to f Mo IEA CLEARING EWJSE Ymi Cam BUY, SELL w TOAPE AflMst Amy llwn TMimg "tod? the Smb55MEAP aid STOW WAMT-A! Oma UNDAY part nvx WANT-AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO FOUR. PART FIVE WANT-AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO FOUR. The Real Estate and Want -Ad Guide To All of Greater Omaha VOL. XLV NO. 31. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, .JANUARY 1G, 191(1 SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Bee HA WANT AD RATES. VANT Alls' rr the e.enlns Million must rnch The Uh Ultu. nafore 11 e'ciuek iom. WANT APS fnr the rooming an bandar tiMlone uiu.t mill The Be Uttlue iKioie T.4i a. m. ""WANT ADR rctT1 after theae nmirs will mak Ural appearance under 'In La: to classif." CASHRATES. One time, t cents ft wort. Two or mora consecutive tlmea, 1(4 cents ft word. eah Insertion. STn ron.ecv.Uve times, 1 cent ft word, esxa Insertion. CHARGE B.VTES. On time, II cent ft line. Thm ronucuUv. timet. 10 cents II lift, eaeh Insertion. Seven conaecutlY limes, 8 sent line, each -tnrtna. TMrte pnnwutlTft time. 1 cents line, eftcb luseritoa. ' Onnt six srerase worrfa to the line. No dverlleeimnt takau frr Imi than M vent. NOTICES. ,. Cards of Th.nke, neatri. Kaneral end Trise Notice. 11 cot line Often tuaurttau. Mmi mam charge. 69 cents. Purtlrft aifvertl.lns In thee columns and barlTift their sn.irara addressed In ojro of The Bee will ploaw auk fur cards to enable io set their lattornr- a Bona will oa delivered except on vreaentatloa of cards. An aiTertliiemen Inierted to be run until discontinued mukt ba stopped by wrtttaa order. The Heo will not be reponalhle for mora than the flret Incorrect Inaartloo of aaj ad vert iMAient. The See reserve, the rlht to re I act or re write all Advertisement. Too ran place your want id In The Bee br teleuheno. TELEPHONE TYLER 1,000. DEATHS AND FtMSnAI. NOTICES HACK Charles H.. aned 61 years, at hla lnte residence. 1721 South Tenth street. Died Thursday night, January 14. He v an a member of t e Masonic order and also belonged to the Royal Arcanum, a ad was a veteran Union Pac.flc rail road employe. Funeral Sunday at 2 o'clock from the Masonic temple, Sixteenth and Capitol txriue. Frlrnds Inv Ited. Interment West Uwn cemetery. VOniNEL.Lt Alhinlo, aged 64 year, tie In survived beside hi widow by one daughter, Jim. P. Procup4o of 806 South Twentieth, and four sons Henrjr, John, Tony and Joseph. Funeral Sunday afternoon from resi dence, 57 South Twenty-first street, at 1:30 to St. Philomena'a church. Interment, Holy Sepulchre cemetery. MA I ER Frank, aged 19. January 13,' 1918. Funeral from family residence, 8002 South Twenty-first, Monday, 8:20 a, m. to St. Joseph's church at 9 a. m. In terment, Laurel Hill cemetery. Mem I cm of German-American camp. No. !. Woodmen of the World, are re quested to attend. H. Jensen, clerk. MORTON Marie, oged 32 years. 'Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morton. Funoral services from Cole-McKay Co.'s Jurlors. lntermeiit at Spirit Lake, la. Ready Reference Directory ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWOKAK. C. P. A 433-4S7 Rnmge Bldg. Tel. Poug. 708. AUVI.IIIOIM' V lit, llli. V. F. !hs'or Co.. lJth-Farnam. P. 7474.' , . 1 ARCHITECTS. Feret S Podd. Ml farton Blk. P. MM. C. T Dickinson. Mll-jlon Blk. P. 1804. . l.c 1 AoAei.txAas. WOW R W5. J Pk .i A net on o. 111"-16' Wr.'.f. Iin-n isok N. lth. Web tT. WU4,, Asu H40A ruCMHlK. VHKion-MJtcheM Co. 27tn and Martha Str nfllTJli-nAtTlP flAL. AWU'MTI 1R liUriMOKN. lh and Farnam. Wead bids. D. M47; Palmer school graduate. Pr J C. Lawrence. I Talrd Bldj. D. 8M1. PR W U. KNOLI.ENBB-RQ. Suits 312. !,, plrlK. Tel. JVyjerligi llllHUt'OUiaia. Carv'o J1JinZllLLl' lk-' 2?? CARFii i kU it AND iiM RtToti Uwsard S". 19 1 Cupitol Ave. T. lKI. C. W TTok-inpnTiu Lvnwtty Tvl. ?I9-J. (UOSTCMI1S. TIU'ATRTOAL Browns, mil dress ftulta, for rem. -.'.'Si N. Tub S' l.'hn Feldman. UAMI.M, jtCADIMIES. FA LL term oien atM7ckle Douj. 5440. PE LUXK ACAPRMT. Ill g. 18th St. liUKtiaHAklM- co IX tut. . ! pressmakinc. alterations, remodeling. 11, S. .Klh. Har. li!lu. Ask. lor Jliss Ataione. 'LAD1B- Jackets remodeled In the latest! style. Uil Farnam. Douglas 2s23. j Ke s sr s DresamaKlng Col. K2i City Nat. Terry Dressmak g colleg. ?Xh ft Farnam. UUSMI CLEAN KHS. STATE Pry Clng. Co.. 120 N. !2th. P. M72. ; DsSTKC'TI VES, ... ... ....... . rente secured in an cuac. lyier 11. i ' DE.'Tlsi. i Pr. Prsdbury. No pain. 913 W.O.W. B:dg. Pyorrhea. 'Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat- Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 15. Douglas P. H84 t DHCCS. pRl'GS'at cut pr ces; freipht paid en 810 oraers; catalogues free. Shertnsu A Mc Cunnul Drug Co.. Omaha Neb. , k:VEkY1iri.ti FOR W'OME.V. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bo pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and stylee; livmstilchiti.. ioint edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eelet cut work buttonholes, pennants, liexl Pleatints -'o . 20u Douglas block. touriaa ikk. ELECTHOLV SIS. y;oa Allen4er ?4 Bea Pldg. Red aft'S KLKl l llltAl, KkrAIHIu, CAHILK FLKCTRIO t'o.. Bee Bid. P. S87S " F I It N A t E S A N U T I N V t It k . llAWEllSTIIOH. 4j2 Hamilton. Wal. 37i DEATHS ASD FUNERAL NOTICES WILRURN Robert S.. aged 72 years. Funeral services from Colo-McKay Co.'s parlors, WIS Farnam street, Sunday at 3 p. m. Interment in West Lawn cemetery. FITMAN-Mrs. Annie, sited 4 years. Funeral services from Cnle-Mr-Kay Co.'a parlors. 2Wfl Famarn atreet- Mon day at 2 p. m. Interment In West Lawn cemetery." SULMVAK-Jerry. aged 3 years, at Parker street. Funeral from Heafey ft Heafey chapel Monday ninrnln. January 17, at 10 a. m. Burial Holy Sepulcher cemetery. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1H Farnam St. U. O0 L, HENLfERSON. isle Douflas. D. 11. Memner V lortsts t eiearapn awi. HF.SS AV SWOHODA. 1415 Farnam 6t. A. UONAGHUE. 16ji harncy. rwu. 1001. MOM MKSTS AD fUMETEBlES. WHT bury your dead in the cold ground in stormy weather when you can buy a tomb In a marble building- at . reason able price? Phone the MAUSOLbXM t.'O.. Douglas 2175. FRATERXAI. ORDERS. AT.L member, of Capitol lodge No. 3, A. F. A. M.. are asked to meet at the Ma sonic Temple on Sunday, January 16, at 1 p, m. to attend the funeral of our late brother. Charles 11. Mack. Harry II. Willa, Worshipful Master. BIRTHS A D DEATHS. Births Peter and Lulu Peterson. S119 LaTayette. boy, Le and Clara Askew, 46 Marcy, girl; CJustof and Emily Uahl back, 8322 Burt, girl; Peter and Alice Kani, 2V08 Burt, boy; Hans and Martha Gloe, 1 Stanford Circle, boy; Otto and Clara Hruln, 2416 South Twentieth avenuw, girl; Herman and Holly HagenbolU, 6036 South Twenty-fourth, girl. Deaths Margaret Rooney, 86. 2"S02 Dodije; John Soles. 9 months, hospital; C'alheiino Smltton, 81, 1737 South Tenth; Klliabeth R. Shaw, 57. 4MW Franklin; Klsle M. Hansen. 2, hospital; John Gil bert, Hi, SIM Fowler; James L' Comstock, , tiOJ Bedford avenue: Joseph M. Miller. 74, hospital; Mrs. Bertha A. Best, 31, 2108 South Tenth; Rose Oehler. 62, 71o North Fourteenth; Loryne C. Ojier, R, W15 South Twenty-ninth; Nathan Mogeman, 2, 403 North Fifteenth; Charles H. Mack, M, 1721 South Twenty-first, William Mllke, 60. 424 South Fortieth; Agnes Johnson, C3, 1618 Chicago. LOST-FOUND REWARDS OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PANT. Persona having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they, left it In the street ears. Many articles eacn day are turned In and the company Is p,xIous to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Dou. 4." LOST Mesh bag in Brandeis store; re ward. Call Tyler t3-W. FIXTURES AD W1RIXU ' DUrTcIN Electric washlne machines, electric irons and readliig lamps. See us first. 2223 Cuming St: Tel. Doug. 2519. FURRIERS. BAM KNEETER. 1920 Farnam. Red 6S31 H. Rotholi. 281ft Leavenworth. TI. KU. 11IITUUICAL COSTUMLia. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In tlie country Theo- Lieben It Son. 1514 Howard. D.4H5 INSTRUCTION, English. 'French Instruction. JOC Lyric Bid JUSTICES OF THki ra;A... H. H. CLAIBORNE, 611 Pax ton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition etanu. C W. BRITT, 301 Barker Block. LIVE STOCK tuHUlsaluA, MARTIN BROS. & CO. Exchange Bide Mil.t. I'lttlUb MAI.UUM, OMAHA F.lm Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo ttoii picture machine and film burrtama. OLtLlaia. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you csu. Dr. McCarty. llil W. O. W. KMr - OBTEOFATM i'ui..vU.,.. JOSEPKINS ARMSTRONG, tit Bw Bldg. PATE.VlS.. " D. O. Baruell. Pax ton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. 11. A. Sturyes. 10 BrHndels Theater Bids-. 11.UAIE i.L.tiAbu.u. ' V CURLED, dyed. P. Kisele. I1M City NaL WATERS-BARN HART Ft. Co.. ouallty ninuiig. Tel. Uoug. 2iiM. m tK ULh eti. - CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 17S4 DOUGLAS Prlntlug Co. Tel. Douglas 644. SCALE HLPAiUlAb. ; 0?l.Staniiaraea:a-o.. 513 S. Uth. P. 3n, uus KEFAlMIt.. ' ' liarley Shea Rep r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R. 8444 fcTEEt. CElCl.Nds. If AR'rn? Ek... .j ... TOMKi, atFFLItlr OMAHA Towel Bnpply. 207 S. Uth. D. &28. 1UCNK AND Stir CAsts. FREMNG JTraNL180Farnan- It VACtyftlSft IbbAIl Chrlstlsnsen. d fl Ha loo Rk . II yr. eip. - ...-Aa-a.. Wedding announcements. Poug. Ptg. Ca. WK1IU1M, atlAUb. BftOPEQAARP S - lucky wedding rlnga' at 101 h and Pnuglaa Sta ' WINES AlkU HHVuiLi. A I. FX JETES. KT1- g. isth f, Wlnea. liquors, cirs PUta dlruter 11 to (. 10c HKNRY POlXx:irrI.TQtTOR HOFSH. lth J Caoitol Ave. Tea-cent iuoiti. rUY your family llo-iors at Klein L4 'or houft. i22 .V. PoucUs 1W TTTFi MOVTE 1 PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. Answers tbe question "Where to go tonight." UvKslettft, EMPRESS. 13th & Douglas! Sellg-Trlbune, No. 4. "The Woman With a Roae," S-reel Es. sanay. "When Two Play a Game," Vltagraph. "Little Brown Hen." PRINCESS, 1217-19 DOUGLAS. "The Secret Wire," a thrilling mystery In four acts, featuring Harold Lock wood. "OettinB In Wrong." a clever comedy. George Ovey in "Jerry In Mexico," com. Aorth. LOTHROP. 24TH AND LOTHROP. METRO presents Mary Miles Mlnter In "Alwnys In the Way." By CIihs. K. Hnri'ls. South). APOLLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. FIVE uv:kij OP GOOD PIOTUKF.H. ROHLFF, 23B1 LEAVENWORTH. William Farnam In "The Broken Law," Fox feature, one-reel comedy. West. MONROE. 2555 FARNAM. Mlenon Anderson in "The Mill on the Floss," a five-act Mutual mastarplcturo with a (treat flood soeno. Sooth Side. BCSSE. 24TH ft N. True Boardman in "P'lngaree," (To the Vile Pust, 2-reel Kalem. "He Got Himself a Wife." VUa graph. "The Failure." Biograpli. s tar Features These are Special Extra-Real Pictures now appearing at the following. Theaters: LltSSb 24VH AND N. True Boardman In "Stlngaree,' 2-reel Kalem. EOTHROP. 24TH AND LOTHROP. METRO presents jiary Miles m inter in "Always in the Way," Tt. fbna W Harris M ON ROE; 2500 FARNAM. Mignon Anderson in "The 'Mill on tho fl-e-sct Mutual masterpioture." PRINCESS, 1217-19 DOUGLAS. 'The Secret Wire." a thrilling mystery in four acts, featuring Harold Locft wood. ROHLFF 2561 LEAVENWORTH. William Farnum In Fox fenture. "The Broken Law,1 LOST. FOUND REWARDS NEAR 28th end Dodge St.. 8-r.. all mod. home. In fine repair; very valuable lot. A burgHin for some one; terms or small prorerly taken in exchanice. RASP BROS.. 106 McCague Bldg. LOST or Found ads In Omaha's Lost and Found medium means the Immediate return of that article If advertised tn The Bee, the Lost and Found paper. IIHT-C'ameo ain eurrouded with pearls, alee j-dollar. Reward. Wal. ISCL BLACkScottlah terrier; reward. Har ney 60X3. t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Household Goods. OMAHA PILLOW CO., The war has doubled the price of cotton. We make over cotton and hair mattresses just like new for half the price. Phone us for sample of ticking. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467. FOR SALE Here is a classification that Is of the utmost Importance to every leader, aa this column offers some ex ceptional opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your article at Am full value. Phone Tyler loop. FOR SALE. It-foot light oak office counter, suit able for stationery storage: almost new: a bargain. 103 Brandeis Bldg. BIG BARGAINS. Furniture. 5; stoves, beds, springs, msttr's, $1 each; beddlnx comforts, blankets. 1839 N. 24th. W. 1607. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace coils, ft''. Quick service. Omahu Stove 1 tepalr Works 12H6-8 Dot' slas. Tyler 1 OMAHA PILLOW CO. -Mattrrs.cs made over lust like new. 1907 Cuinlnc. P. 27. Fl.'RNlTl'REfor u rooms; sell by piece or in Jots;eheap. 2620 South Uth. ROYAL Acorn baseburner for sale cheap. 818 8. 23rd St. Douglas teul. Pianos, Musical lialrsiaasU. $5 In gold will be paid for the name of a prospective piano or player-piano buyer. KOBIVSON PIANO CO., 414 S. 18th St.. Fa ct ory Pistrlbutora Cable Pianos. A 1400 Kimball mahogany upright planu. In fine shape, for sale, a bargain ff the right party. Call or address W20 N. 34th St. GOOD player piano for saie; verv reason able; good as new. Walnut 8046. 12 0 Victor Cabinet Phonograph, tJ. 13 60 per month. A. Howne. 15 H Pousla. Sore ssd Office Flxtares. jKSICS. aafes. scales, showcase, shelv ing, etc. W buy, sell. Omaha Fixture k Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 2724. Cameras aad Kodak. FILMS develoted treo if purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 414 Bee Bldg. Dept. P. Jewelry. Dtaaaoaels. Watches. DIAMOND LOCKET, men's and ladles' wstches. renftonftble. Frledmaik. 1211 lioue;. I.umher aud Bulldlua; Material. HOUSE, sheds and fence for sale, In good condition for ii.w a lumber; will tell cheap. Doug. 4M8. PRY kindling bv the load. Hsmey grm. Itwlig afarhlaeev SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, aell needles and parts of all sewing ma nines MH KEIfi NKB11 ASK A CYCLE CO.. 15th nd Harney Sts. Puus (42 QR sale-miscellaneous Typewriters and Snoplleo. MIDLAND RIBBON CARBON CO. We make them In DM. MIA. What'.' Typewriter Ribbons! Supplies for the Office. Douglas 2147. '22 Bee Bldg. RENT an Oliver typewriter J mo. for ti. Oliver Typewriter Agency, V" Farnam. TY PER WIT Kits sold, renieo repaired. central Typewriter f.xc. iw.i r arnam. RF-LIANVK Klbbon and t'arhon Co., car Don paper and Inked ribbons. P. 8242. RENT a "Remington" not Just a y,e wrlter. Low rent. Call Pouln sj4. FUTTS Typewriter Exchange, Sl S. tSih. St. All make for sale or rent. Machinery and F.ualoes. ELECTRIC MOTORS. l-lt. T., 2?0 volts, I pns. new S7 J-H. P. 220 volts, 3 phase, new 40 -H. P. r volts, 8 phase, new M 6-H. P.. 220 volts. 8 phase, new 6T DYNAMOS. -K. W.. 110 volts, D. .. new 70 -K. W., 110 voils, D. C. now liiO 4-K. W.. 130-6 , voits. new so 1-1 1. P. gssollne cntiine 80 6-H. P. gasoline eimliie. throttling governor 10 LE BRON KLECTHICAL WORKS, S1H S. 12th St. o ALL KINDS of woodworking machinery. Including shafting, belts and pulley. Everything In the best of condition. This Includes moulding machines, jointers, land saw, tltltlng table paws, - sanding and boring machines, etc. Phono Douglas 838 or call 1115 Harney M., George H. Lee Co. FOR SALE or trade, Powers motion pic ture machine; complete outfit for I2.", If taken at once; a bnritaln. Add, ess T. W. Moseley, 201 Little Bid... Lincoln, Neb. WOOD Working Machinery. Complete outfit for small planing mill, includ ing motors. This Is a snap If taken ss It stands. Geo. H. Ie Co., 1115 llar- ney St., Omaha, Neb. nilllard and Pool Tables. FOR SALE Ne w and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and howling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Bruns wlck-Kalke-Collender Co., 4u7-4tc S. loth St. Auction Sale. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT AUCTION, AT 3123 SHERMAN AVE., WEDNESDAY, JAN. 19TH, AT 10 A. M. SHARP. We will sell to highest bidder the furnishings of the Minnie Miller es tate, consisting of 2 brass beds, springs and mattresses, 12x13 rug, several small rugs, 1 coyete ruj, several yards of carpets, 1' dresser, 1 china cabinet, a lot of silverware, 1 buffet, parlor, din ing room and ber room furniture, kitchen utensils, dishes and many arti cles too numerous to mention. - Don't forget to attend this sale. Dowd Auction Co., Auctioneers Wm. I Randall, Admlr. o Mlscellaueous. FOR 6ALE CHEAP. Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship in ona of the best Omaha buHtnrs schools. Good reason for selling: perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be aold very reasonably. If interested Investi gate at once, because fall term begins aoon. There are a variety of courses for ale. For particulars inquire at the of. lice of The Omaha Bee. iVREM 1 ,b- ot ti0 Gunpowder or Japan tea with every' 10 lbs. of best 35c coffee, parcel post, at 82.75. Dave'a Coffee Market, lll leavenwortlt St.. Omaha. Neb. POIOF'TCI Save money. Use better VU1 A LJiJ coffee. 15 lbs. hlifh trade bv parcel post, prepaid, J3.50. W. A. Skaife & Co., Omaha Nhu. 'l Of Golden West WhlaKy, 4 full quarts bottled In bond, prepaid. v-acaiey uroa., umana. Pi") AT. & baskets delivered, tl Illinois nut or lump, 15.50 per ton. Douglas 6181. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 13ii4 Fnmam. JIOUSE, West Farnam or Dundee, five or nine bedrooms; wl 1 lease 3 years; i. sponsible; no cnlldien. Address c 5.4. Bee Wanted to iuy Munogiiny ut-mun rou top acsK and cnair. juuot be n good condition. Cheap for cash. Address G 872, Omaha Bee. WANTED To buy on monthly puymenls. small store room, with livlne; rnnms above, In Central school district- Pbont Red 78E4. WANTED loO carloads of s rap Iron, alau metal and rubber. Write for prices. Ne braska Iron and Metal Co., Omaha. WANTED TO BUY-Bakery In good live town of 1.600. Addrets C'has. Maxwell, White Cloud. Kan. WANTED TO BUY W. t. steam press, second-hand. Call Harney 5t95. ANNOUNCEMENTS CHIROPRACTIC If sick, regardless of the nature of your ailment, chiropractic will d for you what no other science can. Wlren all el- fails try ine and not the dif ference. I adjust the cause of HO-CAI.LKD 'Incurable'' ailments end all oeran. o merits lecullar to women. Dr. AV. H. KNOLLENBERG Phone Tyler 1986. Su!te81S B.a BI1 Mechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawings H F SI-OMAN Phone p. 2144. 415 ilrande s TneHt.r. ENGINEERING, plana and map draw ing at low rates. Hen McEatliiou, oul Omaha Nat l Hank Bldg ITitODEaAARI) S ""Lucky WeddlTIg Rlnifs" st 'th end Pinln "tft PEARL grape luster lavaiier, over a w'k ago; rewaid. Doug. 445 EVIirtrmP AT V Mi?. A rtiolnrm men SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTOMOBILE 7-passeoaer, six-c linrtci, ;7-h. p. Mitchell Spe.lal, I I4 model, rJn lft t0 miles: in fl"e .lis no; full s-t nt xtra casings; full electric equipment; sn elegant, powerful car: swap for psss. car in No. 1 shape, or 1-ton truck, or commercial paper. Address S. c. K, Bee. I HAVE a news-stsnd carrying full line of magaslnes, prlni)lcals, cigars, to bacco, rendv, rotlna etc. block snd fixtures worth llfi. Will swnp for a ood 6-Passengcr csr. Prefer 1H16 or '14 Ford. Musi be in good couuillun. S. C. Vs. Ue. SWAPPERS' COLUMN WviAlifll KK, limn weiKiH., l"l,'i model, Jjt overhauled and lui equipped. Will iip tur e iet i9," iiuwivl molotfxle or molorryciO and side car outfit 1 can get; out t mum be A-l ctnidllion. AddreeA 8 C 7:5, Bee. "A M HKKi l. A" CdlKtin a flew diamond point cabinet phonograph; this machine with assortment of records cost iM three months ago; will swap for good No. 4 Underwood typewriter. AdJress S. C. R;V Jtee. NEW Winchester pump gun and 101 shells, two pair hip hoots. 1 pair Mack intosh boots, hunting coat, hat snl n li vest and htin'liic bag; all new. M swap tor motorcycle, or what? S. C. yy Bee. DHsK AND CHAIR M-tn. n11 top desk, in good shape, and chnlr, Ist in good shspe: will swap for w't hsve you? 1 wsnt to get rid of this one and get u larger desk. Address S. C VW. WANTED to swap. Why not advertise I something that you no longer have any uso for and get something you reully need. Write Room 104, lie Bldg., or phone Tyier 1t"0. D1NIKG TABLE. square. In good shape; swap for what have you? Table is solid oak. Hnve a davenport to ex change, also quartered oak. Addrcs SC. Bee. n'RANP new," high "grade Piano. 1:175 value; fully guaranteed. Will swap for diamonds, Otnnha vacant property or Kood iiegotlahlo paper of equal value. S. C. M5. Bee. 145 EDISON Phonograph and 2 se.ect 4 mlnute records, for typewriter; ao Burton mandolin outfit, good tone, ex colli nt condition, for violin case and good flute. Address S C. ;6, Bee. EIKCTttin light cabinet. M. 16 c. p. lights,' newly wired, equipped with seven Itrg mirrors. Will tiade for anytning 1 can use, w. fa, nee. TYPF.W RITERS Uemlnglon No. 2, Dens more No. J. both in fine shape; to ex change for poultry, calves or what have you 7 Address S. C. M0, Bee. ALL furniture In 45-room hotel; reason able rent on building; South Ride: will exchange for real estate; valu 81,800. Address S. C. fnK, Bee. 191 J HALLADAT touring car 80 II. P. In frst class condition. To swsp for "Powers A" or "Bslrd" moving plo machlne with motor. 8. C. 4'. Bee. RAVE large aixed library table, beauti fully finished in fumed oak. like new, to swap for equal value. What have your Addreaa S. C. 37. Bee. WILL trade my 4-cyl. 60-H. P. rebuilt racer for pool tables; this car Is fully equipped and In good running order. Address 8. C. 846, Bee. 191.1 TWIN Indian, fir en tine clutch; will swap for piano, moving picture ma chine, or what have you? Addre.s S. C. M2 Bee, VICTROLA and records, mahogany cne. excellent condition. Wsnt to exchange tn part payment for .building lot. J. ir&, Hee. A FINE, larire mammoth JscV rait d, weight' 1.100 lbs. lf.S bsnds high; sure bi eerier; price, Addresa C, 6'1. Bs. SET J. C. 8. books for sule cheep or will trade for anything of equul value; In good condition. Addresa S. C. 678, Bce. HAVE 1.. C. Smith No. 6 model and Underwood No. 4 model typewriters to trade. Address S. t'. Ml. Hee. FIVE-YEAR old mure, unhroke. with foal to Jack, weight 1.1-VI; will swap for Ford. Address S. C. 8lS. Boe. GAS RANGE, beds, sort ioal beater 01 other furniture, to trade tor chickens. S C. 847. Bee. A U T OMO El LE 8 Fo r other automobils bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. NEW No. 8 M. M. high power rifle Id t rade. Address S. C. 881, Bee. 40n MAHOGANY upright piano tor auto! 8. C. WW, Bee. BLACKlyn furs, cost 850; never been used; will tiidn for small diamond, worth 840. I'hutie Poug. 6240. BUSINESS CHANCES AFTER JANUARY FIRST DIVIDENDS ARE ' PAID. Tslk with us about Investing your principal in a first mortgage farm losu on sn Improved farm. If so desired, the interest may be made payable twice yearly. We close our loans only aftet pc clonal examination of security. J. W. SQUIRE. Established 1S71. 101 pearl St. Council Bluffs, la. Office For REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE Same floor as Bee Office THE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 WANT business opening for a man with $.uai or over. Competent expel lenceq man who wants something well estab linhed snd not a prospect. Wuiil an oi.nuig fur a young, active num. well educjiej, llt.lo experience. C'an Invest 1.1. joo to $5.0ii. Want a lumler, grain and conl busi ness in cas'.crn Nebrsska. Party will pay part caoh and wants lu put in soma fcood farm bind. CO-OI'EHA'I IV E REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City Nntlonal Hank. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY Books and advice free. Send sUetc'i or inooel inr s r h: hlgnesi r. fereuces; best resells; promptness aesured. Watson E. Col'inan, Patent Ij.wver. 624 F. St.. N. W., Wsslilngtoii. D. C o $400 BARGAIN. I must sell mv pews stand by Jan. It. 1814; carries full line of cigars, tobacco candies, inagaxlnes' stationery, vie.; good paying bueinews, 15 per tent profit; can be taken car of by wife wbll hus band wnrks; two living rooms In rear, reasonable rent: good reason for selling. For further Iniornialion, call Colfax liU HKRE'S chance for $.i or $"ib Invosinienr; sine, sine, slii; fortunes being mace In it: newly .lUioveied tld; acres tied up; boom on, alia t Is going down; shks.vs heavy; our coin I any first in field: ell also tmhted: get in qinck in "(Mtrcitt'' comtany. Ijcedey-Oklabnin,, 7.. nc Co., Dept. H, Leedey. Okl BUSINESS CHANCES TWO SNAPS. MOVING I'ICIUKK THEATERS. Duly show essiern Iowa town 1.00'; gimd money maker and good equipment; alrdome Included in pi h e. Simp. l.'. Only show Netn isku town l.i, at so luttlv making jw net a month; every thing complete; stilct investigation. i .'. a have twenty others. These are genuine snas. I OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Room 2 Ba.rd , iith andlouliis. If" YOUR Business College" will" stand rigid Investigation and ia Just what It la auvortisid, or li you sie looking to start In buslne for ntin.elf. you will te pertectly ssllstled If you use tn MuMnees i h.tme loiumn n Toe Be. When buying or selling a buslnaas, rhonc Tyler 1000. AN ESTArjT.IilKP manufacturer want siaie manager to o, en office nnd man ace sale-irn. New, article; $.0) t.. IT00 apl nl iic.titwry Y u hand!? own mon. y. Will pay expenses to rthl ciibo If you are man we want. Andres ScclcUl.v. i0,2 Ibv.iblic l ln... Chicago. DRUGGIST. For Sale On i.on.ii m sickness, one of the 1 1 sO located suburban rrug storea !n Omaha. an make terma on part, "'nil and see me. R. L, Stewart, an s. inn St. FiR SALE Stock of general merchan dise In good condition, located In best farming section In eastern Nebraska; business well eetnhll-hed: will consluer real estate as part payment. Address Y 207. Bee Fi'H SALE Infanta, children s and la dles' furnishing store at David City, Neb., at a barta'n: best loc itlon In town; doing rn excellent buslnesa; want to retire. Box No. 8.4. David Ctty, Neb. WANTED To hear from owner of some rood running business, patent right or ndustrlal stock for sale cheap. O. O, ' at is.. ii. lu. Atidrus liidg., Minneapolis, Minn. o WANTED An expel leined reliable un dertaker, with from ll.Oflo to 12.000 to In vest In business in nrnHpernus w'estern town; cspshle of inansglng business. Address P 1M, Bee. o NEAR Fontemlle hotel, twe completely furnished flat fnr light housekeeping and rooms: Severn rooms each, and con nected; rent reasonable; full house al ways. K 4i Bee.4 PICTURE shows, locations, leases, ma chines, repairs, supplies ana accessories. See us first. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Balid Bldg. LIST your business with we lor qu.c results: buy, sill and exchange, RELIABLE BARGAIN CO., P.oom 2. Baled Bldg. Tel. Pong. 2420. 17TH AND DOUGLAS ST a. . MUST lie sold nt once, men's exclusive clothing and furnishing goods store In Neh. county rest town; must b aold by Feb. 1. Addresa y , uee. WANTED to hear from owner of sood buslress for sale, stste easn price and complete parti, ulara. V. F. l ush, Minn mihiIis, Minn. PATENTS bought, sold, exchanged, pro cured ; buy or sell anything. Merchants Studio, Buffalo, N. Y. THEATERS Buy, leas or anil your the ater, mncnine and aupprea tnrougn Theater Ex. Co.. 1406 Farnam. P. l'7. OFFICE lor real estate or Insurance; same floor as Ben ofi'ioe: 18x21 feet; $J0. The Bee Bldg , Oft Ice Room 103 TEN ROOMS, on Douglas; steam heated, Kood money-maker. Reason for sell ing. Douglas .Wl. TO SELL or buy a buaines, call on Buscn & Horghorr. rrenser Mik. p. ana. TO OICT In or out of business call on GANGESTAD. 418 Hee Bldg. Poug. 8477. 8ICH Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains in esiaiilisneii snows, u. una'. BUSINESS opportunities. Ave.. Omiil'a 1010 CaiJitol o-H., bun . ith, close in; heal, water snd Isnltor service, all for 320 Doug. I6si. UoouiLxl HOt:SE of nine rooms, well furnished, full of roomers. Will sell eheup as owner Intends to leave city. 2202 Douglas St. Phone Ioug. 7164. CAFE for rent. Savoy hotel, 16th and Jackson; lie wry remoueieq, decorated finer than any In city; complet In all details; good proposlllon. Call at once. MILXfNEUYstock. good location and business. In Omaha, exchange for resi dence. See P. MUCK, 812 Omaha Nat l Bank. WILL trade Omiiha Movie Theater for stock of general merchandise. Address A 512. Bee FOR SALE Douglas Si. moving picture theater; will give term to responsible parties. Address 8 611, Bee. 120 MAY make S2O.0U0; $2 cash. $2 monthly; ce' in ioi, mieresi lit iwo wens, one in Humble oil field, ten feet of producing oil wells. Particulars, Humble Cypress Oil Co., 524 Commercial Bldg., Houston, Tx $17 BUYS deed to land, also lulereat in oil well that should puy you $100 for every doll ir Invested. i'aymeDt $1 monihly. Cumplct.. Information free. Address Texas-Gulf Co., llii Union Hani' Hoioton Texss NICE httie Krwery and confectionery slor lor sale at a bargain; $275. GANGESTAD. Room 422. ten Hldg. D. 8477 GikiD paying leslauraut for sale, cheap; $150. , TANGESTAD. Room 422,ReeBldg. nJITJ; MOVING plc't' ie theater; .eats 2.4); sell or excliangc; $ ro. O ANGFSTAD Room 4'2 Pee Bids, p. 477 SITUATIONS WANTED Vale. It'ELIABf.ri competent miller. Is looking for position nt flour mill or grain eleva tor. TO '-rare experience. " rear aa heed miller. J. Donda, leB WIIliana. YOUNG man of pood habits wlsbc posi tion In store, clothing prelerred: Hire yesrs In bu"lness for sdr; best of refer Hues. Address Y Wi. Me. COLORED men wishes position ss cook iji ir, ,r ao, infill ni , i . r. wo mi ni- Inv. Phone Doutlus ;2'tC and ask for room No. 21. PORIT'OV' wan'e-rTo drive Ford; experi enced. Ty er 1 9. WANTED A Jo'i that will pay board snd room bv able-Uidlcd man ahle to lenn inrnace or no an tning. .aaress KM rr, nee. WANTED Job ss house csrnenter In store or of'l b'lildin y competent mechfn'e. Cell llsrney n49. WANTED Work of some kind "for slrnn bnv. as-d 15. Applv Orville Malone, 2"24 Ca.lfomia St., city. EIGHT years' office experience, oompe ti nt lokke per and cashier, seed J '. Plume Demy lu a 77l"0. E.N PER I ENi' ED antomohlle inwhanV v.ani. 'veil en; ran put up goods. Ad drena Y 2n2. Fee. R ELI A HLE, f ' t st c'ls ss f irenia u w II o nvhi'fi; references. Address Y S06. cr Bee. Female. CaDY with small ty iihi-a ' position as housekeeper In eourrtry or small town, lleferrncea. Mrs. Marie Spencer, General Delivery. INTELLIGENT yoiing"lad7"wTnt"a posU tion aa housekeeper where there an no i hlldr.n. Edna Ei kert, General lv.uei, Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG reliable colored woman wants genersl housework; I also experienced rook. Phone- Douglaa 2.!06 and ask for room io. i. POSITION wanted as housekeeper by tnidnle-agei lady in smsll Protestsnt faml v, phone Red 6.72, between 8 and 5 o'clock. W A NTED Position as housekeeper by midille-egorl Inilv, In small Protestant family. Mrs. Ji. F. West, Gen. Del., Omaha. WHITB woman wishes work In private home, boarding house or hotel; go home nights. Phone Douglas 3447; iWANTEI A po'itton as housekeeper or nurse by elderly lady. Address 225 Har mony St., Council Bluffs, Ia. LADY wishes position as general house keeper In smsll family. Mr. Fitsinyer, esre general delivery. WANTED Position sa nnusekeepar with a small child. Address Box 466, Ham burg, la. WASHING wanted; 2'e a piece hlrt- waists, loc; mending irce. 11 arney 5:i4. KXPFKlENCF.It laundry wom.n wants hvndlc washlns; neat work Web. ;li7. COLOKKD MAID would like place as chambermaid or housekeeper. Weh. HBI. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position; will lake anv kind of case. Dour. 7os:V CoiXRKD vomenwants workas cook. just of references. Call South 3278. POSITION wanted aa housekeeper. Call In person. 303 Ieavenworth. PIANIST wishes position In cafe or mov- . t tna; picture show. W.b. 2li. iAil ED HOUSE CLEANING OR DAY WORK. COLFAX 813. LACE curtains and bundles carefully In un dcred. Webster 43M. LACE curtains and bundl carefully laundered. Webster 4283. POSITION wanted in doctor's office. Webster JW20. Cleaning and laundry work. Web ster 4745. PA Y"work of sny kind. Web. 'Jh. "jtrv HELP WANTED-MALE Stores and Offices. SALESMAN, machinery and gas en gine $125 and F.xi. SALESMAN, card writer $75 and Exp. LEDGER CLERK fl fl'KNO. AND CLERK $itt STENOGRAPH KK 4 TYPIST. BIDLttll Iw WiCTTS REF. CO.. frt-40-4 Brand. Thea SALESMAN (engines) $!2i lKKiKKEKPER finvestment) lot STENOGRAPH nil (R. R.) 7'. STENO. and BKPR. (begnneri 51 THE C A NOA OF, N CY. 600 BEE BLDG . 8' ESMAN MschTne and gaa engines. 8125 and exp.; aaleaman, card writer, $75; steno. and eitrs, , atuno., Ml; WATTS REF. CO.. -4rM2 Brandeis Th. IflH-QltAPE commertcai DoslUona. VEST. REFERENCE A BOND AS3Xn 7S3 Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg. FTENO., $60 00. WATTS REF. CO., 83S Brand. The. Bldg. I'rofesalon anal Trade. vTNtED at once two (2) good fralim shaver or hide cutters. Good wages, steady work, Foster Rob & Tannin Co., 1-126.16:9 Fifth St.. 8. E., Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED A good blacksmith. Box 4ul, Peru, ren. Drug; Store Snap, Job. Knelst, Bee Bid.-. Sals NEW SALESMANSHIP CLASS STARTS MONDAY, JANUARY 31, Y. M. C. A. WANTED Threa men who hav selling ability. Prefer those who bav aold books or high clasa magaxlnea. On of the best propositions In book selling to day. This means If a man Is willing tn work he can earn SiO a week, and will be paid same. Call Monday, between 10 and 11 a. m., Slit Balrd Block. jef Our Nebraska farm mortgages 10 are not affected br European warl or panics. Amounts $400 tn 120,000. We collect all Interest and principal free ot charge; 20 years In the Nebraska (arm loan field without a loss Is our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 201 Oin. Nat. Bk. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. SALESMAN, A-l only ...llSrt. ... 126 Bulrftman, high tension man.... Ul.. . .. . . . cfLicainnu, c'., iiivcTvuii,siii. ...... leu Bookkeeper, some Investment . loo Bookkeeper, lumber experience....... ti", teno., bright young man, exp. ...... 60 Steno., splendid future 40 WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASSN., INC.. 72 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Orltrlnarnrs of the Reference Business. fei LEHMAN Vacancy Jan. 20; experi enced any line; to sell general trade In Central West; unexcelled specialty proposition; commission contract; S&1 weeklv expenses. Continental Jewelry Co , 65-3 Continental Bldg., Cleveland. Ohlo. SAI.ES'STaN Automobile tires and ao ressories; $loo per month and advance expenses to right man. Pe4c 46x, 6. E. Co.. 51 125-5 SoWabHH hA v e Ch I caeo . SALESMEN WANTED Experience lin neiesuary, easy work, big pay. Writu for large lint of openings; opportunities to earn from $100 to V a month while you learn. Address nearest office, 1'epC Ci, National fealeamen'a Training As sociation, Chicago, New, York, San Ftanclsei KA i,Ef JM F:N and aales manager eacn a' ate. New, unique, profitable specialty. Roland, Iowa City, 1ft SALESMEN WANTED Traveling sales manager each stiite, hire and train, men sell live advertising specialty. Reason able wages, with communion and eco nomical Willara F. Main, Iowa C1ty,ln. 7e7 HAVE a siMcialty pmposit on with which a live-wire man can make from $76 to lfi0 per week. If you are a sales, man, write for particulars. Th War ren Refining and Chemical Co.. Cleve land. O. S LESM AN Cnpahle specialty man fiir Ncbraiia; staple line of new and ex ceptional lemis; vacancy now; attrac tive rouimifNiun contract; $;5 weekly for expenses. Mll.-s F. Blxlfr Co.. 321-3 t arlln Pldg.Clev elnndO. CLEAN-CUT." ambitions salesman wlYrT, ' successful record, to represent proml noet mno'aclurer of blah crade ape caltieH aold to Jobbers, de aler nnd con Suinert. Calary, expenwes and bonus on s ilea. Stale awe, r xpericuce and ina'i ficatirns in Initial letter. Address V 2i. Bee. A L ESM EN - Sell Triannle Iesk Calen dars: rovil. attiacti.e. fa( selling, profitable advertiaina nnveitc: ilevoln all or spare time: give references; free work Ins outfit starts you at once. Cli cnlsr Advernlng to., Clnolnnatl, O tNY hustler with auto or driving ri can niak from l3 te $40 per weex and build up a permanent buninea. Wrii. foe the evidence. Ion Oil Co., CKv taud. lhiu.