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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1916)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY- DEE: JANUARY. 1C, 1116. What Women Are Doing in the World She Will Spend the Winter at Jjong Beach Mrs. Frederick T. Rouse will lead th prerram on Browning "Saul" for Mo Sigma cJub Wednesday morning at th homo of Mm. Morris D. flussl. Mr. Rovm will discus the technique of th poem; Mr. Oeorgs Payn. "Songs tavld Played;" Mr r. W. Ftter. "Browning Interpretation of It Psalm." end Mrs. Oeorg Thompson, Thl Character of Saul." An tra meeting of Mu Sigma was hold last Wednesday, when Mn. C. H. Balllet led the program on Riibbl Ben Kara- UIm Or Ambler will be hostess for the niM Motion of tho Association of Col legtat Alumnae Saturday morning at 10:M o'clock. Miss Ruth Thompson will read paper on "English Dramatists Stephen Phllllpe," and a playlet. "Nero's Mother." will be read by a caat which Include Mn. E. M. R. Siinderisnd. MlM Rtrth McDonald. Miss Ruth Thompson and Mr. Anan Raymond. The Mississippi Valley Equal Buffrag conference will be held thla year In Min neapolis In May. Thla waa decided at a meeting of the committee of arrange menta held In Chicago directly following the national convention at Washington, the committee compoeed of Mra. W. 15. Berkley, president of the Nebraska F.qual Suffrage association: Florence Rennet Peteraon of Chicago, and Mra. Ftnncgan of Tesaa Thte committee waa elected at tha conference held In lndlanapolla last year, and had chart of all actlvltlea of tha conference. The Omaha Story Teller' league meet Thuraday afternoon at tha public library. Mra. C. W. A stall, leader of the pro gram, will tell B. B. Hale's "Philip Nolan's Friends;" Mra. M. T. Lawrence. Poa'a "Tha Pit and tha Pendulum:" Mra. O. H. Pern. Hales "The Man Without a Country." and MIo Margaret Hamil ton, Poa a 'Tha Angl of the Odd." "Nebraska's Induatrtea" will furnish th program for Chapter B. N. of th P. K. (. Sisterhood Saturday mornlnf at 10 o'clock at th home of Miss Clara Maaon. Mra J. C. Bufflngton will be In charge of th program. A atudy of ociatlam, led by Mra. A. C. r.awRon, will occupy the meeting of th Woman' club of th Railway Mall Serv Ic Wedneeday at the home of Mra. M. II. niaekwell. Roll call response will b current event. Plana for th annual en tertainment of the dull will also be dls-cutred. Modern poets will be the . subject of atudy by Chapter R of the P. K7 O. Hlsterhood Thuraday at the home of Mr. V, E. Oeorg. who will be assisted by Mr. T. M. Olltner. Mn,' N. B. I'pdlk will discuss Sidney Lanier; Mr. F. L. Adsms. Alfred Noyes: Mr. Robert Orant, Kipling, and Mr. F. M. Co, tnuaic.. Quo tations Trrtm these poeta will be t ha re sponn to roll call. The first program on the nalyl of th hort slory, to b tudled by tha Pun- . de Woman's club, will be held Wednes- ' 'av at th home of Mra. J. W. Marshall v nverk. will be presented according 10 . . m . . . . . - I . . b. IfiUI' fraf Ol nown . n. nmi. iiivi WoaL f.tbook In una by the ciun. i C. Edgerly will be In charge of , i jgram. Mr. F. R. Elllck will lead I iliVaalort on Item of current Inter- Iii5tiard-Wllhelni company will glva ejeh-ionstrallon of cooking dishes and "fight refreshments will follow the meet- r Int. Pellgloue life and thought will be da cussed under the leadership of Mra. F.'A. Creaeey by the literature department of the South Omaha Wemtn'i club Tuesday afternoon at Library hall. Mra. J. 11. Watklna will have a her subject "Prantho Heathe and Otsnt's Graves;'" . Mra. Creseey. "Later Creeca and Kellg Ion;" Mra. B. II. Terlan. "ft. Nlcholaa' Festivities;" Mra. T. W. Siolt, "Kerinls." and Mr. Frank Prucha, "Chrtstmss Carole." , i I . ir ... i. t , L I i , - . ' v i nJ !' , . 4 ' 4 1 , - - - r ' ' Jil W ) LaKi- - " fA I . Will Be Ushers at the Kelly Concert j San Carlo Company Will Present New Voices in Omaha This Season TWELVE YEARS ETSTA1LDI0 OF FICER OF CTTSTER, W. JL C. i i mL l) tyrflom of Thoma Mott Oeborne," which will appeitl especially to thoae Interested In the subject of prison reform. Tho lecture Is free to everyone and evetyone Is Invited Mr. Holmes la one. of the beat known of the Unitarian ministers and la con sidered by many aa tha moat brilliant speaker of them all. He I pastor of the Church of tha Messiah in New ork nd Is Interested In every philanthropic orh of that great city. The Nebraska State Nurses' association will meat at David City, Neb., Tueaday, January 18. Many of tha local nurse are planning to attend. Miss Lillian Sheldon haa chargo of th program, which In clude an address on "Eugenic" by Mrs. Charles Humphrey of Falls City, who Ja club will meet at the Lincoln hotel in -dive in state Women'a club affairs. Lincoln Saturday. January 29. at 12:30.. judge Skllea will talk on th pur food I I I ' , . vs.; 'J ' ' '. t W v 'V ) f 1 Vaecari, the eoloreture; Blgnor Antola, the little baritone; Aleeandro ModestL th finished singing actor, and Mm. Marie Kaestner. the dramatic soprano, ara coming. Mint. Adaberto. tha ao prano. whose beautiful work stood out ao Individually In last season's operas, re main In Italy this season, and Miss Keestner will sing "Aids." Repertoire end price ar alway fore most features of Interest In opera en gagements, and in this connection the Arab Patrol (Tangier Temple), under whose auspices the engagement is made possiDie, naa woricea oui again a cievr arrangement which brings the coat of seat down to within the reach of all. This, however, la primarily due to th un- Helen (ItS.Bh'iakih Petonnzf Rev. Titus Low of th First Methodist church will lecture on "Th Melting Pot" fov th literature department o( the Omaha "Woman's club Wedneadsy morn ing at 10 o'clock at th Young Women' Chrtotlaa association. Th program Is In th hands of Mr. M. p. Cameron. Th Business Women' club meet Tues day vening at 7 o'clock at tha Young Women's Christian association, th meet ing to be preoedad by a supper at :1S o'clock. Tha open program by th muelo otlon, scheduled to b given that eve ning by Mrs. Bdttb L Wagoner, ha been ptpon4 on account of tha Social Set tlement concert at th Fontenella. Mia Mary Phtlllppt. leader of tb story teller' Uon of th Association of Col lgl&U Alumaaa, will entertain thl week's meeting at hr home, CIO Califor nia atreet, Wednesday afternoon. Mia Nell Ryan w(l tell a tory from Van Dyka' 'Xnknown Quantity" and other atoriea will be told by M'ss Esther Thorn and Mis Helen Thomas. Th regular meeting of V. 8. Grant Women'a Relief eorpa will be held Tues day at 110 o'clock In Memorial hall. An executive committee meeting at 1: o'clock and a directory meeting at 1:41 will precede th meeting of th Omaha Woman'a club Monday afternoon at th Toung Women Christian association. During tha buatoea meeting Mm K. R, J. Kdholra will tall th plans for th ob servance of Baby Health week In March, the biggest thing of tba year attempted by tha Qenaral Federation of Women's clubs; Mrs. C. W. Hayes, state chairman of the legialatlv department, will discuss tha Keatlng-Owaa bill relating to child labor, and Mr. J, D. lit will report tb progress of th penny lunch at th Train school. Instituted recently by th Worn an' club. Th open program which follow will b In th hand of th art department, of which Mra. C. J. Roberts leader. Tha program arranged la an Illustrated lec ture on ''Russia to b given by Edward P. Fitch, who favored tha club last year with such an entertainment. Mr. Fitch la a local business man who has trav eled much abroad. Mtsa Maud Oray will play ptaaa selections. Tb etty central suffrage commute wll meet Saturday afternoon with Mra Mary Carmack to devla plans for ra'.slng th apportionment of Douglas county to th late suffrage fund. Tb orstory department f the Omaha 'oniea's club has ono mure resumed it etin at Metropolitan hall and will NwJi it neat meeting there Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. fc.a;h member wlil i-lict a character from L'lckena Th l .y e to be presanted thl ii.oi.tbi by th department ha been t.n'.uf J until nest month, due to th' lllnes of th club president. Mrs. N. 11. Nelson. Th meeting of th music department of tho Omaha Woman'a club, which waa scheduled for last Thursday, waa not hold, due to the storm, but th program announced for that date will be given -Jiurs.iay at 1:13 o'clock, in the Young Woimn's Christian association audi torium. "Caveliena Hum can " ami " lh rerenade ' will be given. Th North filde did of the Child Conservation league will have a Parlia mentary drill Friday at i o'clock. In th Monmouth Park achool auditorium. Th subject for consideration will bo "Mo tion." . ' Th regular meeting of tb Dunde clrcl of th Child Conservation league will b held Monday afternoon at tha home of Mr. P. J. Whit. Roll call will be answered by quotations from "Brother hood" in "Foundation Stone." A paper on "Poor Environment and Misdirected Energy as th Ureat Factor In Crime will ba given by Mra. Allen White; Mra D. M. McQahey will have ona on "Tha Onen Mchool House a a Boclal Center;" and Mrs. W. O. Perry on on "A National Conference on odal Centers." Mra Dal will give tb story of th opera U Trovator." Tb program 1 In charge of Mr. D. E. cCuIley. The Tennyon chapter of the Chau tauqua Literary clrcl will meet Monday afternoon at th horn of Mra N. NcUuii, 4610 Dougla etrt. Roll call will be answered by quotation from Poe, Willis nd Bayard Taylor. Mr. E. O.. Hamp ton-will lead th dlaouaalou of th first chanter in "Changing Atnerte. The astronomy lesson win b on -venus. Miss Eunlc Frlad will have a paper - . . m. UI , on Horace ureeiey, ana in. Lyl on on th "Lewi and Clark Ex pedltion." Thla club waa formed In Omaha during tha last state teachers' convention and Mis Anna Tibbcte of th Peru Normal school Is the president. The New York City board, which has In hand the entertainment of the biennial convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, May 51 to June 2, this week Issued Its first bulletin of, In formation, Twenty thousand women aro expected to be in attendance at thla con vention. Headquartera for the biennial board have been established at the Hotel Astor, where an office corpa, headed by Mr. William Orant Brown, the chair man, la on duty each day. The con vention proper wll be hold In the spacious Seventh Regiment rmory. . An Omaha girl, Miss Mary tllgglm, daughter of Mrs. Annie O'Connor Hlu glns, Is winning much prominence In l east aa a suffrage speaker. Miss Hlgvin gave an address on, "St. Taul and tho Women" In New York last week, when Mr. Florence Kelley waa the other speaker on th program.' Tha former Omaha girl also addressed a sufraRi meeting at the home of Mrs. O. if. P. Belmont. ,. ' ' , . Miss Hlgglns, with Mr. Bt. John Duval, organised the first social settlement In UU'hmont. Va., In connection wl'h Bt. Paul's old roctory, with which settlo ment she la still connected. Just nuw she is taking a course In law lectures at Columbia college In New York "My nnd will then return to Richmond. MlM Hlgglns has been sctlv In the auffran campaign In Virginia, touring the Mte with th president, Mrs. Valentine. The new officers of Malva White shrine will be Installed at the meeting Thursday evening to be held at Masonic temple. Rev. t'arl Worden and hla mother, Mra. Worden, who were for merly officers at Petoskcy. Mich., win be the installing offlcera. A soclsl hour will follow the meeting. Mir. J. V. Miller of South Bide is the new and Mra C. Vincent, tha retiring president of th Whit Bhrlne. ' Th music section of th Association of Colleglat Alumna will meet with th leader, Miss Elisabeth Fry, Monday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Instead of th usual program, there will be chorus; practlc for th open program, which thl ectlon will present at th February meeting. Miss Esther Thomas will tell th story of William Allan Whit' "Song of Our Syrian Quest." and Miss Helen Thomas will tell "Th Return of th Lost Charm." by Henry avn Dyks, Wednes day, when th story teller league of th Assoclstlon of Collegiate Alumna meets at the horn of Mis Mary Phil Hppl. , " Th Business Women council was favored with homemade luncheon Tuea day, furnished by the Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church women. Mis Lily Strong of th Young Women Christian association waa speaker. Th meetings are held every Tueaday, from 11 to I, at IQi court house, Seventeenth street sntrsnc. The Benson Women's Christian Tern-1 peranca union will meet at the home of Mra E. J. Whlatlsr . Friday afternoon. Mia. K. M. Covell of Omaha will glv a talk on th toPio of "Stat Survey.' A social hour will follow th program. Th Benson Woman a club met Thura day afternoon at in noro oi wr. Vernor, when "Tolstoy" waa tha topic for discussion. The dvlc committee re ported that plana for definite work In the Interest of the public ar blng lam. A social hour and lunch followed the program. The Benson Bsptist Missionary Circle meet Thursday at tha noro ol Mr. B r. Fuller. Mrs. E. Farrls will b th leader on the program. Th program wtH b on of prayer for th different mission. this being the regular day of mission prayer. Mrs. N. H. kelson, president of th Omaha Woman's club, who has been eon fined to th Ciarksou hospital for the last to week a ha bean holding her own pretty well during th last tew days. Mrs. Kelson's illness haa cast a gloom over th entire club and her absence from th vlub's activities la strongly felt. Tb Nebraska Women's Educational Th first public meeting of th N braska Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage sine th suffrage campaign In thl state will b held at th horn of th president, Mra Edward Porter Peck, on Monday afternoon at iM o'olock. Re port of the national antl-auffrag con ventlon held recently In Washington, D. C, will be given by th delegates. Mrs. leek. Mra William Archibald Smith and Mrs Frank T. Hamilton. Mra. Thomas Brown will entertain th Omaha Suffrage association at an after noon tea Wedneaday at her home, 1S24 IN irt street preceding this ther will be a business meeting, At which th rais ing of funds will be discussed. Mera btra who have teen collecting carpet rags to be wovn Into ruga, th sale of which la expected to bring money Into th treasury, ha been requested to brtn th balls to Qi meeting. Miss Myrtle Brown will glv plsno selections and Miss Dorothy Brown will sing a group of songs and Mr. TMlsabeth Hlgglns Sulll van will talk on "Preparedness." John Cowper Powys will glv th sc ond of a aerie of lecture befor th Omaha Society of Fine Arte. Friday a 4 o clock, at th Hotel Fontenelle. "Mas ters of th Orand Stylo Shakespeare, will ba th subject of hla talk. - Thursday evening t th high school audlturluitt at M John lUyaee Holme of New York will speak before th Political Equality leagu os 'The Mar- law; Dr. Thompson, on "Surgery In a Small Town." and IMss Ida L. Oerdlng, on "Prohlema of tha Small Hospital." Mlii Ottalle Vavra, Rev. J. F. Haws and Dr. E. E. Miller will also appear on th program. Mrs. J. N. Paul of St. Paul, president of the Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs, announoes th appointments for state commttteea Mra Paul will be In Lincoln this week and then. In company with Mrs. A. O. Peterson of Aurora, the past Stat president, will go tp Des Moines to attend a conference of state presidents th latter part of th month. Th committees ar as follows: Art Mr. J. T. Lees, 2011 A street, Lin coln; Mrs. W. W. Orlgor, Omaha; Mrs. P. 8. Thompson, Albion; Mrs. J. C. Icmlng. Norfolk; Mrs. C. A. Klngsley, MlnOn. Education Mra. A. O. Thomas, Lincoln; rs. Helen Uttley, Tllden; Mrs. J. B. La hspelle. Ashland; Mrs. A. C. T.awel, 8t Paul. Civics Mrs. Hugh La Master, Tecum- sh; Mrs. F. J. Blrss, Omaha; Mrs. J. V. Oren. Crelghton; Mrs. ' D. B. Cropsey, Falrbury; Mable S. Correll, Cambridge; Mrs. H. M. Davis, Ord. Conservation Mrs. J. R. Evana Darld City! Mrs. Emma Sampson. Oakland. Mrs. P. C. Carstensen, Curtis; Mrs. R. L. Raymond, Scott's Bluff. , Civil Service Reform Miss Julia Fuller, Beatrice: Mrs. W. S. Swanson, Oakland; Mrs. Etta M: Sides. Dakota City; Mrs. C. Webster, Gibbon; Mrs. Frank Par sons, Holdrege. Health-Mr. K. R. J. Edholm. omana; Mrs. H. L. Cook. Lincoln; Mra J. C. Pen rod. Beatrice; Mrs. P. A. Sundberg, Hol drege: Mrs. T. A. Burnham. Arnold. Home Economics Mrs. A. E. Davidson, College of Agriculture, University of Ne braska, Lincoln; Mrs. Fs J. Burnette, Omaha: Mrs. C. A.' Miller. North Bend; Mrs. Elden Mead, York; Mrs. J. O. Lyne, Nelson; Mrs. C. D. Stennard, Morrill. Library-Mrs. D. E. Wherry. Pawnee Cltv: Mrs. Bruce Mcculloch, omana; Mrs. Nevln. lAurel; Mrs. Levi Thompson. Bradshaw; Mra. J. M. Holllngswortn, Cambridge; Mra. B. O. Hostettler. Kearney. Industrial-Mrs. W. N. Orl. Stanton; Miss Anna 8tevenson. Nebraaka city; Mrs. J. W. Welch. Beneon; Mrs. W. A. Cat, Nelson; Mrs. C. M. Matheny, Scott's Bluff. Literature Mrs. E. B. Penny. Fuller- ton; Mrs. C. B. Thompson, Auburn; Mis Paulina Oldham, Murray: Mrs. Emma McDonald, Wahoo; Mrs. M. A. Stvn on. Fairfield; Mrs. Emma C. Wort. Kearney. Legialativ Mrs. C. w. Hayes, otwana; Mrs. B- Nral. Auburn; Mra Sara E. Wll son. Oenera: Mrs. W. E. Andrews, Hast ings; Mrs. O. H. Romlna Chadron. Constitution Mra Wllltara Braddocn, Chadron; Mrs. II. W. Campbell. Bethany; Mr. A. J. Eddy. Fremont: Mra Helen M. Drake, Beatrice; Mrs. B. C. Morrill, Stromsburg. Credentials Mra J. S. Walsh, Oothsn- burg; Mrs. S. B. 8tarrett, Central iity; Mra. A. W. Van Sickle. Hastings. Music Mra Helen E. Poneth. AUlanc; Mrs. W, II. Cramer, North Piatt; Mra. L. M. Lord. -Omaha. Scholarship Trustees Mra F. IL.CoI. Omaha; Mra W. A. Apperson. uncoin; Mrs. B. J. Hainer. ILneolu: Mrs. B. D. Havward. Lincoln. Proaram Mrs. J. H. Corrlck, Culbort- son: Mr. N .11. Nelson. Omaha; Mra m F. Stanley. Aurora; Mra John siaaer. Hastings. Past Presidents Mra A. O. Peterson, Aurora. Reclproclty-Mra J. H. BelL Tor. s . , . . 'am in I Bill at Empress for Coming Week Good Vaudeviille A diversified bill will- be presented to th Empress clientele today. Heading th bUl will be tha Richardson sisters In a melange of songs. Interspersed with acrobatic dancing; Smith and Farmer, with nonsense and nifty sayings; the three Bartos, athletes, who surpass pred ecessors In this particular field. Amedo Is th wlrard of the accordeon and hard to beat. The moving picture screen fea ture will be "The Woman With a Rose," When Two Will Ply a Game," Bellg- Trlbune No. 4 and an unknown comedy. Th patron of the Empress can now or der their seats one week In advance. Phone Douglas VM for your ' reserved seats. Starting Thursday, January 20 the Em press will present a mlnlatun musical comedy, entitled, "The Night Clerk." This company comes Intact, carrying a carload of scenery, and has a csst of twenty-four people, mostly all girls.' Thj moving pic ture featnr will be "The Devil in Chief," with Tyrone Powovs in th principal role; Th Fablo of th Two Philanthropic Sons." by Georse Ade, one of th best that lie has written, and "Chickens." a screaming fare and full of comedy. The Sellg-Trlbun Nn. 6 closes th program. mie.Sophe CZzrkboiS- Details of the three-day engagement of th San Carlos Grand Opera company organization, at the Auditorium, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Janu- j ary 27, 2S and 29, have been perfected. Thre evening performances and one matinee will be given, each a different production call'ng for a separate cast or principals, and the operas will be elaborately staged. Ths Identical stage settings used at tha Boston Opera house, when the San Carloan re-opened that claaslo muslo temple In September, will be In evidence here, the Auditorium stag being amply spacious for adjust ment of the big drops, the splendid scenes of "Alda," and the other three productions. , Impresario Gallo Is known to keep close faith with the public Each season the opera-goers of th country expect some- yijmr new from him In the way of new, fresh, young voices, and in this respect the tireless young manager Imported the eminent Manuel Salasar, Spnin'n premier tenor, whose appearances with the company has proven one of the out standing features of grand opera in thla country. Salasar will have two appear ances in Omaha, singing, on the open ing night, the role of Radamee, in "Alda," the character of Canlo, in "Pagllacol," wherein he won Instant success In his native land. Signer Callo will bring a brand new mexso, Mme. Stella DeMette, the French singer. Plg nor Pletro DiBiasi, basso, former star of the Boston company," will alternate in the performance with Cervt, the bas so buffa. Sophie Charlebois, lyric so prano, an American artist, will come to s'ng the character of Nedda, and It will be welcome news to muslo lovers to hear that such fin artiste as Mme. v.. - i V YSYY-ZY SLfja mY-r-Y :M K f " r V . ' ' j I i 0 Sfffiorina. usual seating capacity of tha Auditorium and the fuct is known that this low scale of prices does not prevail In any other city on the company's Itinerary. Th repertoire Is of the pupular character, embracing the most sought-for operas of the standard list, and has been so ar ranged aa to bring out the entire princi pality of the company during Its visit. Most of the principals will have two ap pearances. The repertoire has further been chosen by reason of the success In other cities of the operas select d for Omaha. The list Is: Thursday, January 27, "Aida;" Friday, "RiKoletto;" Saturday matinee, "Lucia Dl Lammermoor;" Sat urday evening, "Cavalleria Rustlcana" and "Pagllaccl." The course tlcketa are obtainable from Lucius Pryor of tha Brandeis store. The regular public, seat sale opens Monday, January 24, at th Auditorium. VOLUME OF RAILWAY MAIL SHOWS A BIG INCREASE An Increase of 18 per cent In tha volume of railway mail carried In tha Fourteenth district comprising ' the states of Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming Is shown by. the report of Superintendent John ston of that division. This Increase for 1916 over 1914 Is th largest recorded In th division for any year. . SPANISH SHIP HITS MINE TWENTY-FIVE DROWN LONDON. Jan. IS. Only one out of twenty-six members of th crew of th Spanish steamship Bayo was saved when th vessel on Thursday waa sunk by striking a floating mine, forty mile off th port of La Rochelle. Th Bayo waa on th way. from Ruelva, Spain for La Rocbelle. It was owned In Bilbao, was of 2,77a tons. 121 feet long and had been built at Whitby, England. In ISO. T. W. C A. Nta. Rv. Charles A. Klllt of Paotflngfu. China, will speak at the 4 veaoer serv. hmm kun ,n, Uilir in VrlOUS PTlWD V t eT lSH churches on th general subject of China Mr. Kill's knows tne associations in iirn- stln. t'hlna. In whlcn local peopm nv m vw-y definite interest in inai itoj helping support the secretary there. Mr. 1 ... n.nm, mill h the soloist. At th snrlal hour Miss Edna Oeorge of th nhvalcal deoartment will be hoetes. All women ar Invited to both the services. On Monday evening, January 24, will b the annual meeting of the association. 1 ......... .111 h unad at M In the oafa and tickets must be secured for this by the Saturday evening previous. At thla meeting the yearly report ar mad and board meiuoera ar eiec-iea. 80 many are calling about different class work, thlnk'ng the second term be gins with the first of January, but th . rm will tint AMn until th second week In February, the lth. Th schedule of claasea will be ready the laat of the month and can b secured at the general ntflce or through the mall It request Is left at th office. Kelly Ckaaugv CI aba. James Kelly of Wllkee-Barr Ia. 1st manager of th Durham club of th North Carolina leagua. haa been ap pointed manager of th Greensboro club, same league. Read The Be Want Ada It pay! 55 HELD ON SUSPICION OF PASSING FORGED CHECKS t a J. A. Shepherd. S712 North Twenty- eighth avenue. Ia held In Jail for Inves tigation by detectives. Detective L. T. Finn of the Brandeis Stores arrested him Friday in connection with a number of forged checks which were passed at the Brandeis stores and. Owen McCaffrey's saloon. Crochet with. Klostersilk ' Inttructiona for t nee two yCTv beautiful designs given jT m, NishtGowa . . . "shS. KOGr Night Cowa Twenty complete instructions fre to you Get this set of twenty complete instructions troej shows exactly how to crochet such charming pieces as 1 in eerier yokes. camisole covers, medallion butterfly, baby cap, hats, beautiful 1 - j i . . eaguigs suiu insertions. Cut this advertisement ent and hand it to your dealer at one. He will present 70a fre of charge with the twenty live instructions- If your dealer's supply of these fre Instructions Is exhausted, send us his name and thre 2-cnt stamps and we will forward them to yon by return malL After you ar familiar with the work done with Klos tersilk yon will recognise it anywhere by it beauty, its smoothness, its lasting attractiveness. The Thread Mill Company Thread Sales DepcX. 219 W. Adams St, Chicago s 55 tw-a emmm SO &m lib " sSf corns Si mm as .