THE OMAHA SUXDAY BEE: JANUARY lb 1N16. ... HELP WANTEDMALE laTeamea aed "ioiJcTtor. OPENING for few capable Mimmfn; men experienced In sale of land, lota, bond" or Insurance preferred; no stock wiling: legitimate, attractive propnet tlon; liberal commissions: good seller;, exactly what you hav been looking for Oklahoma Oil V Co., Muskogee, WANTED Glove salesmen; a good, live hustler, for manufacturer's Una of iMCIwr and cotton glove and lulttene; ' all of Nebrasks; Una already favor .ably known; splendid chanoa lor rUtht man, but no tlma for shirkers or pert tenters; commission only refer pncrj required; saleemen also wanted for North and South Dakota. A del Vfg. Co., Dee Moines, la. SA LF.S.M A N Cal 1 1 n g on bank, rorpora tons, real aetata flrtna and lawyers, to sell onlv an aid Una, lb most com plete Itri of M Rop filing, mailing, advertising wallets and envelopes made: good commisalnn: at at expert mi and territory. Kryston Envelop Co.. Philadelphia, Ta, WANTED Flv mora men for Jan. IMh, to represent us In wetern state: call on banks, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and doctors; experience helps, but not essenttsl: pay weakly: full In atructlona Insure success. Writs for exclusive territory and setir splendid Income. IT. O. Jones. 7M Schwlnd Bldg., Dayton. Ohio. . 8ALHSMEN Pocket aide line, new llv proposition, all merchants In t sm s of MO.ono and under want It: Pvs $ commission on each sale; rto collect Ions, no Hak to merchant we take back un void goods; easiest, bliigest pAylng eld Una ever offered. Canflekl M(t- Co., ra Ptgel St.. Chicago, SALEHMKN IJv aide line; somethirt new; I minutes time paye yoti $; pookst samples;, prompt oommlaalona; etat territory covered. 1118 Michigan Ae.. Chloeg, WE want experienced looal repreaenta ttve on rnmmlaslon to handle our oela brated brands of straight Kenttiekjr whiskies adopted by the O. B. govern, ment. Big money. Write at once for territory. Woodland Distillery Ware house No. tn. Covington. Ky. o WAN TETV-M an with auto or team for each county; permanent and profitable, miaineea. making 1.0 to I3.0W per year. Wo lnveetm L Addresa Plat. Manager, Roomg al-2, Omaha Nat Rk. Pldg. PORTRAIT agents wishing to work In dependmt ahnuld write for my new catalogue; evpenses advanced reliable) men and good shipped on Itt days' time. Roberta. 143) MoOee Uldg., Kansas City, Mo. JtfrKNTS arge manufacturer wants re liable men. women, to sell guaranteed hoelery, underwear, shirts, direct ta homes. Write for free sample. Madt son Mills. Proadway. New York. o TO sell now and until June 1, cardboard fan for advertising to all class of trad. Fine aid line. Earning weekly and tip. Fan Dept. Kemper-Thoma Co.. Cincinnati. - . L.IVB agent wanted for high gr4o clalty. lemonst ration Invariably reauiu In saJe. Write today for free book et on saiaomanahlp. J. B. Briggs, Wichita. Ken. WANTED A ealeman having asperleac in selling sweaters and knit good, v carry our una in ma wvi. mm -perlenced men with good ''?" will be considered. Address "tar Knit ting Co.. ItCrosse, Wis. if , vTirr, UbImm,, to all to srooai a, general store and oonfectlonersla small country towns; per nVT mission; HO weekly orawly aooount. Crown Cider Company, T 8. Coronar dal bt. ft. tenuis mo. t pi- . WANTFIV portunlty W offer an eaoeptlonal op- mnrJt ealanmen to Bell iTrrBror. Co.. Wholwal (Jrooars. Chlcngo. Hi SELL, advertising pipes; mpleand par ticular free. Japsnaa Novelty COj. Clinton, la. . WR PAY eW ween ana "" "7 pound. Year s contract. Imparl! UVt, Co , Dept. 78. Parsons. Kan. rJTNfED-6aiesman ta sell our line ct . tn mu country tempera m . . "..i. gin towns; per- cent mm,"'onU,; weekly drawing eo2t-, l4..0 compsny. 8. Main 8t.. Bt. Louis, Mo, 1ept. T TkN every w her otaka HO rtf'.P" ..molea of new necessity wlth sulomo- h.le owners, orolo Manufacturing conr pany, IjOuIbviU.'.? rvi-Bil. (itill wanted in every cotmly in Nebraska, rmall pllalr ..... I kanrfl- aaenc.v. NO competl tlon. ron't enswer nle you "ln tiuelness. Aonree j-..;. fALKKMAN calllnif on Jewelry sod china . trade in Kansas. Nebraska snd South n.knin wanted to ' cerry a light cut .. i nn. .iict from factory as a Una Arlrlreea W. R. i. i ii i',.ik HMir.. Les Moines, 8AI.ESMKN Oct goVd eld line; seT silk hosiery to dealer at hJrf' price; easy seiitng; wme Second Hosiery Co.. Ke.iss ltyoQ Vo ntMi to fill vacancies; general store and drug trade; P'" dld Un Pec-eo, wim mwm , ' . . i.i n,niini Addresa ' Na. tioiial." Box 9l. low. City. 1 ftAi.vjiU'eN make big money selll -v..v.k,r.t deala. Addresa Hen . n. i:;t Arlam Bt. Chicago.4 cii.vaurI.lninnvi vour income and -.-.... i 1 Mltioer wanted product with marked superiority; hlgn . ,.n en wilt: aale ad vanee. Mfrs., Wit Quebec Av., av- land XEW auto fuel; entirely unlik .k... -n.,ki I iihuamr: atale. county and Vocal nclo permanently pro tected: be ou ik. Wrlta InaJUU Fuel f', Akrnn O gAl75'M'KN to B-ll the beat piwinluia aaleaboarH assort men is on i inai"'i itir-i n.miaaion: references with first letter. Cha. C. Black. Bt Joseph, Vllh TiYv V it -riivil men to sell special Ctnl . tract: guarantees advertiser per cent Increase, secured by bond: advance. mad good men; big money weekly -. - rrlM,M.e anrl referencea, L" la coll BuaineM Development System, 7l Market Bt., Sen Francisco. Cal AOKN t 8 Iteelilent-oollsHitor wanted. both aexea. to look after our Interest In thle vicinity. Permanent employ, menu good Income. 8end for pert leu 1m i arul anniicatlnn blank. Address J Kelgel. W. I Tatt 8t., Indianapolis. Ind . Oept . YOUNO MAN, be a barber. I teach roil qulrkbr, cheaply, thoroughly. Tools fur nUhed. I give you actual shon work. You have chance to work (Saturday aad keep bail the receipts. My stu dents In big demand. I bar college In all principal elites la U. 8. and Can ada, call, writ or phone a. U. gaoler, lrtaldnt BARBER C0LLW3 B. Omaha, SAVE $25 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER, If yuu can t attend day school you can hold your Job and st lb same time gel your automobile eou-ttjn If you euro'! In the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBKAfeKA AITOMOB1LK 8CUOOL, tfJ l.EAVENWORTli. P.ED 3lli. GOOD MEN' WANTED to learn auto work, for the big apriB IS SDTIBS rusk. Fin training wort eiectrlo alerting sy sterna. Fine training work OS auto sad .u.uii-.AKr , l "rr. cot j wir yv J t am a ill St. Omaha. VCelx Tearn tikeTbarber TRADC Tri-City Barter eoliege; lew ret tul, tlon Including et of tuols; wag paid; eircirl'S u . hydrauito ehalta; eau aiogue free. Hit louias Ml., omaiia. XlM-ella . Vi AN'l tl l.eapoiiail.lo maa with r litlc friends who vouth for him to uvrr and manage several 10 to He acre fruit and truck sun near Ta pa th metropolis of South Florida. 1 th i.iut icoiajkat'le and uelihtrul sectiocj f Atttrri".. To risht prty we will pive 6 to 3) sens cf land f for eo cirt-rstniK snd ni-ting us. and w mu tually ntianrt i,iia to Tamp and a fair monthly comtienaation while act ItiK s "firm mansver." Splendid op. IKrtunlty Carlain, j! Marquette Bldg., Cl.lcaKo fjV tJ.Vlll'..N'T pitions In poetoffir. li.iwuy end othrr bran, he are k iS f':t!iie for "elatna" under f"itnr V. S Civil hecvic Secretary Vxarn'.ner. Bojlilet 96 free. 'nt "i, Patl.rv.o cUil Service School. 1.'- ni 'er. N. S BUSINESS CHANCES BIO Kansas eomnejiy will start amhl-l - - w . riooa people in real growing rns-U oir business; any looaiity; make $1.00 yearly: .rare time; no cenvssalng; no experience: wo furnlah evervthlng; new, .. i i . - - j - a i . . ' unlatte eel In method free. Kveetone. Prldnt. W. 7th. Flttbitrg. Kn. QOVKIINMKNT P08ITIONB Thou, anda of appointment to bo made. Kree booklet telling wher thay ai. what they pay, w th specimen exemlna- ttoa qoeatloB. Kat I Co. Infinite, i Beventh ft.. Washington. D. C. flM SALARY for 0 days work paid man m each town to distribute frea circu lar and take order for Whit Rlhtwm Concentrated Flavoring. J. H. Ziegler tn'""' I OOVF.RNMBNT xmlnstlons: thorough instruction. s. Returned if not aiv instruction, as. neturned ir not ai-i pointed. Particulars free. Civil 6arvk t I chool, -.ashlngton, I. C o ' fP Mlar, - t I.V ,n,W .1 a,m mission with liberal exnenaes hiri rou. arfr1- Tisknt 1787. lnfllna'l Ava.. Chicago i M r. .- rrn nrvnirf. sir in,i iivuui. i tlon at home, big salary hen fir.- ! led. Book free. Chief Engineer. 4o I as Chltsgo j MONTH I. T and expenses to travel. isnea Csaa dlatt inute samples and take orders, or on Co.. Chlcsgo.s MKN II er ever, want 1 railway m,;l rierkg. Mrnpi eTitTt-i'in ij-jevivon free, rrsnkjn Itistitot. DspU tl L, Rorheavev, X. T. "TfJlTARB PF3 IN 0t A RE HO-E- w nnl a position tnat fit rou. v CO- OPRKATI VK RKF". CO.. 7MM OITT NATIONAL RANK BTX. WANTED -Nsmes of smbltlcue men. 18 to 4fl, wishing to become Omaha mall earners. Commencg If7 month. Address Y 1W. Pee. KN for f.remn, brekemen. Sim roonihiy. Expertenc unnecessary. Railway, Y-1H. caie it . MAN of refinement. Ki to an, te rave for place, spre t roe, for good horn, ai nres p Bin, He. FCOMB detectives; wonderful opportu nities; experience, rninecesaary. Writ Wagner. 1M4 Ixlngton Ave., Mew York. Dept. at AGENTS AND CANVASSERS agent wanted In 'ery town; get a, trial ear. I , M, co. ro. nati. fa. AOENTS to travel by automobile to In troduce our 1M fast sailing popular priced household neceeeltle. The great est line oa earth. Mak ll a day easy. Complete outfit and automobile fur nished frea to workers. Writ today fnr eicluatv territory. American Product Co., 4l td sit, Cincinnati. O. LIQUOR, whiskies, cordial now msde i noma; marvelous flisnor err. Agent wanted quick; strictly legitimate. Ex clusive terrtlory being snapped up. Tremendous aeller, big repeater, profits enormous. It's great, ftart while It new. Writ quick. ' M. W. Pricket, Kale Mgr., till ad St., Cincinnati. O Bill Kanaa company will start ambitious peopia in last growing man oroar oust ness; any locality: make yearly Spare time; no canvassing; no experi ence ; we rurruan everytning; new, unlaua aelllng method free, l.reetone. Preeident, W. Tth, Pittsburgh, Kan. BELL, Wahclen. aboilahea rubbing; steam bubble blew out rtilnou fiber eating grit: leads everything; won gold medal In actual tests; only waahlng Ii i Deration using steam bubble prin ciple; bigger pro ft is; more value. Ham - pi and particulars free. wasnciean Co., 1 W Tth, Plttahurgh, Kan. ABTONlfHINO money maker, new orl- Rinai, rsecinaung pian introducing oma auppllas, factory to oonsumar. $io weekly, aary. writ for terms ana free good offer quickly. Rider Mfg. Co., Dept. 4A Ceshooton. P. AOWNT8 WANTblJ-WO per cent profit selling nsrful specialty, usea in no me, hotela, store and by auto owners; food repeat; sampl fro. Auburn Hpa- claltlea Co.. Dept. Mi, Auburn, N. T. AOHlMTEt make M la lit dsllV. OO eg' oerleno: free ratalogu ana sam pie; new goods; aulak seJeei big profit; worlds beat. Cruver Co., Jackson Campbell, Chicago, III. MEN end women mnk per sent profit Minns' fnr en e foe mr large ciom- bound fsmlly rtwtllcsl book of ever I.ttiO pages; this great book Is Illustrated with colored lithographs and contains chapters en the marrlag question, sex relation, children, babte, hygiene and all disease; first appltrenta gel exclu sive territory. Address I'ostoftlcs, Drawer It, Buffalo. N. Y. fcUN RAY-DIATOR room healer; no fuel cost; nsw tremendous seller; every horns buy on sight at Po: oil profit; act ouleki details free. Whlla Mfg. Co., Dept. 8-11. Cincinnati." XCT QClCrtiAulcmobll gasoline going up, sen aA80TONlu; equals gasoima at to a gullon; eliinlnstes carbon; dollar sn hour profit; aales g"a an. red Wb i Mfg. Co.. Dept. 10. Cincinnati, O. HSxiCAN DIAMONDS, exactly resem- bl genuine; seine rainbow rir. tana teat; sell at siht; llv egsnts wanted; prtflts $.4 weekly nd up; writ quick for sample oaee offer (re. Mealoan Diamond Importing Co., Bos $. La Cruoes. N. w. IT FOR your neml liu days, spot cash; new money making invention lor scents, general agent, managers; re cently Invented; 1.000,000 already sold; mora salesmen wanted t once; a ma sing Automatkt Compressed Air Washing Machine; washes tub of clothes In mix minutes; no cranks to turn or levers to pusli; no rubbing; work Ilk magic: price inly tl.0 makes sal at every none; per cent profit; L Pal mer. G!n Allen, Ala., put out on trial lu machines, sold W; profit $101; write today. Wendell Co., lit Oak. bt., Leip sic, O." HUSTLERS with rl to Introduce our guaranteed he fattening, Nebraska ter ritory; rry rrm er nuys: to ti.ri front on every seie; saciueiv territory te right party; can lire active farmer. With full particular address Manager, 1J No. Ivth, Mnceln. Neh. AO It NTS WANTKD Mr. Swales made $IT.l Saturday. Jan. I. at Brooklyn, la.; you may beat his record; no Invew'menl required; tested sale plan avoid ho' se to-hous work and provides astonishing earn lnas fnr workers; exclusive , terri tory for hustlers; write today. Sher, lock Agency, 4a) riynn Block, Dts Mnlne. lows. lOKNTS lrge mnufotuir wants rv liable men, women, to eell gttat autelid hoelery, underwear, shirts, direct to homes; write for free sample. Madi son Wills, iw! Rreedwsy, New Tork. XGKNT8Ko"nieTTeutflBflt; f iwe sain" plea gold sign letter for store and of fice windows; anyone can put on. M)- iallie Letter Co., 41 N. Clerk, Chleago. tVERT HOU8FHOI D ON FARM In small town er suburbs, where nil lampa are used, needs snd will b iy the won derful Alsdd'a mantle lamp, burns m unen ooal oil (kereaenel; give a light five time as hilgnt as electric, awarded gold mdl at Hun Francisco expostilon; one farmer cleared w in six weeks: hundreda with tigs earning $Ki0 to PO per month: no Cask re quired; w furnUh capital to reliable men: write quick for whnleeal priie. terrltorv and sample lame for free trial. Mantl L-ino Co., 4 Aladdin Bldg. Chios.. III. AG-VTSFr- sample and patliciilaia. lelbrs Nprk Wsshtng tablets; wash elnthe wtthaajt rubbing: guaran teed pot to Injur the finest fsbilcl no actda. Km er csuatics: tnnufao 'ired and old bv Naptha Washing Tahlet Co.. 114 8. learbrn, Chicago, 111 AQKNTF I've a nw oai gante that a dandy; new stuff - too ir cent profits, ssmpl and full lavout free; writ quick. Itcasslsn Co., Ikept. 2. 8u it. Mo. HURRY, hurry, live agenta. get this big winner, abeolntely eells on sUht. tig profit, repeats, unlimited field, particulars free. J. Ltndgren Co., Bo Ki. Williams. Minn STOP! READ THIS. Agents positively setting rich selling marvelous new esitt-eteam. antt-froet preparation (or windows, piirr or, sye g!e. ete.; ei ry store, offlc. hmtt snd Individual wants It; enormous prof ft s Z. Nutter, M Rand-MuNally Bldg.. f'h'cer WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE Vew Model Vacuum Sweeper. T"VU t? lb. Manufacturer. w. Monroe, Ct i. ago BUSINESS CHANCES YOUNG MAN. hustler, cnpnhie f hand- tsa tkld I 4 a av a 111 r a v ST at Is Sti 1 1 a " - , ecrlptions for standard -isgaslnea. Kaay ': J profit Bale. Dept. r- ton Irculatlng Co., Inc., I hlladel- tinla Pa AGENTS Our new household article is needed In every horn. rOeat labor sav er for housrwife. Particular free. Wrlta A. I,. Harney fpeclalty Co.. Na toma, Kan.4 aoi - :nt mh bfi mr pent profit selling Novelty Klgn Cards." MerchanU buy 10 to 1) on sight. WO aritl-. tata legue frea. Kulllvan Co.. 12J4 W. Van Huren 8t.. Cliloego. III. AOKNTH Resident-coilcitota asoted. both aies. to look nffr our Interests In I his vicinity. Permanent empio- ", "" . tl. Z 1. lt no nPMctlon "' A " J'nt w- Ppt ment, goon income. -, nu ir '"'"-. e. n ( 1 T r- mm fft. I"- dianapolls, Ind . "wip-nrw con- stsnt repeater. 2'" P'-r cent proitt. rr- sample Pnlledcltihla, Pa. - - . , , , i u. pa y - monimy wir? - u rig aiid pene. to lntr'1'p.K"pirr"il,e teed poultry and stock po,l.T. T-lelef Co X WK Porlnyfleld. Ill " ... - - HELP WANTED-FEMALE tore and Office. Built a lUtle over x yeer, brick vene-r and stucco, everything complete. In tht beautiful Mercer park neighborhood. Becauas of change In plans of owner, will be sold st cost. Two blocks from cathedral, block from two car lines. Priced for a time at $11,000. Oct partlc j Isr end let me show you this fine pltice. OEOHOH O. WALLACE, 14 Keollne BldK. WIN a Remington., Monarch or Hmlth Premier typearller. free. Knter Rem ington accuracy speed content, January 20. Particulars for the asking. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER (X)., , . 18TH AND D0UOLA8. BOOKKEKPLR, A-l only ..K5 Stcno., law work Comptometer operator, temporary. Steno., clerk ' Office clerk, good writer Htenn.. anlendld future .. Ml .. 45 .. 40 40 WUSTKRN REF. V BOND ASSN., INC.. 7r2 Omaha Nat. Bang niag.- SWNOVIRAPHKU $ COM PTOM FTTIiiR OPK $ 8ALK.8LADY, CITY. ...BAJbAllY COM. 8TKNO. AND CLKHK $4$ WATTfl RKF. CO., m--p Brand. Tnea BTKNO., Insurance experience, e. Hteno. and bookkeeper, lignt wore, splendid place, room end board and $Jt). eo-OPF.RATIVK BEFBRKNCB CO., 101S-18 City Nat. Bunk.' r STENO. (out town) $ STENOGRAPH ICR ' COMPTOMETBR Or-r fill TUG CANO AOENCY, WX) HKH rlllru.' BTKNO. OI!T OF TOWN) $1i. C1KKK, (UOOU fWINBlAiyi aw.mi TIIH CANO AffKNCY, 00 BBR BLDO. PTOfesaloaa mm Traae. "Bl9 NORTH 34THTREW 7-Rooms, modem. Built In IMS. First floor finished In oak. Lot 60k 1 Hi. Thla house was built by Carlson A. Anderson, contreitora, Mr. Carlson now occupies th house s a home. Ask anybody In Omaha who knows th various contractor, wliat class of house Anderson A Carlson build. Prtu only $4,". ' . A. P. TUKEY & RON, Doug. SfXt, IWI-4 W. O, W, Blq ACCOMPANIST wajted"for vocalist ' by th hour. Phone llarn y t47, ask for Mrs, Dnmvllle. o 01 RL to learn halrdreaslng. Oppenhelm j'anors, .ts .:ny rat. aleewo e golleltor. LAD1K8 You can ear money and enjoy work aelllng our line of fancy and staple wash fabrics among friends and . neighbors; no money required; refer ence necessary; our agents snthusl sstlo over our beautiful line and re sults. (Send Immediately for particu lars. Secure your territory before It's taken. Old Colony Textile Co., 02 (D) Broadway, Now York City. WANTED Lady agents: 100 per cent profit selling our brand new sanlxtiy drswers; every lady will buy; first tlma -offered by siren 1st not solit In stores; send postal for particulars. The Mosa Co.. 41 Moss JBIdg.. Koohter,N'. Y. LiADIEA Make shields at home: 110 per 100; no canvassing required; se'd ad dressed envelop for paxUculara. Eureka Co., Iept Kalameioo. Mch. EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS TO TAKE ORDBfis FOR PKITCH: PERMA NENT WORK; STRAIGHT SALARY AND CAR FARE. APPLY KAT. R. T VR. FLATIRON HOTEL. Uli "WEKK, expenses advanced; women to travel and appoint Fenta for con centrated food IlAvora In tubes. Itell abl Mlg. CO.. 166 Como Bldg., Chi cago. lfaehold mm bonaesllc.. THE Benrant Girl Problem t-olved. The Be will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th desired results. This applies to resident of Omaha. , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee , of i Ice or lelopuuit Tyler 1000. V AN T E D Good . olean Swedish or Bo hemian maid to assist with Keneral housework; need not be entirely ex perienced. Harney 8-iO. 3314 Seward Ht. WANTED Nat, reliable German or Bo hemian girl to assist with houseworks would consider hltfa school or college girl. HBJ'8- ' WANTED Competent girl to assist with housework and $-year-old baby. Good home to right party tod good wages, ' Harney 8ms. ' , , "WA NT ED School girl ' to assist, with house worg for room and board; must be 16 years of age or over. Call Wei. 6. Vi'ANTKI-Kelinile white girl lo asaist with housework; Swedish or Danish preferred Wei. luio. V'1.1 Cuming Ht. WANTED -Girl for general housework; good wag, good home; t In family. ttVi Underwood Ave. VI ml. $421. W"NT:t.Kd white gti'l for tieneial housework. Smnll family. No rookins, 3168.1 8t liar. 4U'l. WANTED-Whit girl for general houeework; small family, no children. 46 Hariwr.llar.661 WANTED First -class colored cook; must be competent and experienced; family of two; no washing;.' wages. $.1 l'r week. Apply Union Outfltlinw Co., lt'th and Jgrks.m. Ask for Mr. Hall. GIRL for general housework: family vt three; good wages paid. Mrs. 11. N. Wood, 10u4 Georgia Ave. WANTED White girl for general house work: no cooking; small family, lilt 8. S2d St. Harney 4M1. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework, Mrs. P. J. Dwyer, i7 N. th St. Har. 20 WANTED Good whTlte girl to asalat with general housework. No cooking, no ahlng. Tyler ll(i-W. WANTE1 - Girl to iiasist with house aerk and car of small child, i'lton Harney TVS. GOOD girl to assist In general houee work: won't objoci to farm Kirt 2.u$ r rwrikl'ii. WAN1 A midJIe-aged woman to las car of the Neavo W .inaus Chitsilsit lionie. Cell Webster WANTET Olrl for general housework. small family. I led 47o. 711 N. 2uth St. WANTED Mldll-ai: (I laiy "f.."r liouae keeimr; Getinan prefrret. Tel. D. km WANTI-m At once, compeleut cook. Bo. $Jd Ave. Harney tl. lol GIRL for general housework; no washlrg Phon Harney 8U. WANTFt Girl for general housework. Call Walnut r Mlae11aaew- $. TO $n per month extra money ta employed women and men without In tel taring wltn regular wore; no exiling. no (mnvasslng; poeiuveiy no. liivrat ment; unemj'ioyed need r.ot apply, icei 111 HELP WANTED-FEMALE Vol"N' women coming to Omaha as strangers sre invited to visit the Touna Womep's Christian Association building st Bt. Msry s Ave. and rTth Bt.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Iok for our traveler' pulde at I'nlon station. A RARE opportunity; comfortable liv ing; home sawing; plain cloth aaama) any sewing machine; steady; no can vassing; no trlflers wanted; aamplea loe; returned If not satisfactory- Home Pow ers' Co.. Jobber Hewlnu. Pehoboth. Dal. MAKH money knitting hosiery for us. I neat mncmne inrnlslieri c aner plan; Sanson now on. Write) today. Uleason, Mid-City Sal-a Corporation, MadU sun, Chicago. WAA'TKU Persons to color art pictures at home; easy work; no experience aood imvr aamnl fr.. Co . . - - - ' '.M .Madiaon. Chicago, WANTKD (liii of li wants companion. Write Miss R. Penman. Itt'lgrnrte, Neb. KAKN e"i0 weekly, spare time, writing for newspaper, matelne. V.xp. tin ncceKaary; dntail free. Press Syndicate, Hi, Kt. louls. Mo. LADiKS mske shields at home. $10 for 1'fl; work s-nt prerld. No canvassing, lvanhco Mfg. Co., t. Louis, Mo. EDUCATIONAL GET BOTLES GREAT OFFER FOR THE MID-WINTER TERM Just send me your name and I'll give you by return mall tho greatest, most attractive offer ever made by a repu table business training; Institution. It's a combination pierttlum-snd-cash-rebats . f for that will both make you money end save you money. MID-WINTER TERM OPENS JAN UARY 3D, IN BOTH DAY AND NIGHT 6CH00U In 'Bookkeeping. Shorthand. StenotrPT-, 'To'irii Tyepwrltins. Telegraphy and Clvtl Service preparation. Write, tele phone or rail lor big 114-page catalogue nd last leaue of college Journal. EOYLES COLLEGE, H. B. B0YLE8, PRESIDENT, nth and Harney Hts. Tel. D. ISO. i Omaba. Nebraska. STARTS M0N., JAN.vl7TH . ) i U U 1 . Reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, English, Kngllsb for coming Am., ghort i..ii tvnewrltlna. bookkeeping. Five dsvs per week. $6 per month. Enroll for psrt or full time, for one or more sub jects, artcrnoona or nijni, or omn. Y. M. C. A. SCHOOLS, 17TH AND HARNBT BTfl. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COTTRSBL Vnr aale ' with good reasons for sell na a variety of course In a reliable Business Pchool. on of the leading bual- rtcss colleges or omati a. em oa eota very reasonable a way below retrular price. If you are considering taking course investigate mis at once, si no Fad Term begins soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL PTENOORA PH Y BOOKKB BPINO. ri Kehonl for Young Women. ICvenlug School for Young Men and Women. . ... i-'atutday m ornlng class in type wri ting. tnm r Tiiffv. Ovmer and Manager, MS 8. 18th St. Omaha. FOR sale, tha following scholarship is a first-class Omaha Business College! One unlimited combination, buein and horthand eours. tint unlimited stenographls eours. One three-months' business or steno- .....l,ln Anil... vv ill b sold at a discount at th off! of Th Omaha He. L1VRN to dane at th DeLux Danotnc Academy; classe Monday and Wednea day; 60c per lesson, or leason for $2; private lesson any Urn. Phon aktutlt 3030, or Doug. 6310. ENFIELD Boho'ol eours' in aredlt satano for sale cheap. Address P 601. Bee, PERSONAL , PII,F8, FtrrULA CTTKUn. r H Tarry cures pile, flatnl Tr. and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until oured. Writ for book or Trecta! disease, with teetiiuot-ala.-DR. E. B. TARUY. $40 Be Bldg. . YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers ar Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th t. and St Mary' Av., wher they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise ssslsted. .Look for our travelers' gulds at th Union Htatloti. TUB Salvation Army Industrial bona Helta your old clothing, furniture, m -s vines. We collect W distribute. Phon Douglas 4i and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new bom 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. BAN FRANCISCO INPTITTJT-. T 8outh Wth St, seeond floor. Hot tub baths, shower, genuine Swedish m -aage. chiropody, manicuring; gradual. Hours a. m. to W P- n- FOR RbNT-SlLVERWAR and LINEN for bsnoucts, parUe. elo.. In or out of city. hn. Fead. 711 -. 17th Bt Tyler . operation, call or write Dr. Wray Wstheny, 9m Mce nmg., t'mana. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkleh. baths for ladles and gentlemen I laoy attemlant for ladles; Swedish roses. 1019 Fsrnam St. Douglas 8487. FITSI cured my daughter by simple Olscovery; parucuisrs rrw. . epo. a. Island Ave., Milwaukee, tilt" Personal Misses Staples m Mason, bath. electric treatment, tipen s a. m. i b p. m. lxiug. 712. $u Brand! Th. VAPOR. TUB AND 8PRAT BATH Edna La Bell. 7u 8. 16U Bt. $d floor pt. n. 74. MISS WILSON, Baths. 102 Far nam St Room 2. pnotie Douglas 8751. M. HRUGMAN. Steam and ahower bath. Red 2727. Room anj, Karbach Bile RHEUMATISM treated ucoeesfully, re- aults guarant'd. Ir. Uowser, i4 He Hiag MRS. 8TFELF. Medicated beths. 1721 Dodge St. CO-Y mtnicuring parlor, bath. TS3 Fsrnsni. Apt 7. Doug. Tol. SCIENTIFIC massaga. KM Be Bid. I'hone I'ouglaa . MASSAGE Miss Wsbstsr, 618 I axtoa Blk, Dougiae TJCT. BATH-14 Haird Hlk., pth and Deugl-B. Wicti V EN' ETA, nuutsag aad alcohuX U So. lTtli Bt. FOR RENT ROOMS Faratskesi $ni ib. HOWARD, 2-U GENTLEMEN. If ye4 want a nice room, either alngta or double, with nlc aurroundlng. wtiat wehav. We serv good board. Mi llAliNKY FuriiW.ed ruoiii for r pectable epl who line a nlc. ol place; hot and cold water In room; alo pi-tval e lavatory. WARM, clean, front room, in flret-cla nvighbortiood; walking distance; 4-2 SWMtwood Av., sear SS11 Harn ey. a Tit ST . 18.a Om nine large fruot room; also east roum. latve enough tor le; rloee In sod well-heated. FOR RENT-ROOMS JbTH 8T, NO. Klegantly furnished modern rooms In private family, to re ft nedperce flerbosed. JON 8 ST., S434 Front room and board for two. in private family; gentlemen prafrrd walking dlatance. Doug. lf3. W E-?-Feram, on car Una, ttractl-e. warm room in home. Gentlemen. WaU TtkV FtTtNlSHFiD rooms with excellent board, suitable for two, also one small room, very reasonable. 11 S. tith Pt. $18T ft. 14 No. Nice, large front room In prlvst family for J; either for light tioneekeeplng or sleepln g; nice home. finTEL RAVFORU. MOTFL HARTTfTT! Irth and Fanuun. SOth and Farn am. bpeclal Rate lo Permanent Quests. 19TH ST-., lis So. NOT1CB the location, I blocks from business district: excel. lent home cooking. Douglas lOW. ELL furnished, comfortable, warm room, crtvate home, close In. rteaaon b' gentleman. Harney 1M. 2TH ST., 101 So. Nicely furnished. Urre suite ot rooms, wen neatea; walking distance. Phone Douglas (K)l. MTH St, 1 8 Flat . a.egantly furnished moms: su new rurnlture; strictly mod ern: for particular gentlemen. hsT. St. SU N.-Two nicely furnished rooms in privet family, , reasonable price: nlc borne. D. U fwo nlciely furnished rooms, all mod- ern, close in; private family, ror gen tlemew. Hsrney T14-1. . FtNB furnished rooms, clean and well neatea. it up. vin n. wtn. uoug. ihho. THE KELLOOa. Latest mod. Improvements. MA Hartley. FARNAM. 2ia Two nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, stesm. gss range. MCKLV furnished room, close la; all modern. B. na n TH BT.. 11 N. Mod, newly fur, rooms. Hoosekerplng Room. CLEAN AND COMFORTABLE. t room, bath, entire upstslrs resi dence; modern except heat, $10. $611 Corby. Web. 07M. itl ST.. lis N -New modern house; t rooms end closet, furnished for Ueht housekeeplng; private family:, reference required. Harney 57. BT. MARY'S AVE.. SfVfiA Two modern furnished south rooms; well-heated and a nice home. 19TH 8t 4 8. Two Isrge front rooms for two people; close In and nicely fur ntehed. AVENPORT. 18 TWO NICELY FURNIBHED HOUSEKEEPINO RMS. BRICK FLAT. $0TH ST.. 313 N. Suite of rooms, with bath: nicely furnished; also sleeping rooms. 1TH St., 402 No Two modern housekeep ing rooms; steam-heatel, gas furnished OT-'BIDE steam-heated apt., farn. for light hkpg.: $- wit.; 7102 CMcsg-i. T Vm. LOUGLAS, ri Two large suites, fur nlshed, complete. Douglas 8"41. $021 BT MARY'S Ave., modern house keeping room. . Betam and Room. l-RiTIHBD ro.imthat'effer every mod era convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of the hi ?h t class will be found In the Furntshsd Rooms column of Th Be. Phone Tyler loo. L w6 large, well furnished rooms: large closets: modern home; good board; in private family. Tyler 170. BTEAM-H KAT ED suit of rpoma; also on single room. Excellent board. 213 So. 26 th 8t Douglas 8188. 8. 10TH. 1214 Room and board; modern, near depots and wholesale d 1st riot Phone Douglas vrn Two modern, well heated room, well e.,-n board optional. Harney 1896. $436 FRANKLIN Block from 24th St. car line. Call Weh. 6207. Untarnished Rooms. STEAM-HEATED room for living Pur poses in dowtowu efflo building. Doug 3464. FOUR upstair rooms without heat, $18; partly modern. 124 8. $9tn Bt. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apart ent and Boa. CALIFORNIA 81 6-room furnished bous. Harney 4001. . A part eat. SPLF7NDID NEW FURNISHED APARTMENTS for rent in th NEW. TRAV1-BT0N FIRBPROOF 4TH AND LAN DON COURT Catering- to people of refined taste. Apartment Is completely equipped for housekeeping; up-to-date and comfort able, . TKAVER BROS., Tel. Pouc. 1168. 70S Omaha Nat Bk. ROOMU. 2717 Dewey Ave.:' oloee In. furnished complete excepting linens and silverware; NEW; $12 summer, $36 winter. HASTINGS v HEYDEN. 1614 Harney Bt FOR RENT-HOUSES Weet. BRICK HOU8B. No. 8B1S Farnam St.. 6 rooms snd sleeping porch. In the heart of Omaha's moat exclusive district; rent only $40. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., IK Farnam 8t. Tel. Doug. 104 FOR RENT. 8681 Harney St.. mod. 10-room briok house. Hot water heat. Inqulr T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1004; P 131. ROOMS, hot water heat. $40. O'KEEFE KtAU lyMlATE CO. 1016 Omaha Nat Bank. Doug. J716 2817 CALIFORNIA Fin 8-r. hous with nice large lawn, call jr. a canrorn la. Hwrth. FIVE-ROOII ALL MODERN COTTAGE FOR RENT per month. This is two blocks from car line and half block from school. f For further description, telephone WaU 663 todar. Call Doug. 29. week days. FINE brick residence, 119 N. 40th St-, $46. t nlc rma.. m floor, wi cumtng n, . K rma . anod renalr. ill Decatur St 8lA JOHN wT KOBH1N8, 13 FARNAM BT Up-to-date 6-r. bungalow; $80. Web. 183. FIVE-ROOM, modern cottage: two lots; fruit and cblcksn nouses; x unison Ave. ; $23 80. On house lot from car. Colfax SO NEW, 7-room. modem houee, $317 8 word. Phon Harney 4743. 3u Lincoln Blvd. 11-room houee, strictly modern, with hot water boat Prk $f0. Iouglas 1818. th. IFHEB RENT TO FEB. t well airanged for ran Una" rooms; do in. $40. 114 8. XKh St, 7-r. all mod. boui la the very best repair; easy walk Ina; distance. $. HAeH BROS. DOUG. MM. 6-ROOM boiu in Hauecoia Park Dlslriut, lit Georgia Av.. with garag; niuol decorated, excellent condition; $J& HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 114 Harney 8t. FOR BENT Beautiful new. mod t-roora cottage. M wool worts Ave. 1 1 a flVE-ROOU houee; modern except fur. usee, wi a. Mtn Ave- ur. Km. T-ROOM modal- boum, S8 0. 17th 8t Ha ir I'A toli ts over. -ROOM eottag and flv lot. Weet Leav. n worth, en tar line; elegant location for gardening or crilckena, goad eul- m ut, 14 per n.on'U. FlheT THl ST COMPANY. Deugiaa 11M. ' lth St. -F0R flENTTHOUES FtJVP.'ROOM cottage, Wool worth Ave., $10; half block from car; wood for fuel If cut I'ouglaa .v.l. SOITH OMAHA realocnce, 4 rooms, city water, electric lighted, small stable, good neighborhood, nesr Corrlgan school; 391? T Bt. t per month. 8. A. Pcarlea, owner. Phone O. W) or H. lSiS Mleeellaweea. Peters Trust Company. Modern Honses S ROOMS WEST FARNAM, 8304 Dav enport St,, good mod. home. ROOMS 2116 Cstifomla 8t l6.on ROOMS $7o Parker St. (colored). 30.00 I ROOMS 1143 Park Ave JO.OO 7 ROOM8 ? Emmet 8t l.0i) MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5 ROOMS Shelby Court, close In.. $15. 00 ROOMS .S10 ffwart) Bt 10 00 6 ROOMS ."IIS Leavenworth St.... 16.00 4 ROOMS SI J N. 2Mh Pt HI. 00 4 ROOMS j01 8. 2Sth St 6.00 8 ROOMS 2P1 N. 31st St .00 Peters Trust Company, VK Farna St. , Douglas 898. HOUSES STRlCTLt MODERN. 3R0S. 8. Mary's Ave., 'e-r . $l.00. 2418 Ellson Ave., 6-r., $33.50. 2730 B St.. South Wde. 7-r.. $25. 40 N. JSHh. 8-r., $?7.M. Mon. W-r., $10.00 HHfo California. T-r $aooo. 1K Park Av.. 7-r., $31.60. 4K17 Webster. 6-r., garage. $-'5.00. 2117 Wirt. -r.. garage. $40.00. m 8. 2th Pt.. 8-r.. $40.00. . 11 8. Stith, 6-r.. $4S.00. HOUSES PARTLY MODERN. ' 207 Seward. 6-r.. $13.50. 2427 Para togs, 5-r.. $15.00. 3114 Miami. 8-r., $ 2S08 Charles, -r.. $18.00. . FATS MOD. AND PARTLY MODERN. :fi3 Leavenworth, 6-r., $12.50. 3ai Cass, S-r., $20.00. 14R6 S. 16th., 6-r.. $J0.00. Oet complete list et our office. ARM STRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1MB-. Keellne Bldg Rkfc) RENT TO FEB. ISt. 4031 Charleo, t-r., modern, $25.,'. $417 Capitol Av.. 7-r.. mod. ex heat. $. 25,13 Spencer. -r., part modern. $21. S10 8. 26th Ave.. 6-r., part modern. $15. 211 8. 27th St., 6-r.. part modern, $16. 2128 N. 20th St., 6-r.. part modem. 111. 16:. N. 29th St., 4-r., part modern, $10. 1H17 N. 2lst Bt,, 6-r., part modern. $15. 4534 N. 4')th SC. 6-r.. city water, $11. W s. 8th St., 6-r., city water, $7.A 3J(K Ms pie, 4-r., city water. $7.u0. 4(110 Parker. 6-r., well, $0. 3015 N. 2th Hit., 6-r.. well, $10. 3:W3 Emmet, o-r., well. $. 3728 Lake. 4-r.. well, $6. CREIGH, SONS A COMPANY, Douglas art. 608 Hoe BMc 3 rooms, 1821 N. 17U St., modern exoept heat $12. $" 5 rooms, 112 Cass St., part mod.. 20. UO 7 rooms, 211 N. 41st, new and mod. 4.00 7 rooms, 13H6 8. 2Sth St., modern.. 30.00 7 rooms, 938 N. 2Hlh St., modern, hot water beat 25.00 7 rooms, 1320 N. 40th St., modern.. . 7 rooms. 1619 S. 2Xth St., modern.. 20.00 8 rooms. 1432 Sherwood Ave., mod. 26.0, 8 rooms, 1411 N. I7th St, modern- 26.Cv 10 rooms. 2414 Cass St., modern... 40.00 10 rooms, 1029 8. 30th At., mod... S6.00 7 rooms, 2il7 D St., So. Omaha. modern 27. 0 8 rooms. 2404 N St., Po. Omaha... 16.00 BENSON li MYERS CO., 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 746 FOR RENT. 3328 Cass St., 6-r., all mod. house. K&, 1122 8. 32d 8t.. 6-r., all mod. house, $ 5. 24 Spencer, 6-r., all mod. house, $32.S0. 620 N. 41st, G-r. all mod. house, $.60. J21 Capitol Av.. 8-r. all mod. house, $-5. 1M3 N. 31st St-, 4-r. part mod. house. $13. 2018 Grace St., 6-r. part mod. house. tl 2023 Howard. 8-r. part mod. house, $16.60. FLAT. 1921 Leavenworth, 2d floor, 5-r,. part mod., $17.60. FOR COLORED. 957 N. J7th St., 6-r. part mod. house, $18. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO.. 200 First Nat Bank Bttlg. Doug. 723 $73816 Fort 8t, 3-r., well, cave. tl 3038 Caste liar St., 3 rm. $121664 No. 16th Ht., t-r., mod. ex. ht $188613 Jones St., 6-r., mod. ex. ht. I'J0-2M Franklin St, 6-r., all mod. $254107 lAtayette Ave., 6-r., all mod. $:& 6.H3 Florence Blvd., 6-r.. all mod. $ 25U Sherman Ave., 6-r., all mod. $26 8202 Lincoln Blvd.. 6-r.. al mod. $: H40& Center St. 6-r. and garage. $304124 No. 19th, 6-r. bungalow. Will pay part of moving expenses. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 697 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Douir. 1781 1702 N. !th St., 6-r. cottage, $lt. 2 8. 16th Ave., 6-r. house. $S0. 2028 .Locust St, 7-r. cottage. $18. 1766 Leavenworth St., 6-r. flat. $20. CLOSEMN APARTMENT. The Sterling, 19th and St Miry's-Ave., strictly modern, 8-r. apsj-tment quiet location. See Janitor or phon Doug las 1161. FIRST TRUST CO., 303 8. Wth St. 661 8. 25th Ave., i-r., let floor, $11.00. 944 N. JSStU Ave. (c), 4-r.. $12.00. &4 S. 25th Ave.. 4-r.,-1st floor. $11.00. 821 N. 20th, 6-r., $20.00. 4.4 8. 24th St. 6-r., $30.00. 432 8. 24th, 6-r., $30.00. 1121 N. ISth, 6-r., $15.00. lw7 Burdette. 7-r.. 1st floor, $23.00. .tl) Mason, 7-r., $36.00. 117 8- 2oth Ave., 8-r.: $46.00. THE BYRON REBD CO.. 213 8. lith St. Omaha. Neb. l. 297. HOUSES APARTMENTS FLATS $10.0O-4-r., 2614 N. 16th.. mod. ex. heat. $m.uh -r.. 8H Ohia, partly modern. $20.(i0 6-r., 224 Ruggles, modem. $36.006110 Cass, Dundee; modern. $40.00: 7-r., 4i07 Underwood Ave., mod. $i.(A 8-r., 3J-"6 Harney, mod.. 1st class. $42.60 4-r.. apt, "The Harold, 27th and Jackson. $45.00 7-r., 618 8. 16th. mod., steam heat. $60.00 7-r., 212 8. 87th, modem, hot water heat, garage. $76.00--r., Ski Farnam, extra fin. GEORGE ft COMPANY, Tel. t 766. Clly Nat. Bk. Bldg 3036 SOUTH liith, 6-r. Cot. part mod., $9. -26 " Irt s-r., cot. mod. ex. beat. $16. 2004 N. 27th, 10-r.. all mod. house, $27.50. RA6P BROS. DOUG. 1663. Hi 8. 2lh St, 9 rm.. reduced to A.u for winter months, sll modern. . 8. $Kth St.. 6 rim, mod. ex. heat. l?0. 2321 8. 16th (for colored), 6 run., partly modern. $ NATHAN BOMBERG, 42S Bee Bids. Itoug. 633. 830 8. 20th St., 8 rmu.. all mod., $3J 00. 619 N. 19th St, rma., all mod., , 6vi 8. 86th St.. T rma., sll mod., $32.60. 24i2 (. lcgo St., 6 nils., mud. ex. ht, Wm. 2:i N. 2lU St, 6 rma., mod. ex. bt. $16. 2j68 Sahier St., 6 rma., iwrt mod., $18.00. BIRKETT m COMPANY. 428 Bee Bldg.. Doug. 633. IT- Q.fiCre!gh Sons Co.. Be Bldg. . )n a partI 0t tn city. SEE th Central Furniture Store s FRie RENTAL I-1ST BEAUTUTUL 6-room buugaiow, $j0. WeU 1339. . HA RVS 1'I4 Per-. rear Po'lg. 2"89. ri DoukIrs. u.oucrti. 8 rooms. $2. TO. 1135 South 81st, modern, 8 rooms, $3).00. 208 South 4'st modern, 7 rooms, $22.60. JOHN N. KRENZER. DOUGLAS 6"4. 6-R., city w., elec. It, gas. for culoied. reduced to $12; also 3 ami a-r nouses plenty ground. $4 and $5 now. Douglas zim, evenings wai. asi - 831100 6-r.. 16i8 N. 20th St.. Bt. Louis flat lirr.w -r., m po. jhii m, g0o-6-r.. 1316 Pacific St. n. A. nuur, 611 Ware Blk. Doug. 8068. FOR RENT-AKTS AND FLATS West. THB DEWEY $301 DEWKY AVE. NEW ONLY TWO 1CFT. 8 rooms with 6-room aoeommodaUon; strictly modern and up-to-date; has two built-in beds; latest lighting fixtures; excellent location; nicy aetwratad; In' dividual ; $30 to $40. HASTINGS A H BY DEN, 1614 Harney.e TROY. 0 HARNEY 8T. One front boated apartment 4 room, beet of Janitor eerv tee. every up-to-dat Improve ment to only amaJI lamtly; un der Usee. Call Is 1 tor, Harney J. TH08. W. HAZEN. 207 MoCague ldg FF1CE, 2d floor, IM Harney. Office, id floor. if"t Hsrney. , O C. RED1CIC, AttMf, Telephone Douglas 1I ' FOR RENT-HOUSES ST. GEOROH APTS. 113 N. 3KT AVE. Five-room apartment. One ct th. choicest In the city for the money. $45 per month. This Is strictly hlg'i grade and Is within walking distance. Wert Ferns m District. ARM STRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1536. Keeling. Pldg 3 ROOMS. I .oca ted at XT 17 Dewey; new. hss built-in bed; gcod light rooms: close In; no carfare; $;n.60 summer; $Ji.S0 winter. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1S14 Harney t-R., Harney, NEW, excellent loca- tion: has sun parlor, built-in bed; $87.50 summer, $42.50 winter:, sublease. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 114 Harney pt FOR RENT-STORES. 120 North 15th St., storeroom. FELL & PINKKRTON CO.. 5 Keeline Bldtf. APARTMENTS. 4-r., Alsatlsn, 115 8. 85th St.. $.-". 4-r., Flo-Lea. 3th A Capitol Are., JJ5-840. PETERS TRUST CO DOUG. W VERY choice 4 or B-room steam-heated ansrtment on West Fnrium Kt. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1X03 FARNAM PT. MODERN 7-r. apartment. Including beau tiful east sun room. In west Fsrnam district, for rent. Harney 1399. o south. FLATS. 3118 Iavenworth St., mod. ex. ht, $1. 6-r., Shelby Ct., close nn, md. ex. hi., $1 -. 6-r., 16'2 imh. 2d fl.. mod. ex ht.. $ii. 3-r., 720 So. 2th nerir Loavenworth, $13. PETERS TRUST CO.. 12S Farnnm St. Doufrlas FLATS FOR RENT. 6-room, steam-heated flat, 813 S. 13th St., $. FELL PIXKERTON CO.. Keeline Bldg. FIVE-ROOM a learn heated apartment, very desirable, the Chula Vista, SOth and Poppleton Ave., (43.60. R2J Bran-, dels Theater Bldg. Doug. 1671. C1XJSE-IN APARTMENTS FOR REV X $46.00 7-r., M6 8. ISth St. $4o.0l 7-r.. 618 S. IMh St. Modern, steam heat, janitor service. 43KOKOW ft COMPANY. Tel. D. 756. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bld. 803 N. 17TH 6-r. all mod. apartment- heat and water furnished, walking distance, $36.50. . RASP BROS DOUG. 153. WOODLAND, 3J8T AND DEIWEY. 6-room spsrtment. Harney ling. North. 6 AND 7 rooms, 3117 N. 16th; heal, water and Janitor service all furnished for Kb summer. $32.60 winter. Douglas lftfm. Miscellaneous. FLATS 821-23 S. lth, :o r., gas. double house, $.M). 116 Chicago, St., 10-r., modern, toO. 2520 Patrick Ave., 6-r., modern. $2i. SO. 1717 Park Ave., 8-r., modern, $26. JU Miami St., 4-r., mod. ex. lur.. $15. 1214 8. 17ih St., 6-r city water. $11.6". 621 8. 20th St.. 4-r., mod. ex. lur., $12. DETACHED HOUSES 1S9 N. 82d Av., 8-r., modem. $30. 3tt2 8. 26th St, 0-r., modern, $14. 1118 8. 30th Ave., 8-r., modern. $35. 1114 8. 2W.H Bt, 9-r., modern, $30. 2210 N. lth St, 6-r., modern, $.'7.60. 1111 8. Jiith 8t, 7-r., modern, i0. 14 N. 2ith St, 6-r., modern. $30. 813 8. 19th St, 6-r., toilet, $18. 8108 Marcy St, 7-r., mod. ex. fur.. $18 8418 N. 17th St, 6-r.. city water, $IR. 2630 Seward t, 6-r., city water. $i. StihO Parker Bt, 6-r., modern, $16. 8.U7 Dewey Ave., 6-r., city water, $18.oO. 2619 Corby St., 6-r., city water, 6,2.60. $413 Lake St, 8-r.. well. eleo. light. $4.5X GARVIN BROS., $45 Omaha National Bank Bldg WARM, COZY APARTMENT Fin apartment of four rooms anu bath, nicely decorated; oak finish, steam heat, Janitor eervio. Everything first-class. Sea It and you will tak it SCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas 1909. ROOMING HOUSE. W have a dandy location for a room ing bouse. Can give you 11 or 32 rooms. This place will make money for you. Will make a long lease. For rental and address, call CREIGH,. SONS ft COM PA NT. Douglas 3410. 608 Be Bldg. THE for rent advertisements appealing in th For Rent column of The Be dolly cannot be beat for variety that will pleas and fill th needs ot any one desiring to rent Phon Trior 1600. CLOSE-IN apartments, 8-r., n od but hat. Nice location, us. JL. . suck Co., 13 Omaha Nat. D. 6226. BT. CI-ARE, 24th and Harney, 4-room apartment Call Harney 647. $ 4-r. cottape. 201S N. 36th Kt. $14 6-r, cottage at 3304 Franklin. $16-6-r. house; bath; 2424 Larimer Ave. $la o-r. coliatta, suo &. 30-R-r. cottaise. 836 8. 20th. $20 Nlve 6-room cottage; bath and elec trio light 1412 Evans. $30 A good 8-r. modem house, oak fin lh; good as new and up-to-aata. S0U Miami. W. H. GATES, v 647 Omaha Nst. Bsnk Bldg. D. 194 MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ships, 8-borse van and 3 men, $1.26 per hour; storage. 2 per month. Satisfaction guaraatped. FIDELITY nVnvlck FKB'j. Phone Douglas 388 for complete list et vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. 219 N. Uth Bt. Tel. DuugUs 3M or Uarner 122' FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate, locked rooms, for house hold goods and pianos: moving, packing oSOTvfcf AND STORAGE CO.. t06 8 Wth 8t Pouglas 61". J. C. REED SSlngnd sura 1207 Farnam St. Douglas 4. MAGGAR1 Van 4b btoiage Co.: Moving packing, axoraa ana snipiu. s FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROPTY b lores. NiJW 8TOB-:-, 8411-13 LEAVENWORTH Growing location for general store or dry goods, clothing, millinery, hard ware, groceries and meats. Will make rent right for good tenante. , JOHN W. ROB BINS. 102 FAKNAsi'c i. 3:ii loavenworth, $17.60. 810 8. Uth St. $k 2219 Cuming. $27.m). 413 N St.. So. Omaha, $40. x4 Farnam St. $40. .....- ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. . Tyler 1036. KeelUia Bl-8 STORE, WEST FARNAM Oneap rent corner. 8 Rclcheabeig Broa., S3J City NaU Bldg. TeL D. 14)4. MOF.RN store near postoffU;lw reoL G. P. Stebblns. 110 Chicago. WANTED TO RENT yH SIR; weather bad for moving, neverthelea w need more bousM. Get Lour vacant property on our list Thos. ! McGarry. Koelin Bldg. Red 4344. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED WeU 8-RM. COTTAGE BARGAIN West Ferns . district; all modera. la fin condition, east front lot ea paved treat; close to Leavenworth street car; block to school and adjeoent to vl I bl property: lot If yen want a big bargain Tel. H Vino. 62 FEET $700 Twenlv-fiftti, near la nam I1AIMUSDN MOHTD.V. 1 s 1 f . i