Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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    Till: ItKH: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, liHii.
Nevada Senator Says European War ,
Counteracted Blunders and
Saved It from Defeat.
MOHR TRIAL STARTS AT PROVIDENCE The case of Mrs. Elizabeth Blair Mohr,
Cecil Victor Brown and Henry Spellman, the two negroes with whom Mrs. Mohr is al
leged to have conspired to kill her husband from ambush on the night of August 31, 1915,
is bound to attract widespread attention.
.WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 Sena-,
Newlands of Nevada, dpniorriit, 1
' tacked his party's record in the j
f'-nte today, delivering a Ion pre- j
jred speech In which he criticised J
tariff and banking reforms the'
VfMef legislative achievements of the
."is.Uon administration. He declared
,,'siat because there had been Indus- j
Julnl and romniercial depression co- 1
terniinous with democratic control of i
lFtslation, the party mould he in
danger of defeat at the next presl- '.
(initial election unless the Kuropean
war 'continued, and made the presl-I
(pt's "sagacious and firm'' handling
dT foreign affairs the overshadowing
iS?'ue. ' "
lthoush he chs rsctsrixrd the general
trend of dotnocrst Ic lt-i;llHtion as roin
mcndablp, the smntor assrrtnl that the
party was lio radical and expressed ttie
eohvlcMon '"that no political parly sn
)i"po t., r ma in In powrr which adopt !
lsdlcsl instead of evolutionary methods i
4f reform."
J 1 r art lart? Tno Iran Amo.
j Panaer vt a denincratir defeat In the i
t i-oriRres4oiia elections of 1'iM. ho said.
? J C "averted nl hy the Ktipiprsn war, )
! JnTsUlfnt s rmlicy ef -watcliful waltina j
! fesardlns" Mexico! with' ihe made haste
!vf ll Kuropean nation aa they rushed j
Jnto war, and which made that policy aa I
jj-opular ns It had theretofore been tin- I
( (lopular. I
jh "Tha realization that similar prudence j
jj'oiild keep ua out of European com
i J'llcallons," he added, "saved the parly
at the last' election from lh itnui I
y hichu, would have surely come aa. the
; Jesuit of, tcncral prostration of bual-
licsa, ' popularly attributed to out
f onoinic legislation. "
, "It would not do to charge thla to tli
I ):uropean .war; first, because that war.
ihouchj, injurious to our prodtsttion Hnd
i ado In tta Inception, has Rlnoe become
k stimulant to production and export.
Jind, second, because the commencement
f this depression antedatea the Kuro
)eatt wmr wnd was contemporaneous
: with cur I dilution rrfardlng the tariff,
I'linKlna; and trade.
:j V 1 1 1 Face I tilted Opposition.
ti . are aooui 10 isce a united re- Mntpn,cnt .aVg
ii in i n ii ii i mi m iii i m
1ZM' & --13P A w yAl
MV:r7r4; . Vc?; i
t: ej- . r, .j:..i.-:--ir...r''-- .'-v , , --: Sc ' a
Vienna Report Sayi Porto Said Com
mitted Hostile Act After Rais
ing White Flag.
Teutons Take First Line of Defense
at Mount Lovcen After Series
' of Bloody Assaults.
I'AKIS, Jan. 11. Detail of recent
fighting in which tho MontcnegrlnH
were, driven back hy tho overwhelm-
lt:g efforts of the Austrlans are ron
I tained In a statement issued tonight
ly the Montenegrin consulate. The
t "Heaardlna
f that
; hud raticr to persuade, and the question
s Is whether the democratic Party, havlim
lloue much under thla administration In
; Jlii" interest of genuine reform. Is alexin
; 4 be thrown out of power and deprived
- Jpf Ihe opportunity of cothlnued useful
; tiess, simply because M Intervening
)erlod of depression subject us again
j jo the charge of 'democratic hard times'
MUli Ita accompanying loss of Votes.
' "It Is safe ta say that the manufac
. ) hi lug, the banking and the large cor
j M.rate lJei.sts are hoatlle to the demo
; jrstlc' parly, and that their employes
j V'etatxo preparing to throw their weight
Jigainst It' simply because Its administra
tion had not brought good times, but
Jn the contrary hat. In their Judgment,
rought bad times.
Xfw Tsrlff I.arr Fallare, .
the tariff, my view wti
t)iir undertaking was not to lm-
j )nedlstely adopt a theoretically correct
j 4nlff system, hut simply to climb grad
I Kially down; from the protection helichts
: Hipon which the republican party had
: placed the manufacturing Interests of
; Jlhe, countrx4; not to Jump down at the
Jrin'i of Ura't uctlop. but to cllin.down.
': slowly and laboriously with a view to
3reerviiiB. as rar aa practicable, every
American Industry and Injuring none.
1 "When we came to practical realisa
tion of what we had promised by leg.
illation, we were Inclined. I thought, to
Jio too fast and too far.
"The effect of tariff legislation was
hat I feared it would be. The tying Up
Vf production In this country was the
result not of a malicious effort of the
manufacturers to teach tne country a
Ii-psoii. but of the caution and timidity
y titt h van In- many cases be proved to
I without reason, but which, neverthe
less, always exists under like condl-
I tl ilW.i , .
Han Ulna, Art I'arllaan.
" "alaA "with banking legislation: In
I stead of providing some simplo method
for iHolillixing the bsnking reserves of
j stale and national banks under the con
trol of a non-partisan board or rommla-
"The Austrian offensive continues
t9 be energetically pushed. The
enemy greatly outnumbered ua and
has been attacking furiously on the
eastern front from Ipek onward.
"We repulsed him several times with
such heavy loss that our troops, to re
capture their lost position, were forced
to climb over masses of bodies. Never
theless, we have been obliged to evacu
ate Verahe.
"Austrian attempts at rtugova and
Mojkdvae failed. Hy a countef attack
we retook Tourlak, but the enenly hav
ing received reinforcements, we fell back
on the let bank of the Llm.
"In the neighborhood of Clatzko enemy
forcea took several positions, parts of
whlrh w' recaptured.
"For the last four days the Austrlans
have been delivering furious attacks ot
our Mount Lovcen front. Supported by
a hurricane of uninterrupted Ire fronj
warships and the forts ot Cattaro, tliu
enemy advanced as tar as our first line
defenses. Our troops repulsed them time
after time. Inflicting enormous losses,
but at night, as the result of a des
perate struggle In which the enemy re
sorted to asphyxiating gases, the Aus
trlans were enabled to occupy our posi
tions at Kouk and Uetsts.
"The fighting continues."
Grand Jury Calls
Labor Leader and
Steel Plant Owner
Information Comes that Enough
Signatures Are Obtained to
Hold Harmony Conference.
LINCOLN, Neb.. Jan. 11. (Spe
cial.) Information ronies that
e nough signatures have been obtained
ir tho different parts of the state to
cull for a republican mass meeting; to
rioject a set of candidate! for dele
gates to the national convention to
make the meeting assured. The call
fixes the date as January 19 and the
place at Lincoln and states the pur
pose to be to agree upon a delegation
that wlll represent the different ele
ments of the party in order to bead
orf a renewal of a 'factional fight.
It Is understood here that tho move
ment for this meeting originated In a
conference held In Omaha shortly before
the holidays at the office or State Chair
man Walter A. George, at which were
also present former Chalrmnn F m.
Currle of Broken Bow, O. W. Wattles of
Omaha, X. P. Hanson of Lincoln, anj
one or two others and that they also
had assurance from ex-Chairman Epper
son that he would be with them In the
proposition. ' It Is said tne plan contem
plates dividing the four delegates-at-large
equally between the regulars and
the progressives with Wattle, Currle,
Kpperson and ex-Mayor or somo
one else from Uncoln on the ticket.
The Idea of a harmony delegation has
so fur not evoked any special hostility, I
although I. D. r:-ans of Kenesnw had a
letter In the Journal, protesting against'
the names mentioned, for delegates-at-'
large and aUKftostlng. another set of!
names, almost ull of them bull moosers.
It remains to be seen, therefore, whether j
the mass meeting will be sufficiently rep- '
reaentallve and Itself harmonious enough
to produce a harmony ticket that will
spell harmony In the primary.
Sweden. He Is survived by bis widow,
four sons, one dufahter and a brother.
IVter W. Nelson. The funeral was held
today from the New Mission church, of
which he was treasurer for many years.
O. Peterson.
OAKLAND. Neb., Jan. U. (Special.)
The funeral of P. O. Peterson, an early
settler of Hurt county, who died Hunday,
was held today. Me was born In Sweden
seventy yesra ago, and came to Nebraska
when the sta'e wos young. He owned a
farm northeast cf the city.
Colnae Jnappb II. worm.
WARRENTON, Va., Jan. 11. Oolonel
Joseph H. Dorst, t'nlted States army,
retired, 65 years old. a vetersn of Indian
campaigns and the Spanish American
war, died today from apoplexy. Colonel
Dorst was a native of Louisville, Ky.
BKRLIN. Jan. 11. (By Wireless
i to Sayrllle. I A statement given out
today hy the semi-official Overseas
News agency establishes the fact that
K was an Austrian submarine which
sank the Italian liner Porto Said in
the Mediterranean last month, laus
ing the doath of six passengers and
c ne member of the crew. It is as
s rted the steamship attempted to
ram the submarine.
The statement follows:
' In reference to the s.n'kmu of the
It.ilimi stesmsh.p Porto paid hy sn Ajs-tro-lliiiiKsrlsii
submarine: I
"Vienna reports thai the s'.bmsrlne
orlered tiie steainxhln to s'op. The I'orto
Said fir; sttenipted to escape, then ran 1
up a white tins and halted.
"When th submarine approached the
steamer, tho litter suddi-my steered at
the submarine in order lo mm It. At j
thai Juncture the submarine opened firo '
and hit the steamship, wh'ch uKain came
to s halt and lowered boats.
"The submarine ceased filing, drew up
to the steamship nnd observed that the
pet sons In the hosts which hnd put off
from Porto Said were malting for the
roast without sttem;tlnc to rescue those
InitiiltiK In the ,,ra The surm:irine
halted the boat containing the captain
of the Potto Hold. Tin- rsptsln wss told
Ihst he would he shot if he did not sive steuHSlIng In the wster.
"On the steamship were found two per
sons, one of whom was wounded. They
were taken off in n boat from the sub
marine and after the wounded persons
had been bandaged both were handed
over to the captain's boat.
"It was not until sfter this had been
done that the Porto Paid was torpedoed.
Mesnwhlle the submarine, while still giv
ing assistance, was shelled by a hostile
torpedo boat and a yacht."
The rorto Said was torpedoed in the
Mediterranean by a submarine, the na
tionality of which was not established,
althought it was ssld to have flown the
Austrian colors. A dispatch from Milan
on December 2T, said an Italian destroyer
pursued the submsrlne which escaped, al
thought It was believed to have been
struck by a shell.
Krupp works st Kssn bv a fire. Th
fie broke out In a shed used for models
snl an adjoining building that contained
the wheel work shops, both buildings be
ing completely cVsi rove U.
Fire In Hrapp Works.
A MSTKRDA M. Jsn. 10 (Vis London.)
According to the r'rsnkfiirter Zeituns.
considerable damage has been done the
A 'Tor Sale" or '
In The Pee will
Tvt rtcnf Ad placed
accomplish Ita pur-
Telearaphers t.rl Raise.
CMICA'.O. Jan. 11 -TeleprHPh op
erators in the employ of the Chicago
Alton rsllroad received an lncreas In
wase, averaging b er c-nt.
I'.mpernr 1 nan la Well.
NE1V YORK. Jan. 11. Tr. Wellington
Koo. 'Chinese minister to the fnlted
State, announced that tie health of
Yuan Phi Kal. to whom he referred as
to the new emperor was good.
Found Simple Remedy
that Relieved Child
Mild Laxative Compound Cor
rects Stubborn Case of
An Important duty thst devolves on
parents Is the rrgulatlcn of their chil
dren's bowe's. , Health In later life de
pends In larne measure on early train
ing and a hild should be ta ight from
Infancy to tegular hhlls.
When from any cau!e the bowel be
comes congested with stomach wate a
mild laxative should he employed to
open up the passage gently and carry
orf the congested mass. A ntost effect
ive remedy for this puipree Is the com
bination of simple laxative herbs known
ss Ir. Caldwell's Pepsin. Mrs. V.
I). Hulls, of Herd. Okla., used Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin for h'r b-.ib. boy.
llarley Bnrcn Bulls, and sss "It did
him more good than an thing we have
given him. H'e; bowels are very stubborn
shout acting, but they act easily every
time I give him Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin contains
no opiate or narcotic drus and is a
splendid remedy for children and elder
people aa well. It has been on the mar-
' I s
t '! v'; i
US. A . -
Wet for more than twenty-five years and
is the family standby In thousand of
homes. Druggists everywhere aril tt for
fifty cents a bottle. A trial bottle, free
of charge, can be obtained by writing
to Dr. W. H. Ca lil well, 464 Washington
St., Monticcllo, III.
We Nave Plenty of Steam Coal
t rash Kills Fnir
HPRINfJKlKLD. O.. Jan. 11. -Four per
sons were killed and twenty Inlured,
many of them seriously when a freight
train on the Illir Four railroad struck a
street car here tonight. Most of the vic
tims of (he accident were factory em
ployes returning from work.
Movements of Ocean
Port. ArrlTS.
NKW" li Uloiflo
HOTTWH DA !.... Rotterdam -..
NAPI.VX .OalsbrH.
I.IVKHPIX)1f. Tusr-Mla.
AZOR Bi :: ., : iRoms.
70 Fine Teams and 70 Yell-o Wagons Promise
Prompt Deliveries
Sunderland Brothers Co.
Phone Douglas 252 Ask for E. M. SUNDERLAND
E Paid the
YOr.VGKTOWN. O. Jan. II. -The
grand Jury Investigation ' lnt& t!ie strike
at the plant of the Youngstown Sheet !
and Tuba company was resumed here to
day with a score of witnesses waiting to
The gales at the Republic lion and
'Ion. resembling the Interstate Commerce j Ktr company's plant, where 7.0 men
! have been on a strike since December ?
through poweis of Investigation, pub- I ''coponed today. Operationa probably will
llclly, correction and recommendation a ,m resumed In some department lato to-
John II. Kelson.
OAKLAND. Nob.. Jan. 11. (Special.)
John If. Nelson, tne of Burt county's
pioneers, died Sunday morning at hla
home here after an Illness of a few days,
aged Tl years. He. was born In Skane,
i tongVess. work out further reforms, we
dy. President Thomas .1. Piay said at
I werei Jntent upon legislation which ! noon ,h,t ,nore ,,,Bn fifty Per cent of the
notified him that they
alaniUMl the banks by Ihe largeness of
lii r irop-jstls.
"W fal'ed to make the reserve board
non-partisan, tied It to an executive de-
mloyes had
would return.
The YoungstoAn Hheet and Tulie com.
I I'sny posted notices at tta plant today
' I'Siluioit through the mem'-ershlp of the u,al "ie wages of skilled employes now
I secretary of the treasury and Ihe coni- ' receiving 40 cents an hour would be ad
'troller. subjects the member bsnk to the v"nced lo 44 crM- and those receiving
i investigation and correctional poweis of I ce',,' to 41 cents. The advance, It is
single partisan comptroller, liiHtead of
jlhe composite Judgment 'of a quasi-
judl'tUJ bon-partUan board, and exacted
I Mddil'onal and, unnecessary capital from
i intliilier banks, tiius organising tlie tv
serve associations Into rrofii-inaklng in
t slitnlloiiH. a purpose entirely foreign to
j tl elr nature, as proret iive orga niitatlons.
t The resiiH la that the union of banks
Is incomplete, the state half being out
i f? e and the national half Imdde ihe re-
-;rve tH i laiiization. with the
, that (bose outside will remain so. unless
' the law i modified.
j tuul4 Moair Hrarrtf !,
i "J think It would be wis to hax- the
i way fu l.'Eslatton during the ue.t aea
5 fclon rhy making the reserve board .nan
Ir;iM.ii.' mergins t'ie compt toiler's of
; fi.e all the powers and duties iri the
'. reserve bard, and doing away with all
capital requirements beyond the jer
centage of teservea of member banks now
required." - -
Senator Newlands Bald that while there
va no heed of hysteria upon the subject
at na; Sinai defense, he favored a rational
at hetuv of prepared neaa.
ilsimed. affects abiut S.000 men
Subpoenas were served on Thomas H.
Klynn. general oiganised of the American
Federation of llor. James' A. Campbell,
president, and C . Robinson, vice presi
dent of the Yo.ingMown Sheet and Tube
company, to npmar this afternoon before
the giand Jury. Jlr. Klynn. It is under
stood, will be (tuestloiied regarding a
statement III wnb-h be claimed that the
riot In F.iist Younastowir was a financial
wlieine lo denr- es the value of stock of
the lube company.
. "sstkrsi kwt Hack.
Helna Klaaers.
Take drop ef Bloan a i.lidment fuur
times a day and apply to small of back.
It ail'. a the pain. All druggists Adver
4 tiaenie'ne.' ,
i Tif Make Fltaa.
DliNVKtt, t'olo, Jan. lu.-A mass met.
tuft a! tin- Auditorium atid dernonaHJi
ii,.n t m.- NiHie .apti,,! Biouiid. ToT
i I.eiJ hfif. Lo A, .uML. i,unU,l
rmi e.rve-tiiiti4 l-ei aons unt iiipiu t J
1 t ii'l 1 at piulnLUUon.
Cold Gone! Head
and Nose Clear
i ,!
First dose of "Pape's Cold!
Compound" relieves all I
grippe misery. j
Don't atay stUffed-UD! I
Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of
"Pape'a Cold Compound' taken every
two hours until three doses are taken
will end grippe misery and break up a
severe cold either In the head, chest,
body or limbs.
It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils
and air pannages; slops tiaaty discharge
or nose rur.nnn; relieves rick haJachJ,
dullness, frverlslmess, sore throat, snees
Ir.g, soreness and stiffness.
"Pape'a Cold Compound'' Is the qul-k-eat.
surest tellef known and coats only
'J." centa at dri g stores. It acts without
assistance, tastes nice, and causes no in
convenience. Don't accept a substitute,
Victor Talking Machine Company
During the First Fifteen Days of December,
Think of it! During the first two weeks of December we used "Victor" Goods
to the amount of $42,760.41. We paid the Victor Co. the check shown below:
And we took the discount allowed us for prompt pay
ment. This discount amounted to $872.65. Cash counts!
Now, thou, there's safety in numbers. Buy your VICTROLA where MOST g0rJ
people are buying .tneirs, ami imuoi people are uuying im-irs nere, ciu we
could not be mailing checks like this to the V ictor Company every once
in h while. This is the house that popularized the "VIUTKOLA
IDEA", throughout the west. This is the house that carries
in Stock Always
Ranging in Price From
$15 to
Stock In
cludes Prac
tically Ev-
in the
because .swollen fcUnds or intUmed
membranes often attect ether tissues
and lunc trouble easily follou.
As -Nature's corrector of throaj j
troubles the pure tod liver oil in Scott's I
LuuilMon is. 6peedily converted into !
germ-resisting tissue; its tested filj cer- j
me is luume ana neanng, while this
wholesome emulsion relieves the
trouble and upbuilds the forces to resist
tubercular germs and avert the weak
ening influence which usually follows.
If any member of your family has a
tender throat, get a bottle of Scott's
Emulsion to-day. Physicians prescribe
it to avert throat troubles, overcome
bronchial disorders and strengthen
the lungs. No alcohol or harmful
dtus. Always in mm on Scott's,
bwtfc liwwuc. b.uum6cW. N.J lS-li
Thousands of Fin
-at Half Price
' Ojh J& ur 1nt B"SSS I
s utw
I wbi ritlasD yasra sii-t
tut. wllhout IIW Iom. Isc
Mis IS ISOhHU ot lW U US
. America eurlty Co.,
auj - i'.ts ot. IMUS4, s.
V Wx -j&s and victor pWMjm
?4f& ys Shipped ffafe
rv yZr Trlal-We navinir tran. '-tiH
jtt m . n x v i v ww h k - m 9 w r i .1 n e 1 aam
V ys&$ "Horn" Machines, etc.. taken in trade IrNi i F, JW
f r lt a irl mr1si
around you
are purchas
inur V I C-
long do you sup
pose you can get
along without one?
Nebraska Cycle Company
Corner 15th and Harney. Omaha.
334 Broadway. Council Blnffs