Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1916, Page 7, Image 9
TIIK HKE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUAKY 17, lilti. fm ami . i, jr -- m jrv i aw m s & v xm w a w r AUTHOR. OF "WHISPERING SMITH," "THEMOUNTAIN DIVIDE," "STRATEGY OF GREAT RAILROADS," ETC. COPYRIOHT,"li7lY fRANK K SPEARMAN. - Of MOUNTAIN BAILQOAO LIFE WW .1 I ' I 1 ft i SYNOPSIS. Little Helen Holmes, daughter of Gen eral HolniM, railroad man. is rescued tram Imminent dancer on a scenic rail road by Qerge Storm, a newsboy. Grown to young womanhood Helen make a spectacular double rescue of Storm, now a freight fireman, and of her father and hts friend. Amos Rhlnelandcr. financier, and Robert Seajrrue. promoter, from a f threatened collision between a passenger jf train and a runaway ' frclnht Safe- breaker employed by- Seagrue and Ca pelle, his lawyer. Interrupted by Helta while stealing General Holmca' survey plana of the cut-off line for the Tide water, fatally wound General Holme and escape. Storm and Helen chase the murderer on a lHrht engine and cap ture them. Spike has hidden th plan snd manatee to Inform Sesgrne where iev are cached. Her miners senate adlv Involved bv his death. Helen goe to work on the Tidewater. ,. Seagrue helps Sntke to break Jail and ues him lo set fire to a powder train hauled by storm's -engine. Helen nvea Storm from a hcrrible death. FOURTH INSTALLMENT. CHAPTER IV. IVIten Helen Holme took the dny key at Signal the little office had already passed from the quiet kind to the re morselessly active kind of thoHe small way stations that drive Innocent men mad. Two rival line, maintaining large construction camps and getting all their supplies through Signal station, were en caged in a race to build a mountain cut-off-and a considerable one. Despite nil the help Lyons, the overworked agent, could give Helen, he found tha tasks of her day about all that her strength would compass. There were little moments of respite. The railroad men were, every one, considerate of her. Nor could Helen, situated as he was, escape occasional office visit from Sca grue. whose activity a head of the op position construction camp wa un abated. Going" over to the station one day to watch hi men unload a shipment of materll he stepped into the office ostensibly to make inquiries In reality, in steal a few minutes wfth Helen .yjlme, whom he found busy but alone. L fr Seagrue -spoke blandly: "I hear you're y becoming quite a railroad expert." She i made no effort to reply. "Getting really r I clever at the key, Lyon say." Helen, entering waybil!. went on with her writ ing. "By the way," asked Seagrue, evenly, "any word this morning from bur steam ! shovel?" She looked toward the window the local freight train had Juet pulled In. "It may be out there Bow, ou No. 85." Seagrue seemed in no hate to Investi gate, and Helen had almost lost hope of any diversion In that direction when the office door opened and George Storm walked in. He wa Just out of hi engine cab, and , deliberate and composed a usually, but hi eyes, lighting to greet Helen, cooled rwhen he saw Seagrue. Storm nodded I curtlv. toward him and was greeted In f kind. Then Ihe stalwart englneman. turned hi .limit nn to Helen ana oeagruo. wh , j r , iu. nanva nt belAa .T H 1 1 1 III""" w distinctly third In the situation and with out an anethtic. "And the' best tf It all 1." ald Storm at length to Helen, "thin 1 my last run on local freight. I am assigned tonight to the Llmlted." Helen lifted het eyebrow In surprise: "iome run they're giving you!! ; Seagrue took the chance to Join sar castically lnr "Right In line for chief of motive power, eh. Storm r Storm was not to be disturbed. He oniy regarded Seagrue calmly for a moment Then he turned good naturedly to thank i Helen, wnue soioienng- irwuiy ui task, his fireman Intruded on th scene ng enough to remind hbn they were waiting for him to get out Storm with an expression of disgust at the Interrup tion, nodded gruffly to the fireman, con cluded his talk with Helen and walked out. Helen rose to go out on the plat form also. Seagrue Intervened to distract her attention. It was useless. She must deliver a message, he said, to the con- f ductor. and Seagrue. peeved, was left to! stay with himself or unwillingly to f olio w. ! camp. He found his bos with the Jour- .... .. .. ..'n.lliit. - I ll fnlln-ftil' hilt .r.n I li.n 1 r was nn I V to find himself watching Storm's good by waved lo Helen from the cab. And she ssw them, too- nothing escaped her attention. ' Seagrue followed her with hi eyes aa she walked into the office. The more she showed her Indifference to him In difference sometimes bordering on con temptthe more she piqued his Interest. He turned with better luck to look for t he overdue steam shovel. The" equip ment had come and a gang of his men were preparing to set It up.- Rhlnelander, In charge of the Tidewater line camp, was pushing Seagrue closely In the construction race and as the head of a big crew of men Imbued with his own spirit was laughing at obstacles that made Seagrue's head ache; and with equipment actually somewhat Inferior . I J 1 1 . 1 J . 1 I T., -nflmfe mall now brought him a note from '! the chairman of tbe executive committee ! I of his board that almost paralyzed his activities: v "Oceanalde. "Dear Rhinelander: Our survey party advise that they cannot re-locate the pais over the Superstition range. Unless you can furnish a survey of the cut-off pass before the first, our people will with draw their financial support. "BOWERS." Amos Rhinelsnder. sitting at his dusty and littered desk, stared at the abrupt communication. Bower was his friend; the executive committee of the board were with him thts he felt assured of. But somewhere Influences must be at work against him. He suspected Capella, still a board member, and a continual intriguer. Capelle was a master worker In underground effects and besides being Seagrue's . own attorney was himself heavily Interested tn opposing enterprise of the Coast line. To throttle Rhlne lander tn the construction effort begun by Helen's own father before hi death was to advance hi own interests as well a those of hi client Rnlnelander's de cision aa to what must be done to meet this opposition was prompt. He cons yy7o reman, i Ju'i handbags' ' I lng his cl He consulted a timetable, called his asked for a man to carry hi to the station and began cbsng- clothe for a trip. Not far away, and at about the same time, Seagrue was reading his own mail. It contained this note: L nsuccessf ui report concerning' pax rvArF- iff--. tos. - T. submitted. Persuaded backers to with draw support on the first. This will stop operation ' on Rhlnclandor's cut-off, as we know he cannot produce survey. "CAPELLli." In Seagrue's hut a party of newspaper men from Oceanalde were waiting to be taken 'on an inspection trip over the con struction. "I'm ready for you, boy," said Sea grue, tn high spirits, to the Journalist. "We'll look over the work near here flrjt," he announced, ripping open a box of cigar. "Hold it, Mr. Seagrue," cried a camera man, fotfuafclng on the manager. . "We want you, first,' right .there-where you re, ,at. your. desk. Hold It!" The picture was taken, a copy prom ised to Seagrue within an hour, and the party, started out.. Had. he- left hi hut ui"ii "c . Amo Rhlnelandcr. followed by Sea- grue's own Spike with Rhlnelander's bags, entering the waiting room door of Signal .station.' ' , Helen, lookfng up from her table, per ceived Rhlnelandcr' anxiety reflected In his manner.!''.' ' " ' ' "Bad news, Helen," he said, plunging at once into the unpleasant subject. "I am on "my way, to Oceanside," he added, when she had read Bowers' note. "The directors meet tonight. Someone is try ing to undefmino us. But whether I succeed In changing their view or not. . r -0inB. ,0 tlthi if I have to flirht all nierit " Helen wa: too upset to speak for a minute. For her, ao much depended on the success of her own road. In reaching the mountains with a cut-off first. Rhlnelander, worried though he was, tried to cheer her up. Spike outside listening, gathered that Rhlnelander was on his way to the city. He hung around j the - platform -till the local . passenger . pulled In, watched Rhlnelander board it, and. mingling- with Seagrue men, walked unobserved, over, to the latter' i .'''" "What is It?" demanded Seagrue, scenting new In Spike's appearance. "Rhlnelander ha Just gone to Ocean side."'. Seagrue smiled. "Did he get a letter this morning?' "He did." Their confab was broken in on by one of the newspaper men who had a print of the photo he had taken of Seagriifc at his desk. Seagrue Inspected this with the greatest pleasure, "fine!" he ex claimed. ' "Good' picture!" A whimsical idea seized him. He wrote a word or two across the back of the print and recalled Spike. "Take this over to Helen Holme. Give it to her 1 with my compliments." So saying he turned to the photographer. Spike's reception at the station was always a chilly on. This time Helen took his message and dismissed him be fore she opened - the envelope. When she saw what feagrue had sent she wa angry. Her first Impulse wa to tear the hateful print Into two. Instead, she contemptuously Impaled it on a steel file near at hand. A moment later, removing the print to file her message, she looked at the picture again. Her attention was attracted to a paper lying on Seagrue's desk. It had been caught by the camera lens. The longer she looked the more carefully her eye fixed on this object revealed In the photograph. Very curi ous now, Helen opened a drawer, took from it a reading glass and studied the contents of Seagrue's desk. Her heart almost stopped beating, as she realize" that her suspicious must be correct. With the aid of the ordinary glass she could plainly see the survey that had been tolen from her father library. Helen looked toward Seagrue' camp. It was there even now, and If she could recover the precious find It was not too late to save her own Interests as well as those of her good friend, Amos Rhlne lander. . How could she recover It? With fast kindling hatred of Its dishonest posses sor, a dozen project for regaining her own flashed acroas her mind. The more she thought the more Impossible ft seemed to devise any scheme that could be carried 'out In time to help Rhine lander's fight that nlsht at Oceanside. But what Helen coula not devise her self wss being already devised for her. Following up what Spike sn uncon scionable liar-had declared a flattering reception ol the picture, Seagrue ic- j The Two Glared at eolved to seine a moment while tne going was good to forward hlmelf with Helen. She .vu studlng the telltale print wnen she heard footstep and. startled, look out Seagrue was corning up the plat form. She felt1 frightened. Could he pos sibly have realised his blunder and come to demand the return of the picture. Her wits rapidly cleared. She snatched the photograph. . Seagrue, . opening- tha door, caught her,' picture 4n hand. He walked forward pleased. It was not hard for Helen to counterfeit an embarrass ment: nor was It In the least Unbecoming to her. To Seagrue her look came like a burst of sunshjne after many chilling storms. "What do you think of my con struction headquarters?" he laughed. Helen's gaxe rested modestly ' on er table. She seemed t contemplate the picture with a quiet pleasure. Then sho looked slowly up at Seagrue. "This doesn't show very much of the camp," she drawled the words the very least bit "you are -awfully busy over there, I suppose.". "Never too busy to welcome our friends. Come over sometime." "What to a construction camp?" asked Helen, feigning Just enough amazement Why not? Talk about Rhlnelander ; steam Bhovels! I B show you shovels mat can do everything but vote. Come on along." For an effective moment she hesitated. "I couldn't possibly," she declared with decision, but she allowed a note of regret to linger an Instant In the tone of her explanation 'and glanced around. "No ona here, you know." . "Well, but what time do you get off?'' asked Seagrue feverixhty. "Oh, not for a long time yet." His hopes were burgeoning fast. "See -here, Helen; come over and take a camp dinner with roe. Come. do. I 11 show you what can be done without preparation." She regarded him with an expression that indicated how completely such a proposal shocked her. She struggled sn Instant with' the thought of It Then sho rejected the Invitation; yet with cnouqh indecision to Invite a renewal. For tl.u moment Helen" was a heartless angler, and Seagrue deluded by vanity wa up- suspectlngly piaylng fish. Before he left In the hlirhest spirit he had known for many a day-he had, to his astonish - ment, secured. Helen's promise to dine with him that night In camp. And at the appointed, time she, was ready. The night was warm, and the moon. rilng full and Into a clear ky. flooded the landscape. And after Helen's un easiness at the strangeness of her sltua tlon had worn off. she was ahle through - out the trying hour with Seagrue In his hut to wear her mask of languid Interest successfully. The table was served with surprising delicacies and a plentiful array of wines was in evidence. Yet, to an in nocent Intriguer, a whole hour never went so slowly, nor wss appetite ever more re luctant than that of Seagrue's guest. Though she went through the form of eating and assumed a carefree air, his food choked her. His wines she persist ently declined, but that did not dismay Seagme. who drank quite enough for two. Where could the urvey be now? wa the question recurring always to Helen's mind. Toward the close of the dinner Seagrue, rising, unlocked his desk for a flask of Chartreuse. There, lying In the corner exactly where she had seen It, Helen again beheld the survey, a blue print beside it. Seagrue was pawky enough to close and lock the desk after he bad taken th flask out How, she asked herself, was she to get that desk open again? Seagrue dismissed his serving man, and this did not allay Helen's oaeaainea for herself. She did not wapt to ba left alone a minute with him now: thing were get ting too complicated. But could sb In some way get toto th desk? Rising she s.iid she would clear the table a little. Taking hold ot the flask he had Just taken from the desk and holdl'.g out her bund with a smile the Each Other. 2 "Rhtnelantlw Has Just Oone to Oceanslde!" 8 Helen and Seagrue Were Alone. asked him for his keys. Seagrue was in no position to refuse so Intimate a re quest. With an. air of camaraderie ho handed them over and Helen pushed back the cover of the desk. But as she did so Seagrue threw his arms around her. She struggled indignantly, but could not feet away. For a moment there was a fierce, struggle. Then with a superhuman effort he tore herself free, caught up tho first thing she could lay her hand on tt' hap pened to be a bronie match tray and struck Seagrue across the forehead. He went completely over, leaving Helen horror-stricken at what sue had done. She listened. Outside she heard no sound. Seizin the blue print that lay under her hand, she gained the door and ran out Just as Seagrue regained i his feet. She had resolved to flag the Limited. Hardly touching the earth she dashed to the sta tion, hurried, to the key and telegraphed Rhlnelandcr: "Have blue print of survey. Will be on Limited. HELEN." . It was not too soon. Through the win dow she saw Seagrue rushing down the platform. She slammed the office door shut 'and locked It. Seagrue threw him self viciously ugalnst it. The lock held, but she must get away at once. There was a window in the freight houiie and h . , h frelaht room. Seagrue had snatched no a stone. He reached the operator's win low only to see Helen,, who had sprung through the freight house window, running up the track. He fol lowed her at top speed. Intent on escap ing, she gave no thought to where she was running; It was only to get away from her hated enemy and save what s'ic had so, hardly regained. Helterskeltt-r through a grove of scattered oaks that fringed the hills above the sea, on and on she ran, until breath and strength were deserting her, but at every turn her de tested pursuer wsa fast upon her heels. Between his lunging footfalls she could hear his nantinar threats, and the clear- I ness of the night gave her little chance to elude his savage pursuit. She realized she was running across what had been I her own father's ereat estate. The ocean ! spread suddenly below her. She had ! reached Signal bay snd the precipitous cliffs that frowned high above it Like j frightened fawn she ran up the rock! nl1 down only to hear Seagrue breathing ' maledictions close behind and with the ! distance steadily lessening between her anu certain cap.ure. urougnt at last to bay she darted down the cliffs to find a grinding, and running back on the pint- . like it she is no los as a friend. Hypo hiding place. Not a nook or cranny of- foPn, MW f, screaming from the'erisy and sham never deceive any one. fered a hope of concealment and a mix- j Ht''p where Bne -'od meant certain death. ranting and cewncerea sho heard Sea- grue climbing down the lodgeo on which ! ho ,lad tound nariro 'oothold. Her! '" '"" luwnimuuii "" ' warneu hlrn back. ' Give me thit blue print!" he shouted with on oatK . , . . jvp away jrom nie, neien panted. tigM ot fe to prevent summiry "You're a wretch. Ill never give to tO.c(lon ,.,, taUell to ,l0p ti10 cut-t,ff you. I ll die first. Don't you dure comework- ,n VH, he ,now,d Helen's tele down here, i ll drug you over the cliff ,., whlr ,,,, rom, ln tlme to .e if I have to go over myself." Jlm fronl r,ini,,,.te defeat. Hut Heagrue'e Nothing daunted, he came on. There ; ,irichn,alli -ap, lle. conniving with the was but one chance left to get away and. dl,affec,eu clement in the d'rectorate. unhe.ltatlng, iihe took It Turning. Just . v, .h ...r.. n,ne. t ! "" power' .... mo -.u im i..e edge of the precipice far out over the ocean below. He stood spellbound. She He stood spellbound. ttruck with a great splash. At no great distance from where she had plunged Into the buy a speed launch lay at anchor. Helen recognized the bout; it "had. in truth, once been her own. and she had named it The Spldur water. It belonged now to the owners of her father's estate, but she believed she might borrow it once more. Sea grue, Impotent with rage, and following her down the shore, aaw her reach the launch and climb resolutely up over the gunwale. . Shaking herself like a duck, and with out losing a minute, Helen spread the wet blue print out on the deck, broke the motor lock and turned the launch engine over. She knew the motor well; it was a powerful' I.oew Victor, and after hrr srctind effort It hummed like a dy namo. While it was wurming up alio cut the hawser. Seagrue easily suspected site meant to get to Rhlnelandcr nt Oceanalde. He looked ai his watch. If be could catch the Umlted he could still reach the city ahead of her. Ex asperated and out of breath he hastened back to vamp, routed out hi chauffeur and took tils racing car for the station. Hardly a mlnuto was left to him and his ho of reaching a point where lie could flag the through train vanished when lie heard Its whistle and saw the Kleam of Its headlight coming down the Slunnl grade. Hut he would not give up. Urging his man to speed, he gained the hlKhway paralleling the railroad track, and as Ihe Umlted shot by. Scngrue. with all the power tliat could be got out of his motor, actually held for a time abreast of it Helpless with rag, he saw the last car pulling gradually past and, furious at being balked, he stood up on the seat and aa the car drew past him, ho Jumped over the rail and landed on the observation platform. Helen was pushing the launch toward Oceanside. The ocean below the bay laps almost the edge of the railroad track, and her heart sank as she looked back and saw "the night train tearing up the track and i rapidly overhauling her. Instinct told her that Seagrue would somehow board that train In sn effort to get to the city first. - As the engine drew nearer, she picked up a pair of glasses and leveling them on the cab discovered George Btorm on the right side. She waved a signal flag fran tically at him. but his eya were glued on the track ahead. ' Then, as if by an inspiration, she seized the cord of the ulr whistle at her hand and In the Morse code signaled for help. Storm turned his head and looked back questlonlngly along his train,; then up at hi own whistle. The signaling continued and his attention was finally drawn to the launch, now dropping behind the train. Helen caught up her signal flag again. In a flash he recognized her,' and calling his fireman over, thoy listened to her appeal. "Give me paper, penc'l," shouted Storm, as he shut off the throttle and listened to tho long and short toots that re echoed in Jeerky succession from the sur face of the sea against the towering cliffs and through the flying cab. On a leaf, torn from a pad. Storm scratched out tho signals: "Have survey. Seagrue on your train. Pelay so I can reach Oceanside first. "HEJLE.V." The engine whistle shrieked hi answer to her eager ears: "Something wrong with engine al- The fireman, learning the trutli fro n storm tried to persuade him, whatever ' happened, not to delay the train. It I WOuld cost Storm, he urged, his Job. I "What's the Job to me?" demanded ptorm. applying the air and bringing up tnft lnlm wtn a j0it. Hcsgi'ie had made his way Into tho f.Pach. He summoned the conductor, and ben- known. was accorded every courtesy. But the race was now first on h.. n,ir,d. and when he heard the braken w1,c1h. he called the conductor, demand - ,ng , know lno ,.,. of tn -top. Goln f,irWrd tosether for an explanation, the , ,wn . folIn(1 c,orm under nl, -naine , Wlt.m.h and hammer, while In the dllan Seagrue could see the Spider- . uiti,,,, the waves like fosm nir I K,aj)1 n(1 BnppinK away to w here a I .,-m rfir,.,.,nr.. meetlna- was In arsttion at OceanMhle, and Rhlnelander was In the - of .uccess the resolution to atop work. ..What ive we got to go on?" he de- . ,,., ,,,,1,a, rtttn ..v,. I . . .... .. ..... 1 Know as wen aa j no w are mruwiiia iiundreds of thou.iunds Into a project sb aolutely uncertain. You offer a telegram. What good Is the telegram?" Beside the enolne of the Limited the conductor and Seagrue were volleying sharp and suspicious question at tli fireman. He told, reluctantly, of the mysteriou launch end of Storm' ex change of signals. No more was needed to Infuriate Seagrue, who now understooj the connivance. Storm crawled out from Under the engine and Seagrue met him with an abusive epithet. The stalwart englnenian promptly knocked hi in down. The crew dragged the two men apart and the conductor ordered the fireman to take the Llmltud In, Storm, wltu folded arms, refu.ung tu lend further s-i-I Istance. Hut dcuplte stubbornneas, the big train pulled Into Oceanalde JU't after H len stepin-d from the dock of tho speed launch to the dm k. She rnn all the way up the esplanade, survey In hand, to where she could catcha taxlcab and drove hard for the Tidewater building. There she slighted only to be confronted by two men Seagrue nd an officer. Sea grue glinted to Helen: 'There she In! There are the documents sho stole In her hsnil. Arrest her'" ltefore Helen could collect her ienes. the offle.-r hnd seized her and Beagrvu had snatched the survey." "Stop." she cried, "that Is my property, stolen fr.mi my futher. I. not he. am Its rightful owner!" While she protested, stormed and wept tears of humiliation and anger, Sengrun was producing pnpers to convln e the slow-witted official that the survey be longed to him and that Helen was the thief. In splto of all she could ay. he won out. ' Vpstalra the directors were closing their protracted session. Uhlnelander vainly1 trying to hold them together until his ally should appear. The sound of an 'opening door rained his hopes. Helen rushed Into the room and hastened to his side. "Tho survey where Is It?" he cried, reading bad news In her face.. She told him of her battle of how she had been robbed at the very foot of what were once hor father' stair. Rhlnlnnder put hi arm around the de spairing girl. "No matter. We know now who ha our property, gentlemen. We'll get It yet." Cnpollo, laughing furtively, left the room to report to Seagrue. The chair, man rapped for order. Rhlnelandcr, try ing to comfort Helen, took her to her taxlcab and they drovo back to the launch together. Dased, furious t her misfortune, Helen met another surprise at the pier. Storm, awaiting her return The Woman Who i Does Her Own W ork By 1TEGUY BOOTT. First be cheerful. Yours Is not the hardest part In the world, although It's pretty bad sometimes. It's much worse, really, to go out and seek your living. Every day Is a struggle; even If you've got tho work you must be one better than someone else tn order to keep It. And there are women who have work to day, but can't be sure of It tomorrow. And )hey are not charwoman. More over, you have the satisfaction of know ing that you are of uso In the world; every stroke of work you do, every stitch you put In counts, "They couldn't do without me," you sy to yourself, and truly. The girl out tn the world wonders sometimes what she is for. It is not quit satisfactory to be told that you are building your own soul; a woman somehow wants to build someone . else's. That you can do. You are autocrat in your own home, the "Mary" and the "Martha1" too. Then be practical. It la surprising the number of women who are not. If you've got to do your own work you must suit yourself to the necessities ot the case. You wouldn't have a servant who did her work any way, therefore be as strict with yourself, A little method goes a long way. Map out your work and stick to It. Likewise, dress for the part. A short skirt, a neat blouse and a big apron are necessities. Now, facing the day with a stout heart and a workable plan, be patient. Things are certain to go wrong some times or other. Children will be chil dren, and tradesmen are bound to live up to their reputation. And, remember, work never killed anyone; but worry Is responsible for heartaches and hesd aches, brain fever, tnnacy and suicide. Another thing It won't matter tomorrow that Johnny forgot to wipe his feet, or that Simpson didn't send the potatoes. Take care to sell Simpson what you think of him, and spend a little time teaching Johnny how to repair the dam age; In all probability neither Simpoi nor Johnny will offend again. Worry Is a hnblt fur which you will pay In wrinkles, wretchednes and row. Banish It from your workshop, and home will i be happy. ' That enough of the "be'.'' Now for : the He not'." I Jo''t imitate. It U a great thing to realize one's limitations, but a greater i' l''l0 by them Do what vou ran and If she doesn't ' and they make things twice as hard for I every one concerned. If you have tu get 8 helps keep the hair . I heedthv. lustrous tree irom dandrult For most people, whose scalps are in good condition, and not seriously affected with ' dandruff, regular shampoos with Retinol Soap' ate enough to keep the bair healthy and the scalp clean. But i( there is severe dandruff, Itching or lost of bair, Resinol Ointment should be used in connection with the Kesinol Soap shampoos until the trouble is under control. Rnlnol Soap n4 Rsuao! Mtn til tkt mm Knimml OlsUBcnl sr kM by J1 dim- Skmt Slut that fitu. I or umplu trat, writs sW frtvtmU w4 fi4r-kmv to Iepc li-Y, koiuul, twin tmt dtfmyru. StmJ Itr awra, Mi. tmrnty-lm rm trmi tliere. helped her to alight from the taxi cab. She could only regard him breath lessly. He Inughed In his reassuring way: "It's really I," he said to her, offering his hand. "I m discharged but I told perlntendent I might yet tlve lotjr enough to dlsehnrg him. But I've a marine license and I'm going to run your launch bnik to Slcnnl Bay for you." His robust humor was Infectloun. With Storm at the driver's wheel, they soon reached the offing In the launch and were discussing the exciting events 'of the night when Helen's eyes fixed on the can vaa covering the deck of the boat. It was on this she had laid the blue print to dry and the Impression had been definitely transferred. She seised her uncle's arm, pointed and explained. Ithlnelanrter, Jerking a knife from his pocket, cut the canvass from the and showed It to Storm, who headed the launch In a great foaming circle back toward Oceannlde. The directors were ireparlng to go horn? when three half-erased people dashed Into their'room. Rhlnelander, Helen and Storm told thclr story, snd showed their find. Excited III spite of themselves, the listeners crowded about the table. They Inspected, objected and argued. The evi dence was Indisputable and the chairman called the meeting to order and .ked It sense. Sympathy for the plucky daughter of their old president was per haps not wanting In influencing their action: at all events, almost before Helen could realize It was being done, a reso- ' l..l.. I lli.l i n . m I 4 A. f UtlOII Ui'uini in liin hh'H"i .iii ii". be withdrawn, wsa put and . carried. Bowers, the chairman, clinched his own feelings by catching Helen's hands and ' congratulating her. Seagrue pleased with what he believed his escape from fc serious complication' was bound for his' camp on a returning train. Helen, with Rhlnelander and Storm, was again aboard the. launch. They were, speeding contentedly back to Signal Bay. (To Be Continued.) ... up in the morning, don't bo ashamed t come home early; friends who are worth. having value you for what you are, not for what you are not Is It necessary to say "don't grumbler Not very many women who do their ewn work are a-ulltv of thla. . But there. are a few, and it la safe to say that they don't know what they are doing. Grumbling robs your work of its value, and makes it twine as hard.- The only way to enjoy work Is to do It willingly. If once you begin to think what a lot you are doing, and what a little someone else Is doing, beware! The day of your misery draweth nigh, .' If vnu would eaeana It snend no time- not for a moment thinking of your ills, and none at all In talking of them. Here and now) . Go to work right then. It carrying up the coal Is too much 'for you, ask "John" to do it for you. Let there be no false pride In the matter. "If he doesn't offer" etc., etc. i There are some people who never would offer, but It la surprising how usefully they become when commanded. It la all a matter of habit, and It Is your duty as a woman who doe her own work to train other people to help you, "Yer.i would rather do It yourself?" Very likely. That's not the point -621 residents of Nebraska registered at Hotel As tor during the past year. SingU Room, without bath, fixjo to 13.00 ' Double ' I.oo to fi-on Single Rooms, with bach, - (-oo to f&oo Double S4-00 to S7.O0 Parlor, Bedroom and bath, S'io.oo to f 14-00 TIMES SQUARE At Broadway, 44th to 45th Streets the center of New York, s social and business activtrtei. In elo proximity to all railway terminal. ttrjtMltf !:!!t!ftrMHl!!!MJMJMitrj!; and ordinarily i W. ,i inn i.i. .iu.. 1 i. oft-A