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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1916)
L niF. IinK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY IS, 1!I(". BRIEF CITY NEWS wnnj'i for BporttBf (roots." X-lffkMaf rtitiH-Burtese-Orandssv eve oot Prist IV Now Beacon Free. To Borrow VoMf on Heel Ratals, J. H. Dumnnt, Keellne bulldlnf. "Todays Mono rrorrom eleifle4 erion today, it appear In Tbo Boo EXCLUSIVELY", rind out what tho vs. rtoua moving picture theater offor. Start paaisn Class A beirlnner' 'lss in Spanish will be organised at the Totin; Men' Christian association Tues day evmlnu. A thorough working knowl ertir of tho language will be taught the Hillg of this class. Press Clu eaqt The Omaha rress club Is to hold a dollar banquet at the Rom hotel at 6 o'clock this evening, January 11 Attorney J. W. Woodmugh 1 to be tho guest of the evening and Is to address the rlub on "Some Thames of Newspaper Litigation." Honey that Counts The Visiting Nurses' association has expressed It to the people of All Faints church their donation of I6B to be tised tn the the Visiting Nurses. This asso ciation Is very busy at this time, when the demand for nurses Is so great. Xleotrtctaaa to Xtri 'Permits T. P. Crawford, .1. P. Brown and 8. Oatewood. representing' local No. 22. International rotherhood of Electrical Workers, have addressed a communication to the city council, requesting an Investigation of the enforcement of an ordinance whlchj provides that all members of their craft r or king here shall have olty permits. alt Over Patent Bights Harry O. t'slmer, a special master In chancery, heard tne arguments of sttorneys for the New York Scaffolding company s gainst Egberth Whitney of Omaha In the federal building. The plaintiff Is seeking to recover rents and profits from v type of scaffolding which Whitney i lslins to have Invented and which the New York concern claims Is an Infringe ment on scaffolding on which It owns the -'atent rights. I Nurses' f thanks t I ''work of Retail Clothiers of Nebraska Here Next Month Plans are nearlng completion for the annual convention of the Nebraska Re tail Clothiers' association, to be held at Hotel Fonlenelle February 13 and It. Be side the noonday luncheon at the Com- rolal club In Omaha the convention nil! close with a banquet at Hotel Fonte- ne.lle Wednesday evening February 14. The committee having In charge the trrangements, promise to have men with national reputations and experts In their particular work present at the convention to discuss with the retailer matter of nterest to them. The manufacturers and wholesalers of Omaha are giving the banquet C. C. Wescott. Plattsmouth, ecretary nf the association, together with F. H. Barcley. Pawnee City, president, are handling the work of arranging the neces sary details. They are being assisted by the publicity committee of the Commer :lal club, as well a the by local clothier. RESTORATION OF DOWMND-OUTER Major McCormick Find Job for Destitute Man, Who Makei Good with a Vengtance. RETURNS TO HOME IN SOUTH An astonishing case of a "down-and-outer" restored to decency, posi tion and home Is brought out In the work of the Volunteers of America. Into the headquarters, 114 Fif teenth street, came a shivering man, the most wretchedly and abjectly destitute that Major and Mrs. Mc Cormick bad ever seen. On his face was a month's growth of coal black beard. He had no box and his half-frozen feet were through his miserable shoes. Ills coat was but tonlcss and held together by safetf pins and his ragged trousers were pinned to the cost In lien of suspen ders. Major McCofmlck gave him a bed m the lodging house. The next morning the "walking scarecrow" came Into th office and said: Wtili Work tur lodging;. "I am very grateful to you for that night's lodgln- and breakfast and I would like to repay you. Have you some work that I can do around here?" His speech was correct and his vnlce softly modulated. The major was aston ished. "What can you do?'' he Inquired. 1 am a good stenographer and type writer," said the unknown. The major wondered what sort of man was conceled under that black beard srvl those rags. He determined to find out. He took the man to the Volunteers' store room and fitted him out with clothing. Then he gave him money and told him to get a shave and haircut. When the man returned h was transformed. A good looking young fellow he was with perfect manners and he Immediately pitched Into the work. Major McCormick dictated seversl letters and he took the dictation and transcribed It on the type writer with speed and neatness. Gives a I'oeltlon. For several days he worked there, quiet, willing, efficient. In this time the major had seen the Union radfie railroad about blm and he was offered a position, which be accepted, at a good salary. Wotd has come from hi family in Richmond, Vs. It was one of the lead ing families in that city, and the young man expects to return there soon when he ha regenerated himself. lie stated that an unhappy love affair first started him on th downward path. He left a good home and fine position and lust wandered about for several months, and was on the point of self destruction when he wandered Into the Volunteers' hall that cold day. ' f Farm Tractors r One Feature at the . Implement Show The new concrete floor in the base ment of the Auditorium baa been fin ished, sprinkled with sawdust and sand and left to dry. The farm tractors pull tn Wednesday for the tractor feature of the Mid-West Implement show. Dozen of big tractor are to be exhibited. The Implement show and convention I to open Wednesday. This will be th first year that farm tractor have been exhibited, althoagh the Implement show has been held here for a number of ears. A strsy tractor was exhibited here d there in the last two years, but never has a definite section of the Audi torium heretofore been set apart for the exhibit. So popular have the farm trac tors become In the last eighteen month or two year that It Is asserted an Im plement show can no longer be a repre sentative implement show without It big, full sired section for farm tractor. exl e hai Oar Jitney Offer Tail ad Be. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, en close with 60 and mall It to Foley Co. Chicago, 111., w riting your name and ad dress clearly. Yon will receive In return a trial package containing Foley Honey and Tar compounds, for coughs, colds snd croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments, and Foley Cuthartlc Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for con stipation, biliousness, headache and slug gish bowels. Sold everywhere. Advertise ment. Kiddies Are Warned Against Skating Over Carter Lake Toe Hummel, head of the perk depart. ment, advises parent to warn their small kiddie against skating at Carter lake while the ice cutting Is In progress. 'There are various other skating places throughout the city for the youngsters Safety first," said Mr. Hummel. In connection with th skating at Hau com park It Is stated at park headquar ters that Officer Sudds ha asked the city prosecutor for complaint against a group of "roughneck" youth who have been making life miserable for small boy at the Uanscom park skating pond. Recent Storms Do Not Cause Any Loss of Stock on Ranges The recent storm worked little hard ship upon the ranchers, farmers and stockmen of Nebraska and eastern Wyoming," asserted George W. Holdrege, general manager of tho Burlington, who Is In from ten days spent in the range country. "I was up through western Nebraska and Wyoming last week," said Mr. Hold rege, "and while the avorm wa severe and the weather Intensely cold, it was nothing to what It would have been If there had been a heavy fall of snow. There ware no stock losses sustained by the farmers and stockmen. There was not enough snow to prevent the rattle getting out onto the range, though dur ing the worst of the storm all the ani mals were close fed. Condition in the rsnge country are different from what they were a few years ago. In the otd day cattle had to shift for themselves during storms the same a when the weather wa pleas ant Now when a storm come on the eattle are housed and fed Just the same aa down In this locality. The result is that losses are Insignificant. 'AH through the range country lire stock of all kinds looks fine. The ani mals are In good flesh and are wintering elL" May Irwin to Play Boyd's Next Month Msnarer Purr us of the rtnyd ha Just received from the "thubert office in New York word that Mis Msy Irwin will play her on February 11 and 13, presenting her latest success, "No, SO, Washington Square." Miss Irwin's ensssement this time will have something of uncommon Interest locally, because her leading Juvenile Is (Jeorae Clark, an Omaha boy, who has msile good as an actor. KING-PECK STOCK GOES TOJRANDEIS Omaha Department Store Purchases $138,000 Stock and Fixture of Bankrupt Firm. WILL .HOLD A BIO SALE SOON The stocks and fixtures of the King-Peck company, clothing mer chants, have been Bold to J. L. Bran dels 4V 80ns. The sale was made by Amos Thomas, trustee, after the Bale was ordered by the federal court, where bankruptcy proceedings were started against the King-Peck firm. Last week announcement of the sale to B. W. Willett of New York City was made, but Mr. Willett dropped out and the Omaha firm obtained the stock and fixtures. Tho stocks and fixtures carry an in voice value of I1.-W.207.W. This Is one of the largest sales of a complete stock ever made In Omaha. The Ursndel stores now have their em ployes engaged In moving the stock from the King-Peck location at Sixteenth and Howsrd streets, to the purchasing firm' establishment. The transfer will take two or three days. Boon after all of the stock have been moved a special sale of the articles, which Include suits, overcoats, hats, shoe and all other men' furnishings, will be held. The Inaugural date of the sale will be announced later. All of the employes of the King-Peck company have been employed by the Orandel store to augmeat their own force In conducting the sale. Mr. Peck will also assist the Brandels management In the sals. Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning Wash away all the atom a oh, liver, and bowel poisons before breakfast. VOLUNTEER FIREMEN . GATHERING AT CRAWFORD Volunteer firemen of the Nebraska towns are gathering at Crawford, where today the annual winter meeting will be held An attendance of a couple of hundred la, expected. The Northwestern 1 carrying large delegation of firemen from Fremont. Humphrey and Norfolk, beside smaller delegations from twenty- five to fifty towns. The delegation from Fremont. Humphrey and Norfolk each have a special car. Cuticura Stops Itching Instantly ! 1 DIETZ LUMBER COMPANY MEN HOLD ANNUAL MEETING Thlrtv-Mva traveling salesmen and yard managers for the C. N. Diet Lum ber company are now In session for two or three day In what O. W. Ounn. general manager, call a get-together meeting. The first day is devoted to general u6 Ject. such as "Charging and Checking Accounts," "Service and Quality, "Community Development," "Co-Operation. Ealeamanahip. Collection." The sepond day will constat of symposium of ten-minute talks, with discussions by men especially selected by reason of Jhelr experience In certain directions. i'fy The entertainment feature of the gath ering 1 not IOSX Sln l 01, in, taken to th Boyd Mhnday and th Orpbeum Tuesday night. These are annual meetings, and have leen found, while costing money, to be ery benefit 1st to all concerned. It Is aseertt-4. Trial Free. Just Bathe with the Cnticara Soap, dry and apply the Cuticura Ointment For Eczemas, Rashes, Itchings, irritations, pimples, dandruff, sore hands add baby humors, Cuticura Soap and Ointment are supremely effec tive. Relief is immediate and healment, in most cases, is com plete, speedy and permanent. Sample Each Free by Mail With a- Skin Booh oa request A dress poeward "CatUar. Dept. IS, In - bvii throughout Ui grid. To feel your best day In and day out, to feel clean Inside; no sour bile to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or dull your head; no constipation, bilious attacks, sick headache, colds, rheuma tism or gassy, arfd stomach, you must bath on the Inside like you bathe out side. This Is vastly more Important, be cause the skin pore do not absorb Im purities Into the blood, while the bowel pore do, says a well-known physician. To keep these poison and toxin well flushed from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, drink before breakfaat each day, a glass of hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate In It This will cleanse,, purify and freshen the entire alimentary tract, before putting more food Into the stomach. Oet a quarter pound of limestone phos phate from your pharmacist. It Is inex pensive and almost taateless, except a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. Drink phosphated hot water every morn ing to rid your system of these vile pois ons and toxins; also to prevent their formation. To feel like young folks feel; like you felt before your blood, nerve and mus cles became saturated with an aocumula- tlon of body poisons, begin this Vestment and above all, keep it up I A Soap and hot water act On the skin, cleansing. sweetening and purifying, so limestone Phosphate and hot water before break fast, act on the stomach, liver, kidney and bowel. Advertisement. WAR SHOULD LEAYE REUGIONSTRONGER Bishop Bristol Arraigns So-Called Christian Nations, Charging Them with Hypocrisy. WAR TO rURQE THE NATIONS QUICK RELIEF FROM CONSTIPATION Get Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets. That 1 the joyful cry of thousand since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tab lets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician for 17 years and calomel' old-time enemy, discovered the formula for Olive Tablet while treating patient for chronio constipation and torpid livers. Dr. Edward' Olive Tablet do not con tain calomel, but a healing, soothing vegetable laxative. No griping la th "keynote" of these little sugar-coated, olive-colored tablet. They cause the bowel and liver to act normally. They never force them to un natural action. If you have a "dark brown mouth now and then a bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick headachetorpid liver and are constipated, you'll find quick, sure and only pleasant result from one or two little Dr. Edward' Olive Tablet at bedtime. Thousand take one or two every night lust to keep right. Try them. 10c and Sic per box. All druggist. Th Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, Ob to- TODAY'S BEAUTY HELP Ton can keep your hair at Its very best by waahlng It with a teaapeonful of can. throx dissolved in a cup of not water. afterward rinsing thoroughly with elear water. One find that the hair dries quickly and evenly, is unstreaked, bright, oft and very fluffy, so fluffy tn fast, that It looks more abundant than It is. and so soft that arranging It beeome a pleasure. This simple. Inexpensive sham. poo cleanses the hair and scalp thor oughly of all dandruff and dirt, and leave a clean, wholesome feeling-. A l scalp Ir ritation will dioeppesr, and th hair will be brighter and gioosirr than ever bfar. Advertisement. f nishop Frank, M. Drlstol, In sn ad dress before the Omaha Ministerial union, arraigned the so-culled Christian nations of the world and fiercely charted them with "pre tense, hypocrisy, assumption of moral superiority, egotistical super latlvlty and drowsy self-complacency." "But the great world war in which Scotch Presbyterian are trying to cut the throats of Uermsn Luther ans and Russians of the Greek church are trying to blow Austrian of the Roman church Into eternity, Is no proof that Christianity Is break ing down," he declsred. "It is proof that tho pretense of Christianity Is breaking down and leaving the rrftl Christianity to continue unhampered when this awful war Is over." lie urged the full practice) of the preaching of Chrlrt. lie advocated tho victory of non-resistance. Militarism a 1 rime. "If sr Is right, then the Rcnnxu on the Mount Is a Joke," he declared, "and If the Sermon on tho Mount Is right then militarism Is a crime. "Is the soldi'n tiile all fu.lgi and non frnse or only nsnly fmlse ami nnnsenes? There Is ton much weak-kneed rhrlstlsn My like that .f the tnrrk brother who told his ronnri-B.Vion "unless you repent i.f your sins. In a measure, and helluve In Jemis Christ. n It were, you will all Ko to hell, so tn speak.' "We haven't had the roiirSR to put I Into practice tie ahole gospel of t'hrtt. There Is n hypocrisy of the nation, s of tho people. Tin dncfrlne of turnlnii the other check when one hss been smit ten Is presch"d in the pulpit, but In life we smite back, ,'irus snld, 'All thst take the sword shall pi rlh by the sword.' Isrsel took the sword end perished by It. so did llabylon, Ilsypt, (ireece, Home. "The great war Is going to purs the nations. Alretdv there Is every evidence of a grest spirit i'sl awakening. Knglsnd Is prsylng today ns she hss never prayed before. The churches of Orrmanr, Trsnre snd othr countries si war are Illicit with the prnylmr people ss they haven't been In a century. "Our country, kept out of asr by a gracious lro l.lcti- and a wise president, will be In a position to give a new Im pulne tn the mlxslnnary movement after the war." DR. CONNELL SALUTES HIS TEMPORARY BOSS ll-alth t'oinmlsi'loner f'onnell Is a stickler for discipline. I.Bt Saturday Commissioner Kugel, whose department Includes the health rnnimlaalnner end staff, went to Cali fornia, li'iivlntf ('ommllonrr lluminel In chui (i of Ills mirk. Ksrly this morning Dr. CotinrM reported tn his temporsry boss, with the obsequious greetlnu, "What shall I do todayT" "tint out ami S' t busy. Hero It Is 'J and I don't suppose you have turned a llrk this niornlnn." replied Mr. Hummel, with mock seriousness. "All rlM-ht. boss. I Just wanted lo know," meekly replied the health commissioner. Lazy Livers Come from Laxy Living sometimes from food follies' that tax the overworked digestive organs. Get back to Nature by eating Shredded Wheat. It puts you on your feet when everything else fails. It sup plies the muscular energy and mental alertness that put you in fine fettle for the day's work. Delicious for breakfast with milk or cream, or for luncheon with fruits. Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS fltv Commissioner llntler hss gone tn ntlsa. 111., to attend the funeral of an uncle. 2MSi Fifteen years ago a man of sixty, broken in health, found himself out of a job and with less than $500 in the bank. Today he owns, near Topeka, Kansas, his own poultry farm. It gives him a good living. Was it easy? No, it was a struggle. But he has won by applying to poultry raising the hard headed common sense of a practical farmer the same kind of sense you find every week in 1 What this man has done, an inspiration to every main, young or old, prosperous or jobless, is told in the January 22jid issue of The Country Gentleman. It is just one incident in the poultry news and the poultry knowledge which this great national farm paper brings week by week. THE POULTRY CALENDAR is a weekly reminder and guide for everyone who keeps chickens. It provides a timely schedule for every detail and gives the best methods for the fancier, the commercial egg and meat producer, and the amateur. And this is but one of twelve regular departments that give you definite, valuable ideas and infor mation about each 01 the departments of your farm fruit, live-stock, dairying, market garden ing, farm buildings, farm cooking, sewing, etc. And every week there are from six to ten special articles by special farm investigators. Send the coupon to-day and get The Country Gentleman for ayear 5issttes-or only $1 Or subscribe- through any recognized Curtis Agent W" ucuuvmaii 40? W I1M The Curtis rNtbluaiag Cesseaoy tuaili.Mswa.rtlSilell. Eaclosstf ! nag fl.tO s Adr, X CmaJisa pric $1 73). FWue C 4 ft Ctmmtry GnlUmem lor eoe to th ddrabloi ( Nm K V. D. Rewi r