10 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JAMJAKY 17, 1916. BOWLERS PLAN FOR CITY TODRHAIIEIIT Entries Already Coming ia Annual Event on Fanuun Alleys. for SEVERAL OTHER TOU&NEYS Tha close of tho holiday Nuon and the recent ooid snap have sent the bowlers to the runways and the Increased clatter of the pins la noticeable. Other cause for the renewed activity of the bowlers are the announcements of special erenta coming off In the near future. The annual city tournament, in which the winners are declared city champions, haa been set for January 2? and M. Hits biff local event, which Is looked forward fo by all the bowlers, will be rolled under the same conditions this year as last. Alleys Kos. S, , 7. . snd 10 at the Far natn, the same ones used In the recent Midwest tournament, will be used and the same cross-alley system will be used In every event The ususl tesm, doubles and singles events will be rolled on a scratch basts. Entrance fees have been made $3 per man In the team event and It per man In the doubles and single. As this tournament is rolled under the function of the American Howling con gress, an additional fee of tl Is chsrged annual does to the congress. Teams must participate In this tournament to be come members of the American Bowling congress and be eligible to bowl In the big tournament held by this organisation In Toledo during March. Entries close t midnight January 24 and should be sent to Secretary C. J. Cain at 19)7 Fsr tiim street. Arrangements will probably be msde for the women to take part In a separate tesm event. Kate VUr K.veat. Another' tournament ' to be held this month is the annual Gate City tourna ment. This affslr will be rolled on the Morrison alleys snd is open to leagues rolling on the Morrison slleys, excepting the Omsha lesgne. Tesms wlil be en tered from the Omsha Qua. Omaha Elec tric Light and Tower, Lithographers' and Uate City leagues. The matches will be rolled on a handicap bssls. On account of the handicap system, the entire mem berships of all the above lee cues are expected to enter. Secretary Jake Btlne of the Gate City league is receiving the entries. The events will be rolled on January 57. 28 and 29 and the entries Close January 2S. , An entrance fee of fl per man in the team event and SO cents per men In the doubles and singles will be charged. The Huntington handicap tournament will not be staged this month ss planned, hut will be held about the middle of February. Miss Birdie Kern, world's champion woman bowler, will appear In artlon on the runways during ihe pr grtss of this tournament. Omaha Tessas' at Fresaeal. Another tournament of interest to the local pin topplers is the sweepstakes tournament held in Fremont on Jan uary H. The matches are open to all snd entries will be received from out side points. Omaha will enter about five teams, Lincoln, three; Wshoo, Schuy ler. Grand Islsnd and Columbus, on each, and tournament entry will be about three teams. The entranca fee will be t per team, which will make a large pot to be spilt three ways. Omaha, teams are especially Interested In this event, due to the magnitude of the cash prlxea. They will be pitted, however, sgalnst some strong tesms and will have to make a strong shewing In order to win. The annuel Metropolitan handicap toiimsment will be held early in Feb ruary. It will be open to the world. Full arrangements have not been msde try Manager McCsbe, but he promise! some new snd novel features In tourna ment play. Kntry blanks for the International tournament at Minneapolis hava been re reived. No regular organised Omaha ' leains plan to enter but a few individual howlers ere laying plan for at least one all-etsr team to represent the Oats 'ltv. The Twin Cltv bowlers and Inter national officials were very loyal In their support of the recent Mlddlewest tour nament held here, and the local bowling , fiatrrnity hopes to psrtlally reciprocate for the splendid entry and showing made ,by the trnpin artists from the north. Five strong Omaha quintets plan to enter the big tournament held by the - American Bowling congress at Toledo during March. Four of them, the Luxus, Mcts. 8tors and Jclters' Old Age, are l lie pick of the Omaha league, and the oilier, the Jcttera" Old Ae team, will : hsve lx of the best from the Brunswick alleys on the Pouth S'de. None of these have sent In their entries yet, but will . do so ss soon ss they pick their dates. Mississippi Sport Wins Hunting Title KiMH.KH HPKIXHH. Tenn.. Jan. 11 .Vikisicftippt Spot', a setter owned by R. 11. 8ldsy of Buffalo, N. Y and handled by 1'. C. Kills, Loonevtlle, today was awarded the il ia nf ainatane ft,...,,,,!.,,. hunting dog ove.- u field of fifteen which competed In tho championship stake of me All-America Field Trials club here. Mlalflprl Suort ran In the finals agsinst. the seur Netherby Jack, en tered by William Armstrong of High Point. N. C, snd handled by Dr. V. H. .Miller of Bolivar, Tenn., and won first piece by a narrow margin on bird work. Netherby Jack was placed second. Bain's Dam. another Kldav bundled by iJ!ls, won the third money snd the setter itoe Roller, owned by T. T. Ashford of Blrmlnghsm. Ala., and hsndlrd by II, 'V. Brooks of Springville, Ale., wss pie -rod fourth. Ths amateur dertv.- the final -' thy All-America trials, was not concluded today. Avoca Wins Fast Game from Union AVOCA, Neb., Jan. 11 (Special.) Aota aon a fast game of basket ball from rniojt here last night, by a score of to II. Both teams played a good game. The lineup of the teams was as follows: AVOCA. I Harmon I. F. L.F.. V.-. KahneatockK.F.IItF. V Fahneelock...t!l.... rl-eelman Ul.'Lfl. :irh.ra K.U. R ().. H'jfjaiitutca: Murium UNION. R. Roddy ....i.K. Kod.ly Ilobeck Yonker Pearaley for nrahatn Ki-ld a-oela: Harmon i. W. Fahneauxk iti. C. !-"ahneeu k 161, Kteaeitnan. Y. I'i'.d'iK. Iloback (it. Peai'kley (ll. Free i!u'ia: I" ahueetrM-k tit, I. Lod'ly (7t. .-tie-: Ava. v), I'nlun, 1. ileferee: rt uit. 1,-lkraknrg Slarta wllh Wlm. V.THKNP''fH ! .I.ii. iKim-tnl THVg.-am The Out lien burg High a- hol t,rk-l ball tatll alartd ihe e,-Mori of ln,.rl ball L- dt-lrallug fuwd lfikli 14 lo y. Tl.e Imtol tv-ajtl Oiitpl'i1 lil tU-llOII 111 UiO f 'tl but vas- WISHER HOLDS CDP IN SHOOT THERE Omaha, Club Loiei Trophy by a Margin of Thirty-Seren Targets. ZERO WEATHER I?0 HANDICAP WI8NBR. Neb.. Jsn. 1. (Special.) The Omaha Gun club came to Wiener today in spite of the aero weather and a northwest wind. The grounds face the northwest and so the shooters had to face the wind snd that the are all good red blooded fellows la proved by the feet that all men shot through. Good scores could not be expected. Wlsner retained the cup for the third time by a margin of thirty-seven targets. There were thirty men. who shot through the entire program. Scores out of a possible one hundred: WI8NER. Vasal Htrlckler Kocts Severson l-emmille Thompson M. Thompson. Alberius .Morse Flehm .. Total i OMAHA. .. T Gallagher 64 ., TA nun ! .. m Klnssley 7:1 . . Roberts 1.0 .." ! evors k 7 .. Wl llernham .. 7 Racan 7 .. M Klliaon Tt . . K ("hrlstensen fc! .. tOMlddaugh W Ml! Total (44 The Wiener tti.u expects to send a good number to Omaha during the west ern handicap. Washington State Leads Rifle Teams WASHINGTON,, Jsn. l.-Washlngton ' State college, with hits out of a pos ! slble 1,000, led In the first aeries In twelve matches just begun by thirty-nine col jlege and university teams throughout !tha country under the ausnlcea of the I National Rifle Association of America. Michigan Agricultural college was second with tt. . Other high scores were: Massachusetts Agricultural. W2; Nor wich university, Wi; West Vlrvlnlsn uni versity, Kxtt: I'nlversity of Pennsylvania. 9M; Notre name, 0; Iowa 8tate unlver Mliy, m; University of Illinois. ; Cali fornia university, University of Ver mont, 071. All of these clubs are In Class A except Notre Iame, which is In Class Wsshlngtnn State college was high In Class A.. Notre Dame In t'lss H and Hensselser Polytechnic, MR, in Class C. Huskers Win Again From the Jayhawks 'LINCOLN. Jan. l.-(8peclal Telegram ) Nebraska is another step nearer a Mis- sourt Valley conference championship in I basket ball as a result of an easy victory ! ; over Kansas here tonight, making two 1 j straight for the Huskers. J The Jayhawkers played - good basket ! ball In the first half and the score stood ' 14 to 13, with the Huskers on the long j end of the score. Nebraska opened up in the aecond half and played Kansas of Its feet. Ruther ford led with six field gosls. with Camp bell and Shields giving him good support. Gtbbona was the big point maker for Kansas. Badgers Lead in Race For Floor Honors CHICAGO. Jan. is. With a clean record Lof victories, Wisconsin leads in the race for conference basket ball honors. In cluding last night's games the standing la as follows i W. L. Pet. Wisconsin 1 A 1 onn Illinois 1 it l.noo Northwestern .....1 A l. Towa 1 1 .mm Purdue .,1 ' 2 .:t;W Chicago 0 1 ,0"O Minnesota . 0 1 .( Indiana 0 1 .fKM i Ohio 0. .!) OMAHA JUNIOR FIVE WINS conu UaeTHifie nnniTCT 1 1 v iii i I i ii u uuiiii li As a preliminary game to the Omaha- i Lincoln oombat last night a crew of , Omaha juniors defeated Bob Hater's 1-year-old team from Hastings, 2 to 10, j Lineup: i OMAHA Nicholson ' HASTINGS. I R.F Hull L.F Haverlloyd C Kaiif .R.F. .L.F. .R.O. MacFariand . Comp Lnngwell . ... Oilier R.O Kohl L... Outton .uu Field goals k'kllf , 'VUI.aI.a- "l MaoFarland (4), Coinp (2). Oilier (3. Foul goals: Hull (SI. Kauf (2). MscKarland (S). Substitute: Moore for Cotun. Referee: Cavan of Omaha university. Timekeeper: w. Ketersun. Time of halves: is and HO minutes. GENEVA HIGHSC0RES ITS SIXTH VICTORY GENEVA. Neb.. Jan. 11 I Special.) Geneva High school basket ball team a oo rod Its sixth consecutive victory last night, winning from Sutton, SO to 7. The gsma was featureless, the local boys be ing able to score almost at will. The ,Gneva High school girls defeated Western High school girts. IT to IV On December 17 Geneva High school boys defeated Crete High school, 8S to 11. Next Frldsy night these teams will meet at Crete. Kreaaeat Wll halleace. FREMONT, Neb.. Jan. ll-9peclal.)-A team of shooters from the Fremont Gun club will challenge Wlaner. which won . the match between Omaha . and Wisner at Wlsner, for the possession of the Charles Reese trophy emblematic of the atate champlonahlp. C'ralar Defeats Baaeroft. CRAIO, Neb., Jan. 11 (Special. )-Th basket ball team of the Hancroft High school came down Friday night and met Ihe local team at the high aohonl gyn naalum. The game was faat and stub bornly contested all the way, but ihe locals won by a acore of 21 to 1. The Craig tesm waa sertoualy handicapped by th absence nf one of Ita rtronseat players. The Crsig team has defeated 1 loo per. Decatur, Tekamab. and Bancroft. Vark Wlu froaa St. Paal. YORK, Neb.. Jan. 11 8peial Tele gram.) Two games of banket ball were Played last evening In the York rolleaa gymnasium. The flrat waa between the college and htsh school irirls. -ore tl to T in favor of the college. The college boys won from Bt. Paul. s to it. llrlrallartats . Meet. HURON 8 D. Jan. 1 -Sneeial.l-Ts State Horticultural society will meet In Huron Ti.rtxlay. Weriueaday and Tlmi. day.-January 1K-3U of next week for its twenty-seventh aunual (iteetiiig. (kaatkerUla'a ( aw Heaaedy Meat r.ffeetaal. "I have taken a great many bottles of Chamberlain1 Cough Remedy and every time it haa cured ihe. I hava found It nvst effectual for a hacking ouh and for colds. After taking it a much always riUappears." writes J. R. Uouie, Lost Valley, Gg Obtainable ..rV heic Advextlsanl Bringing Drawn for The Bee MAlE-WlLLYOOtE I ' YOU Lt NOT CO lT MR CO to DiriTY yT? uT 0F THt MOOf.C-- OALU TONIGHT HOOt)C TONIGHT-AN- CIMME. LITTLE Cjfflvyi OST Mind V - Chance. T while (n r J o " LtT NE HAVE ThE TICKETS TO THE OALL SO I KJN OE THEM i OME ONE THEN- , flk J M .... V -a av WCLLMTTi 10NMA f.er a. ---. . . . rti IT- ' ' WHY XMfMsi'T I J Y00t LET ME LJ AVE avc COME OVER ' fjf oua house- r BOWLING TOURNEY TO BE HELD AT FREMONT FRKMONT, Neb.. Jan. l.-Speciai) The Fremont Rowling association Will hold an independent tournament at Fre mont, Jauuary si, wtea It is expected V J. At I HOPE Up Father by George McManus. 1 POilTlVPI V e.. ss--- Vn 1 1 J" vet them: a. . 1 WORTH i - NEVFO THAT PNI 1 ' aval V ft J teams from Omaha, Lincoln. Wahoo, Cchuyler, Columbus, Mors bluff and Fre mont will take part. Only five-men teams will take part. An entrance fee of fcs& a team will be charged. The money will bo divided threo ways. Ileal Tba iic Waat Ad. It ajgl S haters and Ice Cutters Make Use of the Lakes Around Omaha There was no need to telephone to the city hall yeetcrday to find out if there was Ice on the vsrimis lakes In snd nesr the city for skaters. There was Ico most everywhere. The very wind that shrieked from the north seemed to be made of gaseous Ice, cs It cut sua numbed noses snd ears. Hut sero weatner snd biting l:-.d didn't keep the skaters from the lee. Hy early In the sfternoon the little Inkes at Hans corn, Rlvervlew, Fontenclle, Miller and Curtlsa Turner parks were filled with merry crowds, though moat of the rkaters were of the juvenile order. Fires were built at somo thi likes ' snd at others, where there are xn.iur houses, r os ring fires blazed In the stoves and offered facilities for thawing out. Carter lake ia a great smooth sheet of Ice. There's teal "man's sise ' skat ing there an 1 on Ita surface, with Its wooded shores and wide open apace, one can almost imagine himself far from i CLARKS COME BACK STRONG I st. t ; 1 : - j T?: i tt.is tt at tci Aisiimg jii jciisk nail iuc; Make Whirlwind Finish and Trim Burgest-Hash. CEEIGHT0N LAWS VICTORS After trailing in the first half by a 12 to 6 score, the Walter O. Clark s came back strong In the second period and de feated the fast Burgee s-Nash quintet last evening at the Young Men's Christian association, 18 to 15. While the Bumascos had everything their own way In the first i period, the Clarks more than outplayed the department store tossera In the final half. Lineup: BURG ESS-N ASH. CLARKS. Meyers LF.IL.F Puryesr Hyde K.F. R.F Klepser Flndley (!.c Lynn Amberson L.'.IL.O Parrtsli Howard R.G.I R.O... . Montgomery Huhstltutea: Jones for Hyde. Nolan for Klepser. Field goals: Meyers (2), Hyde, ' -irye e Noln. punish (2). Montgomery (3). Foul goals thrown: Meyers, Hyde ' , Lyru . oul i committed: Huriresa Nssh, 8: Clarks, 8. Referee: Williams. Times of halves: 20 minutes. Crrlshton Laws Win. At the I'nivertity of Omaha the Crelgh ton Laws completely outplayed the II ivli School of Commerce five, winning by the one-sided score of 34 to 9. Snyder. In contributing seven field goals and six foul gosls, wns directly responsible for the barristers' large score. McDonald, who made his first appearance at right guard for the lawyers, was also in the limelight. The lineup: CREIGHTON. COMMERfB. Snyder R.F.R.F Milberg Flood L.F.IL.F Johnson Festner O.IC W. Reeves McDonald R.G. R.G ,.G. Reevef Kamanskl L.G.L.G Rohusek Suratltutea: Conhlser for G. Reeves. T .arson for W. Reeves. Field goals: Sny--der ("t. Flood (), Festner (3), McDonald, Milberg, G. Reetes, J-traen. Foul goals thrown: Snyder (, G. Reeves (3). Fouls committed: Creighton, 12; Commerce, ir. Referee: Maxwell. Time of halves: 20 minutes. Villa's Brother Rails. NEW ORLEANS, Kan.. Jan. 11 Colonel Hlpolito Villa, brother of the Mexico revolutionary leader, and R. R. Floras and J. L. Guttteres, both former generals in Villa's army, sailed from here today on the steamer Chalmette for IC5 Do your living expenses eat up your income! Do you feel that, though you work hard and persistently, you do not have a ohance; can save nothing because there are always bills, bills, de manding most every cent you bring in ? So that you feel as if you are in a treadmill and forever doomed T But there is hope! Even though your hands be tied by rent receipts by yent, the greatest of living expenses there is hope. You can, in fact, turn this expense into a saving. But it requires decision and action on your part. We of The Omaha Bee will help you, but, after all, success or failure in your fight for freedom lies with you. .THE BEE does offer sincere and concrete assistance. You will find it in the Heal Estate columns. There we place you in communication with reliable real estate men and builders of whom you can buy real estate on reasonable terras, and with competent builders, who will help you plan and erect the new home you have in mind. And, remember, always Use THE BEE as Your Real Estate Guide E civilisation. Rut this wss notably ile. sertej yesterday. In the afternoon there were perhaps UK) on the lake, but on the large spsce they didn't "show up" much for a crowd. Ice harvesting proc.cdcil at full blast. "Cut Ice w lille the w eather's cold," Is the rule and the day of rest Was not observed. At t 'a iter lake and Seymour lake lame forces of men and teams were st work and the automatic machin ery for putting the hloi ks Into the houses made the harvest (treat. The Ice hss row attained a thickness of from six ten to twenty inches and the houses are filling rapidly. More men can bo Pol to work and Captain Kline of the t-alvatlon Army stated that he could give Ice-cutting Jobs to ".'! men right now If he could get them. The cold was so itreat that ,t number of the churches of the city omitted their veiling services. Mexican Dies from Typhus in E Paso F.L I'ASO, Jan. 1. Monopltne Martinez, a Mexican who came here from Pledrssj Negras, opposite F.al Pass, Tex., sev eral days ago, d'ed at the county hoFpttal today from typhus fever. The case wss diagnosed as typhus fever by Dr. John W. Tappan of trie 1'nlted States f in Migration service. Martlnex had been In the hnopital but two days. Previously he had been at large In the city. Reports hove been fre quent that a largo number of cases of typhus fever existed at Juares opposite here, but In every instance have been met with vigorous denials by Mexican au thorities, although vouched for by Ameri can physicians. Advertiser and customer profit by the "Classified Ad" habit. j I ,i i aWaaMgnsajL iSl'NNYBnOOK; iVrllSKEY -.BIlil-KW nn nTTP f MMUie i I I Are Your Hands TIED By Rent Receipts? OMAHA LOSES BIG GOLF TOURNAMENT Country Defeated by California Club in Fight for Western Ama teur Event. DEFIANCE OF OLD BOARD CHICAGO, .lan. 16 The Western Golf i ao lillon w ill hold its 191A amateur tour j nsment on the links of the Pel Monte 1 club of Monterey, Cel., It was decided to day. There wns heated ilehate st the meeting of tie hK.4oiuion over the offer of the Del Monte, club to py the transporta tion of the entrants. Tho outgoing hoHrd of directors ruled that to accept this offer would deprive thofe accept Ins or their standing as amttteurs. The new board did not pass ' on the question, hut It may change tho ruling of the previous board. It Is said. ! President Frank Woodward of the I'nited States Golf assooiut'nn nttending Ihe meeting us a delegate Intimated that IT thf Western association accepts the transportation lis members may all be Iderlared professionals by the national hoc';-. I CASE OF FOOT ANDM0UTH r DISEASE AGAIN DISCOVERED FAST ST. LOCH. III.. Jan. 16.-A case ' of foot and inoutn Uiccuse waa dls ov j eretl today In a drove of hogs at the j National l-'tock Yards here today und . seventy-three hojis in the unloading pc I were killed at once. The shipment was from Tsyiorville. HI. t'ottna titurrhiiair Hume. POTTS VILLK, Ta.. Jan. 11- Fire to night dostroyed a storehouse filled with cotton and two loaded cars of cotton on a railroad siding of the Atlas Powder company, south of this city. The dam age is estimated to be about $-5.'0ii. Tho cause of the fire is unknown. Advertiser and customer profit by thd Clusslfled Ad" habit. mi all ! tun fliailSiiiSi mi i n trail ii iii rroxiif.hr rn aV A. A W essB'sW e a M Cenersl Distributori Omiha, Nebraska H 3Pf Put Your Money In a Homo