Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Addreaa communication relating to news and edi
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State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, as:
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DWIOHT WTM.TAM". Circulation Manager.
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ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Public.
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January 14
Thought for the Day
5fcfof by Crrim Nthon
Ftr the itrueturt that vx raiet
Tim it vith materia filled.
Our today $ and yttUrdayt
Art the block vita uhich m build
Truly ehapt and faihion thttt
Ltmvt no yawning gapt btttottn
Think not beeatt$e no man $ee,
Uvch thing riU remain unset.
Lony fellow.
Eren altra-paclflstg agree io the doctrine of
coal-bin preparedness.
Don't forget the unfortunate who may b
shivering- through no fault of their own.
Mayor "Jim," however, la willing to take the
editor In with him whenever they drink h's
brand of harmony.
The billiard of 1916 came on the anniver
sary to the day of the famous billiard of 1888.
Talk about coincidences!
A welcome awaits the lee cream makers at
any time, but a more seasonable season to show
froien sweets should be chosen for the nest
It Is taken for granted that the country has
progressed some since the modern battle of Ar
mageddon. George W. Perkins continues raising
his children here.
The federal court of Oklahoma rules that
the Osage Indians are full-fledged American cltl
sens, with unquestioned property rights and
privileges. Some 2,200 men are elevated by the
decision. As each possesses f 30,000 In his own
right, a boom in the limousine market of Okla
homa is a cinch.
If there is any smoother composer of polit
ical storms than Premier Asqultb, he Is yet to
make his debut In Great Britain. In this country
Asquint would be set down as a'thoroughgolng
compromiser. While appearing to give way to
the opposition, he manages to put through the
essentials of ministerial, measures.
While we are ever ready to find fault with
the heartless public service corporation for Its
shortcomings, let us with equal fairness com
mend the street railway company for its extra
ordinary efforts to meet the demands of its pa
trons during- a storm that paralysed all business
activities. When the company spends more
money, as It did, to keep Its cars running under
adverse conditions than it can possibly take In
from running them, it shows a sense of public
luty not usually conceded to It.
Martin Cahn, eldest son of Aaroa Cahn. and senior
member of the firm of Cahn Brothers of this city, was
married In Chloaso to Mlaa Rachel Roeenberr. Messrs.
Emanuel Oebn. Julius Meyer. Simon Fisher. Sol Beigl
ma a and Simon Obert elder made the trip to be present
at the ceremony.
Word from San Francisco la to the effect that
Hon. C. H. Dewey of this city, aalled Saturday for
Tilna and Japan. He Is eipected to return bom
about the end of March.
The D. N. Miller Detective association has pend
offices In the Nebraska Bank bulldlng-Kx-Wierlff
Miller. James Ewtnc, Ed Gorman, with Edwin CVowc'.l
as attorney.
Omaha Germans are preparing a sons festival or
saengcrfest, representatives of the Maennerchor. Coa
eordla, Turnverein and Bweltservereln having- held a
meeting to take preliminary steps at which the fol
lowing committee of arrangements was made: O. ti.
Mtartmao, Adolph Meyer, B. Q. Orebe. Hoffman.
Schaefer, Bauer. Kroeger.
Tea Sullivan, former member of the fit. Louis
Browns, la la Omaha trying- to figure out a North
western base tall league of six clubs to Include
Kansas City. St. Joseph, Omaha. Duluth. Minneapolis
and lit. Paul.
WUUam F. Cody, otherwise knows aa ' Buffalo
Bill." while In Omaha, let It be known that he la
planning to Uke his show to England this ear.
Da MUlspaugh Is back, having been snowbound
for a week In Minnesota.
Aa entertainment waa given last evening at the
rendu of Mrs. Parsons. U7 North Seventeenth, with
a recitation program by the liaes Emma and MaJd
Between Bandits and Submarines.
Secretary Ianslns; very delicately and
adroitly distinguishes between outlawry on land
and at pea. He finds a marked difference be
tween a bandit and submarine, remembering, no
doubt, that In the eyes of "watchful waiting"
these self-same murderous Mexican marauders
have in turn been revolutionists, pstriots, ser
vants of humanity, before finally degenerating
Into their present condition of proscribed out
laws. The secretary's defense of the adminis
tration must be satisfactory, for the president
absolutely declines to switch his "single-track"
mind on the matter of protecting Americans who
for the moment are unfortunate enough to own
property in Mexico, or have other Interests that
call them there.
Though recognized as de facto president and
"our great and good friend," Carranza has not
as yet set up a stationary government. The
protest from Washington may reach the migra
tory capital of the "first chief," but this gives no
assurance that the murderers of American citi
zens will be punished or stopped from commit
ting more murders. Despite the resonant declara
tions of the Carranza clique, that Villa and all
his companions have been put outside the pale
of the law, tbe probabilities are that this latest
outrage will be added to the long list of similar
occurrences, accumulated since Mr. Wilson took
office, and allowed to stand as "unfinished busi
ness." Under our present foreign policy, Mexicans
may with Impunity defy all law, International or
otherwise, and only European nations are called
to account, though with more words than results.
The Pinch of Cold Weather.
Those of us who enjoy the comforts of warm
clothing and warm houses while the mercury is
diving far below the zero point on the thermom
eter, should not forget the pinch of cold weather
on those not so favored.
In no community of this richly blessed land,
certainly not la Omaha, should any one be left
to endure actual physical suffering and hard
ship from the severity of a storm.
Fortunately we have In our city a goodly
number of charitable organizations that may bo
depended on to come to the rescue and to re
double their efforts in times of stress, but these
organizations, to do the work that devolves upon
them, require adequate support from the public
aa a whole. It Is, therefore, up to the people of
Omaha to respond generously to the calls of the
charity workers and Institutions when the win
ter's pressure upon them Is the hardest.
latest Figures on War Cost.
Here are the latest figures on the toll col
lected by the dread war demon up to the first of
the current year, as computed by Theodore H.
Price, one of our highest statistical authorities,
from the most reliable data and estimates:
THB WAR COHT IN LIVES: Last October, Briga
dier General F. V. Greene, United States army (re
tired), placed the killed at 2,000.000. Two months later
Colonel Hennseler, the Swiss military statistician, es
timated that 8.000.000 men had lost their Uvea These
ara the lowest and highest estimates of the f a tall t lea.
Figures compiled by varloua other authorities lead u
to conclude that, at least S.600.000 men are dead and
1,600,000 more have been rendered Incapable of produo
tlva labor s a result of the war. This Is a total of
7.000,000 lives. The economic value of a productive
man Is estlmsted at $2,500. The cost of the war through
oeam or incapacity may therefore be estimated la
dollars at SIT.MO.OOO.OOO.
began the seven great powers have voted credits of
over 135,000,000.000 and have negotiated loans amount
ing to over SS.OOO.OOO.OOO, while their gold reserve has
advanced from .$111.000,000 to W.THI.600,000 for the
Quadruple Alliance and from $1,057,300,000 to $1,410,000,000
for Austria-Germany. From these figures and others
the direct expenditures thus far are estimated at $60,
00.000.000. The Indirect expenditures and waatage at
$10,000,000,000. Total money cost. $80,000,000,000.
These figures Uke no account of the pension lia
bility incurred, the loss of earning power by men la
the field and the higher coat of living In war times
ualtlea and money 1oa together the war has probably
coat at least up to date. It Is lmposslhl
to say what portion of this sum would have been saved
or spent In some other way If the war had not oc
curred. The expenditure for unproductive luxuries hes
undoubtedly been curtailed. The war-lnduced economy
of Europe is variously estimated at from $5 to $30 per
capita. Europe has a population of about
A per capita economy of ( cents a day would be US
a year. or about equal to the estimated cost of the
war thus far. It Is this elusive factor of economy that
makes the real cost of war so difficult to calculate.
We continue to believe that the waste and unproduc
tive expenditure of war do not much exceed those of
peace and that It Is very doubtful whether wara really
cost anything except human life and Buffering, in
which respect this cost Kso high that it ought to
be prohibitive.
Whether or not we accept Mr. Trice's con
clusion, these calculations should serve to help
answer a lot of questions we are all asking ourselves.
Mayor "Jim" for Hanncny.
One of the high lights of the recent demo
cratic dinner at Lincoln waa the glistening dome
of Mayor "Jim," looming over all and shining
through the clouds of smoke, the while the
leader of the triumphant and militant hosts of
Dahlmanltes loudly sounded his call for har
mony. "Jim's" for the ticket, he says, no mat
ter who's on It, and for the platform, no matter
what It holds. This latter Is tbe cheapest prom
ise ever made, for nobody, not even the late sec
retary of state, pays any attention to a demo
cratic platform.
Mayor "Jim" also told the newspapers of tbe
state what a nice warm place they can go to. In
tending perhaps to secure a permit from his
friend. "Billy" Sunday, on which to admit the
editors to a reserved section In that sulphurous
settlement. But he said nothing of the rebuffs
he has had from traitorous Bryan, nor of the
failure of the ungrateful Hitchcock to attach him
to the federal pay roll. All these things, pre
sumably, are forgiven and forgotten. "Jim" has
changed his spots, and Instead of being a riotous
cowboy in the coming campaign, he Is to be a
meek and sleek old pussy cat. dozing by the ra
diator. Yes he Is not!
Just the same, the democrat who hopes to
make a showing la Douglas county had better
see to It that he haf the Dahlmanltes mollified
before he starts.
How to Become a Scientist
- Oairett P. Berries.
Satisfactory guarantees of moderate conven
tion rates have been given by St. Louis hotel
men. Participants in the democratic ratification
meeting, however, should uiske sure of a return
AVOfNU man has suited me how hs can devote
his life to science. It la a singular questior,
somewhat as if lie had asked: "How can I
become an cnlgnecr, or a doctor, or a farmer?" Still,
the young man Is evidently In earnest end puxtkd
how to berln. and 1 have Just happened to pick up
an old hook, a favorite of nine years sgo, which fur
nishes an answer that may Interest many others
besides this questioner.
It Is a book now "out of print." I believe, though
It ought to be in print forever. It Is John Tyndall's
"Glaciers of the Alps." No man ever wrote English
more clear and fascinating than that of TyndalL
Although this book deals with nclenoe. It la litera
ture, with something more substantial behind It than
can be found behind most of the stuff called litera
ture today.
The answer that the book gives to the youn
man's question Is to be found In its unconscious
revelation of Tyndall's mind. It is In the form of
an object lesson. Kor Tyndall science was the high
est Order of romance, lie was still a young man
himself when a visit to the slate quarries of Penrhyn
awoke in him a paaxlonate desire to know Why sin re
stone splits off In slabs.
Thousands of workmen and superintendents hal
bfen familiar with this peculiar property of slate nil
their lives, and had never thought of seeking a rea
son for It. They were content with saying that It
waa the nature of slate not to cleave. If Tyndall
had not already devoted his life to science he would
have been doing It the moment he set out to find
out what caused the cleavage of stale.
Ilia search led him from the quarries of Penrhyn
to the glaciers of the Alps. Glaciers are immenxe
"rlvere of Ice." which, although they remain aolld,
slowly flow down the mountain sides. Tyndall
thought that he could find the slate stone's secret
In the glacier Ice, which was subjocted to forces
similar to those which, he believed, had affected the
"We are not here concerned with his attack on
that problem, but with the practical answer which he
made to our question. In the Alps he found himself
In the midst of astonishing things that filled Mm
with awe and delight, but read his descriptions and
you will see his Inquiring mind soaring above all the
wonders to explore their causes. The spirit of poetry
la with him. but the passion for knowledge overmas
ters all else, so that be produces no rant of more
verbiage, but the clearest pictures of what he sees;
drawn upon a background of reason.
The first morning that he awoke In his hotel near
the foot of tho great white Jungfrau, he started off
alone, clambered to a glacier, the first he had ever
stood upon, snd In spite of the awe that . he felt.
Immediately began noticing and recording the pecu
liar sounds and motions of the avalanches that were
thundering about him.
When he heard the echoes reverberating among
the mighty peaks, admiration of their sonorous and
majestic beauty did not prevent him from explaining
to himself, and afterward to hla readers, how thty
were produced. I venture to say that there Is not
anywhere else so Informing, and at the same time
charming, account of the nature of these phenomena
aa that which Tyndall wrote after hearing the tow
ering Wetterhorn fling Its echoes from cliff to cliff,
and modulate them by repetition until they seemed
to be receding Into Inflnte distance. It waa science
aiding poetry to Interpret nature.
He goes and looks at the terriflo cataract of Han
deck, where. In mid-descent, the white Aarlenbarh
darts at the yellow Aar, transpierces It, and then
both "plunge together like a pair of fighting demons
to the bottom of the gorge," but. unlike the ordi
nary tourist, he sees and tells about the big stones
that go down with the water, and when he sees a
linbow spanning the boiling gulf he finds out and ex
plains why It has a peculiar shape.
In crossing the Hochloch to Fend he Is assailed
by a hailstorm, and notices that each hailstone Is a
froien cone with a rounded end, whereupon he is able
to point out how a hailstone may be shaped oy
forces similar to those acting upon a meteor.
He wanders everywhere over the mountains, as
cending formidable peaks like the Flnsteraarhorn
and Mont Blano, or penetrating Into the secret re
cesses of the wildest glaciers and always seeks until
he finds the explanation -of the phenomena that con
front him.
As Interesting a passage, of three or four pages,
as any book contains Is that In which Tyndall de
scribes hia astonishment at finding his compass, oa
the Rlffelhorn, polnlng one way for south and the
noon sua Indicating Just the opposite direction. It
waa the Instinct for knowledge which led him Im
mediately to explore the face and top of the moun
tain with his needle, until he had demonstrated that
lightning bolts had turned the rocky "horn" Into a
great nest of magnets, with their poles pointing In
all conceivable directions.
If you wish to devote your life to science, do a
Tyndall did; don't stand fast in mere wonder, but
mix your brains with what you see.
Twice Told Tales
Too lite.
This story was told by Admiral Dewey of the United
States navy:
One afternoon the business agent for a Chautauqua
went to a prosperous town to see some of the na
tives with regard to booking a performance and finally
landed In the office of Jones.
"Tes, I am Mr. Jones," said the occupant. "What
can I do for your
"I called to see you about a Chautauqua." returnd
the visitor.
"Nothing doing." curtly interrupted Jones. "My
wife and I have already decided on a car of another
make." Kansas City Star.
Paid la Aavaaee.
In a rural court the old squire had made a ruling
so unfair that three young lawyers at once protested
against such a miscarriage of Justice. The squire Im
mediately fined each of the lawyera $, for contempt
of court.
There was silence, and then aa older lawyer walked
slowly to the front of the room and deposited a $10
bill with the clerk. He thro addressed the Judge as
"Your honor, I wish to state that I have twice aa
much contempt for this court as any man in the
room." Youth'a Companion.
People and Events
Editorial Snapshots
In the opinion of a 1ong Island Jury W each for
five eyelashes Is about the right sum for a railroad
to pay for singeing the lamps of a X-year-oid girl.
Chief Ogallala Fire tired himself to the happy
hunting grounds by the rasor route in Chicago. The
0year-old chief, who fought against Custer, was
quite skillful with a scalping knire. but a rasor was
the handiest edged tool In his Chicago teepee. It did
the business, too.
Ear la Ward of Orovtlie, Cat., tips I ha beam at I
pounds and struts along aa private In the University
of California cadets. During a recent drees parade
Earle bulged the center of the line and had to go to
the rear before the company could aafely show a
straight front before the inspectors.
A Fourth-of-July orator might wave the ortflamfue'
of liberty all day aiound the girla' college at Water
Mile and wouldn't get a vote from the maids therein.
To their collective mind liberty la a delusion and a
mockery. There Is nt chance of the girls warming
up to slisa liberty again unless the college president
revokes his orders against kisaing and going to the
Armaaeddon Ragles F.erope
Tkreateaa Is.
OMAHA. Jan. 13.-To the Editor of The
Bee: The unnecessary. Inexplicable, cruel
wai- l well down In the second year of
prosecution, with no sign of abatement.
ut with preparation on a more stupen
dous scale than ever for spring activity.
It offers fresh menace to ua In the sink
ing of the Persia, and the lessons of
ps st torpedoing of our vessels and those
bearing Amertcsns, are losing their force
with the domlnent offender, and the
European-Kgyptlan phase of war pres
sure and prosecution bids fair to Involve
the Aalatic-Indo peoplea at an early date,
plunging them In the maelstrom of strife.
Unconscious seem the actors In the most
stupendous war of history that there Is
an evil power Impelling them on, and
butting their heada together like the ac
tor In the Punch and Judy shows, where
none appear above the curtain, and the
blows and butting and furor attendant Is
all that ts visible to the eyes of behold
ers resting upon the puppets. It has been
pronounced n "cruel, senseless war"
more than a year ago by one of the chief
actors In It, and Its cause proclaimed un
known and undetermined. It seemed so
to the public and why waged so sense
less and unfruitful as to shame leaders
In it?
Io men reckon with a Satanic power,
the Invisible, Irresistible, "prince of the
tower of the air" referred to by Paul In
Kpliesians ;10-11, where he enjoins "put
ting on the whole armor of Ood. that ye
may be able to withstand the wiles of
the devil," adding In the 12th: "For we
wrestle not against flesh and blood (hu
man beings), but against the principali
ties, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness In high places."
With this exhibition before us, the
acknowledgement made by one of Its
highest up actors that neither he nor his
felIows know why they wage war, how
reasonable the conclusion that they are
the puppets of the Pupch ant Judy show
of the war arena, being handled by that
invisible power, "the prince of the power
of the air," the devil, who was In con
trol of the kingdoms of this world from
the earliest history of man, from his be
trayal down to the temptations of Christ
on the Mount when he offered to surren
der then, but not having been accepted
waa left in control and would bring on
this cruel, senseless, unexplained war, or
Armageddon of the last days. He Is the
adversary which Christ came to put
down and redeem man from. He Is the
"seed" which was promised, and yet did
not appear until four days of the week
typified were gone, and when two more
must expire before he could heal and
bind up the amttten Jews as a nation
again. Hose a 6:12. But with the fifth
day and the sixth almost added to the
four thousand ("one day Is with the Lord
a a thousand years") the completion of
the type of six working days Is furnished,
and we are In the Armageddon which
shall usher in the seventh of that type,
which Is referred to in Hebrews 4:4
Peter In the second eplstlle, third chapter,
conveying to mankind the "keys of the
kingdom" which were given him by
Christ In Matthew l:l-, and the keys
now unlocking the Kingdom of Christ
out of the ruins of the "kingdoms of this
world," alt of them tottering to their
fall, that they may be supplanted by the
kingdom of Christ, his mlllenlal reign,
where the swords and the plowshares of
this upheaval will be beaten Into the
plowshares of peace for 1.000 years, and
nations not learn war any more. There
remalneth therefore a rest (Sabbath keep
ing) for the people of Ood." It Is on the
earth, and our leader was made flesh,
went from earth Into the holy of holies,
and returns to earth to be King, and
this gospel of the kingdom he proclaimed
three years, and commissioned us to
proclaim It. and the reward awaits his
near return to set up His kingdom.
Mem Needed for Pabllo Servlee.
OMAHA. Jan. 11-To the Editor of The
Bee: It has often been said, and with
truth, that if ever the American people
lose their liberty, It will be their own
fault. For they have their government,
from their local to the national, In their
own keeping. And It is Important that
they pay attention as strictly to their
local affairs as to their national, for the
local government Is nearest to their direct
personal Interests.
This is the year for the nomination and
election of all officials In this county
and state. The primary election, this
year, is only about three months off. All
flllnga for nomination at that primary
muat he made within about two months.
Tet little has been said In the public
press regarding thia important news.
In response to the numerous friends
who have looked to me to file again for
the state senate, I wish to take thia
means of aaylng that I shall not do so.
For any business man, whose business
requires his own constant attention, and
who Intends to be trus to his trust, can
not afford to give up practically six
months of his tlms, paying his own ex
penses, for the salary of a member of tin
legislature. I cannot afford the burden.
Yet I believe that the people ought now
to he seeking out some creditable men to
file for place on the legislative tickets of
both rattle. We may be sure that spe
cial and certain interests, who are always
interested in state legislation, are now
busy lining up their forces. Kven now,
in every senatorial district of this state,
these interests are busy. When you re
call that It ia only Important for them
to control about seventeen votes in the
senate lit order to do pretty much as
they like, you will see how Important It
Is for the people to "look a leetle out."
These Interrsta do not pay much atten
tion to the lower house, because they
know that a majority of the aenate, after
all. controls. If the people themselves
default In their plain duty to themselves,
mill they have any Just complaint against
certain private Interests who take ad
vantage of the apathy of the people?
There are twelve members of the house
and five senators to be elected from
Douglas county. We have plenty of good
men mho ran afford and who ought to
file for these places. They should be
urged to do so. L. J. Qt'INBY.
Brooklyn Ksrle: A business expert
says that the feet of American women
are growing larger. That I probably be-cs'i.-e
of the frequency and emphasis with
mhlch American women Just now have
been putting their feet down.
Pittsburgh Dispatch: Franre araln
proves her traditional friendliness by 1n
structina the commander of the Des
c artes to stop bothering American ships.
No fuss, no notes, no excuses, near-er-planstlons,
or pleas of necessity. Just
plain Justice.
Baltimore American: An English pro
fesror predicts warfare on an extended
scale between the sexes when the m-ar Is
over. Prophets of such remarkable events
shorn- very little knomiertRe of facts or
human nature. The last Is the determin
ing factor In all human events, and such
a warfare li too ridiculous even to con
template, much less to be taken as a
serious theory.
Philadelphia Record: General Joffre's
statement that "Germsny Is beginning to
wear out" may he true, but It beats all
creation how some thlnxs will continue
serviceable when, according to all logic,
they ought to be giving tip the gho.-t.
That seems to be the way with the Ger
man army. Its losses have been colossal,
but nevertheless its wearing qualities do
not seem to have been seriously impaired.
Kansas City Star: Every Hansen who
knows anything about his own state
knows that Its public Institutions are
suffering from lack of funds. Its cheap
John legislature last 'winter refused to
make sufficient appropriations for the
proper maintenance of Its schools, char
itable Institutions or prisons. The condi
tion of the Kansaa prison at Ianslng is
a disgrace to the state, but the governor
Inst winter vetoed an appropriation for
sanitary cells for the prisoners because
the state was so poor. The Kansas
schools are dropping to second and third
rate places among the schools of the
country. Its public roads are mud holes.
Kansas Is first In nothing now except
Washington Star
I have dune niv shxre of choppin' an' of
totln in the mood.
An wli-n the work was through, I felt
that it had done me poml.
I've rowed against the wind an' tide
until my wrists were sore.
An' felt quite calm nn' peaceful when at.
last 1 stepped sshore.
I've druv a hoes to ton an' bargained,
usln' voice an mind
An' didn't feel no 111 effects, as fur as I
could f'nrl.
B it I kind o- felt a vearnln'
Kur a life of lasy lenrnin,:
A cogltstln- life mithoiit no thought
of what you're earnin'.
I reckoned that I'd quit this common
labor 1av bv dy.
An' Juht sit down In Idleness an" think
the hours away.
So I sat down very careful an' composed
myself to see
What special line of thlnkin' would be
suitable to me.
I thousht of Issac Newton an' some
other men that made
Their la-xtln- reputations, Jes' by slttln'
in the shade.
But my mind got lonesome, wlshln' fur
the old familiar track.
An' the day's work how I missed It when
1 really felt its lack!
How I missed the huxs and bustle,
An' the hurry an' the hustle,
With somethln' always callin' fur your
intellect or muscle.
Of all tho things I've tackled, answerin'
ur to duty s call.
Jes' slttin' down an' thlnkin' m-as the
hardest Job of e.'.l.
"What graceful free movements your
daughter makes In her dancing. Mrs.
"They ain't no free movement. We
pay her teacher a lesson." Baltimore
",n the '0' day" the main element of a
JlUi" WR" t0 know how to act under
"And nowadays. In addition, he is sup
posed to know how to act under water,
in the earth and without air." Puck.
ALL m W-EtMmm
. wok im iv riv writ
Peems to me," said Jlngleton, "that the
kaiser's got a lot of nerve to invado
"Yes," said Tompkins, "but Just think
of all the aand It will take out of the
allies If he succeeds." New Tork Times.
"What la Bill the Bruiser puttln' on all
them airs about?" asked one crook.
"He thinks we ain't had the advantages
he s enjoyed. He's been through the
leadin penitentiary of the country."
Washington Star.
Father (when Willie had returned from
his flnst day at school) What did vnu
learn at school today T
w nun j learned to aay "Tes,
"No, air," and "Tes, ma'am,"
inn am.
Father Tou did?
Willie Yep. Indianapolis News.
Quickest, Surest Cough
Remedy is Home'
Easily Prepared la a Few ttta-
tee. Caeas) bat I'aeejaalcw
Some people are constantly annoyed
from one year's end to the other with a
persistent bronchial cough, which is whol
ly unnecessary. Here is a home-made
remedy that sreU TiRht at the cause and
will make you wonder what became of it.
Get 2V6 ounces Pinex (50 cents worth)
from any druggist, pour into a pint bottlo
and fill the bottle with plain s-ranulatert
i suar syrup, fcstart taking it at once.
oraauanv out surely you will notice the
phlegm thin out snd then disappear al
together, thus ending a cough that you
never thought would end. It also loosens
the dry. hoarse or tight cough snd beats
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remarkable rapidity. Ordinary coughs
are conquered by it in 24 hours or less.
Nothing better for bronchitis, winter
coughs and bronchial asthma.
This Pinex and tSucar Svrnn mixture
makes a full pint enough to last a
lamuy a long time at a cost of only 64
cents. Keeps perfectly and tastes pleas
ant. Kasily prepared. Full directions
with Pinex.
Tinex is a special and highly concen
trated compound of genuine Norway pine
extract, rich in guaiacol, and is famous
the world over for its ease, certainty and
promptness in overcoming bad coughs,
chest and throat colds.
Get the genuine. Ask your druggist
for "2A ounces Pinex," and do not sceept
anything else, a guarantee of absoluts
i satisfaction, or money promptlyrefunded.
goes witn mis preparation, iue .fines
po.. Ft. Wayne, I nd.
Let The
Serve You
sir." and
and "No.
Itching Almost Unbearable. ' At
Night Could Not Sleep Good. '
Face Looked Bad.
"Large bumps broke out on my forehead
sad face. They were bard and red and
festered. My face, for a long while, was
full of ugly blotches and tbe itching was
almost unbearable. At night I could not
sleep good and my face looked so bad I
was almost ashamed to go to school.
"The trouble bad lasted about four
months before I began to use Cuttcura Boap
and Ointment. After tbe first application
I began to notice a difference in tbe appear
ance of my face, and after three months'
treatment with tbe Cutlcura Boap and
Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Miss
Anna Shepherd. R. F. D. 3, North Man
cheater, lnd., Aug. 17, 1915.
Keep your slda dear, scalp clean and
free from dandruff, and hair live and glossy
by using Cutlcura Soap and Ointment.
Sample Each Free by Mail
With 33-p. Blcin Book on request. Ad
dress post-card Catlcora, lpt. T. Baa
test." Sold throughout the world.
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Roomy berths the famed
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kind, comfortable loung
ing chairs and other ap
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delicious meals, courteous
company -employed at
tendants and company
owned steel equipment,
double track and electric
block signals, these
characterize the service
between Omaha and
Chicago of the
Milwaukee &
St Paul Ry.
Phone or call for reservations
Ticket Office i
1317 Faroara St. Omaha
A matron la usually more enthusiastic
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After a man has bad occasion to employ
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that talk is cheap.
Saying the right thing at the right time
ts equivalent to keeping your mouth shut
when you have nothing to say.
Ktery man la fully Impressed that he
will have hla own way after marriage,
but hla wife usually relieves him of tbe
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