23 SILLY SITUATIONS r TUH fMATTA PTNTUY flFH: .TANTATtT 1R, 1011 Convrlert, li. International N - . . . fr-crrf' r. , Hope and Experience r,S.W. SO SAD? OA - Mt S SAD (vWt)L 4E IS OSLH e mas jusT UIFE to StNO To TV STOP- svwfj a..r,vV4-' AllW 1 rTBWE?r - -iU MAVET06EAB WE ( J-yj i-V SraS. .5 nWCLT- l5Sijll '' A " r . "'" " -t?-H5 MM CANT BE - f ..--.tlv A IOWA AGGIES DROP SECOHDJO TIGERS Univerity of Missouri Basket Ball ' Men Too Speedy for, the ' Coyotea. ' . , HUN'!!? SCORE OF 21 TO 14 BASKET BALL HAS CENTER OF STAGE (Continued from PRe On.) the J. L, Brandeia to arranRlng for n Kramlals had a AMB3, la., Jan. l.-(NrHPClnl T1(trara.) -The Unlverattjr of Mlisourt bsct ball team won the vecond of the brace of to dimil on the state irymnaalum floor. The TlKera (oak tho halt la which was a hard Irloae one, 21 to M.'from the Cyclones, The score at the end of the flrat halt was 10 to 9 on the aide of MUsourt. The Came started off at an' even rate. Antes making the f b at field basket the. first minute. The tied condition of the core- continued until the Intermiaslon, after which there was no doubt ae te which five had the better grade cf-.brtsket ball.' Wllllanis, Wear and. 8 hit kevirio. of Kansas city men on . the Tiger five, lilayed bis; a gante. as tae town, they belong to, WUUams was exoepUonally clever at swiping- basKeta. -a en yester day an elaraeut 1 the stand coadcauicti and groewd; at noferee Vv warns on lUa de cision. ewl tlht spUU, flut awn in. a collecUoa of Iowa state speatatura since' bsehet ball has been plujred here, Was not In accord; wHh the extremely gogd Uo)n$ rltlng at Ames toward, Ulsourl,. linnuo and sunusaryi . , , . , HlSoWUIU..lL; IOWA, Wear Tt.T'.rR.V.. ..jJragdoaj :Vll1am C. i Holme Hvde ,..K.U. H. V. AMrl.h BpeelfnaVi .,;;..-.l.i!U..;(.v'.,.'.A Bwynton 8UbtltMtion!' " Whlrkojr1 for Cainnbell; TowllnMun for Prugdon; Wlllr for Upyn Iton. fiolil iroals: Wear. Wllllnms (4). !ilv1e. Mpeoltniui (Amea Uracdoit, iHiiiy. llvlmi'B, Aldrlch iih Foul goals: "Weitr d) Swiuey Ml. Jleferee: Kenrne, H-!)eri-Ojnlia Togng Mn' Tbrintlan aietKilatlou. Hi a l n afld., , LuXt!,JO 'or lliuli rvrsunal, fuut'S. iu , Dozen Chess Sharps To Play in Tourney NEW. YORK, Jftn, )!V-Twelv htroa tlorud ctieas exrorts will take r art In the opcuiog of the Inane U. Kic me mortal cheat nuialer' tourDamctit t the Brook lyn Chens club tomorrow. The entries are:' Dvlil JanowuKl. Pcrbtij . Jose R. Cariblnnca.' (ha: H. Koetio. Belgrade: A. WV IoS, 'ahliiRton; N. AV. Bank, Hclroit; K. ,K. Perkias., Mount -Vernon, N. T.;"A, B, A'Ho1fes, A.. Hckroeler, J. UciimU-ln. Of'hflh'S. A.' Kiipchlk and B. Tcnen ui m of New York. Cupablurtra Is the favorite, with Janata ski. Mtctnid. , Kistic lies told tits friends llitl he t. Dn'.uri'il te give' Capafctanca and JuiiA'kl ontests. Banks, who -Is Aiiwlun- 'k'K-k'r champion, 'Is niaking h!4 i)vtVt among International CIiobj dms-toi-a. . k Tho firt five rounds whi Ve played in xl wvili l viulonn Now Tork clubs. Kue'veiin(- rouiidK tll tw flayed In New Vork and at New Hhvpii, Conn. gHt togvihcr In, reciprocal match. Tbe bid to play the Metho dist at t"nverHy, Place Thursday even ing, but turneJ the eroposlthxt down, be- cauie the M thorltu would not play return game at Omaha. A both teams aro.anioiiR the etrongwal In tho state,, the outcome would go a lung way In de ciding the amateur i hampioaahin of Ne braska. The Hiandels received an luvllutlon to "enter a tenm at lilraflo the latter part jf the season to complete for th Na tional AniHteur Basket ball championship. Only twelve teams in the country re ceived Invitations, one from each section of the I'lillcd States. Tho Brandcls were chosen to repreHcnt- the northern part of the Mlaourl Valley. ' With the Trams and rlayrra. ' -. A recent operation on his nose joe not keep Jiminle Alnscow of the M. K. itiiiiltliii from playing. Alnscow Is using a noo guard, ,, .. Tsui Reeves, forward on the first Methodist five Is also one of the alar toswrs of tlie silver IHty Houatera, Jteeves la attending a local achHl and Journeys to his home town wwekly to participate , in the floor game. Mark lfughen of the Brandele five k-. came a benedict Friday. Hutclwa la pl nlng an entertainment for all the uim bera of his squad, Beshlea being one of the 'mainstays for the t'lorka, Puryear is also the star gf na tt'ouncll Uluffs UlEh school. It wsa mainly through Puryeeur'a vork. that the Kouth Side IIIkIi kchool met su.es an -over wiiclmlnaT defeat. Th ft. Mary's ("onaregatinnalleU "boast of the lamest tllrlbtllty Use Iti the t'huroti leaKiio. They -claim to have thtrty-eltrht piayors, . , All games that were to be pluyed at the I'niveistty of Omaha floor 'Pumadey wventni have been shifted to WuditeaUay. Till u done huause the school au thorities have made other airaiihuiHH for the use of the floor that nlKht. Bud Keams'nf the. local Voung- Met)' Christian assoclntlon refeveed the cou teat between Ames and Missouri frUlajf veiling at Aroe. Chester I.tnn has at last doxided to don. the ahhreviated togs. Ltnn wlU pl' center for the t'larks. Champions fn the Church league for two Sanson, the Hrst Christians hsve made little 'headway ee far. having loot Uilr ciily two.gamee ly wide miuglns. -. Qoorae Parrlsh was crjlef arbiter in the Council liliiffi Church luague Tuvdivy evening. Parilvh sultltuud fog Hughe. Because of an Injury to hla nose hi the Townsend TU-'er-Kelnuorit Craanery com. pany game. Kimtum of the Ttnere will probably bo, put of the Uneug fur some time.. . .::..: As a preHmlnarf to the' t'nlverslty cf Omaha-Cotner nam Thui'SiUy evunUm, the r lrst Chrtsttans will meet the tlanv BRESNAHAII MAY BUY ANA. A. CLUB Talk ii Wteg-hman May Back Rogtr ia Deal for tbo Clev i . ' - . land. " . ; HUMOR MSUTIOIiS C W. MTJBPHY CHICAGO, Jan. 16.-The Cleveland club of the American association may be pur chased by Roger Rrsnahan, last season's manager of the Chicago Nationals, backed by Chariest H. Weeghman, new owner of the Cuba The ' question waa discussed at the annual meeting of the American association here today. K Mr. Weeghman aald he was prepared to aid Bresnahan finauoially and It wiis expected the Cleveland club affair would be settled soon.' Another rumor wsa that . Charles ' W, i Murphy, former president et tle Chicago NaUoaal. would buy. the Cleveland Club. President Chivingtoa and Mr. Taft denied and knowledge of such plans. St. Paul Phantom Who Meets Ahearn . :.f Tax-" ..... iv-i-. 5 a. . ..-L aV i . , ;.A I J 1 1 - t - - ; - 'y 4 '" s . Brooks and Wear l V : Racquet Winners PHUAPKLPHIA, Janv lB.-Oeorge H. Brook and J. W. Wear, representing the Phltadelphla Racquet Club, 'defeated the racquet doublet champion. C C. Pell and a. Q. Mortimer of New York In an inter city eontest her todoy, lo-S, S-13, K-uik is-! ;.,. W. J. MoOlinn and C. & BrorJey, PbUaUslphia, , afeal4' M. .P. Whitman and J. ' F. Waterbury. New Tork, 15-?, M-U. bVSl Ifi-lS, ltV13. ' Philadelphia lost th court tennis match, Payne Whitney and C. K Sands, New .Tork. defeating W. H. T. Huhn and W11-, on Potter, rhllaaelpiila. i-i. sJ, 6-3. . - The eecond half of. the match will bo played In New York next Saturday. Gus Miller Will Not Referee Any More Floor Frays Qua Miller, chief probation officer, has cancelled twolve or fifteen engagements tt refore basket ball games and an nounce that ho will no longer serve In that capacity. His increased duties iu juvenile work make It linpoHUblo for him to spar time for lodging; basket tossing Clitasta. I.A Kbil.iiL 1 1 ,i m'Aa & mAnihiip com 'nrk Methodists and th Omaha I.. . . . . ljia . .. . gauUed la Omaha, and for many year The Crelchton Ijiws struck a ana U haa been a leading coach and offlolaU their match with the M. V. Fmth Thurn- Basket ball player re regretting hla de- com"t wis The UlSa C 140', QU,t rtrl"- M h" - -' tw .me et. yiin NVhrnski School for the tlnf team won Its fifth c"i'i'cem ive I iiejvet hall Kaioh n. tl. homo loor Krldav nltrlit hv dc fratinit tiic Calvary BapilHt ti'-am. ai'to 7. no iur i:.i. ,.i.:' thu Uva( Uo.iu ltaa no wen drrr-atctv , . day. ' Inability to make five throws count was reason for the unexpected defeat. I Although enacrtlas the High eVIiool of 'oinmect'e, Itroinmond likos the game o I well that he Is playing a forward pom t Ion 4 with the St. Mary a Oingi eiiHiionals. j lirummond Is a. former Cornell pltiycr. Krldsy evening the Townsend went to , Couii'-il Bluffs, where they mrtii'ilcd In a practice fray against the Joe riuiths. A new one waa sprung Saturday even Ins at the Young Men a christian esttoot niton when iJvcrsou of tho Coivarv liau. t. - .. - ... ,... .1,1- i. . "i . m nil. naa iiirtcu Wild a- uuui;ii Vk root's " during the gainer , wa been popular and satisfactory be hind th whUtW, He wlU continue, to coach, tho Waller Ql Clarke banket bail team this season, . Cornell Heats Vale. ITHACA. N. Y.. Jan. ir..-Coniell de feated Vale In an' intercollegiate hHekct ball tautch bere today, 3 a i. Heel Oak Wtaa Helalon. .RKD OAK, Ta , Jan. 15. (Special Tele gram.) Red Oak HlKh school tonight Won the decimon over Shenandoah la the district debate. . - :v--"o5s;-f - 9 ' v JU -;'f-. ,-vy t VT ' -A' " " i.,-'-?' - :" ' ' K .,'A . err . I - ' -;f A - C I to .-.' j I THREE FLOIYES: LEAD Lincoln Geneva and Omaha Central Seem to Be Prospective Lead ers in State Arena. CRETE SHOWS LOTS OF SPEED MIKE QIBBOXB. WELSH-WHITE MATCH TALK IS GIVEN BOOM ONCE MORE tMseiission of a match berween Freddie Welsh and Charley White has been re sumed by the talkative managers of the pair, with New Orleans as the ptvapective beUlegreund. Aorordimr to Nate, Lewis, manager of White, lromoter TorUirlcn haa offered Wolah llS.ou for hht end and a peroentage of the pi-oflla to While, and that botlt' have accepted. Wolsh'a mane ager declares-that Whit refuses to agree ts these eonditious. ' Team Standing and Individual Averages of. tho Local'Bowlers MU OAS IJEA'iVK 1K. W .U P, t r..i.la,l k fl'HK.hwpr. . .,...i i lr lt.iui. .,,....x..S 3 K,.-uwa 1.4 t Hta ......' 4 St 'l, on alsters I 1 '. I'.l p4l.,,lsl. IIKk'. .' Nfilir. ,A - A- lul ...... . :l4r .,, i t vil ....... .W. M J..n,.ii. .) . Wn;u.i '. , v, l-44 K vl .. I'-iCmch' . " . 1-1 t!li.i,.(. ...I.rll l-tl il. l..,v,M ,1 H. Nauirt .1.', I ..1-J -. , t'.y i'i..i.lt. . , t .. i i..urH . ,W '. . . , I ' i.r.,,i; Mta , . . n lJm Vi. kf'U..,Mft II. 1M ., .lt(-.m...-1Ji utlo.m 11 f. ol It i,umujr ',., '-( k.-r(ii, ...... 1 1 lu ,v 1-' ' hr ... II Cix.iior .. 1' Hvi " .' 'isa i. MrQ l-i:MS IHt al!-r 1i.l-rw J V. . . . . 1 I l.t'UI ., ,1' l.,tUir ,-. i-tl-HUKU . ... f l.l.iMAiiJ.Ki! 1,A'II'K. r.a. w I. ! ru.-. Kfliil ...... ' ' I .j IV.... , ,. - " I', : -II n.... i v j.a .... . -i ...r li ......... 13 : fc.-tt.-u i 4 .aw - l.l, -i! iif.'': Njiuv. Jl fcJJlUfc A. yi i , ."-i ll 11 . v I 1 r . . v . I ,i M iu i il '. . V C A Vi J -I l,..i ...I"'-J I. tut t'l tlrlricr .....!,' KM il ... t" .,l ai '.,.! Vi.m si . t ,,...lw', .-.... i' l.n.-fy .. J - -!'iuu A 1 .. K.il. ......11 ',, 1 ' l-,w. 1 .',k', '. ..,.( ,...tr. NAOIC I-ITT-aXj, II. Ifuis W l t"rt. rVstlalloB (tub t .-I ,hK Miirwi I'M', .H.J,H Jtinittva' liAS. -T .'I .tt tlurt'k Anl InU ....!'.' ..,! Hiilinia . K. t'ui Min .,.riue- I "I .,1 iHil.iMr Hviraaa: I t,i,r v H19 IWl.Hl VjCywi A . .. M,., . Tl-aiii, I l, ... T 'iiw . Iv h. inn A lltH-F,!, li,,ri4Mrn Un k . . L ul iu I. s-. k .i n,ja iKhS hru t l t.k.. tW ... tic.-i Vi.-iia hx-a .!. hlWs,. 171 H'Oko .. 1CI ii.'iwiwa -.1. tS'iltuau t lr . l'-;-rk . 11 n-tl . ..lis H.iiiiuii .l.t'H . ..,. Mai-i ... .1.7 s. iu,rM lit Vr VAK1-S l.t ,..( K. . , W I- P. I j i ) I .. At. '.,.5 . l.vj . )e . .1. .1.3 ..M4 ..Id .111 ..144 ..IU . m ..HI .ttt Iil.ug . furlu r .. K,-sl I .... KlorkM , aMJ.Me Ulk. . liik' . Hilet . .4 .w A. ...n ...i-l ...1.14 ...ii ..".Vis ,. U4 .I'JS .4 ii .11 u .17 s It 31 ln.il.Mual vr.f ' Kshm. A. h.M. Knl.a lMAml,r J.4,umh, ...m-Kauvii ... Nua -,... .ll "rfallUT ... la. I'-jatia ..'. .- K.jliuntMI-anaT lUi U I n... I 1 I H i,l . v ,:4T A. .I4 .US ..Hi .! . ! ,.14J lvHriiar4 ..lallil , ,.,.,.lv ,r . ....l.M HlliUHM M Mial .... ... t ".'aiiiim l',; '1 I . La k,.Ual . 1 -Mh. tiiava 1' .ito4!a4 . t- .... '. ' 1 ! ' ,.,. ; : . 'A-i f " Kli .... 1 . 4 ... ip.l .1" a M4 1.11 ..1 a ..! .11! .1(4. MCACO LgACHISi. Tam W .U PoC Maal Mhlru ........31 II ..' 1 Uju tv 1 H ,4K Tavl.fr i n lil li,rlla ...131H l)r4,;Dii,tuii 11 3 It..:t.i,li4 aitraiai Na.n,u. At. aalM W.ttiiU4aJ . lal iuli'w'ua . Mrk I'.i lit ahai . . , Hllia .....lioPu.a,.., bhaliuill' . . I.h, til bloil' ., Irsun .lUI'aul Ku.iiiai ,.iu'al .... .11. lti a,1lA4 .U Via, 1HUBSJ iM'-ne ill M, ta.fr ttiv iv UJI.y-. , Ui .llUi(ftrfl .... !.' till imu'II .. ..Ill ) -1 Kl I lUKJuii .11. .W. Vnirlk. IIS l.HAI tJV H.OsU.i l.tf.Vlll U. Tui. A ur.v, t'pilik. liraln I'n ..II I .ii T'.ialia. tit. mxil'.'.i. NrU. -la. lif. 4.0. - VI 14 5 ('Tail llUilK-.AOTt ...:4U i.l K. .. VI Ur, Co V !, ..,34 W.,nci V.lliu l .t III .'i i: I'mamll Kiatatur l.r 14 T4VV AlbWKSal. vw. Ce.14 : .Jli k .toia i,:ia iV .11.1 1 Uu-tL. Kiv-ior Cii. It I .X M l IVIrr U lT ii i JJ lttiltTliKii.1 A.ar4t. Km. Av OmU t7t rax.oa .-..I'M . At. kwrr IM,IViatf ..... - lJoUrlB 1' Jiiu.n ... IT ttaanit ..... I'llllr . . IU liurnvtl .. 74aVnd.v U. ..lis HWIFT LiAOl r Tuu. . . W. V4. RiiiUIrr J I (,- tnHlialda j I 14 v. I iit i a m 11 Tl tmI Tnav- BtcAnarewt Nlwa v,n.its , , . , Vlora t4l ...... IHH.aklB. ....Ill 1ai Wlcfaw ... VU l.l a,iliru.. ,.tll IJiUaJlajthar ..mil iiATg virr LGAUl'HX - .. W U IVl Vlak.v Ottwona ...ISk iH .7 rlyrplir I'lJ 1L 4 W Kllffvla l'r DruJa oivmaiiv viuiii Hol-I H4T4y .. 1'iiif.Wisia ...... . ri .21 J.I il1H4l irniKf. has.. A. N.iWI 1 .nlll.ll rc . IM 3 . .5.0 IV,ta M7li1haia ... MiH.lf, lMKaam .... hi,' iiv Hcvr v, ., tnw iH..(fiilai,i liKtatroai ..lf-iiu-., a Hani Si In ... Iluffm&a SraiW . . AT. . in ..iir ..ci ..ITT) ..t. ..t.e Naa TrtTiC .1 v.'iV,ao4 Ka.iaar . K,Ula ... At N 14. . 4 M .i04l . K. !,iwiasrrt , . l-'ii'WV .I..'. M-llH . 1" 1 M1 ... .' . u: tuva At 44 .1 J . iu : iai Kaillard V-M . .. ciwiqic Wlar ., S M4 .. Mixl.H , av," a I , 4llll , Brt.ll U..r4 .., M4M 1 H4nm ... .liaalTlwar , .i:t Jialnwr.-l .IT4W1ITT, ,.ik .in.isrksea '.... ha li'Hiut at ITl4Tinaala .ii .174 J. Koran. .,.14 17, O p4l,iaar. .In4 .17i'anoo ...v4 .174 bvnll .....to. .171 IU41,4 ., I44 .TiljinkaaiT ....11 .1.4 Hurl,sat ..1.3 .1 '.Xllar ....lul .nii4-a I'.l 17 1. i4V It. . uiiVIAIV UaVA'-i a. Taa W.I. Vi. rui awii it rem bo. ha .' li 'in.i van. co, t l iawa a M"wl.. IH lavi.ir VSrT,lnK 1...24 tivj Vr.a Palna) ai -.H SusavtT i. . IS f Viihi.ti ;. a ... si tr.Jl.lilUjJ aT,l42NI. Saaaa, i. -A. Kats.' Ilinln .. . .V.14 X'.btnt.u in iu.ia.4V i... lASVk tat. . rs i JaAa... l tT4taa'- :.. ia l'Q.K,4ia l-.-l'-" 4-11 ....... l-A ,.ttay.l( ... ... I-l A. Borpa...lshlMa Huniiailon..lailinHnuiit ... Uanhiihuew WKtiJiiu Kt.ljwa ..... .1.1' l.iona ..... 41,-Ti ....... .1NIIVJ:, 1-UHII iaif'r4lritln .1 1'rln..u ... V. Jiaru-ib. . ,17i liulia rui -.( i7ii,,i fllaiifl ' 177lil.iii Mauaar 177i'oa.v IhjirtT' I'TH. Il.mi-ra.. 1rrwl 1761'nwvll rVH4-ninan .!,h.Sa.up Vw.li44Jit .174.1 Wi'al.. .. Klit .-i- t'hrla'amaaa Hivroouai ,..17rttuiu.i4J ... IVAl 17i, J,4tia.m ... Il'll 17i,Mrner . . . Viauaaax 17S,M,itai Yuuavsi Woiv , iviin.-r ., Amaaaa . . lil Ar,t 1S4 IUMamao lSPtura .136 I" 4kukark ...Kmiaarlnxa ...'.li liw Hue -hiioa . KJUxiee. K eater ..... 1VTilf IW tit fabaeaterk' tr w. lloli.iaa.fit ir Pii.iM ......tiilaafkaai v'.iit W7 Hralm ..-... 14 Holmaa. 'rftl .14 Waller tJalHeMoakv '....!! I", I l.un,lia li Karxea .....114. '41144444 14 llaajarlS- w iMit si 1,41 .. 10. lllnhle .. . .IJai Haj-uea ,ti IwalUiiera . . . i--n lot .T; a ia-4 Mi aVl ; . .IT M.u TI.l,:llliiNkj Ij:a )1 ii T. vy.I 0..4-IHJ ultu-e -i t AuiliitMv , . 'ii IU V. Ii n.lef. 11 1 I)lairl.4 l iant :l 14 Ao,-niUli -IS 17 Wraieru Klcf-trlo ... . 15 21 Ku4luair ...... ...... 17 "i 4-',H,eiru,Hlea ........! .1 luaiallers 1.1 '.I Train U ifl ItiillTldual avaTHae. At. Nauae. 1TUJ Ji.aH.a .17i-4.l.,4 . ... .I'm ii.i, klav ... .ain'aiuiia . t.Mal',U!l ... .141 'Millar ..... .'.j'.-Sliaar 1 l.iia Naui. fOil.ua .. Vrtuiaaal Koran ... k a u ..... Hi.lltdal kMliit .... kyaia,4aub B N'Ui...l llrt. h l.-ji.a.a .. Ciaamin .....l.'l H-a. Miliar I'tilllilal ...l' -S .lllll , i.ea aTlaTay . R. J,ifcea..'i .IIihbv r ... 'n ii.i'Vim'rna K.llee ' K.-ltiel Viirt-aA ,...t 4Valaa4 flBltt , , .1' .Imm K.alr l.'.OT.ea4lre li-iiut! .. la'jta'l . .. tt--u. ...I 1 ' Iwill f.i'na-i ....... I-1-.1 arnaliT a'441 a . ... I- iHiif , . . . , l,-.u,".,ra .- llill ii-' ., I.A.-H.U. ... U A.h'.u .. Mi.lUA.Nrilt WarU HsraJ . Kuril Motur M. Hi riatltb.'..' Nehraa.a t'l .. Aim lizard Wtth.tr Ityrn-Itaiumatr lirvxnl Th.ia Vllimtrti-k iiiatnlai-Kaaat Initu tuoavl Nrfuie. Mur.v . . , viilnh ... Simtrj K"ll ..... Waa'ai 4r Hi.irrme'l. T.irtueay T v m Kabia Vi rri man Km!! K r4kU4ule . . . Iaii.l, KUok H' la ..... Wil.mi SwiWrhtila, r.H44 . he 11. Walklt ,.. Marr4ai4n , r4.:inherT ,, 1 ...Kara, liai are. P.-t. ., J ..Ml .!U .Jwi4 .1..-4 .417 14 .4,4 KM ..Hi At .l .1 : .14.. .141 14 US Hi HI .141 1-4 1 1'l .11 .1 .!' 114 I'l 1 . Il .111 1 ' .1.1 1 Mr!. Ii .1 .. y Kh la.) 1 . 1 V Ml la, 1 4 1 Mia.' taHAUfW 1- l'rt. ...V4 14 .. S hi .. l 14 ...e . . . :t . 14 J." 4.1 VI 7 II T.J tut Avra(i4. At. N. tme. 171 Snli7iu .KiMItiuim.1 .I lli'uilaa . 144 Ur4.i.v . . . . liiw !4i,wlon . la, Drwnuaotie WlVultH ,14'fb.MaaUh .. 1H--H.I4. .... . ((.'. t eunl-' . . . I'.l Meek .... . Vu.1 V "II4M . Ii Sl44rinl . ;aiaa 14' 11U44 .Ion tlenel ... . isa AraMatrana' 1 t ,4114 .1 :ilHrV,aaa .' . ,m la-aar . At. la ..l.al .1411 .14 ,.iW .114 VI I .11 141 .114 114 :X .14. 144 .144 .144 .I4J .13 4 4 4l HI 1.1 11 . 4 Vollk 17 flaJatkll ..llrlSajla ...,..1A ,.J Krelaer . ,. .1 -1 ...1 i I ' . , IV 1 ...tM Havaaavr ... t' ...l.iUmw , ..,13 l-s-wii .. irl ' . . . 14l IS. M, A414U1t ...Wv)l. 41-U44e ' M.l llirj. -u -.M.U . MUSTN'T POSTPONE PLAY American 'Association Vo Tine, for Any Unnees sary Delay.' Lincoln, Geneva and - Omaha High schools appear to be tho prospective lead ers in the stale basket ball arena, judg ing from the developments of the last week. Crete, however, runs close be. hind, h.-ivliK made a whirlwind, week of it by defeating Coach Schis-r's first Donne college squad on Wednesday even ing and Hastings th following Friday. Omaha baskot ball enthusiasts are a much at large as ever ai to the real strength of the two local team. Where it mas expected, that the packer squad ron would win a close battle from the Uluffs team Thursday - night, Fattoa s man, as per usual, failed to. come up to snuff in the re 1-test -and allowed the. dope to lake its old postlon. Judg ing from score Contrail Ulgn hag the sUonger team. This la strengthened by the fact that they met Coach Puryeas' seven-footers on their own floor across the river with a t'Pical Bluffs crowd rooting against them. What each team will do against Nebraska City later in tho season will probably- show tip their true relative strength. ,. Among the second Class team ot the state there are three leaders, who stand, clear above the horison. . Mlndcn, the fast five that lost the championship ot division No. il at thp state tournament last year to the Hebron, quintet, by a score 'of, 18 to T, is, showing up In splen did form. This team has cleaned up on several of tho stronger - teams . In Ita vicinity, including tho erstwhile promi nent Kearney five. ' Coach Pargon'a men lost their battle with tola go-called ec ond class combination last week on their own floor, by a sr;oro of 41 to St. a a. Ig nomlnioug defeat to say the least Hamp ton, the Hamilton county roller pltx, li. still forging ahead in IU achedule., leav ing behind a long list of victories for reviewing eyes. Hampton 22 to i win over Osceola on the latter' s floor showed them uo a considerable ' basket ball team. Geneva, considered the strongest team in the state to date, defeated the Osceola five, 32 to 7. the night before this game, however. ' Fairmont Ie Strong. ' Fairmont, a secondary town - la F1U mor county, haa -shown considerable atrenath tn defeating smaller towns In the ' cent rat eastern part of the atata. Arlington, the strong Washington county five, waa defeated In one of the first amea ef the year, by a score of 41 ta :t Since then Grafton aad crlbnr hav been added to the list of victories. Dispatchea from IJneoln concerning th university management ol the stat tour nament next March lnolcata tnat ne MatrnateS J entrant will be divided Into three classes year'a squad out for the game this year and undoubtedly will have a good (quad. The fact that Alliance is so far distant from any of the largest; town of tha stats makes It almoat Impossible, to gather a true Ida? a tvf their t-slaUve,. strength until the team enter the atate . toornaraent. Last year this ftvo waa ihrown out. In tha third round by the South High five. other team, .'that show evlflenca of enough strength to be candidate of this first class are; Pierce, NorfolK, JTremorit and University Place. -, , - Hunimurv of cames last weekt Geiieva S2 Osceola T Crele SI Ioane Oollege ....19 Hampton, i. .83 Osceola .14 Vapllllon 2t Hellevue Fresh.... S North Bend 47 Scribncr 4 Avoca ............ WTiuisvUle Superior ,.....-...U Nelson S Kt. Paul. Col i Grand Inland ,..,V Fnirmotint 64 Grafton ,,.........." Faiiinount . .. ,..4 Klvnwood f Council llluffs ...22 South High ..-.....! Central High 2 ttellevu college... Frcmojit . ,.2i Waoo - lii Platt.mouth ...... SCouncIl Bluff ... l Miindmv. ............ Holdrege ........ !.tl Crete -.',.............37 Hastings Zft Eitchie Mitchell ; . Breaks Into Game With Loud Report NEW YORK. Jan. 1S.t-.To all appear- anoea, another crack. 13d-pounder has been Unearthed in ' the west . Ritchie Mitchell of Milwaukee,! who did so well In a bout with Johnny Kllbane that the Wisconsin Boxing commission thought that the featherweight champion must have been stalling, cleverly outpointed Kllbane in a holiday bout at Cincinnati. Mitchell is Indorsed by all who have seen h'm In action and evidently la littd) , to cope with the beat of hi set. ! There Ovs 1s every indication that the day of th lightweight who gcaleg 135 pounds at s o clock, and 140 ringside will come to an end when Freddie Welsh steps down and out.. Most ot the better known men of that poundage, . uch aa Welsh, Brltton,' Crose, Duffy and Rivers, have seen their best days, while Ritchie and Lewis now are frankly welter weights. The set which 1 rapidly coin ing to the front Is- composed, for the most part, of men - who seal from 130 to 133 pounds, and It Is front their ranks that the nQXt champion wiy come. White, Dundee, Leonard and " Mitchell all can do their .best w ork? within the 133 pound limit. . - . i . . MEET - AGAIN IN , OllICAi-aO. Jan, 15. Delegates to the annual meeting of the American B Ball association ' adjourned tonight to -A. B aod C with tho first clasa Inolud ing eight or ten of the strongest teams ,of the state. The state ohamplonahlp will i i eventually revert to the contest. Mtwean PflT TTTWRTTS Hheae eight first team of tka tat. . Hence It will be the object of those teams that are ciaaaeu ajoong in wcaa av mau.- taln their good record and enter In thl division. The selection will be made on a basis of tha record mail by th team --v in Moornqun, v.. ou rurY 40. '.. .... ..,.nrt .... .i. f the at which time tho schedule for the conv Ing season will be adopted. . A reeolutlon was adopted fixing a fine Of VX on any club that postpones for any reason whatever any regularly chcd town they coma from and their past ex perience at state toumamenta The restriction wilt make the selection ef tha state leader for more difficult this season than ordinarily. vMmden, with ...- J . . . ..... a.aavu .u. w. ..uw. u.eu game, tn, purpose. oein to xorct ; Wentlcai,y tbj0 te(im th.t pl.yed the playlnx of every gam and avoid t nt0 finals In clasa. B division of the poitnonements on pretexts. . . . , . tournament W vear. ha. not lost a Reoiganlxatlon o the St. Taul club I tlkIaie nig year after having played sev with J. K. Morton at the head. wujm Btrong team, TiuJ ,mai,nMS pf the Columbus Club is ; Not to Be Sold Now Now that th base hall War la 0T th Columbus elub of the American associa tion will not-bo sold,' Jimmy CAilahan waa Uxias Vo biy It before ba got hla Job a manager of the Pirate andthe waera ware, willing ta sell, but tW they inland to hold an. , Columbus la good ball town lu prosparou times and haa one, of tha best, mtnsr league plaaU to the country. York Win from . Pttat. YORIC, Neb., Jan. IS Speoial Telav- li. i a ill. j nu BUIafrS ot Daol D4UI were played last eventual In the York colles gyuina-aium. Thn first was between the college and High school girl, score 13 to T In favor ef the college. Tha Ooilege hoy won from St. Paul, 43 to 23. couflnned 1 by the bvard of direotors. president Chlvinirtna was Instructed to i town will count against its possible en trance In this case. On the other hand. look over the Toledo -ituatlpn with a j u .ou,d bB unJust to .llow Kvarncy, view to tha possible transfer of th Cleve land franchise to. that city. Gets Thro Players. It wtt announced tonight by Dan Ijlhay ot tha Kaanaa City club that he had chined a -deal with Joe Tinker, manager of (he Cubs, by which he secured three ef the letter players. The three are Hasting n4 Ecatrico C. Beck, first basemen. Art PheJon, sec- rougnt games. end baseman, and "nubbles" Hargravea. catcher. The prtce for the men he said was' r.SeO. . Pohby (Julnn, the Columbus club, an- c enticed he had purchased Mel Stetl, short t.ij of thjs Grand Kavlda Csntrjil league 'club, and John McCrrthy. flrat baseman of ' the Terre Haute club ot tle, CtntraJ league. The price paid was net given. . ' r- . I '- much larger town, with not near the rt record Of MUlden. to enter in the rue for the state championship am) flvat stiver cup. Geneva and Crete are teams that will suffer under the same ' rcatrictlou. Geneva has defeated Crete by a decisive score, whilo Crete has defeated both lit fast, hard- Tvto Other 'trail Trams.. . Nebraska City and Alllauoe are sure trader this yesr. Ceri Crawford of the latter school has severaj of hi last TOM DAUGHEBTY WILL NOT . .V' . CO TO PACIFIC : COAST' Ptteher Tom Dougherty, the Atnaulcan Association' grand oldytn&n. transferred last fall by .the MUweuke ejub to Oak land of the Cuast, league, haa aanoiaocea (hat he will not make the change. Instead he will retire frqm tru game. LoU4'hrty la employed by an automobile cuuoein lu Milvtjaukea and h 1 uvavklng good liv Ing. SUITS to oncEn $18.00 ; Redvtced frunj $S3.00. To rtduca our stock tn4 kp our tallora busy. - Me use good linings, ftret-clggg work and. gugranterj perfect fit aui style, Si ITS ht'ITri $30 Reduced from 140. tJJOC 49sU Reduced from 115. r.lscCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 31.1 SOI T11 J5lh STREET. F aTMTaajpaai1STlS ! "lrj 7t - !,' : i ; r, '4 w- . w -w i ' ' ui"' v " ' ' v '