reduced Prices
Flouncings, insertions and all-overs,
in Swiss, Xaiusook and Cambric.
that our program today and to
morrow consisting: of
Ths Keystone Ecreajn
The Submarine Pirate
The Edge of the Abyss
is the strongest ever offered by
any local theater at any time.
lirthr, that If you paas up thU
BHractlon. you will not see othem
tut stronn and unique for some
time to come.
KING'S rooster
With Pearl White
and George Probert
Continuous 1 to 11 P. M.
Turpin's School of Dancing
Twnty-rlMh A Farnam. afaw Classes.
I I-lst your nam now. Private Inssons any
' llmd. HAJUTEY SI 43.
Tej a T mTTTi ntiw ir a trm a t n
1 JAXjAU 1 XlXi DXiXj W All X AUO
$2.50 Table Cloths, $1.75.
25c Erab. Doilies, 12C
35c Embroidered Doilies, 19c
50c Embroidered Doilies, 25c
50c Turkish Towels, 39c.
75c Turkish Towels, 50c.
8V6c Turkish Wash
Goths, 5o
All of the very latest pro
ductions in novelty and sta
ple laces are hero now
Gold and Silver Novelties.
New Val. Sets., diamond and
round mesh.
Venlse Laces.
Linen Torchons.
Black Trices In great variety.
Lace Flounclngs.
Silk Nets In colors.
An endless variety of Gold and
Silver Cloth and Nets.
Todiy List Two Times
Wlllarfl Mack's K I PEl-IM"
Mat. SSo. BOo. 75c; Trg.. SSa to 11.00.
Mat., aad Xrnff., Bat. January tad
Tbs arsb. UtUTsrslty Plajsra rrsssnt
Believe Me Xantippe
Ths Marrlast rare of ths Day
y rr4rlo Ballard.
Mat., 85c, Mo, T5c. n, S 5c to $1.
omasa's nnt enrnrav
t&rtMt&TW pUyMatal-aAOo
Just ths show tor Implement IXtWars Conn .
tins wssk. Hsrrr Coopr. Jim Bru. CtMlnnh
Sutsrs. Julia De Klr, ths Old Tows Pour and Big
Bstutjr Chorus. KxLr Th psatomlms, "Tbs Apache.'
Indies' Htm Matta Wssk Says.
Vhoaa Dour 44.
Ths Best of
Dallr Matin. J lfc. T.ntj Nliht. Hi
Waalt blartlni Sunday Matins. Jan. It.
RINU A UO.. Kirk A Koamrtr, Mails Kln(. ' Tha
Children of th Buddha." rt WnsaUr On .
shlrll fUvs A Bo UarriauD, OrptMum Travel
rrinw: Vatlnr. nllrr. lor; Naat saats tteit
Saturday so Bandar). 2c. Mshta, lOo. Sac, toe
Sad tb:.
8:20 A&.RuUk.jr
North Brothers Stock Co.
"Nlobe" the Girl In White
paramount notoplays,
16th aad Karaay. J. ao6t.
Concert Orchestra
11:00. laiao, iio, sioo, 4:30, ,
7:00, a:ao aad 40.
Danlsl rrokman rraaaats
Tha Olrl Who Xa So mi far at
"snd aad MZar."
Thursday "Tha Ocldaa Ohaaoc."
Tha XioaaTwortba. Mngirr
and Panrlnr. Taraa Bartes.
10c Bsttt
Foretmost Athlrtrs. Aaaadao,
Wizard or Accordoon. JUsa
h Coaatanca, F'armers in
Nonsense. A Womaa With
a Ua. I
that if on gits were to order Imerven-,'