Omaha Daily Tht? Sunday Dee is the only Omaha newspaper that five its readers four big prgcs of colored comics. THE WEATHER. Cloudy VOL. XLX XO. 181. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOKXlNd, .IAXUA11V .15, l!ir l)UriTKT,X PAGES. Ob Train, at Hotel Wws Itulii etc, Be. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. The .Bee MAUSER'S NERVE BREAKS AS TRIAL APPROACHES END Bandit Weepi for First Time After " Defense ii Presented to Jury in Trial for Smith Murder. CASE WILL GO TO JURY TODAY ' Attorneys Present Arguments, Al ternately Pleading Convio tion and Release. HE ASKS DEATH OR ACQUITTAL ! Arthur Hauler, bandit and al leged murderer whose cold nerve has upheld him. unshaken, through desperate crimes, an escape from the Colorado penitentiary, flights from justice with a price on his head, solitary confinement and the prospect of the death chair broke down yesterday after his defense, on which he relies to save him from the death chair, had been presented to the jury in Judge English's dis trlct court. At Jioon yesterday, just twenty four hours previous to the time j it is probaWo the jury will take his fate in its hands in his trial for the murder of W. H. Smith, llaus-er. wept in his cell in the county ;ail. Tears 'ran Jo.". Us face. "Brine my wife, hero." he sobbed to Sheriff Mc- Shne, referring to Mrs. May llauscr. who had lust attempted to'aave hla life' "a attempted to aave ma me by testifying: to an alibi for him. "I may not see her m-iny times more. 1 want to talk to her." Wants Death or Acqntttal. It was after court had finished Its after noon session, however, before Mauser's wife and. baby and hi mother visited him. Then he wad more cheerful. "1 want death or acquittal," he told Deputy Sheriff Joe Wrlsht. quoting his attorney, Hdward F. Rooncy, of Topeka. who had made the same demand of the jury. Case to to to Jury Today. The case will go to the jury about noon today, r. according to last night'- indlca - . The defense rested at noon yes- tion terdav " Hauscr not takinc the witness stand in his jw.i defense, The jury must convict Itauser of first degree murder while attempting to rob or acquit him, Covrty Attorney Magney having dismissed a second count of the. information which would have permitted (-ffivjctlpii of manslaughter, a. leaser .ne. If the jury convicts him, it must decide .whether' death or life imprison- nint ihail lie the penalty for the slaying of AV.-H. Smith at Thirty-first and Dodg street October 16. Three attorneys talked yesterday after noon.' Thin morning J. E. Bednar will sum 'up the defense, County Attorney Magney will close for the prosecution. J-ilstrict Judge fciighsh will inatruct the ! the uPbutI18 f city and the better- Icing and directing the president to in jury and the caoo will be given to the! me,,t , the l,eo,l"- H'8 benevolence tervene In Mexico to establish and main jury. ' wer" lwa O'et. like his benefactions tain a government there? until It la safe j to hi employes, l.ut they were of wide to withdraw. Sttrona riem for Haaaer. 1 ranKe ,nd hfi WM R man of dp(lp humai, lTp t0 th t,m(, M,d Senator Worka Attorney Rooney made a powerful plea I eympathle anj .charming, unassuming j addressing the senate, "congres haa per- Ur wauarr. no aweii on me icsumony personamy. milled all responsibility for condition In of the wife in the bandit behalf and Kanrral aatarday. Mexico to rest upon the preaident. It la the failure of the atate to impeach her Kuneral services will be held at hi I too grave a responsibility. We have all by the testimony of a laundry driver. lale residence. 3100 Chicago treet, tht ! sympathlied with the pi-eldent with the which were the outstanding features of afternoon at 2 o'clock, after which I hope that condition would right thein t he morning session of court and whoso the body will be taken to Cleve- 1 selves without intervention. I very much dramatic force waa sufficient to break kind. O., where it will l.o laid lieaide that I doubt now that such a peaceful eutcome the nerve of the alleged murderer. ; of hla wife in Lake View cemetery. J possible. i j cutuins-.anuai eviaenco on wnien -Mrs. .nxier is Mr. KllpatticK s only. "Congress alone has the light to de the; slate asks you to convict Arthur living child. A son and daughter died dare war and that l wh.t int. .... Mauser," began the lawyer. "Many a vic tim of circumst'intial evidence He buried under the sod. Eut if you believe it la your duty to take Arthur Hauser from a wife and baby end aged mother and send him to the electric chair, I say do it. if you believe him gLllty of the foul murder of W. II. Smith, send him to the electric chair. A verdict to tho peni tentiary would prove you cowardly. It would prove you are not sure he m sullty and you are sworn to acquit him if you aro not aure. J "The law of Nebraska is asking a human life in atonement for crime. It la ask ing its pound of flesh. "So, too. we demand tho extreme, the tContinued on Page four. Column One.) The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Faturday: . Far Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity hair; rising temperature. Hours Peg. ..12 ,..12 ,..-11 ,..11 ,..-10 ,.. 7 ... 4 1 WARMER 6 i 6 a. m... 7 a. in... 8 a. in... ft a. m... 10 a. m... 11 a. m... n in 1 p. m... 1 . in... 3 !. m... 4 P. m... i p. m... n. m... 7 p. m... 8 p. in... omparatJe Local Kerord. 11. 181?. 1S14. 1913. Highest yesterday 4.". 1 o7 4M lowest yester.iay 12 M 37 3 Mean temperature : :i" 4; 21 Precipitation - 00 .0) .00 Temperature and precipitation depar ture from the normal; Normal temperature to nefhiencv for Ihe day SI Total deficiency since March 1 117 Normal precipitation 03 inch iJefitienev for the day 03 inch Total rainfall ince March !. ..27. ! inches TMflclenrv since March 1 1 .7 Inches Iieflctency for cor. Period. 1W4. 3.57 Inchea leftolency for cor. period, 1U. 6.83 inches Rabarta front atatloas at T P. M Si.tfon and State Temp. High- Rain of Weather. 7 p. m- Cheyenpe. cloudy 2 Tfevenport, clear 4 1 waver, clear f ) Moines, cloudy 4 Lander, cloudy 1 North Platte, cloudy 1! ct. fall .00 .0 .0 .00 .Oil .00 .00 .00 T T T S4 i Sri SO 14 40 a M 41 8 4 Ii Omaha, cloudy I Pueblo, cloudy 34 lapld city, anow halt Lake CHy. tloudy.. 34 Hants Fe, anow 34 Sheridan, cloudy 10 riouK Ity, cloudy 4 .C) i A atenthi. iiou1y. - I,-. Crt' ' J- . T ipditatea trace of precipitation. t, i-jv. DEATH CLAIMS ONE OF OMAHA'S LEADING MERCHANTS. vl ! THOMAS KILPATRTCK. THOMAS KILPATRICK IS VICTIM OF GRIPPE ' Answers Call of Grim Reaper Less , Than Two Months After the Death of His Wife. FUNERAL TO BE ON SATURDAY Thomas Kilpatrick. pioneer mer-' 1 K ' I i . . . -. 1 1 , a . . ...... tuani oi unmnu. nnu ucaa ui me jtha meeting and Secretary Lansing pre- gcoda firm of Thomas Kilpatrick & setiled reports from the border. Co.. died at his home, 3100 Chicago " -'r ""'i that, beyond making the representations already sent street, at 1 o clock I tiday. Bronchi- jCnrr,n, wifh whil.ft ne ha8 promsrt tiu and grip were the cause of h!to comply, no further steps should be ' death. His son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mis. George Mixter of Mo- line, 111., were with him at the end. Mr. Kilpatrick came to Omaha twenty-eight years ago und estab lished the great firm which bears his name, lie was active in the bus- iness until about eight years ago.; when ill health caused him to take. a less active part, although he al-. qlmrtpri, at QuerHalo: ways maintained hla interest in it : "The murderous attack on the pa r.nd was always a worker for the : "Tiger train near Chihuahua was made welfare of his employes. A substan-! onl' 7ml"i"ir b"? outlaws. 1 tla, h jft number of thosel I C8Sn B,U 10 a n,lmDer,0 lnose ' w no "aa ucen ln nls service ioi a long time was one of his quiet bene- factions which became public a few yeara ago. Wife, Died 11 ece ii 1 1 . Mrs.' Kilpatrick pieceded her husband in death by 'ess. than two month.. 8h died November rJlPJj. Mr. Kilpatrick v.-aa T5 year of age. He waa born In Scotland end catno to the ! ply with the urgent representation of? Vnlted tcte when he wa a young man. j the United States government Upon tha settling first in Boston and later becom- j success of the ateps ha take the next ing a merchant in Cleveland, from which . movu in the Mexican situation seems to city he came to Nebraska. depend. He was always one of the foremost men j Senator Works, republican, of Califor ln Omaha in all things looking toward nla. today introduced a resolution author- in uieir youtn. The Thomas Kilpatrick store wa closed as aoou as word of Mr. Kilpat rick's death wa received and will re main closed until Monday morning. WYOMING MAN LIES DOWN UPON PRAIRIE AND FREEZES ' i aa j ENCAMPMENT. Wyo., Jan. 14.-(Spe- clal.) Itealiaing the futility of attempting to reach shelter ln the teeth of a fifty mile gale ln aero weather, Jack Green of thl place laid down near the Big creek trail, folded his bands across his breast and frose to death. Ill body waa found by searching parties within a quarter of a mile of David Bird's ranch, hi destina tion. Green' death is the second from ex posure in Wyoming thl winter. Fall of Karth Kills Two. BINGHAM. Utah. Jan. II. toula Pap pas and .Mike Peleglrinl. miners, boih ainglv. were killed by a fall of earth and rock in the Utah-Apex mine about mid night lust night. America Has Been by the Hog, COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 14.Aonerica haa been made strong by the hog more than any other single influence, according to V. p. Coburn. former secretary of agrU culture in Kansas, who last night ad dressed the final session of the Ohio Board of Agriculture's annual meeting on "tiome Patriotic ConMdaratton of the Hog." "Hoga pay the taxes, clothe the family, end the children to school, and make possible the development of new homes," said Mr. Coburn. "They have provided the food for the Anglo-Saxon race. With out them Chicago would be a prairie vil-' I laue Kansas City a barren hill, ' and 0mllhll m fcrry croalng. Take away the iw . nur . . .. . sow and our bank would close and the wheela of commerce cease to turn. "The pig is a quiet, inoffenaive, Chh tian sort of animal, aynibollc to a greater extent of tho peaceful virtue for which our nation 1 o consplcuoia than ia the roving piratical eagle. The spout Invert ing the soil la a symbol of peace and In dwatry. The pig ia a thrifty animal, turn ing to good account everything uhleh come his way, and a far Setter repre sentative of the America.-, character l!um 00 .the rovinir. robbing cale. 00 j "The bo la a condenser; he la a' man 1 dolHtf c,u I Us than uadr.iples the value of the giain ljU.'l.Cl l.lCt.UlI a;id iu go WILSON WON'T SEND AN ARMY ACROSS Adminit"'oy.v-ai No Intention of I In ' $g in Mexico, Say j Yrtose Close to the Chief. !0RK3 ASKS THAT IT BE DONE Head of Foreign Affairs Committee Says War Talk is Unfair j ! and Absurd. ! GIVE NEW REGIME A CHANCE ! WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. V to rluy'fc "neeting if was decided that ti.e prejrt policy would be main lined ann Gnersl ("arranza would l.e depended to punish the Villa I unciiis who killed American citlr.ens. No formal annoumement was made, ut. official close to the president de lured the administration had no Inten tion ,of armed Intervention In Mexico at present. The view was reiterated that Cummin should be Riven an opportun ity to demonstrate, his ability to restore orjer. '1 his we. encouraged by a tele gram from Carrania to his ambassador Promising eery effort to run down tne unnnlta. """ tho senate and house were cone over at ni. ... .1, i . 1...1-4 -. t ! "t Present. Whether each mem cabinet sarerrt with that vie her of. the cabinet agrerd with that view was not .disclosed. The. presMent and member of his cab inet were represented as being deeply shocked over the murder of Americans, but as hellevine that the Carranza j authorities should be able to control the ; aituat'on. Carranca Replies. General Carrnnra today telegraphed hi A llh.iKnilni nil fpnm lila haH , ne ng pursuea ny my troopa with a view to Inrure its capture, where- ; upon punishment, which their crime de- serves, will be applied to every guilty I p.rlc,p,lnt- tu ... , I ' Troop of the constitutionalist govern- , mfn Bav t,een ordered to establish iiatrol fruro end to end of the railroad J line. In order to forfend against aimilar 1 outraaei.t' ' s I '. t General Carranra'sT. dispatch, waa . ta first direct. assurance that he will eoin- tion means. Congress should courag eously shoulder the responsibility. There is no reaaon for dividing the responatbil (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) Marinell, Pioneer Italian, Is Dead J. ' .Marinell, an Omaha pioneer Italian, died at hla residence, 867 South Twenty first street yesterday afternoon, aged 64 year. He had been ill about three months. Arrangements for the funeral have not been completed. He is survived by hla widow and four son. Henry. John, Tony and Joseph, and a daughter, Mra. Procudio. Mr. Marinell had been a resident of Omaha thrity-flve year and during most of that time had been enraged ln the fruit Jobbing and commission buainesa. He ws prominent In local Italian circlet and wa the first treasurer of the Omaha Italian club. Made Strong Says F. D. Coburn facturer of hams, hash and head cheese, lard, illuminating oils, hair brushes, liver pudding, tooth brushes, glue, button, bacon, bristle, fertilizer and fats, knit 0 handles, whistles, soaps, aide meat, addle cover and eaus&ge. He ia a mint and the yellow corn of our country la the bullion he transmute Into golden coin. "In the American bog we have an auto matic, combined machine for reducing the bulk lo corn and enhancing lis value. It put ten bushel of corn In a space of 1916 Will be A Busy Year. Keep Abreast of Current Events By Reading The Bee, HEAD OF MOVEMENT TO ENROLL ENTIRE COUNTRY FOR PREPAREDNESS Mrs. William Alexander of New York, president of the National Special Aid society, an organ isation to arouse women in behalf of more adequate national defense. ... - , CV i X 1 ' - fill WARMER WEATHER ON WAY TO OMAHA! Cold Wave Goes East to Atlantic, While Colonel . Welsh pTe-. diets Rising Temperature. WARM IN WESTERN NEBRASKA "Going up," Bays the thermometer. From 13 below zero at 6:30 a. m. yesterday It crawled steadily up ward, attaining a poultlon of only 1 below zero at 12 o'clock and still ris ing, while the south wind blew and gave promise of balmineBS. The Omaha cold wave has gone east j and' Is now being felt along the Atlantic coaBt. Marked rises are noted all over the west. At North riatte and Valentine, Neb., the morning temperatures were 18 below and 12 below, being rises of 12 de grees in twenty-lour hours. Some other 7 a in. temperatures w-re: Bioux City, 14 below; Kansas City. be low; De Moines, 18 below; St. Paul, 16 below; Chicago, ero. Prince Albert, Canada, 1 experiencing quite a warm spell warm for P. A. that la. The temperature there I up to n below sero. The coldest place 1u the U. B. A. this morning was Bismarck, N. J?., with SS below zero. Railroads Report Warmer. It la becoming warmer throughout Ne braska and according to the station re port coming to the railroads the belief la that the back of the cold spell, if not broken, haa been considerably bont. Thursday railroad renorts indleaiot thai i there waa not a spot in Nehrauka A'".iere It was about aero. Veaterday morn - in the reports showed three spott with temperaturea above. Elsewhere .the weather wa at aoro or below. Aa the railroads found tho condition the three warmest spots In the state were Crawford, 19; Alliance. 8 and Whitman, 4 degrees below -tero. Tho points named are all in tho extreme west, or northweat ! apector In California and Wyoming field portions of Nebraska and thia is taken , w ho were dispoascsaed by President Taft'a to indicate that warmer weather ia work- : withdrawal and tho supreme court' ap ing thl way. jrroral. Tho vote Indicated puasago of However, farther north and northwest 1 the provision of the bill on final vote, the weather continues cold. All through ' , the Big Horn basin country of Wyoming this morning temperatures oft from 10 to 18 degrees were reported. It la as serted that zero Is pretty cold weather for that section of the state. Repri isals in Case ; Of Baralong Ordered I MICIILIN iBv Wirelesa In Kvvillei. Jan. 14 -The German government liaa ! Krl" "ary' tranamltUd to Great Britain through the! 11 U considered irrtalii that the pontiff American embassy a note which declare 111 ,f' consistory either for the end that a a result of Britain not Ml-!" February or shortly afterward to In filling Gernmnv's d-,ml for an expla-! r"1 ,,H," ,,on "ely "eated card nation of the circumstance surrounding 'mils. Sc.panelll nd Fmhwlth. papal the sinking of a German sutiiuarltt bV ... t lie British patrol boat BaralonK Gcr-! . many will adopt auitable measures of! reprisal. j The National Capital 1 t-'rlaar, Jaaaary 14, Ittlfl. The aeaalr. I Kenator Cummins Introduced bills to ie loraanlse and Increase National liuard I !enior Works, republi. an, introduced resolution for arnii-d Intervention -n j Mexico. I I he Hour. Navy und military affaira committee ef.nttn.ed hcaiinir. Wava and iiiiaiii committee held flrM lesriii;c 011 Hill hill lo i.iolect Aioeii.aii uauui.tcluierk o; cyeatufia. iJURY IN MENACE YOTES ACQUITTAL Company and Four of Its Officials L . . . 7. . . Declared .Not Guilty jn - - Joplin Court, MISUSE OF MAILS CHARGED JOPLIN, Mo., Jan. 14. A verdict of not guilty was returned today by the Jury in the case of the Menace Publishing company of Aurora, Mo., and four of Its officials who were charged in federal court here with misuse of the mails. The Jury delivered Its verdict at 2:30 o'clock after having had the case in its hands more than twenty Hours. The individuals who, .with the publishing compauy, were defend ants in the trial, are Wilbur F. Phelps, business manager, of the company; Bruce M. Phelps, superin tendent; Marvin Brown, managing editor, and Theodore C. Walker, said to be editor of the Menace, a newspaper. m An indictment containing eight counts was returned against the publishing company and four indi viduals by a federal grand Jury sit ting in oplln in January, 1916. The indictment charged the defendants with vending obscene matter through ! the mails. !' (GRANT OIL RIGHTS TO OPERATORS IN WYOMING i .. r WASHINGTON, Jan. 14 In committee I of the whole the houso today adopted ! Provision of tho mineral and leasing bill. wiiich will grant leasing righta to oil ln- r D L 1 1 llftl r ! rope rrooaoiy Will Deliver ' A Hr,.t ItOMK, Jan. H. There la a general he- lief In Vatican circles that the pope deliver another Imnortnnt about war In Ihe conaistory at the end of Tomorrow the Best Colored Comics with The Sunday Bee VILLA GETS MEAT; TO KILL GRINGOS Pftndit Threatens Death to Americans Found West of Chihuahua City. All ! SPECIAL REARS DEAD TO BORDER ! M I.I Ki'l.. ! ASlllNUTON. .Ian. 14. -All I Aiiici loans i.t M:idrt. Mexico, aro i repotted tafe in oiri. lal dlspatchet today to the State department, which rpoeUlrHlly deny the report of th , i. under of ten Americana and two women. The colony (here ,vh a'ttiic'.ted by hitndils. who wer ! ri'ttlcil. ni i i.;iiv l.l. I'.VM. Jan. M. lieneial ln:ii'!ri l!a wire al I'.iImco lust -', .Ii-cla r'Nl thtf hr w, uSi kill nn A KiiiHii tratt-lina f nf Chllunhua 'it. ari-ordiim t. irii:ili' Information STi ttHlNj. ' At t'f time VI hi was i ai.pplyliia himself ni!i mrat It i riimored that I'eter t-cniie. an l:nsltsh in.iii. ws killed. '"I. TASO, Tex.. .Tan. 1 4. A lona spaeial train left Chihuahua City at t-M thl inoi niiifr for Jiiar-7. lirirliiB. it waa said oil foreigner to the border tlist could be persuaded to lave the dtstrht. They Imiuded all employe o," the Ameiiean Hmelting and ItcHnlmr empany. A spr cliil train left .liimex raiiy today fur Pun si. weiitern Chihuahua, to bring out iihout Son foreigners In the ciimpa tliere. Tliete has been no telegraphic communi cation with I'm I al since Junuary 1. American Consul I-UI wards. In Juare. retielved orders from Heeretary Lansing to notify Ariel Iran rnnsula and consular litems in Mexico, Including those at Tor roon and Chihuahua, to urge their na tionals to leave northern Mexico and to eumniuiiirate this urder to the forclHii j copniila in this city. A I "nited Ptatea offuiHl sent to Juarei J to report upon stories of Irritation there i ns the result of the rioting here laat inU'it, was mopped by a .Mexican, who I .,!-, .1 . I ' "What do those gitnunrs mean by i killliiii Mexicans over theie?'' The offlrial replied that he had heard nothh'k of It. ! t'nlted Htates army patrola were with- drawn from the business district today. ; Tranquillity prevailed where laat night ; riotous acene were enacted, attributed to reHentment agulnat the killing of lAmeiirana at Santa Ysabel, Chihuahua, j When the disorder pasaed beyond con- Irul of the local pollen army patrola wer aent to aaslat local officers In quelling j the disturbances. A call wa circulated today for a mas meeting to protest against the "massacre of Santa Ysabel." Mayer Tom Lea. how ever, stopped the circulation of the call ,nd 'orbd- the meeting until Americana 'now In &Uklo .could be brought to the ndi - der. Wadleigh, Brother Of Mrs. Fassett, Shot in Mexico Charles Wadleigh, one of the Americana who January 11 wa taken from a train in Mexico and shot by Mexican bandit, wa a brother of Mr. E. F. Fassett, wife of the editor of the newspaper at Arling ton, thl state. Ilia home wa at Biabee, Aria., near where he had extensive min ing interests. He also had mining In terest in Sotiora, Mexico, and it I be lieved that he waa on hi way there when he wa killed. Dr. Logan of Herman, who recently ac cepted a position in a Mexican hospital In the city of Chihuahua, Mexico., ami who It la learned ia at this time In Kl Paso, Tex., had expected to go on the ame train with Wadleigh and the mem ber of hi party, but In ome way lost hi baggage and remained over in El Paso to recover It. Aviators Bombard Bulgar Trenches lu.mju.n. Jan. 14.-A squadron of J' ranch avlatora on Tuesday bombarded the the first Hue of Bulgarian trenches In Ktrumltsa sector, wrecking several trenches, and killed and wounded a num. ber of soldiers, ay a dispatch from Ath - ens to the Exchange Telegraph company, , Fatfi 01 PH0ft NOW 11110 UA illVD llU W Tn TTrJTlflc! nf Q Invir III XiailUO Ul a UUIjf , .M1XXKAPOLM. Jan. 14. The case of Frederick T. Price, a local business man charged with murdering hla w-lfe, went to the Jury at i:: p. 111. Price haa been I on trial In district court for ten days. A Xf 4-.IIU.UllUli nUlU( IT Ml aJUUI , nuncio it Vienna. itid Munich. Kpc will! lively, who would Uiua leave their post, j tempt at shipn k waa made. On No ilocailon bel"" W'seed according to present re- 1 veniber 27 Mrs. lekkera took passage vn !po,U ,l V-nn Monsignor Locatelli, now Internuncio at Buenos Aire and at Munich by .Momgnor wversa, now liitcr- rnimio for Br.cil. "The holy see did nothing up to today eitiier directly or Indirectly to solicit from either group of belligerents any Invita tion to participate in or preside at a peace conference," say the Catholic or gan Corrlere I'ltale in an article evi dently inspired by the Vatl .n. Both groups of belllgerenta, the paper adda, thus far. Intend to be completely victorious, dictating condition of peac outside of any extraneou interference. The aim of the pope' la so employ all poiaible moans to render the conflagra tion less painful to humanltyIf the pope were present at a peace congre, hi adhesion to the treaty would bind the conscience of all Catholic subject of the contracting nations, making It more difficult for any government to break the agreement. The pope, it aaaerta, doe not count upon the Kviropean conflict for the solu tion of the Roman question, which, a Cardinal Gprrt aaid, will not be eettled by the force of arm. AUSTRIAN ARMY TAKES CAPITAL OF MOMTEMRGRO Official Statement from" Vienna Announces the Occupation of Cettiaje by the Teu tonic Forces. PALACE AND CITY UNDAMAGED London Report Says Attack of Cen tal Empires on Saloniki Has Not Yet Begun. ITALY'S ATTITUDE IS PECULIAR VIENNA. Jan. 14. The captura of ( ettlnje. capital of Montenegro, wgs announced by the war office. The official announcement states: "The capital of Montenegro is ln our hands. Otfr troops, pursuing the beaten enemy yesterday afternoon, entered CettinJe. The residence of the Montengrin king and the town are undamaged. The population is calm." Freaca Blow l Bridges. LONDON. Jan. 14. It ia authorltaUrely announced today that the reported of fensive of the Teutonic allies In Greece did not occur. The rumor that the at tack had begun against the force of the allies, apparently originated in the activity of the French In blowing up the bridge connecting Balonlkl with the road over which the attacker would normally travel. Rrldge were destroyed by the Krenoh not only at Pemir Hisaar, on the Struma, near Berres, but also at Klllndtr. south of Dolran. All the bridge de stroyed were In Greek territory. The rumor that Austria, and Monte negro have suspended hoatlllties for the purpose of discussing arrangement whereby further warfare on Montenegrin mil should be stopped, may be baaed Imply on the fsct that the Austrian ad vance In Montenegro ha becom so slow that suspicion of a ausnenalon of hoa ttlllle 1 naturally aroused. Military critic, however, are of the opinion that Montenegro is now ln such a position that ome form of arrangement with It adversary haa become Imperative, Italy' Attltaae recallar. Speculation la rife aa to the attitude which Italy ha adopted with regard to the Invasion of Montenegro by the Aut- tiians which constitute a grave menace to Italian interest. The fact that Italy' uner fleet did not prevent an Austrian ' squadron from assisting in the reduction of Mount Lovcen whlcjj jorolnated th- harbor of Cattaro la if ' '-eimmented upon, though experts lnkt there ' is net' a sufficient basl of Information front which to draw deduction In the matter and they u great that Italy' action in the present Juncture ahould he awaited before Judgment Is passed, and that action they point out would natur ally b kept secret as long as possible. Al Betlreat A boat Gallcia. New of the-developments In the ni'l Itary operation in Gallcia and Messarbl l awaited with much Interest here and It Is observed that both altiea are un usually reticent with regard lo the open tlons. Austria usually sends out the first information on the military activities In that region, but beyond a general review of the Russian offensive movement It give tody but little light on the hap penlnga on it eastern front. The Aus trian military authorities affirm that the ole result of the Russian offensive to. date ha been the pushing back of one Austrian battalion for a few hundrel yard. Four Are Charged With Trying to Ship Rubber to Germans NEW YORK, Jan. II Four men amt a woman were it dieted today by a fed eral grand Jury on a charge of conaptrtnir to violate the customs law of the United i "tes by shipping contraband rubber t' I Germany. i Thoao Indicted were: Kdward Weber, a cousin of Albert Weber, an official of th Deutsche bank in Berlin; Paul I Scnmidt' br-a partner In the rubber and Guayule agency of this city; Max iJa'Sr' O'"" maker of automobile I accessories; Mrs. Arnie lkkers. a native j of Holland, and Ilk-hard Wohlberg. a nat- j "rallsed citUei. who operates a rubber nd cement factory here. The Ouayula agency U also made a defendant, Harold Content, aaaistant Vnlted State attorney, saya Mra. Dekkers waa to hav. i brn hft go-b-'ween. Her sex and the ' f"'t U,at "he hrtd ln ln ,hB habit of i mak,n tr.nsau.ntio trip. ., rellnd upon to protect her fr.n ' Th r ":b,r " 10 be ""Tied by her - : ,"'r0,1al baRi:rie. , i'our and a '.ml' ton of rubber were ; obtained by the aiUged conspirator, ac-respec- ! odln to .Mr. Content, before the at. j he llonan.l-AnH'ricau l,,.r rtvnd,n bound for Itoitei cam. She had iriina and .-ight packing case filled with rubir. b-i: which wa marked per sonal baggage. Acting on Information given the customs authorities by British agenta Mrs. n-kkers' baggage was held up and ahe was not permitted to sail. The defendinu will be arraigned in th. federal district court next Monday. Quit Houses in Boats ft In Flood and Cold KVANSVILI.K. Ind.. Jau. H.Launche today were buy in ihe ufck river belyw thia city, taking families from hu threatened by the rlxiug water. Accor t lng to report received here, twenty, five famliie war removed from hottia Ui the vi. uuty of Mount arnoa. Ind. The removal waa made in below sero weather. ' Tlie river wa at forty-two feet an I began to encroach on outlying residence section. :-' 1 .)