tiih r.r-:K: omaiia, wkdnksday, .iani;aijy 12, I'Mfi. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright. IM.-1, International New Hervhe. Registered U. 8. Patent Ol f ice. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus PERK in 5 -THE CROCEP 16 M" THE, DOCK AriD DOrfT WANT TO CE HIM' Hl CE ARC TOO: LEAVE Hiri TO Ht-IVU BARCjAtlN WlTHHIli! 7 T 7 1 I VLL-WHT TODAc? i ve: ot a DOZEN OF FIML FREH SiXTY CENTS "blVTT CENT? "fOURE TOO HKH- I LLWE "YOU FIFTT-FIVE. RE ALL" I COULDrVT DO IT! I J ft . I A & - & .. - . I I I I 7- ovsvirsn v ' of 1 II- . 1 . 1 . ! . . I I I .. " " ' I LL TELL OU VMM I'LLDO-ILLWEOU AN ORiNK fOO WANT IF TOU LET THtLM Q FEK fifty -five: WELL- JUVT Aft TOO tA"Y I'LL TAKE AMD E,C.' KLAHK HAS MAN HE SJYK P.AN T.ir.K JftF. un x u villi j-ii v il wvu 1 Former Manager of Frank Gotch Declare Joe Rogers Can Twist Tail of Nebraska Fhenom. ISSUES A DEFI TO DODGE LAD Kmll Klank, formerly manager of the two heat mral tickets In tlio grappling came, Frank Gotch and Malunout, has) filsoovere.1 a wrestler h believes can twist the tall of Joe Steelier, the Ne braska farmer boy, who hai born cutting wide, red streak In the wrestling world. Klank wrltea a letter to the sporting editor of The Hoc In which he nay a that Joe Rogers of Buffalo ia the lad who can put the fixing to Mister Stccher. Klank declare! he haa had Rogers In training for the hint six months and he Is satisfied. Rogers ia the one nvtn outside of Golrh who can trim the Nebraska wonder. "I've been looking for Just such a man ever since laat winter," scribbles Klank, "and I am satisfied now that I have got the man who will put a stop to Stechcr's winning streak. "I put one over on those 'farmers' at Kansas City recently," he continues, "t took big llechalloff up there to wrestle Clecher. I knew he couldn't beat Steelier; I Just used him as a trial horse. It took Ktecher thirty-three minutes to beat him. Rogers can pin the same fellow ten fallal In the same length of time; that's the done I am working by. "I am going to make them come to time or quit nosing as the world's cham pion." For the benefit of those wrestling fans, who are not familiar with Mister Rogers, Just an Earful 1 By Tad Jimmy Io Forrest was refeiiclng a batlln royal over In Philly one night and six of the diiikest Ims that ever straddled a ropo were In there fighting. The biggest of the bevy was blacker then the Inside of a rat and stronger than a horse. Me belted four of his oppo nents on the pus and down they went for keeps. The fifth, who resembled the Masked Marvel, inasmuch as tils dome was blackc than the rest of him, stuck to his guns like a wolf. He would not be knocked out. He wanted to bo the last man In the ring and cop the kale. Ho put up an awful argument for a while, but suddenly got a belt right on the old pantry and sank to the floor weary and distrusted. l'e Forrest rushed over and counted up to five. The fallen gladiator arose to one knee, then, reaching for the ropes, got up and started to take a runout powder. Jimmy grabbed him by one arm, and, giving him a yank, yelled, "Come back here, Washington, You're not out!" H V II 3 Wo1 "f IX OUT J 1 11 1 1 ui- Mr. Washington turned, and with an appealing look, piped: "Ah know I'm not, but I'm half out!" SOUTH LEADER MAY BE OUT FOR SEASON Feared Injuries to Captain Bryan Nixon in Fremont Fray May Keep Him Out for Year. SPRAINS KNEE IN BAD FALL Brandeis Five to Play Wesleyan at University Place The Hrandels stores' oulntct of the Omaha Trl-Clty basket ball league will play the fast Nebraska Wesleyan five at I'nlverslty Place 'Thursday night, accord ing to announcement by Manager Isaac son last night. Last year the Hrandels squad, then psstlmtng under the title of Townsends, took the Wesleyan boys to a trimming on .11. lw-.l "V" floor Thev will esaav to he Is almost as beautiful as some leading duplu.ato ,he teht Wesleyan's floor men. He Is the Apollo of the mat game. 'thit line He has been wrestling for some time and j Wesleyan has Just as fast a team this nobody ever figured him as any world- , yeiir )llwt- t tarted Us season In a beater unless It be E. Klank. blase of glory last HHturday by romping Far be It from us to discourage such an 0ver the I'nlverslty of Nebraska crew, eptimlstlc soul as Hmll Klank. but the anj n takes some team to turn that dope doesn't generally go when Stecher Is trick. Involved, and It Is not likely that Joe or The Rrandeis squad Isabout the same, his manager will lie particularly hesitant j with the old guard of Hughes, Uurken ln accepting a match with Rogers. If I road and Rltchlo to do the heavy work. Klank Is Insistent for a match, no doubt the event will be singed In the near f'J- fl rir.y,rrri T -trrm TrOTt ture, as Btecher doesn't car particularly j VJtJUIU Jj.yUIl; HdU who he wrestles Just so he wrestles. I rii " . T" J auuoier, is Lcau AI.BUQURRQUK. N. M.. Jan. 11. Oeorge U I.yon. 34, of luirham, N. (! amateur chamidon trail shooter, died here today of tuberculosis. . He had been a resident of the city five weeks and !was but recently elevated to the thlity- Johnny Sudeiiln-rg. former special de- 1 third degree In Masonry, livery carrier, pupil of Paul Murray, and j Iyon was twice amateur champion trap now a fixture In the middleweight spot- j shooter of. the United Htates. und four light, has arrived In Omaha. I years ago was a member of the American Sudetiberg has been gone for several J team at the Olymplo games In Ktockholm. months, during which time he took part J Three ohildren survive. The body will In ring battles with some of the best he taken to Durham , for , burial by a mlddlewelghts In the business and alway ! brother, B. K. lyon, who. was with him acquitted himself creditably. Of late he j t the time of death.' His wife died five has been unable to sign up for as many ' ys,rs ago. matches as he would wish, due to h's I """" """" " I'ropenMly. he ssys. for landing the old I K',(1 The Bee Want Ads. It pays! sleep-producing wallop with monotonous frequency. . 8o Johnny hsa returned to (tnmha for; a brief spell and expresses a hope of framing a bout with Montana Jack Sulli van. Hudenberg says lie would like to take on the veteisn'Jack for a few rounds. The match may be r tunned. While In Omaha Johnny will work out with his old tutor, Paul Murray. Johnny Sudenberg i Returns to Omaha ! In Search of War! New Fed Base Ball Deal Not Violation of the Sherman Act WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. The merger which wiped the Federal league out of existence and eliminated from the major league base ball several cities which held franchises In the Federal league was not In violation of the Sherman anti-trust act. O. C. Todd, assistant attorney gen eral, In charge of the trust prosecutions, has so decided In considering a complaint by J. If. Htrohmeyer of Baltimore; that a compact between representatives of the Federal league and Organised Base Ball had eliminated Baltimore aa a major league city. PITCHER SCHOOrfWILL GO TO LOS ANGELES CHICAGO. Jan. 11. -Mannger Tinker of the amalgamated Chicago Federals and Nationals sgreed today to permit I'ltchep Kd gchoor to go to th l.os Angeles team of the Pacific Coast league, where he will be under the direction of Frank Chance, old leader of tlio Cubs. This caiTita out an offer made oy Prs. dent Thomas of the Chicago Nationals before the team was bouHht hy Mr. Wecghnmn. DENIES ANY SALEFOR GOTHAM GIANTS PENDING Captain Bryan Nixon, star center and captain of the Houth High basket ball team, Is out of the game for the week nnd probably t!io season, according to nnnouncement lit the South Side yester day. In the second half of the Fremont game Nixon was thrown heavily to the floor, spraining his knee and causing such deep bruises that they became Infected. The result was the derangement of his whole system and the prospects look ex ceedingly gloom for his return to the game. The loss of Nixon on the team greatly lessens the confidence of the South High team, who expected to hand the Council Bluffs five a defeat Thursday evening on the local "V" floor. Van Arthurton, vet eran forward and utility man, will be worked into thi center position and Klialnholts played at guard. The new lineup la a formidable one and it is quite probable that Patton will work up a combination that will lower the colors of the Bluffs team even In Its crippled condition. The South Hla team tills year Is con sidered strong er than the laat year five. lst year the Bluff school and the local team divided honors evenly, both losing and winning a game on their own floors. SOUTH HIGH CAPTAIN. WHO MAY BE OUT FOR YEAR. . NKW YORK. Jan. 11-In a signed state ment made public here late thla after noon Harry I.. Hempstead, president New I lors. .auoiiui leaKuc nase oaii ciud ue- nled that there was any deal pending at I this time for the sale of the Giants. . South Thirteenth Athletes and Fire Laddies in Big Tug The tug-of-war bug has hit Omaha. Following the big event staged at the Auditorium by Jack Prince divers teams have been organized and challenges are being hurled thick and fast. The latest pull will be between a team of firemen and a team of South Thir teenth street athletes at the Turner hall on South Thirteenth. The following are the teams: F1PKVKN. 1.1TH ST. TKAM. Al Kchults, Geoige McQuade, S-.ev.ulak. Ait Hyland. Harrison, Andy Porltx. Treglla. Joseph Foreman, Front. A. Karwk. Ni'llson. Joe Conm i s. 'Vet- . ' V If Q ' HURLS DOG AFTER WIFE DOWN CLIFF Etchison Details Alleged Killing of Woman by Her Husband in Minneapolis. IS HAUNTED BY THE SCENE ber his and MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 11. Charles D. Etchison, the state's star witness In the murder trial of Fred erick T. Price, a local business man. today repeated on the witness stand the. story he told when arrested on a Joint Indictment with Price in which he said the latter murdered his third wife so he could . obtain money and paid Etchison for silence. Etchison testified that he Price took Mary Fridley Price, mem ber of a wealthy family, to the East river automobile road on the night of November 28, 1914. He told how ' Price stopped the car and as his wife stepped to the 'running board "gave her a horrible push and sent her crashing over the cliff. He threw her dog after her. Cries from Below. "Then came faint cries from below," he said, "and Price, beckoning me to fol low, hurried to the foot of the cliff. He grasped his wife by the hair and dragged her several feet to make It appear the fall hud been greater. "Mrs. Price was still living. Trice looked about him for a moment and gathering up a large rock, knelt down be side her. I turned my back and closed my eyes. As the thud of the rock against her head sounded In the stillness, the dog unhurt by tlic fall, whined and ra toward the cliff. Ina few mlhutes the flickering spark of life had left the woman'! body. "Wc stopped passing automobllsta and gave out the story that Mrs. Price fell to her death while chasing the dog." Haunted, by tieene. I The witness said he was haunted con- " tlnually by the scene on the night of the alleged crime and decided to tell his I story. The court was crowded today, most of . the spectators being women. Etchison ; did not complete his testimony and will . ; resume the stand tomorrow. CALVARY BAPTISTS WAGE WINNING BASKET BALL FRAY BOUQUET FOR THE BEE SPORTiNG DEPARTMENT To the Omaha Bee Bporting F.dilor: Resolved, we, the managers of the In tarnation tug of war contest, held at tlx Auditorium. January 1 to 9, wish hereh) BRYAN NIXON. to extend -our thsnks and highest . i e spects to you and your department for the loyal ou-operatlon received In further ing the clean sportsmanship of this, our first endeavor.' F-ill Talbot. Danish team. Charles Loch, German team. N. I. 'i'horson, Swedish team. F. V. Greenman. American team. Frank Rlha. Hohemtan team. '. E. Pay. Bcotch-Kngllsh team. Phil Lynch. Irish team. J. M. Calabria, Italian team. The Calvary Baptists turned the tables en the Firs' Christians In their Church league basket ball fray last eve ning at the I'nlverslty of Omaha gym, winning 22 to 10. Both sldea were evenly matched, but the accuracy of Everson, right forward of the Baptists, with six baskets to his credit, gave the contest a one-sided appearance as to the score. . Hobson played in unusual form for the ' Christians and was easily the atar of the performance. The lineup: FIRST CHRIST'S.) CALV. BAPTISTS. Hobson R.F. L.F Polansky Fessler L.F.I R.F Everson Jones C.I C Winn Sutton R.G.I UQ... '; Brldenbaugh Bock L..G.I R.Q Anderson .Substitutes: Corliss for Jones, Foy for Bock, Stltt for Sutton. Field goals: Hobson, Jonea, Sutton, Corliss, Everson (li), Polansky (3). Foul goals thrown! Hobson 2, Everson, Polansky (3). Fouls committed: First Christians. 14: Calvary Baptists. 6. Referee: , Maxweih Time keeper: Reel. Time of halves: Twenty minutes. - WISCONSIN UNIVERSITY WILL PLAY. BASE BALL MADISON. Wis., Jan. U. By a vote of 62 to 3 the faculty of the University of Wisconsin today decided that base ball should be retained. Keep Bowels Heaalar. Nothing better than Dr. King's New Life Pills for constipation. Indigestion and sour stomach. ,Get a bottle. Only 26c. A 11 druggists Ad vertlsement. Advertiser and customer profit by the "Classified Ad" habit. Orders lor steel Increase. NF.W YORK, Jan. It The unfilled ton nsge of the l otted States Steel Corpora tion on lecembcr ;tl totalled 7.Knt.L'J0 tons, an Increase of 6J6.,';;i tons over No January Sale Prices Offering Big Savings- WITHOUT TflE LEASTV SACRIFICE OF QUALITY ? III) i WICHITA TEAM BUYS HELFRICH AND MALARKY WICHITA, Kan.. Jan. ll.-Gus Hei j frith, a pitcher last year In the Colonlil j league, haa been signed by Manager Jtm i mis Jackson to play with Wichita, In the i Western league, in KU. it was announced here today. W. J. Malarky, a pitcher : with the Oakland club. In the Paclfl J Coast league In I5. also hss been signed by Wichita for 1!M. JACK TOLIVER OFFERS TO FIND TROUBLE FOR PETERS Jack Tollver comes to bat with the fol- j loing, received by the Hirting editor of ' The Bee: . I There hss h.ii ,.,.i..i. i Charlie Prtera Immhk such woo.l wrestler i nu l iin ai.ie to Kri v u.xd :natches. that 1 oul.l I ke to match Clar ence Kklunti of Canada with him. 80 If a real wrestler, let ua l..r from Mm 1 JACK TOI.IVKK. 1 STECHER THROWS EKLUND ! THREE TIMES WITH EASE Clareiire Eklund. the Canad.an llnhi heav weight, lasted eleven ml notes with Joe rtecher at Waterloo, la.. Monday M.lit. The Dodge wonder dumped Kkluud three times in t-leveu minutes. The event til 1 bandies p affair. Pailoa-t.allaaarr TAXTON 1st. 2d. Sd Tot. Runs 1W lo l 'M Van Dahl .. lit l i 171 4M Jake l.f- U5 170 4 rT Total .... 416 44 4 13M PA(i)M Art. 1st. 2d. Jd. Tot Abramson i:t 1:1', 217 44 Solomon... 1X1 14 211 fc:n Young 174 l(u 170 6- Totals 441 f4 Voii lil TTK.Il NUTS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Jenkins .... 117 14 12 4L-:. Wlnkelman 1 140 1.1 4.1 Hathaway ITS Uu 210 644 Totals .... 4'JS 441 &U1 1404 K AMOS. Ul. 2d SI Tot. Snillli l'i.1 1SK 1J3 44i 'iillsliHIl .. It 172 170 til') Urauman .. 1 lot ll 4ol Totals .... 4ri t,i7 413 14U I Hlnn PaeUle Lrassr, i:.vginki:ks. Volght .. Bryant .. eiwanson . Hefriglt4r liandicap ..170 ...1K3 ..I.M .. 3u 14ti 14i 1K.i 143 :to i:a 4:0 17l 4- 14 M.' W Sfl Totals 72 7I2 7i 'taj GENERAL. FRKIGIIT. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tut. Vapor HH l.'i 141 41 Drunimy ...13.' 11 14 1 4 .1 Parker 140 V 1 K. :M Stafford ....ll 1 Is 3"7 1S Well I. h ....IM J.X) IK Wt Totals 7o ?1H ftrt 'J.'.T OMAHA SHOPS. 1st. 2.1. Sil Tot. Johnson ....lit 14 i'C 417 Stana 1 t7 V..' 41 Koch 14 17f. 23 4WI Miicr Urn 1U1 1M DU .echmester 1 17 14 i-J Handicap 0 27 Totals 731 H J:' MISC. ACCOUNTS. 1st. Jd. Sd Tot. .I.V 131 , 17 4KL .120 Merrick 1 1M II 4M5 Kleny IM) 170 m 621 1 Totals ...789 W. 8.7 2.vl M. K. smith l.raaae. CLASSIC COATS. .McDousal Hlgford ... Musey .... Swanson ,. Ituoliiiell . 1st. 2d. .It 3d Tot. 40 411 ,1V1. 140 1 421 . l:tt 147 147 M .162 127 1H! 137 4-K 132 4-7 Mason li.k.it Bed lie Id ltMinmn He. kli r 1st 2.1 3.1 Tot. 1 .4 443 IM ..l;.l ll 17 44H .174 2l 1:13 613 . ,1.'. 14.', 144 44 ..1&2 liS 1.9 Weeks Shaiidy Kegley t ares (icander .. Handles p . ill) 1-4 3)4 ...145 11T 1J WJ .IM) U 144 4.'. .1HII 1 II &7i .5 t I IS Totals 7! ;95 PASS ENG MR. ( oil u l.lanlaii fUrr. WAKH1XIJTON, Jan. 11. Cotton sinned Tiur to Jsniiaiy I was 0.)13. is'J runnuig 1 .!.. m i.i.iliifc' I'l"'. round talis ami . o.'l l.ul i.f Si a Irduiid. the census Ljuivau ajuioui.ctij luday. Totals HI 7i:4 7 2371 MOTIVE IMWKIt. 1st. 2.1. 3d. Tot. I.. NurKard .131 171 219 6-1 I'.urnitl 1tt3 14K 114 4..4 Vaucura ... I'J 124 lf. 44a Hatch 17 170 2(7 m4 I.. N.ugard. ,s7 1) K7 (44 Handicap ... 14 14 14 42 Tola la NM SIT WO 2bl0 CAR. KKi'OKHH 1st. 31 W T li Conkllng Martin .. Vorwald Kanko .. Kieny .. Is .t; 2d. 3d Tot. l' IM 6, 177 ltt 12S ' IH IS! 124 3 .1 ,1MI 114 137 S7H l.-l l.J 4:y Totals 73 H.9 7 2139 pedal Match. HLNTINOT SWKIKH. 1st. 2l. 3l Tol 'l 1'9 Helnu k PuikIiuii Vaiious Pf.fftr Si me .. I4 11 517 .ls l. 179 4f3 t:!7 1J Ikj 41 .17 1K Isl .l.Ji li 171 4! Zeiss ... 'fol 111 .. Hyck .. Johnson Nelson I.O 41 .K4 143 1! yi. .! . 172 ill .11 m .2112 11 1; l7 4 Totals .:; 7..J Mi 24. ii m;h. i 'i vision 1st. 2.1 3.1 T. IV it 1011 . ...iia. H2 i;j ijj Total .. .Mi7 It 2 S 2j 1MIIX PACIFIC lt. 2.1 S.'.T. t V.. Norguld. ! I' 174 A47 I'e.-iei I1 I"! 1- O. antler 12 2 i 1 i l- Totals ...779 713 i4 217i MINA TAYU1R. 1st. 2d. 31 Tot. C.rshsm 1:V 110 l.tl ,T70 Barbuii W l.'.2 144 4i Harrington .121 i:t IIS S.; Pearson Its 1.M 13 4 8 Mit.Hiko I.'." lc 17 4.13 Totala ...Sl ti42 71 1019 OVKRAl.1.8. 1st 2.1. Sd. 'W,t. Straw It IW 4iH Scott lil i: 11 4;2 Phelps .... 127 1J7 17 4411 l.e IM 14X 14t 42s Meek 178 ItH 19 6.10 Totals .... 725 727 tUl 22S3 MACKINAWS. 1st. 2d 3d Tot. Parker .... tt 119 147 4iu Knee 116 127 110 . tVinnell .... 14 IIS 1'.4 3T Florkee .... 121 1" 113 ?:sl Wesiergard 140 1.4 1.(7 4. Totals ... 704 4N4 Mil 3039 ll'KAL HIIIRTS. 1st. 2d 3d. Tot. TUt like .... 1ST luS 14 4nl Johnson ....124 1. 11 421 Mclfterty 1X7 114 114 .K; I'r.M ti;ito... 17 127 14 4.i Klikhaiu .. li Ul 14T 44J Totals .... 701 Kil 7S7 2121 I'KKADNAl nina 1st. 2d 3d Tot. Is nun 1VI I Mi 2M . Ksiiaixliiie. 110 179 I S 414 II II lis J4..I 142 112 Stiaw Glasgow To I a In 1 12 t 144 143 to. 41 7Uj 7 1 217, 01 WIDEN' 16 If DODGE DOUGLAS STREETS 17 Lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar at . . $1.00 We Advise Our Customers to Buy Flour Now Wtdnraday 48-lb. sacks best high grade Diamond H Flour; nothing fin er made for bread, plea or cakes, per sack 91.44) 10 lbs. best Whits or Tellow Corn meal ., 1 10 bars Bea y-'Kin-All or Diamond C Soap 13o lbs. best Rolled White lireskfast Oatmeal . . cans Oil Sardines lo 4 pkgs. best iKimestic Macaroni. Ver micelli or Spaghetti ' ISO I lbs. fancy Japan Itice. Pearl Tapioct or Unit lleana " 5 lbs.' best Bulk laundry Starch.. tfto Advo.Jell. for dessert; It's quality 11.10. Is, package Tie Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup, Sao Small slxe Crl.'o. can 83o Medium size Crlsct, ran 4Ao Iarge aixe Crisco, tan Mo 4 lt-ox. tans Condensed Milk ....880 C-os. cans Condensed Milk 15c K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg to W. O. C. or Krumbles. pkg to 32-ox. jars pure l'Vult Reserves. .100 lC-oi. package Condensed Mine Meat for TViO 2-lb. package Self Rising Pancaka Hour o Sclf-rlalug Buckwheat Flour, pkg gl(o Pure New York Buckwheat. r lb.. 60 4 cans Wax. String. Green or Lima lit sua t8c 3 cans ITarly June Table Peas .. . Nrw Honey, per rack lTe Hallowl Dates, lb. XOo linpcrted 1-ard Dates, lb lAe i l'r.wn i'ls. lb I60 The brat Tea Slftlngs. lb Ui I'ancy Go'.ileir Santos Coffee, a fin laml'v drink. 1h 100 VTTEB, CKIEII, BMKM AJTB aVTTBKIsTBl aVAXB. The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, lb 310 The best No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, per lb Mo The beet No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, per lh t7o Good Dairy Table Butter, lh. ....So The bt Strictly tYesh Kggs,1 per donen. at 300 The best No. 1 Storage Kggs, -per dosen. at Mo Hill Cream Wisconsin Cream Choese, per lb BOO Full Creamy '. Y.' White or Young America Cliwse. per lb .190 2 lha. Good Table Butterine tio Fancy No..lTable Butterine per lb.. At VTHO The best, eoual to creamery, per lb., at .ISO mother Carload of tg-b.Uad Wavsl Oraageo (or Wodaaaday, The orange of duality. This car la f radically all 100 aize, that retail for 45c to 60c dos. Wednesday oaly, per doss a 30o rmzu YEOETA.BI.S. I'otatoes, 1& lbs. to pe'k 9 So Wisconsin Cabbage, lb. p 3 bunches Fresh Shallots, Radishes or Carrots . . , 10O 3 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce ....So i-wncv Denver Cauliflower, per Is. at . Ho Old Beets, Carrots. Turnips or Par snips TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST. QU'"'C'TC 1 The Largest Wholesale and Retail Concern in Denver, Colorado After being in business for 36 years, was voted out of the state on January 1, 1916, and was forced to remove the balance of their immense stock at once. This stock is now at the Gordon Ware house in Omaha, and MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY. 300 cases Cedar Springs, Ruby Springs and other brands of whiskey, in pints and half pints only 24 Pints containing 3 gallons 48 Half Pints containing. 3 gallons -. - - - - - - $6 Per Case ALL KINDS OF WINES, CORDIALS, ETC. Mail Orders must be accompanied by certified check or money order. Will sell all or part. Address The Weiner Wine Co. Care Gordon Warehouse, Omaha, Neb. 4 1