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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1916)
6-B TIIE OMAILA SUNDAY I!E: JANUARY 16, 1916. v r Lashes from Rimlan PHOTO PLAYS FOR-OMAHA -DEVOTEES- . ... f D patg f v y S V - , j i: J)oland V' I COMMUNITY MOVIE IS HIGHLY PRIZED BY ALL CITIZENS FOX PLANS LARGE EASTERN STUDIOS Work Begins Soon on Plant to Cover Sixteen-Acre. Tract Near Corona, L I. TO BE COMPLETE FILM COT William Fox, president of th Fo Film corporation haa made known hi piuiis for th erection of an en tiro film city." for Ms company, with tho definite an nouncement that work on the big pro ject will bo under way within the next two week. The Initial .'onai ruction work which will call for Hie expenditure of 11.000,-. 000, will cover an area allg-htlx. In ex cess of lxten acre of ground at I "The Golden Chance" Shows How Strong the Appeal of a Photdplay Offers Opportunity for Women and ' Children to Have Entertain ment They Would Other wise Be Denied Corona, Ionc Inland. Five alln. I On this sixteen-arre plot thero will b erected a large administration building. five studio plants, each a complete and Independent unit In Itself; a factory for ma ttiatAti rlna Miinh t a ant ti nmaitit . tuaiiuioLun nig an i4v t j t a use cuipiiioiii SMALL SHOWS AEE FIXTURES i rq,1,r"1 " Production " I of motion pictures, garages, concrete storage warehouse, a miniature hospital, and adequate restaurant facilities for taking care of the 1,000 or more people whose services will be employed by the Fox company. IjukI adjacent lias also beonMurchaed and cottagea will be err j ted for the convenience of such persons as wish to be near their work. Natural gardens will bo planned and a lake with level and terraced sides for utllltallon In pic ture production. The permanency of the. location and plant Is Indicated by the use through out of concrete and structural steel in all construction vork. Much Complaint Oyer Charges Made by Film Companies for Froduc . tions with Any Merit. SHOWS MUST MAKE A PROFIT There Isn't .very much question about what the people living out from tho busi ness, section think of the community movie house. The" growth In number and the growing attendance tends to prove that they are very popular with all cltl tens and are lghly prtxed. . Many women and children and In fact whole families are permitted many an evening's entertainment by reason of the outlying ahows that they would otherwise ba denied. It Is so easy to Just run down to the corner and spend an hour at the show. mall Shows Here o la. It la a mistaken idea that the little movies hurt the attendance at the larger houses' down town. They do not. They rather tend to Increase It. In the first place most people becomo "movie fans" by just dropping In to the most con- ; where, venlent place, which is generally their community house. I.ter when they de- mand wore in tha vay of music, etc, they go down town. Then, too, many peo ple do not feel that, they have been out to a show u nines they do go down town. At any rate in the end tho down town house are benefited. The small showa are with us to stay. The constsnt building of substantial photoplay house in the residence dls- LILLIAN DREW STARS ,IN EMPRESS F0T.O PLAY lW Inning today the Kmpresa offers an especially attractive bill for the' picture part of its program. Lillian Drew will star In "The Woman With a Rose.", said by critics to be an excellent exposition of photographic, art. Lillian Drew la Justly popular with movie devotee every- absent guest. Manning falls In love wlih Mary, and he Is aoout to become Inter ested In Mr. Hillary's scheme, when Steve Hillary breaks into the H llary house, en ters his wife's room and steals all the valuable. They recognUe each other, but Mary permits him to esoape. In sneaking down the stairs, Steve meets Mannlrur. While Manning is telephoning the police. 0c ) x. f L i: Y 'e' iJ N " ) WALLACE REID. ti ,-.-. ' ' I , I 1 n a B i I by 1 I 1 YOMEN ARE BEST PICTURE PATRONS And Producers Must Not Make Which Offend Them, Says . - E. D. Horkheimer. PLAYS MUST BE WHOLESOME n I'm innm'i ilia nnr iih k h.v. .hu :::r:.:: p "j uh. her Archie ha ' " v 1 ta,sH. a. -! . ... ...... . riim. in M,u UUUI.L . . The comedy feature of the Kmpresa program will be Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew In "When Two Day a Game." Arch'bald Atweter'a wife keep hi home o crowded with women knitting socVs for soldiers he decides to escape, and suddenly, heroines a victim of loss of memory, ( )! makes arrangements with hut friend, Charley, and goes to New lTork without letting anyone know. Mrs. ! A twater Is worried, until Charley ring been seen New York. Unfor- Cleo rtidgrly end Wallace Raid Scene from "The Uolden Chance,' wdimu mi's iicrvon. . CAST: Mary rienhy ....Cleo Rldgely Knger Mann'tis: Wall...-. ft-M Steve Denby, Mary's husband Horace n. Carpenter Mrs. I Hilary Kdvthe Channmn Mr. Hillary i KSmtai .inv Jimmy, the Rat Raymond ilatton The story of "The Golden Chance" tells of Mary Denby, the beautiful wife of the drunken, -thieving Steve Denby, living in the alum .of New Tork. Mary Is a girl of refinement and education and. In spite' of their poverty, keeps heraclf and her house as neat as a pin. Steve spends all the money he can gat on drink and finally forces Mary to seek employment. ',' Mary secures a position as seamstress In the home of a wealthy society yomtn, Mrs. Hillary;: Mr. Hillary wishes to in terest the wealthy young- bachelor, Roger Manning, In a schemo which, he is promoting, lie invites him to dinner to meet k a beautiful young womnt The beauty falls to appear..- Aa last resort. Mrs. Hillary dresses Mary,liv a. stunning gown and has tier take the place of tha CLEO RIDGELY. , Mary induces the Hlllarys to permit her t husband to escape, rther than have Man ning know she is the wife of the pris oner. The next morning Mary goes back to her tenement and Steve plans to black mail tha wealthy bachelor. He sends him note which ho forces Mary to sign- to come to the tenement. Whon Manning arrives, Steve and another crook, attempt to force him to give them money . The two men attempt to shoot Manning when Manning's chauffeur, in the street below, call tha police." Ac the police enter, Denby shoot one of them and 1 in turn shot and killed a he attempts to climb the fire, escap. ' Though, shocked, at the death" Of 'her husband, Mary, realising er, Uniting, goes to his waiting arms, ',. .''.-'' Filmland's best asset Is the Interest of 'women and children. . Anything that of j fends them In moving pictures is against the best Interest of the screen. Realizing this as sn Incontrovertible fact, rroducers will have nothing to do with U2gcstlve I photoplays. j Huch are the conclusions cf E. V. Hork- helmer, secretary anil treasurer of the company which makes Balboa feature filma. ' "The so-called 'nasty picture' la short lived," saya Mr. Horkheimer, "and it never has been known to create a depend able clientele for any house that special ises In It. "Heart Interest In the best element with which to hold picture-goers. It applies to the written story as well aa to the drama. Ta be sure of this one has only to analyse the books and plays that have gone on indefinitely. Their heart interest Is the element that ha appealed to the multitude. In every man, woman or child there Is a better nature, that can only be touched by a clean story. I a. J . ..I . I . "I realize that there are certain things represented In production at times from i the very beat movies on the pert of the producer which advertiser distort In or der to muko a sensual appeal. Then, too, soma stories which have been written with a good motive In view are twisted out of all semblance to the original for the purpose of pandering to tho baser part of men and' women. But they are becoming fewer and fewer. "Dirty dollars are not lasting and the companies which are going ahead are thoao who are putting on photoplay with a constructive viewpoint. Wholeaomeuess must be tho keynote." The observations of Mr. Horkheimer meet with the approval of the majority of Omaha photoplay devotees. ' It may be excusable to picture vice at t'mea to point the contrast and to show how good triumphs. POPULAR STAR PHOTOPLAY FAVORITE AT STRAND. f w 15 l MARGUERITE CLARK SEEN IN DELIGHTFUL ROMANCE "Wee and Men," will be seen thla week at the Hipp with Marguerite Clark playing the lending role. It is a charming romance of the sunny south. MnrR-i;erle Clark Is said by all photo play followers to be one of the sweet est little girls "In Filmland. In "Mice and Men" she plays the part of I'egpry, the foundllngr, whose education is bring presided over by Mark Embury, a lawyer who falls In love with her. ' She loves a captain, who is also loved by a designing widow. When the captain returns from the Mexican war the widow places him in a compromising position, and Pegtry believes him false. Phe tells her guardian of her love for the captain, and also of the captain's duplicity. Embury, the captain's uncle, finds . his nephew to be Innocent and can use the episode to further his own chances with Peggy but decides not to. His decision Is an absorbing and touch ing dnoument. . : ' . . i Syd Chaplin The Star Photoplay Followers All Know Who Appears in "Submarine Pirate" at "The Strand January 18. 19 and .' . .- In- rood gamble, but then, of course, tha people jare subject to whim and fancies. I'l to the Makers. "If there is to be any hlndrsnce to the community show," said one Omaha, ex hibitor last week. "It will coma from the film companies making their charge too high for the exhibitor to make any money, t ertalnly we have an Investment on which we expect to realise. We like to entertain the public, if It Is profitable, but If some of us fiiThII houses make over 13 a day the price of production I raised. It would seem that the film makers work Sand In hand with all shows, but the com petition Is so kcn and -the expense-S3 great that they, seem to want and must have the lat dollar.", t ... , U. S. NAVY CO-OPERATES : K ' IN "A SUBMARINE PIRATE" tunately Archie runs Into an old maid cousin, wbom he deceives by pretending he doe not know her.. Charley arrives at tho hotel, and the two friends make the acquaintance of two fair damsel. Wifey arrive in time to overhear their conversation. To teach hubby a lesson, she plays, the lost memory gamo herself and makes lilm worry, then Jealous, then both make up. For the lart t( the week the Empress offer "Tha DvU-ln-Chlef." with Tyrone i Powers. Tha other number will be "The Fable of Two Philanthropic Son' Chick ens." This 1 a most laughable comedy the'klnd that drives tho blues clear away. Bcllg Tribune. No. I and S, will Journeys with Photo: Players William . H. Tooker, co-star of "The Fool' Revenge," a William Fox photo play, la and. always ha . been, excep tionally sensitive' about the pronoun ela tion of hi name. Ho was engaged to an eastern glrll She Inadvertently called him Mr. Hooker. Tooker shook 'cr. Later, with matrimony still uppermost in his mind, he mot the charming daughter of C. E. Armin, a well known western Judge. She pronounced, his tiamo flawlessly. Tooker took'er. ; '','' . . The life of Helen Holmes, dare-devil heroine of "The Girl and tha Game," ha shown th first and last of tha week, re-,,' bu ""d for by Somuel 8 spectlvely. " . ' i Jiutcninsou, president or tne Btgnai mm The Em'nress also calls attention to the Corporation, producers of thla thrilling comltif attraction. Tha fttrance Casa ff .rail Mary Page." featuring Henry Walthall 1 Thi great film was made -with the co Deration of the Unit! State navr and had to be psed upon by. Secretary Daniels , himself. Th principal acenes ware staged abroad one of tlte govern ment's Paclriq coast submarines and also abroad a balttashlp. ......... While a comedy In character. "A Sub marine Pirate" dleplay. submarine work ha never before bou on the screen, even in the best of the naval picture sent over from Europe. ' Syd Chaplin, one of tho cleverest mem bers of that family, as a waiter who dona the costume of an admiral in the United States navy aad with stolen papers take command of a submarine, 1 excruciat ingly funny. "A Submarine Pirate" will be ho'wn at the Strand beginning Tueaday. "Tfce LiUf r iur a. v Alma Clayton is engaged to a gilded youth, Nell Webster. Alma goe with Nell to a banquet where she hear dis tinguished criminal lawyer make an e'o aunt speerh. She Is enthusiastic over Wayne Burroughe. the lawyer, and after short acqualtitKni-e murrl.-s Mm. NVIl, .eet Alma and tells her he la "cured" f his Infatuation but is ready to resnond to any call for help. Alma get tu a! quarrel with Wayne and he brave her i his mansion to llv in, w hile he. goes to I his club. Alma sends for Nrll and the I young man tries to indue her to elope, i A burglar breaks In and alarta to loot Wayne' room. Then h sei-i the picture ' of Wayne and recognize tha lawyer who I befriended blnv. He puts the silver bck I steal down to the parlor, where he Unas Neil urging Alma to elope. II matins the worn a tie tho man In a cha'r. Then he manhes her upstair and how her Wayne' portrait and persuade tha woman of her mistake. Meanwhile Ni-il mairuLgea to get to a phone and call Bp the police. Alma aends them on-a wrong clue, gtvlr.g the burglar a chance to escape. Nell is beaten up by a plain clothes man a the auppoaod burgUr. Alma call up her hunband and be return to her. Tbera is reconciliation betaora the pair, when he admit ha was as much to blame fur their misunlerataiMiliif aa h wag. . "The Kde of the Abyss" will be e t tha Stituid beginning Tuesday. iS'.e Valentine, h Is 'tiied in . ii? of the Mt iro pro ij tions, la one of and Edna Mayo. I road moving picture serial. Gladys lluclotts, Thanhouaer star, at tribute her exceptional health to the fact that she walks three milts every morn ing before breakfast. SILHOUETTE PICTURES -ARE THE NEXT NOVELTY ' . . j Riley Chambetjaln, del ghtful old char- The next novcliy In photoplay produo- t acter man of Falstaff contedle. hasn't tlon U going to b th "silhouette," ao . missed a scene m seven year. . ' cording to some of th authorities. I . ... In a studio In New York. C. Allan G 1- ' Mrs. Allan Robinson, wife of one of th bert, who, with several other artists, did Qamout' assistant director at Jackson- a great deal to make Th American 151 rl famous, la working out th sil houetted moving picture production. It seems almost impossible that a story ran be told on a screen In black and white, but those who have seen th results say that th lmpo4lbls) ha com to pasa Fantasy has ' ccm into It own. 811 houette need stop at nothing. When a remarkable transformation or feat of strength must tak place , along comas th artist and draw It. Then th actors take up the work again and all U wall. The "silhouettes" are a tnlxtur of car toon and real acting. Tha publlo will await them with Interest. . . ville, Fla., decided that she would move recently while her husband was busy at the studio. She told him th new. ad dress, but he promptly forgot It and when It came . time to ' go for hla steak and onion h-' didn't, know, where he waa to go. However, he telephoned every ex press company In th city until h finally found tha on that had moved hi house hold goods. Anyway that' what he told hla wife when he got horn "awfully" Ut. ..,, Annette Ketltrmua- la becoming so usd to being featured in 'film that ; have aquatic scenes that she Is getting so she feel uncomfortable on dry land. Even the fishtail she wears as a costume in th character of a mermaid 1 no Im pediment, to her swimming a she has learned tp swish It from side to side In Imitation of th finny tribe. - Theda Bara has a new hobby, which to her U ona of tho most interesting fads h ha yet taken up. It I the collecting of "freak" scenarios. These scenarios com from people 1" all walk of life; from children who. weave fairy tale to the Intellectual bookworm who wrltea Im possible narrative dealing with th rota tion of the earth on its axis and pictures formed by the various constellation of stars.. She say the. will compile a book which will bw tha funniest ever publUhei. Jane Lee. celebrated child actress, has transferred her affections from dolls to animals. Bhe Is now in Jamaica, taking part In productions being made there, bhe took with, her on the journey a trunkful of dolls, but these hare all been rele gated to the doll "cemetery. Among her present Interesting receiver of affection are a St. Bernard Uog and a horned to id. Another 1 oni, of the elephanta. A baby swan 1 another, so it seems Jane la not stingy with her love at least. There I no danger of Haset Dawn be ing placed In the "didn't know It waa loaded" category. Recently when she wa given an automatic to use In a burg lary seen she took th whole thing part and alm-xt put It out of conimU oi In her seal to be sure It "wasn't loaded." USES HER OWN AUTO IN WHICH TO BE ABDUCTED Misg Edna Mayo, i who plays tha part of tha actress In "Th Strang Case of Mary Page," used her" own car to be abducted In. Mis Mayo smilingly . de clared that if aha were to bo stolen away by a man' who loved her she would rather It be dona In her own car.' M'sa Mayo will be seen at tha Em press In this great serial, story. week starting - January CI, when the first ' episode will be shown. Each serial Is a complete story in itself. There are fifteen of them. You" will not be' disappointed by their continuations. U15 f ARNAM STREET, THE FARWAPJi Beat Projection. Absolutely Vint aa IHotur la Omaha. TODAT CLEO MADISON BEATING BACK" TODAY AT THE GARDEN THEATER Omaha devotee of the moving picture or photoplay have an opportunity today to see one of the strongest films ever produced. Through the publicstion of the story ' "Beating Back." by Al. Jen nings, In tho Saturday Evening Post, the public is pretty welt acquainted with the theme' In "Beating ' Back." Al. Jennings, the author and ' central character- In the story, also play tho leading role In the picture. Al. Jennings, you will remember, was the Oklahoma bandit Who, through force of circumstances, wa led Into a life . of crime,- which Included some of the most daring hold-up In history, After serving terms : In federal prison . he wa finally freed and went back, to start Ufa over again.., lis ros. after a struggle as lawyer, . until he finally was a candi date, for governor. This, too. In actual life. "It's ,;'. great' Jitory. and Is being shown at the. Oarden theater, on Farnam street.' , L:' . "A SCUL ENSLAVED" IS DRAMATIC MASTERPIECE Cleo Madison, the popular Vnlversal Btar. is appearing In Omaha today at the Famam, In "A oul Enslaved," claimed to be one of the greatest emotional dramas ver put Vn a screen. The story is by Adele Farrlngton and treat of a vital, human problem. Ha scope has a wide appeal, together with ft gripping theme as strong as any ever used in photoplay. So Impressed was George Bronson Howard with the story that he haa made arrangement to put It In novel form. No opportunity to see this play should be overlooked. AL. JENNINGS . ....IN "BEATING BACK" TODAY AT THE, - (GARDEN "Theater of Quality" 1318 Farnam ' .This is one of the strongest real life pictures ever wrttteo or produced in a film. You must not fail to see this picture. ' "A SOUL ENSLAVED" Sa rive Kaela, HELEN KELLER BOYD THEATRE Xat BlSOi Bra.. ti80, SATURDAY. JAN. 29TH Vadat th anaple of th Teaohera Aaaaity aad Aid Assort Ion. Ticket on sale at Boyd Theater, T. W. O. A. aad aa Wednesday evening at eo City Mall Bldg. Kattaea Wo-60o-75o-1.0O Brealar 60o-T6-1.00-1.60 marvatlom of Beata start Jaa. tad. jawTitii j Km Eleven to Eleven. Vaudeville and Foto Plays. A Good Sign to Remember o iuu ii. ruTo an acro- 4 BAYB (TlITUa BVVVAT. January la The Woman With a Rose wit ' ' ' IATXAV BUT, v Little Brown Hen When Two Play a Game with AJTD KM. BXOBBT SMW, Selig-Tribune No. 4. BATS STABTTjra Jaaaary BO. The Devil in Chief wits. moii totni, The Fable of Two Philan trophio Son's Chickens A Laaghinf Ooa4. Selig-Tribune No. 5. 10S -ADJnCSION- -10 - -' " rtoa Boagla t for sVrv4 Beat. coxixov-WAsryamT aj citit b. vultsaxl avb bdba kato . I Th Straag Ca of Mary Pare." DRP PARAMOUNT PHOTOPLAYS 15th and Harney. D. 8069. " CONCERT ORCHESTRA. XOIUY ONLY "The City" The) City a;: 'Make good If you cau or to H lth you.' The moKt Iniprwaairet and frrewteat of the work of CLVDK KIT! It. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY , Daniel jrVohman present Marguerite Clark The girl who I different, "ICE and )" I A plcturtaatiott of Madeline Larette Ity ley's evqulsito ronuuice. TiaHSDAV, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JeM X Lsuky offers the popular photoplay stars, Cleo Rldcely and Walter Rcld "THE GOLDEfl GHAnGE" A tuodern aoriety drama by Jeanie MacPhersoa lVodured by Cecil DeMUle. VMWWWMMlWMWllJHlJIWUSWaSIWFKWIIJ irrt jl . ti -t MSbvhbsbSJVsSVM; 'V a 'TsssassisaaBSiisssiasiiiissssssss-L IT- Another Week of Triangle Triumphs Sunday and Monday, January 10th and 17th The Penitents A story of gncient Mexico something out of the ordinary, yet so Interesting, so thrill ing that you will sit spellbound throughout the entire presentation in which the eminent 'American actor, Orrln Johnson, Is featured. Also The Hunt Another screamy KEYSTONE Introducing those two royal funsters, FORD STERLING and POLLY MO RAN In blackface. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, January 18, 10 and. J20. Absolutely the funniest plctuf " evr to duced. Syd. Chaplin "The Submarine Pirate" ' Four reels of thrills, laughs and roars. You've nsver seen anything Ilk this picture Us entirely different. with ' . The Edge of the Abyss Another Ince wonderplay of modern society life, the principal roles being enacted by MARY ROLAND, "NVILLARD MACK and FRANK MILLS. Friday snd Saturday January '21 and .2. Loveble Marguerite Snow in Kosemary That's for Remembrance. A picture as fragrant and sweet as new niowj hay. A". " V.X J.vr-.' less I iiiii I I 1 1- ii ? I p z. ii 1 1 i ii ki!!tliiiiiilIn,:uiUiiiiauiiliila. t i.n f" h u:j-n w ' 1 i;r- 1 1 Jg,gy!. gr.. . .?-rr... ff"" i