Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1916, WANT-AD SECTION, Page 4-D, Image 32

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$5.500 Brick flats. ?Tth and Jackson, rnun at tint) rer year,
alone cost this monry, 12,000 each will handle.
$7,000 Brick flat. J4th end California, renting at $S40 per year.
ing ctty, ani this is a real sscniicc.
I. 000 -Rrtrk flats near CUrkwon hospital. Very well built and rented cheap at
, S40 per year.
HS.iOO Brick terrace, 1n the ffwt Iernam
mart combined, and tuin lor that
business properly.
117.S00 !Mh and Famam. lot .'sl?0, with brick Improvements, leased at I1TS
per month. A safe income with a sure speculative featuta. Mut be
void to close an eatata.
99 -Year Lease
2-ft. frontage on i4th St.. near Farnam, to l-as on favorable terms. Also
have two corners on 24th fct. for aa.o cr lease on easy terms. A chance to specu
late on a small martin.
Apartment House Near 24th
and Harney
A flrat-claas fireproof building with guaranteed beating and plumbing, best
of tenants, with a waiting llat to s-lect from. Owner very anxious to make a
quick turn and will sacrifice. This la a new building 1th no drawbacks and in
a location that will continue to Increase In value.
Pries f.U.000, but want an offer. Rentals Tr per cent net on this prlr:
19,000 cash will handle. Art at once, as the owner threatens to maka a big
sacrifice for sal tills week.
Glover & Spain
rvmslas SSS2.
ItebraakA Land's.
S ACRF2", lava Ideal, good location,
$1)0 per acre, 5l on part.
"S ACRES, slight ImprovernTt: 5 a.
rolling but good cultivation ground;
Kood location, onlv IS mi. of Omalia.
Only .; l,0uj cash March 1, bai. i
years. 6'.
40 ACKtX, close to Omaha: macadam
road; 7 acres timber snd pasture; bal
ance laa fine, high and slstitly; acres
alfalfa; SJo per; Mar. t bai. t
yrs., i.
1-ACRI5 FTATE, best ever; small
improvements; (109 per.
76 ACKKH, good land and good S-room
house, besids bath room; house partly
modern: handv to town, city school, etc. ;
considerable alfalfa Price S'l.'WJ, onl
one-inim casn. ne.1. yesrs, b"-.
li ACR.KH. level, valley and uplands;
several thousand dollars' worth ot Imp.;
nesr several towns and only S mi. of
Omaha. lin.OOO cosh, bal. years, "4.
frKt ACREf", 3 acta sjooj lnurovementa;
of land well lying and cannot be beat;
cropa will show for themselves; consid
erable alfalfa. Price only tl'JO pur acre;
. cash, bnl. 6 ynsrs, fcW'i.
tt ACRl'.H, Kood location, near ma
cadam road; unimproved; orchard; not a
foot of wasto around: almost Vt alfalfa
Price Sis per; only fa.WJ taah, bal. S
years. Fy..
40 AC'IIKS, (rood location, faJr Improve
ments: entirely hog light: some sifalra
Price tVV ner: U cash. hat. & veara.
liW ACHES, numaroua but old Improve
ments; land laya good; I nillea ol good
town; II 2& per: some terms.
Omaha and good' town; SUU T)118; 1174
per; y casn, rm.
ALSO 24 ATRKW. alight Imp.. $1U per;
IS a., well Imp., only 2 ml. of Omaha,
not much more than S200 per acre: 44
a. farm, no Improvements, near station
at liai per! 16 a end Co a., (mod im
provements, and NUMEROUS OTHERS.
its a. to i.uuu,
-KjPfl.:d andM RtaBouth Omaha
One of the best baraalna offered In
Karpy county landa Is now on my list
to be sold this month; uplsnd. well Im
proved, 2 miles from good railroad ship
ping point, to miles from irth and r ar
nam. Will be aold at much lesa than
real value to taise some money thla
month. Fine for Investment, better still
tor the man that can go on iu ooa me
about It at once.
JL.URGE a. WALL ACS, 14 Keeline
Av'UKtJ, well Improved, IUkIi rolling
Washlnitton county land: Joina town:
only 14 miles from Omaha. Prtoe $140
an acre. 110.841) cash. I on if time easy
terms on balance at 1 per cent ls-
WIS Omaha Nst. Bk. rmi. 2715,
Kimball county and southeaster
Wyoming lands. Ask us for list. Im
proved or unimproved. . .
WIS Omaha Nat. BR. Doug. iTlS
A GOOD little stock farm four miles
from Plalr. Neb., alt good bottom land
will sacrifice foe caah. K, Martin,
tattle r'ella. Minn.
FOR SALE Best large body of high
grade, meiduiu priced land in Nebraska;
vary Utile money required. C. Bradley.
Wo'haeh. Neh
Owner broke; muat sell: a beautiful
?uartr on tha north divide, with fine
arms all around It; worth $-3 to $30
per acre; wilt aell for nearly half If
taken bia month.
FOR KALE F.aay terms; ehoica farms,
"40. hu ami 30 acres, sarden spot Ne
braska, near thla city. Write J. F.
Todd. Neb. City. Neb.
Uregeta La a a a.
Oregon fruit
farm, adjoining
beautiful Roseburg.
Commercial bear
ing trees; peaches,
pears, cherries,
and Italian
prunes; 21 acres;
new bungalow,
barn, etc. For
terms address
MS E. 59th St., North,
Portland, Oregon.
Tessa Lasjee
cAl.i: lilt T 1 1 A l ' h..
lr-gali tru k faria. Iiio Grande
Vil'v. 'fexaa, 4 acres, all uiHer nil
t. !!... r,t,. ttnpioveriien'.a S.s City
N'hI'1. I.mik JiMg. o
Uti-.H VVIX'I . SI N-H-t .laliv and
r.ffiti croii ata'e In Ir.e un3 n; Mrttlere
waiiioi: lai.'j I r !a at tow prices oa
e I'rrtia. ii.r n-iokivi n on Wis.
-..ii.t;, . tra'it. VTiihaiil
inr-ria f'.r (inrk rai n. Ir.ipreaied a
t'u)t lal.aa li . k M.,klt .ti, m t-n m
Ai l. ea an') 1 nuuai rial
I -I., fioij )... .:na.v. M Kiiwipul .
Worth While
The building
Owner leav-
Idrsl for home and Invest
Consider exchanging for
1 City National.
Write a good description of your lend
d send It to ths filoux tMty Ox.) Jour- f
I, "Iowa's Most Powerful Wsnt Ad '
!,ii1liitm " Trtif w.?lva Mrril Aver VT1
day evening, haturday mornln and ;
rVZ..u ?yi.V .V:v:. .A? ,Zm
different days for fZ; or wordj, It. orito send money, food or clothing to Mrs.
; words, I Ooorge W. Doane, secretary of the As-
paper; l,000 readers dally In four great
"'" ."".'.r.r'Z'r. I
states. ,
SKN1) your name today; recolve offers
from land owners, agents everywhere,
fre. L'ultsd Realty Associates, Joltet,
Vv A.NTKU-To hear from owner of iood
farm or unimproved land ror saie. it.
L Downing, Wu Palace llldg., A.linnea
polla. Minn.
CUY or rent small improved farm with
stock and poultry; good locality, ror
Information as to terma addresa Y 'A.
vVANTKU To hear from owner of good
farm for sale, ttcna casn price ana de
scription, u. Bush, Minneapolis.
Minn, o
WANTKI To bear from owner of aood
firm or screoge for rale. u. c ouck
liiKham, Houaton, Yoxas.
For gate
Thirty-two milk wagona for aaia, ctinap.
.lohnson-Penfirth tn.. 1n and t-'IsrK.
W"H SACfi-l-year-oid Shetland ony.
Address J.I. Allen, Nevada, Iowa.
HUKhbJ and Hunt paring wagon for saie
oneap. wi fN. i'itn m
HOHSH and "ii lor sale. Tyler 111.
HAY 17.60 ton. A. W. Wagner. SOI N. 1.
Waa tea.
WANTED TO UUV-One team ot hora..
average about l.tiOO Iba.; not over C
years old. Call lflU Farnam. Telephone
Tyler Kit.
WILL trade forty horsepower, 1915 modei
Mpauldlng touring car ror norses, cat
tle or sheep. Addresa II 613, Bee.
HOMER pigeons, about 13 birds,
have you to trade? Benson X,
MXD grain. 100 lbs. 11. 7i. Wagnar. Ml
114 Ford touring.
1014 Ford roadster.
11513 Maxwells, self-starter, electric
light, A-No. 1 condition.
Hupp roadster, In good shape.
. 4 Faruaut St.
3fH Ford touring, esc. condition
1311 Mets roadater lo)
lUX Monitor touring, brand new
1X14 g-cyitnder Sludebaker touring... a0
mis Ford coupe
1H Oakland touring, fine condition.. U
Douglaa if 10. if Kamam.
WHKNEVER you are considering sail.
Ing or buying a uad Car and you want
full value for your money or you want
people who are willing to pay for what
they are getting you will have no re
gret If you buy or advertise through
the used car Column of The Bee. Pooas
Tyler 1000.
FOR BALK My lelrolt elactrio, old
modxl, but In excallant condition, prac
tically new batteries. Price jO0. W. A.
Mauier, Council Uluffs, la
WILL take car on my -nxmi modern
residence, 8. Kd Ave.. Omalia. Owner,
8o. MM . A D.K In I a VSojJ I do;
A L'TOMOni LR genera 1 1 Ina'u ranee f IreT
theft, liability, etc. ART THATCHER.
1J17-1I City Nat. I. UVU.
1.010-LB. tmek ll-. Nebraska Bulck
Service station. 1SH Farnam.
Phone Douglas Til.
CO.. Doiislas Ml
Aatautabllrs Hastea.
WANTED To buy ISM or ! Ford tour
In t car bid', 'n gocd Cuud.Uon. LoX
.S. Kenaf aw, Neb.
Asia LI very ss4 Garages.
loduatrlal Carasa Co.. 10 A Hamar (4ia.
i00 reward for inagneio we ran t riair.
Colla repaired. Hayadorfer, ! N. ISih.
HKB winter alorans when cara ara
aititad and repaired. Johnan-Danfortk
Omaha rtaaiatee Hep. To. au Kar U. l
Aata Tlrea ass SapIUa.
..,.?. LTO TlHh ' '
RFBt'lLT. TO tie)
PrjO Ti KkCO . iil Chics, o St.
I'.AKUAINS in Slightly uUd"anddemon
strstiiig tires, .au-be,. s.i arnain
l. 45. v
H A lLI'".l 1 A . 1 uaHS kJTOui U'l,t.i.
I l.aia-'n i-au nuHun V u mr Hoo.
J 1 ,uVo(i-iAI i.SM-" travaita vciti-
Associated Interests Start More to
Raise Ten Thousand Dollars j
for the Tear.
" 1 ' " I
a meeting of the executive j
committee of the Associated Ctaarl
tlea yeaterdar afternoon It ?as de
rided to start next Monday morning
on a csmpaiisn in ureaior wmu i w
raise a fund of 110,000 for carrying
on the work of the charltlci for thts
,.mmm. will ran- th" territory of the First Conres;atlonl inif at II. Subject. "Heaven." F'pworth
ring commmee, win in chUPch an(1 th(t tf,e nnmberi hava moved u I'rce. h'na at 7:8ft. -Ub-:
E W Dtxon. C. T. . f Jnto th, ,(.?tlon. of the ".V' l'nyme
The followl
vaA Omaha
Kountxe. Harry Doorly, W. Farnam
Suitth, Dr. Ira W. Porter. Rabbi
Frederick Coha, C. C. George, Itan
?all K. Drown, C. H. Walrath, M. D.
Cameron. Frank Burkley, C. C. Rose
water and Francis A. Brogan.
In Charge On te aath Side,
The work In the South Side will be
cared for by E. Buckingham. O. H. j
Brewer. Byron Clough and Taul 8. Mo- .
The 10,tt which the committee epect
to raiso will be In ecees of the usual
budget. It Is stated that unusual de
mands have been made during the recent
cold weather.
The following public statement waaj
made by the executive committee:
"If those people who are enjoying
warm, comfortable homes during this ex
treme cold weather could only realize
that a 1
targe number of very worthy peo-
e not enough coat to keep them
warm or enough clothing to wear or
enough food to keep them from becoming '
U" M cerUlnly be willing i
soclated Charities. 171 Dodge street.
Every donation made, whether In money,
clothing or food supplies will be care
fully distributed where It will do the
greatest possible good.
"It might be noted that during the
month of December, which waa not a
cold month, the Associated Charities
made 575 vlslta through Its workers In
Omaha and South Side; It also Investi
gated nineteen cases for other cities.
There were also 719 Interviews In the of
fice, (28 garments and 7X pairs of shoes
were given away: also 138 meals and 3
lodgings given, and medical aid was given
to 80 applicants, without cost. If thla
much work waa done during the mild
month of December, It can well be
Imagined what tha requirements will be
during thla extreme cold weather and for
the balance of the winter.'
Must Kick in with
Cost of Trousseau
For Fleeing Bride
SANTA m N. M., Jan. 15.-A vetdlcf
for the plaintiff awarding IW.700 damages
waa returned tonight by a Jury In the
130.000 breach of promise ault ot Mlsa
Margaret Waddc.H of Los Angeles against
A. R, Manby, a business man of Taoa,
N. M.
The verdict ss returned answera nine
apeclflo questions contained in the charge
made by Federal Judge W. H. Hope, who
heard the case. The verdict , fixes the
value of the plaintiff's trousseau at ITuA;
decldea that Miss Waddell spent 8800 oa.
transportation mctdent to the courtship
and that Manby secured a total of tl.SSO
from her. Exposes Incidental to await
ing Manby's ayival for the. wedding.
which had been set, according to testi
mony at the 'rial. In 1912, were placed at
$1,000, and $'io waa fixed aa the sum
apent In the east trying to dispose of a
painting for the defendant. Damages for
mental anguish were fixed at $12,000,
Daniels Holds Out
Admiral's Statement
Of Lack of Soldiers
WASHINGTON, Jan. lS.-Ounners of
the Atlantic fleet made during 191S. the
highest average of the fleet'e history for
tsrget practice In the open sea. This
became known today in connection with
transmission to the aenate ot the annual
report of Admiral Fletcher, commanding
the fleet.
In transmitting the report. Secretary
Daniels wrote a letter explaining that
certain conclusions reached by Admiral
Fletcher of a purely military nature nal
been emitted as It waa believed their
publication would be unwise.
It waa learned at the Navy depart
ment that the admiral's report dwelt upon
the shortage ot officers and men on vea
esls of the fleet. Secretary Daniels' re
port la understood to have atated that
thla condition has been overcome ao
far as It could be within the present au
thorised limit of strength ot personnel.
Villa Has Now But
Forty Followers
CHlHL'AHt'A CITY.. Chihuahua. Mex..
Jan. IS. General Francisco Villa haa
but forty men with him In the Guer
rero district, according to General Jacin
to Trevlno. commander of the north
eastern corps ot the Carre use army.
This Information was given out In an In
terview here today.
rvoiptlea aaa taralttaKl kr Hair Title Qamatas
aa4 AMuui casau. kauth Mkhmik
U4 Flahacvr " kuataaa la Marsant
iTka, Ua IM ta til lactuMva, tMiiavai
wA I 1
Vrank A. Ouauhwa aa4 wita la Mania
Srukaaa. laat at lot 11 block I. 1U-
tialua aaa
Wlllwrn H. Raaaall aad wita ta Kaanak St.
Oruiraa. loU 11 aa4 11. k"kk U
kd .
1m 0naarvallTa gavlasa and Loae aaae
cualiua to kloaka Ualaaaa. lo i. laa4 i,
Sbiaa'a tdt
luuiaa A llmaee ta E4aa J. Jaaaaa, lut
II Aira (iaraaaa fcw
Cl.alr A laia la Maa g. Eauora. aW tat
o. lot li aa M laat at lol, M. siaca .-i.
Povlatoa t'ark
Ch-ri.a klaak at ak ta D. C. Paltaraai.
IraKM. loa I sa4 a, blu-k t, IJiualn H
Cliarlea W . aa4 wita ha pwrkaay
Jifal Kuxa ta, lava 1 aaa 4. bluaa i.
tihrltar l'lA-a
Brkr (a. ta Wtliar D. Uaalar. 14 a9.
Iavaaaartk H.'illa
Anitur taat ta Mit M. Hoalaad. let ti.
ki.h k 1 klathaa tah4lltaa
Curiillia Kn;r aa4 tta va Vralla l
ail'larll. lot l. Maralusaltfa a14
(Hk C. li4i.a aal aifa to Jmia H Aa4t
Iaun. IH klok X Hl-knua4 a1
ri.- H "- a4 alia ta Uarry a. liiii
let I. I'lli, rc
I I1iir4 ti. ( la W. Otaailt, aw -.
I I anil 4 V 'f acilntoa
I M M- Hrt'Ttraa -t al ta t i-u,-a surt.
1 M tlu-k i. Ol 4k'va ll.,Jli I
Resignation of Rev. Mr. Rouse of
First Congregational Church
Conies as Surprise.
Tha resignation of Rev F T. noue.
for elirht vesr. n..tor of th. Klrat Con-
- i
sreratlonal church, came as a siirjwtes
thla week and with such suddenness that
ths membrs of the conereiration ara not
prepared to say what they will da with
reference to f!llln the pulpit.
There Is considerable talk among; Con-
hl.-h the First Congregational and the
fjt. Vtrv'a Iv.nn. fhtirh will KenmA
ona organlsstlon. Intsead of two. It Is
sriued that bnslncsa ha. enc-oached t.non
city that a good many members have been
lost by joining other churches'.
As to the talke.1 of consolidation, the
. ,
project has not taktn on any definite
form, theugh It Is In tho air and the con-
summation of the plsn would not b a Sig. pre,"uVnt. ' V"1""" rcn" Dodge streets by John Denny, colored The game was and. while there
surprise to church people. Fesrl Memorial. Twenty-fourth and Porter, living at Sll North Thirteenth were many peraonal fou.s, there waa lit
1 I.itrilni Te. Karl fc.. Howen Pasior Si I i- afreet . i- -n..u .i. t - . Avrtnti u .
A gospel team led by W. E. Fo.ier will
eve charge of the evening services at
hava charge of the evening services at
tha North Presbyterian church. Twenty-
fourth and Wirt street. Sunday evening
at t:30. -
' !
Kev. George U Search, superintendent
of the Helping Hand Mission of Sioux
City, will address a free public meeting
at the Brandels theater, the afternoon of
Sunday. January 30, under the auspices
of the Omaha Union Onspel Mission.
Carnal'a male chorua will sing.
The women of the R. L. Wheeler Me-
mortal Presbyterian church, formerly the
First Presbyterian church of South Sldo,
Presented the church with an Individual
communion set to acrve Stso people. 8un
day it will be used. The pastor of the
church will officiate. In the evening a
gospel team will be in charge of the
Rev, John Haynea Holmes will addresa
the congregation of the First Unitarian
church and others at Turptn'a hall at
Twenty-eighth and Farnam Sunday at
10: Ml a. m. Hla subject will be ine
Valllltv nt Wnnkln " .Brutdat tnnale at I
thu. meeting will be furnished by Mr. A.
violinist, and Miss Helen Bennett, plan-
Olivet Grove Mission. Thlrtv-flKh and
frown Polp avenue Rev. William A.
Wiiiiam a
.choot and
" team in
Mulford. Paator Sunday
services. 2:4&. Tuesday venli
ing ror every one. uoapei team in
Grace, South Tenth and Arbor. Rev.
E. 11. Taft. pastor. Men's prayer meet
ing, :.W a. m. Sunday school, 10 a. m.,
morning worship. It o'clock. "A Com
mendable Christian.'' E Y. P. U :
rt. m. Evening eervlce. ":. "A Safe
Investment." Mission Sunday school,
1010 South Fortith street.
Olivet. Thlrtvelght and Grand. Rev.
William A. MUlfo'd. pastor. Moraine,
nri,tia .- WnrM ii- J u,""c uriiraviir aucieiy at b. Ben l or
KiV,,.7r.. nv.e.L 7 n ZZ.imllt Endeavor society at 6:30. Stereoptlcon lo--Situation.
Invent nfCs iiw. bvanRiiiiic , 11Ptt kv hv i nnna-M a ur h ,
and baptlsmsl service. 8unCay school at ?. ycna at 7!30
10 a. m. Junior and Senior Yoon l . ' . 1 ' '
Pennies' meetinva. 6:W). Senior led by
Gosnet Group Two. Wednesday evening
s. prayer ana praise meeting.
Calvafy, Hamilton and Twenty-fifth.
.Rev. J. A. Maxwell, paator. Moml"S.
"The Miracle of Christ" reliir "The
floral A.TT.i,rii,gt - i,
Immanuel. Twenty-fourth and Fink
ney streets. Rev. Arthur J. Morris, pas
tor. Awirmn
ng worxhlp at 10:30. Subject
"Providence snd the Spar-
le school at noon, Charles
of sermon
row. Bible school at noon, diaries
W filnuin. aiinertnterllent Tnim
nla'a Tnaetlna at a-30 Kvinir wnrahln
I at 7:K eubjeet eelected, Man's aupper
ana ninia smav at inn cnurcn on
Bible school at noon. G. W. Noble, sup- c.-i",, n R d ci. wm ncrraw in pff ... niuui.nw
rJn",:ndmntl.dYSrSerP'Me'.cV"Sunt BundaJ illoot 10 a n SViru'prVShtai orer any American battleship afloat or
lert PmJ to Wor'k VM . Others " Jr?'" 'f o cl?tk- ubct ""vlng authorised and carry the biggest guns
ftuVoh 1p0ryerneVtinkg and Bible' stud, , nttvor soy"0 ro iSgfci v" P"ced board flhtin Bhlp by ny
Wednesday evening. Subject of Study. ""!1?,10' "yv.-...'"'"!? nower.
Wednesday evenlnj t:n. Prayer end , Douglaas. Paator-The pastor will ex
pralse service at e dock, noya' gym-. change pulpita with Rev. K. C. Littla
nastlu claases Friday evening at
o clock. .
Ckrlsttaa Science.
First Church of Christ, ft. Marv'a
avenue and Twenty-fourth. Services. U
a. ra. and I . ra. Subtect. "Life." Sun
day school (two aeaaiona) 9:45 and 11 a.
ra. weaneaaav evening meeruig, s p. m.
Second Church of Christ, Dundee hall,
Wa Miniul wkA T.-l .1 I. LI . 1
tTnderwood avenue and Fiftieth. Bervtces
11 a. in., aublect. "Life." Sunday school,
9:45 a. in.. Wednesday evenlua meeting.
S o'clock.
First. Nineteenth and Davennort.
Morning worship at 10:8(1. Gospel serv
ice at 7:4& Hunday school at noon.
Plymouth. Klghteeuth and Gmmet. T.'
W. Wvitt. Min'sier-Preachliig services
at 10: 30 and 7:: Plble school at
Toung Peopie'a meeting at :3'.
w r 7
North Side, Twenty-second and Lo-
throp. Georae L. Peters, Pastor Bible
school. 9:80; morning service, 10 43; theme.
The Church and the t ollese: evening
service. 7:30: theme. "Acts Versus Prom
ises:" Christian Kndeavor, Intermediate 6;
aenior :15.
Ok ,l.t--. T-Mh UtM.1 -.1.1 tV i, t V.
lngton Place, Rev. Carl M. Norden, Vicar
Ilolv communion, 9; miiifiay iciiuui, tv
morning prayer and sermon, 11.
v St 'Andrews', Forty-first and Charlea.
J. K. Flockhart. Rector Karly com -
munlon, S: Sunday aehool. 9:45; late com -
munion service, 11; evening service. J:.
Special musio,N
,-,,- ,m- south Twentv-sixth C N
Swlha't MTniftell. "Th.V!.hnkln
a Wedding:" I. "The Foundation Needed
i ih. AM "
w. ....
Church of the Good Shepherd. Twentieth
and Ohio. Bev. Thomas J- Collar .Rector
trlw nAmmunjoil St S a. m.
aohool at 9 40 a. m. Morning prayer, w ith
sermon, at 11. F.vvnng prayer, with aer
roon, at 7:30 p. in.
Grace Branch. Korty-elghth and Leav
enworth Sunday school at i:'J0 p. m.
Grace Knallsh. 1 South Twenty-sixth.
r xi rfm.ih.rl. Minister 11 s. ni.. "The
r unt amg " " ; "u , ., "
bi, riiuin "x-,z--- wospei team will conduct tha service
rSrtat' icholal) .nd'men U- 32!" J'
sy ay-hool at l; evening praer anu meeting." WednHV'eT- ".'.V ,r,rr
at I K 1 '
tcounastion ic-utq ii a. i
at Paul's Twentv-fifth snd Evans ! Sunday afternoon at S o'clock Burd F.
treats K. T. Otto, " Pastor Services. 10 lller will lecture on "Thousht Forma"
a m.- 'Sunilsv school. 11:.(0 a. nv: even-: lfore the Omaha Philosophical aocinty
h,g sermon in Knallsh at 7:30, subject; at the hall In the Lyric huildine. Nlne
"Our Father's Koraivenesa." jleenth and I-arnam atreets.
Our Savior's Danlah. Twenty-aecona
and Leavenworth eireele. P. B. Irnientorp.
Pastor-Sunday school at 9:3i, arvl-ea at
1;. Bible meeting st . srviva at :i.
j Thursday at :1 young people a meeeting.
Fridav at a lill'le visas.
' mt Mark's tab. twentieth and Bur
dette, L. Groh. Pastor-ll a. m . '. Spirit-
lUial Loneiuieaa and Ita lt.iu. i
! p. m.. "A Hleeainr tiiain such aa Cnn
s'der the Foor." Humtay school at :4
t'a. m. Christian Kndeavor at :4i p. in.
rrtiilty. Twentv-fifth and Amea. C. t
Wooniq'ulst. Pastor Sunday school at 10
.. m. Morning services at it. evening
. aervicea at 1:30 D. m.
(we.tislt language '
l uaeq urir a- rii-iuiia
l Our Savior'a NorweKlan Hanlsh. Ham- :.V '. ' ":.LTr" . ' '
aarvlct-a at 11 InKiMl I ? c"wMW- 7: p. Coapel team In j HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 1j. Spevlal Tel
. VchU V Lie-ion V mid.eVK pV. veTters" We.' ram. -Cre,a High -hool defv.ted His.
l, meets at Mrs. gegelbers. lwt Military m ri. reiv Thur!! ! c"1 " b"ktt b" ln'"t
.-.'avanne. Wednes.iav evening: choir prac- . a p. ni.. t-auics Ala aociet), Tttuia-
, tl-a Tuesday evening: confirmation m-l""- I P- ,17 to .-5.
strurtion Friday etening at 1 M. j First Reformed. Twenty-third Street
Zlnn. Thlrty-aiith and Lafsyette Ave-1 and Deer Paik Boulevard. John K.
nuo. A. T. larimcr, Paator Sunday school i Hawk, pastor Sundav achnol. 9 46 a. m..
at 9 ti a tn.; avrvice at 11 a. in.; evening j Hr. If. Huaman, aucerititendent ; morn-Seni'-a
at k p. nt. Tuesday evening tha ing worship at 11, firt anniveraary ef
l.tillier liiE ie will meet at the home of paatnrete. theme, "Tha Church st
I'.i-v. and Mra. A. T lri,ner. V'lt Nort n Work :" 'hriatHn Fnde.avor. ti .10 p. m :
'4'l.U ty-ikili sural. I'tajtr moetiug A ed-j 11 lesion band, I p. m ; evening warship
ndr evening. Choir rehearsal Friday
aventnar. Confirmation ciaas will meet
In the church parlors Saturday morning
at 10 a. in.
KonnlX" Merm rlnl, Twantv. sixth and r.v. Oliver D. Ilaltcly. Pastor;
m-v. I. frranklui hurl). Ahmk:Ii Paator !
Morning worship at 11, "The Kpithany
of t'hrlet. Kvemna worshl
Ip at K "The
jr Thoughts."
Luther league
Transforming Power of lou
, Unnlau a.'twwtl a. O 4- m
it 7 p. m. PuMay pchciol t lunm h, Urutd I
'I al aAhal ir-m 1 arfiitoa ' hlirar nv NMH !
ateehetlral lectutea on
1' ilday evenings at , ana frlciay atter- ,
noon mt 4;1S' .. .. . '
, fmnnif.
Ifsnscom Tark. Tool worth snd Twentv.
ninth. Kev. Kmory 1J. iliill. Mlnlstor
lornln worship-sf 11. 'ihjct. "The
Phitcsonhv of the World Kvniiir mt.
ship at 7:46. Sjbjcct, 'Opporltinlty."
Oak Mwt. So
louth Twemlrth and Os,k.
Pastor fSundoy school at
J. tJ. weheter. i'astoi ftunnoy
9 4. Junior leasue at 3. Dpworth l-san.?
-1 t Ua.mah . . 11 -,.,4 i.n . - . , i
i snl nible ftly v,e-.ned.iy evrnng
si I 'Jt '
Wets Memorial, Tenth and Pierce, C. N.
f, Kr.1 tLtXl
Tilnlty, Twenty-first and Tllnnev, 1VV.
John f Poucher, Pastor Preaching by
3.Ia,,,1or l 1 ?u,"n'L7:'i. M."r,c .byh!
cnolr; hi. jr. Williams, chorister: Mihs
Hora Pear. ornnt.t. Sunday school at
noon . niara tinmnen, superintendent.
frjS' aJSL'hlld.n'eet-
ing at a. Bpworth league at 6:5). Eve-
ing at a. Bpworth league at 6:5). Eve-
ning ""-lea. at 7:S0. Prayer and te""1;-
.'ft Friday atS .
Jennings. Fifty-second and Hickory, R.
H. . henoweth. Pastor Sunday whui at
Vh hoi"--' Eaworth leigue
at 7. Captain Harry Kline of the Balva-!the
tlon Army will speak at the league meet
,n; 'rairer mceUn Ht
tura'cs, sapcrlntendenl. Classe' for all
" Morning worship at 11. Sermon on
: IrigMStmaWl, XlZTvt
f ie. Kvangelistic. snrvlcea at Toplo
or sermon, a Man s ui.ceat uatne. -
McCabe. Fortieth and Farnam, W. II
I nut-rwood, Pastor Morning worship at
n. Hubjeut, "ADidlng Hope." Evening
worship at 7:30. Subject, "A Worthless
Pursuit.." fiunday school at 10; Mrs.
Cborfc-e Entrikin. superintendent. Adult
U.ble class at 10: John Lewis, teacher.
Uiant Mil v.i.1 lead tne Kpworth league
Uiant Mil will iesd tne Kuworth league
at ti:30. Topic, ".cvajigela of the lluino
Presbyterian. j
lr ' Cat V n .1 I ... 1 1 1 i
tion. Kev. jdwin Hart Jonks. u. U., I DAred nd was arrested late by Detec
Paator Morning service at lo:30. Even-' tives Murphy and Rooney and Sergeant
in service at :3u. teunday ac'hool noon.
uraiur mceiing at :jo.
Dundee. Fiftieth and t'nitarvnnil
11 a. m., morning worship. "Win One
by Easter;" 7:30 p. m., evening worship,
"The Hhepherd Psalm; 6:40 p. in., Chris
tian Endeavor.
Parkvale. Corner Thirty-first and
Gold, R. W. Taylor, Pastor Regular
services si ii a. m. ana 7:n p. m.
'd,y 'chool, 10 a. m.. E. C. Wilbur.
jlntendent; Chrlatinn Endeavor. 7
5?P5--"5!r i?.0!" Together;"
services si n a. m. ana 7:n p. m. ; Run
Alias r reaa rienner.
Central. Twenty-fourth and Dodge.
Hugh B. Bpeer. Pastor lo:D0 a. m., morn
ing worship, sacrament of the Lord's
supper; Sabbath school at noon; 6:30 p.
m.. young peopie'a meeting: 7:iu p. m..
evening worship, "What Does the Cross
Ylean to Me?"
Lowe Avenue. 10H North Fortieth, Rev.
A. F. Ernst, MinlsteiThe second com-
Benaon, Rev. J. MoCIuna. Pastor-
Sunday school at W. Morning worship at
11. Rev. J. P. Schwara will preach. Jun-
lor Christian Endeavor st 8. Christian
iKnneavor at :3i). evening worship at Rev. Bchwarx, preaching. Prayer
m.'ln,, wnes.tay evening at g.
North. Twentv-fourth anrf Wiat Atreeta.
M. V. Higbee. Paator The Dastor will1...-- ... .,
Preach at 11 o'clock . . Kunrt.v achl
at 9:45 a. m. Young People's Society of
Christian Kndoavor at : p. m., at 7)
P. m. a gopc service will be conducted
P. m. a gosp
: tlv m ananl team Ii.ui1mI Km v.. L-zuihtnv
. Ing.
ttrst. Twentv-flrat and Kmmet A C.
of Tarklo, Mo., who will preach at 10: SO
a. m. and T.JO p. m.; Bible school at
noon: Young People's Christian union,
i:XH p. m.. the Gospel team of the Union
Gospel Mission will be present to asitlst
In the Wednesdsy evening prayer serv
ice at 7:30.
Covenant. Pratt and Twenty-seventh,
I Rev. Charlea 11. Hemming, Pastor Morn
I 1 . , . . , . I . 1. .
ing worship at 10-M, "Ministering the
Mounuleaa Wealth of Hla Mercy." Bible
school at noon. Kndeavor ot :4o. Kven
tng worship at 7:30, "Does Pealm 1"9 Mis
repereaent Godr' Men's Ulble class
Wednesday evening at . Chaptera 3 and
1 of .Acta, constitute the lesson and
the paator as the teacher.
Third. Twentieth anri ' T.eaven worth.
It V. JSIk K5Ti P,n".0PtUn'1"7 " hW
'ilb adult Bible classea for men
l5Cd.w nlen; l wo''.t;1? T.1 r,UOIJ
I DV Inn Tiaator lhina Thai Xflaatrin rr
Rev. Robert Kerr. Pastor Sunday aehool
th. cltv ( hur(.b .. ,t ,9.45, junior En-
deavor meeting at S. Christian Kndeavor
prayer meeting at 6:S0. Kventna worship
and sermon by the pastor, tlieme, "Won
by One,'" at 7:43.
Westminster. Ma Hon and Twenty-ninth,
Rev. .1. Franklin Young Paator Morning
worship at 10:3u, theme. "How Mav W
Kecome Possessed of the Love of God?"
Bible school at noon. J'inlnr Christian
Kndeavor iiifctlnar at 4. Keninr hriiUn
! Kndi-jlVor meet.nv at tt-W VTvnlv wm-.
leMi s' ?-. theme. -rh sdIi It of the
; Age." Wednesday at 7:43. midweek praver
j service. Itev. C. A. Klllie of China, will
j Castelar. Sixteenth and Caatelar. C. C.
Meek, Psator Morning service at 11:
?eV- S- K"l'e. missionary in China
will sneak on
hS 1Awak.tne,1 Giant;" every-
! 1 odv. houlrl hear this lecture. Evening
i Hnrv ra at v wi M r i.- v- kv.-ki-- ; . v.
Mlsrellanroaa. '
Fontenelle B,,ieii.,.i ...
Cumins. MVs. LI I
Gardiner, Messaaw
bearei Sei vices. 8:13 p. m.
Alooae Hall. South Omaha Sunday
.t-uuui, . .it., aacratnent service, 11 a.
in.; preaching. 7:S0 p. m., by Klder James
The Associated Bible studenta meet to
tna iyiic bulldliig, Nineteenth and Far-
nam. at 3 P. m. T. 11. McN'auaht will
I lecture on "The Hope You Have Before
iteorganisea t nurcn or Jesus Christ or
! I atter Iay Saiuta. Twenty-fourth a
Ohio Normal t-laaa, 9:1S p. ni. ; Sund
I scnooi. :n a. m.; preacmng at 11 a.
oy r.iaer i-sui i. t rain: ::
r m .
lellgio; preaching at . p. m. by Carl T.
ii.-. lilt v..h t-1,1,.. .w c. , I nation of the clrcumstancea aurroundlng r.F-RLlX, Jan. 13. (By Wirelesa to Say
W favldgS! Ftoril rw"."1' h "nkln of rrmAn ubmrt" b lvllle.)-"Report. from Constantinople,"
Frank W. Co will soeak on "Tha Rani the British patrol boat Baralong. Ger-
aava tha nr4i News agency, "state
V ife " Sunday school at'noon: other
'services every evening during the week!
. al
United Brethren. Nineteenth
ud Irfith-
at 7:', theme, "Thlnss to Think At
I'ninn Oosiiel Mission. I Don
Telephone Douglas !v.V. A. .M. Perry .
perlntemlent tvegular rescue mission j
wnrK every night
and prater service every i
preaching servlc
Bible reading
.morning at 8:1),
I. HpeaKers for the week:
(Revs, Hush H. Speer, C, K. Cr-bhev. f.
C. Mwk, E. H. Taft. Supni intendcht A.
M. Perry and A. R. Baker's Unepel
f.M.m. Th MIaaIoii hum nrrangtv. for A
at tha H . 11 r1t m lha r aaa atail ! I Ht
iij nona chorua.
Vnltartan. Turpln tTall. Twrnyffhtn
rnd Karnam Mornin i service at li::w.
aernwn will be by Kev. John Maynea
Holmes, pastor of the Chiireh of the
l',,":,. New. i.orRt !;,,
The nlldlty of Worship. Music by
I... , JXm. ' j . . vooTai.i., .,..,a-
waracr. jr.. violinist, ricirn wnuew, .
Ti i a , TT
XOllCB lYlUiirOIl IlclS
Narrow Escape from
Dangerous Injury
While returning from her home. Thlrtv.
third and Myrtle a vent's, to police head-
0'iarters. In the aito. last tilirht. Polo!
, . ,
Matron Ellen Oihbons wns struck over'
the by . bM rlr0ll . Twe(fth and i
and pleaded not guilty I
In police court to the charge of carrying
In police court to the charge of carrying
concealed weapons. Judire Foster fixed !
" nl . which Denny failed to j
'urnlsh. The case was continued till
The wound lnf,lrt'd w" llht one.
skin being broken Just above the
j eyebrow.
I No ill erfects are expected to develop
e wound, although Mrs. Gib-
i hons suffered for a short period from
, the shock.
n,y flecc- of the bullet struck her.
after the ball had glanced and broken on
Tw mcn who were guying near the
. .. , . .
ner'0 4 tle time, appeared at heaa-
quarters and asserted that the revolver
wa, discharged accidentally, while In the
, . . .r , . . ,,
l'Ocket of the colored fellow.
Denny left his revolver, a borrowed
wttn which he was not fimlltar. with
Ray Dixon, fireman st the Twelfth and
The matron asserts that two shots were
fired and that she heard both distinctly.
Aside from being attscked by an Insane
woman In her department last summer,
this Is the closest call that Mrs. Gibbons
has had In her many years with the force.
New Dreadnought
Will Have Biggest
' Guns Aboard a Ship
WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. Main batteries
of ten lMnch guns each and a cruising
tadlus of at least 10,000 miles are the
general characteristics urged by the navy
areaanougnca corigrews naa wwn bu iv
authorise this year.
It was learned tonight that the board
proposes that the ships should cost $18.-
000,000 each, displace 86,000 tons, and have
' i,a hisheat aneed-attainable without sac-
.. . T - ,
.rlflclng armament, armor or fuel capacity.
I It would nave mem a -o per
1 --v1n MnatptinHnn at fh Mai-a
i"'ana ana new xora navy rua 01 vi.b
battleships, the house naval committee
ordered reported favorably a proposal to
. ... ' J..., -
the ships In use In enlarging building
slips and other work preparatory to lay
ing the keels of the new vessels.
Four Hundred Elk
May Perish in West
PINCDALE, "Wyo.. Jan. 15 (Special.)
Because the last leglsature made the
Nowfork lake district a game preserve,
forbidding the hunting of elk and other
big game therein, 400 head of elk are
in dsnger of starving to death there.
The state game department is endeavor
ing to keep them supplied with sufficient
feed taken In on sleds to preserve them
until spring
Tne em quii-Kiy learnea uini in '" thls Blde ef the boundary. Once on
Newfork district they were safe from j Amerlcan ,ol the refugees were whisked
httntera and about 4J0 head found this ,ntQ rootor car8 hv waitnK friends, and
security so much to their liking thatjth majority of them hurried to btd.
they did not leave the section in the j
fall and consequently became snowed j T j 1 T.c A
in. While the anlmala have suffered DritlSll L0SS6S A.YG
severely, there havo been no losses from .
starvation as yet.
The stiowod-ln herd in the Newfork
preserve constitute about cne-one-h-n-dredth
of the elk in the state.
Ford Peace Party
T-11 , w r r 1 '
THE HAOl'F, (Via London). .Ian. 13.
;The Ford peace ex!edltion tolay com
ipleted the membership of the American
Peace board by the election of the fol'.ow-
Ing alternates who will act In ciss the
other members ot the board are unable
tr. George Klrchwey. New York; Miss
1 r-mlly Greene Balch, enesiey untver-
jsity; Rev. Jenkln Lloyd Jonea. Chicago,
nd Judge Ben B. Undsey. Denver
1 The memhera of tha neace
j. V1 m ,T , , ,
t today held a meeting
. dam.
Reprisals in Case
Of Baralong Ordered
BERLIN tBv Wirelesa to Sa v!lle. ' Ucery nd governor of India In BUc
Jan. lS.-The German government has 4,lu" to Baron llardingc.
transmitted to Oreut Britain through the; DrneiIUO pi ani V PDCCT
American embassy a note which dtrlaresi rtnOlAMO ULAULT Unttl
I that aa a result of Great Britain not ful
' .
I fuIln, oermany, demand for an expla-
"dPt ,uiUb,e me"ur ot
i ttpri"'' '
, uou r..iir WIPTODV
i Murn iiiaTitinp rneernn
' n un iihmi .1 tiuiun
UVtn nAdlinUd I UOtn
Hilled iw Battle.
Snf TORK, Jan 15. Charles Sanford I w alet n t itle, was arrested here tudav
Ward. JJ years old. son of Herbert Ward, rn a te'ettram f-oin F. C. Pendleton gov
a noted English sculptor, baa been kilmi eminent agent in New Orleans, x worm i
in lu-tion wlula f abting tn ti.a Champagna iac.-oni,anving Lealia, giving her name aa
a it m i. scc.iclln to iMivate advices ie- llna Italia and clainuug to be his Wm,
cvived hem today fiom Paris. lis also being held.
Obliged to Flay to Limit to Over
come Classy Work of Gibben
and Crew.
LINCOLN'. Nrb.. Jm. 15 iPnecial Tel
esram.) Nebraska drew llrst blood In the
rirst of the annua! basket bnll contests
. . . d
I off the gnme, SI to 33.
It as a nip and tuck affair from start
I to finish, the Ccrnhuskers taking the
lead In the first half, 14 to 11. and forging
ahead. Pour more points were added In
the second half bctore the Jayhawkers
got startid.
Then a series of classy baskets by
Gibben, the Kansas right forward, put
the team almo.-t neck and neck. The
Cornhuskers a lUcd a point on a free
throw and Uipti another basket while
Gibben shot another basket Jut before
the final whla.le h;ew
Huskers in paa'ing and Its team work
was the feature ot the game. Gibben was
was the feature ot the game. Gibben was
easily the star for the Kansans. while
Campbell, the Cornhusker right forward.
vied with Rutherford for Nebraska
Nebraska was tible to shoot goals when
they were needed while Kansas missed
several easy shots.
The lineup:
Campbell HF.i FI.F tllbben
Huinertord ....L.F.i L.F Kennedy
e1s.n CI C Cole
Hugg (c) R.a. H.O Nelson
J. Uardlncr L.U.I L.U Appel
Substitutes: C. Gardiner for J. Gat
diner, Kaudor for Kennedy, L'hrlaub for
Kauder. Held gouls: Campbell (til,
Kutherford 4), Hugs (2), Nelson, C. Gar
diner, Gibben (8). ole t), Kauder, L'hr
laub. rve throws: Campbell. 6 out of
; Uibben. 7 out of 13; Coie, none out of 1;
I t.naub, none out of 2. Retcrce: Low-
man oi ti.d Kansas Agile.
WpTXT T'nnil Mfl ( P nf
Blood and Bones by
German Chemists"
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. Department,
of Agriculture chemists are examining
samples of new loods from animal bone
and blood InventeJ since war began by a
German scientist at' Cologne. Bezlvan is
the name given to the blood food.
The German inl.ilstry of trade and in-.
dustry is Investigating the scientist's
claims that he has developed nourishing
foods, gantries of the foods were sent
to the United States by an American,
consul In Germany.
"Oh, It's Good to Get
Home!" Say Eefugees
EL PASO. Tex.. Jan. 15. "Oh. It's
good to get home!" said a number of
refugees as the train with 130 of them
crossed the Rio Grande Into American
vroimo u
f t,rrltory. The train came from Chi
huahua City
Tho train bringing t'ae refugees also
brought two American soldiers who were
picked up' In uniforri by members of
the Carrania train guard, eighteen
miles south of the border. General
Gabriel Gavrlva, commandant at Juar
ez, said he would turn the soldiers
over to an American officer tomorrow.
They disappeared last Sunday and to
night could say only that they did not
know how they got Into Mexico, where
United States soldiers. In uniforms are
not permitted to go at any time.
It was long pat dark when the refu
gees' train with Its guard of more than
100 Carranxa soldiers from Chihuahua,
drew into Juarez. The coaches were
lighted by candles stuck on the bacUs
of the wooden seats. Through the partly
opened windows wafted the odor of
tortillas and enchiladas, cooking on the
sheet Iron stovea of the Juarez atatloa
peddlers, and the savory odor aeemed
to whet the appetite ot thoae refugees
who were not too tired to eat.
Z. L. Cobb, collector of the port of
EI Taso, quickly passed the entire party
and Immigration officials consumed little
time In sesrehing for contrabands be-
I fore nemilttlns; the train to proceed to
Heavy in Retreat
BERLIN. Jan. 15. By Wireless to Say
ville, N. Y.) An official report from
I Constantinople on the British evacuation
of r-eddul Bahr contradicts the British
report on the same operations. The state-
! ment says the Turks discovered the
. ' . . .1 1.,,-nkul ,-lirnvnli.
I attack, simultaneously bombarding the
! landing atages. The British losses were
! The Turkish report la compatible with
the British account only on the sup
' position that General Monro's report of
one wounded soldier represents only the
loss in actual en.tarltatlon and Ignores
the casualties si'stsined In the retreat to
the beaches.
Baron Chelmsford
Viceroy of India
LONUON. Jan. 15. It ia officially an-
': nounced tonight that Baron Chelmsford.
! former governor of Queensland and of
ow South Wales, lias been appointed
a . aa KBS'aa.BB niaiaaa.
that Turkish troops have entered the ao-
! called new Peraian capital. Kermanahah,
snd were heartily greeted by the popula
tion of the town, whirh ss decorate!
I lth bunting.
. ..Vminnm r,om tht ..ountry around the
i city are arriving in large numbers to
j welcome the Turks "
Let M-eb-Waaled Maa.
CHATTANOOGA. Tenn., Jan. IS.-Frail
T-alle. said to be wanted by federal au-
ithnrilie. in t h!cseo, Denver and atber