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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1916)
1HK HKK: OMAHA. Y Kl N lS . Y. .I.XM'.XIiV I '. !.M TT7 TTT 1 Tv nr t t t t t rr 7mi W I III! 1 I I Ml VI I II I A -Jill J I m I I w II I I m II I " I I I I 1 I f 1 I flimi-" Hcma Celebration of Wonder Interest Smart Frocks for Little Dancers Republished .by Special Arrangement with Harper's Bazar ATTH ACTION IS OMAHA. oyd'e. The 0iy oirl." Biraadrtei Thurston. BnptMtl Vaadertll. Owjrsiyi "The (Hob Trotter." Xlppi Photoplays. Xrturi "The tlpendthrlft." Orphsnmt Vauderlll. Riuti Photoplay. "Tj Only Girl" at tax Boyd. '"'Its Only Olrl." a musical romedy In . thra act; hook by Henrv Blossom ffrom the farre "Our Wie." by KianU fnr4l TTl 1 o : K.. I ll.i.'l.orl taged by Fred Itham. under direction . of Joe Weber. The principals: Alan KlmbrouKh tKlmt. a librettist.... Franklvn Farnum Sylvester Martin (Ccrksey). a broker.. I Russell l.cnn-m ; ,nn yre irTfsn), a lawyer . . Frank rooniha ndrew McMurray (Bunklet, painter Tiin Hurtou iButh Wilson, a compotfr Kdna M mae Birdie Martin Klrie Hal d Baundera. Klmbrourh'a valet Alfred F'aher Mantaret Aixe Regina Kiohaidi Jane McMurray (Jenevleve Hnnglitmi I latrlc.e yi Montrose ij'atsvi a sou- brette t. ccilia Nnvislo i Introducing a number of talcntd peo- I1, with whom Omaha will willingly make frlenda. "The Only Oirl" came to Boyd'a laat nlKnt foi the first real f roll - f the year. The rtrl. In the s ngulnr number o far as the title of the piece la concerned. In reality la more tia.i plural she la numerous. She Is also fa r and comely withal, and (rood to look upon, and clever with voice and lissom" I ' He admiration and applause The mad of body and ll(f'it of foot, and altogether 'inn continues at the Rtandoiti tonight a joy and a well spring of delight. Mlh and Wednesday nlaht with a mat ne her, too, are dlvera young men who are t Wednesday. pot afraid of themaelvea. but are wllllnR j to let out a notch here and there and go! Promises of the Press tcenls. some, as the action of the little far.'o i Orumpy." "lie p-rnder nvd fimous which has been made over Into consider-!'" "e P'V ft aim lav title, whl-h brlnir able muslca. comedy requires. So ht , VVHi-'VoV'P, '"tJ-?,. X" music and mirth Is plentifully mingled. , days startinir Thursday vih iv.tinc albeit with such taste and skill aa to differentiate this latest Blossom and Het- 'bert piece from those of recent vintage toe. maybe, the riirht word is mintage). large, number or well-dressed per- rjiini "The palH the) tribute of their presence to Only Qlrl," and were delightfully diverted thereby, to the Intense gratifica tion of most, aa was amply attested by audible and otherwise means of etpress Ins appreciation and a desire for more, which desire wna liberally acceded to. Also, tha "birds" have returned to the gallery of Boyd's, and for the first time In to, these many moon, the orchestra and the alngera were .accompanied by a whistling obllgato of such moment ss to be noticeable. The score has many little alra that Invite the Hp to pucker. Mls Munsey deserves all the good thing that hare been said of her. for she la charming in every regard; her voice la strong and awe-t and; pure, with a, predilection to colorotura, and Is fairly lavishing In Jta .pianissimo. The .lest voice heard,, though, J that. ot.Miws Houghton, Vhoe clear notes wa for her several warn) recalls on her one solo. Mis -Movaslo J a aoubrette whose qual ity Is of first rank; she has one splendid gift, that of knowing hoar to do what she , undertakes, and when to stop doing It. Theae are tha high apot In tha company, Ihut the whole organisation Is a good one, happily combined of ability to act and to i sing, and tha ictult la satisfactory in all -e gar da. "Tha Only Girl" will remain till after Happiness -in-Simplicity By DOROTHY DIX. ' One of the curious .difference between men and women is the fact that it takes ao much more to make a woman happy than it does a man. It waa a masculine poet, you recall, who, speak ing for his sex, declared that "Man wants but little here below, nor wants that little long." No one, not even a poet, would be rash enough to make such a claim for woman. Slio wants the earth, and the fullness thereof. Nothing l?s will satisfy her. And she wants it forever. Man's happiness is generally simple Woman's is the most complex thing on earth, and this peculiarity of the two sexes manifest Itself at every turn. 9 S Makes Stubborn Coughs Vanish, in a Hurry arfrialaffly Good Cough Syrup Easily aad Cheaply Made at Burn If some one in your family ha an ob stinate colli; li or a had throat or chest cold that lias been hanging on and refuses to yield to treatment, gi from any drujr store SSV4. ounces of l'inex and make it into a pint oi cougu itiup, auu waicn that counh Vanish. ! Pour the 2'j ounces of Pinex (SO I cents worth) into a pint bottle and 1111 j ih.Ueh.w .,p'': raM:sf,v and gives you a full pint a family supply of a most enective remedy, at t i aavmg of 2. A dav's use will usually overcome a hard couah. tasily prepared in 6 murutes full direction with Fines. Keeps perfectly and Las a pleasant taste. Children like it. It's really remarkable how promptly and easily it loosens the drv, hoarse or tight cough and heals the inflamed mem branes in a painful cough. It also stop tha formation of phlegm in tlie throat and bronchial tula's, thus ending the per sistent looae cough. A splendid remedy for bronchitis, winter coughs, bronchial asthma and whooping cougii. tU 1. - I.l J . U 1 AAMMAM. ii"" o a Biirciai inn uiiiur vuo.t ' . .1 L, III II in ituildui, ' n healing to the membranes. Avoid disappointment by asking your druggist for 2'x ounces of l'inex." and do not accept an thine else. A guarantee I! (5) () (5) (5) () of absolute satisfaction goea with thislbr)ng pleasure. True happiness consists WrtMCliZ WsTue' ud"1U ' J a matinee on ; Tbnrston at the Brtndrli, Thurston, the magician, wi,o opened a j thro. day engagement at the Rrandei i truster laat nlRht. fully proved that h is the leader In the field cf sta-e ma;ic. I'lx ajiBv of trick is truly bewildering, j rrpMldi'tation, hypnotism. Illusion an 1 all the art of magic are Included In hU program. lie mkr card passe that are. I far "quicker than the eye" and he ex- rabbita. piaoons. ee.e anil the Ilk Irpm the coat of pernors in the and ence wlth ,.,, , rt k , . , riuiraton a fcatire trick la "The Levlta- tiun of I'nn' -esa Knrnn:-." In th:a trb k youns woman nitendcd In mldnlr iil'PRrently without support Thurston I t'tiriorts to hypnotize t' e vnuni worran . In t! o act and facetloualv cnlls for a I "doi-tor in the ' m-hen he aIIcec to have difficulty in awaken, m the vn'ini K Tcm front the trance. . While n-melcian are known to tnak" "f inviRilile wires, majrneta. mirror a"'l llcMs In the perfoi innn. e of siic'i , illi'sicns, Thuraton eacapca una nthed for i It la impofalhle to detect liia method from ! the audience.. It is pleverlv done nnd I serves its purpose of mvst if ylnir the au dience. Thi:rton Introduces tlass trunks, phan torn pianos and other illusions that are clffi'iil and complicated, and quickly er. r-aturoay. Is very old. and his fnlt-f i man. Kuddock, thinks that he cannot s to led without help, lie has retired fro l practice a'ter havlne hon one of t!' best crim Hal lawyers of his da v. Sud iriily the evasion ca'i for all of hla o! powers turned into a new channel, aic bearing upon the we. fare of bis rrand daughter nnd the man e is to marry A diamond lias I een stolen. T r aatuteners with which ' U-nmpy" runs down h:i c'u s and nn nvpa perplex ing knots of eUdence furnishes a new lyre rf mystery plo hut shove alt stands Mr. .Viaui.e s wo dcrful portraval of al most senile age. Nothing as interesting hsa been given to our stage In many year. The- Identical company of Mr Maude'a recent F.mplre theater engagel ment In New York will he seen here In his support. Socletv was a. nthn.U.H, . i.. pheum Monday night and as numerous ss I was the f ir.t-nlnhtera opninr day. The two lopnne Httractlona. while entirely different, are equally effective In their I respective class and this Is evidenced in I pronounced scoring. Genevieve Oliff. who 1 Is featured in "A Hreath-of Old Virginia" I la sweet and attractive and she has, 'an ! adequate supporting company. Tne other ' feature. Muriel Worth and Iew Brice. are splendid dancers.. Miss Worth olo ' ntrmher "The Passimr of the Swan" a.nrf ! "Pelite Converaation" by Miss Worth and lr. Krlce are two excellent numbers. among the best that have ever been seen ai uie orpneum. The odds are even as to which enter tainer Is the moat interesting MLss Frankle Rice with her Impersonations and eccentricities, or Frank Hunter with hla black face oddltle. Aj both are of "The Globe Trotter."' now at the popular Oayety, it's an easy matter for you to drop In. look them over and de cide for yourself. The Flvlng Weaver, lste of the New York Hippodrome, are offering their unique aerial novelty as an added attraction this week. It la a ' beautiful act, the duplicate of which la rarely witnessed. Indies' matinee dally. "The Spendthrift. " thl week bill at the New KruK. Is making a good Imprea- ' Ion. Sport North and Genevieve Rua eell have roles In which they take particu lar delight. The play touches the every day life of the American home. Movie prices, politeness and wholesome enter tainment prevail at the Krug. Family i manned inursaay ana saiuraay. An entire rnana;e of program will be offered by the Htrand today Including a Triana-le draruatlo masterpiece, the Cow- i aid, featurlne; frank Keenan and Roacoa mill fliuuiRia in rics.iv niijr r sit, l funniest Keystone yet released on tha Triangle program. Take, for instance, such a common thing as a good dinner. How very eel dom do you ever see a woman enjoying one with the frank delight of a man? He abandons himself to the pleasure of the moment. Yesterday he may have dined off an adamantine ham sandwich, next week he may be glad to get pork and beans; but today lie. la reveling: In all there Is of present luxury, enjoying to the fullest the daintiness of the t-ervlce, the fine flavor of the viands, the bouquet of the winea. A woman, on the other hand, finds It Impossible to enjoy un thing without reserve, if she is eatins turtle soup and terrapin, she spoils it by dreading some poslble future time wln-n she may have nothing but coined beef and cabbatce. and if she can find no other akeleton to sit beside her at the feast she can always conjure up the dread specter of dyspep- I siL to threaten her with unmentiomi bte tortures at every mouthful. Another pertinent Illustration of how many more things it takes to make a woman happy than it doea a man Is af forded by the eorry spectacle we aec every day of the new rich trying to buy themselves Into society. When a plain man accumulates a for tune by hard work and thrift It gener- ally leaves him with aimple Ideas "" Joylnir It. I He wants a good, compilable house. a good me ot-si to eat ami drink: but he wants to stay In his old neighborhood, among the people he has iVed with and liked for years. weny I oPPoa'te- She feels that mere money Is u" nn asnes. unless an cun o llltLCO 111 inai Bucinr dial ur-iiin itim m iilg 8. Slie decides on the exodus, and leads the march away from the old home and the old friends up into that frigid .. . , Ek- .. .viid vft lo.liiuil niirm rue iir.rr i a acclimated and lives in a perpetual frost. Fven In the inner life, this different way of looking at happiness still holds true. A man accepts happiness, when It cornea to him simply and without ques tion. A woman turns It round and round, and thumpa It and tests It to see if It I is really genuine, and she Isn't being . . . counterfeit. I until she ceases lo think of happiness aa a complex thing. IJfe isn't a circus, and there is no great aggregation of cir cumstances that may be relied on to Wednesday nlg'il. with W ednesday afternoon. -l-r "mple thin... and jto make the most tif the moment. gaua vt, . a".. 4 . aaf- T 1 iff w . i . . - 1 A 1 i " ;i l (,4. fils ,1 1 ',' 1 ,, . Ji ( f " . . . j f J r I v i mm i , it' For dancing school brother is ilressrl with as great care as his sister. Mack velvet with i!eei collnr and cuffs nre accepted until at 10 years of ago he goes info the Kton st' it. Hut It Is sinter who car ries off all honors. At 1 (i a ru'fiiip frock of pink silk and cloth cape I Advice to Lovelorn A ItlfflcuM Position. j l'r M:s Fairfax: A youiiK lady j stupped at my houae fur aeveial weeks a year ago and 1 entertained her to the i best ot my ability. When alio left 1 thought that wua the final parting. Mho nlioned niti and invited mo to tier home. 1 accepted. 1 repeated the visit, at lur i solicitation. I have taken her to several places of amusement. Hut 1 have never j called her up on the phone, or gone to I see her, except at her request. I From the above yotl can see that I I do not want her as one of my friends, but 1 do not wish to tell her thin puml hlank. so if you will tell mc what to do to accomplish this end I shall be grateful. li. J. It Is most unfortunate that you per mitted yourself to drift Into an affair with a girl In whom you had no Interest. Your response to her advances probably led her to believe you were attracted by her. To Ignore her now la to be rude. Of course if you persist In that course long enouKh, she will get your meaning but I think the manly tiling to do is to go to her and tell her that ydu are very busy and not socially inclined and that you know she will understand when you tell her that you will not be able to see aiu h of her In future. Suppose you con sider sparing her feelings but don't do I her the Injustice of doling out your so ciety as if It were alms to a beggar Lnd the thing at once. Her Father sihvuld Write. Iear Miss Fairfax: 1 have been going ! with a nirl aince April, and her; dearly, a id know mv love is returned, i A short time atfo, while playing tenuis.! the ball went astray arid was leturned b a yo'ins. man. who walked home with' j her and aked to call. Tne next week he I sent two letters tell of his love. Now ! """ m" lo write to liliu and sy hla irn'imsnip ih not wanted. io jou think I Hbouid write ." j. J. i. Ihe ropir person to Inform this for-i : ward yoiuii; man that hla attention: i mum cease Is the girl s father. If you I I were forniall engaged It would be do-! i sirable for you to write but under the I j circumstance, it would he In far better! ; ..... for ,he , f,,, .1 member of her family. . . , III- lk I Iiear Miss Fairfax: I haia corie- spo tided wltli a ounx man In tlie soulii I tor it the past two years. He visits me occasionally, snd during la recent visit he told me his mother . Sn4 llKtpr 14 hum I hm. hlv af Ku,4 i iquesled ' him to invite mv aimer' and me 10 vis i uieir nume uuring Hie Holi days. 1 will not see him again this winter. and In accepting this invitation shall I write the young man or his mother, and If the latter, what shall I say? M V. (1. It would have been In better taste for the young man's mother to hav written to you, but after all that is a formality, but It la to her you must address your acceptance. Thank her for tha kind Invitation she ha extended to you and your sister, and tell her that you will ba very glad to take advantage of her hospitality and to come with your sister, for a visit in her home. ... ; - r m; .'"TT. T " s ' T"j ' sswrw i i if I' my n r 1 -'.Tiit tpyw ' nr."T, 1 : .1-1 s, . i i at . ' -, - m F ei ' v K' 1 e ."a. TV .s .y.-i Dosi jniod bv Natalie -Hi h&&& '-'vht fl-'...'NX: -I. ; r - v o v -e- l i V il .'.-av" -VVriic-v- sA- U.; M: ;.-v,: MV , j i !? 131 n iik iil 111 Ib I? i iillili i? 11111 jI ij Wednesday we shall conduct an unusual sale of silk and wool dresses on the sec ond floor a lot just purchased and expressed to us by our buyer who is in New York City. This is a most fortunate purchase of sample garments from a well known New York maker, whose workmanship and judgment are authoritative. These dresses represent the most pronounced economies, and we earnestly advise every woman to take advantage of the sale. Silk and Smart Trimmings of Fur, Brakln, Buttons and Embroidered Motifs. Values to New Showing of Sport Skirts In a variety of plaids, checks, stripes and plain colors, showing new pleated and circular models. A choice lot to choose from, at $5.98, $7.50 to $10.00 mat .Jiiaininniin Rchonok Laiinbper. of a deeper tone of pink will delight her. If 14 hIio may wear this laced coat of green silk over her effective muslin dress. The embroid ered crepe de chine In two tiers or the iialnt black velvet frock will make the 10 to 12-year-old happy. And charming, indeed, for the girl of 8 is the blue chiffon frock with skirt of graduated lengths. A Beautiful Lot of a New Wool Many Smart Both Checks and Plain All dsTjirable colors: Sand, Nary, Gray, WLstAria, Own, Black and Whit $25, Wednesday lv 0 York Manufacturer s Fine Combinations Colors. Xl I ll j ULIL-It - Th irrlvat ! a baby In tne homcholr! fompletely changes the entire pect of ine ruture. But In tho meantime, during tho anions period of ex pectancy, there Is a iplrndld remedy Vnown ns "Molhefs Friend" that does wonders. It Is for external use, re llcrea the pains of muscle expansion, anothoa anil quleti tha Perres, extends Its In fluenc to the Internal Organ and remoies tr great extent the ten dency to worry and a re prehension. It Is natural treatment, snf for the mother, has no drug effect what o-, erer and for thl reason must exert a inot beneficial Influence upon those functions di rectly connected with motherhood. In a ery Interesting book Ihe subject Is freely discussed and a copy will he mailed free to all expectant molhrrs by Fradflcld Regulator Co., 0s Lamar Pilg., Atlanta. Cs, Oct a bottle of 'Mother's Friend" today of sny dnirrlst. t'se aa directed anil ynii will (lien know why mothers for nearly hulf a century hare used and recommended this spleadld sid to mothertHKMl. Hirlr letlera are messnrxs j of vhecr. that trcaUia comfort lit ever word. January Clearance Sales We, are clearing out alt broken lines of Diamonds, Watches, Jew elry. Silverware, Cut (;iaft, etc., left over from our great Christmas and llolidny sales. Special Bargain Prices Extra Easy Credit Terms 171 Pli mnnd Itlnf. Ilk solid gold Ioflla "Per- Wo. 4 Meii'a Dia mond Kins, f prong Tooth mounttns, 14k solid sold, Kama or sollBhcd Cfifi flnUh. at 999 a Weak. fectlon" mounting $40 11 Week, $2.50 i Mor.lh 1063 Wrist Watch Tea and Brace let ue both fine lk eoild gold. lver set, full nickel Jeweled, choice of cither white or gold CCOA "75 dial. Onn.rsntecr. at Credit Terms i ta.M a Koath. Men'a Watonee, solid a-old and sold tilled, auaranteed accurate timekeeper and wonderful values, a large lot to select from. frlcea (10 and up. . Term to your convenience. Sanniiri Till 30 sll or writ" for lllumnii-d Oatalns Na ion. Phon Douslis 1444 and our Mletman wtll roll. f! AF1"1! The National (JIT Jewelers. LIziBRos&cajraS40 WZ rra $94 7 s ss mf I II il.-'.U it ti. n.