Omaha 'Sunday MID-WEST IMPLEMENT SHOW AUDITORIUM JAN. 18-21. EE i MID-WEST IMPLEMENT SHOW AUDITORIUM JAN. 18-21. r i VOL XX XO. 31. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKXlXd, .1AXUAUV 10, 1010. ... SINGLE COPV FIVE CENTS. ' GREAT MID-WINTER TPft II STQ)Tr AW7 o (7 fen rtV MA' t Mid-West Impleoieint Dealers' Convention Mid FARM CHWE1Y OMAHA AUDITORIUM, JANUARY -18-19-20-21 . for ' si i i i m Pi I 9f at ;. nf I. f i-.l H h i 1 ' ' SPECIAL FARMERS' DAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20 . Special addresses by strong speakers, including T. F. Sturgess, Editor Twentieth Century Farmer; J. A. Craig,; Janesville,-Wisconsin ;; E.-W. McCullough Chicago, 111. ; Oscar Rystrom, Stromsburg, Neb. ; J. W. Patterson, Kearney, Neb., and Martin Nelson, Hartington, Neb; ;'; ". ;; ''. ;. ' Call up your implement dealer now and arrange to come with him. He will with pleasure and see Omaha and note its 'many recent improvements. Splendid be glad to be your guide. Here is an excellent opportunity to combine business program of strong speakers each day ' Elaborate entertainment is planned. . , BQJyT FflBL TO SEE r J. I. CASE PLOWS J. I. CASE NARROWS J. I. CASE PLANTERS J. I. CASE LISTERS J. I. CASE CULTIVATORS VJALLIS CUB TRACTORS RUDE MANURE SPREADERS PARRY BUGGIES KANSAS CITY HAY PRESSES J. L Case Plow Works 814-816-818 JACKSON ST. Omaha Ncbr. assi t 1 Over 300 Big Bull T'ractQrs So for Cash in Omali Territory i Si M M si k! .J i I" 1 in K K w "v. . 5 If FI 1. 1 N f-.- M ' The season just closing saw over 300 Big Bull Tractors go through deal ers to farmers in Omaha territory. Every one was sold for cash no payments-spot cash. . Over half the tractors in Nebraska are Bull Tractors. Showing how popu lar the Bull is, and the unusual satis faction they gave this past season. The Big Bull has the cardinal fea tures of the bull wheel and guide 'wheel in the furrow (covered by patents and found on no other tractor) that make the Big . Bull automatically self steer ing. Also has idle land wheel .with patented leveling device. Because the Big Bull is the most popular tractor, has made good and is sold at a price that puts it within reach of every farmer, dealers are expecting to double and treble their 1915 sales in 1916. The Tractor Business is the Coming Business Even the most conservative people acknowledge that the tractor business is looming big and will quickly ex ceed the motor car business. v . ' Dealers, even those not now selling tractors, each report several hundred prospective purchasers in their re spective neighborhoods. Practically every farmer is a good prospect for a Big Bull Tractor. Some Good Territory Still Open You can sell Big Bull Tractors without adding to your organization. You sell gasoline engines and motor cars the Big Bull Tractor is simple, has few parts and requires no more service than any good gasoline engine. . There is good territory still open it is going fast, for dealers know that big sales of the Big Bull Tractor will be made because it is low in price, because it has demonstrated its value to the farmer, because it is dependable and reliable a time-tested practical tractor not an experiment, because of liberal advertising and because Big Bulls are advertised by the present 300 satisfied owners in Omaha Territory. Write or wire us today our contract is liberal our interests are mutual. ' NEBRASKA BULL TRACTOR GO; Omaha, Nebraska Sterling Building , -niuv 'Vi! tup , u-r,llir,tit'iwtTif'i'mii! "TTiU'W iM'Ti'"" 3C