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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1916)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY 1JKK: J ANUAttY 16, 1916. D A 1TAT.DTO DTJ I TTTTT70 Kew Series 17 Four Prioei at $843 Six Sells for $1,050 More Than 3,000 in Hands of Dealers. KO RADICAL CHANGES MADE Announcement just mad of the new ssria IT (Hudtbaker six-cylinder and foue-yltnler mortals come In the nature of a double triumph for the Htudebaker corporation. For not only haa this giant frraalsetion maintained Btudebaker qual ity In It latest product, while effecting Uvea added refinements and in several instance reducing rrlcss. it la further startling Uia publio by announcing that shipments of the new cara have been go ing forward for the lAat two weeks, so that wore than t.OOO dealers already are able to ahow the aeries 17 models. The baalo dcsljn of the aeries 17 cars show no radical chanres. The mechan ical principles that have proved success ful art retained Intact. Mare Roomlarit. Tb new refinements have been in the direction of saourlng greater roominess and comfort, along with still further con veniences, in spite of those added fea tures, however, the new series 17 four cylinder seven-passenger touring car now sells for io. The three-passenger road ster Is priced at I83S. The six-cylinder even-passenger touring car is priced at tl.flfiO and the three-passenger roadster at CO. A notable addition to the Btudebaker line Is the six-cylinder seven-pasengcr sedan model, the price of which Is 1.75. Otlfer new series W six-cylinder models are the three-passenger landau roadster, at $1,360. four-passenger coupe . at 11.600 and Seven-passenger limousine at $a.S00. The .four-cylinder models include the three-passenger landau roadster In addi tion to the touring car and roadster types. One of the most striking refinements in the aeries 17 csts is the divided front scat effect. The front scats are of the individual type of construction and are adjustable fore and aft. , Coincident with the appearance of the new series 17 models It is announced that the Btudebaker output for WIS will total 160,000 cars. The factory force Is now working on a schedule that Insures that number of machines during the coming yesr. ; t' ' The Dort Auto for This Territory "Those who appreciate value, sturdl ness and class In motor cara," says W. E. Foshier, "will be greatly Interested In the Dort as It haa Buusy featurea that one would hardly expect In a ear selling at the Dort price, 1(90, complete with electrlo starting, eleotrlo lighting, de mountable rims and full accessory equip ment " '. t ' .' "Tha . nam ' Dort In the automobile field la by no means a new one, as' the organisation which builds th Dott haa built vehicles and automobile for the lsct twenty-nine years. The Dort Motor Car company la th outgrowth . of . tha Dursnt-Dort Carriage company, k build ers of th famous Blue Ribbon Una of bwggte and farm vehicles. "In gelling the Dort car th officials of the company have adopted a policy that la unique la its fairness to both dealer and owner. This policy la to de velop one section of territory at a time and only to enter new territory when increased factory " production make it possible to supply additional dealer. "The Dort Model Five touring car sells for only $660, but In looking over the car Itself one Is impressed with the many little refinement and "big car" touchea i hat lift the Dort Into a, claaa of 1U vrn. Tor Instance, you wlB find that th Dort powerful, high speed, long atroke motor, while cast enbloe, haa Indepen ..iMn with large water Jackets that completely surround ach cylinder and each valve cage, making provision tor efficient cooling under the moat se . ... nniiitiona of hard and fast driving. "Again you will find that th Dort uses the dual exhaust, a feature that ha heretofore been confined to the, highest priced cars. This feature entirely elimi nates back pressure and adda to the power of the motors Success of Saxon uar is tut) iaiK. ui The New York Show High above th tumult and talk aroused by the greatest motor show yet staged In New Tork, rose the com ment on the Saxon Motor Car com pany remarkable step from obscurity to a stellar position among the auto mobile companies of the world in two years time. One thousand orders during the last week of 1913 and 1.000 more during the show was the spark which set off the final fireworks. Three hundred enthusiastic Saxon dealera from all parts of the country gathered to gether In a great Jubilee banquet to .lebrata the wonderful winter sale record, and the fact that though only two short years ago the Saxon exhibits waa on the fourth floor, it occupied a prominent position on the main floor at this year'e show and was the cen ter of discussion. Insstnucu ss space at the show Is awarded on the basis of sales volume, the placing of the Saxon on the main floor constitutes offlclsl recognition of the amsxlng growth of th company. One of the big features of the Jubilee banquet was a telegram sent to resi dent Wilson reading. "Saxon dealers of th United State assembled at an nual automobile show send you this meaeeg of faith and confidence In your Americanism In the critical hour of na tion'a history." LOOK FOR AUTOMOBILE SHORTAGE DURING YEAR George F. TUem, W. U KUly. W. U Huffman, F. J. MeShane. J. T. Stewart. 3d. and W. EL Foshier returned laat week from th New York auto how, and thetr opinion seem to be generally the same, that tha show waa a success and that dealer war Impressed with th necea slry of placing order early. Th demand upon th factor! during th 191 season will bs manifold, assert he Omaha men, and there m a great pos sibility of a greater oar shortage this veason than there was last. A Ter Rale" or "Pi runt 1 Ad placed The ' K will accomplish lis pur- Nebraskans Blocked by Ocean r C. U. EAKIN. A group, of pictures of western scenery have recently been received by the Llnlnger Implement company from C. H. Eakln,' one of Its dealers. Mr. Eakln left Nebraska during the later part of November, enroute to Cali fornia In an Oakland "31" This car had been driven as a demonstrating caf for S,no miles before starting west upon this last trip of S,0H miles. The per formance of the car was gratifying and Mr. .Eakln clnlms to have had no me chanical trouble during the trip. He got through without a puncture and had seventy-five pounds of Omaha air in his In a chanllenge Issued to other tire manufacturers, the B. F. Goodrich com pany of Akron, O.. through ,lts local manajrer, ,W. B. Rutherford, doclared At eelf willing to throw open Its books and records to an independent audit company if other companies wilt do the same, that the Goodrich company may prove It man ufacture more automobile and truck tire combined than any other concern in America. The challenge states that th Goodrich company manufactured in th last year more than 3,960,000 tires. Supplementary to the challenge la a staterriont Issued by the B. F. Goodrich company in which It denies certain re ports that it bad abandoned th manu facturing of white rubber tires beoaus of prohibitive war.prioe for white pig ment or for other reasons, and Is building the so-called black tread "barefoot" tire as a substitute. To support the denial the company deolarea it haa tone of white Ingredient necessary to build white rub ber Urea on hand at market prices, and that It know , where plenty more la available. K. H. Rtplogle, local manager of th Akron Marathon Tire company, spent laat week at Kansas City, with Daniel Zellof t advertising manager of tha Mara thon Tire and Rubber company. The ob ject of this visit was to attend th hard- Ware and -Implement dealer convention. Mr. Zelloft gave a detailed talk on ad vertlslng to the Towley Motor and Hard ware company. Walter H. Jenks, vice president Mil treasurer of the Marathon Tire and Bub ber company, will be In Omaha next week to complete th plan for the ex tension of the Akron Marathon business In thla territory. 1 . . Lansing Folks Get Rich in Building ' Reb Automobiles Here's an Aladdin' Lamp story thory that comes out of Lansing, where Reo oar are made. Every man whotravel Michigan know I th Downey house, one of th most famous hostelrlea In th entire state Any one who ha aver stayed at tha Downey house known genial "Billy" Grove. "Billy" 1 now manager of the I Downey house Charles P. Downey baa long since com to leave everything to "BUly." But in UOt when the Reo Motor Car company was first incorporated, "Billy" held the position of clerk. "Billy" waa on of the many Lanalng people who had Implicit faith in the men who were then starting in the new enter prise, and he Invested the, to him. Urge sum of U.0O0, in Reo stock. The otier day when the Reo stock holder met and decided to increase the capitalisation of th company .to $10,- 000,000 at th same time voting a 100 per cent stock dividend, "BUly" sat down and figured up how much his fl.ouO in vestment bad developed into In the eleven years sine the Inception of Reo. He found that it now amounted to tllKo. In order to understand this tremendous Increase on must remember that th Reo Motor Car company was originally Incorporated for only $500,000, then in creased to tl .000.000, Ister to $4,000,000 and now to 110,000,000; and that beside the stock dividends declared at those various times, there has been something like 1.400 per cent in cash dividends disbursed among the Reo shareholders. "Billy" Grove' original $1,000 worth of stock has developed into ?,400 shares. This, at the present market value, 33, plua the cash dividend be has received gives him a net earning on his original thousand oV more than $11S,000. ' "And 'best of all,' " aaya Donald E. Bates, secretary and treasurer of the Reo Motor Car company, "la the fact that 'Billy Grove' story is precisely the story of a great many other Lansing people who had confidence In the men who organized the Reo company, and whose confidence has bean Justified aid so handsomely rewarded." 0VERI ND CMpaNY IS TO USE ZONE MANAGEMENT Because of the phenomenal growth and the Immense production of automobile at Toledo. O., the Willys-Overland com pany has recently adopted tha sons method of sales throughout the United States, establishing thirteen sonea from which all factory matters will be handled. The real object of son tnna'erent la to bring the factory and Its general sales policies Into closer touch with the dis tributors and dealer In th territory. C. H. Tyler, th new son manager of th Omaha sone, which embrace a por tion of Iowa and all of Nebraska, stated positively that the establishment of a sone office In Omaha would have no ef fect whatsoever an the distributor la that Urritory, except In so far a a closer aasocation with them will make it possible for the factory to more fully co operate with the distributors. U further slates that the sone ufttce should not be confused with the'estaty lishment of branches, because the sone office if rot In sny aenaa of Ihe wjrd sales blanch. Gossip Along the 'Automobile Row 3 r-v. :-oskaa tires when he reached California. Eakln averaged sixteen and two-thlrdx miles per gallon of gssollne and he had no repair bills. In the mountains and on the Mohave desert Eskln met numerous cara of dif ferent makes, many of which were hav ing trouble, and he is now a believer In the "St" to the extent that he wHI bat It It against anything In its its and price. The above picture shows where Eakin was only blocked by the ocean, as the mountains were no hindrance. X 'Tor Pale" or "For Rent' Ad placed m The Bee will accomplish Its purpose. aaamyissiyiiaisitisy-i'itaaillj: l(ligaM,i aysiilisaaiai nnssiwn ip i ' Ili'ntiglTrjm;1 Am EI gyi!IMIp Duffy's in In the sunset of life, when memories take the place of the quickening heart throbs of youth, the gradually cooling fires of life need gentle fanning to keep their embers in the ruddy, glow of healthful, vigorous old age. Many a dear old person you may know, many a great grandmother or great grandfather, who is the delight of several generations because of an active sympathetic mind, owes his or her mental youth to the wise use of that long and widely tested, safe tonic stimulant for the old, Duffy's Pure Malt Taken in tablespoon doses in au equal amount of water or milk In fore hieals and on going to bed,' it acts as a mild stimulating tonic, iuoreasinj? the appetifv and digestion and enriching tho blood. Recognized as a family, medicine everywhere, many phyoicians testify that for this purpose Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey meets all requirement, and that its jwsitive purity makes it one of the most valued strength producers obtainable for the sick, weak and 1 wnm NOTE KM ) "'1 mi Name Plate on Gasoline Tank Tlir Mil, licll-l.e Is Mouir i im;iiiy ol Rselne. Wis.. Is putting out Its "Six of 'la" with the Mitchell name plate, clone in n'ckeled metal, attaihid to the gssollne tank tin the resr of the oar. M mav be seen st s considerable diets nre. "To my kno ledge, ours Is the only com puny In the Industry stipplylnu nan:e plate for the gusoliiiu tank." said (Tell ers! Jsles Malinger O. C Frlrnt "We continue tlie prai'tiie of lining the iwm plate on the radiator, for the MIL-n-ll company Is provKl of Its good nnmc and Fret inspection of any ! SSSSSSLSsaiKi laayi i UW' ISJ W'VW'WtjT'"", 'JUT'f fM j!J"e Ammmsmm t . More or less Important . Th ffitch!! Motor Co. and th . Stowart-Toozer Motor .Co., hav boom , conuoolildatedl , imdeir th mianim of J. T. Stewart Motor Co. Th Pirc-Arrow amid Mit chell Caro will h hamdfed. Pirc Arrowo, $4,300 to ; 87800 Mit llo. $12'B0t $1800. The Address is 20482052 Farnam St The Telephone number is Douglas 138 That's all For th PrsMt i i the Sunset of Life ,-1 1 . i i 1 1 aged. Because of ite wholesomeness and palatability it is easily di gested by the 6tomach and absorbed by the body it produces the necessary heat and gives renewed strength to tho fast tiring muscles. If there are any aged members of your family or any loved old friends whoso failing strength you would save, you can safely pre sent them with a bottle of Duffy's. Get a bottle today. Give it a fair test. Learn why so many thou sands of people have praised Duffy's Malt so highly. Don't ac cept anyone's word for it find put for yourself. "Get Duffy's and Keep Weir 6oId in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY. Bwara of imitations. Cfcet Duffy froas your loeal drurrisi, f-rooer or flsaiar 1.00 pes kettle. If ke caaao supply joo, write us. sad for useful hooseaola booklet free. Tha Ouffy Milt Vhlskey Co.. Rochester. N. Y. old ntv1 established business reputation. Mitchell mr owners tbtouRhout the country suggested the script work Mlti hell.' done In nickel, the whole, thing being about ten Inches long, and e gave the Idea prompt attention." lWides." sdded Mr. Friend "the fcsso Hne tsnk, when on the resr of the rar, 1.4 the logical place foe a d;. Imc'iistilng mark for Ihe automobile ih oily tunc you really went tu know 'whst car Is that? Is when yon sre coming up from Dchlnd snd are striving In ,a the mi chine In front of ou " Hnoklr for Senalnra. Among the additions to the WanMiiu Inn IIM of rooM" Is nn Inflclder named i Frank rrk., who hulls from Attunts. I A Thorough Inspection It's lust at necessary for a atorace bat tery at for human being. Good health means efficiency In either case. Our fre inspection is an inexpensive safeguard. Nebraska Storage Battery Co. 8303 raraam at. TsL Doug. iioa. battery at mny time 'rflHlIWr"l! lnW!l,fl:lllIll''!Wlltil:',l;!WI1',. ""ll'llilll'' r'l Wi&f - it- '7h -its I n Whiskey , Big Price Savings and Absolute"" j Quality Satisfaction in January Sales MAYO 16 If DODGE B ,ilvie Our CUNtoitirr to liny HHr Will Advance Monday. IS-ib. sarku Tost Hiph i.indn l)lanond U. Flour, nind from thn best aolwted No. 1 wheat, nothing finer for bread, lps or takes: equal to flour aold lor $2.00 nack Mnliv only, lor 4M-ll. sack SI. -IS 1? lbs. Ilrst Pure t'uuo Granulated 8us?ar for . . al.oo ll bars Urat- Kni-All. Ilaiuond C. or I.nunUry Quoen White liun Ury Soaji for i:rr 10 lbs. riest While or Yellow I'oriuncal for Sir lbs. nolled White Rreakfasl Oatmeal for U.V 6 cons Oil Sardines ! 4 pkg. Host Pomentic Macaroni, for 2.-c 4 llr. Fancy Japan Kke, Pearl Tapioca or Lima Heans S.V Si-ot. Jars Pure Fruit Preserves for 2.1c Advo Jell for l)eort, pk. . ,7'sc 4 lH-ot. cans Condensed Milk, 2e 2H-o. jam Pure Strained Honey for iUic 7 lbs. IJent Hulk Laundry Starch for SMo 4 cans Wax, Suing, tireen or Lima Deans 2 He 4 larRO cans Hominy, Suuer Kraut or Baked Beans 28c l ib. cans Assorted Soups... HUo The best Pod a or Oyster Crackers, per lb., nt 7c Fancy Crisp dinger Snaps, per lb., at Tlie MaeLaren's Peanut Mutter, per lb., nt .' 12 He Th" DePt Tea SlftinM. lb. . . IUc Golden Santos Coffee, lb. . . . .20c -TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST- REMOVAL ANNOUNCERS The Omaha. Taxi Cab Co. DOUGLAS 90 We have now moved into our new building, 2572 Harney Street, which was built to our specifications which our experience in the Taxicab business, for the past eight years has taught us we needed to give prompt service. STATIONS:;; BURLINGTON DEPOT (Down Stairs Entrance) Brandeis Store Brandeis Theater Burgess-Nash Store Fontenelle Hotel Henshaw Hotel Loyal Hotel 0 IBi"SIC - g- jr - g hw,a,4-v -F imK : VS. it a - - . -. a -wz - - V " r- S-" - . I Is - . . ..... .. ., , -I a a v J a- I s mmmmmm wmmMm DOU01AS STREETS Flour Now The Market la up and A pi tin In a Few Itay. MTTF.K, CHF.KMK, IlLTTKIUNE AM) KiW. The Bet Creamery Buttor, carton. or bulk, lb. . 81c The Bent No. 1 Country Creamery Bolter . per In 2ic The Bet Dairy Tabla Butter, per lb., at 27c Fency Full Cream, N. Y. Tilte or Yonni? America Cheese, lb..22e Full Cream Wiscomti Cheese per lb., at SOc Tho Best Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dor-n, at 84c The Best No. 1 Storage Eggs, per rtnz.. at . . . . , 33 D lbs. ood Butterlne 25c lam Table Butterlne, lb..l7Wc The Bet. equal to Creamery, per lb., at 2 r.OX AI'PLK SPECIAL MONDAY One carload or extra fancy Bolaa Vnlley Roman Beauty Apples, that sell regularly lor $2.25 box, Monday, per box $1.63 Tllr: VLGF.TABLK MARKET FOR THE FEOI'LK. W isconsin Cahba, lb 1c 16 lbs. best Cooking Potatoes, R3e 3 large bunches Fresh Shallots, Kadishea, Beets, Carrots or Turnips for 10c Fancy Denver Cauliflower, per lb., at 7Hc Radishes. Beets. Carrots, Turnips, Parsnloa. nor lb v...2c 3 largA Soup Bunches 10e Large Cucumbers, ea.. 10c, 12c Fancy Head Lettuce, head...7Mc V"renh Pplnach. peck 28c SPECIAL 1IIG1ILANT NAATX ORANGE RALE MONDAY. 100 size, that retail at EOc doz., Monduy only, dozen tfOc UNION DEPOT (Down Stairs Entrance) Orpheum , Omaha Club ... Rome Hotel Webster Depot 29th and Leavenworth 36th and Farnam . , 49th and Dodge .