Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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    TIIK OMAHA Sl'XlUY 1U:1.: JANUAUY hi, 11UC.
Commercial Camp, Woodmen of the
World, Completes Plans for
Banquet at Fontenelle.
orator, A. It. Hippie;
J. St., M. A. HalL
J. W Hobart Mulr;
Florenco Taxpayers
: Call Meeting to
Talk Annexation
sen, secretary ;. Chris K. Nielnon. treas
urer; KmU Hansen, conductor; T. Chris
tiansen, inslda guard; lltnrjr AuilTieii,
outside guard: trustees. Anton C'hrlstot-
at : o'clock at tha Hotel ferson juuua FreUttrteksen and Martin
WM4na the eVarl.
Tha fraternal event of the, month will
be the second annual banquet of Com
mercial camp No. TueUy evening
January 23.
Fontenelle. Following- tha banquet a'l
entertainment will be given which will
Include various stunts by local artists,
accompanied by good music. The su
preme officers will be present and deliver
short addresses. It will be an event In
the history of this cajnp and a good
attendance Is expected at this. Its sec
ond complimentary dinner to members.
I'lorenee camp No. 605 and Mlnne Luna
grove No. 161 of Florence held a Joint
insiauauon .Monqay evening, ine occa
sion was enlivened by the presence ot
the South Omaha grove drill team, which
Ut excellent work In installation cere
monies, as well as performing some
fancy drill figures at the close of tho
work. Emma B. Manchester was pres
ent and installed the grove officers. Ro
freahraents wera served.
Qerman-American camp No.. 1W will
meet -Tuesday evening, January IS. nt
tha new Bohemian Tumor haH, Thli
teesth tnd Dorcas streets. The protrc
tlon decree will be exemplified in full
form and a good attendance is desired.
It will be the initial effort, of the new
officers. - s
Schiller camp No. 304 holds, its regu
lar meeting at the Gerninn . Home, 1400
Smith Thirteenth street, Thursday even
ing, January 20. It is the usual Initia
tion night and a larg cIhss of candi
dates will be Instructed In the lessons
oi Woodcraft. .
Benson camp No. 2S8 will meet Tue
dajr evening, January 18, at W. O. W.
hall, Beaton. Colonel Mather hns prom
ised an evening's entertaiujnent worthy
of ' attendamce.
South Omaha camp No. 211 will meet
at W. O. W. hall. Twenty-fifth and M
streets. South Side, Wednesday evening;,
January 19.
Modern Woodmen,
Benson camp No. 3964 held a- Jeint ln-
stallaAlon ot offloert - with ' Mi Ilv)l
Neighbors Thursday ventngi,' MagnoUn
team ot Omaha helped in tli "work and
Royal Neighbors served a lunch, - ,.
The new Woodmen, officers are: ,J. t il.
PincV. C; Sidney. Johnson. NVj.A.; Dun.
Salford. banker; Charles. Johnson,- cleft?;
board of manager. .MU,'. Rollers and
A., J. Lewis. The Royal Nlhbor: offi
cers are: Mrs. George rost, orjtc's; M,w!
Duke Fni;. vj. or'acle;' Mrs. Chat-tea
Voes, '.chaplain;. Mrs, R. It- Parker, mar
shall; Mrs.' J. Ellis, lhner Sentinel; Mrs.
F. H, Young, outer sentinel; Mrs. G..
Siert, pianist; Mrs. C- V. Brumfield, re
corder; Mta, R. S. Beasley, receiver, aud
C ;C; Wiytaiba. manager. ..
; -''v'rV: .. -v ''.:
Fonteaelle. irlbo ,Noi met in regular
iseloa. Ust todjvy. evening,. One of. the
gre,at chiefs. q( the reservation of the
state "was- present an spoke words of
wisdom. There has been a new amend
ment ; to tha by-laws, adopted; .whereby
tha pvam.fcera can carry benefits, or not;
aa they chooaa. Xond;y evebliMT,, Jan
uary 17.; v trlb-Thvltei, everybody : to
attf,"- & -,WeiftdrJul'li.'j JntaUaUon
of officers fpr the;' comingr- slje ' months.
The ,1sv tywibon -halU 'Twenty
fifth venue, aikl JeavfnYorth street.
Wo4ii Circle.,
Welcome grove, No. 64. will- meet on
Monday at 8 p. m. at Druid hall. Twenty-fourth
street and Ames avenue. The
initiatory degree will bo exemplified in
full form by the new officers. The new
clerk, Elsie. King; will be present to re
ceive dues and auseMments.
KvUkt Vythlua.
Nebraska lods. No. 1, Knl&hts of
I'ythlaa., will bave an open meeting and
entertainment for tha knights and ladles
Monday eiiii, Jaauarj 2. Plana are
under way to. make thle the best cnter
taUiment of tha year- I,ast , Mbuday
cvenin tho rank of page vms conferred
upon a class . of camtulates. ,Mguday
night tb-Uxl' wilt work ill the rank
it esquire. .-'
. rKHishtM Tentpla,'
Mount Cnaary couunaudi y " will hold
several social events in tho near future.
John, MMfc, has eharee of the hi rango
meiits Theri,at wm be ,Bid t Tur
pia's halt.. Monday evening-, January 24.
11 dress. KnUj,hj.a Tcinje uniform for
thia accasioiv iHheis will follow. '
X etabk.rt.
Ivy camp.. N.O. . 2. Hl.jJ .N.hiMu-'a of
America., will, liisuJJ . their olfliers
Winebda.v eveuiug at ' Muduiu W'ood-
' .America ..Hall,, fifteenth
Knlahte of HecnrHy.
Knights and Ladles of Security, Royal
council No. 2.MK. will give a mask ball
Thursday evening at the hall. Twenty
fifth avenue and Leavenworth street.
I. I . L . I. ft - I I .
Tuesday evening the Benson lodge. No. L . .. . ,
H, gave a T o clock supper for Its mem- . . "
., . . . . , Florence to Omaha the taxpavers of
hers preceding the Installation of the fol- . ... . ..
,i ... . t loience will hold a mass meeting at
''" I " K(e,,L n,on -" rontenel.. bul.dlng In FloVsm-T
demar Hansen, vice president; Carl Mad-' " ...
First Pop Concert
Will Be Given at
Auditorium Today
Omaha's first Sunday afternoon popu
lar concert will take place at the Audi
torium this afternoon. Ernest Nordtn
will oond.uct a band of sixty pieces,
and there will be two soloists, Fred
i'helps on the cornet, and Ed Hoffman
ou the Xylpohona.
This in the first of a series of Sun
day afternoon concerts and arrange
ments have been made to care for a
capacity audience.
The Sunday' concerts are the outgrowth
of efforts on the part of Charles A.
Frauka, manager, of the Auditorium,
and a committee from the Musicians'
union. A charge of 10 cents has been
agreed on, and U i believed that the
concerts wilt pack the big Auditorium
to capacity. For uext Suuday. Al Falr
brather, X4i tnei'J director of Klpllnger's
Fourth Regiment 'band aad the Chey
enne Frontelr Day celebration, will be
tho conductor.
..The regular numbers on today's pro
fc.rsrnme will be followed by encores,
whfok' will be tuade up of the very light
popular music. The program follows:
Mrei National Kmolem Bagley
Selectioh from "Mile. Modiste". .Herbert
."Fafkehane." Torchlight Proces
sion Meyerbeer
Cornet solo Selected
KiVil Phelps.
Amgrlcan Fantasia Herbert
Overture--Orpheu1, In Hadws. .Offenbach
Xylophone solo Stjlected
Mr. Kd Hoffman.
Soutlwrw AIih Sunny tiouih. arr .Lanipo
, A Huutrng Scene. BuchIomsI :
, The Northwestern, .railroad officials are '
congratulatlrij' "themselves not one pau-
senger was killed while on a Northwest
ern train during, 1915.' This, tho officials'
say.' is a record, of whlcjt they are proud, I
They . attribute tho lack of accident to!
the carefulness of employes an'd the strict i
ohservianca oX. tha ."aafqtx tvat"' plan that j
has been urged. .
Despite the fact that taxes are consid
erably higher tn Florence this year than
ever before, a number ft the taxpayer I
are of the opinion " If the rirt'perty '
values were equalled there wouM still !
be money enough to run the city, some
thing that has not been the cne since j
Omaha'acqtitr-l the water w.uks and'
topped the tx from that some; Oth- '
ers believe thst tho only solution Is
through snnexatlon, so a call has gone '
out for the meeting Friday evening.
K W Hserti-r1 thst there will le no other 1
subject than taxation and annexation al
lowed to be brought bet'uie the lnectltiK.
K. L. riats will act as clialimau ot the
Advertiser and cuatomer prafit by the
"Ctasstfted Ad" habit. X '
Doctor Says Nuxatcd Iron Will
Increase Strength of Delicate
People 200 in Ten Days l
Going to the Highest B
In many instances Versona hsre saf
ferea antoM acony for years doctarlneT
for nervous weakness, stomach, liver ot
kidney diseasa or sobxs othsr ailment
when their real roul wag laok of Iron
la the blooa. Kew to tell.
New York. N. T In a recent llsevum Dr. .
8Mr, BKklW, ot this cltr atld: I you wr
to sua ta atu4 bloo tett on oU eoosla he
r 111 rott would prnbaltlr srMtlr satoetaboS
t too oacetdiotlr larto aumoor who look lroo
ao wao oro 111 tor no otber rooaus tkaa tko Uuk
ot Iron. Tho nonnt Iron to tuoplloa oil thotr
multitude of 4uiirrous lyviptoiM dtoaproorr-WHa-'out
Iron tho blood at onoo loaeo tbo sowvr 'to
i hunt fuoa Into lirtag Uwio tboi-ofore nsta
.ln oat . does you an sbod: you Soa't st ths
'atrrastk out of It. , Your food awiolr oom
ithrouKb your ayatom ' Itko com throufh
ja mill with Uit rollwe so wide apart thai
tho mill ni l arind. Aa a reault of thia ooattau
oua blood sad nans atanratlen, proala bacoma
Soaarally watanad. nanoua and all run dowa
.and traauentlr doiolo- all aorta- of eondltlona Oro
la too thin; aaothor Is burdonod. wib tsAaaJiay
fat: aooia ara ao waak (bay raa kardti walk:
aoato think tbay have djmoepala, kidnay or. Uvea
:troubla; aotna ran't aleao at nlilia. aMiorw ara
aloray mi tirrd alt day; aojna tupar and WTttabio:
coma aklnny and hloodl, but aJl Lauk oayaloal
pom-er and endurance. Is auoh caaaa. It Is versa
than foollrhnne to take atlmulallnc madlcina ox
narcotlo drffta, which enJr whls sp your fassU'K
vital power for tha moment, aiaybe at the rx
senao ol your life later an. No mailer what aay
oae tail too. It you are sot uront; aad wall ou
owe It to yeiitwet to make tho roiinwins tnat. Keel
how long yvu caa work or bow tar yo ran wlk
witnout beooantas tired. Neat Uka two flra-srala,
tableta ot ordinary nuiated Iran thrae timaa iwr
day ahar meal tar two waeka. Thea teat your
atrenftb aialn and aee for younelf kvw muih you,
kavs gained. I bate seen doaeua ad aarrou ruu
tows people Ho were alltnt all the Itme doubla.i
and area triple their atrenirre. and nda-ance and;
entirely get rid ot Utelr aynipteiua of drapapela, 1
(Her and ether trouble la treat tea to tourtrm!
da' tlaie almgly b tajilns tree la the ropr
farm, and thia after thar had In emtio Kin
doetdrltig (or mouUie without obtalmus au.v beue-l
tit. You ran talk aa yen plpnae atuitt all li,
wonder weuught br nw rrmriii, hut ehan v uf
com down to hard (acta tli'ru U nnthin lao
guud old Iron to put elor la your ,hr.k and'
geid aound. healthy fleah on your botiM. ft ,
alee gnat iwrve aad at owe. alrongihnr aiiOj
the heat Mood tautlcler In th worM 1'ha onlvT
trewkle wa Mm the old tnraia at Inoreanlo tM,
like tincture ! trim, Iron annate, etc.. oft-n
nUnad perl'a teeth, timet thoir atuotaoha and
were not aaatmllatad and for tltvo rvaatMia thv
frvquantlr did mora harm than good. Hut eilh
the dtacovary of the nee-ar rnl of oriranl lr.n,
all till ha .brn ovan'orrr. Vutnted Iroa fr
ammpla, 1 ptoaeattt tr tal. dne not Injur the
teath and la altnont hujtirdalpy rH.n"ri,MHl.
NOT The Bianurarlurer of Nutalrd Jr.Ml r,
auoh unhoundHd ronttdan,1 In tta vunnuv thi
they authorlx th annnunreiuant that thev mil
forfeit fliW.OA ta inv t harltabla Inntltutlon it tlie'
taunot t4kk any nian or eoman tindar altte h
lavka troa . aud laoreaet tlialr atrengih 'Jfj wr rul'
or over In four wefkv time. uroviUrd tb haxn
o ttrKHi organic troivhl. Alao they ll reluml'
vivur nuiuey In wiy .oaae In eliluh uittad Iron
doaa not at treat double your at renal In ten
liaya time. It la dlapend In thia .!(, hy Sha--maa
4 MnOooiielt rug Stvues an . all other dm.
giaUi. Advertlfiainenl
Wf still h;tv oinr MIX niorrtiiimll--r' m ttr MtolvfN. Tt w,i our "rtmHe ol tm-vlng; Into our
sltitf nl t (it U itiul K.intum. Yililrh will lr I hutstlii) , with ONLY W W imrhjutli, w offtr thlft at AiC
TKN. al Mtu In M.rmltty, tomomov, tit 10;:"i(. Wither m al - I". M. Tm-ealay nntl V(lncm;t.f repeat
at tho viui lmiu ThU (.ale will l short nntl niiriy. Theie will he mi Imitortotl atr'tioticH-r. Mr. lliUtlf
lljnn will tnko the himself-he known the itu'vhrt(ili better nntl the? ahaolate ellUK pilcvs.
Theve nrt the Items we will feature, hut ii Iiv "jmu- OtttW ut huviite; any aMewhandtso in thai tors)
. put l t tlie time n wInIi. . . ,.
Next Friday
lClh aDd.Farnara
Ry an J ewelry Co.
15th and Douglas
t ; -
t.ce" "BrlcUjesi ' George ' BraniJels sni
Hritjt B. .' Ziiiunatv ' have i-efurhrd from
Koc'HponJ., Tex,; ' u bferii they' had an en
joyarrW outtns. . Mri BritHrcs tells o hav
UtE . lert. .In. .bathing; lr) the . Gulf of
Mexico last Monday, Ha said the water
viaa-tlna- .
M's Juki a Matte of- a Fm ly WUb.
Stuart's CaJiiuut. Wafers.
The correct and bent blood purifier
known' to science Is Calcium Sulphide.
This great cleanser is contained in'
proper quantities In Stuart's Calcium
Wsfcrs and that Is why all blood troubles j
and skin ' blcmlthts rapidly disappear
after their use.
' , -Trtaey u hVa Ha.'
Mecca caurt: No. 13, Tribe of Hen II nr.
will give aa oimhi niwiiim 'i-h, i,..'.
eveninn wtrrI'a musical and literary
rrosrsm. . Tha evening will be clonud
wjtav daopiue".
American Yeuutea.
Henderson homastaad. No. VA2. Broth,
erhood of, AmerJcau Yeomen, will hoitf
Public Installation, of ofMcera nn,
Tuesday ,evenlu at Uieir hall, 17US Vin
ton street, ne of the, supremo officers
IS expected to "be present. After th f...
etaifatton ' refrexlimeiita will i. ...,e.
and ilancfng will take jiluce.
ladeHMaWBt Order of OcUl FelU.M.
Canton Ksra Millard- No. i. the uni
formed rank of Odd FullouiHliin, will sive
art invitation dance at fhumlieia' a:ml Tuesday evening, flaborati;
preparations have been niadtt to urnko this
ona f the big social events of the dettson
araontf . fraternal societies. General
Blacker, commander or the Patriarch
Mill taut,- and General Boyd, cotnniandtr
off Jhe, department of XebraHka. and his
staff, win be In -attendance In the full
uniform of the order. The members of
C'aiitoa Kara Miliard. No. 1 a til sIko wear
f tUl .dress uniforms.
tast, Monday evening Benson lodge No.
installed the following, officers foe
this preuwnt term: Frank Blelck, noble
grant. John Herbert, vice tnsjid; George
Rubbins, trujurer; T. V. Butler, secre
tary. Tha drill team did the inalallation
work snd the social committee served an
ouster supper.
v. . v . tfp;. r
"It s ivonderfal How SSnart'a Calcium.
Wafeca. Gleas Vu tha Comuleaioat"
. An unttlylitly and pimply face duo to
hnptito blood 1.1 a" repulnlve s liU
. Kvcry. firsk-claas druKijist in this coun
try carries Stuart's Calcium, Wafers,
which are pleasant" to take, harinhiaa.
and may be obtained for 60 cents & box.
Mail coupon below for free trial package.
Free Trial Coupon
T. A, Btnsrt Co., 820 ettuart Bids'.,
KarahaU. Wicb, fcLc.nd me al ouoe, by
return mail, a free trial packaata of
btuart's Calcium Wafers.
Name. , ..
City .sute
Court Omaha No. 1091, Independent Order
of' For rate re, held its election of officers
efc its retcular meeting; Tuesday evening
r "aw tne loitowing ortlcei-s acre elected:
r R.. Joha Boaen: It. s.. t. J. v. Nel- :
'g;i Heasurer, Robert Christie:' 9. W., I
O. 13. Mpruson: a. B., M. IloberU; court!
iJty; Johr. w. sitdr: m. c. h., h. n. )
8a.Ne; finauciul sccrctaj-y. Jajncs Mulr;
is Cackli y 5 Sale
Prkt) for :
Tamous Old
aval B
FhH Qt.
Surlnir this Alteratloa Bale you.
can bay &JXY
gOTTfcgO in
SOVD Whisky
in the house at. . .
A Saw Bottled ia.
Bond Wlusjties, .
sur tail aart,
Old Croer
Old Taylor
Cedas Brook
Oreeifc Bivec
8 aad 10
35o Bsef Bxtsao only ...'.13s
SI Qt. Imported Oliva Oil. .76o
Cvosa a) Biackwell's Marmalade
at 16o
Caacklay'a Bomavmade Orapa Wise,
per sal. , $1.25
CiiaiMlraraea, pluta, as low as o
16th, and Capitol A.
Bend fe? Oar Ask for Free
Slew CataUog-ae China .Coupoa.
When the United States government throws open its lands for settlement the people rec ognize
the great opportunity; and filing applications often outnumber possible claims at : -the
ratio of 100 to la There is a reason;for thi and this reason is: "The American farmer V
knows the value of a new country and new land.,; This announcement is very similar to
a government enterprise in this respect. .........
''' Read 'this announcement of the famous Long-Bell Farms of Louisiana', which
wll) b) opened for settlement about January 30th. Hvery city man and farm reader
of thl paif'r who knows anything: about the Valuta of landa lit tha f4Uious Ozone
Be-lt of Loululami's, ljlghlandsi,. wants to pay, partlcuJiy .adoption, toj l,be words xoti-r
tninetl In this announcement, . :We want only eerlous h)iDdi iu1)l' :aiul vonth to
consider this opportunity.
in i
Our Landa
Our land- ar locatetV approximately. bo-miles,' Bouth of Kansas City on' the
Kansas City Southern Railroad, and bo .. wiles from Ue CJuJf ot Mexico., Thoy ara,
not swamp, marshY alluvial iuea.dQwja, or ajiythin f that sort. Thy llo. trom 130
to 18J fot, above. Bea, level and are sontly . toUins. ami lon rwfb' pasture lian, ia
apueaji'aii,cc, Xbis U tha famous.. Ozoae. BV of Louiftlamt. Then Louisiana High
lands have none ot the Dhysiiiai, disadvantages.- and, .should not be ronfusod with
8sji)J8, overflow uioadows, ate. .We wa-nt yon -to dlsahue your minds of tlvoso
facia. ,
Fruit Growing ' and Truck Farming
' 'iThtrvlitniUe and soil of .tho LoagOiwlJ. li'arms make it . posildW fo jr6duci eVery,
klfld of fruit and voguuble dauiaudted, by. the North.rn markets. Had at a. tipod rofit
to tho growers In competition with all sectlous of the Boutb,. exceq extreme SoutV
ru Florida . , . , ,
Transportation, rpfiii;nrator car and. 'express car service make 'It, possible to 8flt
Into the market ot 60 million, people. wiUhlu 3U hours with. fruis: and. veiiotablee.
. The soils and :Utiral dralnufio ot.theHe land, are particularly adapted, to . pult nod,
' tpuck RcowltiKf The clay aubsol holds' the. nioiftture and the top body soil. .because
it is. underlaid vUh' clay, holds all the natural humus and plant food, and equally
. ar well does it hold that added enrlcbuionc, -.. ' r . f
. Poultry and osgs will be one of the chief products oi this section, with a. gran.t
deniand locully in tho print'lpal Southern. t:Uies, now balux Hupplied. largely- from,.
Northern ninrkots. Tho Lorns-BU Farms are located where traJtspoitallon. la. good. . '
quick ami sure to "Northern,, u well as SotUhern markets, . ., :
-Tito Kansas City .Southern Railroad passes' through tbe "heart l ou lands,
reaching from -Kansas City, Missouri, to Port Arthur. Texan, that urea. ' (aut jf
Mestco port-.- ''Through Beauregard ahd Vernon liarMies, In whicli, Long-Bell Fiuuns
are located, the foUewlitK railroads run east and wettt or north HJtd soiub: . take.
Charloe & Northern Railroad, Louisiana & Pacific Kailroad, Gulf, 'Colorado & r!;ufei
Ke Railroad and peveral chartered railroads of lumber coniranJeK are. a.vjluulu
through hoih of those pariphea. Here is an ideal locality, with reudy inedu trans-,
portatioa nt the very door of our farms.
Our Plan
I,onK-Bell Farms are coniponed of soil that Is a rich, various colored windy '
loam, Tliia is a friable soiL It responds to tho wawu suimhin, Uiereby rmiiii)t,
lug seeds qul:kJy. ludernfialh this soil is a rich clay subsoil ot several -similes
of rod. Thi flay subsoiL is porous and is one of the vary bust "inoiKiuPUs ItolilturV'.
known. , ,
The rainfall of this section of Louisiana ls'well distributed over tho growing
months, and, owing to the natural well drained condition or contour of the huul,
the excess of rainfall Is carried away In natural crek beds, draws, ete., so that tha
evil effects of ejeeesive water do not obtain here, - ...
The climftte of title eeetioa pf Louisiana is. Itijal in,, eyery respect Tlip UuU
of Mexico i so near that the breezes Qt the Gulf, winter and, summer, form a, put.
tecting blanket over this section- as against heat and cold. Here is the ideal, placo
for the Northern farmer to find his diversified fam.. In this sect in o the Satsuma
orange grows side by side with cotton and corn. Here thr magnolia, and thu rose
mix their perfumes with, the scents of clover and hay. This Is the ideal spot fo'
all manner or live-stock raising, poultry, tc.
immigration is centering largely upon- this socUon of Louisiana, North of us"
' a short distance Is lqcated a Belgian, colony., brought in. by tho Hock Inland Rail-.,
rond. while close by us la a French settle meni. -The war in Kurouo will alUait
tremendoue Immlgrailon to the South,, where there it plenty of land left at a poor
man's price. . , , . . . . "
wo run at t tiDiniotl
Beauregard and Vernon parishes have s Iioo1h of such a high rank ami order tbia
upon a receut lnvfntigaUng tour, mad. by fifteen noted .Nurthurns ovt r the Utan-Bc 1U
Farms, the thlug that first struck lbeae mo ae exit)iieiy i.miarkablo wttie tho pultlic r
school systems of these great parishes. The I'nivemity of LoDialuna, iu ronncctitm
with Its Extension Department or the I'nlte.l Status Department of AarUulture, H .
working through the district graded an high school In teaching the Louisiana youth
scientific farming. Children are carried trom great distances to. disbrifct s huo'.s,
thereby making, education accessible from tvery point of view, no mat?r what tlir
conditioa ot the ohild may be.
' ' ' ' ' '
Now Clip This Coupoa and Receive Our Biij Book Free
Long-Bell; Farm Land Corporatisi
Suite 433, R; A. Long Buildbg
Wo ,lmve k most luiio." I'Jaii toi' tlu salo ami sottUMiifufe of Long-Bel) Tftrma '.
This jilmv will lie a4Uwiujd- in .lm coluums ot this, paper Sunday, January 3, Sut- "
'' ic to sjiy'tlui't every m mi who rnds tliltfc u.un'oiinceinQnh wllk lie m out InUirestod. In ,
' rdddinjs our dorinlto, term 'and- cundiUonw. Um that lsaue. We say that we will .
'not pormit any miui to buy a Un3-llnll Farm vith tho idea that, be caa go down...' (
'ttpon'hia farm and expect mlrnlos to -happen. We want men and women as good,
tut Wi-soil ami the illnuite. Ve want men : nnd women who- are abln not only to pay ..
for t-hein hind, but want ti)eu to-lnvp nuf licit'nt funds ami sufficient experience. ..
iud suJfkient chiii'it' ttt l do. inq work beceHary to Ibe development of those lands.
, ,-W b not intend to aiinouuce our prices and terms before the dute given above,;
r hut o huvo prepared a hoolc, i-.oniiisiini; gf-52 Iitrtte puges, entltlod "Where- Soil .,
i-ittl l liniwl Are ,Nm' Idle," ami wo will ho t'"d to send anyone a. copy of thia.
buyk, if swli a perHiut will hend t;a tlio crjiipon below. This announcement is. ap-t.- -
piturluH -Lhrougilioiit the itKiUultural pret-s. 'of - Ibis country this week, and hhe- big- -.
opening ttiinouni'tfimiiit will, bo mado llm week of Junuary GO. It is our purpose, to
, oftor the Aiiiericun public the sumo opportunity at the name time. Our only rule in
-djHpoulng f thee lauds will be 'lijHt come, first served." -.
. . We want everyone who roii(l this announcoment to- know that It Is mad'-hy
,thJy cvmpaoy,,. which, is a Jret jr corporation ot The Long-Bell Lumber Company ofS
Kiinnas t'lty, Mo., which occupies t'rt-t rank among tho world's lumber corporations, :
with iu an ufa,c luring capacity ot 5uu,bu0,ut)0 feet of. lumber each year. You may In- '
vc.dig;if Uiis coiiipany in any way you desire, your bunk, your, express company, '.'.
Uup.'s, Jii'Mdsirect's, or in -any other way. - . .
' " " If bellevo that you will not bo able to read our announcement n thle pnbll-
'CM fftn on January then stmd us tho routton below, and ve wilt see that our lit-
' er'ature rnche you l.n titno to participate in the spmia! prices and terms, made-at" '
our Mo matter whether . yQu'.arw city man, farmer, htantksrer, cashier or ft
pert 'm'f'hanli'i liero is an opportunity which will prove moKt attractive-to-you, ft
' you brilt.M'o ji.iti li:vcllH' (ti;tlifii -Htitins to meafure up txj this kind: of sjdendid, ou0 :'
door work on The (.oun-Hill Frt'rtjtft. Tho men who will buy arid- develop this land'
'Mioiild bo men willing to get ;iw:iy from the congested ami- boea-drivon. city lifeoC
Dm icrvc'iiitrd north,, ir.ty llie open,, sun '!liit)v h'outhhutd, where life holds the-
.- tmiuridUvf) of charm, ittiiactiv'tif u.-i and ipunuy making. To prooeet -you who -are . '
" 'niiihirlrttin h'h d w Ijo Know ou it: o - worth vliile, v. want you to- appi'ciu4e the faict
' ihtit'we Fhiill M-rnMnizf till aptli-ution. for land, and- give to out buyers that
tut ttxtire of aMrtihu'i'n in k'-Hpinc, with tho ldeala of succetKfui community building.?'.
........., . . . .
Tills ttompany- hfp :teo,0ou nvree-of land to sell, In the. two- great parishes hpve ' :.
Hteiitooned, 'I lie t.r-d .block 6t .Huxo e.rVs will be sold, at tlie, lerma and. fig-unee
- ulil h mJI 4)f "jiiiii m. oiij) outtiltiR it'jnou nuiueiih, When you' see' tltitfie. vou. will
teiulily ai'ee. ihu ijr.y will npne.U in wvurjt way. to a largor uumlier of. people than '
lie. It. U foi; thin tuiiuoaMi, and- for this ptrrposa aionai tbat tliis-
ptc!ir.!tn:try .annoiineoment in pijide,. in order tliut due notice may be given for lu
ysunatiiiii i-f t b is couip.tiiy. Its lands anil, Us locution, before Ute. opening an noun ce
iniiiii u uiu le, to tliiobe who think, that Uiuy. will noj. be able to see this opening
annoupi eiii'.-nt. ,- .. , , ' '."''. J .
I.(irg.fJell Farm Laud Corporation, fc . ., '. . .'.
' Suite A" ',.. U. . Long llldg., ; ' x'-"rx:A '."
' ' Kam-'HS City Missouri, , . -.- .-: .
' ' ' ' '' -t '., . J-t ... a
(i --Ploaro end me your 02-page , bpok"n"titivd '.'Where
Soil and (.'liinuie Are Nevqr Idle," ao that I may know mor about you i'
lamis, 4iid will bo abi to-determine whether or not L want "to buy. a. farut
ntf tho (line onr opeuJg announcement is made. i"da' hot agree, lo buy
any of your land, but will read uur literature lfypu; send It to me,
-' .'....... .''. f... . :.;--'. ' ' ,".'.;
. Name, . V'.
. Addreas. .