Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1916, SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 14

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is Going On
in Society Circles
Wedding; Flam.
Announcement of th hetlioihsl of
Mill Esther IIIsmn of Rmoklyn en4
Mr. Jrq;: Uleur of Thin cltjr lis been
Tl'fi wed.'jne of MIm Idi FrledM.
fliithiT of Mr. snd Mn. U. rrledfll.
to Morris JNrr of I-lnroln will tsk
Hure tb's evening nt o'clock t tho
h.vnf of the hild.i'K parents. Rblt il.
: rod funky I1I rerform the ceremony.
Fcr tfce Little Till-..
Mm. F. 3 : t'ehlln fitrrtslned at a
n very charming eftrr.r-on tii"ty fnr her
lUiii:1! ! I M' lie's ninth blrthdsy Thurs
On; . (lini" wcr p.iJnyM and the
f !! ci-o Jisr.'i rinilcal toy.
Tho-e l;i';iil weir:
Mrrs." and Menr'rte '
T t tnrer.
P. S. flntr,
A tee, - -lmthv
Msrvaret Kiott.
I'S'py Hih,
Ttntb hntwrll,'
IViHa rV-feur,
Nina Crlee,
OIhcItk McC.uffln.
H-len Kohn,
IX ltor Atialln,
lerwin Hone,
lo Withers
lliintcr Scott.
Jsmln M-Mullen.
-lark 1errmi.liei,
Tony Leermsker.
Vle-e '.
Mm jeret Tnrley,
Dnrothv 1'ehlinn,
Maignret ilr.
"lw-lores Hoee of
Meadow Urove,
Vmnuerlte Vounu,
l.utile I'rhlltig,
HlldlHlll tO'OtW'fll,
KWy len.
.toini r!uier".
Ilikn Hnblnenn,
o lr.t Jnhnson of
ls Moines
Events of Past Week.
Th ftarslhes-i club of the llanacom
I'ark Methodist rr.urch mat Wednesday
afternoon with Mia. Frank 8. Perkins.
Twenty-five piests wire present and
rouilral program was (Ivan. Tha hostess
ii aaalated by Mesdsmea A. E. Mnrston
and O. F. Ciffln.
Miaa Anna. ' David was hostess at a
dinner Friday at her home. A mound
of Killarnev roses war used aa a cen
terpiece. Thoae present war:
Alma ttrlehots,
'stherlne lllait,
Adeline Houknl,
Anna Hrlehols.
Hlma l.tiehbe.
Ida Hemersd,
Helen PHehols,
Sophia llothout,
Anna David,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Mm. R. L TU-ynoIds of South Bide an
tertalned Friday at lunrheon at tha Hotel
Fonlenelte, followed by an Orpheum
matinee party. Her guests ware:
Meadamea Meadamea
f. C. Hyan. J JC Mcl'hall,
W. R llaieltoo, A. Anderson.
l. McKvoy.
Mrs. 1. Mehrens was hoateaa at tha
meeting of tha Paramount Whist club
FriOsy evening. Prises were won by
Mr.'jll. 1 Underwood. Mr. P. Mehrena,
Mr...O. lovejoy, Mrs. Ioree, Mrs. J.
P.irrs and Mrs. P. Mehrena. Hevanteen
couulea were preaent.
Kotei at Random. l
B. Wellr, W. ChtmboUn and T. W.
fh . k , rt ' nZ. 'rT,V.'" Mr.. Edward Todd, who live, at Brazen
w!il!.l,CeUlrri,VMoV 'town. ria.. on Tampa bay. Mrs. Will-
of Mrs. C. K. Yost, returned home Wed
nesday havlntr arrived for tha- soldoo
weaain celebration of Mr, and Mn i
caapor HL Tost.
Mrsnd Mrs, E. Butklnsham .left Tues-
y for Halt Lke City with the dolcsa-
liun from South Omaha to the National
Wol Orowara1 association, which met
In finlt Lake Clty.u . '
Mr. an.rfMrs. V."n.Asfr haVe moved
to ihelr new home just ' completed In
Iunden at ti'Mi California street. ;
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Yatei, who have
lxth been il at their apartment at tha
West Fernam, the former with pneu
monia and the Utter with ear trouble,
are able to sit up this week and are im
proving steadily.
Paijalco Club Dance
The Pacaleo club ave Its first danrlnc
Party of the year, Thruaday evening at
the Metropolitan hall. Those preaent
Iiai Anthonv,
Mari a Vtover.
Wlnnlfred Howe,
I.llilcn c... u
tti Qiiialey. CatheHna tVai
theHna CYawlev.
laiuie Howe.
flal Heobe,
Kthel IarsH,
Yvonne UoJdan,
Florence Hart.
Mayme Martin,
Mabel Wataon.
Marsaret Eiaaaaer,
H. Halter,
Ruth Wlneirard,
Iraan Murphy,
l-Jmmallna Pttlnslll
J. tu-ette,
Mvrtle Huhelm,
I. llsabeth Win,
Atnea Mnrtarty.
Wilms Mrtot
Iteaaw Beckly,
" j niton.
Jarie Phaffer, ' . .
Jfula Marah, 1
rvomne launders,
Annabel Olaasow,
Kailiem Hiern.
Katharine Keenao,
Irrne Maker,
lent Ooets,
A lire Hall,
Maraaret Phelan,
Hattte Peteraon,
W. J. Hlxjnn.
KjMirvn Haxthiusen
'llliun Mel lea.
K. teVha,
K. H. Jones.
H. K. Jaooteii,
H. K. Sweet.
V. Kellv.
J. W. SblnrrtU,
0rse Marsh,
Al Pwanaon,
T. Kesan,
n A. Meyer,
eore Vady.
OwiTre Hammond,
A. H. Almirren,
M. K. Sioore.
C5"tr;,.K?u,m". Bumpas.
H W ITl I Iir ....
lay lor.
n. B. Khaf Ur,
K. J. Coleber.
P. IC MacCrone,
'onto flood man.
J-a Heldrr,
e. i . tumrnanr,
John Hiewart, Jr.; .
A. Volney Hmi,
T. P Petersen.
P. W. Kay,
O. E. Penuer,
W. J. Hlxaon.
W. a Caivart.
D. I Knew,
Jack McDonald.
J. C. Nelaen.
J. K. PetTy,
D. W. Dev.
Bert I-arkar,
Al lemfiwn,
H. B Ruffner,
(. A -lain...
I'M Malser,
Frank Dean.
Klgln Ayras.
To Winter in Warmer Climei.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bradford have re
turned home from a fortnight spent
In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford
leave the end of the month to spend the
remainder of the winter at Coroaado, Cat.
Mra. John -P. Coad, accompanied by
her daughters. Mlas Irene Coad and Mlaa
Beatrice Coad, will leave the first of
tlu; week to spend the winter In Los
A ni: tries.
Engagement Announced.
Captain and Mrs. William d. Poane
announce the engagement of their daugh
ter, Maryaret Ruatln, to Mr. Brandon
iloaell, eon of Mr. and Mrs. 8. k.
Howell of this city. Miss Ruatln Is
granddaughter of Mra. V. B. Dustln of
i hi city and has spent considerable time
lur ith Mra. Kuitiii during her at
leiiUanfe at the unlveraity at Lincoln for
two years, and while Captain and Mra
Doane have been stationed at Bchofleld
l.arraik at Honolulu. Thla winter, how
ever. Mra. Doana has been In Berkeley,
'al., and her son and daughter have
l.eea wlib her. attending school and
1-relcy university. Captain Doane
i ame over from Honolulu for the holl
") aitd Mr. Howell baa Juat returned
fiotn a visit to Berkeley to see his flan-
Mr Huwell was a student at the Uni
versity of Wie4nsin and U an Alpha
i'elu Phi man. He la now associated
v.n!i ,is father in bualneas.
Mis Kudtin baa many friends ta Omaha
to welcome ber when ahe returns aa a
t'ftde, and she was vr povular at the
;4Tcnnessce Girl Guest
v- -.' - . : ! , ' ' ' - ' -.-. -,J 1
university, where aha was a member of
the Delta Gamma sorority. Hefore volns
to the university ahe sraduated from the
high school in Seattle and since belns
la Berkeley has taken a special course
at the university there.
....... . ....
i . i n
. ...
the bishop expert to return In about
two weeka. -- s '
Miss Halcyon Cotton and her rueat.
J Mlaa Rebecca Haven of Cincinnati, left
Thursday for Bt,,Ioula to vlslt.iVlas Kee-
accompany Miss Haven to Palm Beauh,
Fla., where the latter'! parents have a
hgftiae and vfticre they .apend every, w(rtor..
Mlaa Colics will probably remain south
until late,, sprint. ,
Drama Classes Formed. ,
Besides the Friday morhln drsma
claas under the leadership of Mlas M):-
HtiRh, there Is another, one which meets
Wednesday mornlims at the houae of
one or the other of the seventeen or
eighteen members, also with Miss Mc-
Hugh aa the leader. They meet next
Wednesday with Mrs. Milton Barlow,
and the subject la to be Hhaw's "An
drocles ahd the 1. Ion" and "Widowers'
Houses." Ht III a third rlaaa is under tha
leadership of ' Miss Zra (Shields, this
one meetlnn Wednesday aftemoona at
Mrs. Frank Colpctier s. Among the
members of this rlaaa' are Mk-a. O. IE.
Ilaerstlk. Mrs. A.' W. Jefferis, Mra.
K. C. Barton, Mrs. David Baum. Mlsa
Dandls. Miss Jeanette McDonald, Mra.
Ada Atklnaon. Mrs,- F. J. FltMerald and
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf.,
Hard Timet Party.
Miss ftadln Weiss and Miss Kdlth Til
ton 'entertained the members of tha staff
ofNhe High 8chool of Commerce paper
Friday night at a hard time party at
the home of the former. Those present
Margaret Danahy,
Irene Tauchen, .
Alice ftvan.
Kdlth Tllton.
John Fl.a.
Harry Wl'son.
Leonard McUrath,
I.aura Peters.
Ilnl.'l Mack.
Kdlth HalKht.
Sndlrt Welaa.
. Messrs.
Mlh Tryon.
Milton Herbrlck,
alter U. Juliuaun.
Veita Chapter Election.
The Kenainglon flub ofVeeta chapter.
No. (. Order tf the Vlern Star, met
Thursday afternoon alth Mrs. Anna
Him peon, and the following officers were
elected for the ensuing; yesr: President.
Mrs. Ada Brady; vice president. Mrs. II.
I Underwood; . secretary. Misa Mena
Mlelbede; treaaurer, Mra. Isabel Munger.
Stork Special.'
A eon, Ri hard Barnsworth, was born
Wednesday morning to Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd D. Willis.
Among the Visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. ". r- W. Myers vt
I Dubuque, spent the week-end at the horns
Of Mrs. Myers' mother, Mra. K. W. Nash.
With the Army Set.
Captain W. U. Cowln. ' Seventh cav
alry, haa befit on'rred from Douglas,
Aria, to Hachita, N. M.. where part of
the Seventh cavalry troops are sta
tioned. Captain W. O. Doane, who has been on
leave In Berkeley. Cel., sailed laat week
to rejoin his regiment at Scofleld' Bar
racka, Honolulu, where ha will complete
hla tour of duty next August.
Colonel Jamea li. Erwin 1 In torn
mand of the Seventh cavalry at loug
las.. Alia., having been ordered there
from San Francleco at the expiration of
his detail at that place.
News from Montague Tancock.
Through the (ftorta of Mr. Walter Pas,
who Is In New York on business, Desn
and Mrs. Tauo i have received assur-aBu-es
of the s'jfety of their son M nUgue
who haa leen la St'ibla doing Red Cross
work since laat summer and from, whom
they have had no direct word for three
montha. Mr.. Page learned through Mr.
Child of the Child's restaurant fajne, that
Montagus Tsncock la now at the boa-
of Mrs. S. B. Doyle
pltal at Uskub, In Bulgaria, safe and
well. Mr. Child's son and Montagu Tan
cock were college matea at Princeton and
went to Serbia In tha gam party, and It
was from the former that tha news
reached Mr. Child.
Re tarn to School.
Miss Regina Connell was detained by a
severe cold from returning; to school laat
week, but will leave Monday probably.
Mlaa Kdna Riley, who haa been spend
ing several weeks with her Parents. Mr.
and Mrs. n. F. Riley, returned Friday
evening to Washington. D. C. where
she attends Chevey Chase school. Miss
Riley waa accompanied by Miss Nan
Spalding, foe whom she waited an extra
week, while MUi Spalding recovered from
an attack of appendicitis.
Miss Virginia Offutt and Mlas Emily
Keller left Thuradsy to return to school,
the former to Miss Spence's In New York
and the latter to Rosemary Hall at
Greenwich, Conn. Mlsa Offutt stayed
over from the holidays to be her for the
golden wedding anniversary of her grand
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tost Miss Keller
waa detained by Illness, having been con
fined to the hojss most of her vacation
by grip.
The Crawford Return.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford arrived
home laat Saturday and are In their
apartment at tha West Farnam. which
has been occupied In their absence by
Mr. Conrad Young and Miaa Young. Mr.
and Mrs. Crawford have been away since
June, the former In Canada part of the
time. and with Mrs. Crawford in th east.
Mrs. Henry Knox, sister of Mrs. Craw
ford. U expected back shortly, having
remained eat to apend a week with her
son. John, at Grot on school. Mrs. Knox
and her sn attended the cadet ball
given at Cadet armory In Roaton New
Year's eve. when Governor and Mrs. Mo-
t all of Maseachuaetts were the gueats of
Little Ones Dance.
The dancing of the little tola provided
a fascinating feature of th complimen
tary dance recital given by pupil ol
Chambers' dancing academy Friday eve
ning. The two youngeat performers were
Uaby Roroff and Baby Todd, each 6
yeara old, and Baby Druesdow. yeers
old. gave two exhibitions of to dancing
In wsltxtng snd polks.
Dance Postponed.
The M-A-VIrp club's dancing party al
th Hotel Roma, which waa aanouacsd
v n:tr-; lis -. v m .
L -A k j
Minneapolis Matron Popular Guest in Omaha
I ' ' ,
yjti i - . iY "
; i ; els , r
for Tuesday evening, haa been postponed
Indefinitely. .
Promise of the Social Calendar.
The Week-End Dancing club will meet
Saturday evenlna at Chambers' academy.
Th North Sid Progressive club will
give a card party at Druid hall Wednes
day evening.
Th Mixer club of Creighton university
will give Its dance at the Fonteneli
Monday evenlnir.
Dr. DeRoy Crummer wilt entertain at
dinner Friday at hla horn In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Hoxle Clark.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hull Will dine
Informally with a few friends at their
home Thursday evening, preceding the
Subscription dance.
A second January meeting of the
Franco-Belgian Relief society will be held
the latter part of th month at th horn
of Mrs. Walter Page.
Mrs. Harvey Millken will give an after
noon bridge Wednesday for Mrs. Dexter
Buell and Mra. Stanley Hartman of Chi
cago, who Is the guest of her father. Mr.
Albert Caha.
Emmanuel club, a newly organised
.Lnrlne dub. atvss Its first affair of
th season this evening at Metropolitan
halt L Schlalfer Is president and Ben
Iew1s secretary-treasurer of the new
The Ctnoeam Dancing club will hold
Its next danc at Scottish Rite cathe
dral on Thursday evening. The regular
danc to be given February S will be
converted tnU a leap year. box lunch
Gossip of Society.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1L Dumont have re
turned from a trip to Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Met, Miss Oer
trud Meta and Mr. Philip Met left
Saturday for New York to be one ten
Mrs. C. B. RusUn, who went to New
York Just before Chrlatmsa to visit her
daughter. Mrs. J. it Mcintosh, will re
main east until April.
Mra. F. H. Da via and her daughters,
Mlsa Elisabeth Davis and Miss Mellora
Da via, will go east about February 10 to
spend three week! In New York.
Archbishop Keen of Dubuque, who
came over for the funeral of Blahop
Boannsll. Waa a guest whlls her at th
home of Mr. and Mrs. lxuls Nash.
Mr. Conrad Young and hla sister. Miss
Youiur, are at th Colonial until Mr.
and Mra Souble go south, whea they wltl
take th Uttei'a apartment at tha Weat
Mr. and Mr. J. F FlUgerald spent
Tueaday and Wednesday In Ksnsaa City
and were entertained at dinner by some
of Mr, Fttsgerald'a frtenda Tuesday
Mlas trficll Bacon leaves Wednesday
for Chicago to be bridesmaid to Mlsa
Helen May. whoa wedding; la to take
place February . Mlsa Baron will also
visit Mrs. D. W. Ferguson of Chicago.
Mrs. Oeorg Later with her children.
Oeorge, Jr., and Helen, and her mother
and slater, Mra. M. R. Murphy and Miss
Helen Murphy, leave tomorrow for San
Francisco and will apend the winter
there and in southern California.
Mrs. J. Blinker of Amarlllo, Tex., ar
rived Saturday morning to b th guest
of her sister. Mra C. IC Coutant, for a
week. Mrs. Herman Kountae entertained
Informally Saturday evening at dinner
for Mra. Blinker.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess C. McKlsh of Wie
ner, who are about to move to Omaha,
hav taken apartments at tha Colbert
at Thirty-ninth and Farnam streets. Mr.
McNlah is a well known banker, having
been president of th Nebraska Bankers'
association last year. ,
Mra. F. a Cons-gill left Monday for
Chicago to Join Mr. Cowgtll and their
son, Winston, th latter having gone
over In time to enter school after the
holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Oowjrtll have a
furnished apartment at 3200 Sheridan
road tor th winter and spring.
Mra. Oeoraw II.. Thummel and Mle
Stella Thummel expect to leave th lat
ter part of the month for the east to
attend the wedding of Mr. Oeorge Thum
mel to Misa Gladys Congdon of Roches
ter, K. Y., which takes place February
. Mrs. and .as Thummel will visit
New York and other places before rlnj
to Rochester.
Personal Mention.
Mr. D. C. Buell leaves this evening for
Chicago and later St. Douia.
Dr. W. O. Bridges returned Tuesday
from spending the holidays In New York.
Mrs. A. Catlln snd daughter, Mlas Helen
Catltn, leave Monday for 13 Paso, Tex.,
and southern California to b goo six
months. '
Miss Kleanor Mackay la 111 with th
grippe, which lias delayed her departure
for Chicago and Richmond. Va. Upon
her recovery, however, Mlsa Mackay plans
to make visit in both places.
Mr. and Mra. William Ramsey left
Friday evening for Chicago, where they
will meet Mrs. Ramsey's parents. Mr.
and Mk-s. Daniel Cook, who are return
ing from Florida. Mra. Ramsey will ac
company Mr. and Mrs. Cook to Beatrice
to b their guests for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mra. Arthur C. Stors returned
Friday morning from a three weeka'
eastern trip. Mr. Stors went to New
York as a delngate to the national con
vention of automobile jobbers. After
st tending the automobile show, M and
Mra. Stors visited In Buffalo. Philadel
phia, New Jersey and Connecticut.
Open Bids on New
Motor Apparatus
Tuesday Morning
Tuesday mornlnjj the city council will
open bids for thi purchase of 10.0X) feet
of hose for thj lire department and as
much motor appntatus as wl'I bur.
The hose will eort approximately $SX.
This new equipment will be psid lor with
money received frrrr s special levy au
thorised by the last legislature, and which
will be m effe"t for five years, beginning
with 191fi.
Superintendent Withiiell of the fire de
partment states he expects to equip the
fire houses at rorticth and Hamilton
streets. Twenty-at coi.d and Iake etrrots.
Twenty-second Kin' Ames svenue, Tw. n
ticth end Spring streets and Thlrty-f.flh
and JacUson strecta with motor appara ut
as soon as tho orders can be filled. O'lier
houses will bo equipped to the extent Of
the fund. The new motor apparatus to
be purchased et this time will be com
bination hose and chemicals.
Former fnitrd States Senator r.nd
Mrs. Dietrich stopped off In Omaha on I
their way to their home In Hastings, j
from which they have Iwon absent ev-1
eral month. Mcrt of the time since last
November spent In tho east, al
though tbey have Just corre from Bill
ings, where tjie senator went to look
after some property Interests.
ft , . r 3W. t
LitS' SS;fiorB
Dear Mr. Stclnway:
I must tell you that although I was delighted at
my first concert, my enthusiasm,, and Inspiration In
creased at my second concert and became still greater ,
at the third and thua it vrent on crescendo unll my
Joy la the grandeur, the power and the Ideal beauty"
of the tone, and the perfection of touch and mechan-.
Ism was unbounded. , i--
All who play your Pianos can but thank you. I
also do bo and at the same- time- congratulate you
most heartily. Yours very devoted, k
Do not fail to hear the World's .Greatest Tianist sur
ported by the World's Greatest Piano, the STEIN WAY;-
Your are cordially invited to visit our Stelnway Parlors and'
see a complete line of these, world-famoua instruments. New -York v
prices, guaranteed. Moderate monthly payments arranged to suit
the convenience of the purchaser, if desired. '
. r ' ' '
Menu t If ul Art Mahogany (irands $750 .. ef.
, Colonial Hat in Finish Mahogany VprlKhts $500
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1311-13 Fnrnara Street, Omaha, Neb. - ( ; s
Ssolnair BteUway Representatives for IT bra ska and Western Iowa." '
; Wishes to, Announce ;
That we have recently refurnished and, redecorated our balls
throughout and made numerous Improvements and are now better
equipped to handle dances, dancing parties, weddings, lodge meets,'
etc The check rooms' have been enlarged and every accommoda-'
tlon wanted Is provided for. . ' '
Assemblies are to begin In the month of February, the exact! '
date being announced later. va . ,
The Metropolitan Hall also wishes to announce thatVe have.,
secured the very valuable services of Miss Grace Dale of th Kyncb. .
Stock Company, who will demonstrate some of the more difflduit.
new dances and also conduct classes. - -
Book your next dance, party, wedding or lodge meet at the :
Metropolitan Hall. Call Douglas 417. 2301 Harney Street, ' V
Mr. Clark,' who has the Metropolitan Hall in charge, earnestly
requests you to call and examine this hall any time between 10:00 ,
a. m. and 9:00 p. m. any day.
NOW is a Good Time
Party Dresses Cleaned
so they will be ready when you want them. '
Remember, we return them In dust proof bags, in which they
can be left until needed. We guarantee them to open up satisfactorily.
e assume responsibility for loss by lire, Theft or Cakvleaeneaa
of employe.
Our reputation as Omaha's Quality Cleaners has been earned
through eighteen years study and careful attention to the wants of
our customers.
Why not have the DeetT
Douglas (N):t brings an auto promptly,
0oo4 Gleaners and Syars.1
rhoa XKmrtss tss 151S.161T Jonas Street.
Braaoh Off to. SOI rarnaa .
out Ml 470 Bout ata Street.
X. B. We 1'ay Parcel Post One -Way on All Out-of-Town Orders.
I j '"''-'-'-' 1 r - ygr ' I
I V ..1
Bring the Photo
Hospe $ To
No Chart for Httini.
Riot Claims to Be ;
Paid Through the
Greek Ambassador
Judse Sullivan of thu law firm of
Sullivan A Rait explalna that If eon
grass allows the appropriation asked by
Prtsident Wilson, account of the Greek
riots In South Omaha in l. eettlement
will be made throuicli the Greek charfe
d' affairs at Washington.
There were twenty Oreck claimants
who filed dermsltlona, showing .bun age
and loss to personal property and par
sonal Injuries in several caaea. The docu
ments were prepared by Sullivan ft Rait
and forwarded to Was!ilnt;ton to the
Greek charge, who witl- make tho die-
been paid over by thla government, t
Mrs. Peters. '"Tl Xnrhnorf aventia, '
whose l.u:.unnd wai drowned a few years '
ago, soemj to bo pursued by some Nemc
sis or hard luck.
Health Commissioner Connell reports
that the mother and four of her five'
children are stricken llh scarlet rever.
The family Is being given nocessary at
City Comm'slotier Hummel reports
his pien have ilea red the snow from all
public skatlnr; places, which will be In
fine condition fcr Sunday skating miles
more snow should fall. The pond at
Curtlss Tunier park was flooded again '
on Friday. ..
tf lit, A l ZSl l'lAJim
Who appears in
Concert Monday
Evening, Jan. 17,
at the Omaha Au
ditorium, pays the
following tribute
to the World's
best Piano
The Stein way
You Got Xmas To
Be Framed
V '