Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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rui: omaha s; ndav v7a:-. jantahy in, i:nr.
I ,
Criticism and Ridicule of Americas
Attitude in War Contained
in Fapen'i Papers.
tvttvvt i c - ix! i r
i arttitud of the Inited States !
th. aUtitud of the United States ! ell(,h,y Amr,., ,n A private con.n'i-.inUa-povernmpnt
In the European war tion of mine h hon prni wiimnt any
an4 cprewslons of the hope of the j
speedy coming of a day ot reckon- i
lngM were contained In letters
t '
Captain Fran von Papen, recalled
mlllUry attache at Washington,
which were seized by the British
authorities when he reached Fal
roOQth On bis way home to Germany,
The following la an excerpt from a
letter concerning diplomatic
changes between the United States
and Austria: "The Austrian note,
of coarse, is a matter for general
quiet enjoyment and the whole busi
ness can scarcely betaken seriously."
Another is:
"May our government again find
that Iron determination that alone
' can make an Impression here."
Among the letters Is One from ;
General Ton Bernardl. t
Coples of th correspondence have been
turned vr to tha American embassy for
transmission to th Stat department,
raynrata by 1'aprn.
Among th correapondenc ar doru- J
manta showing that Captain voa Papen ;
mad frequent payments to persons I
charred with th raaDonslbllltv for blow- ,
Ing up munitions works and bridge. In '
th United States. j
On entry shows that Captain von Pa-
pen gav 70 to Warner Horn, wh was :
arrested In connection with blowing up a j
Canadian Paclfio railway bridge at 8i. '
Croix, Ms, Th day before this check !
was lud tha German embaasy paid !
$2,000 Into Captain von Papon's account. J
Another check stub shows that about
two weeks before th explosion In Brattle
on May , 1315, Captain von Papen sent
MO to th German consul at Seattle, la
February of 1K16 he sent $1,300 to th Ger
man consulate in that city.
Ills (berk Ktaba.
Captain von Papcn's check stubs, bank
books and letters, from his bsnk. th
Klsgs National bank of Washington, i
show about W0 Items, many ot which had , hy writing
to do with routine expenditures. Others. Av'lll rieVrlve Report.
Payment, to v.rloas Vou wl y h , Germ8nv a
KaVn " i''f'nl11 "port ot expanse, paid
th activities of German agents In Amur- .. .. . . ,, ,
lea snd to at leaat on spy. who com- I 'f , my ", y.OUr 1
mined auicld. in a cell In an Kngll.h ! ,"U11 " v,ry thl,,kful to "u lf ""
prison. I wou'l support th question of
Kcvejal large payments wer mads to ! vince, which you know of.
CapUln von Papen by Count von Bern- ! lthou, I know I mlstskcn In
torff. Germsn ambassador at Washing- ! ,njr ""'" I acted as your rcpre-
ton. Most of thee were for salaries or ; "n,tlv and acterding to your wishes."
similar uses. A number of entries show : remsln.lcr of th Albert letter con-
payments mad by th ambassador to the ' of news about his wife and other
military attach foe "war Intelllgsnc ' Private affairs of no public Interest,
office." On of the payments of the sc- i Th correspondence seised 'from- Cap
count mad in October ot 1914 waa for i tain von Papcu and turned over to tha
$-.. i American emhaisy consisted of copies of
Kant I Hracketa. j letter and a summary of bankbooks and
In January, 1913, Captain von Papon ! luu"- I-ater WiuihlngtcM will be supp lid
gav a chack payabl to Ataslck V Co., ! wllh Pbotogrophlo coplca
New Turk, but with the name of E. Kurp- 11
Z.T'T thT.h'M' !
named Kuapfertv, who, after being ar
rested In England on a charge of eaiplon
age, committed suicide, leaving a written
confession in his cell.
Aa an example of th alse of the ci.p
taln's financial operations, his check book
shows that In Jsnuojy of 1914 he received
approximately K.4"0 and paid out $,.
The Meat latereatlua.
Tha following tour lotters found among
Captain von Pa pen's effects are consid
ered the most Interesting part of the cor
respondence turned over to the American
embassy. Th first la a letter from R.
von Weysenmtg, German consul at New
Orleans, to Captain von Papen. Th letter
"New Oris ans, 4 Pecembrr, 191$.
"Dear Herr von Papen:
"I read with great regret that th fat
of recall has Indeed overcome you. I do
not suppose that you are very tmhup.iy to
be able to shak the duat of this in- j
friendly country from off your feet.
I'l.-, -I. - 1 - a . . . .. . . . I
iii. tuioiij uiiunaa me la mat in ai
way giving way to the government her
we have paver found that they are kindly
disposed towards us,
Wtshea Herkvatlaus Dar,
"That th demand for the recall has
been so sudden and bclstod throws sn In
teresting light upon tits government here.
May her also th day of reckoning come
and our government find again that Iron
determination with which alone one can
xnak an tmpraaslon h-'e.
"Hoping that our connection formed In
this great time will not com to an end
with your departure. I am. youta sin-
eerely. B. v. M."
Th ond letter la from Dr. 9. W. I
ieyrr o captain von rapen. It is ss :
"New York. 19 December, 19li
"Dear Captain:
"Beat wishes again on th occasion of
Villi r( ii r- f K .4 r, n l.i. ..... I ..
to thoroughly dla. ua, recent even,, with ,
aom German Aa wa. natural, although I
there was a general agreement on main
points there waa a sliKhl Cicienc of
opinion. Indeed, il could nut have been
otherwise, especlully aa Wo ar rather
tut oft from th otlier sUlc.
Kr Kiiluiu.'i'.
'Th Auistrlan not la, of rovitaa, a mat
ter for general duli-l sujoymenl and I ha
whole business n scurctly ti taHeit
tragically. The president thla time liua i
talked a bit too fel even for thoa hu
blindly support l.iiu iiui e were a'l tf I
the opltiven that lln uvKirlmc of you ;u I j
your colleague"'? a s Mutis lose f r ua. i
"Though e. -ut.ijii'Uy . ui ihuaa iiiI ,
had scarcely ImJ oy,r'iilut-,.ty tf l.iiu-
lug you perou.illy, a f'tivilvse w'.iioti ha .
been a great titejfcuju to "., ill your cf- j
forts have alvM. bju ;.. lully s.jokcn I
of and moiv h-iI);. ll.jii yuu think. I j
think, thcictoie, 1 am r; g in the ,
name of all kIicu 1 ekprra tu vou Uis j
thanks uf all of us tur knur faithful visl- I
lance and uiu cniiLting 1-iIk.i s under t lie
most Cilfn ull clrr iiuktnuce and to' this
I add my own rix- ikI thanks for your
attention lu my liul-a sioKala.
VVoa'r t':-iiot (t.
"It is iut surpneius, lu vi.w of th
fictitious nt:uti.:ii uf ilie I'l-.-'iilenl, that
the tnj al.ouKJ have buKit put to your
work and you tmiot ai. ti. witii yuu
tl.e knoU.(!o thul you bav dou your
duty atcord'ug to the best ef your aUUly
aa long as It Via potAible. V'Jr popl
il) i.titr toint tliia of you.
"1 tladly comply with yar pro-
j-,cul to aiid a line truiil lini t tun
ftitd it oiiid 1 u iy pleaaunt for lite to
u nlit one fi'im ou occal nal '. espe-
. ': if br !i4uis yuu mean u.t as
iu.ll t- i.acisfd lth Siilile nillUciBHn
t,i ti e G-i iiian ho tw, of 'ohiintla unl-
vfiraity. I am topping an y on the mat-
j tor ssaclalljr roaaOootd. With bft wlsbaa.
leurs, "DK. V. MKYEIt.
I.rtlrr t Uvsaarill.
The third Mil i written by General
FrlodHrh A. J. von Kornnnnh. It follows:
TKIS Ppt. 4, MU..-Drar Cspla'a: I beg
to thank you moet slrwerrly for your
ktndnca In ndtnii m a ropy of th
New York Pun roolnin ty two r
tlrlea. I am glad to hrar ttvaa arttctea
will. In yoir oslntna have a food afftst
aa far aa that la at all roaslbi In Aitmt
ka. The d arttsiiui manwr in mh'Ui
Th ' 'm maim
mighy Amrri, ,. A piV.t
"thorltv frm m. I have now written
. , , .
first of tlieaik. ntltlrl 'i;nnnn- anl Kua
la nit
cllftrlh.itPd in the Anwilf-an lri,
and the othir, rnllilrd Taii-fionnaiilsm'
lloimrif tlllre Hmur.
'f alimilrt ti verv If vnii rntilit
forward hie one copy each of they ar-
tide. They will certainly have -me
ort of effect. Thla la evident frorn the
Inexpressible rage with which the British
and Frcnrh pirsa have att ked thcee two
Sun artlrlca. They have In suited me In
th moet Incredible way. However, I
agree with you that military succsss wilt
Ixi a decisive factor for opinion In Amer
ica. But also Kngland'e Interference In
Amerlran trade will not fall to have a
certain effect. hope both will take ef
fect together. 1 think, however, that
especially In the weal, whore I expect
there will soon be a bis attempt to break
through, we have serious and difficult
time to look forward to, but I conft-
nplpv" ,h"1 n l" -". ccrully
ovcrcoine them. With Iwat wishes, etc..
from BWMXAnDI.
I "Please remember ma kindly to llerr
; von Bernatorff."
Letter from lherl.
The fourth la a letter from rr. Allrt.
It follows, in purl:
"HAN FTL VC'ISCO tun date).-Iear
"rr von Papen: Well, then, how I wish
1 "' ' Nw Toik and could discuss
the sltuntlon with you and bo T many
thanks for the telegram, but my hop Is
small. For this time I suppose, matters
will move mot quickly than In
Ihimba case. I wonder whether
government will respond In suitable nian-
ner. The 'Patron' slso telegraphed that
1 was to conlln is my Journey. So we
shall not see each othor for the present
in iny opinion It need no
longer take public opinion so much Into
consideration in aplte of Us Itnlng arti
ficially and intentionally agitated.
'If you should leave Now York before
my return w must try to come to some
narrement .he.n ,.lne ,,nrti.,. onn.iion.
Jt ranee Declines to.
Let Milk Shipments
Reach Fatherland
WASHINGTON. Jan. 1,'i.-Kraiu e has
declined "for mllttary reasons" to per
mit shipments ef condensed milk by chsr-
' Itntiie Ar,a lilv, I In.iu li, lh. 1' m...a
to Germany snd Austria-Hungary for use
of th bablea of tr.oao count rlrs. Am
lassadnr Hharp at I'nri snd Ambassa
dor Pas at Lou'lun vveiu autlioiiacd re
cently by Secretary I.'in isig tn Imiulre
If tho gos-ernmeii's of Prance and Great
Britain would peimit such shipment
after the American Ited Cross had agreed
to undertake supervision of th distribu
tion of the mil It to assur Its u for th
rightful purpoov Ambssaador f harp's
reply was received today by th Stat
:ctritnient. A pnraphra followa:
"The French government under flat of
January IS reports receipt of your In
quiry. It state that on account of mili
tary rtaaun it la not willing to authorise
ahirmenla of milk either to Germany or
Austrla-lluiisarv, even If th American
Bed t'ro.'s wlil i:perviso rtJstrlbutiqn."
Laugh at
i J3 U '"t 1 fTH t i Tl I
UX rSimply I sing n Ktuart'M )yx)rHln
Tublft Aftfr .Any Meal Vou
Waul t Kat.
It sot mis a I.. in. I i i i . uoii to think uf
i eai'nir a hi wl ai'.hrt't nln and dla-
"f 1 ','t -. ' Well, try
Z , '"V . """Tl ,W
I i v...., .11 w MM iiiuuamiiuP V, UJ
peptics havo O. K.'d tftunn'a lyspepsla
"Byarspsint Ka. la, Why, I
havsa tud a tukth of it smee I begaa
uaUat atuatt's yaveela Yat-ltta.'
What t,!i6 tliouitnd uiu Uily di!tij
u tail surely da.' Kviy cuunltlen of
aUhmaclt ul.d trouble iia beea
Ij; tiuarla Dysut-psu Tablvta,
Thsy have Leeu tested ajui li.ed fur ycuva.
They i th.a lutt en s grcaleot dspcp.a
rkuudy .
liQ t ywur Ui till today aud buy a
(tic box cr mail below touuou.
Free Trill Ccupcn
T. A. BJta-T Co, 119 etiart BuC4-
1, klarisaU. U'c n I in ai utter
tree nul riu !ik of Hi lai t'a lys
piia 1j1.Iij.
t'l'v Kae
"Not in Thousand Yean," Carranza
Official Says When Asked When
Body Can Be Sent
EI, PASO. Tex., Jan. 15. Three
of the victims of the Simla Yssbel,
Mexico, massacre, Thomas Kvans,
;3f. B. Romero and J. II. Woon. were
hiUtroU today without . demonstra
tion on the part of Americans,
who- threats against Afexlcans led j
to lue establishment of virtually
i martial law in the city last night.
' rifty-two Americans. Including a
i number of women and children, ar-1
rived here tonight at 7:15 o'clock!
lioni Chihuahua City, the region j
jlertd eiKbteon foreigners last Mon
' day.
Going-Out-of-Busincss Sale
Seventy-Five Thousand Dollar Stock Ail Going at Prices That Will Amaze Vou
We Arc Obliged to Vacate Our Store and Warehouse Rooms. There Is Positively
No Reserve. We IYiust Sell and Sell Quickly. Do Not Delay, a
Chance of This Kind May Never Occur Again
Brass Beds
Going at . $6.25
Going at . $3.25
Going at . $9.75
Going at $10.50
Going at $12.25
Going at $16.00
Hundreds of sam
ples and thousands
of dollars' vio rlli ol
furniture stored in
our bigwarc!.ou:3
rooms must be
closed out during
this big safe.
Going at . $8.50
Going at $11.50
(Going at $13.50
Going at $16.50
Going at 19.50
Going at $24.5,0
Hooking Chairs
Going at . . . SSc
Hnino-nf nU 53
Going at . $3.73
Going at . $523
Going at . $G.5Q
Going at . $8.75
Over ICO odd dining room
chairs, worth up to $6.03, in
two lots, choice, G3 and
?1.95 each.
The prices bvc fctcn
Duyel s f
More than 150 Amt-iicans sull ic
maln in what la considered the dan
ger sone.
Are Kx averted Mnaltr.
Tlie latter. It wts hoped, would reach
American territory aboard a special train
Monday, lent mm 171 Taao Isst night
and which, according- to advice received
by I'nl ted State officials, arrived at Fmr
ral tonight. The refugees who arrived
tonight said the special train passsd
through chlhuih'.i.i City thla morning.
Keports were current that Incendiary
loxters er urli'.-r circulated In Juares
declaring that i.everal Mexicans had been
killed tu the brawla. that attended last
night's lor, here, hut Mexican
consular official" declared they could
find none.
Mexicans. hi for the sake of safety
ere required to stay within doors laat
night during the demonstrations reault
ing from the murder of the Americana
by Villa ban-Ills at Madera laat Monday,
reappeared on the streets today.
Many of them, members of the "clen
tlfieo eloinent," shewed themaelvea at tha
bier of (leneral Vlctortano Huerta, the
former preaident of their country, who
died laat night, the prisoner of the Amer
ican government.
llurrta's body, garbed In tha showy uni
Immense Stock
i new mi-ssle
15 s mia 1 1 ii winranyi
'I - . i ...
- - - - ... .. . . u j i.. .
f v
7 m$trf
Wmm . :
loissg - utt - of - Business Sale,
Our immense stock of splendid Russ and Draperies must
be closed out during this sale. The cost and former selling
price cuts no figure, they ail are marked at prices which
n pis as
I ""OVS mem qu.cit.y.
Iron Ccd:
Going at . $1.75
Going at . $2.75
Going at . $4.75
Going at . $6.50
Going at . $7.75
Going at . $9.25
cut in this sale es they were never cut before and
form of a Mexican general, wna p'acej
temporarily In n vault here late toclny.
There was no etremony. That, said mem
bers of bis family, would await th time
when they could take the casket of the
former preaident of Mexico to the capital
of Ma country. When Carransa officials
were asked when that time might be, on
roplle-dj "Not a thouaoiid years."
That bis body be burled In Mexico City
was th dying raqueat of Heurta.
Ka Beejaeat la Milt.
At th earns time It waa statad that no
I request for permission to take th gen
lerel'a body to Mexico City had been mad
jto Venustlano Carransa, Tlrat c.hlf of
th raoognlsed government of Mexico,
through any of his agents her or at
Juares. Plana for a maaa meeting her by
! Americana to dlncuea th altuation were
cancelled today on th orders of Mayor
jTom Lea. it being decided that no meeting
I would bo held until trains sent south to
bring Americana out of Mexico arrived
safely on the American aide of tha border.
Confirmation of reports of the execu
tion of General Jos Bodrigues by Colonel
Maximo Marques was received, coupled
with the statement that his body would
b brought" to Juares for verification by
Americans of the action ot the Carranza
Hall advices from Torreon brought de
tails of th occupation or domes palaclo
o)n nrp3
of Home Furnishings IYiust Be Closed Out
X'CiHG Oitf
a mmmm
'-( r, MSHb-S- X.
- c '
On every sample
floor there are hun
dreds of items which
are not mentioned in
this advertisement,
everv article through
out the entire store is
marked at going-out-of-
business prices, which
means an absolute sav
ing to you of at least
iralire ft
by the united command of ("altxio Ccn
itrwaa, Cantilo Keyea and Pedro Moreno
...l..,. -.4 ,. ,n, al A T.
gumodo had reached a point near Ber
mljlllo. This was not confirmed. The same
source reported the Lsguna district In the
hands of antl-Carranxa force.
War of Kxteranlnatlon.
An official report from General Jacinto
Trevino said bands of Villa bandits would
be exterminated wherever found.
while tha Carransa consul stated no
armed fore would b permitted to enter
Mexico to aid In tha extermination of
Villa bandits. It was rumored here that
such a movement la being organized along
th border. The body of Huerta lay In
etate In the house on a side street which
had been ocrupied by his family and re
tinue while h was a prisoner of the
United States at Fort Bliss on suspicion
that he was planning a new revolt In
His casket was draped in the Mexican
flair, and upon It lay hia Jeweled aword,
th gold laoed chapeail he had worn on
state occasions as preaident of Mexico
and the gem-set stars and orders that be
decked his breast as the head for a time
of the Mexican nation.
- Candles burned at the head of th
casket, behind two of hi former military
staff who acted as guard of honor, whila
all around sat weeping women gtirbed In
Goinp - Ont
m Oat
'h p"' '7
tlTfl (.V-S r lSriSit
M 'V -wsw-w o -sb'se 'v . kit-;rr' ffmt
tlie Greatest
Going at . $4.50
Going at . $6.25
Going at . $7.50
Going at . $9.50
Going at $10.75
Going at $12.50
in all probability will never be cut so deep again
General John J. FVrsliIng, An-eiLin
comander, placed lines of troops in thf
Mexican section of fcl Pnao to preven'
a repetition of last night's disorders.
Stops Tobaccn Habit
in One Day
Sanitarium ruMislies Free lmk
Showing How Tobacco I Libit Ci'.u
lie Riuiifchcd in From One
to Five Pays at Home.
The Kldera Sanitarium, located at Hm
Main St., St. Joseph, Mo., has nubl win l
a free book showing the deadly effect
of the tobacco habit, and how U can be
baniahed in from one to five days at
Men who have uaed tobacco for more
than fifty years have tried this methml
and say It Is entirely successful, and in
addition to banUh'ng the deeir for to
harco hna Improved their haalth wonder
fully. This method haniahea tha desire
for tobacco, no matter whether it is
smoking, chewing, cigarettes or snuff
Aa this book Is being distributed free,
anvone wanting a copy ahould send their
naina and address at onoe. Advertise
- of - tliisinnss Rata
Going at . $6.25
Going at . $8.75
Going at $10.25
Going at $13.50
Going at $16.00
Going at $18.75
We must hurry this
splendid stock into the
homes oi the people.
Take advantage of this
opportunity and buy
everything you need for
present as well as future
use. We will arrange
easy terms on any pur
chases which you wish
to make.
Kitchen Cabinets
Going at . $7.50
Going at . $9.25
Going at $10.75
Going at $14.50
Going at $18.50
Going at $21.00
en Heeord
Library Tables
Going at . $4.50
Going at . $6.25
Going at . $9.00
Going at $10.75
Going at $13.50
Going at $16.00
Buy your complete
home outfit during this
sale, the saving will be
at least one-half.