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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1916)
lo Till; r.EE: OMAHA, SATTKDAY, JANUARY" i. join. BRINGING UP FATHER r'pyrtf ht. IfU, Intematlnnil s " ,Hrvtce. RegUUered ( f'lur.l '! Drawn for The Bee by George McManus by coj.lymf mak;;ie knew I WOM TWENTY 0OLLAR puayin' CAjROi ftHEO WAhT IT - IT FtFTTfO ' HIDE IT THE bECRET BA.NK L IP DEA OLD Jl55S KNtW t )AVE.D TWEMTY OF YHtMONPX ne cve nc lavt week HE D WANT IT OKCK d I LL HIOE LOOK-MCfTHER t VA OUSTING THE PIANO ANO HAPPENtO TO LOOKINTHI VASE AMD EE THE MONET I FOUND! . -v i Tv. f uFor c.e T.T Mt U WANT IT rSKCJC "-V VAP AND fE T rrrTVA R 8S5W"- R VB? fMTrooJri: 1 fel&jpn ! forty ? J - A I mW dT- i ii i 17 ".a "V it X. A ' f I - I w JB- 1 I I . 1 I y T I I a a . . . Sa. I COUNTED IT -THERE'S OUST FORTT DOLLAR: JOHNNY DUNDEE IS COLD-BOUND HERE Lightweight Who I Claraborhig for Bout with Freddie Welih Spends Day in Omaha. MISSES TRAIN CONNECTION Johnny Dundee, tho little Italian with th Scotch name, who will likely be the first real contender for the lightweight title to get a crack at tha much sbuced Freddie Welsh, was In Omaha1" all day yesterday. It was no fault of tha Impound ssrapper that ha spent Friday In Omaha. Mr. Welsh, waa tha responsible party. Tor Dundee planned to go through Omaha about! o'clock Friday morning on hla way front New Tork to Denver, where la meat the rork-hcadcd Stan'ey Yoakum week from today. - Uut the cold delayed tha train on which Johnny waa riding ,snd connections were minted by an hour. Ai a reault be arrived, at S o'clock In tha rooming and did not leave until 4:10. ' Dundee la anxious to meet Welsh. Tha I'ttle wop doesn't know the meaning of tha wonl defeat. Ho haa never had a decision rendered against him. although he has been mussed up occasionally. lie believe he can whip tho champion and la eager to try. Negotiations are now; under way for a - bout between Johnny and Freddie, and. according t the dope; Johnny will be tha next ono to tackle Welsh, even before White. Reaeaa far Dearer Boat. Dundee's eagerness to meet Welsh li tha reason ha Is going to Denver to battle Toakum. Denver In a strong bidder for - championship battle between Welsh and a contender. Talk haa been of match ing White with Welsh In the mile hlih city. When Dundee's manager heard this chatter he Immediately framed tha biut with Toakum. "Onc thou Denver chaps sea Dundee In action they'll forget White and wll want Johnny to meet Welsh." right critics are pretty we.: agreed that Dundee has more than an outside chance to lick the champ and may even carry the odds If the ml is staged over the twenty-round route to a decision. Dundee fought Welh ten rnimft. rt't. no decision In New Orleans on January 1, 391. Welsh was a better man Mien thm he Is now. while Dundee waa not as good, as Johnny is only SS yearn old now". Ha was but 20 at the time. Kince then lie has fooght such top-notrhers In the light weight division a Joo Klmgrue. Joe Man dot, Joe Asevedo, Willie Ritchie, , Joe nivers, Jimmy Duffy, Bennle Leonard. 1-each One., iytchle Mltohe I and Charley White' and has always held his own. Dundee was bom In Bharkal. Italy, and his real name Is Joseph Carora. Famous 'Pug Spends Friday in Omaha "a IS '" : I '.:.-'r'ii?,''-v:J-s i f " : ; ::Mm Twv .... ? -w i TINKER MAY SELL THIRTEEN PLAYERS TO THE MINORS CHICAGO, Jan. iT-Dlsposal of several members of the U1S Chicago Nation. I league club, thirteen of whom are sched uled for release, according to an an nouncement by Manager Joe Tinker, to clubs of the American association, was hinted at by Tinker today, when he as serted that both he and Charles Weegh man, president of the Chicago federals, would attend the American association meeting tomorrow. Tinker Intimated that ha Intended to "talk business" with mag nates of the minor circuits who wished tb obtain material for next season. FLORENCE NOW HAS CAUGHT THE TUG-O'-WAR BUG HARD The tug-of-wer bug haa struck Flor ence and a bi contest Is now Jn a'ght. The firemen, Esg:es. Odd Fellows and other orgnntxatlona have organized teams and are preparing to show their prowess in pulling the other teams. It Is ex Pooled that naven teams will snter the tourney and the winners will challenge tha farmer boys from around Ponca. It Is also Manned lo pull against ' Benning ton and Calhoun teams. - Cummins Unable to Make Trip West Now From a Htaff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Jan. J4 Snelal Tele gram.) F. M. Currle, ex-state chairman. wired yesterday from his home In Broken Bow to Itepresentatlva Klnkald that Sen ator A. It. Cummins hsd been Invited to add res, a mass meeting of republi cans at Lincoln on January Is, and ask ing Judge Klnkald to vne his Influence In getting the senator co accept the In vitation and make tho principal address on the data mentioned. Judge Klnksld had an Interview with Benator Cummins last night, In which the senator stated that, whlla he appre ciated the Invitation vv highly, ho re gretted that the pressu of public busl nesa would keep htm In Washington for some time to come, but that If condi tions changed and absence from Wash BRYAN GIYES OUT HIS "DRY" EDICT 'tayor of Lincoln Declarer Again Democratic Candidates Must Be for Prohibition. SO QUAETEE MAY BE EXPECTED (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. ll.-Specll.-It s the water wagon for the democratic oartv. J with Mr. Brysn on the front seat guiding J the donkey, sccordlng to a statement la ;suei by Mayor Charles W. Bryan tody j In which he reiterates tho statement Is j sued about two months ago and adds a irw. minga tor good measure. In spesklng for his brother, William J.. Mayor Brysn emphasises his statement made before and says In every Instance where the candidate for a state or lenlala tlve office docs not meet with the Bryan approval another man will n filed In an effort to make the democratic ticket dry. Mr. Bry an will spend two to four weeks In the primary campaign In an effort to carry out hla orders and expecta to cover me state In places where a flRht to keep J the wet candidate from landing Is neces sary. . Mayor Bryan announces that the annual LRnan birthday dinner will be held this J esr under the auspices of the rrogres i sivo and Woodrow Wilson lesgue, March 1 1, which Is Mr. Bryan'a birthday. 1 This announcement coming so clone i after the late editorial democratic ban . quct Indicates that Mayor Bryan must I have been prevailed upon to keep from I waving the red flag of prohibition at the i banquet for fear It would start so no thing. It Is beginning to dawn on the minds of jlho bsnqueters that the chairman put something over on them at the bmqi 't Tuesday night and did not give them the benefit of the advertised program, n j. well known that purchasers of tickets era given to understand that the very devil would be turned loose when Wayor Brysn precipitated hla pronunctamento. But Instead of following the laid out pro gram the committee substituted ft couple of cabaret performers In place of Mr. Brjan and put a string on the niavor to Notes from Beatrice And Gage County tlKATRICK. Nob.. Jan. II. tSperial.l young man Blvlnj the namo of Wll on. waa brought hero Thursday from Lincoln by Deputy Sheriff White on the charge of stealing a shotgi n and some wearing apparel from his roommate. Louis Kotilet. Koulet, a section hand, allowed Wilson the use of his room for several days. The shotgun and clothing were found In Wllaon's possession. Mrs. Abble Cobel Lomax, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Cobel, pioneer of Do Witt, died in a hospital at Lincoln. Wednesday. The body waa brought to De Witt, where funeral services were held today. The deceased leaves twin daughter a year old. John ftcrnc. a pioneer of Gage county, died Wednesday night at the home of his sister, Mrs. George fleece, in Logan township, aged 59 years, lie Is survived by one brother and one sister. Mllo Carpenter of Bockford. snd Miss Frsnces A. Beneau of Ottawa. Kan., were married at the Methodist parsonage Thursday afternoon. Bev. B. F. Galther afllclatlng. They will make their hoini in a farm near Bock ford. The jLry panel for the February term -if the district court was drawn Thurs lay. The coming term promises to be a heavy one and In all probability both panels will be required. The docket has not been made up yet and It Is not known the exact number of esses to bo tried. A number of Important civil canes are to be disposed of. LOBECK BACKING JUDGEJULLIYAN Omaha Congressman Has Interview with Attorney General Gre j ory Over Appointment. ssassSMSMas DISTEICT BENCH CONTEST SAME French Lock Up Turkish Diplomat TARIS, Jan. 11. Aa reprisal for the Internment of French Subjects In Turkey, the French authorities today arrested 8all Bey, archivist of tho Turkish em bassy, and the last functionary of the emhaasy remaining; on duty here. HI wife and daughter also will bo placed in confinement. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. (Spe cial Telegram.) Representative Lo bec; had a rather extended Inter view with Attorney Genarl Gregory yesterday over hla suggestion of the mime of Judge J. J. Sullivan of Ne braska to fill the vacancy on the su preme court bench created by the death of the late Justice Lamar. The Interview, according to Mr. Lobeck, was as satisfactory as could be expected. He said so far as geographical limitation went the west would be considered with reference to the supreme court vncanry Mr. Lobeck reviewed the career of Judgi Sullivan et length and was listened to with interest on the part of the attorney general. Talks f Federal Vacancies. Having disposed of the suggestion of Judge Sullivan for a place on the su preme bench, the congressman from the Second district took up with Mr. Gregory the vacancy on the federal bench of Nebraska. While he was not there to favor any particular candidate, he de sired to urge a speedy appointment of a successor to the late Judge Munger and that it should go to the North Platte country. Judge Munger came from north of the Platte and while tho divis ion between the north and the south Platte waa purely Imaginary it has ex isted for years and had been recog nized as an actuality almost ever since the state came Into the union. ante Mrs Leading. Attorney General Gregory gave Con gressman Lobeck no intimation who was likely to be recommended by the pres ident, but Sir. Lot-etk gathered Inferen tinlly that J urine Thomas of Sewiird and Mr. Woodrough of Omaha were the two men belnn mosc seriously considered for the position. At the suggestion of the attorney gen eral, Mr. Lobeck filed a letter of recom mendation for Judge Fulllvan today with President Wllaon and requested that Sec retary Tumulty arrange for an Interview with the president Just ss soon aa the letter's appointments would permit. Mr. Tumulty assured Mr. Lobeck that he would be given an opportunity to pre sent Mr. Sullivan's name personally for a place on the supremo court as soon as possible. Decision "ot Reached. '.My call on tho attorney general," said Mr. Lobeck, "developed thia fact that the mind of the chief law officer of the gov ernment is an open ono on the question of the Lamar succession and that the west will be considered seriously with other sections of the country in the selec tion of one eminently fitted to hold a place on that tribunal. y "In my Judgment Judge Sullivan woula make an Ideal man for the place and if any inquiries tiro made In his home state the results cannot help but be favorable. Incldenally, I told the attorney general that Judge Sullivan was under 60 years of age, which is my understanding. While I do not know whether Nebraska stands a show or not of landing this high posi tion. I do know that the west will have consideration for Its candidate or candi dates, and that so far as Judge Sullivan Is concerned he measures up to the stand ard required for thin high office." Mew Postmasters. WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. (Special Tele- r r i mK . . i.l D.lf ... nominated for poatmaster yesterday, vice Parker, whoso commission expires on Janusry 18. leaves a large family. The funeral will be held Saturday and his body taken to Prevent him from delivering hla intended Waco. Neb., his former home, for, declaration. bur1'- ' ' '!" Klllnaa Received. Confirmation of tho appointment of The cold weather has not had any per Frsnk M. Broome mm receiver of th ..-niihi- -A i . u . mi . - ' - v . I ' ' v . .... r-u , vi, u tiling VI 1.-MIIUI- ' . , , . . Valentine land office waa received hv H.i.. t- iv.. .... r ...,- iBna K1" him today. He will take charge of the today receiving two more. , mlttance. The assassin was immediately office in about two week. . i n t t.a .-j, ! killed by Sell! Bey, who was In tho Halll Bey figured prominently In a double tragedy that occurred on January 14, 1914, at the Parts residence of his futher-ln-law, Oenersl Mehmed Clierlf Pa alis, on of the chiefs of the radical I Turkish party. A strange Turk, who . called to see the Ottoman politician, shot a valet who refused him ad- No high wind accompanied the blixsard th.t he believe, the nunnU'a InHptMndant i in tnis section, the thermometer regis- party is still In exUtence and files for terlng IS to 30 below. Cattle are reported representative on that ticket by petition to nave passed through the storm with- and acceptance of the same. Mr. Llndsey out any loss. served In the last session as a democrat HOLDREGE hotel is j from the district composed of Webster county alone. I V I . ...., . . t S . I. - DAMllPCrt DV tTIOt? ' ' uuurr o oupenur mws lor me I UAmAuLU DI Pint publican nomination for the-state senate ' j trom the Twentieth district composed of HOLDREOE, Neb., Jan. 14.-Speclal.) i Nuckolls. Webster and Franklin, repre Flre originating In tha basement of the,,cnU11 ln lhe ,a,t session by W. L. Wees Livingston hotel In this city at S o'clock i n""' democrat. yesterday afternoon, destroyed tha furnl- A petition la In circulation at the state lure and woodwork of all rooms below house-for the purpose of filing the name the first floor. The flames gained great of w Moran. county attorney of Otoe Inston were made possible there would headway before they were extinguished . county for the democratic nomination for be no place he would rather go than to Nebraska, WOODWARD OF DENVER ' IS ELECTED BY GOLFERS j CHICAGO, Jan. HAt tha annual aa- lng of the l'nld States Golf association ! ionium rranx u Woodward of Denver was re-elected president All officers were re-elected gave Percy R i. .a of Princeton, N j., treasurer, who' cna another terra and was succeeded by f. E. Wheeler of New Tork. I-T ear-Old Had Inap. -I have a little gin rar, o!4 who lias a great deal of trouble with cni.-p " writes W. E. Curry of Evansvl'le. Ind "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar, ob taining Instant relief for her. My wife a ad I also used it and will say It is tha best cure for a bad oold. cough, throat trouble and croup that I aver saw." Thoae terrible coughs that seem la tear on to pieces yield to Foley's Honey and Tar. Bold everywhere. Adver-tlMineot. Worker Servly ttnrar. BEATRICE Neb.. Jan. . 14. (Special Tt-legram.) iua Hanson, nienttier of the stone crvbrr gang. probably fatally l-urned at Blue Springs iTT.m morning, when he attempted to start a fii lih galoe, mistaking it for coal o 1. Ho it placed lu a loiitl here. DOANE COLLEGE QUINTET A PUTS ONE OVER OMAHA U CB.ETB. Nrb., Jan. li-SpecUl Tele gram.) Doane college defeated Uni versity of Omaha yesterdsy at basket ball. IS to IS. Doane seemed to have the better of the argument all the way through, but was unable successfully to locate the basket. Passing and guard ing was ragged on both sides. Tho locals showed considerable Improvement since their little practice games with the high school, and they kept the ball In Omaha's territory the whole time. The visitors attempted long shots time and time again from the middle of the floor, but practically all were unsuc cessful. Whttrhouse.' Kdmonds and Payer played well for Doane, while Leach and Thompson shone for Omaha. The score at end of first half waa Doane, ; Omaha I. The lineup: OMAHA. DOAVK. F.rnst UF.1L.F. Wi,ieh'ae (C ) 1-ea. h K.K.j It F Apencer Thompson C (' Payer Hr.i.-e I..O I L.r '. Mt-kle Adams R.d.l it G Edmondu Ueferee: Max Towle. Nebraska t'lnt ki-cr; Squires, Cotner. i SCOTrS BLUFF COUNTY FAIR ELECTS OFFICERS and awent away a rood nartlon nf tha delegate to the national democratic con- stairs. Several feet of water rendered It ntlon from the First district. Impossible to keen fire In the formica I and this in connection with the sero ! PLATTS MOUTH WINS ON THE weatner prevented tha occupation of any of the rooms. Tho damage is estimated by Landlord L. C. Severns at fcl.Suu. MITCHELL. Neb.. Jan. 14 peclal.) At the annual stockholders meeting pf the Scott's 0 Bluff County Agricultural sssoclatlon held In Mitchell yesterday, the following off cera and directors were elected: K. H. Reld, president; J. O. Baker, vice prealdent; James T. White head, secretary; li. O, Eastman, treas urer; J. L. Binford. M. B. Qulvey. 11. M. Springer, directors. The secretary reported total receipts for the 11 fair at le.Sot M and total disburse ments. . Including U.SuQ spent on build Inns anl grounds, at K.ffl.R. The twenty-sixth annua) fair will be held at Mitchell, September 13 to IS. The tee Want Ads. It ps! Mewa Notes of Alltaare. . ALLIANCE, Neb.. Jan. 14. tSpeclal.) Bobert Campbell. for aeveral years pro prietor ol the Alliance hotel bar. died suddenly tonight of heart trouble. He HOSTETLER WILL RUN TO SUCCEED HIMSELF KEARNET. Neb, Jan. U-Spec1al Telegram.) It was definitely announced today by the friends of District Judge Bruno Hosteller that he would not be a candidate for governor on the republi can ticket. Great effort has been made to have the Jurist announce hla candidacy but It was futile. . Petitions were In crlculatlon here today to put hla name on the Judiciary pri mary ballot for Judge of District No. 11 He has consented to make the race to succeed himself. ' DECISION OF THE UMPIRE No Pe&ce Without Victory, Says Czar LONDON, Jsn. H. Router's Petrograd eorreapondent says that Emperor Nicho las In an Imperial order to the Russian i army and navy on the occasion of the ' Russian New Year's day proclaimed that I there can be no peace without victory, j The order saH: "On the threshhold of the year m I send to you my greetings, my brave war-! rlors. In heart and thought I am with ' you while you battle In the trenches, ; Imploring the aid of the Moat High on ' your work, your valor and your courage. 1 Remember this: Our beloved Russia can-' not be assured of Its Independence and Its rights; cannot enjoy the fruits of Its labors or develop Its resources unless i decisive victory Is gained over the en emy." Steel Combine Will Build Big Plant PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Jan. 14.-Sue-clal Telegram.)-The Plattsmouth basket ball team defeated the Council Bluffs High school team here tonight. to 0. the visitors forfeiting the game. In the last half, with seven minutes to plsy, the score stood to (. A decis ion was made by the umpire and to it the Council Bluffs players took exceptions and refused to finish the game. It was then that It was forfeited and the official ! I'nlted States Steel corporation an rcoie announced. j pounced today that construction of a ; 17.000,000 steel mill will be commenced at once between Nllea and Glrard. It la stated that the plant will be completed within a year, and when In full operation i:i employ several thousand men. TOUNGSTOWN. O, Jan. 14. The CRDER TO BURY O'CONNOR ASKED BY ADMINISTRATOR MRS. JULIA VON MANSFELDE IS BURIED AT ASHLANC ASHLAND. Neb., Jan. 14. (Special Tel egram.) Mrs. Julia von Mansfelde, who died at her home on Wednesday even ing, after an Illness of les than a week, was burled this afternoon in the Ashland cemetery.' or husband. Dr. A. 8. von Mansfelde, known to the medical profes sion, and several years service aa treas urer of the Nebraska State Medical as sociation and who has rerlJcd ln AsliUnl since lkTS. has been cr.tlcally til for the last week, but Is reported much better tonight. Depart ate at Orders. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. (Sptclal Tel egram.) John C. Rosenbarh was ap pointed rKwtiiiaater at livverre, aGrfleld county, Nebraska, vice Knill Nelson, re signed. Nebraska pentlon granted: Mary J. Blear. Cosad. 1)1. Mary T. Tout, tlilt ner. 111; fcavnaa UutirrrieUi. blooming ton, S.2. Luvlnda Hoy, Piatiemouih, Sl Rural Intter camera appointed. South Dakota Mtibank. Uuy M. McCol- lum; j ripp, ira t. . lictt. nor. ter carrier at l loverly, liig Wyoinlng, vk-e M. Moberl Arthur K. uBIerfleld of la., haa been appointed a clerk In the Mvy Department. 0 Iv I rvUe examinations wll) be held on February it for rural letter carrier at itoune, Brtstow aud liartington. Neb. j HASTINGS. Neb., Jan. 14. (Special Telegram.) John Slaker as administrator has applied to the probate court for an order for the burial of John O'Connor, who died August IT, 1913. and whose body I has since been held In the morgue. Hear- I lng on the application haa been set for j January V. j Unusually Attractive Offerings in Men's Clothing and Furnishings Saturday. wo offer to our customers very rare bar gains all through the store. Suits and overcoats, in cluding all our newest and best garments. Not a one re served. Kensington and (Society brand suits and all winter overcoats, in silk lined dress coats, as well as ulsters and novelties, are in this sale. For $13.75 we offer suits and overcoats worth up to $20 For $16.75 we offer suits and overcoats worth up to $25 For $18.75 we offer suits and overcoats worth up to $30 Bargains in Furnishings and Caps Among the many articles offered at great reduc tions we mention a few: All Winter Caps, Y2 price. 75c wool and mercerized Golf Gloves, 45c Spaulding Sweaters, at 33 per cent reduction. Cooper's heavy wool U. Suits, at 25 per cent reduction. Outing night robes and pajamas, 25 per cent reduction. Manhattan Shirts, from 25 to 33 per cent reduction. 50c Neckwear, 29c. 9 L ill Bait, lit S treat. News Motes of G rluu. 1 Jamea A. Clifton Is appointed rural let- Cedar Kautrls, Horn county. utcaa -41. GENEVA, Neb.. Jan. 14 (Special.) 1 Tha following officers of the Independent! Order of Odd Fellows' lodge. No, to,! were Installed last nlnt: Past noble! grand. Monroe Helsey; noble grand. R. j A. Burns; vice grand, R. Walton; secre tary. J. M. Hill; treasurer. E. L. Cum- berland; Inside guard. O. K. Wellman: ; outside guard. Carl Yates; warden. 8. L. Bungarner; chaplain, Cecil A. Flory. i Filings tor county offices up to date: j County clerk, W. 11. tUsler, democrat;' Ralph Allen, republican, present deputy. District clerk, M. V. King. Geneva, re publican; George Cruse. Stanton town ship, democrat. For legislature, James I Fonlon, Fairmont, republican. Supervisor Second district, Clark Robinson, republican. A "For Sale" or "For Rent" Ad placed In The lies will accomplish Its purpose. Meveaaeata ( Owaa Slt-aeaers. Fort. ArrtTai. . BM NtW YORK... h rw Tun... Gfc.'-OA . staaieall. . ..Curlut. UZAX U c The Shoe Harvest Starts Tomorrow Prices Mowed Down to Very Lowest PossibleMany at Cost and Less The FLORSCaEIRa SHOE STOE1E Starr-Kingman Shoe Co., 315 South 16th mm ay