Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1916, Image 12
THE BEE: 0MA1TA. JANUARY 1916. i i 1 ( WANT AD RATES. WA VT Af fnr the a-anlna. Htn nut resell Tk Be Offlea bator li g' clock fioou. WANT AM fnr tha morning ant bunda allien hum tMtk lb Ba Of tic ualoi 1.-U a. a. WANT ADA refTd after than hour will thalr flrM rpre aniar "To 1 te cJniifr." CASlfTlATEB. Om tin. I null r4. two or Bier renneeatlr tlnves, IV MoU ft wer1. Aeh Insertion. Sawn ronmailti tlma. 1 mt A war. Ac Inaartlaa. ciiargiTratf.9. On tin, II rent lln. Tarae eonaaetitl llm. 16 Mtl Ho, Men Insartlnn. mn rncatlT UmM. I mil lln. eh lanrta. Talnr rniaxtiUT tlmaa. T et a lla. ask Inaartlaa. Ownt sit ATrc worn t th lis. N B6rttranat tka fr ll than JS rnt. NOTICES. Car4s Thanka, Peath. rinml n4 Tsi Nmtre. 1 rtnli lln aarh IneartOn. Miai Mum rSarr, 4 rant. rrtl lTrililpi In tha column an4 saving Ihalr anawarfl adr1r1 la ear of In Be will plana aak for earn to anabl Ibana te rH Ihalr lattarn. a son will u Samara irpi an raalJiea ol on rot. Aa rt1annt lnart4 t 6 ran sntll ftaaoatJau axiat b Woe or erltua oraar. Tna rxw will ant b raaaonalkl for nor than tb f1rt tneorract Inatrtloa of lit ad rtuant. Th a rera tna rlgM te rtrt r r. writ all aoramaamant" To ran alar year want la Tk Ha br t1phOQ, TELEPHONE TTLER 1,000. CARD OF TH4.K9. We wlnh to thank all our frland for the lore and aympathy ahown durHir the lllneaa and at tho death of our bolovd rlauahter. Wlnntfred May Wllroit, wno entorpd into rent Monday. January 10. To the otiurrh. which ah lovd. to the i office aaaoclatca with whom ahe workod, to th frlanda whoae hart wir glad dened by hair amlla. to our brothwa and intern In our fratrrnal onranljtatlona, wu ay onlv. "Weep not for hex who dleth, for ahe hath from trara." MR. AND MRS. W. 8. WltaOOX. DEATHS AMU H 5IKR U, OTIC K9 JOHNaON-Franlc E., rl 47 years, at late realdamce. Council Jlluffn. Funeral will be held from Ktack aV Fal- eoner'e Saturday, January IS, 2 p. m. In- tnrroent at Mount Hoiks cemetery. Ban Francisco pap re plcaae copy. MONUMENTS AM) C'EMETEHIES. WHT bury your dead In the cold ground In etormy weather when you can buy a tomb tn a marble building at a reason able iirlre? J'lxmo the MAUHOLISUM CO.. Douglas 2175. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florlata, lKO KHriiam Bt. D. HK). HENUKK8I IN, IHla Douglaa. V. W'i. lember Florlata Telagrapii Del. An n. HESS At SVVOBODA. lli Farnam Bt. A. DONAOUU& loi2 Harney. Doug, lmt. nlRTHH AMU DEATHS. Births W. F. and Clarlana Meyer. .UK Farnam, girl; Joneph and Mary Rinnan, mi Lake, boy; lYank and Julia Ivalaer, bill South ! irteentli. Kirl; Frank and Anna J3tut. Mi Houth Twenty-firm, girl. Deaths-Katie Kratlck, 17, KH1 K: Rich ard B. Ortce. M, tVrty-fourth and llar rUon; EUaa Baker. M, M North Twenty aeyenth avenue: Kffle Uurke, 4'.. hoapltal; Mra. Kllsabeth Monaghan. 77, 8HX South Thirteenth; Gladys Morrison, 13, hoapllal; Charlea Impey, M, &a Pacific; Hugh F. Ollleaple, 6, Wli rpencer; Ella May Whitney, tn. iW& Charlea. BVILDINO PERMITS. Otto Thompeon. ZM Crown Point ave nue, frame dwelling, 12,000; C. Ml Rl h, nl7 North Thlrty-elxth avenue, frame gweUlng. Ready Reference Directory ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWOEAK, 0. P. A. 122-427 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 7408. AUVk.HTISl.NU NuttlLTllil Vt. F. Shafer V Co.. mh-Farnam. P. T474. ARCHITECTS. Ilreerett W. Dodd, 818 Pattnn Blk. P. 2W1. ATTORN hi V 0L T. Dickinson. 811 Paxton Blk. P. 04. AUCTION kiklHS. Dewa Auction Co.", lUo-H W O W. R.32M. BAKERIES. B. H. BEEPER. 1508 N. WK. W 8JT. UUAB AND IRON FOUNDHlBit. Paxton-W Itcheli Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. CHIROPRACTIC PINAIa AWtl'MTI DR. BURHORN, 18th and Farnam. Weed Bldg. D. 6147; Palmer school graduate. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. I Palrd Bldg. D. 84GL DR. W. IT. KNOLLENBERG. Suite lit Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1088, CHIROPODIST!. ( Corrle J. Buford. 0 Pa. Blk. Red 451 CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS Leeaar Bon. Q8 Capitol Ave. T. 1832. C. yf. Hokanaon. 2606 I,vnwth. Tyl. 21VT. COSTUMES. THEATRICAL gowna, full dress suits, for rent. N. ITlh St John Feldman. DANC1NO ACADEMIES. TALL term open at Mackie's. Doug. 644, ib rxrxr. academy, hi w, utth st. d'hebsmakinu coLleue. Kelstar's Dressmaking Col. 12S City Nat, Terry Dresamak'g college. 20th At Farnam. 'LADIES' Jackets remodeled in the latest tyle. 1911 Farnam. Douglas 2)09. dT eh s "a n i c lean ehs. sjTATB Dry CTngCo.. 120 N. 12th. D. 6071 DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 212 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all rase. Tyler 11J4. DENTISTS. Dr. Pradbury. No pain. 812 W.O.W. B:dg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckles. 724 City Nat Bank. Tart Dent I Rooms. 15W Douglas. D. 218. DHIO. DRUGS at cut pricee: freight paid en 116 ordars; catalogue free. 8 Herman St Mi Council Drug Co.. Omaha Neb. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating, covered buttons, ail siaes and lylea; hemstitching, point edging; em broblsry. beading, braiding, cording, yelot cut work buttonholes, peunania. Idaal Pletng Co, 20u Douglas block. Doi,-: irj. ELEC'I HOLY SIS. I'loa AHender f"4 He BMg. Red 205V " i-;Lr. THU AirHEPAIRING. CA HILL Fl J "Tit IC CO.. Pea Pld. D. 27 HII(LI ANli "TIN UHk. Jl AtiHSI ROH. 4i'J8 Hamilton. Wal. 371 THE MOVIE PROGRAM OWN'OBD DAILY. Answers trie question "Where to go tonight." Dowatown. EMPRESS. 1 5th nnd Douglas Sella' Tribune Vn ! "The Wanderers."' 3-reel Vltagraph. "Mile A Minute Monty. Kama. nay. "Thla Way Out." PRINCESS. If 17-19 DOUGLAS. Wolves of Society, a thrilling story of crime and the underworld In 5 acta, featuring Dainty Elaine I-errls. And a selected Keystone cnmwly. lla.l. MONROE. 2 55 5 FARNAM. Andors Randolph and Rettv Grsv In The Mystery of Mary. Broadway Star. Hearst-SeHg Pictorial nnd go"d mmny. .North GRAND. 16TII AND BINNET. Five reels of good pictures. LOTIIROP. 24TH AND LOTIIROP. Anita Stewart and Earl Vm" ,n chapters one anu in n Sostaj. APOLLO, 2824 LEAVENWORTH. Th Kry to a Fortune, cm...... Wind Justice. 3-reel Eesimay. Only a oiinTry "in. rii.: ROIILFF 251 LEAVENWORTH. The Wolf Man. a Mutual manter plo ture. On-reel comedy. Month aide. BESSE. 24TH & N. Hellg Tribune No. 2. Pellg. Reckoning Pay. -rJ raiiy The Red Circle, fealuring Ruth Roland. ORPHEUM. 24TH fc M. World Film Feature, The Keck. Featuring Alace Brady. s tar Features Theee are Special Bxtra-Reet Pictures now appearing at the following Theaters: HESSE 24TH AND N. The Red Circle, featuring Ruth Roland. LOTHROP, 2 4TH AND LOTIIROP. Anita Ktewart and Farl Wllliame, In chapters one anil two oi m .rui. ORPHEUM. 24TII AND M. The Rack, featuring Alace Brady. PR1NCES3, 1217-19 DOUGLAS. Wolves of Society, a thrilling story of crime and the underworld In 6 acts. featuring ciaine rema. ROIILFF, 2561 LEAVENWORTH. The Wolf Man, a Maaterplece picture. MAURI AUE LllEJfm. Licenses to wed have been issued to the following: Name and Keadenee. j Age. I.ulxl Marcarello, Omaha 24 Lucia Crestanl, Omaha Zt Albert t'arlfltedt. Dea Molnea M Freda Dniilstrom, lea Molnea 27 Walter R. Rrookit. Orand Island 22 Jennie Danker, Crete 19 Mark C. Hughes., Omaha, over 21 Ionian M. Johnson, over IS FIXTt'RKS AND WIRING. DURK1N Electrlo washing machines, eleetrlo Irons and reading lamps. See us first. 22?3 Cuming St. Tel. Doug. 2519. Fl'HHIEHI. SAM KNEKTER. 1930 Farnam. Red 6824. H. Rot hols. 28U Leavenworth. H. 2762. HISTORICAL COSTUMES. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes in the country. Theo. Lie ben Bon. 1514 Howard. D.4116 INSTRUCTIONS English. French Instruction. LyHo Pld. JUSTICES OK THE PEACE. H. It. CLAIBORNE. 612 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition steno. 3;JBRITT.201Barker Block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MARTIN BROS V CO. Exchange Bldg. MOVING PICTLHE MACHINES. OMAHA rilm Ex.. 14th and Doug. M. '-''Li!iHjy!Lri''-'nlne fll" bargalna OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as vou can. Dra I 1 1 vi I j W . O W. Bldg OSTE4IPATII PH VBICIANs. ' JOSEPHINE AKMSTUONQ.816 Bee Bldg. fATENTs. D. O. BarnelL Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. H. A. Sturgea. j Brandela Theater Bid g. PLUMES CLEANED. CURLED, dyed. D. Klsele. 1138 City Nat PRIVI VtaT WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co. quality Prlnung. Tel. lH.ig. 2iW. llih CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUQLAj j7i ir'aJbAiLpT,nt,n CojjrelDouglas 4. SCALE RPAlHI.'t.7 Om. SUadard Scale Co . 512 r. 12th D "u SHOE REPAIRING. : Harley 8h.e Bep rrM04 Fain'm. R. uu STEEL (L.1M.. CARTER Sheet Meial Comn.ny, no g TOWElI'lll'I'LlEkS OMAHA Towel giipplyioT . Uttl D TRUNK AND St IT CASES rPEUNO JiayLW Farnam t. VACLCM .La.ANats. WAICM BPE4.IAL1SIS. ' ChrlstUnsen. 2d fl paxton Bk . tl V. atB, VEU4l.u liiluil. Wedding announcements. Doug Ptg Ca. WEDDINu RINtTfc."" " BRODEOAARD S 'luckv wedding rhir" at l.i h and Ioug1 sts Dtl AU LIMIUHt, ALEX JETE8, 201-2 8. l'th St. Win, liquors, clg.ra piste dinner U to t, loo. HENRY POLIXX-K I.ToUOR HOCSB. lath and Capitol Ave. T.a cent lunch. HIT yeur family llqiors at Klein's LiQJor bouse. K, 1(th LOST-FOUNDREWARDS OMAHA C'Ol Nt lL, HU FFS 8TREET l! 1 II WAV ' v , I r A V V Peinniia bavin lont aome rtlcle would " " WC ... 1 Nl l 1 l IIIIH.Q VI III- Omaha A Council Hluff Street Railway i company tn am-ertaln whether they left ; It In the elreet tan. VI . , T, I. I . . - .. - . . , , I ' ti'i iiio L'umpny la niitigua id rrn uii tl.em to the rightful owners. Call !nug 4M. lvOHT or Found ada In Omaha'a Ixiat and Found medium meana the Immediate return of that article If advertised In The itee, the Iot end Found paper. Li ."T Pocket hook, on-Harney, between and; return to J"). Harney atreet; reward. L, i.-T- Hiindlc of laumlry, bet. Center, r.env'wth, r,n 4th; reward. Wsl. 1 1ST -t.'nriieu iln nurrnuniled with pearls, alxe U-dollar. Reward. Wal. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Farallire and Iloaarhold faooda. FOR 8AI,F Here, In a eiaaalflcatton that la of the utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offers some ex. rrpilnnal opportunitlea every day and a email want ad wlil eell your article at .1 full value. Rhone. Tyler lono. FOR HA I.E. 11-foot llarht oak office counter, suit able for stationery storage; almost new: a bargain. "i03 Rrnnrtela Bldg. AM. REPAIRS Water front, furnace colls, etr. Quick service. Omaha Ptove Repair Work 1'.-8 Ioulnn. Tyler 20. OMAHA PILIiOW CO. Mattreanea made overjuat like new. OT Cuming. D. 247. UAROAIN'S IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1W N. 24TH. WEB. 1W7. Piano, Mimical Inilramrali. BARGAINS In slightly used and second-hand Pianos. Player-Pianos and Organs: Was. Now. 1 Onrnlnh, ebony 2:tf. II. 1 Kimball, walnut 0 1 Kingsbury, mahogany .) 1 Brewster Co., mahogany.. 23." 1 Mueller F.. vnlnut .mo 1 llospe, largc'csse), walnut.... : 1 Emerson, mntingn.iiv 3j) rLAYER-PiANOS. 1 llospe, mahogany $M 1 Story A Clark, walnut vfl 1 Kimball, mahogany ... 6ft 1 Whitney, oak 700 IT". ' I'll 1 !."". 175 I 4.V) 500 1 Iloepa, oak ) null 1 dough organ 2d 1 J. Cr. Earhuff, high top organ 25 1 Kimball piano case organ llfli Thene Instruments have, all been thor oughly overhauled at our factory, so thst they can hardly be told from new. Terms to suit the most modest pocket book. Sole representative of the celebrated MAN Ac HAMLIN PIANOS. The highest priced pianos In the world. A. HOSPE CO.. 1 51S-151 5 JDOUYJ. ST.. OM A 1L, NJ3R. $3 In gold will be paid for the name of a prospective piano or plaver-plano buyer. ROBINSON PIANO CO., 214 8. 18th St., Factory DlxtrlhutotM Cable Pianos. FOR SALE A good electric plsno. cheap: ' goon condition. Adrlrens Y 2"1. Bee. QOOI) player piano for erne; vcrv reason able; gooil as new. Walnut ?04i). PIANO for sale or trade for team or cows. Phone Colfax 14. 13.50 per mont lTA IIoa.neT" 1513 T bou glaT" Store aad Office Flatarre. DESKS, aafea, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.. 414-18-18 S. 12th. Doug. 2724. Cameras and Kodaks. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 418 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. Jewelry, Diamond Watches. DIAMOND LOCKEtmen1a and iadlea' watches, reawonahle. Friedman. 1211 Doug. Lumbar and Ilalldlng Material. HOUSE, sheds and fence for sale. In good condition for use aa lumber; will sell cheap. Doug. 4848. DRY kindling by the load. Harney 8736. Sewing; Mack In vs. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all aewlng machines. MICK EL' 8 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. I5th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1882. Typewriters and Sapplles. MIDLAND RIBBON A CARBON CO. We make them In OMAHA. What? Typewriter Ribbons! Supplies for the office. Douglas 2147. 228 Bee Bldg, RENT an Oliver typewriter mo. for V. Oliver Typewriter Agency, IWW Farnam. TTPER W1TE.RS sold, reuteo repaired. Central Typewriter Esc. 1905 Farnam. RELIANCE Hibbon and Carbon Co.. car- oon paier and Inked ribbons. D. 3242. RENT a "Remington" not Just a ty'pe w rl ter. Low rent. Cat ll Douglas 1281. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 216 S. 18th. St. All makes for sale or rent. Machinery aad Engines. ALL KINDS of woodworking machinery. including snarling, belts ana pulley. Everything In the best of condition. This Includes moulding machines, jointers, band saw, tltltlng table aaws, sanding and boring machines, etc. Phone Douglas 838 or call 1115 Harney bt., tleorgeH. Lee Co. Foil SALE or trade, Powers motion plo ture machine; complete outfit for $125, If taken at once; a bargain. Address T. W. Moselry, 801 Little Bldg., Uncoln. Neb. NEW Second hand motors, dynamos, magneloa. etc., mechanical repairs. 1-e Bron Electrlo Works, I18-20 S. 12th St. Billiard aad Pool Tables. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Rruns-wli-k-Halke-Collenlcr Co.. 407-4H9 8. loth St.' Mlaeellaueona. FOR SALE CHEAP, Buslnes College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of the heat Omaha buslnes schools. (Jood reaaon for elllng; erfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold Very reasonably. If interested Investi gate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the of fice, of The Omaha Bee. FREK 1 lb- of Gunpowder or Japan tea with every 10 lbe. of best ' coffee, parcel post, at 22 76. Dave's Coffee Market, 1611 iavenworth St.. Omaha.Nob. COFFEE ve money. I, better vyi- A coffee. II ir hlh by parcel post, prepaid, $3.60. W, A. Skalfa A Co., Omaha Neo. JjVt 1J Golden West Whisky, 4 full g,liu-i pom,.,! i Doni prepaid. Cackley Bros., Omaha. COAL 5 b"k,"s delivered. 21; Illlnola T . .n"1 or ,um"' 6S0 Pr ". ru"siea Diu. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DEtsKS New dmks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. Ii4 tVrnam. t ANTED To buy on monthly payments, mall store room, with living rooms above, In Central school district. Phone Red 74. WANTED-100 carload of strap iron, also metal and rubber. W rite for price. ,Na. braa Iron and Metal Co., Omaha WANTED To liUY bakerv in good llv town of 1,5(0. Addreas t baa. Maxwell, W hite Cloud. Kan. ANNOUNCEMENTS CI11 ROPR ACT1U If sick, regardless of the nsture of your ailment, chiropractic a ill di for you what no otiitr aciencd can. When all ele fail try me and note the dif ference 1 adlnst the cause of SO-CALLED "Ini'iirxble'' ailment and all derange ments tevullar to women. Dr. W. II. KNOLLENBERO Pbvne Tyler 1S3U Suite 211 B-e Blag. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mechanical Draughting Mncliine Dopigning Estimating Patent Drawings H E. StiflMAN Phone D. 1444. 415 Hrandels Thewter. ENG I N EE R I NO, plan and map draw ing at low ratea. Pee McEathron, U1 Omaha Nafl Bank Hldg. BRODEOAARO'8 'Uicky Wedding Rlnga" at iKth and Douglaa Rts. EXEHf ISE AT Y.M.O.A. Bualneae men. SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTOMOBILJv 7-paneenger, alx-cylimler. 67-h. p. Mitchell Fpeclal, l.14 model, run lO.Ono mllea: In fine shape; full aet fit extra coverings; full electric equipment; an elegant, powerful csr: swap for fi res, car in No. I shape, or 1-ton truck, or commercial paper. Address S. C. 810, Bee. ROADSTER, lightweight, two-passenger, 1!US model, Just overhauled and fully equipped. Will swap for the best 1915 model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get; but It must be A-l condition. Addreas 8. C. 7Li. Bee. 'A MREROLA" Edison's new diamond point cabinet phonograph; this machine with assortment of records cost W three months ago; will swsp for good No. 4 i'nderwood typewriter. Address S. C. W. Hee. DEWIC AND CHAIR 54-lrt. roll top desk, In good shape, and chair, also In good shape; will swap for what have you? I want to get rid of this one and get a Isrger desk. Address S. C. xw. WANTED to swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need. Write Room 104, Bee Bldg.. or phone Tyler 1000. DINING TABLE. auuare, In good shape; swap for what have you? Table Is solid oak. Have a davenport to ex change, also quartered oak. Address S. C. 8.18, Bee. 145 EDISON Phonograph and 25 select 4 mlnute records, for typewriter;, o Burton mandolin outfit, good tone, ex cellent condition, for violin case and good flute. Address R. C. 826. Fee. ELECTRIC light cabinet, 54. 1 c. p. lights, newly wired, equipped with even large mirror. Will trade for anything I can use. S. C. 82U, Bee. TYPEWRITERS Remington No. 2. Dens more No. 2, both in fine shape; to ex change for poultry, calves or what have you? Address S. C. 830, Bee. ALL furniture In 45-room hotel; reason able rent on building; South Hide: will exchange for real estate; value $1,800. Address S. C. to:). Bee. 1912 HALLADAY touring csr 20 H. P. in first class condition. To swap for "Powers 6 A" or "Balrd" moving plc machtne with motor. S. C. 49. Bee. HAVE large sized library table, beauti fully finished In fumed oak. like new, to swap for equal value. What have you? Addreas S. C. 837. Bee. WILL trade $2,000 value In a household article for an automobile, vacant, lots or equity In house and lot. Address S. C. 823, Bee. MANDOLIN Two good mandolins, cost $18 and 13.",; exchange for diamond, pin no or typewriter; make offer. S. C. 8-2, care Bee. SKATES, almost new. nickel-plated, cost $'150; not ordinary skates. Will swap for something useful. Address S. rC. 642, care Bee. WIS" TWIN Indian, fire engine clutch; wlfl swap for piano, moving picture ma chine, or what have you? Addes S. C. S4. nee. A FINE, large mammoth jack, rhlue-id weight 1,100 lba. 15 hands high: sure breeder; price, $1,000. Address C 601. Bee. A CABINET phonograph, in good shape, with twelve reoords, to swap for a dresser In good order. S. C. 828. care Bee. SET J. C. 8. books for sale cheap or will trade for anything of equal value; tn good condition. Address S. C. 678, Bee. PISToLColt's Automatic 7-ahot, new; exchange for Standard Typewriter or diamond. B. C. 824. Bee, Omaha. HAVE I a. C. Smith No. ( model and I'nderwood No. 4 model typewriters to trade. Addreas S. C. Ml. Bee. PHONOGRAPH, cabinet and 100 records. Cost $100. Exchange for plsno or cheap lot, even ieai. n. I . p.:.. ree. FIVE-YEAR old msre. unbroke. with foal to jack, weight 1.150; will swap for N E W 12-gauge Stevens pump gun and olid leather cane for anything I can tise. S. C. 821. care Bee. WILL swap either large dining room tsble or a roll-ton desk for a library tame, i-. w-a. nee. AUTOMOBILESFor other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. GOOD roll-top desk and chair to awap for anything 1 can use. Address s. c. kit. Bee. KKW No. 8 M. M hls-h nowep rifle tn trarle. Arlrlreaa H C kill. Ree. I $400 MAHOGANY upright piano for auto. S. C. 636. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES Office For REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE Same floor as Bee Office TILE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 TWO SNAPS. MOVT.NO PICTURE THEATERS. Only show eastern Iowa town 1.000; good money maker and good equipment; airdome Included in prli-e. Snap. 81,iwo. Only show Nebraska town l.OuO, abso lutely making 2250 net a month; every thing complete; strict investigation. i ow. Wo have twenty others. These are genuine snap. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Room 2 Baird Bldg., 17th and Douglas. 64U0 BARGAIN. I must sell my news stand by Jan. IS, K16; carries full line of cigars, tobacco, candies, magaslnes, stationery, etc.; good paying business, to per cent profit; can be taken care of by wife while hus band Worka; two living rooms In rear; reasonable rent; good reason for aeiilng. For further Information, call Colfax 1532. IF YOUR Business College will stand rigid investigation and Is lust what it Is advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yourself, you will be perfectly satisfied If you use the Business chance column of The Bee. When buying or selling a business, phone Tyler 1000, WANTED A competent stenographer, one who is a good penman, to act also as an agency cashier for a leading life insurance company. All communications treated confidentially. Address Box I. 4tl. care Bee, or ir preferred the I'nderwood Typewriter Co. WANTED An experienced reliable un dertaker, with from $1.00u to $2,M to In vest in business in prosperous western town; capable of managing business. Address P 184, Bee. o rUTI'RK shows, locations, leaaea, ma chines, repairs, supplies and accessories. See us first, OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Balrd Bldg. LIST your business with tne for Quick results: buy, sell and exchange. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO. Room 3. Baird Bldg. Tel. lHug. 26J0. 17TH AND- DOUOLAS STS. FOR SALE Bakery. Doing good busi ness. County soat of ,, rallroal divli-lon. Muat soli account of other business. W rite at once. Y 193. Bee. MUST be Bold at once, mens exclusive clothing end fumiahlng goods atore In Neb. rounty seat loan; must be sold by Feb. 1. Address Y 20". Bee. THEATERS Buy, lease or asll your the. ater, machine and aupplies through Theater Ex. Co.. 1406 bantam. D. iv7. OFFICE for real eatat or Insurance; same floor as Bee offic ; 13x21 feet; IjX Tl e BeeB!dg.. Office Room 103 TEN ROOM.S. on liouglas: steam heated'. liood money-maker. Reaaon for aell - tng. jHuglaa IAS. BUSINESS CHANCES TO PEI.L, or buy a buslneon, call on Punch A Porghoff. FTenser Blk. D. mi. TO OFT In or out of business call oi OA KG EsTA D. 422 lice Bldg. Dong. 3477. SEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. f"r bar galna In established shows D. BUPINESH opportunities. Ave., Omsha. 161 Capitol SITUATIONS WANTED Vale. MARRIED man. age 30: gnor hahlta ami appearnnre; 10 years of business experi ence covering cont finding, bookke-p ng. nianaging, collecting: ealeFman, botu road and city experience; good refer- encen. Adrlres 1", o0?. Bee. RF:LlABLncompetentmlller." Is looking for position st flour mill or grain eleva tor. years experience, 10 years as head mlller. J. Donda.J4f2Wllllem; YOi'Nil man of good character end temperate, wishes position: speaks sev eral languages: no objection to salary. F. Herman, Oenersl Delivery. YOUNG man of good habits wlhrj posi tion In store, clothing preferred; three years in buninesa for self; best of refer ences. A rid reus Y 203, Bee. WANTED Job as house csrperi'er in store or office building by competent mechanic. Call Harney 3940. WANTED Work of aome kind for strong boy. aged 15. Apply Orvllle Malone, 2024 California St.. city. EXPERIENCED automobile mechanic wants position; can put up goods. Ad jdress Y 202, Bee. RELIABLE, first-class fireman will go anywhere; references. Address Y 205, care Bee. AUTO repsir mechanic wanla work. Any kind considered. Red 4759 Lynn. PO S 1 Tl ONwanted toTdri veFord ; experi enced. Tyler 1"9S. Female. LADY with small boy wishes position ; as housekeeper in country or small j town. References. Mrs. Marie Spencer, I itenerai delivery. YOUNG lady, 6 months' experience, wishes position as stenographer: can also keep books. Best of references. Wal. 27M. POSITION wanted as housekeeper by middle-aged lady - in small Protestant family. Phone Red tS72, between It and 6 o'clock. COMPETENT white woman desires posi tion as cook in restaurant or Institution. Best of references. Doug. 7nfi8. COLORED girl wants light housework or chambermaid work. Ask for Ella. Web ster 75X8. SITUATION wanted by nurse t care for invalid. Address Box 124. Stanberry, Mo. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position; will take any kind of cgse. Doug. 7083. COLORED woman wants work's s cook. Best of references. Call South 3272. PIANIST wishes position In cafe or mov ing picture show. Web. 21tS5. RELIABLE colored girl wants chamber maid work. Call South 3272. WANTED HOUSE CLEANING DAY WORK. COLFAX 373. OR RELIABLE colored woman wants do mestic, work. Call Web. 4?fi9. POSITION wanted In doctors office. Webster JW. HELP WANTED-MALE Stores and Offices. SALESMAN Machine and gas engines, $12o and exp. ; salesman, card writer, $75; nieiiu. and cicrk, steno., .0; typist WATTS REF. CO., MS-40-42 Brandels Th. f SQUARE PDGS IN SQUARE HOLES. tie find h pos.tion thai fiiH you. CO-OFEKATIVK HEK. CO. 1015-18 CITY NATIONAL. BANK BLDG BOOKKEEPER, must be experienced, with clear record. State record and sal ary expected first letter. Address f 497, Bee. BOOKKEEPER 8TE3NO. $86.00 STENOGRAPHER 76.00 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BE7B BLDG. HIGHr-URADE coinmertcal positions. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND ASSN., 762 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Profesaloae and Trades. Drug Store Snaps, Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. NEW SALESMANSHIP CLASS STAETS MONDAY, JANUARY 31, Y. M. C. A. SALESMAN WANTED. Wanted Salesman, over 20 years of sge, who Is bow employed and pro due. ng results. Have a highly lucrative offer to make to a man of marked sales ability. Our offer will prove Interesting If you can quality as to Integrity and ability as a producer. Give all Informa tion In first letter. Address C 3-9, care Bee. WANTED A good, steady, gentlemanly salesman to handle a Ward a wagon in every county; no experience needed; you furnish team, we furnish working capital; only ambitious men need rep y. For full particulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical Company, Winona, Minn. o WANTED We offer an exceptional op portunity to good salesmen to sell groceries direct to the consumer. Write Harper Bros. fc Co., Wholesale Grocers, CMago1Ill. WANTED Good line man as city sales man for an investment proposition; good commission paid to the rlxlit man. Call after 1 p. m. at 13 City National Bank Bldg. Trade Schools. YOUNG MAN. be a barber. I teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tools fur- niatieu. 1 give you ac.uel shop work. You have chance to work Saturdays and keep half the receipts. My stu dents in big demand. 1 have colleges in ail principal cities in u. s. snd Can ada. Call, write or phone A. B. Moler, piestdent. MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE. Omaha. SAVE $25 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you cant attend day school you can hold your Job and at the same time set your automobile education If you enro'l In the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 21 LEAVEN WORTH. RED 3110. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work, for the big spring rush. Fine training work on auios sod electrlo starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 20f2 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. LEARN-THE BARBER TRADE. Tri-Cltv Barber collese: low rale tui tion, Including aet of toola; wagea paid; electrl'i massage, hydraulic chairs; cat alogue free. 1114 Douglas Bt.. Omaha. M leer lla aeeas. MEN 18 or over, wauled as railway mail clerks. Samole examination questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 221 L, Rochester. N. Y. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES We find a poaltlon that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE RLE. Co., 1015-16 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG AGENTS AND CANVASSERS COAL agents wanted In every town: gel a trial car. . i. lox. r.o. riaita. rtes. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores aad Offices. Cashier 135 a Bd. AriST BOOKKEEPER CLERK (GOOD PENMAN) 3o.U 1 m K KEEPER 50.00 THE CANO AGENCY, eOOJiEE BLiKJ. STENO. A bookkeeper. $75; steno.,' ); ateno . 2j: saleslady, aalary and coin.; comptometer operator, . WATTS REK. CO. R.tx40-4J Bfnilela Th. Prafesaloaa aad Trades. GIRL to ern hairdreaaing. Parlora. 236 City Nat. oppeuhelin HELP WANTED FEMALE 'alnnanra aas Solicitors. EXPERIENCED SOMOTOR3 TO TAKE ORDERS FOR SK1TCH: PERMA NENT WORK; STHAinilT SALARY AND CAR FARE. APPLY SAT. R. TYLER. FLATIRON HOTEL. llaaehld aarl Domes! I e. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved The Pee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring sd to The Bee offtce or telephone Tyler 10"0. WANTED Competent girl to saslst with housework and 2-year-old baby. Good home to right party and good wages. llsrnev 30M. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wsges. good home; 2 In family. H'22 I'nderwood Ave. Wsl. !i42. WANTED White girl for general housework: smsll fsmlly, no children. 2t40 Harne y. Har. 6519. WANTED White girl for general house work; no cooking; email family. 2315 S. 32d St. Harney 4101. WANTED Girl for general housework; two in family; good wages. Call Wal nut Ii.10. 6114 Underwood Av. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework. Mrs. P. J. Dwyer, 407 N. 39th St. Har. 2:0. WANTED Good white girl to assist with general housework. Nf cooking, no washing. Tyler 21SiAV. WANTED Olrl to nssist with house work and care of small child. Phone Harney 75.".?. WANTED White girl for general house work; 3 In fsmlly. Apply SS6 N. 41st St. Walnut iVfl, ' EXPERIENCED laundry wotm.n wants bundle washlnp: neat work. Web. l-J S7. WANTED Middle . aged housekeeper. Wb. 3707 or 1441 N. 19th St. LACE curtains and bundles carefully laundered. Webster 4253. GIRL for general housework; no weshirg Phone Harney 3231. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call Walnut Mlscellaaeoa- YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit tne Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and Kth St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoes or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. EDUCATIONAL GET BOTLE8 GREAT OFFER FOR THE MID-WINTER TERM Just send me your name and I'll give you by return mall the greatest, most attractive offer ever made by a repu table business training institution. It's a combination premluin-and-cash-rebate offer that will both make you money and save you money. MID-WINTER TERM OPENS JAN UARY 3D, IN BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL, in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Stenotypy.. Touch Tyepwrltlng, Telegraphy and .Civil Service preparation. Write, tele phone or call for big 114-page catalogue and last issue of college Journal. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. B. BOYLES, PRESIDENT. 18th and Harney Sts. Tel. D. 1565. Omaba. Nebraska. AFTERNOON SCHOOL 3 to 6 P. M. Penmanship, Arithmetic. Business English, English for coming Amer icana taught five days per week, 3 to 6 p. m. Moderate tuition. Call Educ. Dept.. Tyler 1600. Y. M. 0. A. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of courses in a reliable Business School, one of the leading busi ness cofleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course investigate this at once, slnoe Fall Term begins soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. lone C. Duffy. Owner and Manager. 806 S. 18th St. Omaha. FOR sale, the following scholarships in a flist-olasa omana Business vouege: One unlimited combination business snd shorthand course. One unlimited stenographlo course. One three-months' business or steno graphic course. will be sold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Bee LEARN to dance at the DeLui Dancing jvcauemy ; maama eo""" J dav; oOo per lesson, or S lessons for $2; private lessons any time. Thone South 3630. or DOUg. 41 iu. ENFIELD School course in credit solence for sale cheap. Addreas F 603, Bee. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry curea piles, fistula and other rectal dlseaaes without aurgl cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers sre Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise ausiated. lxok for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. THE Salvation Army Industrial horns so licits your old clothing, furuliure, msg- , a sine. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglaa 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St BAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE. 70S South Pith St., second floor. Hot tub baths, shower, genuine Swedish mas sage, chiropody, manicuring; graduates. Hours 10 a. m. to 10 p. ra. KIT P HP 1 T T? F Sueeesf ully treated U i J. U D U tnou, a surgical operation. Call or write Drs. Wray At Mathrny. 9u8 Bee Bldg.. Omsha. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ldi and gentlemen: lady attendant for ladles; Swedish massage. 1919 Famam St Douglaa 3437. reraonal Mliuana Staples A Maaon. bath, electric treatment. Open 8 a. m. to p. m. Doug. 713. to2 Brandeie Th VAPOR. TUB AND SPRAY BATHS Edna La Bell, 7uS S. 16tli St.. 3d floor apt. D. 7046. MISS WILSON. Baths, 180! Farnam St. Room 2. pnone Douglaa 8751. M. BRUGMAN. Steam and shower baths. Red fTTT, Room 52, Karbach Blk. RHEUMATISM treated eiu-cessfully, re ulf guarant'd. Dr. Bowser. 3 4 Bee Bid ?. MRS. STEELE Medicated baths. 1721 Doige St. COZY muiicuring parlors, baths. 1802 harnam. Apt 7. Doug. 7o.4. SCIENTIFIC maaaage, 520 Be Bldg Phone lKug!as 4J72. PERSONAL MASSAOrJ-Miss Webster, 61S Paxton Blk, Doi.glas 3:27. BATli-214 Hnlrd uik.. 17th and Douglaa. FOR RENT-ROOMS Fernlahed Roome. HOWARD. 2215 GENTLEMEN, If yon want a nice room, either single or double, with nlte surroundings, see what we have. We serve good board. J0TH ST. T NoT-ZElegantly furnished modern rooms In private faintly, to re flned people; excellent board If desired. JONES ST., 24J4 Front room and board for two. In private family; gentlemen preferred: walking distance. Doug. t22. HoTEL SAM.'ORD. HOTEL HARLEf". 19th and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. Special Ratca to Permanent Guests. EMMET KblrrnrRe r.. 1 or 2 gents pre ferred; private family: breakfast If de . sired. Plenty heat. Mod. Web. 458L WELL furnished. comfortable, warm room. Private home, close in. Reason able. For gentleman. Harney 6193. iti n Kt. 619 S.-Flat 6, elegantly furnished rooms: all new furniture; strictly mod ern: for particular gentlemen. UST. St 612 N. Two nicely furnished rooms in private family, reasonable price; nice home. D. 6109. TWO nicely furnished rooms, all mod- A ern, close In; private family, for gen- I tlemen. Harney 7143. THE KELLOOO. Latest mod. improvements. 2464 Harney. FARNAM. 2X22 Two nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, steam, gas range. NICELY mortem. furniblioii room. '?! A. s: Ft. close la; ail 20THST.. 119 N.-Mod. newly fur. rooms.. Honaekeeplnar Room. CLEAN AND COMFORTABLE. 3 rooms, bath, entire upstslrs resi dence; modern except heat. $10. 2511 Corby. Web. 6755. 19TII St.. 304 S.-Two large front rooms for two people; close In and nicely fur nished. LA V EN PORT, 3018 TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING RMS. BRICK FlT. 20TII ST.. :;i2 N'.-Suite of rooma, with bath; nicely furnished; also sleeping rooms. OUTSIDE steam-heated spts., furn. for light hkpg.; 16 wk.; 2102 Chlcsgo. T. 207. Board and Rooms. FURNISHED rooms that offer every mnrl- ern convenience and comfort in private fsmlllea or boarding houses of the hlrh eet class will be found in the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler luoo. TWO large, well furnished rooms; large, closets; modern home; good board; In private family. Tyler 1709. Two modern, well heated rooma. well I furnished : board optional. Harney 1595. Unfurnished Rooma. STEAM-HEATED room for living pur- Boses In dowtown office building, 'oug 2464. FOR RENT-FURNISHED Apartments and Hon see. CHOICE 3-r. Apt., located 2717 Dewev j-k.Tz., mi iiifliiou oiuifi.-io uAtept linen and silverware: all new; has built-in bed: 132 summer, -'!6 winter, close In. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. CALIFORNIA 3119 C-room furnished house. Harney 4001. FOR RENT-HOUSES West. FOR RENT. 2632 Harney St., mod. 10-room brick house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094: D. 1216. North. Up-to-date 6-r. bungalowi 130. Web. 12. loath. 6-R.OOM home tn Hanscom Park District. " ueorgia Ave., witn garage; nicely decorated, excellent condition: tSS, H A STINGS & HBYDTCN. 1614 Harney fit. FOR RENT Beautiful new. mod. 5-room cottage. 2556 Wool worth Ave. H. 1988. FIVE-ROOM house; modem except fur nace. 623 S. 24th Ave. Har. 4366. Miscellaneous. 8-r., 3304 Davenport St., West Farnam. i-r.. MJa rJnmet tit., mod. ex. heat, 816. S-r.. 2706 Parker St., colored, mod., $30. PETERS TRUST CO.. Douglas 898. BARGAIN in 4-room house, with garage, on Willis Ave. Will consider rooming house aa part payment. Inquire 2408 Har. 2427 Charlen, 7 rooms, bath, $18.00. 2565 Poppleton Ave., 6 rms., bath. $17.00, JOHN N. FRBNZER, Douglas 654. HnncoqCreigh Sons at Co., Bee nouses m fta of the cky SEE the Central Furniture Store's FREB RENTAL LIST BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow, $30. Web. 1IV. BARNS 1814 Pierce, rear. Doug. 2989. FOR RENT APTS AND FLATS Weat. 3-r., 2717 Dewey, consisting of one large living room, wun ouui-in Dea; Kitcnen and bath: NEW, very choice, close in,' 124.60 to $30. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1814 Harney St. 3-R., 602 8. 28-Close In. walking disUnca, nice, light rooms, heat, water and jan itor service all furnished for $30 year round. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1814 Harney St STORE WEST FARNAM. Cheap rent, corner. See Relcnenberg . Bros.. 927 City Nat. Bldg. Tel. D. VM. VERY choice 4 or 6-room steam-heated apartment on West Farnam Bt. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1803 FARNAM ST. 6 AND 7-R. APTS. 2117 N. 18th; heat. water and janitor service all rurnlahed for $25 summer. $32 50 winter. Doug. 1606. MODERN 7-r. apartment, including beau tiful east sun room, tn west t am am district, for rent. Harney 13D9. o Soath. FLATS. 6-r., 3116 Iavenworth St., mod. ex. ht $16 6-r., Shelby t--oun, cioso in, mod. ex nt. 1 4 6-r.. 1).22 S. loth. 2d fl.. mod. ex. ht. ..Ill 2-r., ' S. 2Sth St., near Leav. St $11 PETERS I Ml 1 vtl.i OOUglaS 894. FlVl'ROOM steam heated apartment, very desliable, the Chnla Viata. 30tsa and Poppleton Ave., $42.60. 821! Bran dele Thester Bldg. Doug. 1671. i-ROoM flat, newly papered and painted. lu per monin. i an noug. wtj, Kemp Kuchnick, 2T12 Leavenworth. FOR RENT 1417 S. ioth St., 6-room apartment, first floor. Phone Douglas 4X70. - - - Mlseellaaeoas. WARM, COZY APARTMENT Fine apartment of four rooms and bath, nicely decorated; oak finish, steam heat, janitor service. Everything first-class, tee it and you will take iu SCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas 1909. 2-R.. with 2 buiit-in beds, at J1 Dewey avenue: NEW. just completed; has In dividual porches, something right up-to-date in Omaha'a newent apartment houses; beautifully decorated, choice lighting fixtures; excellent Janitor serv ice; 6;s0 to 45. Lease to Oct. 1. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1611 Harney St. THE for rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will pleaae and fill the needs of any one dealring to rent. Phone Tyler 1000. MLir-Howard. In the"" New San Mateo: ha sun room, one built-in bed, cloe in; Jjat completed: 133.50 summer. 238.60 inter. Op. n today. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 114 Harney St. APARTMENTS . 4-R., Alsatiau. lli S. 3Jih St..$-,j.r0-i"i.A 4-r.. Flo-la. 2ih A lip. Ave .V0i-40 wjt. . 4-r . lorgia, into Georgia Av.VlTiO P ETEH S TRISTjro. . I i,,u g a " K. j $. VRM.-SOA Harney. NEW. l a. ,UT pxTI i"r. puiu-in ned; nt civ d-orted-SO.-1 location: Apt. No 7. ,.,W summer, m lo , j u f ; I a- AT.