4 K 'jiil-; 0.iAilA sUM)AV liLK: JAxNUAili 1G, iyio. i : !' i ; ii n EXPO EXHIBITS; IN OMAHA International Harvester Company Will Brinj Duplication of Prize Winnert to Convention. ALL OFFICIALS WILL ATTEND Implement dealers, who attend the ttid-YVeat Implement realer" conven tion, mil) undoubtedly see the greatest display of Implements ever made. In t'tnaha. ThoM dealers, who were not fortunate ftiouah to attend the San Francisco ex position last summer, will have an op portunity to see duplicates of mort of the machines displayed hy the Interna tional Harvester company, thirty-six of which were awarded grand prlr.es by the Jury of awards. The Harvester company haa just com pleted a very fine, large tractor ahed at their building. Eighth and Capitol Kiftinp, where six modela of International mogul and Titan tractora will be on dls jtlry. An -K Mogul tractor mill alao le on dlsplsy In the baaement of the Auditorium. Tha company will also liave an elabor ate display on the first floor of the Auditorium during the convention, while the general dlaplay of Implementa on their eample room floor will be the largest ever ehown bjr thla company lit Omaha. Tim Omaha, Council Bluffs. Lincoln, ftlnitx City and Crawford general agen cies of tn Harvester company will be GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Eighty-Nine Can of Wheat Ee ported In. with Prices Unchanged to One Cent Lower. S Viii.l Tri; refli.-d. steady. The market for fututra r fnmi-r rtry hnvini hy t'u Inn iiilnio'ita. rio-inv fiiill points hitther; enl, 3 Ions; .Vmih. a ; May, a.iSv:; Ju.y, i 1 1c ; t-ctiiilier. a.tuc. OMalli .Kr.Kl MIRK KT CORN SELLS ONE CENT HIGHER OMAHA. January 15, lWfi. The miieat market waa very eloady to day ahd the receipts were very ftoori. 1 Ught y-tilno cars -ie reported In and wheat S'lld tint hanicd to lo lower. Over V) cars of corn were received on the local exchange today and the best gradca sohl lo higher, while the poorer corn aold lo off. Osta mere very atnady, selling un ChaiiKed to '.c lower. Kvff ami hurlpv wirn tinrlianceil. Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to i fun hlx . xtra fancy, 'all sires, U Jlt'hnx nKKP C1.'TS-Ulhg: No. 1, H'ic; No 2, 1t.Vi', No. a, J2.jr. Umi. No. 1. DV(rc; -No. 2, l ; No. a. Itc. Clunks: No. 1, 'jc; No. 2, Mc; No. J. '?. Kounia: No. 1, l.S'.c: No. 2. UV-; No. 3, 1 1 c. I'lates: No. i. !c; No. 1, tijc; No. 2. ic. 1 1 Hiiih I'lHtiKfy: (HIiiornlH Punklst. naWs, t. f..'i hox; ( iillfornla. Hunklst navela, 12 36 hox; California Hunklst navels, ', 1"is, I'-'.iin hox; California K1111 Mut navels. 1 1. 'a. t.!.i!i Imx; California Hun klsi navela. V-''ih, tl if) box; Cnllfornla Hun klt r.n.-ls. l.'iiis. L"a. 3-l. H.'pO hnx; fnll forula .unkiet navela, 17. $.1 Tfp box; California Hunklnt navela, :()0n, zi'n, U (i box. l,oinnn; floltien Row), iOa l"i.H hox; Silver Cord. 3''. ,Wa. 14. M box Ciripefrult: ,V.a. 4h. Ms. H.7.'. box: tVla. Sim OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Enn for the Week Liberal in Spite of the Extreme Cold Weather. J77.00U bu.; corn. 1;I7,0)W bu..; oala, l".m.(MD bii. Liverpool oloaed with wheal H'uld lower, and corn unchanged. rrlmary mheat recelpta mere HT.nOO bu. and ahlpinenta of 2".1.0ii0 bu., ogloat re celpta of eH'i.iKio bu. and ahlpnu-tita 'f 1.177.WI u. laat year. I'rimary corn rc--lrla mere W.Oon l.u. An, I HhlnmMiil m rxt AIM IriHl hll.. MUfllOat f'C- celpta of 2.;t.7.0Pt) bu.' and ahlpinenta of l.Vl.Mm bu. laal year. , ITImary oala recelpta were Trn.fVio bu. and ahipmenta of 7SI.(i bu.. annlii"t re celpta of 1, 17.1.0) bu. and ahlpinenta ul 1.1KM00 bu. Inat. year. CAR LOT RRCEIPTS. Iieau v 01 n. HOGS HAVE BIO SATURDAY RUN OMAHA. Jnnuarv 1j. W. Herelnta war: C.t:e. Hoga. fl'ieep Official Monlay ll.JOf, 13.774 1'.12 0.M I'4' - t.M 10.il Chicago Mlnneapolla , Iuluth Omaha Kanaae City Pt. Iula .... Winnipeg . 7H .17 . .IIS ,13 .i:il 2'it piH XI I'heae aalea were reported today: Wheat No. H hard winter: 1 car. 1 o.r 11 ix- 1 care. tl i",: cara, i.ii. I14: ll.U! hard 2 cur. cara. 1 nr.. a 11 04 Kainnle: 1 car. i."-. 1 car, SI.W); i car, 9nc' 2 cara, !. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. Il.l. No. 2 durum: S cure, 111,'); 1 car. No. a mixed iluium: 1 car, SL. 12. Kye-No. 8: 1 car, Hr )yNo. 4: 1 car, 65c. Com-Nu. 3 while, 5 cara, ky. No. 4 white: I car. tl'V'i 6 cara, 7c; 2 cara. O'.v.c. No. I. wlilt:. cara, fic; b :ara. Sic; 1 Car. 64'c. No. 3 vellow: 1 car. 70c. No yellow: 1 car. fide; 2 cara, 7'4c; 1 cur. 7c. No, 6 ycllo ; 2 cara, tf.'4c. No. yellow: 2 cara. Me; I cara, Sc. No. J mixed: 1 car, Wr. No. i mixed: 1 car, cm a. 7c, cara, tir. No. r mixed: T enra, 45. pe; 1 cara. 64',kc. No. mixed: 1 car fwhent mixed), 64e; 1 car, W4c: cara, 2e; 2 cara. l'4c; 3 cara, file. Sample: 1 car, 7V4c; 1 car, fllMtc) 1 car, 1e: 4 cara, "; 1 car, 2uc. Oata No. while: 1 car. 4c: 1 car, 4:ihiC. No.' 4 white: 1 cur, 4.1'ic; S oar. 4.1c. Sanple: 1 car. 42Hc. Omaha Caah Prtcea Wheat : No. 2 hard, 1.1-Vn 1.17: No. 3 hard, H.lo'i'ill.M; No. 4 bard. ll.A3ViW1.tiS; No. 2 erring, 11.141 I 17; No. 3 aorlnif. Sl.liai.lS: No. 'J durum. S1.12ji1.l3: No. t durum, ll lKd 1.12; aani. t-le, 9;citl.t. Corn: No. 3 white, W,t iSM.c; No. 4 white. fKfffSTUc; No. fi whlta, (I'lW: No. white. KWilc! No. 3 vellnw. '(itOe: No. 4 vellow. fiiiViTlo; No. 5 yellow. -V.J7c; No. 41 vellow, .Wt Me; No. 3 mixed, liVfiHaVnc: No. 4 mixed, (aiiK.T'ie.'. No. 6 mixed, f..1Kt)inc; No, 6 mixed. WiliWtc: eample itilxed, W'!ii17,tC. Oata: No. 2 white. 4l,if44V: atandard. 44'tM4'4c; No. 3 white. 4:iVM.T4c: No. 4 white. 4.Tic4:i1,c. Harley: MnltlnK. tWi 7(c: No. I feed. S7ricffiC. Ilje: No. 2, 91'if 92c: No. 8, ftn'iifllc. Chicago cloning prlcea, furnlnhed The Dee bv IiOgan & flrvan. atock and grain brokefi, S15 Houth Hlxtcenth, Omnlia: L" an'.. 10 40 I'lOf.-. I 1ft 40 I 10 M I 10 4TH May.l 10 r, ' 10 ! !' 10 70 10 M I 10 T7' July. I 10) I 10 t74 10 K-K W 7Vj' V) W Itlha. 1 Jan. .(10 40-4.' May. 10 75 July.! 10 K 19 6 wi 1 A r.. ,4 rura. II li'4: 2 cart. 11.11. No. 4 ture of the convention, eaped.lly .t- winter: CX U;' Tractive TO mifnuuonw inrn win w the lecturea on dlverairied farming, live atork, alfalfa and corn to be given by Prof. Holden of the agricultural exien eion of the company. Ales Lease Will Attemd. In addition to Trof. Holden. there will If a number of officiate from the Chl rji headtiuartera, Including Alex Igge, general manager; a Ncbraaka, man. who grew to manhood at Ilogere, Nh.. and itlll owng a very fine farm at thla point. William Bromnlng. gene ral Bulea manager, will be here, alao K I.. Heea. dlatrlct aalea manager, for merly of Omaha; F. W. Helakell. ad vertinlng manager; C. O. Aaplnwall. manager of titan engine aalea; C. K. Alllaqn, manager of drill aalea, and W. V. T'ape, manager of wagon aalea. A. .11. nice. N. V. Vincent and E. Totea of the American Peedlng Machine company, whoaa llnea are aold by the International Harveater company, will 3d li Omaha during the convention. Oliver Works to Show Tractors at The Auditorium The Oliver Chilled Plow worki opened It Omaha branch In June, 1914, at Klghtl and Douglaa atreete.- The bualneaa grew o faat that In May. 19IB, the Allen build ing at Tenth and Farnam gtreeta waa leaaed. The company la highly pleaaed m ith the bualneaa developing In thla terri tory, The Oliver factory at South Bend, Ind., rovr r IW ai rea of ground. The capacity la l.iV.000 plowa annually and It la the lariten plow factory In the world. Within the ground of the Oliver worka are five mllea of railroad tracks and two loeomo tlvea are owned by tha company to do the .witching exclualvcly for tho factory. Anot'ier feature of the Oliver mrorka le 1lh fuel that they ow;n their water worka r.VFteei,, mhlch-haa a dally -capacity of 1.5 OW gallon. " .' ' ' At one time the Oliver worki devoted their entire attention to the manufacture of plowa exclualvcly. letter other llnea mere taken up and today the line Include t low, (latere, cultivator, barrow and i number of other farm Implement. The Oliver company control the I. M. Fe liter Implement and Carriage company, Mollne, III.: Ftaylnr Plow Manufacturing pompitny, Atchlaon, Kan.j Thoma Mann Jact iielng company, Springfield, O., and a numlier of amaller concern making a line of Implement. Thla gle the Omaha Mwm-h a fine line of everything that goea 'IMi farm Implementa. In 'he manufacture of tractor plowa the 11 err factory haa taken a foremoat part ind hn given much time and attention o making amall tractor plow and their le- elopment. The Omaha branch put out ivrr soo email tractor ploma during the I' "lowing aeaaon. t'urlng the coming Implement ahow the ")"'r company will ahow four dlatlnct ypf-.i of amall tractor plow at It build-n- at Tenth and Farnam atreet and alao t Ita exhibit In the Auditorium. Date. Ornpea: .MaltiKft, fi.MiHOO bll. Hananaa: Medium air.o biinrbea, S1.VXlil.7S bunch; medium elxe Jumboea, 2.flo'i2.Ro bunch; recular aire lumboea, S2.rH2.75 hunch; extra large -Jumboea, S.I0ri.1D5 hunch; mnmmoth JuinbocM, il.G"'3 7f bunch. 'ninberrlea: It 0 per bhl. and up. Dates: I'romednrv, ,'Ha. 12 So ear: furd, 12c lb.; eturten, wninuin, ii :u uok. h iga: in'w.iri.. rnw, 6'4c lb.; No. 1 peanutH, ronntd, Sc lb.; peanutH. .lumbo, (Cc lb.; peanuta, Jumbo, roaaled. lb.; Kngliah wnl- nuta, No. 1, hr lb.: rnellnh walnut", No. 2, lliVJit lb.: fill-erta, ISc lb.; peeana, VPvO lb.; tiecnn, Inrnboa. 17Hc lb.; Bra all. fe lb.: mixed nut, t'-c lb. VtOOKTAIU.KH Potatoea: White atorkT Si. 20 bu.: weatcrn Nebraska, SI. 10 bu. Hweet potatoea: S.SO bbl.; Jeraey, hamp er". SI. 76 hamper; southern, hampera, 1 .W) hamper. Onlona: lied. 3o lb.; yellow, 2Hc lb.; KpmUh. Sl.'i crate. Cucumbera: S2.00 dor Cauliflower: S3 On crate. Cabbage: 1'e lb. lettuce: Head. S1.O0 dou. ; leaf, 40c dost. Celery: Jumho, l)0c eox. I'araley: l0c 1mz. Kadlahe: U)r do. Hrtia.el aprouta: 2c lb. New heeta. car.4a, turnlpa. ROo do. Old beeta, -carrots, turnips, ruta liagoes. 1'4c lb. Mlf-'f'KI.I.ANEOT'S Cider: Nehawka. $.?.2S ken. Honey: Comb (24 aectlons), S3"t case; Airline. ?4 alx-ox. tumblers, SI W caee. popcorn: No. 1 rice. 4c lb.; 40 1-lb. paekagea, S-."0 case; Nebraska white, owing to finality, 2V.,'!? 3'nc lb. Cornpops: Kornettea. Sf.X ease: Vi caae. S1.5. Check ers. Crnckei-Jack. Chums: S3.G0 case; '4 caaea. S1.T&. ."'illed peanuls: $1.-6 can. llorearadiah: S1.7.'i case. at. t.onla tiraln Mnrket. ST 1.D1IH. Jan. IV W 1 1 RAT No. J red SI Vv'i l.R.''": No 2 hnrd. nominal; Mac. ti.yiMil.Wi: July. SI. 17. COMN-No. 2. T3c; No. 2 white, Wrl 77i' c: Mnv. T4i'7I"ii:: July. 77c. OATH No. 2, 4i'"e:. No. 2 white, nomi nal; My. 4X'iie: July, nominal. OffirlHl Tuesday 7 1 T7 ,7.S-') rffb-l Wedne.itay ... S 4e 4 J Official Thursday .... 1,073 S.01S Official J rlflHV 8.4: 11.4.-W) Kstimata Saturday .. 0 II.oijO Klx: dnva thla week 7.li3 4,2fi Paine dava last Week.2ao4 97.11R t'-l.TDH Same day 2 wk. ago.14.211 ta.Ka M.(V,1 ."ame clays 2 wka. aKO.m.:1 7."4". 3,1"4 Hame du.va 4 wka. aBo.i.0i.it 7i.iel 8imo da) a last ycar..2l.5M V).47u 5s,7M The folliwinir tair i,n-a,a the receipt of eBttle. hoaa and'sbeep at the Omaha i.ive mock market for the year to oaie as compared wltli Inat year: pi, V.ilR. Inc. iec. Cattle Mn 4.441 It.KW) Dogs 1H4.3.H 1'.'4 1W fri.143 ; I05,9)2 127. J3 -4-l The following tnlile shows the average prlcoa of hoes at the Omaha live aloek market for the laat few day, with coin-parl'ona- I 10 40-421 10 V, I 10 4! . 10 75 10 9iI5l 10 0 f I 10 90 It Hid. A Asked. A rttcl' Open. Hlch.l 1 ow. Close I Yea y. V'J.l S7HA( 1 27V4 Whaat I Mav.ll i .' juiy,ji2o-t:tvi ia:u i in Corn. I May. 7Rvrr. July, 7811 Oata. I MaV,50'.iNin Jiilv.l . 4sA Pork. I I inn,. I W 1 1 n'ii'rsl.ifr1! 74f 79'4 79'.l . 7K1i 1 7H,79'4H, -Si eO',1 4IV4,iO'iin . ' 4-JVil ' 48VJ.I 48',, Bl -4KS I I I IS 27i IX 9'H! 19 27'4 19 00 Kansas IHr Oratn "d Prorlslona. KANSAS C1TV. Jan. 1 5. W HKAT-No. 2 hard. SI.Uii1.19; No. 3 red, Sl.2iHrl.25; Mnv, JUS; July, SI.UIM,. Coll.V-No. 2 mired, fifl,Si'970e; No. 1 while, TfV-: No. 2 yellow, 71c;, May, 744c; Jnlv. 7fin-,'n74".c. fATS .No. 2 while, 40f.47c; No. 2 mixed, 41l4?c. Hl'TTRtl renmcry, 3.1c; flrata. Sic; aeeomls, 2"c; packers, 19c. B-.uciriests. 27c; seconds, 10c. . 1-Dl Irit Y llcna. . 13c; turkeys, 17c; springers, 13c, ( i;TniMra4el Apples and Dried Frntta nr.W YOniC. Jan. 15.-EVAPOTlATr.D APPI.KK Dull and easy; fancy, SMrtllOo; choh e, VY(ii-; prime, tmUiY.c. Dltlkl) hRt"IT-Pninea, firm; Call forniiia. 4frimc; Oregona, 7,4fii.l,v. Apri cot, quiet; choice, 7Vc: extra choice, 10c: fancy, 12e. peaehca, quiet; choice, WYi r.'ije: extra choice. 6Vfcc: fancy, HVio. IlMlslna, steady; loose muacatcla, 71ifi'7Vic; choice to fancy seeded, 1W3V, aeedleaa, Siyijllc. Minneapolis Grain Mnrket. MINNHAPOMf, Jan. IS. WHEAT Mnv, SI 2r'i; July, Sl.25'4: No. 1 hard, S1.3i'A; No. 1 northern. Sl.MHfi 1-29V4; No. 2 northern. tl.Sft'Wl-IKVs. IIAUI.KY ti"7fl76c. ltYrV-SimilHiVie. lilt A N- SI7.7.VU 1S.W). COItN-No. 3 yellow, 75Vii76c. OATS No, 3 white, 4:)V'u 4 Ho. FUAX 12.3S4i2.41. rough. S.r.j4l.9B; pigs, S-"'."Wf 5.50. ' SMU.I' A.NP I.AJiHR-i;npii. head: market, firm; w-thera, Si"...!. ewca, Si.2o4J i.Sc; Ismbe. S.H.4l"Ul.90. Kansas C Mr 1.1 re gtock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jan 1. CATTL.K Iteeelp's, 4"" bead; mnrket eleadv; prime, tK.tr.fr9X; dreacd bef steers, f; 00 25- wesiern steer. nitt.hQ, stm kers and feeders, 10; bulla. SiS.30; calves. S''10W). HOiiS-Itecelpta. 4.000 head: market lower: bulk of aalea, Sfl.7T.4i7.0S; heavy. S7 ottr7 W: pnekers and butchers. Si WW 7 in- llirbt. i7iHU7.00: pigs, S; nfv,i JO. SIIKF.P ANI I.AMB.- Receipts. LOO head: market stesdy; lambs. S" 7n fr 10.7T. ; rnrllns. tvr.4.; wethers. S.7;.75; tmes, i.2rti7.25. St. I.onts Lire Stack Market. ST. IXVt'lS. to..- Jan. ir..-CATTIR-nereipta. 1.200 head: nierket steady: na tive beef steers. S7.6iV(iS.V): ycarlbig ateera and heifers, S.."Aft9.3": cows, ST'-tOOO; stoikera and feeders, Sj.Oii7.2fi; southern steers, SS.2."ff8 V: cows and heifers, SUA) Ig.Sn: native ratVea,' Karl.lit. HfMlS Receipts. 10,at) head: market lower; pigs and llrhta, SO.oo-ii7.15: mixed and butchers, S 0i'ir7.2i.; good heavy, S7.20 HHRKP AND T.AM MS P.eceltts. 300 head- market steady: yearling methers, f 0oy9.!"; lambs, SS OOiilO.tw; ernes, ViXff 7.25. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Mexican Shares Are Once More Offered in Larje Quantities. STEEL IS UNDER rHESSUKE BIGGEST PART TO ATHENS WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. Presi dent Wilson today asked congress to rpproprlato $41,030 for indemnities to Greece, Austria-Hungary and Turkey on account of injuries to tbeir subjects in the South Omaha 1Mb., i KI&.114.i9i:i.llBU. 1191 1.11910. 1.1 - 11 19! 7 V.7 101 ", I S 24 Jan, Jan. S Jan. 3.1 Jan. 4.. Jan. 6. Jan. 1 Jan. .. Jan. 7.. Jan. ft.. I ',( Jan. ..! Jan. 10. $m Jan. Jl. tm'-fc Jan. 12. 6 &2'4j Jan. 13. I Jan. 14. 7 ("'-, Jan. lu. 6 K'i I 7 171 7 111 1 091 (Xil 7 Si'; Cflif 7 got 7 u' 5 SO) 021 s ao 4fj e m 72V4 7 04 7 P2! 7 ' 741 S SHI It 741 H t 7 Ol 7 K XH 7 Wl 3 S: 701 6 70 6 W 67 S Ml 7 14) 7 HI 7 62i 7 11 1 14 7 1 7 24 7 12 4I 7 931 7 02 till 7 (r 6 .17 S 13 7 111 17. 5 got 7 ", M . 0.J 7 7 S 17 SO) T 421 61 6 ooi 7 4: 8 a 7 9l 8 60 I'll a 4S l'7 871 oai '7 82 t a 10 7 75 ft M lij7f 2 0 0, 7 73 111 7 691 M 8 42 umlav. "Holiday. Itecelpta and dispualtlon of live atoclc at the I nion Slock yards. Omaha, for twenty-four hours cnd.ng at 3 P- ''" terday: RECEIPTS-CARS. Cattle. Hogs. C. M. & St. r fVVahash Missouri I'aei.io 1'nlon Pacific 1 'J. N. VV., caat 3 N. V.. west z St. P.. M. & U 1 H. & Q., east II. W., west It. 1. & P., east It. I. & P.. west Illinois Central Chicago Oreut Western Total recelpta oispasmo.N- Morrla A Co friwlft and comimny Cudahy I'acklnx lo Armour & Co Schwarta Co J. V. Murphy 8 15 I.tve Wck Market. la.. Jan. IS. CATTLK . Hloni Mt HIOI'X CITY Rece'nts. tM head; ni.ftket. steady; n- ttvo s'ers. lft.W0i7.Kl. HfXIS Recelnta, 1.400 head : market, ,1i"Ef 13c lower: heavy. ki.iia4i.7.10; mixed. S'i.Kr, r.9f.; light. SO.tii 6.SC; bulk of galea, pl.li "Ikweep ANU lAMriS-necelpta, ' 200 head. ... . at. Joseph Live Stouk Market. RT JOSEPH. Mo., Jar.. IS, CATTI,R Recelpta, 100 head; steeri. 87.00$ 00; eowa and heirers, h.h.iii; raivea, i,wo.w. HOGS Reeelpta, 10,00n head: market lower: top, S7.10; bulk of aalea, tA Tofi 7.0.V 8HKRP AND LA M BS Hecelpta. 1,000 liead; market ateady; lambs, SK. lirielQ. iti. Stock Jn IHclit. Cattle. Hogs, Sheep. H'V 1.300 40 50 OHO Omaha St. Louis .. Kansas City Chicago Mioux City . Totals ... .3.0J0 -HHAD. 241 Hogs. ... 1,7 0 .. 8.72) ... 5.IW .. 5.22. , . . 2.W 8,191 lS.liOO io.w 4.00) 3l,0uo 57,900 Market. 310 1.001) I.IKIO 2,500 SKW YORK. Jan. IS. Aside from sub stantial advances in a tew hlah priced specialties, such as Hethlelieni Steel, International Nickel and American Cool roducis. In mhlrh gKlns rantred from 7 to 'Si points, today a short but active session developed few features of Inter est. The more moderate priced issues of that same chisa tried to keep pace with this movement, hut met with Indif ferent success, some closing with net louses. Mexican shares were orre more or- 'erert in lnrffe ounntitles. Mexican petro- eum and American Smelting being sub- rj0t8 on February 21. 1909 jHvica in reneweti soon f'-uhih. vhi,. Kt.itea Mtnel was under steady pressure, with resultant 'eaviness. and final denl Ioks in t rue ble Steel. Lackawanna Steel. Kaldwin Locomotive and Stude baker, left those stocka iuite generally mler the previous aeas.otis closing quo- lotions. Ralls were at all times backward ann Irresular, New York Centrnl, tho Har rimans. St. Paul and Kries being sold bv houses wiih foreign connections. Some of the utll'ttes, particularly tele graph and telephone shares added to yealeniay a guine. As a group mercan tilu maiiri" Issues again dominated the list, the preferred stock making another new Hh record on Ita advance ol 2V to 8:'. while the 4W and fourtti cer tlcates made a new maximum on their rise of 2'4 to 101s4. Trading In Marine Preferred waa lnrger than In any other "l',t- . ...... Total aalea amounten to 4io.v anarrs. im.v'i hi.nrt market was strong. New York Central debentures rivalling Marine Issues In activity. Tottil aalea of bonds, par value were S44.3R.0iiO. I nuen tstaiea coupon .ta aim n-ii""-iru 4a declined W per cent on call ouring the week. .... ... Number of saiea ana leauing quotations on atutka were as louum. IP. ttlB. tow. as . ..I'd MS. V. B ret. t. re. do coupon V. 8. 3s. ret. ... do coupon II . 4. IX do coupon Mnv. 1ft SO ID K1! ID 47'A' t 87H W f.;'U 1 IIICAU 4IIAI. AMH rllOMS0.H ".. '. , .. Tluttrr Market. KLC.IN. HI.. Jan. lo. HL'TTEIV-TS tubi aold at 31 cents. t utter Market, 'NHW YOtirc:' .Tan. I5.Tlie market for ' ' '"" ' ' Icofft e futueea w cotnapallvcly ciulet o- Peatarea of the Trading: and Closing; , v wth prices easing off under further I'rleea nit llnaril tit Trade. ' scattering lliiuldal ion. The opening waa .,,V ? ! ! .. .u . unchanged to 4 nolnta lower. After selling CHICAGO, Jan. IT. Assert lona that ex- al Jlllv rHcd to 7.i-r.c on coveriime portera had become active buyers at tVtii-Jai B llulo'lrmlc Imying, hut the demand rilpeg gave wheat prlcea here a rally to-WHn limited, and prices attgged oft later day after a weak start. Tho close wiaStlth Mnv selling at 7.11e and September unsettled at the same aa yesterday 'it nt 7.3o. The clusn waa 3 to r points net finish to tio hluher. with Mav Sl.'ii'i. ami i lower Sulci 9.ikm Imitn. January. 7c; July, it .zi. l orn lost ',tr lo ',,'u Sa uet, ' Kelu uai v, ti O'e: .Murcn, i.imc; maren. oata wound up r off to a ahnile ad vanee, and provision at a r au of 7-.c lo ao. Mrength In wheat did not develop until word arrived that KngTlah houses which had been sending heaiiah newa to New York had later turned to the hull aide of the market and were purchasing in Winnipeg on a large acale. The upturn Many Dealers to Come to Inspect The Sandwich Line 7.0:ic; April, 7 07c: Mnv. 7.10", June, i.ioc; Julv. 7.1'iic; August, 7.i'ic; September, 7.c; October, ".Sic; November. 7.4oc; lecomber, ' Spiit, ateadv; Rio 7s. 8c; Santos 4a. 9He. No change was reported In the coat and freight ultualion. The official cables showed an advance of IfiO ids ut Itlo with the santoa maraei niiiiw a inimr lu'Ric, x tie iiii'iiii " - ' , - , , In the market here waa encouraged by ! unchanged aiui Itlo exenunge on t-sjnumi advices that Ttrar.ll had made a big re-1 ! lower. auction In the Import duty on flour. Morn v'. E. rswBon. manager of the 8and- w e Manufacturing company, Council I'luffs, la., la one of the biggest booster "or the Implement dealers' convention In tli'a section of tha country. The rawson company will have on dts- r!i v a complete line of Its goods known as the "Sandwich IJne." Not only will thi representation lie strong at the show, b it t the show rooms In touncll llluff 'I in hotute will be kept during the week for the benefit of the dealers who come Into home from outalde points. la the "Sandwich IJne" will be found the "Kaayway" loaders and rakes, en gines, shelters, grinders, corn sKcers, ele vators and hay presses. - This com any carries an Immerse stock of com shv'llug machinery In both Kan as City and Council Bluffs warehouses lor the convenience of its large and In creasing weatern trade. These two points have maintained a reputation for forty ears for their promptness In filling tirders. Few house in the MUsourl val ley have equalled their record. The Sandwich company claims the dis tinction of being the Isrgcst builders of corn shelling machinery in the world. The IMS models use time-tried, success ful principles, and also have the latest, most modern and efficient Improvements anil conveniences. Assurances have been received by Mr. I'uweon that there will be a Urge at tend rice of dealers from this trade terri tory present during the coming conven tion and he expects to hare bis hands full csteritig to the many who will be inspecting- the "Sandwich Line" for 181L or less attention waa also given to re- porta that the green hug danger waa In- icreaslng rapidly in Texas. Uvernool dtaiiatcnra Inllmatlnir that tlia Ttrltiah authorities were rcli-nslua mnnv vessels to bring about more llliernl hiIi- ment from A-uatrnlla and Argentina d.d a great de to weaken prices riming the flrat half of the diy. The temporary de, preaslon was In the face of the fact that stocks In Kurope and on oeean paasavin were ine arnauesi ai any. correspoinllntf time In ten years. .nnnces or lncreaaa in arrivals acted aa a weight on the corn mnrket un l so too did tne breaking of the drouth In Arsenilna. Improved demand from the' eest. however, formed something of an unsei. Oals provetl relatively firm. The rhlcf reason was export business estimated at 7OH.OU0 bushels. ; ProvlaJons rallied sharply after a de cline at the atari, enlarged outalde buy ing w.-a reported, and offerlnira from packers grew scarce, notwithstanding lower prices on hogg. t'hteago Casli Prices Wheat: No. S red. nominal; No. S red, ll.2Mil.2f1- No i hartl. SI 2-"il.!S,Si. NO. 3 hard. Sl.iohl.l!V Corn: No. D yellow, nominal: No. 4 yel low, 72,yn'SV,c: No. 4 white, 7J"i;:ic. OnIs No. 3 white, 4V'i47'e; stninbtrd, 4'.1H'." !! live: Nominal. Harlev. S.'xii 7ti, Tilnotbv ItViio'iis.OO. Clover, SI" Wl'lNi, Pork IIS 1ili) 27Vx. Lard: S10.J7 V lo.i. Kiba. Sio.l'w KtHi! Higher: receipts, 2.0!8 cases firsts. SO'-c; ordinary firsts, SP,,; at mark cases Included, Su DOc. ' POTATOKS-ltecelpts. 35 Vars: market unchangeit. oll.TKY-Allve, lower; fowls. 1,: springs, U'; turkeys. Ko. NEW TURK (;Kr.ttAL 1IAHKET ( iillnii Market. - NF, YORK. Jan. 15. COTTON Ppot, onlet: middling uplanda. 12.fi0e; no aalea Futures rinsed barely steady; January. 12. Ilk-; March. l.4',c; May, 12.C'.ic; July, I2le: October, 12.71c. Put urea ined ateady; January, 12.SSc; March. 12..W; May, 13.80c; Juljv 12.!ttc; tictolier, 12 7-. The cotton market cloaed barely steady, i mlla lower tit 3 OtlllltS llb'bel. l.lVKItl-t)OL. Jan. 16, COTTON Spot, stoiidy,'' good mhldllnf. 8.45c ; middling. 8 1-V; low middling-, 7.72c; sales, .M bulcg. 1)11 and Koala. SAVANNAH. On, Jan. r.-TCRPFN-TlNIJ-l'irm ut rCfi.V; aalea, 143 bbla.; receipts. 107 bbla. ; shipments, 3-o bills.; strcks. 14.044 bbla. HOSIN l-'lrni; salea, fill hhla.; receipts, 1.W0 bbla.; ahipmenta, 1.SI3 bbla.; stocks, t'u.MU bbla. IJUoIhII.imh: A, II, C, 1 1. K, V tind ll, S 30; 11 Ki lVi; I. S 40; K, K.Oi; M. tti.3ti; K, Sii.7u; WU, S7.00; WW, 7.5). l)rr titMida Market. NKW YORK. Jan 15. DRY OOODS Cotton goods and yarns closed strung to day with aalea ut. tidy. Wool goods of a staple character foi men's wear will lie opened on Monday. Knit goods ware actite and very firm. MISSIONARIES ARE NOT WARNED TO KEEP OUT xrw TORK, Jan. 15 The far eastern bureau announced tonight the receipt of She following cablegram: I'i.KlN'CJ. Jan. 11. The statement that ml-s'onmics end older foreigners have te n w arned not to enter Yunnan, Bsech-w-iii. Kwel-Chow and Kwang-SI. Is offlc i,li J Med. Alrrtnty o ti nment troop ,. i.iat-tically q icl!d the Yunuso out l,jt:.i. - Qoutatloas of tbe Day oa Varloaa t ouiiuodl t lea. WliKAT-HlMit. f iin : No t TiT?..,... fl.toS: No. 1 northern, luiluth, S1.4J1.' No' I noiiberu, Manitoba, 8l.l' f. o. b New York, nili.ns ere steailv; Mav. SI SOS t'UU.N-Siioi. ateadv: new Kn i -ii..,' 80c c. I f. New York. OAT-s-8ot. steady; No. S white, S1U HAY-lMill- No. 1. SI .Mil. ;;: No 2 Slo.txUl.lj, Nil. 3. ,Vu!;Vxc. shiHiing, Vy HOPS tjulet: stute. common to choice 1DI& crop, l&fivc: li4 crop, 6iiac; Paclfio coast, IHIS crop, linnic; crop, fcnlOv HinKU-Sleady; liogota, 3tM31c; Central America. ?. l.KATIi Kit firm; hemlotk firsts, 3: ?4e: seconds. Kit '3c. PROVISIONS Pork steady; mess til 5o J.': family. $'l.ai2a.ui: sbort Vleitr ".' iia IM Heef. steady, mess, S1.5 17 ' lainiiy, tiivniis.yii. una. steady; middle , ,Ni I" U-. TALLOW r-rm; city IJM-: 1.1-e. Il. sc. Bl'TTKll Steady: receipts. 1 tubs; creamery extr.ta. 33ii34c; firsts, Ssaic; M-oiiils, jr.M27Vc. K'ltjS t-HHler; receipts, 4,"ii3 rases; fresh gathered extra fine, 3t:!7c: extra firsts, ilyOc; flrfta. lit-l''; mtoiid. jut, ;'i'c. CHKEFB-KIrm; recelpta, 1 ;tS hoxra; State whole in ilk, hel. specials. IV; av eraue fancy, !Tjl7c: current make, rpeclals, 1717'iC, average fancy, lv'.'.( l,e. PoCLTItY Alive, steady: western. chlkena, )fic; foal. IS'V; turkeys. ;K-; dreHiwd. stroll; : 1 1 killed cliickens, 16 tj.'7c; ioals. l.('-.iv; tur.--s, fc,c. aaar Hirkrl, KKW YORK. Jan. C --Sl QAH-lUv, l ad ; ccnti'tf igal, 4 T.:: i ;.'c; uw!a--. Quit Houses in Boats In Flood and Cold KVAX-tVlLLE. Ind.. Jsn. lS.-Launrhes today were busy In the Ohio river below this city, taking families from houses threatened by tho riding water. Accord ing to reports received here, twenty five families were removed from homes In -tho vicinity of Mount Vernon, Ind. The removal waa luado In below zero weather. The river waa at forty-two feet and began to encroach on outlying residence sections. Total CATTLli As usual on Saturday there were only a few cattle here and they sold at prices not materially different from Krlday, but around lonioc better than the close of last week, iteceipls this week have been rather liberal m spite of the rough weather, some 2H.600 head showing up lor the six days which la about l.otW less than laat week, but 7,0iK) mora than a vear airo. The market has been very uneven Hurt v owintr to the bad weatner and partly owing to unusual conditions existing in, the east. Undertone to the iratie, However,- lias neen irurty neanoy throughout and both beef steers and butcher atock have found a free outlet right along until the lust day or two when tho difficulty experienced by pack ers In securing refrigerator . cars has slowed up the demand somewlfat. In stockrrs ami feeders business has been unusually brisk for this season of the year and the volume of business quite large with prices tending stronger on practically all grades. The recent lin- trovement In the fat cattle market has eon responsible for a very decided re vival of Interest on the part of the coun try In atock cattle and feeding steers. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice beeves. SS.&&.75; fair to good - beeves, S7.606iM.10: common to fair beeves, S'.60i(( 7.40; good to choice heifers. S-2aU'i.U0; good lo choice - cows," so.inOti.ou; leu to good, cows." lj,2u(u,ibi common to fair cows. S4.0tyuXi.0U; uooil to choice fuH. ia Id .:'T . fair in ionil feeflcra Sii.4O'4fi.0; common to fair feeders, 8i.u0u) S.40; good to choice Blocker. 87.0ii7.i; fair to good Blockers, gi.:ioiiurf.ts): common to talr stockers. f..u0ai6.;ir.; stock heifers, o.7ri((iu,7ij; stock cows, S4.7ofyti.2B; stock calves, SO.JOfti7 bO; Veal calves. 1.00((.iw; holla Huh Ale U .Aft tV 23. HO'OS An unusually large Saturday boo, run urns on hltr.rl. roceiota Of 247 cara. or about 18.000 head, being the largeat for a long time on a Saturday. Total arrivals this week are 79,103 head, belnu 18.0(10 short of a week ago, but 9,o00 larger than two weeks ago and vain nf 2a 000 over last vear. The outlook -wan anything but promis ing and everything wore a very nenrisn aHiieet. Yesterday a advance threw local prices way out of line with other mar- KCIB ana pHCKCrs couio nan iop. ii ,;..'- chance to line things up again than the heavy receipts today. The result was that everyone waa slow In . getting started, but that when both shipper and narkii. buvera raised their nrsts bids un til they were no moro than 15.i20c lower than the early trade yeaterdiiy, a good manv hogs began moving acaleward. The market onco eHtablished became fairly ctive and with few excentlona the hig hulk of the offerings sold 15ii20c lower than yesterday's early prices, and little if nv better than ateadv with Thursday. Hulk of all the sales was made at SH.KiVu) 7.00, with the usual sprinkling of light stuff on down. Oulte a few loads were bought by both shippers and packere as hlirh aa S7.06 and the top reacheo (.(!. Aa compared with a week ago prlcea to day are 2li30c higher, even after today s sharp break, which Juat about lopped off all yesterday s-advance. A heavy aimnlv Mondav nave packers a vision of another big week and they pounded tirleea to the tune of lorn 15c the opening dav. However. Tuesday's run fell far helosr oxoeetHllnlia and from then on values ehot up rapidly. The big end of this week'a iiinurn ran. however, be laid to weather conditions more than to actual strength In the market, and as a heavy vim is exoecied next week no one would be surprised to see the big end, if not all, Ot tins wees, s auvmnve tniiiiiicu utt, Hepresentattves sales -. At. Fh. IT. NO. . . ?. .. m .. kS M la , . J'-t ,.. lb ... 1 714 ,0.. ... ; ot'i FIGS, ... 4 00 H. . . . to ,. iirv.K.I' No abeeD and Unit's were in ,.i,,.i...i in the dava iirrtvala. Yesterday 1 oifo-iul count fell a few hundred head i.n.., nr iii esiiiiiaie anu tne weeit i.,i-.i u 4.ilJu head, being S.txrt smaller i,u week sco and 10.i) short of last year, but 14,wJ Heavier matt tv lito. ew York Money NKW YORK. Jan. IS MERCANTILE PAVKR per cent. 8TKRLANU KXCHANOK 00-da v bills t4.7i: demand, J4.75',s; cables, 14 76. SILVER liar. otiHc; Mexican dollars, 44c BONDS Qovernment, steady; railroad, strong. - . ' Closing quotations on bonds today were a a follows: ..WtCMo. Pin rr. S... 4S .. M N. Y. C. den. . . . .11 jv ..H'ti.V. Y. CUT 4-.. . 1 V ..101 N. Y. Ktsts 4s ..112Vi ..l"kiv. i . . tN. M art. ..110 (. 11" Panama coupon... W 'i No. Pucltic 4a : : Am. Smoltert .. do Sx :. A. T. S T. r. 4;s..ln7--4,,"). S. U ret. 4a !1 Armour ft Os. 4W.. ipu. T. ft T 5 10-n. Atrhlson sen. 4ti.... MiVPonn. con. 4H iml. ft Ohio 4. .. . ---M do asa. 4ts I"!1, On. I'Klilo -in Ruaillns con 4i.,..s;, (ties ft Ohio 4't.. S. U 8. r. r. 7J . ft VI J. 4.... V ttfjn. Per e. 6a ie, M ft S P m 4Va I'ti-t do ret. -4s.. ....... "fl R. I. P. r. 4. Vo. BallwaT (a la-Ui, ft B. r( 4Hs. .. 44i:nna Parlflc 4a.. . 97-i ft. K. r.. rot. '" do pt. 4a v.vi Rrl rn 4s li'r. R. Ruhhor 4a Urn. Klscttie ' , 1 . R. 8tel Ba mi'i No. iKt 44 -walMMl lat 5 1"H'4 con. ref 4 'Wsat. Pnlon 4u, .... 4. K.i. rot, 5.... st W'rat. Kep. ct M..l:t4 ft N. unt. 4. . HI" AnKkvFmich is .... Do K. ft T. lat Ii.. 7- Bid. Bank t learlnga. omaiIa. Jan. l.". Bank clearings for Omaha today were 13.362,647.51, and for the Correaponuing nay last year .i,i 1,001.01. The total clearings for the week ending today were S-1.6M,Z4l. ana to nne cor responding week last year, SUOO,647.70. Czar Again Asserts Russia Will Battle Till Enemy Expelled PKTROGTtAD (Via London, Jan. 15. Tlest -assured, as I said at the beginning of the war,' I will not make peace before we have forced the last of the enemy out of the llmlti of the mother country and not otherwise than with the consent of our allies, 1o whom we are bound, not by paper, but by a sincere friendship and the ties of blood," . Emperor Nicholas In these words, ad dressed to one of Ms armies on the Rus stan front during the week preceding the Russian Christmas, once more replied to the rumors of a separate peace In Hub sia which have even reached the men In the trenches. The emperor after visiting the armies on the southern front reviewed those of Ueneral Alex K. Evert, commander-in- chlnf of the forces In the west. Address ing the officers, ho said: I speak to you. moat herolo represent stives of our army, wlalilng deeply and sincerely, to thank you for your mighty valor and heroic efforts In the present campaign. I beg you to pass to your men my words, thanking them also for the heavy strain they manfully endured which all Russia and I personally value, Emperor Nicholas then gave his assur ance that he would not make a separate eace. The following day he inspected the army corps commanded by General Kurp- patkln. No. ftu... nu.. 7t... ... ii... 11... ..157 ..m .1.4 ..urn ,.i:t ..Mi .. . .S4 ..24 .lit lo! M. I'. Mi. .' sr.. (i.. so.. At. ..nr . i ..mo ..3.1 ..271 ..114 8 k. Pr. ... 4 ti ... i u) ... 4 ... a wi ... 0 f: 130 ll lis 7 0 ... T 05 ... 7 M 4 a 4 f j Sc; country, 7li GRANT OIL RIGHTS TO OPERATORS IN WYOMING WASHINGTON. Jiin. 15. In committee of the whole the house today adopted provisions of the mineral and leasing bill, which will grant leaning rights to oil op-, eratora In California and Wyoming fields who were dlsiiosaeMjied by President Taft's withdrawal sud tha supreme court's af I mval. The vote Indicated passage of the provisions of the bill on final vote. MAN SOUGHT BY POLICE OF 2 CONTINENTS TAKEN MOXTKKAU Jan. lS.-Dr. Julea Waarburg, alao known as Robert 8. Johnson, for whom the police of two continents have been anarch lug for three years was arrested here today. He Is said to be wanted on chargas of grand larceny In New Yolk, San l-'ancisco. Ci.icao and several uther cit h s in the I'nltcd Stairs, as well as In South America. ' 4 hsa last iesp'te the fact that prices were bo ginning to 100a week ago uw "' " .i,,..ii..,...l i he 7ij aovante scoreo . . . u rl.t tl -.jl week and current tiue ....v i.i, .her ilmn thev were two weeks ago. A heavy run Monday resulted in a slight io.uk the market opening slow and l.w - I-,. ,-i.l,w more active and wl uttrt of the-break regained. From Monday on it was a Btea.ltly advancing market up until Friday, w hen Wltn a ne.vy weea ... ..... v.iu... be Id steady at the week i advance. Closing iicotatioiis put good to choice lambs at lo 4Tto J.. and fair to ' , n. ..I- st lliim from S10 to up. "hose f.ifur-B being fur the highest ever !" if anv cliiuwd lambs w. "marketed. Itest should sell to S-' Y at present Feeder trade seams to oe Hi most a thing of the past tor this season V .i.... lentv of orders at I! unfilled supplies are very scant. A high un,U.::'.. :.l'..i foe iii, finished wetKtitv "nibs to go o nearby feedlots and good ,i touched Sii.lft. Uoth tbeae sales were made early in the week. CHICAGO LIVH TOCK MARKET Cattle Slrssr Hsgi tr4aBj kee Firm. CHICAGO. Jan. 13.-CATTLE-nece pta, 5tX head; market, steady; native beef steers. PVMI.I: weau-in steers. Vvtoxr Ii i; cows and heifers, $4. 1U - .. calves, S7 i'i"'-! IC.7. ) lot Receipts, S4.O0O hesd: market, strong; bulk of sales. S-.inu7.li llaht, S ti ij-7.lt); tnUed, S.7iw?.St; ht-a, Jo'(jT.Ui; WOULD PAY GREEEC FOR OMAIIA RIOTS Wilson Asks Congress to Gire $41 030 to Greece, Austria . and Turkey. l.HIHt 1.IMWI 16.7011 .70t 2 04W 1,4I0 ii Alaska Colli Allla-t'lvilmera American hect gusar. Ainortran (mi American ljiK-omotlva . Amerlosn X. t K , Am. a. K. pM Am. Huasr RcflnlnK :ti) )1 Amorlrso Tsl. Tel .: I-'1 American Tobaoeo Anaionila fopper .5"i 7t Athlson .1 Paldwin Locomotlvo .... 7l 114 Baltlmoro a Ohio 2."" Hetliltilirm Steel l.l's 4. Brooklyn Rapid Tr... H"llfornl 1-elmleum Canadian Pacific ... Ontml leather riiesapeak A Ohio.. fliloaao O. W Chicago. M. Pt. V aju mi inu.i fhl-o A N. W ..- 4 hlcaao. K. I. P. Hf.r i.fin HO Chlno Copper 2,Ji" Colorado Fuel Iron ... 1 en fjiiclble Steel :.Se iOa Denver a R. O. pM Maimers' BeourltlfS l.Kfl 47 '4 Krle S.'.o tl'i neneral Kleeirlc ,. 7,"i.l7 Oreat Northern prd 4i0 Ut tlreat No. Ore ctfa i.S '4' nustenhelm Rtploratlon.. 1,100 - 23S 111 null rent Interboronah t'nn. Corp.. 400 lnaplratlon C-ooper .' International Harvei(er... Ml Kansas (ltv Southern Jslilgh Valley TO (tt lyiuiaviiie ft Nsshvuia... Mexican Petroleum ...... Miami Copper Mleanurl, K. T. pM.... Mlasnurl t'arltlc. Nations I Htariilt National l,ead Nevada Copper New York Central J.OOO N. Y.. N. It. H I 1,700 Norfolk Westers.....'.. ;m 1i Nertliern Pacific i... 1.40S 11(, Pacific Mall SCO It Pantile Tel. a Tel. l.feo 44 Pennsylvania Pullman Palace Car i lfi'i flay f"on.. Copper J.ini zs iReadlni , "HO Pepnbllc Iron A Steel... l.o Southern Pacific S.4fia Houthern Railway S'l" studeheksr Company tf Tennessee Copper 2. Mm Texoa Company 1,4l I nion Psylfat . Vnlnn Pacific pM 410 SS fnlted Htstes Steel iR.inO Sm I' 8. Steel pf4 l.(0 It"' Vtah Copper 1.2l 7 Western Pnlon '. ... T.W) 1 M Weellnshoiiee Fleelrle'... S.iso 7 Montana Power 1.J00 77 Oenentl 'Motors-. ,. ..... Wabasr B pfrt S International Marine pfd. W.401 114'. lint-a ins !44 4.SIO M J4S 17n 17.1-W 4 in 04 4t 67' ii" 4H 12IS 4S W- .'ijti 4oi. 110 ' 04 iit't .li'e 4H 1 1" Hand n l.( ,-o.i 6 "vim 7SS "7.T' l'it 12 4i. :sit K.'4i K2ki, tt:1 f l.W 1MV 117'4 1", i;im, V 112 1144 127 Mi :n2 1,i4 Uit ir.4 47S li7 M ;t4 M4 64 14 10' 132 1 r,ts 4H i; 5t 4f'4 tl 1,-.il' 4S, -.:! K.7 li4 4T Jl'4 noi S05, ta-i i' ii ' mc if . Si l' V.S i:n 1tr.' 12 . 4m in4 , . ."fNi K'm 1nt in."4 St 71 ', r.7 i:,7 M'4 riw, He and Secretary LanBlng Joined in aeking the application as an "act of grace and without referents) to the liability of the United States." The amounts recommended are 1 4 0,0 00 to , the government of Greece, $800 to Austria-Hungary and f230 to to Turkey. :,- feeretary Lansing says in his report that approximately l.-Joft Greek wera driven from the city duflrti? tho' riots and prior to the riots there had been a feeling of hostility to tho Greek Subjects residents of South Omaha, becanse; of their lawlessness and their manner of living In unsanitary surround Ings.-t The riots grew out of the shooting of Edward Lowry. February 19, 1909, by Jt)hn Masrouldes, a Greek, whom the officer had arrested. The subjects of other coun tries. Secretary Lansing said, "suffered from the fury of the mob, because they probably were mistaken for Greeks." rome of the rioters were arrested, but nohoily was convicted.. Greece asked 1153.7,3.1 . Indemnity; Austrla-HUngary, ,SS2. and Turkey, JI.P84. .r DuPont Acid Plant Blown Up, Five Hurt PHILADELPHIA. .Tan. IS An acid house at the plant ot the DuPpnt Powder company's plant at ",lbbstown. N, J., blew up tonight Injuring five workmen, two of them probably fatally. It was the eighth tixploFlon at the DuPont plants In this aectlon in tha laat three rnomns wttn a total of thirty-nine deaths and injury to twenty person. - WYOMING MAN LIES DOWN UPON PRAIRIE AND FREEZES KN'CA M PiMEKT,' TCyo Jatv Ja (Spe cial.) Uenllzlng tho futility of attermptin'? to reach shelter in the teeth' of a fifty mile baIo in zero weather, .lavk Green of this place laid down neat- tha Vis creek trsil, folded his hands across his brcaat and froze to death. His body waa found by searching, parties within a fliiarter ot a mile of David Bird'a ranch, his destina tion. '- ' 167 34 S S'J Si',' ' as ' 11744 Wl .7t 5 "I ''':' Tola, salea for tha day. 4U.non shares. v, 1I7H nv, a n a-ii "V, 4 M'4 81 S, ; learinw lloaae Hank Statement. NEW YORK. Jan. IS. Tho actual con dition of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week Bhows that they hold J172.518.370 reserve In exiesa of 1ohI requirements. This is an lm reatie of 1 8. -KISS. 110. The statement follows: Actual t'ondl.lon - - Amount. Inc-eae. Txiana.- etc. $3.,hi.ss . ) .(ri.0fl tlleserve, own vaults ri.St.Of") 2l.i'2.1.0 0 In federal oank.... iS.!tl,000 117.0.4) Other del osltaries.. ' iVi,84S,0 0 1,7 7,t0l Net demand deposits J,3S2.."i.onO 2-f.o71.0H) Net time depoaits.... ir.;,735.ft0 .2.134.t0 Circulation . 34.771.OviO ' 4i'9,4) Augregate reserve .. 7"a).f4l.O 0 Kxoohh reserve 1T2.51B,;4T0 JS.6J6,110 tOf which 443,7o1.0fi0 la specie. Summary of i.tate banks and trust com panies in Greater New York not Included in clearing house statement: ' Amount, increase. ISI8.CitlO.2il0 8,0S6,0 0 Loans, etc Specie B."i,3i)d,t"ii0 Legal tenders st.H44.400 Total deposits 865,3X7, b4K Banks' cash reserve vault "... 11,741,300 Trust companies' cash reaerve in vault...... 55 503,700 Decrease. . 141. KM -63,0 m M,J0 Heavy llpisting E.J. DAUBS ' f-i" -- 1 '" V"v1- 1212 Far nam St Tel. D. 353 Cities Service Co. Pfd, Stockl What is behincl it and,.'' . ' ' 2 Why we believe it will sell higher explained and dlfcussrd in bur . Special Letter "1". Copy Ft sa Reqtttit Williams, Troth & Coleman 60 M uU St. Xew York. Fifty Perish When Vessel Torpedoed LO.VDOX. Jan. 15. The Malta corre spondent of "Iteuter's Telegram company sends the following dispatch: "Kifty members of the crew of the British steamer Clan MacFarlane, which aas torpedoed in the Mediterranean Xa Iieremher SO, are still missing; and .have been Riven up aa lost. Captain Swanstou, commander of the ship, la Included among the miMsins;. "The survivors who srrlved here state that the steamship as torpedoed with out warning In a rotiKh sea. "Ths crew In lifeboats battle, eUfht days against mountainous seas, with the occupants on rations of half a biscuit and a small cup of water twice dally. Kl lifeboats had been tied together, but three broke may before help came and are helieved to have been lost." ' London Stock Market. LONDON. Jan. 13. -American securities cloaed steady and a fraction higher. HLVKH-tid per ounce. - MONK Y t'KHV per oemt. Msmi'.S'T KATUS Jhort blUs. 5'4 per cent; threw months, 6', per cnt. Tarae. frsnk. tlmolr eommant oa Nesv York ati-M-k Exrhanso aei-untloo In tha eurraot taaua nr 1HK 11H LUT KKVIK-. Psbllsliait br John Muir as Co. ti n a yaar. finil for frea Hinpln copiaa. l BroadvMV, Nav York City. WESTERN UNION SHOWS - BIG GAIN IN EARNINGS NKW YORK. Jan. Ii. The annual re port of the Western I'nion Telegraph company for 1915. with December esti mated, shows an eaormous gain Id earn ings, largely by region ot the war. To tal revenues amounted to V.Xf.;Ni, gainst 47J.V.' 'n 1914. and the ue( In come of lt).21S.Ul represents an Increase of I4.K46.986. Operating expensea. Including rental of leased lilies and taxes, were slightly less than in 1D14. dejulte the great Increase tf businesa Total expenses of tlO.li02.31T were only I4T.000 In excess of the prvviou year. The company's balance for 1915 of $11, 153,969 shows a sain of ft.4oj.3ti. thlleaa A aa ttaaaadur Resigns. WASHINGTON, Jan. U ICduardo 6ua res Mujira. Chilean ambasaador to the Vnlled Mates, has resigned and will leave his post here In March or April to re turn to Chile. (TliU U Talk No. VI of a Series on , "lb True Klttry of Ileal l-tale.") . My Papa Owns His House" A little blue-Tvl girl proudly proclaims to her schoolmates, and Immediately one or two others should, "So does mine;" "Mine does too." The rest hang tbelr heads and say nothing. Which will youf child do? Thig Is a more Important thing than you Imagine. . ' Children are quicker to notice a great many things than .are . igrown-ujis. ; A child's Instinct Is a wonderful sixth sense. . The child whose parents rent ttoon realizes the fact, and never feels herself the equal of her classmates, whot,e parents own their homes. The boy or girl whose parents rent, and consequently mova quite frequently, never feel that they really have a home. Just when they have made friendships in the neighborhood, the" rand-, lord raiseMhe rent or sells the house and the family must more. Their pla)-mates In the new location may not be no deair-. able. The boy or girl must be "broken in" at a new school, per haps' in the middle of the term. The child of the; man who rents is clways at a disadvantage. ' The man who owns his home sets an example that his child ren follow when they grow up. "Father always owned the house we lived in," cays the young bride, when her husband asks, "Shall we rent or buy!" Next time you ask yourself the same question, look at It through the "kiddles" eyes. That may help you answer more easily. Signed, . - K. R. BENSON', C. K. HAKR1SON', G. G. WALLACE, . , , Committej, - V lr;- - .; - - - - - - . :;.r - - - 1 - ' ; .