Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1916, Page 3, Image 3
THE BEE: OMAHA, TTESTUY, JANUARY 18, mi 6. Nebraska Nebraska REED ASKS ORDER AGAINST RAILROADS Attorney General Seeks to Prevent Violation of Law Providing for ' Sale o fMileage Books. OBJECTS TO DISCRIMINATION RIDGELL GETS BACK PAY ! LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 17. (Spe- elal Telegram.) Attorney General Willis E. Reed made application to the supreme court this morning for an Injunction against all railroads doing business In the Btate to pre vent them from violating the statutes which provides for the purchase of mileage hooks of 1,000 miles for $20 ach. He also asked for an Injunction against all roads except the Missouri Pacific, which he considers Insolv ent, to prevent them from charging mono than 2 cents per mile and also to prevent discrimination In rates between towns and to prevent these roads from Instituting Injunction proceedings against the state or Its officials. Contention of State. The roads Included in the application re the Rock Island, Missouri ractflc, Burlington, Union Pacific. Northwestern, Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul and the 8t. Joseph A. Grand Island. Attorney General Reed says that the constitution ai-es the state the right to regelate common carriers within its borders and to fix the maximum rates and delegates to the legislature the right to fix the rates. He calls attention to house roll No. 230, passed by the legis lature, which fixes the price of mileage books of 1,000 miles at $20 each and to fcouse roll 267, the 2-oent fare law, which the railroads have recognised and have tieen working under it since 1907. Violation of Contract. He calls attention to the test cases entered Into by all the roads and the fall tare of said roads to push the cases, forking under the law until February 12, 6 914. It calls attention to the action of the Missouri Pacific road, which, after Jelling interchangeable mileage books of 1,000 miles for $20 or at the rate of 2 cents a. mile is now violating the con tract made with the purchaser and is refusing to honor mileage in the books for more than 1.333U miles. Application for Hehearlnsjr. WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. The Nebraska State Railway commission petitioned the Interstate Commerce commission today for rehearing of the recent decision grant ing increased passenger fares to railroads west of the Mississippi river. The re hearing was asked in respect to rates in northern Kansas and Missouri, in portions of Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Ne braska, The Nebraska commission does not agree with the findings on the facta p re tented by the railroads and declares the road should be required to give figures taemtatg a division into interstate and tillnsiwti earnings. Unless such division can be made by railroads the Interstate Commerce commission, the state commis sion says, will soon be the only ratemak Ing body in the United States. Sunnyside Old Folks Provided New Home HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. IT. (Special Tel egram.) Temporary Quarter for Sunny Side home for ehlldren and old folks were provided today in a dwelling owned by A. H. Stitt, who has given free use of the property for three months. All of the eighteen inmates ef Bunnynlde were res cued without difficulty when fire de stroyed the old home last night. The home, made of brlok, cost about to build, but was bought for tS.GOO two years ago, including the lot. The l.ulldlng was Insured for 18,600, and la a - total loss, Sunnyside is an activity of the Hastings Woman's olub which has attracted much attention at the state and national federation meetings. AUTOMOBILE VICTIMS LEADERS AT WESLEYAN From a Btaff Correspondent.) LI.WOLN, Jan. 17. (Special.) J. H. yorrnuin of Alvo. who was badly in jured by being struck by Rock Island No. 5. at Alvo yesterday, when his auto mobile went dead on the crossing at tlmt place. Is at St. Elizabeth hospital with a broken knee and hip. The three young women whom he wu taking to the station and who were all killed, were students of Nebraska Wes leymi university, and had been home to attend the funeral of a neighbor. Two of the girls. Edith and Bell, aged 17 and 2(1 respectively, were dauhgters of Mr. Foreman, while the other. Alma Godhy, aed 1, waslj the daughter of a neighbor, - Charles Oodby, living near the Foreman farm. Ml-a Eelle Foreman was a member of the graduating class of the Wesleyan university this- year, and her sister was a member of the junior class, of which Wis Uodby was president. The engineer snd fireman of the train, wlilfh was three hours late, say that the flrt they saw of the car. It hart ap jeHre1 to stop on the track, and the occupants were trying to back up. There wh such a short distance from where they first saw the car to the crossing, jthat there was no time to stop, and the engine hit the car, Hmashing it into fragments. Until hi who were InMant'y killrt Sliowcd little signs of wound, but were bleeding from the ears, Indicating Inter nal injuries. The other girl was un rnw loun and remained so until he tiled. State Treasurer Hall Sends Out Batch of Warrants that Were Held Up. APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS Nebraska Aurora Planning to Improve Tract Given it for Park (From a Ftsff Correspondent.) IJNCOL.N, Jan. 17.-(Speci"l.)-Plr Commissioner Winfield Scott Rklgell wns made very happy this morning when a clerk from the office of the state auditor appeared in tho office of the commis sioner and left about K,000 worth of war rants which lava been held up during the time that the legal controversy has been going on between the fire commis sioner and the state treasurer. With the payment of these warrants it Is given out that other departments where the controversy was piactlcally the same will receive their warrants. These include tho Mate Hoard of Health and similar departments. The State Food commission is al til up in the air, and Is collecting fees and paying expenses from the rame. Commissioner Kldgell shoved a few warrants down in his pocket this morn ing and started out for Crawford, where he will attend the Btate Firemen's asso ciation and endeavor to put out all con flagrations of a political nature which may have bee:i started by his political opponents who also want to get the dem ocratic nomination for the railway com mission. Mrs. Wilson of itromtbsrg Dies. Colonel J. H. Presson, recording clerk In the office of Governor Morehesd, will go to Strombur tomorrow to attend the funeral of Mrs. J. W. Wilson, who died at that place Saturday. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wilson wero close friends of Colonel Presson, and were married by him when he was pastor of the Methodist church at Stromsburg fifteen years sen. Mrs. wil. eon was a niece of Colector of Customs McCune of Omaha. Requisition for Tnrman Governor Morehead today honored a requisition asked for by the governor of Ohio for the return to that state of Blsa Tarman, wanted for abandonment of his children and failure to support them. He is. being held undor arrest at Kimball. Meeker Files for (teste. Charles W. Meeker of Imperial has filed for the republican nomination for the state senate from the Twenty-sixth sena torial district, composed of the counties of Frontier, Red Willow, Hitchcock, Dundy, Hayes, Perking and Chsse, repre sented In the last session bv Dr. Willis Wilson of Ourtla, a democrat. Telerraph Case Condones. The theiegraph case involving an ap plication made by the Western Union Telegraph company for a hearing on the constitutionality nf lh l.n, i .u. last legislature making a mlmlmum rate ior an ten-word messages sent in Nebraska, made before the Ri.t. tj.h way commission, has been indefinitely """" m request or tne Western Un ion company. Grand Island Sends Money, State Treasurer Hall today received a draft for 170 from Grand Island for the Polish Relief fund. It was turned over to Dr. P. U Hall, treasurer of the Nebraska relief committee. ORGANIZED AGRICULTURE SESSIONS START TODAY (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. l?.-(Speclal.)-Tomor. row begins the meeting of organised ag riculture, and already those interested in the different meetings are beginning to appear. There are twenty-two different gatherings which will sandwich In their meetings in tho next four days. Some of them will hold only a single day, or even less than that, while others will occupy three days. In addition to these meetings are the meetings of tho State Hlstoricsl society. tho republican gathering and one or two more, so that Lincoln may well be con sldered the center of the universe the rest of the week. The busiest place probably will be the city Auditorium, where the Horticultural society ana kindred organisations are putting on their exhibits. Long rows of tables covered with apples, the Nebraska kind, makes the place good to look at, while there are several long tables cov. ered with corn such as grows only In Nebraska. It is most of it good to eat. HASTINGS WOMEN PLAN TO ORGANIZE Y. W. C. A. HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special Tel egram.) The first step In the organiza tion of a Toung Women's Christian asso ciation for Hastings will be taken at a banquet at the Presbyterian church Fri day evening, when it is expected Miss Margaret 0Connell of Minneapolis, Minn., representative of the national board, will be present to direct the proceedings. (ass Connly Farm House Bnrns. PLATT3MOUTH. Neb., Jan. 17.- Spe cial.) The farm home of A. O. Ramge, six miles southwest of the city, was de stroyed by fire Saturday afternoon. The loss Is about $2,000 and Is partly covered by insurance. It is thought the children in some way set afire' to the house which was entirely consumed. Mr. Ramge lost his wife some months since, and his chil dren were intrusted to care for the household while the father wss looking after the work of the farm. When the fire was discovered by the men folks it had gained considerable hesdwsy. The nearest neighbors came snd with the alii of the rural carrier, who was just panging, succeeded In getting out the piano snd a few rugs. PADDOCK HOTEL REOPENED WITH A FINE BANQUET MKATRICE. Neb, Jan. 17. (Ppeelal Telegram.) The Taddock hotel, which was closed four years ago, was reopone 1 today by Fl I.. May of Omaha, with a public reception In the afternoon, and a banquet this evening. The number of guests to the banquet were limited lo 125. The sneakers were Samuel Itlna ker. O H. Johnon. K. I.. Hevelnne, J. ,W. F rues and F. I.. May. This is he I'adi'iK tioBtelry here, and its r perlng will mean much to Hentii e. I' wss opened t went y-eiaht yea u I j IK. K. i'iile. and rci-entlv i iinor". led unf re f iinlflid ut the t o I '-.'. I t.llhru Attala Identified. IIEATRIPE. Neb.. Jan. 17. lSixrl.1 Trlearam.) Clarence Githens. who was sentenced to the state penitentiary Sat urday from this place. s wanted In Jefferson county for selling 2fto worth of stolen cattle belonging to C. I Honham of Fairbury. Sheriff Hughes sod Mr. HoiiIiriu were In the city today and identified I'Jthens as the party who sold the stock. lirt Hid of n Ilackta, ! Grippe Coaaa It Weakens. For the severe racking cough that comes with la gilppe, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is wonderfully healing and soothing. It eases the tightness over the chest, raises the phlegm easily snd helps the racking, tearing cough that Is so ex hausting snd weaken. nn. 11. ti t'o lins r -pout muster, liurifat, .V. J.. sns: j "Foley's Honey and Tur 'ompui.nd sojni topped the severe la grippe cough that completely exhausted me. It rsn't bs I but " fold r i.erc. -Aa ei In iojIU. . AURORA. Neb.. Jan. 17. (.Special.) The Aurora . Park board has already begun plans for the development of ftreeter park, the splendid gift recently J made to UK city by Mrs. W. H. Ktreeter, widow of the late William 11. Ktreeter. It Is planned to at once build a bridge north on Twelfth street which will give j ercrsa to the new park. j The psrk bosrd Is planning to have j splendid athletic grounds laid otit on tne new tract just as soon as spring opens up. There will he room for base ball, tennis snd foot ball grounds. One large space will be reserved for Chautauqua (rounds. The new park consists of about twenty-eight acres, lying Just north of Au rora. Through It runs Lincoln creek and ihere ure many natural beauty spots along the course of the stream. Mrs. Streeter gave this tract of land to the city with the reservation that It should be called Ktreeter park after her late husband. She also stipulated that If the city should fall to use it for a park for three years tho title should revert to her heirs. ALLIANCE FATHER AND SON BANQUET SUCCESS Freezing Lino Extends Down to Dallas and Gulf WASHINGTON, Jen. 17. -The cold wave! overspreading tho country east of thei Mississippi todsy had forced the fremitus line down to th.i middle (iulf of Mexico coast and the line of urn temperatures ' as fsr south u the Ohio river, lis Ins and snows, mostly lleht, prevailed ovrr the east and south, and Klret has leen experienced as fsr south a Mobile. Con tinued cold is promised for tonight In the Atlantic stals. with a cold sve ex-I tend'ng Into Florltia. PALLAS. Te... Jan. 17. -The coldest i weather of the vlnter, with temperature' 50 degrees above rrro. was reported todny j from the Texas fruit snd produce district around Urownaville. Ample warning had been given to growers, however, and ex-1 tensive damag" Is not feared. I FEWER CARS 0 FWHEAT ARE SHIPPED THAN YEAR BEFORE (From a Staff Correspondent. I LINCOLN, Jan. 17.- (Special. - Hate Expert U. O. Powell of the State flallway rommlsslon hss prepsted s rompsratlve table showing the difference in shipments of whest for the months of July, August and September In the years 1S14 and 1!1.1. The tsble shows that there were fewer carloads of wheat by Interstate snd Intrastate shipments in 191.1 hy 9.0 In July, S.Sfil In August and ..$ In Septem ber, or a totsl of 1M71 less rarlnnds In 1915 thsn In the previous yesr. ALLIANCK. Neb.. Jan. 17,-(Speclal ) The second annual father and sons bsn quet tendered the members and their los by the Alliance Commercial club Satur day night was the most successful of . anything of its kind ever held In Alliance I or the stale outside of Omaha. Plates' for 204 were iaid end 102 men, each ac companied by a boy. occupied the places, many being compelled to attend as spec tators. After the menu, which was served by the women of tho Baptist church, the following speakers were introduced by President Guthrlo of the Commercial club: Captain John Olden of the Twelfth cavalry. Fort Robinson, Neb.; L. C. Ober llcs, banker of Lincoln, and Karl D. Mal lery of Alliance. Congratulatory telegrams were resd from the presld.-nts of commercial clubs at Dayton, O. ; Chicago and Kansas City. The program concluded by the audience singing "America." GOOD ROADS ADVANTES TAKEN UP CONVICT LABOR (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 17. (Special.) The com mittee which hss In charge the good roads meeting which will be held Thurs day afternoon at the Lincoln hotel Is fig uring on a very interesting session. Gov ernor Morehead and Warden Fenton of the atate penitentiary will be the prin cipal sneakers and an effort will be made to boost building roads by convict labor. Speaker Jackson of the last legislators is deeply interested In the matter and wants to see some aotlon taken by the legislature at the next session looking to the development of good roads. He has been spending some time the past summer throughout the west and has gathered much valuable information on the subject. He has not yet made up his mind whether he will be a candidate for re election. His name has been coupled with the governorship, treasurshlp and one or more offices, but he rather looks at the legislative Job as more to his liking. SUNNYSIDE HOME AT HASTINGS BURNED HASTINGS, Neb..-Jan. 17.-(SpecIsi.-Sunnyslde home for children and aged people, a charitable institution, was swept by fire which started at o'clock lsst night. The house, a three-story brick structure on the rorth side of town, was a totsl loss. Tho property wss valued at $30,ooo and was Insured for $10,000. In spite of several close calls none of the inmates was Injured. Miss Margaret Kaely, In charge of the home, superintended the rescue work and helped carry the panic stricken people out of the burning build ing. The fire Is thought to have started from an electric wire. Teeamaeh t'lnb Fleets Offleers. TECUMSEH. Neb., Jan. 17 -(8peclal.)-The Tecumseh Commercial club has elected officers lor the coming year as follows: President. Harold Sullivan: vice president, Frank Dsfoe; secretary, If. 8. Vlllars; treasurer, C. E. Stewart; member board of directors, P. A. Brundage. Farm Home Near At array Earned. AVOCA, Neb., Jan. 17.-tSpeca.)-The farm home of Fred Ramage, of near Murray was destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon. Some of the household goods were saved. The fire la ssld to have started from a defective flue. DEATH RECORD Charles A. I.ladaey. Charles A. Lindsey, 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lindsey, 1510 South Third street, died of diphtheria yesterday. The funeral will be held at o'clock this morning from the resi dence to St. Mary's cemetery, South Side. Charles Fleming. Word hss reached Omaha from Des Moines of the death of Charles Flem ing, brother of Stanhope Fleming of Omaha. Mr. Fleming was one of four Fleming brothers, prominent Insurance men of Iowa and Nebraska, and had a host of friends and acquaintances In this city. He was 57 years old. Brls;ndler General Graham. WASHINGTON. Jsn. 17 -Rrlgadier Gen eral William W. Graham, U. 8. A., re tired, 81 years old. died todsy at the home of his dsughter at Waldour, near An napolis, Md., of pneumonia after a short Illness. He was a native of this city and retired from the army In 189. trlbar (.. Usth. AVOCA. Neb.. Jan. 17. (6neclal Arthur G. Ogg, aged M years, died at his home near Dunbar. Fridav. in. widow, one son and three daughters sur vive him. Funeral services h.i Sundsy and Interment was mads In h cemetery at Nebraska City. Henry Bemola Ames. ST. LOCIS, Mo.. Jan. 17.-Henrv Remnl. Ames, vice president of the ML,l,.irr.i Vslley Trust company, died here today of oneumonia. He belonced to clubs in St. Louis. New York, Seattle and llelniH, Mont. He wss M years old. Mrs. 4 1 tm. a.-ij-. " -- , .Vr. All e Savidge, wife of Joseph M. .'.di.e of faraway, h., ho is a brother of Itev. Charlea W. Savidg of' th's city, died Monday morning. Kev. J Mr. Huhiiie hss gone to attend lh; fi.i,-i(,l. RF.ATRICE. Neb., Jsn. 17.-( funeral of Mrs. W. M. May, who died at Lincoln, was held Monday morn ing at 11 o'clock from the (rerman Lu theran church tiottheaat of Beatrice, con ducted by Rev. J. n. Heents. Interment was In Hanover cemetery. Brief servlscs were held at Scott's chapel In this city at o'clock, conducted by Rev. C. F. Stevens. Albert Wilson, who wss brought to this city on the char,;o of stealing a shotgun' and wearing apparel from a section hand nsmed Koulet, with whom he roomed, pleaded guilty before Judge Ellis and was sentenced to ;hirty days in the county Jail. Fairmont Pefeatil Stee City. FAIRMONT, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.) Fall-mount hitjh school basket balV team defeted tho Steele City team. Sat urday evening 7! to 18. Falrmount plays Friend here Frldsy night. HYMENEAL Orr-Johnaon. MISSOURI VALLEY, la., Jan. 17. ( Special.) A wedding took place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. George E. Johnson, Saturday evening. Joseph ine Johnson became the bride of William L. Orr, son of Mrs., Ellen J. Orr. Rev. W. Dow Crednon of the Christian church read the marriage lines and Miss Bes sie O'Connor played the wedding march. Shortly after a three course wedding dinner was served the bride and groom left for California. They will be at home to their friends In Missouri Val ley, May 1. The bride has been con nected with the city library work hero for a number of years; the groom is an extensive farmer and stock man. Kerrln-Anderson. Nellie Anderson and John J. Kerrln were married by Rev. Charles W. Sav Idge at his residence Saturdsy evening at t:80. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Habn. Allen-Baumwort. Miss Ruth Baumwart. daughter of G, Baumwart. and Mr. George E. Allen were married by Rev. Charles W. Sav Idge at his study Sunday afternoon at 7. They were accompanied by MV. and Mrs. Arthur El Hughes. Ouch! Pain, Pain. Rub Rheumatic, Aching Joints Rub pain right out with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's Oil." Rheumatism is "pain only." Not ona case in fifty requires Internal treatment. Stop drugging. Rub soothing, penetrat ing "St. Jacobs Oil" tight Into your sote, still, aching Joints and muscles, and re. Ilef comes instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" Is a harmless rheumatism cure which never disappoints and cannot burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of oXti, honest "St. Jacobs OH" at any drug store, and In Just a moment you'll be free from rheu matic pain, soreness, stiffness and swell ing. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "St. Jacobs Oil" has cured millions of rheu matism sufferer's. In the lust half cen tury, and Is Just as good for sciatic, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains-Advertisement. s The Greatest Display of HARTMANN WARDROBE TRUNKS Fver brought to Omaha is now at I fl our sioie. we nave iieeti In the onsKHice nuvinesH iu years in (minim and we know Omaha peo lie have neer seen anything like tiie line we are showing. If you have never seen the new JIAKTM ANN'S you nave iniHse.1 the finest iue of wardiube trunk In the world. We have them in all price, from $100 Down to $20 Whether you expect to buy or not we would appreciate the im portunity of demonstrating tliesu fl wonderful trunks to you. The H HARTMANN PANAMA Is a trunk that fulfills, n every particular, the Ideal of traveling comfort, combined with the ut iiioat strength. It Is not an exper iment: It Is an evolution In beauty, convenience and accessibility. Freling&Steinle "Omaha's Beat Baggage Builders." 1803 Farnam NEARLY SIX MUMS OF DOLLAR Measure the Strength of Tine TTD Ti Ilk Cempniy OMAHA, NEB. One of the Strongest Financial Institutions in the Mid- West The Popularity of Its Policy Contracts is evidenced by the fact that the Company's net gain in Assets in 1915 was $789,934.42 The Liberality of Its Policy Contracts is evidenced by the payment last year of $479,377.26 to beneficiaries and policy holders. The Validity of Its Policy Contracts is evidenced by the total accumulated assets , of $5,802,743.57, upon which they rest. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,277,388.31 Reserve and Other Liabilities, $5,525,355.26 Dividends To Living Policy Holders paid last year amounted to $147,180.29, showing that our policies afford profitable investments. Eroinmogs Growth in the Company's Business is evidenced by the total income for 1915, which was $1,529,059.65. Men of Foresight and Discernment find in the policies of this Company the high est degree of protection at minimum cost. WE. WANT Active Agents for the sale of our unexcelled policies which sell well. The Bankers Reserve Life Company BASCOM H. ROBISON, President. R. C. WAGNER, Secretary. R. L. ROBISON, Vice-President. W. G. PRESTON, Treasurer! J. R. FARNEY, General Agency Manager. HOME OFFICE, OMAHA, NEB. v