TTIE BEE: OMAHA, MUISliAI, JAW U Alt I IV, 11116. i ; i . i HEW BLOOD 111 THE COIJIIERGIAL CLUB Executm Committee it Composed of Fifty Per Cent Entirely ITew Members. HEW MEN. AEE WELL KNOWN Half the personnel of the executive eommlttee of th Commercial club for thla rear la new blood. The elation of twenty-four member of the executive committee at a. meeting" of the new Board of Directors at noon re sulted In the election of twelve of the members of the old committee and twelve new men. The few timber consists of Ihe fo'low Int m"n: Paul Kuhns, J. Clnvke Colt, II. II. Dalilrlge. A. W. JofferK J. P. l-ord, U V. NMrholss. C. C. Oorge. tleorite T. Morton, L.. C. Nnsh. Herbert M. Rocrrs, Clarke O. Powell anl Robert S. Trimble. Severs! of the old member of the executive committee did not run for re election. They refused to allow their fame to go on the ballot. One of theae was elected over Ma proteiit. Thla waa Casper K. Tout, whose name was written on the ballot by enough voter to elect him over CI. W. Holdrege and A. I Mohler, whose name appeared In the list for representative of railroad and public eery Ice corporations. Those, who ran for re-election and were defeated were J. W. (Iambic, John I. Kennedy, John L. MeOatpie. Stanley Bnaewater and H. A. Thompson. The new executive committee aa It stands for thla year conalats of the fol lowlnf; O. T. Eastman, Paul Kuhns. J. P. rrentUa, C. C. Itosewater. J. (.'larke Colt. N. B. fldike, II. H. flaldrle. A. W. Jeffcrl. J. P. Lord, C. F. Yoat. H. O. Edwards, T. B. Coleman, F. H. Knapp, I V. Nicholas. C. C. Oeorge, George T. Morton, L. C Naah, Herbert M. Rotter. C'harle R. Sherman, Randa'l K. Brown, 1 Oouli Diets, C. H. Pickens. Clarke O. Powell and Robert S. Trimble, i Theae twenty-four members together . with the president, J. A, Sunderland; sec- rotary, il. F, Wyman, and treaaurer, i Thomaa A Fry, elected at the director I meeting" conotltute the executive com- mltte for the ensuing year. The new executive committee la to hold its organisation meeting next Tuesday. At that time chairman will be chosen by the committee members. Thla la always a position of gerat Importance since the chairman, by a long: custom of the club, la always chosen president the following; year. "BABY" DRUESDOW TO DANCE FOR LE MARS CLUB. - . . "S v K V-'"- ' ( y ( 1 If s State University HAYNES NO LONGER WORKING REPUBLICAN PUBLICITY ASS'N W- LJttle Florence lirurscdow, Omnh-t'b fa vorite Juvenile fancy dnncer. will be the feature attraction at the annual ball K.vou by the Lcinara club at the Hotel Rome, Thursday evening, Jmiuary 20. Toe dancing Is her sfeclalty and in this ho lias become so proficient as to attract more than minor attention amonx dancing masters and theatrical Inslruc lor. Reese'a orchestra will furnish the music for thl.i occasion, providing any special music Mis Ihruesedow may choose for her numbers. The committee In charge of arrangements for this Imll arc Adrian Lund, Vincent Be hind troth. Jay Collins, Bob Heath and Jack McCarthy. PAY TRIBUTE TO JOHN POWER Jackionian Club Listen! to Enlogiei to Prominent Members of . Club. SONS AND DAUGHTERS PRESENT Tes,M said J. a Haynea, "I have severed my pleaaant relations with the j1 Nebraska Republican Publicity asaocl- atlon. Owing to a preaa of other bust ness, I found It unprofitable to devote any more time to the work of the aa- roetatlon, whose plans are excellent. It now has representative In more than ? seventy counties, and will no doubt be. ' OOIUA an ImnArtint fMA. In K A r-a m palgn thla yfr. Pretty soon the fact I win Become apparent mat me woooa are ' full of republlcana." The wooden forms for the concrete pillars In the basement of the new Bcssey building; were placed laat week, and then work atopped until warm weather come around again. Although the contractors agreed to put up the bull. ling In 120 work ing days, Pupertntendnnt of Construction Charles Chowlns of the university re fused to let them pour In concrete with the temperature hovering around aero, on the grounds that the mixture might freeie and not prove firm. Mr. Chowlns) la watching every step of the work on the new university buildings, and In tends to make sure that the construction Is well done. The horse hsrn and power plant St the farm are practically done. The dairy j bull. ling wn-k had to be halted on account of the cold, but the shell of the structure has heei raised psst the second floor. Architect Hordon of Clilcqso expressed himself as well pleaded with the construc tion work, when he was here for a few dnv Inst week. Old frnme sharks are being cleared I swsy from the site of the cheml'try build ing, ani excavating will commence on that within a month or two. Meanwhile the architects are husr on their plans for the aetl-tiltural engineering htilM'n?. the obnervntory. and. the social science building. The student publication board's de cision to resume the old practice of ap pointing the members of the editorial s'aff of the Dnlly Nebrasknn, as well a the biislnes.i manager nrd h's assistant, (nused little stir except among thos candidates who had carefully canvassed ti e voters in their own Interests. It la generally agreed that the luck of Im provement In the dally paper during the laxt few years of student control has been due to the fact thnt the good politi cian, ret her than the student of ability, obtained tie position of control. Thn committee will report Tuesday, and the appointments will probably be announced Wedncsdsy. The season of formal parties opened Pnturday nlnht. when the junior elaaa pave Ita annual prom at the Lincoln hotel. This promise to be the most economical octal year for the etudenta. with cabs absolutely banned, and the Pan-Hellenic inlnn having rone on ercord a opposed to the sending of flowers. Pome of the student have declared that formats are no different from other parties, except for the dree aulta worn by the men. Kven white glovea are dlacarded after the first dance or two. j are playing a splendid game, marked by good team work. The fraternity athletic council will meet Tueaday to draft a schedule for the frat contests for the championship of the achool. Phi Kappa Pat holds the cham pionship now, but will have plenty of opposition In the tournament. t'r I alveralty. . J The basket ball season at Cotner unl ' vera ty has opened very auspiciously. The two games played, Tarklo against ' Comer, score. i" to So; Omaha univer sity aaalnM Cotnsr In Ootner'a gymna sium rldy nixht, score 10 to 41. Our team shows up exceptionally well thla yar. It has outclassed Ita opponent In both gamea in speed and team work. First team men: fcarl Parmlnter, cen ts n: Clyde Iiarner. Krancl Knappie, ;Wlnfleld Osrdner. Paul Brltt. The intarclaaa debutes took place this we.-k. On laiet Tuead ty the Juniors de bated the seniors, the ouostlon being, ftesolved. That the Vnlted Rlatea fthould Immediately and HubstantiHlly Increase Its Armament." The eniora with the negative aide of the nuest'on ; were victorious. Those representing the seniors were O. T- Johnson. Pearl hi war t- wood and L. A. Brumbaugh. Thoae who , upheld the color of the Junior. Mlnta . Thorn. Alonso Knlcht and Ernest Wilkinson Thursday afternoon the eoph-nmor-f reshmen debated. The sophomores defended the negative and were eucceea fill. Friday afternoon occurred the col ; less prelimlnarea. At thla time the col ; Ifiio teams were chosen and the rank of the debaters decided. H. Johnson won ' first rlti- and L. A. Brumbaugh aecond. and Glen McRae third. O, K. Johnson ll reelv lli Alice Jerry prise fur the oet oenater in acnooi. ! The basket ball schedule for thla Reason ;is nearly completed, boms of the dates iremeln tentative and other gamea may he arranged for later. Two. gamea with iWesleyan are assured, but the dates have .not yet been decided upon. The schedule no li s as follows: j January fc Tarklo college at Cotner. January 14 Omaha university at Cotner. 3 Janusry 1 Cotner at Peru. ( January 1 Cotner at Tarklo (Missouri Meteors). j January Cotner at Omaha university. I fvtiruary York at Cotner. 1Fbruarv a Kearney at t;otner. Veoruarv 17- lwane at Cotner. . March 1 Not aettled. I March a Cotner at Kearney, j March I Cotner at Hasting. I March I Peru at Cotner. i The drsmatlo rlasa. under the Instruo Mon of Prof jton Bnyrter. rave "The iirl From I'pper 7." a western plv at h. runltenttirv Mnndsv nlrht Hl T"e- ly n'aht at Cotner dUorlun. The class -a tieaun work on "The Vanguard," to x given In a few weeka. ' Nebraakst Weilsrss Valveratty. j vf Jenen dellveed an addreaa en i-W'lreless Telegraphy" at Wafcaali Fri day evening. i Prof Bay nor iit paper on "fl'"r 'naturaltem In Relllon" fore the tTnl ersity Plar Rymoosliim Thurlsy. Prof, .lores t the conservator and Principal O I,. Ken1 all of the I'nlveralty ptai-e Hish iw liool were elect e.1 to membership yn the f-'yinpoalum at thla meeting. fvnieter examinations will occupy the tt nll"n of the tdents rtur'ng t' e week cg'rn nr Isnnsry , Kltrstton for the '-iond semester w'll 0"Xir on January end SI. . i!r )tlnsman of the national ataff of 'ie Tn'mi ien'a Chrletlan association i1ll eddreoa he atu'lerita st c-eitvocstlon Monday on the F.'Tnrean wse te w t while doing aiiaoclatlon work at thi ront. Vu h Interest la manifested 'n the 1tns he'ng held nmoiii the collere lri- ,n te auhect of "treoarednea." (.st Frldsv evening the Freshmen won 'mm the Sophomore, and on Monday , venhi t-e Juniors w n from t' e bciilois. "cut FMdsy morning the convocation lour will be riven over to the final be fn the Freshmen and the Jun'or. 'Hh the w nntiia teams ao far ha urwniJ the '(rmtv, b't In t"e 'insls t'e Juniors will have to rhrK 'rent and oppose Increased armaments. About fifty member and friends of the Jacksonlau club gathered at the club headquarters, sixteenth floor of the City National bank building, laat night for the memorial services In honor of the late John Power, former sheriff and promi nent member of the club. The eons"and daughter of the late Mr. Power were present by special Invitation at thla me morial meeting. Ed. P.. Smith gave a biographical review of Mr. Power's life, and Colonel C. O. Cunningham and Richard L. Metcalfe paid beautiful tri bute to the character of Mr. Power which they said was at once atrong enough to face the hardest battle, and tender enough to weep for the afflicted at all time. The following resolution of tribute waa adopted by the Jackson'an out of j respect for their deceased member: When, pear the hour of 9 o' lock a. m., January "Hi, our well beloved friend and fellow member. John Power, bowed to the final decree, death claimed one whose life book ia ao replete In good and righteous works; whose Influence waa ao valuahlo and whose example so Inspiring thst we scarce f'nd words more than to sincerely express the universal regret that he waa not permitted to serve out his allotted time. It la of common knowledge to all with whom he waa acquainted, that John Power was of sterling quality; that he waa a rugged, broad, superb type of American manhor.d; that he vu the soul of honor, clean, unselfish, loyal, patriotic, cauragoona, aymitliello, frank and genial; that he waa sn affectionate hus band and father, a staunch friend a wise rounsellor, an upright public otflclat, a progressive, generous, peace-loving Uod fearing cltlseji. With elrong, earnest and conscientious fldullty to duty. John Power met the car of official responsibilities In t' e same manner with which he discharged the de tail of his buainesa affairs, it wa In the office of sheriff that he earned and .deserved the title of "Honest John Power," and no on can truthfully point to a deliberate act of his official or un official life which would bring the pang of reproaolt to those most near and dear to him or cast a stain on his family escutcheon. Johi Power will be sadly missed from our counsels. The church, the lodge and the social realm In which he waa wont t i move, will bitterly deplore hi tak n awav: yet. In the larger aenae, the en nobling example of an earnest, unassum ing and honorable man aa exemplified by John Power, will linger with thein 1 1 the years to come. And, above the pallor of gloom which hover over th home which he haa so many years honored and loved; shove the sighs and tear of countlaaa friend of every avocation pmfeaaton, class an I rlan, the lustre of his helpful. wholnaom l ie snail shine as free aa "Hope great ' throbbing star above the darkness of the i dead. " I He it Besolved, Therefore, That th'a' tribute of respect to our departed friend be made a permanent part of-tha record ! of thla club, and that an engroaaed copy. ' -.... . , uo uuutii oa torwaroea to his family. HENRY P. RICHMOND. C. J. 8MYTH. HObKKT J. AITCH18QN. Swiss Court If ines Insulter of Kaiser PARIS, Jan. 16.-A dispatch to the Temps from I.u.mio aya that the Bwins government ha prosecuted the editor of the newapaper II Ragno for publishing a scurrilous poem on Empefor William. The federal court found the editor. Elvlxlo Crtvelll, guilty pf Insulting the emperor and fined him tuo franc and costs. Twenty-three university student volun teers, who have decided to devote their live to work In the foreign mission field, met with volunteer from Wesleyan. Cot ner and Fnlon college at Wesleyan Thurs day night. Jack Meyer, eereUry of the Peward Young Men' Christian associa tion gave a stirring talk on 'Th Fro preme Test." At It conclusion two girl announced that they had decided to enter the foreign missionary field. Bishop F. J, McConnell of Denver, Colo., will be th speaker for the spring re unions movement at the university, com ing to Lincoln April 1. 17 and 18. Bis- hop McConnell will attempt to awaken the student to a realisation of their possibilities a Christiana. He will not call fof publle decisions. The failure of Raymond Bobbin laat spring to secure mor than fifteen or twenty public ac ceptance of Christ ha convinced the university Christian association that such appeal are fruitless with th etu denta, a great majority of whom are already member of churches. HaaHaae lollrare. ' President Crone Is on a trip to New York and other eastern In the Interests of the college, lie expect to return the latter part of the month. A draft for 1.0iv haa been received from John T. Pickett of Manila. P. I., t apply i.n the Bible chair endowment tued. The Deutsch-Amerlkanlaches Jugend- blut-ti ru .iw itiiN ... . . t:t'in.,4.i Issue publiHhes an article by Prof. Cun ningham of the German d"parlment on ' The German Language in the Middle West." Among the rhapel leaders for the week were Profs. Booih, Carpenter and An derson. Mr. Andernon gave an Interest ing talk on "A World i'enter." Amonk the former students who have visited the college during vacation were Iliifus Oateg of Scott's Bluff, formerly of the clnes of '17; Reuben Dunlap, prin cipal of the high school at Kldnev: John Moreland. sunerlntendent of schools at Gretna: Bedford Johnson, principal of the hiah school at fiothenberg. and Ken neth Smith, formerly of the ciass of '11. The basket bsll team under Coach Mager Is rounding Into shape for 1ta heavy schedule. The first same of the seaaon will be with Grand Island college January II. The sixth annual of the Eta Phi Lamha LI'ersrv aocletv 'was held at the Clark. Mondav evening. Roland Bcott, '1, acted ea tnastmaster. York Colleae. President McLaughlin Is pushing hard Ihe tnalter of endowment for the college. The rfforta of all th friends of tho school sre hcinr directed et present to-w-d t'd nd The basket hall Frinav . . .i.iirf. .1,11 . .. .. ... . a ranii with St. Paul Normal school. Prospects for a Kod team were never better. All A scholarship secretary, assistant ta Dean Kngberg, will be appointed with the beginning of the new semester, on request of the fraternities of the univer sity. One of hi duties will be to com pile complete comparative report of the scholarship average of the different fraternities, twice a aemester Instead of two time a year a formerly. He will also give a complete report of the stand ing of any given man In hi atudles, on request of the man' fraternity. The fraternities feel that with thla co-operation, the Improving acholaatlo average may be raised still further. Nebraska' victory over Kanaa In basket ball gives th Cornhuakera .hope for th Missouri Valley championship, which Kansas held last year. Better ma terial turned out for the team than for several year past, and the member A Fine Aid For othcr-to-bo Wa are all srcatlv Indebted" In itinu who tell their experience. And among 1 lb toanr thins wbJck 1 w ed about and V VI IHUMUIKlf in irtanc to the axpec. ot mother. 1 a solan- (did asternal remedy called "Mother' Brll ' Dean Fales of the aoi hoinore c'aae has een Buffering fr6m an acute attack of ;ni pe and has len confined to hi apart- 111)11 In Hamilton hall. Phlilp M. Pllnby of the freshman class 1.4 not return to school after Christmas, ut secured instead a position In the mat. a National tank. ' l"!.nor Insersoll, member f the fresh- in cxm fiie to rvturt to school 'i.-c tie holKiay tcai of th sudden ' of l..-r mother from heart failure 11 lirln'i aa dy and beta' s of I er own In". f Th fsreweP given In bono f I r A. A Tvier, head of the blolory m!ime-t wr.o Iciivm fon'isv f tf iih M!'iU n unlverMtv after Mften t tti '-t I- a a toi ft mor llill'ue , ,1-. v -15 ri! aitci.d'.'J ty the fHoi'liy TWO CHILDREN DROWN AS LAUNCH OVERTURNS TACOMA, Waah.. Jan. ll.-Two ehll dren, Walter jn1 Florence Bower, were drowned and a number of passengers had a narrow escape from death today when the gasoline launch Victor II capalaed In Puget Sound during a heavy gal. The paaeentters clung to the framework of th launch and later succeeded In getting lnrt a lifeboat, which wa picked up by a passing steamor. wend. Tai I ap plied over th -noscle of the stomach. It is deeply penetrating la it Influence. Mutbei 4rrywhor tU of Its oothlng erect, bow It allay pain Incident to Ilgamenta and majcle. They tell of restful comfort, of calm, peaceful nights, aa at seno of those distresses peculiar to th pe- od ot expectancy, relief from morning alckness, no more of that apprehension with Which ao many younr women's ntnda h. com burdened. It is a splendid help. Get a bottle of -Mother's Friend" front your nearest druggist Ask your husband to get It for you. Thea write to Brad field Reg ulator to. 4a Lamar Bldg Atlanta, gT, for a very hand soma and InstnicUv book. It I tiled with uggeativ ideas of great kelp to all women Interested ta th subject of maternity. And best of all are sons let. ters from mother that r Il litsuuraUoos. Writ today, f of last year's team sre bsck except Por ter. The new men are showing up well. Guilford launders Is captain of the team Th Twelf v-h relr- 'Ion h' th Christian ascoclatlon on Friday night of last we. k wit art-.i ,ii i.-iKiiti i. i' t.e . i tletits and friends of Ihe college. M'. Wl Ham Graham waa chosen king of the Twelfth Night and Miss Kthel Thomp son queen. I R. Oregory acted well Ihe part of the court Jester. An Inter esting feature wss th trial of the KnBV - ""arts '! " e f be queen. A bonfire of discarded Christ in 1. ,1-tcs I'l.fltii ne irmrm. The l.enrflt recllal given under the direction of J. A. I'srks Wednesday, the Uth, for Prof. Amnion, will be repeated next Hundsy afternoon. Prof. Mlsner gave an entertainment at Horace on Friday evening, January 14. Grand Islaad College. The freexlng weather of last week played havoc with the heating plant, put ting it, for a time, out of commission. Consequently there was an enforced va cation for several days. Several Walhsch girls took a forty-mile suto ride In 'lie Arctic weather of Fri day to ptev has-cet ball with h Or-d Island college girls. They played Well, but were by the sour 01 to . ' The "preps" of Grand l.-d md college were the victory ova th t iu"'"' con servatory faculty in a game of basket hall played last Tuesday evening at the Young Men' Christian association gym nasium. There was a meeting of the executive committee Friday. January 14. called to consider importa it financial questions re lating to th progress of the Institution. Dr. George Sutherland waa chosen chair man for the rest of the year. Various measures were taken toward a vigorous campaign for funda. President O. W. Tsft has gone to Chi cago at the Invitation of the secretary of the Northern Baptist convention to meet other college presidents and to dis cuss w'th denominational leaders the best methods of tn-i-ening the efficiency of our western colleges, Ir. Geurxe Sutherland has taken a trip to the eastern and southern parts of the etst In the interest of the financial cam paign. Rev. Fred Berry, secretary of the Ne braska Baptist state convention, visited the college Friday morning, and In a very Interesting way spoke to the students In regard to the twelve things he would do If he were again In college. - Frenaaat t olleae. Kvanrellst Raybum visited chapet en Thursday morning, conducted devotional exercise and gave a moat excellent talk to the student. Mra. W. H. Clemmona wilt addrea the Toung Women' Chrlatlan association at Ita headquarter) next Hun day morning. She will have for her subject. "What a Young Woman Owe to Herself." Besa Gerhardt Morrison ha been en gaged by the Alumni association to give "War Brldea" on th evening of January 31 at the college auditorium. She will si dd to the rrorsm a number from Kipling In the way of a planologue. It waa docided bv th executive commit tees of the Star and Chion Literary my cletlea o( the college that on account of the revival service which are being held at the tabernacle, the programs be post poned thla week. January 24 will mark the opening of the second winter term. A large number of new people are expected and have -written; for reservations. The executive committee of the East em Nebraska Teachers' association, con aistlng of Superintendent Koch, Superin tendent Campbell of Columbus, Superin tendent Walton of Wahoo and President Clemmons, will hold a meeting m the col lege parlons Saturday for the purpose of formulating the program 10 be given at the meeting which will be held at the high achool building next March. Prof. 8. I Keller was called to hi home at Sioux City by a message an nouncing the serious Illness of hi father, and Prof. J. I. Ray wa called to Iowa to hia mother's bedside, who suffered a stroke of paralysis last Thursday. In the hear future Mrs. Rayburn will address the Young Women's Christian SFMOciation organization of the college. The students are looking forward with much pleasure to her being with them. Pons tin Thing, I. Wlxon. Farmer Mill. N. Y ha used Chamberlain'a Tablets for years for disorder of the stomach and liver and says, "Chamberlain's Tablets are th best I have ever used." Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. Everyone Likes This Cold CurQ " Pape ' Cold Compound' 1 ends a cold or grippe in a few hours. i Tour celd will break and all grlpp misery end after taking a dose of "Pape' Cold Compound" every two hour until three doses are taken. It promptly opens tlogged-up notrll and air passages In th head, stop nasty discharge or nore running, relieve sick headache, dullnoss, feverlshness, or) ! throat, sneezing, soreness and stlffnes. Lvint stay tuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling!- Ease your throbbing head , nothing else In the world give such I prompt relief as "Pape' Cold Com pound," which costs only 15 cents at any drug store. It act without assistance. taste nice, and causes no Inconvenience. Accept no substitute. Advertisement, 7? Good fiSdicini. ant WEEKS' All DrvMUrtg) CnEAIUPA:CaiDt TABLETS Mini m S la ti-aatin Uolds aad UtipfM Hi M i WIUII. I. Wl ausn Dm Momm. low ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Washington Affairs Reprenentatlvee of many of the conn, try' foremost Industrial and actentirtc orgaulatUma. formed the Joaeph A Holmes Kafetv First association, to help prtuat th safrty first movement Inaugurated by'th lata I'r Holmes aa director of the bureau of mine. An incre-aae of more than tvlXMODO In the rvso'Jrces of the federal leiwrvs banks dm In the Innt .k Is ilmvn iu a report of the banks' condition Jan'! srv 14. iennrtl loda) !' the fuli-lal ta- svrve board. FniiiYOuiseo For Weak Stomachs Inactive Dowels BUT FIRST-STOP USING Physic PU!s Mineral Waters Drugs Oils Enemas Any ftrst ciass drvggtst or grocer can fat Fruit-Visor lor you $1 per (r. Or for a kmitad Hun we will send by parcel post on lr lor I -hour jars J.iO (ars ei.009 a.. ay .". aHta""aa Why Do the Majority of New Building Operations Exceed the Original Estimate of the Architect In tba last of thla aerie of advertisements we told of the Investigation by an Insurance company of a large number of commercial buildings, which developed the fact that 96 out of every 100 of these buildings exceeded the estimated rout of the architect, and that the exceci cost averaged 33. Now, let us tell why such a condition exists under the older-day building system Some disappointed building owners In the past have blamed their architects; The Architect, however. Is not the one to blame: unless he attempted to guarantee that the building would not exceed the figure he gave, In which case he stepped beyond his province. The Architect's services,- even though they may be of the best, are simply professional or advisory. The owner cannot demand from the architect a guarantee covering the work In its entirety and the high class archi tect, who is a member of the American Institute of Archi tects, will not Klve any such assurance to the building owner because It Is a recognised fact within that body of professional men that the building business is too complex to permit any single individual to comprehen sively meeTt and solve all of the problems that are con- atantly arising In the building construction field. The answer to the above question, therefore, Is not hard to make. The principal reasons that so large a majority of buildings exceed the architect's estimate are: Flrste Because the average architect does not have the proper assistance In the shape of advisory services from building engineers, together with that ot an up-to-date estimating department, when preparing bis plans so as to enable him to give a price to the building owner that is based all the way through on conditions as they exist in the building field at the time plana are made; and. Second Because very frequently the building owner changes his mind, which In turn causes expensive changes In the building Itself, In which case, of course, no one can be blamed but the building owner himself. To provide a remedy for the decided weaknesses In the old-time architectural and building methods much is being done to revise the system of handling building operations. ! The building professions and trades are at the pre--enftlme engaged in the task of providing closer cc-opera-tlve methods between themselves new forms of con tracts are beiig devised and many other activities are apparent, all Vith the view of eliminating the ineffi ciency that has been the terror of the prospective new building owner In days gone by. ' The Modern Building Organization however, is the one modern device which has shown con clusively, after years of experience, that it Is capable of meeting the builders' expectations both from the view point of a satisfactory building and from the viewpoint ot a satisfactory cost price. The Bankers Realty Investment Company Is one of the many modern building organizations existing In the United States today that has demonstrated Its capacity t to meet the demand for better Building Methods. This Institution provides for Its customers the serv ices ot Architects, Estimating Engineers, General Con tractors, Material Purchasing Experts and Building Engineers and our Financial Department provides financial assistance to such of our customers as need it. The Banker Realty Invettment Company ii a firm that yoy can make retpontible at the very beginning for the eatitfaetory per formance of the entire work. If you contemplate building during 1916,. get acquainted with our Modern Building organization, which provides for architectural service of the highest order first, and for the handling of every part of the building operation after the plans are approved. Write us or call at our offices; address jganhers fflcaltt! jjnucstmcnt (ffompanji (Assets Over One Million Dollars) Offices Ground Floor Bee Bldg. - Omaha, Neb. Free to Prospective Builders If you expect to build a home or a commercial building of any kindor if you are on the building committee which is planning the erection of a church, or a school or a library or other public building, drop us a card and we will place your name on the mailing list for our magazine. "MODERN BUILDING METHODS" This magazine will be ot contiderable practical value to you if you ever expect to build and own and operate a buildingbecause it will show you how to avoid mistakes that many other builders have made in the past. Send in your request today. 1 -fpfrffie 1