Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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Sunday, January 16, 1916-
Ra Bar and 8m Other.
Ad la STawa and Herald.
.ho Btavalrlaa; la ha.
BimniMl, Prompt BrTl.a.
Phone Douglas 137.
We Will Be
Two Years
Old Monday
WE will enter upon an
other year's business
the Third year of our
service to you the buying
public, by whose liberal
patronage and apprecia
tion of our modern, ag
gressive methods of mer
chandising we have at
tained such splendid suc
cess. . A success that is a pow
erful illustration of the
potency of proper prin
ciples in business. It is a
magnificent, unmistakable
tribute to the principles
upon which this store is
all fa milia', well worn
words, whose sole virtue
) is in tligf r application.
And in ujg ptore we be
J'lliat they have been
truthfully applied with
the purpose of winning
and holding the confidence
of every man, woman and
child who enters its doors.
But these principles
could not have won with
out the appreciation of a
discriminating public. The
Enormous business in
crease and prestige given
to this store has placed it
under recognized obliga
tions. To show our apprecia
tion we will celebrate the
event in a characteristic
Burgess-iSTash way with
a bargain festival to which
we invite everybody.
It will be our Second Cele
bration An occasion which we
take to impress upon a larger
publio the advantages of sbop
ping at this store "Every
body's Store" to test the
stability of our rapid growth,
and the efficiency of our organ
Anniversary Sale of Handkerchiefs
Including Values to 50c, Monday 15c
ERE is beyond doubt the unusual in handkerchief values which we
offer you in the Anniversary Sale Monday.
The result of specially laid plans, the handkerchiefs
came to u at but a fraction of their real value, and we offer I J
them to you In the same way.
Women's very fine linen handkerchiefs
some with narrow hem,
good values to 60c, choice, each, 15c.
one corner hand embroidered, etc.
Women's Handkerchiefs to 25c, for 7y2c
Linen, with embroidered corners, initial, colored borders,
values to 2 5c, at, each, 74c
Barraas-Kaah Co. Mala rloor.
Women's 50c to 75c
Cashmere Hose 19c
YES! That is very unusual, but
the reason is that there are
but two sizes. 8i and 9. Black
cashmere of exceptional quality.
A hosiery special of great import
ance. Barraaa-Waaa Oo. Main floor.
Anniversary Sale of Blouses
at Exactly Regular Price
A DETERMINED effort to clear away several big assort
ments of desirable blouses to make room for the new
Spring styles that are tumbling in every day now.
Blouses of crepe, or lace, were $2.95, now $1.48
Blouses of chiffon, or silk, were $3.95, now $1,98
Blouses of crepe de chine, were $5.00, now $2.50
Blouses of chiffon, were $5.00, now $2.50
Blouses of laces, or silk, were $6.50, now $3.25
Blouses of silk, or georgette, were $7.50, now $3.75
Burg-eaa-Baah Co. Second Tloor.
Anniversary Sale of MEN'S SHIRTS
Were $1,$1.50 to $3, Monday at 59c
WE have been preparing for this sale for months collecting a lot
here and a lot there wherever we could buy them at a price that
would suit this purpose and we must say we have the largest and best as
sorted" bunch of shirts we have ever offered at such a ridic- f f
ulous price. They consist of samples, "odd" lote, broken Tlf
linos and the soiled and discontinued lines of our regular
6tock. In the entire let there will not be a shirt that could be sold in
the regular way at less than one dollar. The bulk of them are $1.50
and $2.00, and some would have to retail at as high as $3.00 each; sale
price, Monday, 50c. i Co. Main Floor.
WOOL and part wool, gathered together In the same manner as the
big lot of shirts we have been tolling you about, worth to five
dollars a suit, sale price, $1.4!).
Men's $1.00 Union Suits at 69c
Another lot, heavy two-thread cptton union suits, extra good garments,
all sizes, regular I J. 00 values, at O0i.
- Men's Sample Hosiery at 19c
Fiber silk and two-thread cotton, gray sole hosiery,
made by one of tho best known mills in the country,
regular 36c quality; sale price, lUc.
Burgaaa-Kaab Oo. Main rioor.
Women's 50c
Union Suits 25c
WOMEN'S white Swiss ribbed
cotton union suits, cuff style
knee, the usual 60c quality, at 83c
89c Union Suits, 49o
Women's medium weight cotton
union suits, Dutch neck, elbow
sleeves, knee or ankle length.
25c Union Suits, 15c
Women's union suits, laco trim
med, low neck and sleeveless;
usual 25c quality, at 13c.
15c Cotton Vests, 5c
Women's white cotton vestB, low
neck and sleeveless.
Bnrfaaa-Haah Co. Main rioor.
19c Vests or Pants, 3c
Children's white cotton vests aud
pants, including values to 19c,
Monday at 3c
Bnrfoas-iraah Co. Baa.m.nt.
Jewelry Formerly
50c to $2, at 19c"
INCLUDING gold " plated, gold
top, also some sterling silver
pieces; bar pins, brooches, collar
pins, la vallieres, scarf pins, cuff
links, circle pins, fobs, et-., val
ues from 60c to $2.00; salo
price. 10c.
Hat Fin3 and Bracelets, 5c
Hat pins made of real rose petals,
also children's cut white melal
bracelets; were to 15c, at 5c.
Scarf Pins, and Pendants, $1
A small lot of solid gold and gold
filled scarf pins; also sterling rll
vev rhiqestone set pendants on
sterling chains; were to $5.00,
sale price. l.oo.
Bnrfraa-Naah Co. -Main rioor.
Rome of them
These are their
Anniversary Specials
in Furniture
Rag Rugs at 59c
RUGS made of new, clean cre
tonne rags, good range of
colorings and guaranteed wash
able; size 25x4 8-in. usu- EQ
ally $1.00, sale price.... OIC
Rag Rugs at 25o
Rugs, same description as abovo
item, size 18x36, eale OP
price fciaJI
Buriaas-Naah Oo. Third rioor.
OUR unusual values that indicate the saving advantages throughout
this Annual Sale:
$40.00 Writing Desks for $30.00
Bolid mahogany spinet writing desks, exceptionally well built;, wero
$40.00, now for $:tO.OO.
$21.00 Oak Rockers for $15.00
Rockers, solid oak, with high back and 2-inch post, and automobile
leather covered seat, were $21.00, now for $15.00.
$10.50 Oak Rocker for $6.25
Oak rockers, exactly like cut, with automobile leather covered Beat,
were $10.50, now for $0.85.
$30.00 Tour Post Beds, $26.00
Solid mahogany four-post bed, in both full size and twin bed size,
were $30.00, now for $20.00. Oo Tblra rioor.
Women's Sample Kid
Gloves Monday 75c
TflE assortment embraces one
clasp outseam street gloves in
leather shades, ' all s'zes. "Real
French kid gloves in black, white
and colors; not every size in every
color, but all sixes represented;
also several hundreds pairs of
soiled aud mussed gloves from
regular stock, that were $1.25 to
$1.50. Monday, pair, 73r.
Burffesi.iraah Oo. Mala rioor.
Any Winter Trimmed
Hat Monday $1.00
THI9 means a decisive clear
away of every trimmed hat In
our stock, regardless of what the
original selling price may have
been or how desirable the style.
You'll find the values very un
usual. AU Farad iae at Js Off
Our entire stock of paradiso in
black, natural and white, at un
der the original price.
Buxraaa-Naah Co. Saoond rioor.
I m v v.. a
In the Anniversary Sale Monday
THIS is uuWd ti most unusual lur buying opportunity.
Tho fini'st of furs at half rogular prico right at tho
time when you nootl and w ant them most. Every piece i
of tho very finest quality, made from the choicest person
ally solemn! skins. Here 'a an idea how the prices ran, ce:
Fur Coats. yz Price
Hudson Seal Coats, were $75.00, now $37.50
Hudson Seal Coats, were $90.00, now $45.00
River Mink Coats, wero $95.00, now $47.50
Marmot Fur Coats, wero $100.00, now $50.00
Hudson Seal Coats, were $125.00, now $62.50
Hudson Seal Coats, were $150.00, now $75.00
Hudson Seal Coats, were $175.00, now $87.50
Hudson Seal Coats, were $225.00, now $112.50
Persian Lamb Coats, were $275.00, now $137.50
Persian Lamb Coats, were $300.00, now $150.00
Mink Furs, i Price
Mink Scarfs, were $17.50, now $8.75
Mink Scarfs, wero $25.00, now $12.50
Mink Scarfs, were $40.00, now $20.00
Mink Scarfs, were $75.00, now $37.50
' Mink Muffs, were $19.50, now $9.75
Mink Muffs, were $25.00, now $12.50
Marten Furs, Price
Marten Scarfs, were $10.00, now $5.00
Marten Scarfs, were $15.00, now $7.50
Marten Scarfs, were $20.00, now $10.00
Marten Scarfs, were $25.00, now $12.50
Marten Muffs, were $35.00, now $17.50
Persian Paw Furs, ) Price
Scarfs, were $6.50, now $3.25
Scarfs, were $10.C0, now $5.00
Scarfs, were $12.50, now $6.25
Scarfs, were $15.00, now $7.50
Scarfs, were $16.50, now $8.25
Scarfs, were $18.50, now $9.25
-" :V St
I i t ; I : ti . it U ) 1 a il
a trn
& 3
Individual Pieces, Price
Raccoon Sets, $40.00, now $20.00
Fisher Fox Sets, $60.00, now $30.00
Gray Fox Sets, $75.00, now $37.50
Pointed Fox Sets, $75.00, now $37.50
Mole Sets, $95.00, now $47.50
Fitch Sets, $100.00, now $50.00
Sui-gasn-H'aah Co. Bacoad moor.
Semi-Annual Clearaway of SHOES at
10 to 50 Per Cent Under Regular Price
MONDAY as a feature of our Anniversary Sale we start our semi-annual clearaway of shoes.
Not a single style reserved, 6hoes for women, misses, boys and children. Rubbers, legging?, shoe findings, etc.,
every article carried in our Shoo Section reduced. '
Women's Burgess-Nash Special $3.50 shoes, now $3.15
Women's boots, pumps and slippers, were $5.00, now $3.95
Women's boots, pumps and slippers, were $6.00, now $4.85
Women's boots, pumps and slippers, were $6.50, now $5.25
Women's boots, pumps and slippers, were $7.00, now $5.65
Women's boots, pumps and slippers, were $8.00, now $6.45
Women's boots, pumps and slippers, were $10.00, now $8.00
Women's tan Russia calf boots, were $5.00, now, pair $3.35
Women's patent vamp boots, brocade tops, were $5.00, now $3.35
Women's dull calf patent and kid boots, $3.50 to $4.00, for $2.85
Women's satin party slippers, black and white, were $5.00. now $2.50
IYuTVsTS Infants' fine kid and patent kid shoes, were $1.25, now $1.00
u-JJlrr.! Child's and infant's kid and patent kid shoes, were $1.50, now $1.30
Child's calf and kid skin shoes, were $1.75, now $1.45
Child's dull calf and patent colt shoes that were $2.00, now $1.65
Child's dull calf and patent colt shoes Jliat were $2.25, now $1.95
Misses' patent calf and gunmetal shoes, were $2.50, now $2.15
Misses' patent calf and gunmetal shoes, were $2.75,' now $2.35
Bnrcr.aa-Baau Co. Bacon d rioor.
39c and'50c Silks and Cotton Goods in Basement at 18c
XTlOW Jacqunrd deigns in every wanted plain shade, also plain woven striped tub silks,
XI the weave you want, the quality will give you service and you save more than one-half on
yonr purchase; bolls to buy from, during anniversary sale, at, yard..
U5o MtK.VC'U OlXtilUMfs 15c
S 2-Inch plnghums for pretty street and house
dresHes, blouses and children's dresses; neat checks,
Ftrlpes and plain colors. A very special
value, from tho bolt Monday at, yard...
Red Seal zephyrs, the perfect woven wash fabrlo
lhat is fast t,o tho tub or the sun: new colorings
und doHiffuH, as well as plain shades; Annl- Q
versary Salo price, yard C
Hlue, brown and striped Everett cheviots, a strong.
durable fabric, wanted the jear rouud, every yard
worm mc; sale price, from toe bolt,
special Monday, yard
32-Inch wide wool flanneU, colored woven etrlpea
on light grounds, a bargain that will long 1 Q
be remembered; from the bolt at, yard... IOC
Choose from the choicest patterns and colorings of
36-inch, flnebt quality silkollne, regular "7
1 2 '4o quality, Anniversary Sale price, yard, I jfiC
You will find
, . . 10c FRENCH HATIXES, lStfc
For drapery purposes and for making fine com
forters, regular 19o quality, floral and .. OJLa
fancy figured patterns at. yard.. XaCijC
Standard yard-wide Martha Washington bleached
muslin; bolts t buy from during our Annie ft
voriary sale; no limit, at, yard,.,....,.... OC
Burnasco quaUty pillow tubing, woven as a seam
less tube, 42 and 45-inch width; during our 1 n
Anniversary Sale, Instead of 25c, at, yard. AC
38-fnch unbleached muslin, standard nl
weight, mill remnants, at, yard aJjj C
32-Inch striped shirting flannels, similar JA.
to Eden clUhs. 15o value, at, yard DgC
Harmony percales retail readily at 12 He yard:
these SOxiQ fancy figured checked, striped and
polka dot, yard wide percales from the
bolt, special Monday, yard..
Durgais-ITssb Co. aamaA.
$3.00 WOOL FINISHED BLANKETS at $1.98 Pair
T3 RETTY gray, blue, tan and pink plaid blankets that are thick, warm and sofL The best blankets
obtainable for general use, size 68x80. for double beds, 3.0 values; In Anniversary MO
Sale at, pair Jj) X JQ
$3.00 Robo Blankets, $1.98
Many are imported, nicely boxed,
- , - i i n . 1 1 . j
purvuiiua cvrrcu, auit coibuu
filled, worth 75c; Anniversary
Sale price, np
each atOC
Burgaas-aTuh Co. Baatmaat,
as tlieio huve seldom been equaled.
Eiderdown bath robo blankets.
that retail regularly
ut $3.00, at.
"'f.T. S1.98
75c Crib Comforters, 25c
Size 36x50, crib comforters,
Wool Blankets, $3.93
Sliver Oray, all "jure wool of the
finest quality, size 70x84 blan
kets. These blankets will be sold
subject to slight im
perfections, at, pair.
. $3.98
Monday Hr.M to 1( a. in.
Waist, children's blouse, romper
and shirting lengths of crepes,
madras, percales, zephyrs, etc.,
Monday, 8:30 to 10 a. m. Olr
only, at. yard
Burya-irah Co. Baaamant.
Women's $2.50
Sweaters at 98c
WOMK.V8 wool sweaters,
good as-sortrucnt of colors
and sizes, wore $2.60, QO
sale price Monday iOC
$1.25 to $1.75 Sweaters, 59c
Misses' sweaters, with and with
out belt, good rauge of colors
und Hizes, 28 to 34, were
fl.25 to $1.75, for OaJC
Knit Caps, Hoods, 19c
Caps and hoods of all wool, wide
strings, for women and children,
all colors, were several times
the sale price, Mon- in
day 1UC
BarfMa-iTaah Co.
O- C e d a r
t r 1 a n gle
polish mop
with long
a d Juetable
handle, 7 5c
value ..59c
polish. 12
o s . bottle,
special .SHc
B a sswood
ironing boards, adjnstable to sev
eral heights. $1.50. values. .91.10
Tin wash boilers. No. 8, with
heavy copper bottoms and station
ary handles, special, at. , . . , .7l
Acme toilet paper, best quality
crepe tissue, 12 rolls
Madam Pott's
sad irons, alu
minum tops, 5
piece set, spe
cial 70c
Hemp clothes
line, 50-foot size, special lUc
lvrMl-ua Oo Baa.maM.
White and
white enamel
ed coffee pots,
3-quart Hit,
special at 4 Do
White -and
white enamel
ed baking
pans, 1 and T
quart size,
special, at .tic
Zinc wash boards, family size, spe
cial, at 5o
White and white enameled lipped
sauce nuns, assorted sizes. 3 So
values, at 15c
Galvanised wash tubs, extra heavy,
with wringer attachments; $1.19
values, at 70c
Hawkeye splint
medium s l s e, wl,j !(
special, at . .40c
RuUmau a vac- '
num washer, with galvanized tub.
$12.50 values, at ......... f8.U8
r. - r
15c Initial Stationery, bc,. 15c
IN'TIAL stationery, paper and correspondence cards,
linen finish. 15c kind. Monday, 2 boxes for l.V.
Burgaaa-Baah Co. Main rioor.
iy o iaii.aS)
5in. All Silk Ribbons, 16c
INOLUDINQ moire and plain taffeta, in white, pink,
blue, navy, black, scarlet, cardinal, garnet, Alice blue.
brown, old rose, etc.
Bnrf MaJraak CuMala rioor.