2-K THE OMAHA SUNDAY . BEE: JAXTTAKY 10, ldG. r actor Men Will Show You How to Conquer Toil ONE OF THE LEADERS IN THE TRACTOR WORLD. E LIFTING mj it T TH in in i i i I i : PROF. HOLDEH TO LECTURE MONDAY To Tell of Diversified Farming Campaign He Hai Been Con ducting All Orer South. GETS SAMPLES FROM FARMERS Prof. P., G. Holden, In chars of the International llarvtr company agri cultural extension depoi tiittnt. formerly vice an and profeaaor of agronomy ht th Iowa Agricultural iollH. Ames, !., will lecture on aee1 corn and other agronomic subierta to th aalramen of the Omaha. Council Bluff, Lincoln, loux City and Crawford grncral aen ole of the Harvester company on Mon day and Ttieadajr of thla weeic. On Wednesday, a lecture will b pi van by Prof. Holden to th Implement dealers in attendance at the convention. Mr. W. R. Bauojiman, rairtpnltrn mana ger of the agricultural extenaion work for Prof. Holden and H. S. .Dewing, secretary in the company' extenaion rampaicna wilt be her to a "Mat Jr0f. Holden. Prof. Holden haa juat completed a dlveralfled farming campaign, covering aeventy countiea In the atatea of Ten neasee. Arkanaaa and Mtaalaalppt. Kx tendon campaign have now been held in twenty state from Washington to Texae and Alabama. Diversified fanning-, live atock, alfalfa and corn have beeji subjects tailxht In these campaigns, depending- upon condition In the ter ritory where the campaign was car ried on. Prof. Holden Is commonly known as the corn kln of the United States, and his work in Iowa wss the greatest known factor in placing Iowa in the lead as a corn producing state. Samples of seed corn have been se cured from thirty farmers in Iouglns county, to be used by Prof. Holdrn In his lectures, and the tests made of this corn will be exhibited during the Imple ment Dealer's convention. The International Harvester company bellves this Is the golden age of service and does not confine its power to the manufacture and sale of implements alone. v T-S S p., N Jc r fteyn Photo FJ.Hindelon$ Corn Shellers Are Now Sold Direct To the Dealers The Watts Manufacturing company of Jackeo). Mich., which on October t opened a branch In Omaha for the distri bution of the Watts line of corn shellere and feed grinders, has already found much encouragement in the Nebraska lowa territory, according to the Omaha manager, 3. L. Bailey. The dealers, says Mr. Bailey, have al ready signified their approval of the WatU plan of selling direct to tlje retailers. At the present time eight salesmen ara working out of Omaha in Nebraska and Iowa. The salesmen are nreaentlnv tlrely new sheller line reconstructed alona- . i i . 1 1 .. . r ui oia-ume principles that have built ... up the Wetts reputation during twenty five year of corn sheller manufactur ing. The local offices of the company are at Farnam street, whore It carriea a complete line of corn shellors, feed grindera and repairs. Stocks are also carried at Kort Dodne and Cedar Baplds, la. From the repair department In Omaha the company la enabled to get parts to any part of the territory over night, so that it In possible to strongly advertise its shipping service to the trade. Mr. Bailey has been In the corn shel ler and feed grinder txiwlnes for a num ber of years and knows U thoroughly. He firet became associated with the Watts company in W16. During' the imple ment dealers' convention thla week he will be one of the active local men In entertaining and making pleasant and profitable the stay of ell dealers who coma to Omaha from outside points. He will have a display at the Auditorium and alao will invite visitors to his show room at W27 Famam atreet. AUDITORIUM IS TO BE DEALERS' MEETING PLACE ; Tha Omaha branon of tha Fairbenlie Morsa company Is planning on the big best business in tha history o( that wall know company durlnr W18. During the years thla company has been operating In this territory it haa succeeded tn making a reputation Nat turns it a world of business, nrt one year, hut every year. The Fairbanks-Morse dlilay ,at the Auditorium during tha implement' dealer' convention will be headquarters for a number of dealers who handle tbe Fair-banks-Morse line out over the slate. f-l M - 4 f Implement Dealer; ComeiiitioEi Omaha, Neb., and Council Bluffs, la. January 1 8, 19, 20 and 21 A Cordial Invitation is Extended to You to Visit Our Show and Sample Room at Council Bluffs 1216 to 1230 South Main Street OR Call on Us at Omaha Auditorium Booth Numbers 55 and 81 YOU Look Over ARE WELCOME ANDWICH LINE LOADERS AND RAKES EASYWAY Engines, Shellers, Grinders, Corn The Slicers, Elevators, Hay Presses SANDWICH MFG. CO 15f v Council Bluffs, Iowa W. E. Dawson, Mgr. OF THE At a recent demonstration of tractor plows stood an old, white haired farmer, who had won many plow ing prizes for the exceptional quality of his work. When he aw the Oliver No. G2 gang plowing back and forth across the field in as straight furrows as he could plow, and the quality of work equalling anything he had ever done, he remarked: "The yoke has been lifted." lie meant by ,this that he could now depend upon mechanical needs for the kind of plowing which he wanted to have done. So successful was the work of the Oliver No. 62 gang plow at this demonstration that men threw their hats in the air and cheered. This demonstration was held at a place'where the most particular plowmen in the world enter contests for prize plowing. This means that the No. G2 rivals work of these master plowmen. The following testimony gives an idea of what a Nebraska farmer thinks of this plow: Blue Hill, Neb., Not. 24, 1915. Gentlemen : I bought one of your No. 62. 3-bottom tractor plows last fall and It is a dandy. 1 think the plow cannot be beat. t does the beet work I ever saw. In selecting an engine I bought the 5-16 Moul, aa much on account of the work tl:. plow was doing as the performance of the engine. I think the hitch on the No. 62 is the reason why the Mogul has been successful in pulling three 14-inch bottoms. The compactness of the entire outfit at tracts the attention of any conservative buyer and makes a com bined two-in-one outfit that can't be equalled. Yours truly, R. KEUEGER, Why use a horse plow when you can do the work better and faster with the Oliver No. G2I We will be glad to answer inquiries. Oliver Chilled PlowWorKs m t .! kT I J Plowme&ers fbrthe World TENTH AND FARN AM STREETS AND AT THE AUDITORIUM ' OMAHA, NEB. r aiT'- - i ( I r i;' ;!:: . - ,HV O . N .L'.l,r7VA '1,1 i'l I . -.;. ; ; ' , '; i 7,7; . f t - . : J -t"..,- i. - I ' ..3 :... - 'w; J - n - - . . "" ' .. , ' - ' " ,4 ' - " -v. f. ., t '. . ' "- - --- - . -v. - COa y-iSK - - - - - - - ,r , - -fn., . . m y if. --- i Y-r7 "i) AULTMAfMAYLOR GAS TRACTORS BUILT IN THREE SIZES 18-36 H. P. 25-50 H. P. 30-60 H. P. Kverylwdy is Ulking tractor. Fanners everywhere are luinj them. We know you, s aa Implement Dealer, will want to place yourself in a position to supply your trade with Just what tbry demand In the way of a tractor. The dealer who Is lucky enough to procure the agency for a tractor of the firet uuallty g going to find the tractor business the coniteg eeaaoa a mighty at tractive proposition. But do not overlook this fact the tractor you recommend and aell must be reliable and efficient. It munt not be an experiment or your efforts will be for naught. It mimt be a tried and proven product. la other words, 4t must deliver "the goods" Jt your tmctor buhiaees is to be profitable. Right here we waat to call your atuntioa to the Famous Aultmaa-Taylor Uw of Gasoline. Kerosene Tractors. These are built la three Uus-a ize to meet the particular need of your u truer. AulUnae-Taylor Tractors never fail to make oo4 anywhere, any tiene. Aad beet of to'.i, back of every Auluua&rTaylor Tractor in the eld reliable Auitwas 4 Taylor Machinery Coni I n r wjth fifty-one years 'cipeilence, and whose reputation for honesty and integrity is above re I ;... U. ioun eoo4 territory open for the live, husUin dealer. Write for full particulars. X K r.lAf'G FIELD, OHIO St 1 1 ItraJtch, Comer th and V Hts., IJorolu, Xeb. E. A. ltOIti, Manager. .Display o Grand .Prize Winning cl M"" aciniiinie Ont At Grand Friz Winntrt to Bt Exhibilpd. All implement dealers and fanners are cor dially invited to inspect the most complete display of implement ever shown by this company in the City of Omaha at its sam ple room, at Eighth and Capitol Avenue. fl This display will include duplicates of most of the thirty-six Interna tional Machines which were awarded Grand Prizes at the San Francisco Exposition. Five International Titan and Mogul Kerosene Burning Tractors will be shown in operation at our building and an 8-16 Mogul Oil Tractor will be on exhibit at the Auditorium. I Prof. P. G. Holden; in charge of the Agricultural Extension Department of the International Harvester Company will hold a short course school on Monday and Tuesday, January 17th and 18th, at our building for the benefit of International Salesmen who will be here to attend the convention. Exhibits of Douglas County Seed Corn will be shown. All dealers and farmers are wel come to attend this short course by Profes sor Holden, "America's Corn King. " An inclosed International Motor Truck will be provided to carry dealers from the Auditorium to the agency build ing. This service is for your convenience when you wish to visit our sample room. Have your mail addressed to you in jcare of thiscompany. It will have our best attention. Representatives of the Omaha, Council Bluffs, Lincoln, Sioux City and Crawford general agencies will be on hand to attend to your wants. International Harvester Company of America Omaha Council Bluffs Lincoln Sioux City Crawford 1 4 " '' '! .