V. 9 ! THE l.EE: OMAHA. MONDAY, JANUARY 17, Mlfi. ; f OR RENT-AP'TS AND FLATS M Urrllnnron. WARM, COZY APAKTMlNT Pine apartment ef four rooms and hath, nicely decorated; oak finish, steam heat, ianltor service. Everything tlrst-class. hie it anil you will take it. SCOTT & HILL CO.. Douglas 1909. THE for rent advertisements rporln In the For Rent column of The Be dally cannot be beat for variety tliat will please and fill the of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler lOuO. CLOSE-IN" ararlmanla, 1-r., trod tut heat, Nice location. $:6. I. K. Buck to., 91$ Omaha Nat . D. f.2". MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, movea, packs, ships, l-horea van and I men, $1.26 per hour; storage, $ per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. U. 43.18 T. 230. FIDELITY VvTcf: t'KK'-fl Fhnn Douglas IKS for rompleta liat of vacant houaea and spartrnenta; alao for storage, moving. 16th and Jackaon Bta. GORDON VAN CO. ' Tacking, storage and mov ing. 219 N. 11th PC Tel. Douglas S94 or Harney 193". FIREPROOF WAREHOU6B Separate, locked rooms, for house hold goods and pianos; moving, packing OMAHAPVA-M AND STORAGE CO.. 08 B. 16th St. Dougla 4163. JC TtVVn Exp. Co- moving . K. LttL,jU packlng and torage. 1107 Famam St. Dougla $14$. MAOOARU Van Storage Co.: Moving , packing, to ram and a hipping. D. 14! FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROFTY Stores. STORE. WEST FARN'AM. Cheap rent, coiner. See Reichonberg Bros., 927 City Nat. Bldg. Tel. D. 19K MODERN store near poatoffbe; low rent. C. P. Stebhlns. lfilO Chicago. WANTED TO RENT Latiirnlahed Houses avnd Flata. LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us; we have clients waiting. MACK (Thos. I.,. MGarry), 428 Koellne Bldg. Tel. lied 4344. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED 43$ N. THIRTY-EIGHTH AVENUE, Close to schools and cathedral; best part of Omaha; 4 rooms down, 3 up. Will finish W floor, build sleeping porcn or garage. ( O'KEBFE REAL ESTATE CO 1016 Omaha Nat l. Doug. 2715. Evenings: Walnut 838 or Colfax 1561. 8-RM. COTTAGE BARGAIN West Famam district; all modern, la fine condition, east front lot on paved street; close to Leavenworth street car; H block to school and adjacent to valua ble property; lot 46x150. 11 you want big bargain Tel. II 7165. North. PRAIRIE PARK 25oS Ames Ave. Htreet paved and parked. 7 rooma and bath; beautiful shade; wide lot and street. $600 cash. $30 monthly, '6 per cant Inter . est. Will be sold for $200 less than actual value to right party. B. J. Bcannell, . Phone Doug. . $99 or Colfax SMI. NEW $-r. bunnalrw to be moved, $J60. 8-e owner 3069 Curtis Ave. Tel. Collax 3027. COTTAGE. $1,200. EASY PAYMENTS. T., 8:190.. .211 Hrandcls Theater. South. .8IX-ROOV., modern bangalow finished In oak, beam ceilings, built-in bookcases, . plate rail, beautifully papered, large ce ment baaemerit. large fruit cellar and coal bin. Rogers' furnace, east front lot.-40xl27) 1634 8. 36th fit., phone D. 8062. 31 CHOICE lots in body. South Side. U.WQ; want Omaha property; deal direct with owner; do agents. B. Mlowky, fill N. lKth. Tyler 22SS-W. ' Miser llancoea. 170 ACRES near Omaha for rent or aell on . easy terms. 1519 Podge St. Tyler 616. SELL YOUR PROPERTY. . . Do you 'want to? If so, let ua know about H. We always have buyers on hand for good, well located property when same Is priced right. Call Doug lag 49S and let ia how you the best Slid quickest way to sell. 1 1 1 ATT-FA IltFlEL D CO. 230 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 493. . W,o0o Kouth t acres, residence and barn, good well, shade, grass; a , speculation: terms. . SI."H b-room house, nice lot, shade; iron frne: south front. Wants to sell before making lease; pos sesMlon March 1. O Ixjll EKTY & Hl'GHES. 711 Keeline Bid. REAL ESTATE-UN IMPROVED Mouth. . " .BAKOAIN IN LOT located near houlevard, south of Hanscom park, slio.Slxll..; room for , . . laq.or tlireq cottages. 1-106,1070. Call 1 'oughts. it)S and have u show you this MATT-FAIRFIELD CO., i ?: Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES FOR S A LW OR TRADE. The' et half 4) of tho northwest nuarter ("4) and the northwest quarter (W of the northwest quarter (1,) and the northweat quarter Oi of the northwest nuarter 1 and the north half (4) of the southwest quarter Cl. section 16. -township 71, range 28. Union Co.. Iowa, 16 mi. east pf Creston. F. J. McAvoy. : Millard. FIRST-CLASS six-room home, strict ly modern, new. well built, oak fin ish, price $4,200; , nitg. 2,o00. Will trade equity as first payment on mall farm. SO to 120, well located. D. V. SHOLES CO., 915 City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE-) acres In the beat Irrigated country; 7-room concrete brick house, welt finished; other build ings good; 65 acres alfalfa: owner wants well enuluped garage in rem ml Neb. W. H. KmlthWheatland. Wyo. FOR EXCHANUE An SO-acre and JOO-aere tract In cen tial Florida for good Omaha property. CHARLES L WILLIAMSON. ' 6'7 Paxton Block. . Tel Doug'aM t(f!. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGE . INCOME FOft LAND. Brick apt. bldg.. well rented and lo cated. Price $Jn,O00: mtg. $14.iu0. 1 years: exchange for land and assume or Kle difference. D. BCCK, li Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug 5'.' 26 TWO clear lots. $nu0. Will sell or con sider a light auto In exchange. Call Owner Sunday, Colfax 2834, or Monday, Douglas 62.. 21 ACRES: good Improvement; farm for sale or trade. Write August Krejel, ioldn Cltv, Mo, owner. FOR RENT SUBURBAN Meaaoa. MODERN HOl'SE 7 rooma. bailment, rloaets. pantry and bathroom; half aer tt to fruit; hot and vtl4 ater a. I over the house. Phone Benson 6v. FOR RENT-SUBURBAN Daalr. $1,750. Fine east front lot on 51st ft.. Id the new part or Dundee, Just south of Dodge St.; high and sightly. Prices continually adianrtng in this locution. Buy now and get the benefit. n. v. snores co., 915-1$ City Nat. Ilk flldg Dong. 4t. FINANCIAL Real Kstate Lmbi, Hrl(a('- WE are ready at all times to make loa.ni 0u flrit-clau city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. Ill 8. 17th St t TO for loana on heat vlasa city residences In amounts 12.000 up; alao farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St. OMAHA homea. East Nebraska farms. O'KKEFE REAL, ESTATE CO.. 19H Omaha National. Phone Douglas m SH TO 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Head Bldg , ISth & Farnam Pta, MONET on hand for city and larm l an. H. W. Binder, City National Hank Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a apeclalty. W. II. Thomas, l' State Bank Bldg. CITY and farm loans, S. 6H, ( per cent J. It. Pumont ft Co., 41 State Bank. riTY 1liVH f fj Carlbersr. Mo. U Brandeis Theater Bldg. 6 MONEY. HARRISON at MORTON. Abstracts ot Title. WHEN buying real estate have us com pile your abstract. Guarantee Abstract Co.. Rin. 7. PattersonBlk. P. 2"7. KFVM? nt'a guarantee and Abstract 1VJ-,"J-" Co.. a modern abstract office. V 8 17th St. Tel. D. 6487. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. K4 Brandela Tbea. Mlsrellaaeoas. SMALL IN XESTS EN TS FOR SALE A few real estate mortgages ranging from $:'i00 to $l.fi0 each, drawing over 7 per cent Interest. AbsoluteJy A No. 1. Just the placo for that few hundred dollars that Is now Idle. Address E 870, care Bee FARM LOANS 5 eastern Neb., or west ern Iowa. Toland & TtitfnbuU, 4-H Hee Bldg. , REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES RESIDENCE LOT IN LINCOLN. Will trade for god piano. Call Webster 737 after S p. m. FARM Mn RANCH LANDS Iowa Lands. SIX SMALL IOWA FARMS. Six western Iowa So-arre farms from $."0 to $150 per acre. C. 1. Glfford, 2622 Capitol Ave., Omaha, Neb. Mlnaesota, Lands. FIGURES won't lie; neither will I. 2:tsi acres, Pipestone Co., Minn., $27,500; $7,500 cash, $15,000 nine years at 6 per cent; balance to suit. M. L. Baldwin, SIMey. Ia. MlMOajrt Lama's. IT IS warm In the Orarks. Farma all sixes. Will grow anything. Write for free booklet. W. S. FRANK. 201, Neville Block. Nebraska. Lands. A GOOD little stock farm tour miles from Illalr, Neb., all good bottom land will sacrifice for cash. K. Martin. Little Falls. Minn. FOR SALE Easy terms; . choice farms, 240, 80 and 30 acres, garden spot Ne braska, near this city. Write J. F. Todd. Neb. City, Neh -4 Ore von LanUa. Wtaeoaala fame's. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop state in the union; settler wanted; lands for salt at low prices on asy Urma. Ask for booklet S4 on Wis consin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If interested la fruit lands ask for booklet on apple or chards. Addreaa Land and industrial Dept., Soo Line Railway, Minneapolis, Minn.- Mlseelka neons. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR 8ALBT Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City (la.) Jour nal. ''lowa'a Most Powerful .Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five worda every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for Zi or 50 words, $4, or 75 words, $6. - Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; ZoO.000 readers dally In four great states. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES For sale. Thirty-two. milk wagoua for sale, cheap. Johnaon-Danforth Co.. 16trt and Clark. 1X5R SALJiJT-year-oid ShelTand pony' Address J. M. Allen, Nevada, Iowa. HORSE and light paring iton for utile. cheap. fn W. 16tl m HORSE and wagon ' for sale. Tyler 1113. HAY $7.60 ton. A. W. Wagner. 901 N. la. Wanted. WANTED TO BUY One team of horses; average about 1, WO 4b. ; not over 6 years old. Call 1613 Farnam. Telephone Tyler S24. . ' WILL trada forty horsepower, 1915 model Spauldlng touring car for horses, cat tie or sheep. Address B 513. Bee. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 10Q FEET ON 24TII STIIEET NEAR FARNAM Will sell or give long time lease on fsvorable terms. Located right for a sure advance in value. . .PRICE, $20,000. GLOVER & SPAIN, 919-20 City National. Doug. 3962. POULTRY AND PET STOCK HOMER pigeons, about 15 birds. What have you to trade? Benson 326. UXD grain. 100 lb. $1.73. Wagner. Ml N il AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1914 Ford touring, exc. condition.... 7.J22S 1913 Metx roadster J) 1UI6 Monitor touring, brand new 6.0 1914 S-cy Under Studcbaker touring... 6V,o 1913 Ford coupe I'JU Oakland touring, fine condition.. 4J6 ' ALTO CLEAR1NU HOUSE, Douglas 8310. . Z!" Farnam. WHENEVER you are considering sell ing or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want fee pie wbo are willing to pay for what hey are getting you will have no re gret If you buy or advertise through the used car column ot The lee. Phoa Tyler 1000. FOR SALE My Detroit electric. old model, but in excellent condition, prac tically new batteri. Price touO. W. A. .Murer. council Blurt, la. WILL take car on my s-room modern residence, 8. $2t Ave., Omaha. Owner, So. 34461. A. D. Klnlav. So. Side. AUTOMOBILE ft general Insurance fire, theft, liability, etc. ART THATCHER, 1217-11 City Nat. P. 8e01. 1.000-LB. truck Vh. Nebraska Bulck Service Station. 1914 Faruam. Phone Douglas T2L AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL LNoURANCB CO.. Douglas I9. Aataatabllee Waatea. WANTED-To buy" 1914 or 19!$ Ford tour in ( car btdir, in good cond lion pox 3Ui. Kcneraa, Neb. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Eighty-Nine Cars of Wheat Re ported In, with Prices Unchanged to One Cent Lower. CORN SELLS ONE CENT HIGHER OMAHA, January 1. 1916. The wheat market was very steady to day and the receipts were very good. High l y-nlne ears were reported In and wheat sold unrhanged to Ic lower. 0er 1H) cars of orn were re-elved on the local exchange today and the best grades sold lc higher, while the poorer corn sold Ic off. Oats were very steady, selling un changed to Uc lower. Rye and barley were unchanged. Clearances; Wheat and flour equal to 177.000 bu.; com, liT.OOO bu..; oats. SW.tWO bu. Liverpool closed with wheat lHd lower, and corn unchanged. Primary wheat receipt were 973.000 bu. and shipments of l,0i bu., against re ceipts of 662.000 bu. and shipments of 1.177,000 bit. last year. Primary corn receipts were HOO.OOI) bu. and shipments of 439,tW bu.. against re ceipts of J.W.OOO bu. and shipments of 1.201. iiOO hu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 779.000 bu and shipments of 7S1.000 bu., against re ceipts of l.lTS.OxO bu. and shipments of 1.198.000 bu. Inst rear. CAR L6T RE'-EIPTS. WncaL Corn. Oats. Chicago 78 2t 190 Minneapolis .....liVi Duluth 65 : Omaha M 10 ' Kansas City lift ' St. lyiul 102 20 44 Winnipeg 131 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 3 hard winter: I cat. $..; 1 car. $1.13; 3 cars. $1.1-",; 6 cars, $1.13" 4 cars, $1. U1; 2 cars. $1.11. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. $l flfcV,; 1 car. $1 OS; S cars. $1.07; 2 cars. $1 064; 1 car, $1.06; cars. 1.05; 6 cars, $1.04. Sample: 1 car. $U2; 1 car. $1 00; 1 car, asc; S cars, 90c. No. S mixed: 1 car, $1.12. No. 2 durum: S ear. $1.13; 1 car, $1.12. No. 3 mixed durum: 1 car, $1.12. Rye No. S: 1 car, oc. Bar lev No. 4: 1 car, ."c. Com No. 3 white: 2 cars. V4c. No. while: 1 car, 7Sc: 6 cars, 7c; t cars, c. No. 5 white: 3 cars, 66c; fi cars. 65c; 1 car. M'-feo. No. $ yellow: 1 car. 70c. No yellow:. 1 car, 68c; 2 cars, 671-; 1 car. 67c. No. 6 yellow; 2 cars, fivc. No. 6 yellow: 2 cars, 4c; 2 cars, 6Zc. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, tSVjc, No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 67,c; 6 cars, 67c; 4 cars, 66.: No. i mixed: T cars, 6fc; 7 cars. 4V No. 6 mixed: 1 car (wheat mixed). bOWc; 1 car, 21,'4c: 8 cars, 62c; 2 cars, 61Wc; 3 cars, 61c. Sample: 1 car, 674c; I car, 6IV10; 1 car, 61c; 4 cars, c; 1 car, 25c. Oats No. 3 white: 1 car, 4.1c; 1 car, 4,1Hc. No. 4 white: 1 car, 43'e; 3 cars. 4:c. Sample: 1 car, 4!'-4e. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 hard. 1.1V1.17; No. 3 hard. $1.l04fr1.14; No. 4 hard. $l.0.tyfr1.0S; No. 2 spring. $l.14'( 1 17: No. 3 spring, Sl.lliffl.lS: No. 2 durum, $1.121rl.l3: No. 3 durum. $l.llr1.12; gam. pie, 90cfjfl.03. Corn: No. white. 6h' (V; No. 4 white, ar.wrwo: No. R white, Wn66o: No. 6 white, 62ir64c; No. 3 yellow,, 6Vi70c; No. 4 yellow. 664VJr6l!e: No. S yellow, gnffOTc: No. 6 yellow, itft 64c; No. 3 mixed. 6fcne: No. 4 mixed. 06u!71HCi No. 6 mixed. 6344rwc; No. 6 mixed. fiOfrSc: sample mixed, MfatfTSc.' Oats: No. 2 white. Witfi444c: standard, 44foH4ic; No. 3 white. 43N3e; No. 4 white, 43&434c. Harley: Malting, 6,r 70c; No. I feed. 67i2c. Rye: No. 2, 91tr 92c: No. 3, OiHfffllc. Chicago closing prices, furnished The e by Iogan AV Brvsn, stock and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth, Omaha: Art'cle1 Open. High. Wheat I May.il 26V.1H rs. I T ow. I Clone I Tes'y. 1 264U J7HAI 1 27H 1 11 VI 1 21B1 1 20 July.ll20-19l 1 214 Corn. I I May. 1787,0 I 79' July.l 7SI 79W I I I frSSWHl 7-, 794, I . 7sSl 79B 7Vi Oats. I I May.lSOKfflfttl BO'4 July.l 44l 49',! It11 ' x.' D B04 4l 484Ul pork. Jan.. is oo May.) 19 50 Lard. I Jan.. 10 40 May. 10 9S July. 10 90 Rlba. 1 IS 27H' 19 74 W 9241 19 2741 19 00 -f lit 47 19 19 bihk .1 l' 10 40 ' 10 55 l' 10 47 10 IV 10 924 10 974 10 55 10 95 10 70 10 65 I 10 774 10 $2-851 10 9741 10 90 I I I Jan.. 10 40-421 10 40-421 10 5f I 10 45 10 75 10 9i.Bl 10 90 I ; 10 90 May.) 10 75 July. I B Bid. A-AHked. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trad la and Cloelaa Prlcea on Board at Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 15. Assertion that ex porters had become active buyers at Win nipeg gave wheat price here a rally to day after a weak start. The close wasj unsettled at the same as yestcrday'H finish to c higher, with May $1,274, and July, $1.21. Corn lost lie to Vtc net, oats wound up 4c off to a shade ad vance, and provision at a rise of 74c to 36c. Strength In wheat did not develop until word arrived- that English houses which had been sending bearish new to New York had later turned to the bull side of the market and were purchasing in Winnipeg on a large scale. The upturn In the market here was encouraged by advices that Brazil bad made a big re duction In tho Import duty on flour. Mora or less attention was also given to re ports that h green hug danger was In creasing rapidly in Texas. Liverpool dispatches Intimating that the British authorities were releasing many vessels to bring about more liberal ship ment from Australia and Argentina did a great deal to weaken prices during the first half of the dy. The temporary de pression was In the face of the fact that stock In Europe and on ocean paaaago were the smallest at any correapondinc time. In ten year. Chances of Increase In arrival acted as a weight on the corn market and so too did the breaking of tho drouth In Argentina. Improved demand from the offset Ver' fom'', omt,thlng of an Oat proved relatively firm; Tho chief W'busVela IK,rt bU8,ne,- etlm" t Provisions rallied sharply after a de cline at the tart. Enlarged outside nuy ing waa reported, and offerings from h.rjric'?" J?' notwlthsUBdln, low, 72'.'ii7Slic: No. 4 white, 724r73c Oata No. 3 white.. 4Vn47'c; standard. 4Si"'"' Rye: Nominal. Harley, 6fvW79e TimolhV $6.fti.00. Clover. $lfl a wig. 76. I'ork iiiirli 1719274. Lard: $10.S7Va 10.56. Ribs, $10 124 "10. 60. EU UP Higher; receipts. 2,061! eases firsts. 304e; ordinary firsts, 294; at mark tasea Inrluded, 22-i30c. mara, POTATOEtf-Receipts, 35 cars; market unchanged. POULTRY Alive, lower; fowls 16c spring, 15c; turkeys. He. ' NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET notations ef the Day an Varloa Commodities. NEW YORK. Jan. 15. FLOUR-Onlet WliEAT-Spot. firm; No V dJrum $1.4: No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1 4:14 kX' 1 northern, Manitoba, $1,464 f. 0 b New Yo,rkJu!ue,' ,,re steady; May. $1 :t.i7 CORN-Spot. steady; uew No. 2 yel . w S6e c. I. f. New York. yellow, OATS-elpot, tadjr; No. $ white, 514 HAY Dull; No. 1, $1.20181.224; No. 2, AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE Aata Livery ana tiara gea. jnduatrial Oarage Co.. 20 ft Harney Bta." Aata Repairing; and Painting. '9? "rd for magneto we ran t repair. " js rsuorier. z lu r. isth. KB EE winter atorago when cars are pauitsd and repaired. Johnaon-Danforth Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 2uj Far, li. JX Aata Tires aad aapplle. . AUTO TIRES REBUILT. $2.00 TO $6.00. DUO TIKE CO.. 1U ChlcagoJ$t BAIUIAINS In slightly uaed'and demon at rating tire. Zwlebel. 25j Farnaiu. D. 4117a. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES li A KU -1 -I A V 1 1 .SO N M'oTO Itci C LEhT baigi.il in um d nmclnne. Vi.-tor Iluoa, "Tiie ilulufoik Man." .MM Lcaveawuiiu. mcago tasli Price Wheat: No. 2 red nominal: No. t red. l.ffliSL- No J hard. $l.K4ll.23S: No. 3 hard'. $?10fll 19 Corn: No. 2. yellow, nominal- K a ..J' $1 07Htfl.l.'.; No. 3, 9.tff7'. shipping. Tt !. HOI'S yulet: state, common to choice, 191n crop. J6ii2Sc; S14 rn(S 19c; Pacirio coast, 1!I5 crop, UjtlV; Ii4 crop, KirlOr. HIDES Steady; Bogota, 3ii3lc; Central America, 29c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. SSfJi 34c: seconds. SWc. I'HOVISIONH-I'ork. steadv; mess, $1: : family. $-J.svi.ii; "shoit clear, tl'J .MiC.1 " Beef, steady; mess. $l6.fvvi , m family. $l imis ;). lrd. steady; midille went $H t ii to :. TAI.LOW F'rtn: city, Sc; coutitrv. ix ftS'- special, Se KCTTER-Stendy: receipts. 3.9vi tubs; creamery extr.ts. s.;f.i4o; firsts, 2si32c; seconds. ::f!lW. EilUS Easier: receipts. 4.71 cases, fresh gathered extra fine, ,V.n:t7c; extra firsts. 3lt;ki.'. firi-ls. 3-'flV; seconds, S04 t..:i'-,c CHEESE Firm; receipts, 1.2s boxes; state whole milk, held Facials, lc; av erage fancv, '7Vul7c; current make, specials, 171fl74c; average fancy, 16'. r lc, POULTRY Alive. steady: western chickens, 16t; fols. isvfc: turkeys. :Y; dressed, strong, tresh killed chickens, 16 tr27c; foals, WHttWc; turkeys, 2V. OMAHA UEX RRAb N.IRKKT BEEF CUTS Ulb: No. 1. 184c; No. 2. 164c; No. 3, 124c. Loins: No. I. 24e. No. 2, lie; No. 3. 14c. Chucks: No. I, i-c; No. 2, sc; No. 3, 4c. Rounds: No. 1, 1:14c; No. 2. 12 V: co. 3. llc. Plates: No. i. Ve: No. 2. 84c: No. 3. ;c. FltCl'i thxttkn: 'siiiiiriiiu Sunklst. naxrls, 64s, $.'.il box; California Sunkist navels, Mia, $.'.25 Ihix; t.'alifoi nia tinklst navels. 96a. 1'H's, $2 60 liox; California Sun klst navels, 112n, $2.75 box; California Sun klnt navels. 126s, $,! i box; California Sun kist navels. l.'iOs, 2.vs. 2J4s, $a.Ji0 box, Cali fornia Sunklst navels, 176s, $i7j lox; Cnllfornliv Sunklst navels, 200. !l6s, 2:'-V. $4 00 box. I-emolis: tlohlen Bowl, 3IOs, $0.00 box; Silver (rd. 3ts. 360a, $4.50 box. (Iranefrutt: 36s. 4'-s. 64s, $.1.76 box: 64s. Sis. $4.00 box; extra fancy, all sixes. $4 26 box. Orapes: Malagas, $7.uK(istu hbl. Bananas: Medium slxn bundles, $l.50yl76 bunch; meUtum sixo jumhoes, $2 1vu2 50 bunch; regular slse Jumboes, $-' 6or(1 j 7,-, hunch; extra large Jumbiies, $:iw3.26 bumh; mammoth Jumhoes, $:i.6iw3.7fi bunch. Cranl)errles: $9.0u per bbl. and up. Dates: Dromedary, 36s. $2 .Vi ea.e; fsnl, 12e lb.; stuffed, walnuts, $l.3Ti box. Figs: New, 10-12 or.. STo box. Nuts: No. 1 peanuts, raw, f4c lb.; No. 1 peanuts, roasted, Sc lb.; peanirts. Jumbo, 94o lh. : eanuts. Jumbo, roasted, 9l-c lb.; English wal nuts, No. 1, 164c lb.; English walnuts. No. 2, 134c lb.; filberts. 15c lb.; pecans, I240 lh. ; pecans, Jumbos, 174c lb.; Bra Ills, 1r lb.,; mixed nuts. 15c h. VIXIETABLES-Potatoes. White stock, $1.20 bu.: western Nebraska. $1.10 bu. Sweet potatoes: $3.50 bbl.; Jersey, hamp ers. $1.7 hamper; southern, hampers. $1..'i0 hamper. Onions: Red. Sc lb.; yellow, 24c lb.; Spanish, $1.06 crate. Cucumbers: $2.iW lox. Cauliflower: $100 crate. Cabbage: 14o lb. lettuce: Head. $1.00 dnx ; leaf, 40c dox. Celery: Jumbo. 90c nog. Parsley: 50c doa. Radishes: 50c do. Brussel sprouts: 20c lb. New beets. cars. turnips, 50c dox. Old beets, carrots, turnips, ruta bagoes, 14c lb. MISCELLANEOUS Cider: Nehawka. tt 25 keg. Honey: Comb (24 sectional, $3.75 case; Airline. 24 slx-ot. tumblers, $1.90 case. Popcorn: No. 1 rice. 4c lb.; 40 1-11. packages, $2.50 case: Nebraska white, owing to quality, 24340 lb. Cornpops: Kornettes. $1.25 case; 4 case. $1.65. Check ers. Crackerjack. Chums: $3.50 ease; H cases. $1.76. Salted peanuts: $1.25 can. Horesradish: $1.75 case. Kranorntert Apples and Hrlen Fralta NEW YORK, Jan. 1B. -EVAPORATED APPLES Dull and easy; fancy, 94'filOc; choice, 744ic; prime, 64fHc. DRIED URtTTS Prunes, firm; Cali fornia, 4M14c; Oregons. 744c. Apri cot, quiet; choice, 74c; extra choice, loc; fancy. 12c. Peaches, quiet; choice, 54 Riw: extra choice. 54c: fancy, 64c. Raisins, steady; loose muscatele, 74f74c; choice to fancy seeded, 74hV:; seedless, 4Uc Kansas f Ity Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITT. Jan. 15. WHEAT No. 3 hard. $!.l5ii1.l9; No. 2 red, $1.2o$fl.25; May. $I.1K: July. $1,134. CORN-No. 2 mixed, 694rt70c; No. 2 white, 70c: No. 3 yellow, 71c; May, 744c; July, 75V'(74e. OATS No. 2 white, 4647c; No. I mixed, 4Ko42c. BUTTER Creamery, 33c; firsts, 31c; seconds. 29e; packers, 19c. j.Xinis Firsts, 27c; seconds. 20c. POULTRY Hen. 13a; turkeys, 17c; springers, 1.1c. ' Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 16. WHEAT xi . 11 "t;i.: Jiilr. $1,254: No. 1 hard. 31 3i4- No. 1 northern. $1.2tiSfc 1.294; No. 2 northern. $1 2344J1.264 BARLEY i"w75c. RTE 964(364c. BRAN $17.7518.60. OORN No. 3 yellow. 7B4W.6C. OATS No. 8 white. 4.r40O- FLAX-$2.3ff2.41, v Oil and Raeln. SAVANNAH. Ga , Jan. 1K:-TURPEN. TIN F Firm at U4rXci sales, 14$ bbls. ; receipts, 167 I. bis.; shipments, 826 bbls.; stocks, 14.644 bbl. nOBIN Firm; sale, 11 bbl.; receipts, 1.260 bbls.;' shipments, 1,91$ bbls.; stocks. 66.961 bbls. Quotations: A. B. C, D. E, F and Q. $5.30; H. $6.35; I. $5.40; K. $6.00; M. 16.10; N. $6.75; WU. $7.00; WW, $7.50. .' ' M, Lonls Grata Market. T. LOUIS, Jan. 15. WHEAT No. 1 red. 91.:V(jl.l: No. t hard, nominal; May. $1.234(ttl 234. : July. $1.17. CORN No. Z, 73c; No. 2 whit. 767J 754c: May. 16ttWc; July. 77c. OAT No. 2, -64ci No. 2 white, nomi nal; May, 48U; July, nominal.. London Stork Market. LONDON, Jan. 15. American securities closed steady and a fraction higher. SILVER M ler ounce. MONEY 4'iiH'44 Per cent. lUSCOUNT RATES Short bills, 6 per cent; three months, Vi, per cent. Bank Clearing. OMAHA.. Jan. Ij Bank clearings for Omaha todjy were $1,362,647.61. and for the corresponding day last year $3,277,681.61. The total clearings for the week ending today were $21.6S4.24I.9K and fo rthe cor responding week last year, $20,100,647.70. St. Lonls Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo, Jan. 16 CATTLE RecclntM. 1.2u0 head; market steady: na tive beef steers. $7 6'f9.SO; yearling steer and heifers, $S.;Vi9.35: cows. $o.60rqi7.ai: Mockers and feeders, $5.0(7.25: southern steers, $6 2.VQ8.60; cows and heifers, $4 00 fc.50; native calves, $6 OlitflO.60. H008 Receipts. 10.500 head; market lower; pigs and lights, $6.0fK7.15; mixed and butchers, $7.sXS7.35; good heavy, $?.20 ft 7.'.. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 300 head": market eteady; yearling wethers, IKOUi.Ki; lambs. $9.0Offl0.; ewes, $6.tu) 7.X. Ht. Joseph Live Stowk Market. ST. jr.EPII, Mo . Jan. 15 -CATTLE Receipt. liK head; steers, $7.00'r9.00; cow and heifers, $4.261 ..75: calves, $7.00950. HOUS Receipts. 10,J bead: market lower: top. $7.1, bulk of sale. $6.75fj7 ft",. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,000 head; market steady; lamb, $9. 7fj10.7. 1 , 1 Ktork la Slant. Cattle. Hogs 8heep. Omaha H"0 m.fmi Ht. Louis 1.2'"i 10.6U1 ;'a) Kansas City 4' 4.0i Chicago 5u) 34.0im I, W0 Sioux City 6i0 !. 2"0 Totals 3.000 57,iJ !,rijo Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 16.-The market for coffee futiiiea waa comapatlvrl v quiet to day with prleea easing off under further scattering liquidation. The opening was unchanged to 4 points lower. After selling at 7.21' July rallied to 7 2fc on coverings and a little trade buying, but the demand wss limited, and price aagged off later a 1th May wiling at 7.11c. and September at 7.32c. The close waa 1 to 6 points net lower. Sales. 9.iio bags. January, 6Mc; Kehruarv, 6.95c, March. 7.03c; March. 7c; April. 7.07r: Mav. 7 10c; June. 7 1.m-; July. 7.2"c: Augiit. 72oc; September, 7. Sis-; October. .30c; November, 7.40c; lieceinber, 7.4TK-. Spot, steady; Rio 7. 8c; 8antoa 4s, 94c. No change wtts reported In the cost and freight situation. The oflUlal rabies showed an advaaoa of i:m rein at Rio with the Santo market unchanged and Rio exchange on London 4 lower. I at law Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 16. rOTTON-pot, quiet; middling uplands, 12.C0c; no aalea. Futures closed barely steady; January. 12.29c: March. 12 4".c; May. 13.6c; July. i2 Mr: I ictober, 12. 71c. LIVEKPix U Jan. 15.COTTONrot. steaai : g.Kxi mKktitnt. 4:; nitn.lllng. h IJc. low middling. 7.72c, salea, 6,14) pules. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Run for the Week Liberal in Spite of the Extreme Cold Weather. HOGS HAVE BIO SATURDAY RUN OMAHA. January 15. 1916. rteceipn ; Catt'e. Hogs. Bheee Official Mnnlnv 11. JO., 12.7 ."4 17 .III ;"ir'cil Tuesday 7 PT7 I ;.. 9.611 'f'l' l ii Uetlnos.lay i - 14 4r 7 "l I - 'i inursusy .... l.OTj 5.nij s.ot.i .I'tfulal h n.Hv s.:w puis r.cuniate Saturday .. 3i0 Six (lava this week 2N "JT sine days last week24 Same d.'iys HKi .ante days 3 wks. nxo.Krut Paine d,'a 4 wks. mko.j.(V.4 Same daa last !i .r. The following tain, snows the receipt or cattle, hoss and sheep at the Omaha Live Ptoi-k market for the year to date . wmparra Willi last year: ... w l!''". 1 at tie m x- uui Inc. Pec. 14, 60,141 !S4,.rw li'io Sheep lO'.OSJ ir.Nill 24,t2t The folio ing table shows the average t,-i.. " r 1 .... ... . . . , . ..... ... n, (nv unw na iv- sir s market for the laat few das. with 00m- Date. lsl. 1915. 11914. 11)411.1191$. 11911. 11910. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 1.1 1.1 7 IK 7 68 7 10) T 091 7 13 OS, I I M OW 7 861 $ ' CJ! 8 80 $ $0 7 H $ W mi. 7 76' $ 7 7 1 7 81 3. 4.. S. a 8 . tn $ 44 4.M4 .4. a -.,u 7 M 704 7 02 74 I 7 t$9 T 141 Till 0 7 411 8 It 6 74 9 is 7 K8 T U I 61 $ n 7.. 8.. 9.. 7 tW 6 90 7 H 7 14 I 654 7 9.1 a so I 061 8 06 1 04 7 93 el 8 13 7 16 7 14 10. It. 12. 13. 14. 15. 674 $-'4l $ 9J4I 7 o4 9241 6 70 7 12 70 I 7 02 7 ( 67 67i 7 11 15 Sun.lay. Holiday Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock vards, Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 1 p. m. yes terday: . RECEIPTS CARS. Cattte. Hog. C. M. St. P li Wabash 4 Missouri Pacific 2 Union Pacific 1 3i C. A N. W., east 3 11 C. N. W.. west I 61 C, nt. P.. M. O 1 1 C, B. ft q., east 1 C, B. & VI., west 42 C, R. 1. P., east 7 C. R. I. ft. P.. west 2 Illinois Central 11 Chicago Ureat Western S 11 Total receipt 16 141 DI8IOSITION HEAD. Hogs. Morris ft Co 1,7 0 Swift and Company 3,721 Cudahy Packing Co i.ssl Armour ft Co 6.217 Schwarts ft Co JSW J. W. Murphy 8,2J Total $30,142 CATTLE As usual on Saturday there were only a few cattle here and they sold at prices not materially different from Friday, but around kxyiho better than the cloaa of laat week. Receipt this week have been rather liberal In aplte of the rough weather, gome 28,500 head showing, up for the six day which la about l.OuO lesa than last week, but 7,000 more than a year ago. Tho market ha been very uneven partly owing to the bad weather and partly owing to unuaiial conditions existing In the east. Undertone to the trade, however, has been fairly healthy throughout and both beef steer and butcher stock have found a free outlet right along until the laat day or two when the difficulty experienced by pack er In securing refrigerator car ha lowed up the demand somewhat. In atockera and feeder business ha been unusually brlak for thia aeaaon of tho year and the volume of bualnea quite large with price tendlnr stronger on practically all grade. Tito recent Im provement In the fat cattle market ha been responsible for a very decided re vival of interest on the part of the coun try in stock cattle and feeding steers. ()lr,tatlrn. r, rt nal.. OajuI . r phnl.. beeves. $H.26K.75; fair to good beevea. tl.WVH.W; common to fair beevea, $6.60 ! 7.40; good to choice heifers, $ti.26'a7.00, good to cnolce (wwa. a.7f,tjP6.60; fair to good. cow. $6.26(16.76: common to fair eowa, $4.0006.00; good to choice feeders. $16427.66; (air to good feedera. $i.4Ofr.90; common to fair feeders, $6 frOit 6.40; good to cboloa stockers. $7.0O4r7.66; fair to good atocker. $6 3o7.00; common to lair atocker $S.60tfp4.3r.; stock heifer. $5.75ii.75: stock cows, $4.7ji.2; stock calves, $S.6077 60; veal calves, $i.0i)9.eu; bulla stags, etc. $4.75.25. HOOS An unusually large Saturday hog run waa on hand, receipts of 847 car, or about 18,000 head, being the largest for a long time on a fcta.iurday. 11." It.olO 79.1H3 4V.925 9,'. lit M.71W 1 sr.!) 25,11 76.iH' 3..I04 H'...;6I .-.tnlV j t:r, Sj. 71 1 ? M 8 19 It f 09 7 871 t OS 7 M si 101 7 75, 9 Ik 17 7 7s Oo 7 78 t 19 7 69, 9 56 8 42 The t Saving Bank Way Jv A- ' J Is a very good way to gave money, but yon will nerer grw rich,' on what your money will earn for you at 3 or 4 per annnm. Th- same money invested in good residence lots in Omaha, would in a very few years yield you several times the above rate. Good lota can be purchased in almost any part of the city, with a email cash payment down and the balance in small monthly amounts. In a short time, you will have your lot paid for, together with the. increase in value, which is sure to come on all well located property in Omaha. Omaha is today one of the most prosperous cities in the rountry bank clearings are climbing higher each week; wholesale and retail business is growing faster than ever before in the history of the city. The live stock and grain market is the envy of our competitors. New skyscrapers are going up all around us. Can you watch these developments going on each day and ques tion what the profit will be in Omaha Real Estate f Values are going to increase, and today is the time to buy before the advance is made in the price. You can keep yourself fully informed by closely following the Ileal Estate columns of The Omaha Bee the best offers are always made in The Bee. v Everybody reads Bee Want Ads.. The Omaha Be Telephone Tyler 1000, Total arrival this week are 79.10$ head. Deing IH.OOO short of a week ago. but larger than two weeks ago and a gain of 29.000 over laat year. The outlook waa anything hut promis ing and every thing wore a very bearish aspect. Yesterday's advance threw Iocs! frlcea wav out of line wl'h other msr ets and packer could ask for no better chance to line things up again than the heavy receipt today. The result waa that everyone waa slow In getting started, but that when both shipper and packer buyers raised their firsts bids un til they were no more than ivn20c lower than the early trade yesterday, a gnol many hoga began moving acaleward. The market once established became fairly active, and with few exception the big bulk of the offerings sold l.V(i20r lower lhan yesterday's eaily prices, and little) If any better than stesdv with Thursday. Bulk of all Hie salea was msde at. 7 00, with the usual sprinkling ef light stuff on down, guile a few load were bought by both shipper aud packers a lilgb as $7 0 and the top reached $7.H Aa compared lth a week ago prices to day are asiJdc higher, even after today's aharp break, which, Just about lopped off all yesterday s advance. A heavy supply Monday gave packer a vision of another big week and they pounilml prices to the tune of lrjl.V the opening day. However, Tuesday's tun fell far below expectations and from then on alues shot up rapidly. The big end of this week s upturn can, however, be laid to weather condition more than to actual strength In the market, and aa a heavy run la expected next week no one would be surprised to see the big eml. If not all. ot this week advance trimmed off. Representatives sales: N. At Sh. IT N. a. Sr. Pr 1; 1ST ... 7 :t l7 ... j M 17J .. H l"4 1.4 ... ( M 1UU IM .. S J 1M ... b, T7 1 49 4 no ... M m 11 ... 1124 Cf 2M ... f.it 7i ... St nt m n S- ... t V 2 IXt 1 1 t n ... 1 1 7.1 rrt ... 1 os H4 ... 1 74 lid ... 1 in PIUS. H n ... M 14 ... 4 tl 111 . ..IM . .. t . ... ...IJ4 ... fj SHEEP No sheep and lamb were In eluded In the day arrival. Yesterday official count fell a few hundred head short of the estimate and the week'a total Is 49 925 head, being leno smaller than a week ago and o,o short of last year, but 14, KW heavier than two week ago. Issspite the fact that price were be ginning to look a little top-heavy a week ago the week'a limb trade ha duplicated the 76o advance scored laat 1 week and current value are a flat $l.u0 .higher than they were two week ago. I A heavy run Monday resulted In a slight break, the market opening alow and 16o lower, but closing more active anil with part of the break regained. -From Monday on it waa a steadily advancing market up until Friday, when with a heavy week end run values held steady at the week'a advance. Closing quota! long put good to choice iamba at $10 6ctfl0.75. and fair to good kinda are selling from $10.40 up, those figure being far the highest ever In January. Few If any rllpied lamb were marketed. Best should sell to $9.60 at present. Feeder trade seem to be al most a thing of the past for this aeasnn. for while there are plenty of orders still unfilled, supplies are very scant. Aa high aa $9.10 waa paw tor ununisneo weigntv lamhs to go to nearby feed lot and good feeding ewes touched $6.15. Both these alea were made early in the week. CHICAGO LIVID STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady lloa gtrong Sheep Firm. CHICAGO, Jan. 15. CATTLB-Rece'pt. 500 head: market, steady; native beef steers. $6.6041 90; western steer. $6.f 8.90: eowa and heifers, $.1.2OW.60; calve, $7.2c6lfl.76. HOOS Receipts. 14.00ft head: market, strong; bulk of salea. $6.sYVfji7.16: light. $0 1T7.10; mixed. $6.7u47.80; heavy. HJVUl.X; rough. $.80iji96; pigs. $5 504f.0. SHEEP AND LAM BH Receipt s, I.OflO head; market, firm: wethers, li.liXJJ7.kij; ewes, $5.257.00; lambs, $8.ud,l0.90. Kaaaaa City Lira StaeU Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Jan. 15.-3ATTT.B Receipts. 40O head: market steady; prime. $6. ISO. 26; dressed bef steers, $7.00 fa 26; western steers, $.60ft.t0; atocker and feeder. $6 OOrtr. 15 ; bulla, $5.60ir.(0: calves. $6AKfi.!0.6O. HOOB Receipt. 4.000 head; market lower: hulk of eales, $.7Wr7.0&: heavy, $7.0007.10: packer and butcher, $4.aMt 7.10; light, $6.7VPi7.00; plga, $AflrJr4.a. SHEEP AND LAMBs- Receipts, t.flflO head; market ateady; lambs. $9.76tM0 75; yearlings. $8.2".26; wethers, $.7r7.78; ewes, $6.2Tt7.2&. Slang City Live Stack Market. SIOUX CITY. Ta.. Jan. 15. CATTLE Receipt, COO head; market, ateady; na tive steers. $6 S&4j7.66. HOISft Rerelnts. 1.400 head: market. 104$ 16e lower; heavy. $6.96tU7.10; mixed, f if, 1W9f.; light, $6.65i?6.86; bulk Of sale, $6.75 4J7 00. SHEEP AND LAMBS-ReceipU, SrO head. Batter Market. FI3IN. III.. Jn. 1. BUTTER 7$ tub old at 31 cent. NEW YORK jTOCX MARKET Mexican Sham Arc Once More Offered in Large Quantities. STEEL IS UNDER PRESSURE NEW YORK. Jan. li. Aside from sub stantial advanrea In a few high priced specialties, such as Bethlehem Steel. International Nickel and American Coal Products. In which gwin rsnged from 7 to ?7 points, tods7 short nt actKe session developed few features ef Inter est. The more moderate priced Issues of that same class tried to keep pace Ith this movement, but met wrth Indif ferent succeas. same closing wit net losses. Men lean shares were once more of fered In large itosnttlle. Mexican petro leum and American Smelting being ub Jected to renewed short selling. Untied States Steel was under steady pressure, With resultsnt heaviness anil final Am. I Ings In frnptpi, Kteel. Lackawanna Steel. Baldwin Ixynmntlve and StiHte baker, left those stocks quite generally under the previous arsa.orts' closing quo tations. Ralls were at all times backward and Irreaular. New Tor CVntraL the llar- rlman. St. Paul and Erie being sold ' ll K , 1 m . . ,,,. I 4 mahh-.Iam. Home of the utilttlea. particularly tele graph and telephone aharee added to .veeterda.t a gains. Aa a group mercan tile marine Issues again dominated the list, the preferred stock making another new high record oa Ita advance of $4 to '4. while the 44 and fourth eer tlcates made a new maximum on their rise of 24 to 101. Trading In Marine Preferred wa larger, than In any other stock. Total eales amounted to 416.000 hre. Today's bond marknt was strong. New York Central debentures rivalling Marine Issues In activity. Total sale at bond, par value were $4.4..iX United States coupon 3 and registered 4s declined 4 per cent on call during the week.. Number of sale and leading quotation on stock were aa follows: le. Mth. Lew. CTo Alaska nM so k4 16 Allla-rlMlnter trt Jt Am.Hr.n psa gutar.. l.nno t tr", f7 tmrlnn n st.ini t ! Hmsl'.l laeiMlvi .... I.TiM sti, r.' AsMrtra a. a r ........ , tuivt mi, tea Am. A H rM.... lit Am. Hunr FUrinln tna ill 11 114', Amertraa Tel. Tel-... tM IM'fj 117 1774 A wrVss Tssaere 2Z Aasrnada Cotipsr i e.i, 7,aa H4 li!H in1!, lona '. 14 A Atehlsna llalSwla lmrmnMiw ... Ha 1 1 laser a Ohio........ ttalhlaham Weal ....... ttraafelr gat Tr lttnni Palroeun ... Csnsitlaa faclflft ....... In)rml laather bMialt Ohls 0. 1.MXO a W Ckbmin. M. A Su Cktram H. W 4 hlnaso, n. I. a T. Ry. Ckteo sar I'eleraae rel a Ipsa... YlKlM4 tlMl tVnvar a R- o. Mat liters' Dtnrtua ... Krla General FMertrlr Oraat Northarn fl....M OrtMt Na. Or rlla. ttncgaaWIm Rviloratioa. Illlnel CentraJ lntartorMfh Cna. Car. Insaknillna ff.e Intarnatleaal Harveatar.. Kanssa t'Kr Bwvtsara... lblsh VIIt 1, milavm NaatiTtlU.. Maxtean Pvl miasm Mlaail "o(pr Missouri, K. T. M... Missouri T'srlflc Nattonal nentt Nattenal la4 Nv4Hla Topper New Trh rxartnil N. T . N. H. H Narfnlk Waalar Nnelhera aadflo . Puttie Mall Pantrtfl Tl. 4 Tl rVfiaaTlvsnta Pllna ISIaoe Ckr Mr Va, Cnepar .rtsaoing HublM mn ft ).. Rotrthsra yy4fla Hontharn R11mT m4alnar rmmnaav .... Tax oa ComDany ., Paina IWcin I'ala faetfl If. ....... f'altrtl States StMl tl g. M4 Btd t'tali Cnysar Wastara t'nlon wsitihQaa Rlartrla .. llontaaa T'wr tnrl Metnra Wakasb a pfd i n 4 r 47 7 two Ji4 144 M " ITS !TN Law M M 411, vo . u i' 14 SM 114 I". Hsi's IS-'V tm tasfj it IT', l.a w 644 MS 1 4 414, K.lis) 70S 4 4t iv as .... It l.P 47 V 44 170A ll4 414, 41 7 ) m irt m M IMH 1KH IMS Limn .'S 4v 4 i.io us ats , 1C7 s t iH in, t.es 4KS 4HS 47S aa 11" 1W lis Tta 11 9 U.M 1IH 1114 H4i l.tW SkS . MS 1S 4 1W 4--U IM- l.OM 4 4 Teii 'i4 I. ton ttau vw lie i.,m n tat ins un ISO !. lust, 114 II II l.en 44 42 Ss VU HT I.1KI a ti iiu. n I. u uu l.tn tntli 1S tn M4 u Vtoa tu ; ii7 $tn i Mi f4 J.4 ttS t!T4 ffV l.tn m, tirs r: 4M) M M a, in S M ' l.aaa urs ins 'its 1, 7S 74 7 Vt Ilsm ts lmo 77 s ' in 'TH ' a;t4 '; 77 7SV, 4-. It 41", JtS 81 4 latamaltooal Marina I4. 61.XM1 U14. Total salaa tor th day. iu.N liana. Saaar Market. Kf,W TOR K, Jan. 11 ST'OAR-Raw teady; centrifugal, 4.2ir4.Ue; molasses 3.60J.V76; refined, steady. The market for futures wa firmer on buying by Cu ban Interest. c1orlnr 645 18 paint higher aalea, $460 ton: March, 3 4c; May. l.tOo July, $.Vlc; ISeptembcr, 3.12c. 1 e y .4 vi ' ' i v ; t 4 i f 1! liJS- It '14 . 1C7S 24, 'S an; i