Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1916, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
The Sunday Dee is the only
Omaha newspaper that
"jives its readers four big
pr-?es of colored comics.
VOL. XLV NO. 1815.
On Tralas, at Motel
Uea Btaads, ate., Be.
iPolice Officer of Chicago Suburb
Take Action Despite Father's
Urging Insanity
Latter Believed to Have Merely
Pretended to Fall in with
Brother's Plan.
CHICAGO, an. 17. Irving and
Herbert Updike were arraigned be
fore Justice Kendall this afternoon.
charged with conspiracy to commit
a felony, and were committed to the
county Jail In bonds of $5, OOP each
after their arrest yesterday on a
charge of conspiring to murder their
parents. They will be examined
January 26.
Before the court proceedings Kur
man D. Upddike, the father, a re
tired millionaire Board of Trade
man, asked Chief of Police Lee of
Oak Park to make a charge of In
sanity against Irving, the elder of
the young men, but the official,
while practically certain that Irving
is mentally defective, thought it bet
ter that the regular procedure be
followed for the time being at least.
The father also suggested that he would
send Herliert out of the country If prose
cution were dropped, but this Chief Lee
wrtuld not do, althoUKh ho said he was
satisfied that Herbert merely pretended
to fall In with tho plans of h' brother
.o murder their parents last night.
Due ii Injnry.
f The Utter said today that they were
satisfied that an Injury to his spine when
lie was a boy accounted for lrving's de
signs against them. They hoped a surgical
operation might restore his mental bal
ance. Their statement eaid that since the
Injury Irving has shown many signs of
mental unsoundness. The family has no
doubt, the statement ran, that "this plot
waa the sole result of his mental condi
tion." Ills brother, Herbert." the statement
continues, "was not a guilty accomplice,
but became an apparent accessory for
the purpose of disclosing the plot."
John II. Updike, an older brother, who
was summoned from California by a
letter from Herbert, said that hia brother
had written that Irving was planning to
kill his parents.
"I hurried homo and communicated
with a detective agency. and we arranged
to discover and reveal the plot." ... -
Herbert said Irving L'pdlke lias for more
than a year planned to kill his father.
. He was going to poison him and he
bought the poison, but he had tc go west
nnd he gave up the Idea, the younger son
When arrested last nleht. according to
the police. Irvlnj first tried to Implicate
hia brother and then mado a complete
i anfesslon.
Tho police say that Mr. Updike, who Is
6i years old and is suffering from cancer.
planned to alter his will this morning,
which decided Irving to attempt to kill
his father and mother last sugnt.
Greek Crew Sees
oi 1 t n i
snhTiinriTifi rsnnK
-fW at W IV mm, mm m m
by Entente Craft
PROVIDENCE. It. I., Jan. 16.-The de
ntuclion of an enemy submarine by a
torpedo bout destroyer of entente allies
xhortly after tJic underwater craft had
mink a Greek vessel was described by
members of the crew of the r"obre line
t'imcr Roma, which arrived from
Mediterranean ports today.
According to tho Home's sailors, they
had Just rescued the crew of the Greek
vessel when the submarine, which ap
parently had caused Its destruction,
mine to the surface some distance away.
A destroyer, which had been hovering
ii bout the scene, sent a torpedo Into the
side of tho submarine and sank It.
The captain of the noma declined to
:lxe out the name of the Greek ship
which was destroyed.
The Weather
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Suow Tuesday; rising temperature.
Uwaba Ititrrilsr
For Onial
Suow Tui
Tempera tare at
Hours. Peg.
B a. m 1
a. m 1
7 a. m 0
5 a. rn 1
9 a. ni... 3
10 a. in
11 a. m 10
12 m 1
1 i. in 17
2 p. m 17
3 p. in 18
4 p. ni 21
6 p. in t
p. m 19
7 p. in 18
ii p. in Id
lam para live Loral Record.
1911 191.1. 1914. 131.
Highest yesterday :'l : ; 36
1 invest yenterdtv 2 9 29 17
Mean temperature 10 H
Precipitation T .00 .24 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tuies from the normal:
Normal leinoei at ui e. .. .. 330
lefii iency for the day 10
Total deficiency since March 1 1M
Normal precipitation inch
iNpflciency for the dMy 02 Inch
TotHl rainfall since Murt-li 1. .27. M Inches
Ieficlency since March 1 1.71 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1M4. Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1W3. o.So Inches
Reports from Stallone at T P. M.
Btation and State
of Weather.
Cheyenne, cloudy
lavenport. clear ....
Denver, cloudy
I f! Moines, clear...
North Platte, clear.
1 Omaha, clear
itM'l'1 City, clear....
Sheridan. rt cloud
Hioun tty, clear
Valentine clear ....
T" inilhates tr.n
Temp. High- Raln-
7 1. in. rst. fall.
... 10 14
... IS II HO
... 14 10 T
... 12 1"
... 1-' .""0
... 11 -1 T
... Ii is' .o
... in
... 12 IS T
... S Hi T
of iiecipllatlon.
I'MUCMlc l-elou" leto.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forccai'.tr
Many of Theatrical Troup Hurt as
Illinois Central Leaves
the Rails.
CHEROKEE, la., aJn. 17. Thirty-three
passengers and trainmen
were Injured tor'ay when an Illinois
Central train, northbound, left the
rails at a point between Gaza and
Prlmghar, about a mile north of
Prinigbar. and plunger down an
embankment into a creek. Many of
the principals and chorus of the De
Koven Opera company, which is
singing "Kobln Hood," were among
the injured.
A relief train with doctors aboard was
sent out from Cherokee. The injured were
brought back and placed in hospitals
Trains Is llravf.
The derailment of the baggage rr of
the train is believed to have been re
sponsible for tho wreck. The train wss
heavy, containing six cars. The derail
ment occurred at a point where there is
a twenty-foot embankment at the ap
proach of a short bridge over a small
creek. livery car left the track and all
of them turned over with the exception
of the Pullman, the last car of the train,
which remained upright.
The first passenger coach followed the
baggage car and plunged through the
bridge. The coaches dropped about
twenty teet, but remained upright In the
bed of the stream. The baggage car also
went off the bridge, but the baggage man
was not seriously hurt.
Topples Over Side.
The car in which the members of the
opera company were traveling receiveu
the worst shaking up of any coach in
tho train. The car toppled over on its
sido after sliding down the embankment.
Theengtneer with those passengers who
were not injured organized a rescue party
and began carrying the injured from the
coaches. Tho cold weather caused much
discomfort to tho injured. Farmers came
to the scene and the Injured were taken
to their homes to await the arrival of
the doctors from Ch rokee.
The most seriously injured were:
Charles Knapp, rrimghar, fractured
Phil Branson of New York, leading
singer with the "Robin Hood" company,
serious cuts and bruises.
R. W. Farman. section foreman, leg
fractured. .
George Walker. Cherokee, Internal in
juries, from which he may not recover.
0. G. Sage, conductor of the train, in
ternal injuries, from which he may not
Others less seriously injured were:
Mllss Leonora Beck, New York.
H. I Loft. Cherokee, la.
Prof. Balrd of Ames, la.
William Schuster of New York.
Etta Grant of Cherokee.
Mrs. A. M. Henderson of Fort Lodge,
K. .T. Rarnes, flagman of th train. - ,
O. N. Morris, a lineman.
Dr. C. W. Morrlsoh, Grand Junction,
H. F. Jones, brakeman. of Cherokee.
Yv. Li. Newell of Brooklyn.
Miss Josephine Valla or Cincinnati,
member of the Dekoven company.
Manuel Vails of Cincinnati, member
of the Dekoven company.
Minucl Tirmauer of New York.
Mrs. H. K. Smith. Ringhamton. N. Y.,
member of the Uekoven company.
H. K. Smith, member of tho Dedoven
K. G. Wall, New York, member of the
Dekoven company.
Miss Grace WYill. member of the De
koven company.
1, ugl K. Iefranclsco, New York, mem
ber of the IVkoven company.
Daniel Abbatl of Chicago, member of
the Dekoven company.
William Caramon of Canova, P. D.
Mrs. Phil Branson of New York, mem
ber of the Dekoven company.
Sol Solomon of New York, member of
the Dekoven company.
Fred Johlp of Fulda. Ia,
Geno Hendrink of New York, member
of the Dekoven company.
i ... I i r... AnHi.Aua "f Kferifnrri Or..
I member of the Dekoven company.
H. lj. Wateroua or New Xork, member
of the Pekoven company.
Amv Wall or rew lor. mcmDer or
tho Pekoven company.
Cardinal Mereier
Leaves Big Bundle
of Papers with Pope
ROME. Jan. 17. Cardinal Mercler. the
I'elgtan primate, maintains the strictest
reserve regarding the big bundle of pa
pers which he took with him today when
the pope received 1:1m In private audi
ence, and which he left with his holiness.
"Merely ecclesiastical matters" was all
the cardinal would say in reply to ques
tions regarding these papers. One report
was that the documents contained a village-to-village
survey of present condi
tions In Belgium and of alleged continued
German barbarities.
Cardinal Mereier spent just one hour
with the pope and Uien spent a second
hour with Cardinal Gasparri. secretary
of state of the Vatican. He returned to
the Belgian college, where he was shut
In all afternoon at a conference with
other Belgian churchmen.
Callers were told that he could not se
his friends and admirers today or to
morrow. Amon the hundreds who signed
the caller's book were a number of
American residents and many Italian
Coal in Italy Forty
Dollars a Ton and
Poor Suffer of Cold
ROM E, Jan. 17. In vpite of the cold
weather Italy U a country almost with
out coal fires. The only smoke to be
seen is that from railroad locomotives,
factories and a few hotels. The peasants
in the mountains and the poor of the
cities are able to make a few fires of
wood, but coal is beyond the reach of
any except the most wealthy. American
coal lies unsold at the seaports. On ac
count of high freights anthracite costs
more than 140 a ton.
Rosseter Appointed
Register at Valentine
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. Claude A.
Rosoeter of Valentine, Neb., was noml
iinted for register of the lain) office at
Valentine, Neb.
LiotJTEHtiiiw ;:as
Austria Announces that King
Nicholas and His Government
Have Accepted Terms
This is the First of the State
Leagued Against the Central
Towers to Drop Out.
BERLIN, Jan. 17. (By Wireless
to Sayville.) The king and the
government of Montenegro on Janu
ary 13 asked a cessation of hostili
ties and opening of peace negotia
tions, it was officially announced by
Austro-Hungarian headquarters to
day. The At.stro-IIungarlan government re
plied to Montenegro that peace negotia
tions were only possible If the Montene
grin army unconditionally laid down Its
arms, the headquarters statement, as re
ceived here from Vienna, says. The Mon
tenegrin government, adds the statement,
yesterday accepted the Austrian condi
tions. The Overseas News agency announced
today that Count Tlsxa. the Hungarian
premier, had announced In the Hungar
ian Parliament that Montenegro had
asked for peace.'
Montenegro was asked unconditionally
to lay down its arms and It accepted, the
premier declared, according to the news
agency report.
Army headquarters issued the following
German Official Report.
"Western Front There were no events
of Importance. In the town of Lens,
sixteen inhabitants were killed or
wounded by artilliry fire of the enemy.
"Eastern Front Military activity is
hampered by snowstorms along a great
part of the front. There were engage
ments between petrols at some points
'Balkan Front Thero were no event
of importance."
Turks Repulse Russians.
Wireless to Berlin and London.) An of.
ficlal statement given out tonight de
clares that the Turks have repulsed
fresh attacks in the renewed Russian
offensive on the Caucasus front. The
statement says:
"The enemy on the Caucasus front re
peated his fierce attack in the sector to
the south of the Arasa river aa far as
the Karadach mountains. All attacks
were successfully repulsed, the Russians
suffering terrible losses." "
-. Reject Ime Terms. " '
ZURICH. BwlUerland, Jan. 17. (Via
London.) The Lausanne Gaxette .states
that King . Nicholas, of Montenegro has
rejected formal peace proposals by Em
peror William, made through TVince von
Buelow, the former Imperial chancellor.
Long, Heavy Rains
Cause Big Flood in
Southern California
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 17. Nearly
every stream and river in southern Call
fornia was flooded tonight, the result
of rain which has been falling almost
continuously since iSaturday night. Res
idents were rnarooncd at many places,
streets car and railroad traffic derooral
Ised and numerous accidents resulted.
The local government weather bureau
predicted late todoy that the rain would
continue tonight and tomorrow.
At many points the streams had broken
from their banks, washing away bridges
and railroad tracks and damaging thou
sands of acres of cultivated laud. Unless
the rain stops soon much more serious
damage is threatened.
Although numerous minor accidents
were reported from nearly every town
no deaths or serious Injuries from the
storm were believed to have occurred to
day. All persons reported marooned by
flood waters had been rcsoued tonight.
In Los Angeles water flooded many
streets in the low sections from curb'
ing to curbing. The street car companle
were able to maintain only partial service
on many lines and all railroad trains were
hours late. Tuduy 4.M inches of rain had
fallen during the storm.
BAKEKHFIELD. Cal., Jan. 17. Abou
400 derricks In the San Juaqln valley o
fields were blown down and damage es
tlniated at 5o0.00o was done by high
wind which swept what are known as
the West hide oil fields tor three hours
EL PASO, Tex.. Jan. 17. Poldiers of th
Thirteenth United States cavalry aide
Carranza men to capture Colonel Manuel
Baca-Valles and Lieutenant Colonel Kn
rtque Clsneros, Villa bandit leaders, as
cording to reports reaching here tonight.
Baca-Valles and Clsneros later were
executed. The car-ture occurred fourteen
miles west of Columbus, N. M., and at
point below the border, but It was denied
that American soldiers had crossed into
Mexico. They simply prevented the two
men from crossing the International bor
der, It was said.
The capture wss effected last Friday
and the men executed the following day.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17.-PVank Gulnn
and J. J. Beal. Oklahoma farmers, who
as election officials were eonvlcted In
the federal courts of intimidating ne
groes and preventing their voting under
the grandfather clause of the Oklahoma
constitution, were pardoned today by
President Wilson.
The supreme court held the grand
father clause unconstitutional.
The pard'ins were aald to be based on
the assumption that stale officials evi
dently held the giundfather law valid,
and the two eff'clala In enforcing it
.. , U l:i goud fait h.
SHIFTING BIO FRENCH GUN IN ALSACE This picture taken a few weeks ago when the
Germans and French were fighting desperately for the possession of the Hartmannswcil
erkopf, shows a French long range gun being hurriedly shifted to a new position to repel an
attack by the Gcnnans.
EW i Ii
Nebraska Congressman Speaks in
Behalf of Oklahoma Man's
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1", (Spe
cial Telegram.) UrproncntatHe
Scott Kerrls' bill providing for "stock
raiBing" honiesteada of 640 acres,
modeled after the "Klnkald act" of
Nebraska was debated at consider
able length today in the house.
Throughout the debate allusion was
made to Judge Klnkaid's bill which
created a precedent In the land laws
of the country, and so specific were
these references at times that Rep
resentative Klnkaid took occasion in
a short speech to support the meas
ure, but to recite some history, in
connection with the act that will, as
long at it is on the statute books, be
associated with the name of Kln
kald. . . . : .:.;. v.
Bl Questtein in State.
'It waa a "burning ttucsttoA' In western
Nebraska when 1 was - nominated ror
the house of representatives,'' said Judge
Klnkald. "what should be done with the
publlo land. On the onb hand was It to
bo a leasing bill, whereby tho lands
would remain in the hands and under the
control of large ranchmen iudlvidiually.
or on the other hand whether It should
be an enlarged homestead act wehorby
many would be afforded the opportunity
to acquire homes. I did not hesitate to
choose the latter alternative, and I in
troduced the bill for a WO-aCre homestead.
it waa reported as rather a novelty
here and precedents were demanded. My
answer waa that we had better take a
precedent, and that tlila case would auive
as an experiment."
alaay londejaar.
The congresaman told how the bill was
finally passed notwithstanding opposition,
but when it went on the statute books he
was doubtful as "to Its successful opera
tion. It was condemned generally outside
the state and as he went about he
learned how notoriously vicious it was
looked upon, tint when he gut to his
home In the Sixth Nebraska district the
verdict of his neighbors was that the one
section act did possess virtue notwith
standing the strong opposition to it and
the act gained steadily lu liopularity and
continued to demonstrate its merits.
"In the territory where the law is in
operation It has become very popular,"
said Judi,-e Klnkald after palug a com
pliment to the Interior department for
speaking of the act in mutt luudutory
terms, "and for that reason
favor of the Ferris bill."
1 am
Business Portion of
Wirt, Okl., Burns;
Thousand Homeless
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okl., Jun. lT.-Kol;
lowing a fire today which virtual. y !
stroyed the business section of Win, uki.,
leaving 1,00.1 person homeless, ritizei,.-. of
the town asked Uovernor William t
send state militia to take charge of th.i
Wirt Is In the Healuton oil field. The
fire started in the oil exchange cafe, said
a telegram received this afternoon b.
Governor Williams from Art Walker,
State conservation officer.
The National Capital
Monday, Jaanary IT, IBItl.
Met at
Senator Gore introduced resolution to
establish neutral Bone at Mexican bol
der, to be policed by Mexican and Amer
ican forces.
Judiciary committee recommended adop
tion of Cummins' resolution for iimuliy
into ability of federal judges to dischaige
their duties.
Extension of Mann law to Alaska,
Canal sune and insular possessions pro
posed in bill introduced by t naior over
man. rnaior Jones introduced a bill for a
KoiO.uuO dry dock ut 1'uget Sound navy
yard. -
Resumed debate on Philippine bill.
Indian committee considered Oliver
resolution to untw Osage oil lands
Adjourned at S p m. to noon Tuenday.
The lloaae.
Met at noon.
Congresslunal InveHtig atlon after alleged
usurious interest chaiged by national
hanks was urged before the rules com
inlll.e by Representative Hun ard oi
Geoi gin.
Aujuui utd at v p. in. until noun TuesJay
Sure Submarine Can Run Blockade
With Cargo of Milk for Babies
NKW YOItK. Jsn. 17. That It would be
entirely feasible to have a submarine
merchantman carry milk to tho babies In
i the central rmplp's was the opinion given
today by Lieutenant Commander Craft of
the New York ruivy yard to the citizen's
committee for food shipments.
"If the submirlno were coiiHtructed for
the piirrohe," said Lieutenant Com
mander Craft, "there is no scientific rea
Carranza Governor Issued Passports
to Slain Americans and Told
Them Region Safe.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Evi
dence collected At l' I'nso by State
department agents Indicates that
Carranta authorities at Chihuahua
assurred C. R. Watson, head of the
party of Americans killed near Santa
Ysabel, that no escort was necessary.
In that opinion, however, man of
tbe Americana agreed, although-they
bad suggested to the authorities ths
advisability of sending troops with
tbe party.
The advices further stated that 'he
Carranxa governor of Chihuahua gave
Watson a personal passport and that
the Carranxa Immigration authorities :n
Juares gave a general passport for the
whole Watson party. Those develop
ments are taken to point to responsibility
of the Carranxa government for not ade
quately protecting the Americans,
(lore Proposes Neutral 7,oae.
Establishment of a neutral sono in
northern Mexico to be jointly, tmllced .by
the forces of Mexico and the United
Plates, unless disorders are speedily con
trolled, is proposed In a resolution Intro
duced lodsy by Senator Gore, democrat
of Oklahoma.
The resolution which was referred to
the foreign relations committee would
authorise the president to enter into an
agreement with General Carranxa to use
troops to restore order and make life
secure In that portion of Mexico adjacent
to the Vnited btates. There was no dis
cussion on the proposal.
Mormon toloalats Iteaeh Kl I'aao.
EI, I'ASO, Tex., Jan. 17. Twenty-five
Mormon colonists from the state of Chi
huahua. Mexico, arrived here lato laHt
night aboaid a train that came through
to Juarex from Cases Grandes. A num
ber of cthors. It was stated, were com
ing on the special train from I'arral duo
General Gabriel Gavira, commandnnt nt
Juai-et, said that the body of Jose Rodri
guez, which was to be brought to the
border to prove to Americans that ha
had len executed as one of the leadeis
of Uie bandits who massacred eighteen
mining men, would not arrive until to
night. Tho train bearing it was delayed
by a wreck,' according to Gavira.
Wilson Will Order'
The Admission of
Mrs. Pankhurst
melius I'auklu'rsl, the
now on parole In New
Immigration authorities
i;.-ir. Km
s frragiMt leader
York under the
will be formally
admitted to the I'nited States ss soon as
the papersi in her case leach Wsshlngtou.
President Wilson ia opposed to her ex
clusion. Mia. l'ankhuial . ia working ill
b half of the Kerlilun relief movement.
il'ioin a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. iS-cial Tel
egram.) Congressman I.obeck's recom
mendation of Judge J. J, Sullivan fur the
lamar succeaalon oil the supreme bench
gathers momentum as the days go by.
Todsy Representatives Reavls and Shal
lenberger, acting Independently, called
at the Iepartment of Justice and put In
a good word for Judge Sullivan.
Colonel and Mrs. John O. Maher and
Mr. I'atterson of Lincoln were presented
to the president today and later called
on the Nebraska delegation.
Clyde A. RosHlter. ex-sherlff of Cherry
county, wss today nominated for register
of the land office at Alliance, Mr. Ron
hlter being recommended by Senator
l sMssMI tsTJl
son why it could not make a voyagn
across the Atlantic with a cargo. Tne
Idea of a commercial submutl ic for
blockade running In new, but practicable."
Dr. Kdmund von Mat h, executive chair
man, declared the committee was deter
mined to get milk Into Uernmny. Ausirla
HuiiRnry and Iu:slnn Poland, even if a
Hiilimnrine had to lie built for the pur
Germany Hears Entente Disembarks
Troops at Phaleron with View
to King's Overthrow.
II Ell LIN, Jan. 17. (By Wireless
to Sayville.) Berlin , newspapers,
according to the Overseas ; News
agency, express the beliet (hat the
landing oi allied troops at Phaleron,
five', miles southwest of Athens, is
considered as supplying proof that
the entente powers intend using ex
treme means to force tbe hand of
Greece. ; : .
The news agency says that accord
ing to prevalent reports the Greek
government has transferred part of
the archives to Larrlssa. In North
western Grcoce, whero eventually
the Greek government likewise will
be transferred.
The news agency statement continues:
"Berlin newspapers, commenting on ths
latest news regarding Greece, unite in
stating that the entente seems to have
abandoned all regard for Greek neutrality
and sovereignty. The landing at Pha
leron is conald-rod a proof that the
entente is now going to use extreme
means for forcing Greece.
"The fni-t that the British arc blockad
ing the Greek coast most lightly, and are
subjecting Greece to other Inconveniences
Is interpreted by the papers as meaning
that the entente is fomenting and pre
paring the overthrow of the Greek gov
ernment In order to substitute a repub
lic with Venlsolos at the head.
Army nltm Klnsj.
Gratitude Is unanimously expressed by
the newspapers that the entente army
and the majority of the Greek popula
tion are on the king's side and will frus
trate aM attempts agslnst the country's
sovereignty and the king's life.
The .eltung Am Mlttag declores that
the entente Inteods the assassination of
a country which refuses to commit sul
The furegoing contuins the first in-
tlmutlon from any source Hint the allies
have effected a landing at Thaleron.
Wreck of Subsea is ;
Found Not Due to
Outside Causes
NEW YORK, Jan. 17.-Offl.laJa con
ducting the two Inquiries, civil und navsl,
Into tho cause of the exphwion Saturday
on the submarlno E-S, which .caused the
death of four men and serious' Injuries
to ten others, were convinced today that
tho accident was due entirely to natural
It was said they were not comJderiiig
the suggektion that outside agencies
might have been responsible..'
Three of the six, enlixted men who were
Injured were still In a critical condition
today at tho naval hospital. The four
civilians in a city hospital were suffi
ciently recovered ' to be questioned by
Coroner Wagner. Three of them told
the coroner they were suffering from
colds lust Saturday and were therefore
unable lo detect the possible presence of
gas within the hull. The fourth man,
however, said that he snielled only the
usual odor of gas and oil previous to the
Trial of Lorimer
Again Postponed
CHICAGO. Jan. 17. The trial of Wil
liam Lorlmcr and other former officials
of tho La Salle Street Trsst and Sav
ings bank, set to begin todsy in the
criminal court, was continued to Feb
ruary 14. The men are charged with
complicity in the wiecking of the institution.
Secretary for India Announces in
the House of Commons the
Capture of Positions
at Waddi.
Sultan's Army Driven Back Nearly
to the Fortifications of
LONDON, Jan. 17. Announce
ment was made In the House of Com
mons today that the Turkish forces
in Mesopotamia have fallen back to
within six miles of Kut-KKAmara.
The Announcement was made by
.1. Austen Chamberlain, aecretary
for India, who snld tho Turks had
retreated as the result of another
British victory. The Turkish posi
tions at Waddi, he said, were car
ried on Saturday by the British.
Tarks Aml Harkset.
HKHI.IN, Jan. K.-tBy Wireless to Say
ville.) After delaying for a week the
advance of strong Ilusslan forces In the
Caucusus the Turks hsve withdrawn
i heir advanced posts several miles at
some points according to the Turkish
official statement of today, received here
from Constantinople.
The ntstement follows:
"In the Caucusus the Russians repeated '
their attacks against Turkish positions
on both bunks of the Arasa, suffering
heavy losses, especially .In the district
between the Arasa and the Inld . Valley.
Here Turkish advanced posts retired
some kilometers after having delayed
strong enemy forces for one week."
Regarding operations In , Mesopotamia
the stntement says:
"There has been Intermittent artillery
lire neur Kut-EI-Amara."
strla'a Offer to MotfHfr,
KUMK (Via Parla), Jan.. 17. Austria,
according to a press dispatch from
Athens, la reported to have offered a
separate peace to Montenegro on the fol
lowing terms:
Austria engaged to guam ilec Monte
negro all territorial rluhln l.i dculari in
exchange for the cession of Mount Lov
cea to Austria.
Official announcement was rpade by the
Montenegrin authorities on Saturday that
Montenegro had never adhered lo or la-
tended to adhere to any separate, pro
posal of peace or to any armistice with
Austria. - .,. ,
Rodriguez Taken by
Mexican Employes
of Lumber Company
KL PASO. Tex.. Jan. 17. -General Rodri
guez, tho bandit chief, was captured by
Mexican employes of the Madera com
pony, limited, not by Carranxa soldiers,
according to some of the Mormon colo
nists who arrived last night.
They said Rodrlgues had sent a mes
senger to Mader to demand a ransom
for the town. The messenger wss well
treated and General Rodrlgues was In
vited to enter the town for a conference.
With a few men he entered and was
placed in jail with his men. Afterward
hia captors went through the district
gathering in Rodrlgues men, about twenty-five
In all. It was said. They Were
then turned ov.t to Carranxa soldiers.
Rodrlgues was promptly executed. '
There are now 4on Carranxa troops at
Nuexo Casas Grandes and Co I on la nub
Ian adjoining, it waa said, and 800 at
According to American Consul Kd wards
at Juares the Mormons feel that they
aro receiving amplo protection and do
not wish to leave. Kd wards said he had
requested J. C, Hays, manager of the
Babrlcora ranch near Madera, to Indicate
the place where Peter Keane, an employ
of the Hearst Interests.wa s killed by
bandits. On receiving this information
he raid the Carranxa general, Trevlno,
will be asked to procure the body.
CHIHCAHCA, Mexico. Jan. 17. The
special train from Parrel, with American
refugees from that district aboard, . ar
rived hero today and left about noon
for Juarex. It Is scheduled to reach the
border late tonight. Orders have been
given at all points to expedite the pas
nage of the train.
Gcncial Jacinto Trevlno, military chief
of Chihuahua state, probably will appoint
General Luis Herrera as his successor
when he does south In a short time.
Lieutenant Colonel Nlvares. a Villa of
ficer captured a day or two ago, will be
tried by court-martial tomorrow. Ac
cording to Mexicans officials the verdict
undoubtedly will be death.
' I
Four Men Indicted
in Rubber Shipping
Plot Plead Guilty
NKW YORK, Jan. lT.-Edward Weber,
Paul Schmidt. Max Jaeger and Richard
Wolillierg, accused In a federal Indict
ment of conspiracy to ship contraband to
the Get man government In violation or
the customs laws, pleaded guilty today
and were fined.
Spanish Steamship
Belgica is Sunk
LONDON, Jan. 17. The Spanish
steamer Belgica has been sunk. Twenty-three
members of the crew were
The last mention of the Belgica la
available mHt i me records notea its aj
rival at Iecemher 12 at Heeham, Eng
land, from Sag unto. Spain. Th ateamer
was owned by the International Naviga
tion company of Bilbao. Its gross ton
nage waa 1,10a.