Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1916, Page 11, Image 11
Jill. Irh: OMAHA, M.KvNlA , .IANTAUY 1J. liUH. 11 4 REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED W est. FIXE AI'AKTMKXT SITE JUST AND .JACKSON We wnt yon to see the northwest rrr nrr of 3lst nnil Jackson. ISM feet, nuth ami eat I rentage, fine neighbor hood, walking 1 ftn m-f and has a splen flM future. Wl'l mil tho whole piece or will sell f0 ft. Would make a fine loca tion for three r.too homes, Can uuote on extremely low price on this piece. HTATT-FAIHKIKLD CO., l0 Omaha Nat. 1-nnk Hid. Pnug. M. FARM AND RANCH LANDS M hrrllnnrnni. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Month. LOT RAIIUAIN 31st nnd Oak. facing past boulevaid. 81x115. corner for $."7:; see me at once. Tebbens. 005 Om. Nat. Hk. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES TO EaVIIAXUE It room modern house In West Far nam district near Turnpr park; encum brance IJ.T.'iO; ci,ilty of ji.T'O for land worth tho money, or vacant lots. Might consider cottage. 01)VEK & SPAIN, TVmg. !Vfi2. l!l-20 Pity National. WANT a Rood farm in eastern Nebraska or western Iowa of around -TiO acres, in exchange for rush and one of the best general farms and bearing orchards In Florida. Hood soil, pure water, splendid climate, churches, schools, many north ern and western people. What have you and what la It worth? Address Owiu'i;, K 4m. Bee. FOR EXCHANOK. An Sn-acre and SOO-nrrs' tract In Central Florida for good Omaha property. CHARLUS K. WILLIAMi-O.Y, f.07 Faxton llloi l(. Tel. Douglas 2W. FOR EXOHANUIC So-acres In the host Irrigated country: 7-room concrete brick house, well finished; other build ings good: ." acres alfalfa: owner wants well equipped garage In central Neb. W. II. Smith. Wheatland. Wyo. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR HALRT Write a good description of your land and aend It to the Plom city I'a 1 Jour, nal, "lo Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every r"rl- riay evening, Saturday morning and . every Saturday evening- and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different d:i for $2, or 60 words, 14, or 7S worda, $R. largest circulation of anv Iowa news raper; trfl.OOO readers dally in four great sate. SKXP from free. 111. Wheat Takes a Slump and Sells One Cent Under the Price of Monday. DEMAND FOR CORN IS GOOD 4i1.r; avrrano make ppclula IHl'l.TKY -Pressed, wctern chickens, 1i.i'J turkeys. IM'iiV; nllve. fancy. KV'HT'Ne: current 17 a 17l" ; average fancy, firm: fresh killed ':i; fowls. I'.'u I7'se; unsettled. OMAII4 URM.HAL M 4.HKET OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET v I Lh is the lushest ever pnld In .Ian i i The top was sprung another nickel mi li e ( lose, w hen a four car siring made II" I;. Hull! aold uimaid from :. , ... 1 t il on paper, at least, prices look as tattle Steady tO Ten tentS Higher I much ;t ,,,, artel- higher In many eases. I lie nolle! Was flfllfmiiv cnrcsrn inai your name today: receive offers land owners: auenta everywhere United Realty Associates. Jollet, HKBK rt'TS-Rlba: No 1, lRvc; No. t, lve; No .1. 12tc. Ixiln. No. 1, 2ie: No. i. tKc; No J. 14c. Chucks: No. 1, IV; No. 2, S,c; N. 3. V". Round: No. 1. Wc: No. " U'o: Xo. s. 11V I'lates: No. 1. Sc: No 3. Sic: No. S. 7c. KRl'ITS Oranires: California PunkM Navels. SOs. $?.2.' pr box. Callforn'a Sun MM Navels, . HIOs, So p, ,ov : pCailfornla Sunklst Navels, 11?s, $'.'.7S per I box; California Siinkit Navels. lji, t'i.Ho per box; California Sunlilst Navel i.tcli is very i H-. isxs 3:'4s. :l i per box : ivaveis. iii. :is. ;ps HORSES AND VEHICLES Ir'wr Sale. GOOH, steady horse, buty and harness cheap. Apply F. Cole. Wo; No. Sitli Bt. Colfax 4.. Thirty-two milk wagona Johnson-Oanforth Co., fop sale, 16th and cheap. Clark. HitHSK and wagon for sale. Tyler HIS. OMAHA. January 11. 1!1. Wheat took a slump, selling 1c under yesterdays prices. The sales of wheat were vety Hu, but were bettor during the latter part of the session. Tho demand for corn was fairly good and the corn sold unchanged to 1c higher. receipts tola inn ninetv , good for Tuesday. tvinaiM Oats also sold at advanced prices, per box I There were only a few cars reported in i :4 s, fi and they sold unchanged to V higher. Kye was a Vole hteher. Hurley was unchanged. Clearances were: Wheat and flour enal to l.fcMvotio lui.: oats, 4s.Cin) tm. Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged, corn hieher I'rimarv wheat receipts wera l.l.d.raHi I large Jumbos. 9: tr:t. hu. and shipments lW4,flrt bu., against re- motn Jumbos, Itt.ftMi.l Sheep and Lambs Ten Fifteen Higher. to HAV-47.GO ton. A. W. Wagner, !(ul N. 16. POULTRY AND PET STOCK MXU grain. liK) lbs, agnor. SOI N.W. AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE WHKNKVKIt you are considering sell ing or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people w ho arc willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no re gret If you buy or advertise through thu used car column of The Bee. Phoae Tyler 1W0. celpts of 2.(iiM bu. and shipments II, bu. lust year. Primary corn receipts were and shlnments fi2! i) bu.. against re celpts of 2.147,000 bu. and shipments of WH.onn bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 1.04..t" bu. and shipments imi.oOO bu., against re ceipts of M:W0 iui. and shipments of M3.0U0 bu. laRt year. CAR LOT IlWRirTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 400 1 liM4 llupinoliile coupe, elec equip. $7,'i0 1 1.08 Monitor touring, brand new.... 675 1 1H14 6-cyKndpr tudebaker touring. 6.i0 1 If 1 1 Holller. 8-cyllnder touring alio 1 1!'14 Oakland touring 4 JO 1 Metz roniister lfo Auto Clearing House. 2J0! Karnam. T. 3.110. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Benson. S-ROOM MOI'KRN BKNSON IIOMK. $150 cash, balance monthly Install ments, buys a good 6-room all modern home at I31! N. 591 h St.. liensnn. H A. WOLF. 814 Ware Rlock. pouglas 80s. H)ll KALE- My Hetroit Klectrlc, old modei, but in excellent condition; prac tically new batteries, price I'm). W. A. Maurer. Council Rluffa. Al'TOMOHILK general insurance; fire, theft, liability, etc. ART TUATCHKR, UT7-1S Cltv Nat Ioug. SS01. 1-000-LB. truck, Service Station, 1'oug. I12o. Nebraska 1314 Farnam St. Rulck Fhone AUTOMOB1LK MUTUAL. 1N8URANCB CO.. Douglas 211. BO. OMAHA Johnson. onth Side. lroperty, 4513 S. 23d. John FINANCIAL Heal Katate l.onos, Mort Rages. 6 TO 6 for loans on beat class city residences In amounts S2.000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 122 Farnam St. LOANS' on city 'and farm "property. Fire, tornado, burglary and automobile In surance. W. O, -Templcton. 6u3 Bee Bldg. T. 2020. WE are ready at all times to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. 212 S. 17th St. OMAHA homes. East NeDraska farms, O'KKBKK REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 271 1100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th & Farnam Sts. MONEY on hand for city and larm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Hank Bldg. Large loans a specialty. . 2.S State Bank Bldii. Automobile Wanted. WANTED To buy 1914 or 1!15 Ford tour ing car; body In good condition. Box 325, Kenevaw, Neb. Auto 1,1 very and (ia rages. Industrial Garage Co.. 20 A Harney Sts. Anto Repairing; and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired, tiaysdorfer. 210 N. 18th. I'lw.c winter storage when cars are paintea ana repaired. Johnson-Danforth Co. JOE MURPHY Auto repairing at Middle omie uarag. i'none Tyler 207. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. JVM Far. U. 20WI Anto Tires and Hupplles. AUTO TIRES REBUILT, $2.00 TO $5.00. DUO TIRE CO.. Mil Chicago St. BARGAINS in slightly uued and demon strating tires. Zwiebel, 2518 Farnam. I). iblS. Ilfornla 's. II 7S Inwn: tlolden Howl, ,tms. i4 per box; Silver Cord TO per box. (Irapefmit: 4rta. Ms. Wi per ox: t'4s, SOs, $:t,75 per box; Clearwater, all sixes, $4 2j per box. Orapes: Malagas, Medium 7.."Kvt R -10 per bbl.. Hnnanas sixe bunches, f l.fioti l.,.i bunch; tnedlutn me, Jumbo, $-' iHt2 1" bunch: regular sixes. Jumbos, -.;jv,,2.75. bunch: extra unch; Mam- bunch, crun- tis2 DO :is Chicago ,V,7 .Minneapolis 170 Duluth a:1 Omaha M Kansas city 13't .St. Louis J WlnniiHg 479 These sales were reported Wheat: No. 3 hard winter, 1 car, 4.1 cars, 11.11; cars, SI lot; 7 CHrs 3 cars. $1. ; 2 cars, $1.0f. No. winter, 4 cars. $1.07: 2 cars. $1 08; of I berries. $11.60 bbl , $4 i box j APPLES tRninal- Hume Meautiea, "Ks, l.l87.0oi bu. j $1.75; extra fancy Jonathans, Washing ton, r.'; mewton ciiiins, f'vo- Arkan j sas Blacks, $2.75: Wagners. $: .; Iwlld ous, $2 50; Oi lmes' (iolden. il iXI; pear inalnea, $2.2f; Staymen Wlnesups, extra fancy. Washington, $2 00; Spltieiiburga, Washington, fancv, $2. fin. HONEY Comb (24 sectlonsl, $1.75 case; Airline, (2 dog. fl-ox tumblers, $180 case. figs; New. twelve 1 o., ofo case. Pates: Dromedary. (3rts, $2 85 case; Bluffed, walnuts, $135 box; fard dates, H'e lb. VECETABI.ES Onions- Red, 2'ic lb.; yellow. 2ic lb.: Spanish. $175 crate- I cucumbers, $2 00 dox. : rppers, 50c basket; I cauliflower, $2.75 crate; brussel snronts. . J c lb.: cabbage, lc lb ; new beets, . ar I rots, turnips, Vo dox.; old beets, carrots, HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN CENTS UP oMAIIA, January 11. 1!l. Mecdpts wer; Cattle. I logs. Sheep, official Mon lav II. av. 12.774 li.!"2 Estimate Tucs.lay 7.UHI 18 ( '.' Two days' tmali K.HO', :774 Snnie das la.t week . . 17.0'.', Name I weeks ago 1 1. (tlx l!.svH Same 3 weeks nuo 10 s7'. X .V9 Same 4 weeks :ivu l:l,v: 21. tMt f-iimo das last cat . . .14.02S 17,".-f The follow, tig table shows the . t 2:. 412 li ol V 1 1 1( 14 1 20 :;i.27'i receipts of catde, hoits and sheen st the Omaha Live Stock market toi the eitr to date as compared with Inst year: 1!1. P1 .. Inc. Cattle 4MM:t 21'.!'! 1. 74 "oks l:i.t4 S4!72 51,312 Sheep Si.l'tf S.!13.' The following table shows tha averaga prices of hogs at the Omaha live slock market for the last lew days, with com parisons: I a te. m " 'Wlt.llsTs , 1 IJ 1 2 . ' If L 1 1 :' 1 'i .'Paw lec." 28,1 g ;t7Xi l 7" 14T 7 jTpi iwf 7"7 8 .W pe. I.Vtl 7 0. 7 U 7 W s 31 lec .. ,HS'.., 7 ml 7 mi 7 on! b is. 7 r: U ec. iLl j tj n.1 ; 14. 7 68 7 IB, I 7 71' 1 21 I ate. 1H1. il!H5. 1SM4 il!13 !l!i2. Il!11 . il'.UO. 7 10 08, I 8 24 7 W 6 W 7 ail i 7 13, 6 8 tiJI 30 7 14 6 90 7 9" 3H I, ii. 7 i 8 17 turnips, rutabagas, IV lb.; lettuce, head, 1 J"11- MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES HAKLE Y-UA V I OSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain in used machines. Victor Rous, "Tho Motorcycle Man." tw Leavenworth. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CITY property. W. H. Thomas FARM and city loans at lowest rates. 1 TOLANU & TRUMBV LL, 148 Ueo r.ldg-o j CITY and farm loatia, 5, CV, 6 per cent. ! J. H. Dumont & Co.. 416 state HanK. Y. CITY LOANS, C. G. Carlberg, 310 12 Brandeis Theater Bids. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa Lands. MY furni for rent from March 1, next; 148 acres; southwest coiner Hardin township. J. H. F. Kruse. R. F. D. 2. Council Bluffs. Ia. Mississippi Lands. purchaaed now, on our easy monthly payment plan, without interest or taxea, at Ocean Springa, Miss., will douhlb in v:ilue while you are paying for it and produce you u yearly income far greater than you can obtain from the same amount of money invested in anything else. W. T. SMITH CO., M. 2S19. OtjcNat. Bank Bldg. Day. 14ltaauorl Lands, SO ACRES, two miles from Salem; 4 acres cleared; all fenced, woven Vire; good five-room house, small barn; automobile road, R. i D.. phone line; '4 mi. school; well watered, plenty fruit. The farm adjoining sold at $0 per acre. For quick sale will take $30. Manv other bargains. Our excursion 'leaves Omaha Salem, Wednesday, Jan. 12, 6:15 p, W. S. FRANK, Neville Block, Omaha. for m. 201 0 ACRES. I tent Co., Mo.; small imps.; pakt in cultivation; $:!0 an acre. 201 Ne ville Block. Omaha. CunipllKi tud lurnUhcd b Krr Title Uuarsntn aim ,utlr:i cuiuimii)'. eoutb Svnleouio j WARRANTY DKELIS. j Ethl G. St huouuver miiU bllmwnd to Harry j I' luher. Iol ifb, UiocK i, urwoud 3 qqo 1 "" i,,i.i u. . iruHl v.o. to hrfl- anl '1. luyuea, tgl il.' oiuck 40, Kuunue ''' j 200 August Wullf to KMlhlin Kuuell, lot w r,tNiune I'srx sua Ituuucu t. .leart n 1. lo Frank A.' Aim- nulrt, lot , block 1, Urevoort nce Diiiiuw lirally t o. to Jay A. Orllllii. lot bloea lit, Dundee flee , Oeore W. Henry end wile to William k! Alimony, n'4 ot lot 16. Spring Valley add.. W. M. tlHinuolt, executor, to g. T. Peui- eon, lot 34, block , bntgj Place Petri Langei, sr., and wile 10 Carl 2. Liri- coin. lot , block 411, City Henry Uuiry to lluu-lee Junje, lot 4 bloik , fundfe Place Liamy N. Vaii and tauaband to Edward Koch' luia is and 19, block 2, Wle a Parmelee'e add F. J. MoHhane, )r., sheriff, to F. J truvt.e lot 7, block K, Lrfwe'e add. Hyman II. Miller to fella Miller, nU feet of lot IS, block 13, E. V. Hmith a add John M. flia lo Mary K. Itayner, iot 3, l-'lxa'H add Tony CoataJilo to Uulseppe Hlccerl, w4j feot ot eK (cet of lot li and lot 14. block t, ( arthae add Mtfrgarel Hiiwon and liushand to Maud le iiarly, lota 12? tu 131, IncluHlve Helisont add Rnuth tlmaha lnd (Jo. to Chrlntlna Thielke lot 1, blin k :w. Soulh Omaha V. It. Hulntioldt. executor, to lUchani Ware Mall, Iota 10 and 11, block 14, Vt'eat Knd ; lots 12, 13 and H block 6, Alamo I'laia: lot 3, Convent riace; lot 1, block l:. Prists i'lace, and H arrea 01 el4 acrea uf nVi of n'j of ewl4 of aection 33-15-13... Sl.MM) Herman IJ. Von Nllnon and tfe to Paniel II. (iipe. lot 10. block 4. Khlnn'a add J. W. rlen and wife to T. J. Zeman. lota i and 4 block 1, nweeay'a add lteeae ('. Ilanlns and wife to Km ma B. 1-ona-nei ker. lot 7. lock b. Maxwell's Sec ond add Jeeae H. Mutton and wife to Ida M. Kettell, lot It, Kpworth ald ldnuna tandstedt to Kmtlle M. Townaand, w v, of lot . block I', lyowe'e add QUIT CI.A1M IKK1H. Anion f'apek (o Antonle Capek. of lot In. bio. k . Potter V Cobb add A. Melchrr et al. to George N. Hose ueli of eecllon 22-16-12. Frank A . Klllnlt et al. to Knima A. Elliott, lota 46 and 47. block 3. Irene. Place Kansas Lands. COLONIZATION TRACT lO.ouu acres. Kansas wheat land, smooth, convenient to two competitive railroads, towns, achools. etc., exceptionally well located hodv of choice, smooth, agricultural land: nothing hotter on market today; adjoining farms producing 20 to 35 htu. wheat, 3j to rt) hu. corn, oats, harley; want in direct touch with interested people; big profit making middleman harred. Address V l?'l. Hee. Nebraska Lands. 1,200 300 1.V0 . 400 00 100 1,400 3,000 0 1.000 u.too 1.0f; 1 car. $1.04V4; 7 cars. $1.04: 1 car. $l.0:t. Sample. 1 car. 9c; t car. A0c. No. 3 mixed. H cars, $l.c. No. 4 mixed. 1 3-5 cars. $1.08. No. 2 durum, 2 cars, $1.12; 1 csr. $1.11. No. 3 durum. S cars. $1,111: 1 car, $1.10. No. $ mixed durum, 2 cars, $1.11; 1 car. $1.10. Barley: No. 4, 1 car, 62V Rejected. 1-3 oar, BSc; 1 car. 57c. Oats: No. 2 white, 1 car. 4.14c. Htandard. 1 car, 4,'tc. No. 3 white, 1 car. 42Sc; 2 cars. 42c. No. 4 white, 11 cars, 41c; 2 cars, 41Hc; 3 cars. 41'c. Sample, 1 car, 4V; 1 2-3 cars, 39c. Corn: No. 3 white, 1 csr (new and old. bsVjc: I car, Ktc; 1 car. H7c. No. 4 white, 2 cars. (WVic; 1 car, 66c; 7 cars. (16'-io. No. 6 white, 1 car, 634c; 1 car, 6:ic; 6 cars, CHc. No. 6 white, 1 car, fiOWc. No. 8 yellow, 3 cars, 8c. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, nWio; 1 car. 651,40; 3 cars. 600. No. 5 yel low, 1 car. 64Hc; 1 car, 64c; 11 cars, 63'. No. 6 yellow. 1 car, 61tjc; 6 cars. 61c. No. 8 mixed, 1 car, 67c. No. 4 mixed. 1 car, 66c; 6 cars, 66Vc; 2 cars, 86c. No. 6 mixed, 1 car, 6;t',c; 8 cars, 6.1c; 1 car, 62ic; 4 cars, 624c; 2-6 cars, 62c. No. 6 mixed, 2 cars, 61c; 1 car, 60ic; 7 cars. 604c: 1 car. (Vic. Sample. 2 3-6 cars, Mc: 1 car, f7Wc; 1 car. 67c; 2 cars. 56c; 1 car. 55c; 3 cars. 54c; 1 car, 5.1c. Rye: -No. 2. 1 car, 914c No. 4, 1 car, 90c; 1 car, 89c. Sample, 1 car, 88c. Omaha Cash Trices Wheat: No. 2 hard, $1 .Kdj 1.15: No. 3 hard, $1.frfi 1 .11; No. 4 hard. $1.02'1.07: No. 2 spring. $l.i:Mf 115; No. 3 spring. $1. 11(&1. 13; No. 2 durum. $1.11!i1.13: No. 3 durum. Il.10n1.ll; sam ple, !HVo8c. Corn: No. 3 white, (iiiVT ti7V,o: No. 4 while. 6.Va6Vc; No. 6 white, 621 63Hc; No. 6 white. 6941ef0lo ;. No. 3 yellow. 67Vo8c: No. 4 vellow, 64Vfli54c; No. 5 yellow. 63i64e: No. 6 yellow, HOW 61Ve; No. 3 mixed. 66iyini7o; No. 4 mixed, 64Hf(i66c: No. 6 mixed. l(fc684c; No. 6 mixed. ri9i(&61c: sample mixed, 52tfi5So. Oats: No. 2 white, 43i,rr43M.c: standard, 42Vi43c: No. 3 while, 411f42c; No. 4 white. 41Vo414c. Harlev: Mill ting. 6d Sc; No. 1 feed. 5"a60c. Rye: No. 2, 90V4 StlVkc; NO. 3. KW90C. Chicago closlnB" prices furnished The Bee bv Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 815 South Sixteenth. Omaha: 1 oda v : 81.10; 1 uo'., ; leiiuce crates, si. 41 crate; 4 hard J 'eriuce, iear. 40c doit.; celery. Jumho, 6 cars. aog.; celery, Michigan, Il'.'n Pox parsley, 60c doi. f'otatoes: Red River hlos radishes. S"c dox.. 81.00 hu.: Whites. $1.00 bu. Sweetnotatoes; Kansas. il.' Art'cle Oren. Hlgh. l ow. I Close I Ves y $.T2f.c4.M hhl ; Jerseys, routnem, xi.oo hamper. NLTV-Nn. t peanuts, raw. No. 1 peanuts, roasted, 8c 11. ; Jumbo, 84c lb.; peanuts, .Intnhn, 9Vc lh.; English walnuts, No. L iiinerts. lnc 10.; pecans, li'to lh. hamjier; 6V0 lh. ; peanuts, roasted, 16'ho lh. : nrncans. Jumboes, 174c lb.; Brazils, 18o lb.; mixed nuts, 15c lb. I'OPOORN-No. 1. rice, 4o lb : 40c 1 lb. packages, $2.50 case: Nehraska white owing to quality. 2N'n34c Pi. MISCTJLLANEOITS - Cornpops. korn ettes. $3.25 esse: cornpops. kornettos, one- half cases, $1,654 case; checkers, cracker lack, chums, $3.50 case; checkers cracker Jack, chums, one-half cases, $1.75 case; failed peanuts. $1.25 can; horseradish, case. Honey: com (24 sections). $3.75 case; Airline, 24-t o. tumblers, $1.80 case. Figs: Dromedary dates, 3rt, K"c case; new figs, 12-10 o.. 85c case; stuffed dntes. walnuts. $1.35 box; fard dates. 12c lh. Jan. l. 7 iui 7 (H Jan. 1. 1 7 i:i 7 HI; Jan. 3. r 7 80 Jan. 4..1 t 441 7 04 j Jan. 5.1 6 4iiV 7 0JI 7 Ks Jan. 6.1 I 6 741 8 381 7 021 S 001 T 431 t U dtn. 8..1 64 I 6 74 S 3 7 oj 6 W) 7 4 I S .il Jan. 7..( 6 7;;4; 7 (4)1 7 tl 7 111 I ' !li ' Jan. H..i 6 lh,'. t, :ii ; 11:1 7 14 6 19, I 8 4.1 I I j M S 06, 7 161 6 VS. 7 87i Jan. 10. 6 tVi'.l , fi 06. 7 24 6 7 82 1 8 23 Jan. 11. 6 i,74 6 70 7 12 6 10', i .T.Jt lH Sunday. Holiday." Receipts and disposition of liv'o stock at the I'nion ttiock yaids, Oniana, lor 1 twenty-four houis ending at :i p. m. yrs- tcrduy: , RECUU'TS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 11 re choice llMht Mexiisn Imniis would easily bring $l'..i. Muttons showed fully as much upturn as lamlx. yualllv whs on the whole unite a hit bettor than estenlav's and pa illy on this account trade looked a ipiaiter higher In spots. Heat ewes here reached $6611. while good yearlings weigh ing heller than ! pounds made $t.2. and 1 holce vearllngs 01 desirable weights set a new top of Is. 65. Everyone of the tops raid tixlav Mahllthed a new record lor the first month of the year. 1'rcder supplies fell off todav, nothing much show inn up. Vesterd.iv demand for feeding stock was brisk and depplte the slump in killers, prices hold firm, fair 4.042 jl" good feeilltia ewes brlnclng heller than a-.KI, While lunilis lor MlnsninK mn alien ing reached $' A few light feeding cHrlluas bronchi 7 40. (juomtlons on sheep snd lambs: 1-amhs, good to choice. $10 initio 15: lambs, fair to goi.d, $9 T5'if lO.Oo; lambs, clipped, $8 I.vm 8 H,"i; earltngs good to choice light. $8.00 (18 iT.' vearllngs. fsir to choice heavy, $7.4i8.flO; whet hers, fair to choice. $6 50 4iT.'-'5; ewes, good to choice, $6.2ofi6.6 ew es, fair to good. $.". 0iVff6.25. Hepresentatlv es sales: No. L"M fed lambs Il fed bunt's '.'so Montana feeder yearlings 580 Idaho lambs 570 Mexican lambs 121 fed lambs 4'C Mexican lambs 81 Idaho lamb" 592 Nebraska feeder lambs... 567 fed w os NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Liquidation of Speculative Special tie Gather. Greater Headway. DECLINE IN WAS SHARES SI ee. olo- W 1 Av. Clllt 4iO I.IW. KTOIR M 1RKUT I'sllle C M. A 81. 1' 8 10 Wabash 1 2 Missouri Bsclfic ... 8 5 1'nlon 1'nclfic .' 0 11 1 C. N. W., tMisl.... ;t ! 2 C. i N. V., west.. 46 '72 T 1 C., St. P., M. O.. 47 21 2 C , B. Q . east ... 8 4 1.. t'., n. .v y.. west.. ;t5 ni 12 C., R. I. V., eaat. 1. 6 C, R. I. IV, weal :i 1 3 Illinois Central 20 2 thU ago, IS. W 4 4 Total recilpts ..i83 242 40 2 Weak Hoars Ntrnna. CHICMIO Jan Icelpta. R.0.M head; market weak; native I beef steers. $6.4Ki' 65; western eleers. $il 4iii8 .15; cows and heifers, $.1.2my8.4o; I calves. $7.fiOi( n.t , I I lot 18-Receipts. K.W head: market iL- hull, ,,f sales $iV6"l1 95; lights. $6.4iKii6.8r; mixed. $'. :Vrt7 .; heavy. $6.h.v'(,r 6.7o; rough. $6iV,irt.70; nigs. $5.lsiii.fi0. 8IIEEP ANI I.AMItS-ltec.lpts 20.000 bead; market strong; wethers. $.0(V(i, ewes, $5.lVii7.0n: lambs. $s.iVu 10.,;.. 31c; 17c; Wheatl I May. II 25-4ti July.ll 17U4 Corn. 1 Mnv.l7S'ffl. July..784'i,.i! Oats. I 1. May.49M8H! July. 4741 Pork. I I Jan.. I 18 80 I May. 19 40 J Lard. I I Jan.. I 10 30 I May.110 55-52 July. Ribs. Jan . May. JO 674! I 10 424 10 824' 19V 79J I IS B0 J 50 10 324! 10 to 10 75 I 10 474 10 8,1. I I 21T1 264A 1 2IH 174ll 19',.BJl 1T4S Kansas City t.rain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Jan. ll.-WIIEAT-No. 1 hard, $1 .141il .18; No. 2 red, $1.204N.25; May. $1.17H; July, ll.UVtrl.IIV CORN No. 3 mixed, 70c; No. 2 white, 70c; No. 2 yellow, 704Hl71c; May, J4Vo; July, 754ff754c. OATti No. i white, 434fl44c; No. 2 mixed, 39i'fr40c. Hl'TTKR CtMamerjr, SSc; firsts, seconds, 29o; packers, 19e. EliUrt Klrats, 27c; seconds, 20e. I'On.TRY-lIens, 13c; turkeys, eprillgers, IOC Minneapolis UFraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jn. 11. WHEAT May. $1.244C(1.24; July, $1.83, Cash: No. 1 hard. $1.27'rd)1.28: No. 1 northern, $1.24M 1.264: No. 2 northern, M.&MVri l.rT. ELOl'R-l'nchanged. BARLEY 65(1130. RYE 34l!'94We, BRAN tU.WH I .50. CORN-No. 3 ellow, 74''h'75c. OATS-No. 3 white, 4.1fi44c. ELAX SEED-$2.2742.304. I'ISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. 8heep. 1.2I. 2,591 3.179 1,612 78 48SI 4741 18 80 I 19 3241 1914ft', 79 ! 1 49' ;r 474 B 18 90 ' 19 45 I 10 274! 10 50 10 65 1 78 ,( 4 7Sti4 48Vt 474 18 75 ' 19 20-22 I Omaha Hay Market. I OMAIIA, Jan. 11 PRAIRIE HAY ; Choice upland, $10.00; No. 1. $9.0019.50; j No. 2. $7.iVo.(K); No. 3, $5.00rr7.00; choice midland. $9 5ti; No. 1, $-(.OOii'; No. 2, r $0.0irti8 ftc, No. 3, $4.(mi'6.ou; choice low 'land, $8.50; No. 1, $7.0iKirK.0O; No. 2. tb.&W 0"; No. 3, $l.004i6.00. Miorrls Co 658 :,9I9 Swift and Company 1,151 3.567 Cinlahy Packing Co...l.."4l 3,161 Armour' A Co 1,21:1 4,'MJ Schwartx a Co 377 J. W. Murphy 1,741 Lincoln Packing Co 31 South Omaha Pack Co. 5 V H. Vansant Co 125 Benton, Vansant & L.. 115 Hill & Son 91 V. R. Iewia 146 Huston Ar Son 4s J. H. Root & Co 1 Iff J. II. Mulla 9:1 Rosenstock Bros 127 ft. Kellogg U; VYorthclmer A lcgcn.. 157 ... II. E. Hamilton 55 Sullivan Bros 113 Mo. Kan. Calf Co.. 147 Christie 21 Hlggins II Hoffman 7 Meyers 13 2:1 ... tllssaberg 4 Baker, Jones & Smith 191 .Manner Bros 75 John Harvey 412 I Dennis At Francis 77 ... ... Kllno 97 Jensen & Lungrcn 9 Other buyers 1,048 ... 2,264 NEW YORK. Jan. 11. Liquidation of speculative sm laities, which had lis In ceptlon last week on publication of the (inry statement, gathered greater head way today, the movement receiving sub stantial asslstsnce from a formidable sln rt Interest Declines were most severe In the xo-called war sto ks. losses of thro t to seven points lelng sustained al th.'ir extreme declines by Crucible Pressed Steel Car. American Car, win l.ncomotlve. Studebakcr and railo Fiiol. other stocks of the same class muter constant pressure. Im l idui ' 1'nlted Ststes Steel and American Smelt ing and the other coppers. Steel made ., maximum decline of ', at 854, and Bet 1 lehein t-leel broke ten points lo 41 . shares of no specific character, notniilx those recently under pool manipulation, were weak, (icnersl Motors led the au tomobile division with a decline of 8 t 1 4,41. l-lnrly In the day variable ga ns wei, recorded by American Can, olla and the sugar Issues, the Istter responding to rumors of Impending tsvorsl'le legislation Ralls were backward, when not alto gether heavy, Canadian Pacific anil Eric being sublet to further foreign selling. Offerings from abroad were not large Lowest prices were recorded In the final hour, some of the war group showing little or no support even at concessions total sales of stocks amounted to S45.U01 snares. There were no surface developments to account for tho liquidation other than the belief that f !, n..l,. I 1.. 11.-C.TTT.E-Ro- 'fanlrestlng an Increasing disinclination ... accept industrial securities In loans. I Uh7ri.'1,.,'r '? An"-"'nch 6s at a , 1 ,ld,,,,,t'"n 'mm recent high .pinta il''"" featured the bond market, which ....,,.,..,,,., irrrauiar. 'lets sales bonds, par value, were r..970.i"). mien etaiea coupon .Is dcllhed cent on call. nnml TL""1"" '" Quotation on stocks today wero as follows; Stales 11 1 aii. Lew 73 81 . . 83 . . s:l .. M . . 75 ..109 Pr. 10 10 I 111 10 7 40 9 i" 10 00 9 75 9 8f, 9 75 9 :i) 6 10 Weak hee I Kansas I Hr Live 4oek Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 11 -CATTLE Receipts pi.ooi head: market steady; prime fed steers, $8 50frffl.OO; dressed beef steers, $7.0i.25; western steers, $6,504" 8 2".: stocket s nnd feeders. $5.7Mt1.76; bulls. $5.,"ti6.50: calves. $6.011 10.00. 1 1 Ot"!S Receipts, 20,014V bead; msrket Mlier: bulk of sales. $6.6.Vn6.S5:, heavy. i;7Mt'6 90: packers and butchers. ...4V-lfi 6.8c, liuhta, $6fOR!90: pigs. $.fvfifi.. SHEEP A NO LAMBS-Recelpts. 7.000 bead: market higher; lambs. $9.7SJ0.2j; yearllnss. f7.7Mr9.0O; wethers, $6..i il i.Ja; ewes. $ t. I.onla Live Stock Market. ST. l.OI'IS, Jim. 11. CATTLE Re ceipts. 4. 500 bead- market steady: native beef steers. $7 60u9.fO: yesrllnn gteera and heifers. $8.5v!iit 35: cows, $5 5OHr7.0O; stock ets and feeders, $5.ofKii7 75: southern steers $5.?fWfi8.50: cows snd heifers. $4 00 fiK 50: native calves, $6 Oixii 10.50. tirWis ti.-celnts 15.000 head: market. higher: pigs and lights. $6.0tVH4i 95 ; mixed : . , . , . frun .. -A 1, .. ann oiiTcners, n.iim. . i 9 .4i7.e5. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rocclpt 7.100 head: market higher; yearlings, $;.50ifc9.00; lambs, $9.004i lff.rift: ewes. $6.0uii7.flO. Totals CATTLE Receipt 10 3241 10 2". 10 5.5-57 10 .0 10 424H0 45-47 110 77-80' 10 85 B 10 474 10 624 10 374 10 75 . .7.828 16.790 10,861. were very liberal today, making the total for Hie two days this week lK.yufj head, the. largest of any recent week and 4.000 head larger than for the corresponding two daya last year. All kinds of killers, that Is, cows and heifers as well as beef steers, were gen STRAW None on the market; choice .rally a little stronger than' yesterday, B Bid. A Asked. CHICAGO ilt(l AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading and Closing Prices on Hoard of Trade. wheat Is quoted at Vi.OtxfrS.iiO; choice oats or rye. ji.Ku).tit. A LEA LEA Eighteen carg on the mar ket, nothing choice; choice, $12.flofi 13ti0; No. 1. $10.5tVrll.50; No. 2, $8.5njt I0.u0; No. 3, JS.CMiiils.OO. Evaporated Apples and Dried Emits NEW YORK. Jan. 11. EVA PORATirn j APPLES Dull and easy; fancy, 4'rt10c; I choice, 7Vu8c; prime, 64ifo6Hc. ; HRIEl) ERUITS Prunes firm; Cali fornia, 4ffilc; Oregons, 7v.i94o. Apri cots, steady; choice, 74c; extra choice luc; fancy, 12c. Peaches, easy; choice, f4 f54c; extra choice. 54c; fancy, KV40; raisins, steady; loone muscatels, 7'4fi'74c; 'choice to fancy seeded, 74r'l,,c; seedless, !4Jllc. (CHICAGO. Jan. 11. Immense export sales brought about a substantial ad vance today In the price of wheat. Quo tations closed strong, 14c to 14c higher. Hank C learings. with Mav at $1,264 and July at tl.iws), f,t T. ni, i. 1.194. Other leading staples, too. all ' n' l1,'. J"; ,J tTw f .1 ' scored gains-corn, Mf-lc toc; oats, c ! ?,?'h ' .?Vht to .c an.1 nrnvisions. 1 Urf to Anr. 1 .--. n. i. Strength In wheat developed only after the, market had undergone a setback at the start. Rumors that foreigners were selling appeared to bo responsible for the temporary downturn, which was In the face of decidedly bullish cable advices. The European visible supply snowed a pronounced falling otf, Argentine vessel I rates had soared again, India was suffer- , iua from dry weather and It was said Italy and Spain were arranging lor largo Honoris. prices here, however, nm not negiii to 1 many prominent bankers from director uiw. - .1 until a 1 tr t- as as OA mari t r rr 1 n In 1 " unusual activity on the nart of exDorters. ! trnm lHn national banks all New Law Changes Directorates in Some Larger Banks j NEW YORK. Jan. 11. Resignations of prices ranging anywhere from steady lo as much as 10c higher In some canes. It was a good healthy market throughout. Stockors and feeders owing to tho slrom wt'io not so much sought after, but still they were Just about steady with yester day. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $M.00ipi.7G; fair to good beeves. $7,264)8.00; common to fair beeves, $6.25iJ 7.25; good to choice heifers. $ti.25n7.(io; food lo choice cows, $5.75(16.50; lair o good, cows, $5.254tf.75; common to fair cows, $4.00ifr6.OO; good to choice feeders. $fi.8i7.t5; fair to good feeders, $6.4(ifi6.S0; common to fair feeders, $5.50tfi 6.40; good to choice stockers. I7.0OW7.; fair to good Blockers. $6.;i5o7.0i); common (o 1 stockers $5.MVf(6X.. stock heifers, $5.75f(6.75; stock cows, $4.756 25; stock calves, $6.5tw7 60; veal reives, $7.004.frO; bulls, slugs, etc.. $4.7iVut.26. BEEF STEERS. No. St. Joseph I.lve Stovk Market. ST JOSEPH. Jan 11. CATTLR Re ceipts. 1 500 head; market strong; steers. $6 Mkii9.(: cows and heifers, 84.0ixW8.f4); calves. $6.00(i0 25, llofiH Receipts. 11.000 head: market higher; top, $6.80, bulk of sales, $.Doi6.75. SHEEP ANI LAMBS Receipts, 1,500 head; market strong; lambs, l9.WalO.00. of per Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 1 1 . COEEEE The market for coffee futures was less, ac tive today and prices showed a tendency to react after the recent sharp advances. The opening was ten to eleven points lower, under realizing, and the active months sold shout eleven to sixteen points under last night's closing figures during the afternoon, with July easing off to 7.23c and December lo 7.45c. Ral lies followed on scattered covering, or a renewal of bull support, with the mar ket closing at a net decline of four to nine points. Sales. 40,noo bags; January, fi.91c; Eehruary. .99c; March. 7.08c; April, 7.12c; Mav. 7.18c: June, 7.13c: July, 7.29c:, August, 7.34c: September. 7.88c; October, 17.47c; November. 7.49c; December, 7.61c. j Spot coffee, steady:, Rio, 7s, 84,r; Santos, 4s, 94C 1 out ann ireigni oners .rum Braxll were delaved and no tresn quota tions were available during the after noon. Tho official cables reporting a decline of 75 rels at Rio, with Santos unchanged, and the rate of Rio exchange on London l-32d higher. j Cotton Market. YORK. Jan. 11 COTTON-Spot, KAXL'IIKS 2.000-A. Holt county, near Atkinson, fineat complied stock ranch in tho state, including stock. Price light 2.680-A., Holt county, near Ewing, excellent hard soil; fine ranch, well improved, flowing well; good proposition. Either of the above ranches will be sold right for cash or will take, good eastern Neb. farm as part payment. 1). V. SUOLKN CO., 915-16 City Nat. Bk. Bldg., Doug. 49. CHOICE FARM BAUOAINS. foo-aer Block faun. $75 per 145-arre, Cedar county. $'05 per. Sun-acre, b 'ttoni land farm, $50 per. luo-acre. Burt county. m per. C. b. KELYEA. Omaha NaC Bank HJdg. Ornal'S. 19-AC RE" farm, 0 mtit-a south of Ureina, So niilea aoiilhweat of Omaha, worth $20.0. but I uin going lo sell it Janu ary 12, the date of Ward Smith's farm safe on the place. Arrange to meet ma there. Ed B. Ijbhs. Tel. liar. 1.V92. A OOoli lit t lo Ktock fsrm four miles from Blair. Neb., all good bottom lund will sacrifice l'.r cash. R. Martin. Little Kalis. Minn. The purchases for Europe were finally announced as aggregating 1.600,000 bushels. France was understood to be the leading buyer. Encouragement for wheat bulla received additional stimulus from indications that railway congestion was being remedied to some extent. Corn made a new high price record fr the 1915 crop. The chief reasons were reports that danger existed of serious I crop damage In Argentina and that big export transactions for March shipment were under way at Philadelphia. Oats reflected the strength of corn. Buying for Europo continued, but the amounts reported were not large. Higher prices on hogs helped to lift provisions. Il was naid there was a not able transatlantic demand for lard. Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, $1.25J 1.26': No. 8 red. $l,2l(fi1.244: No. 2 bard. Ktv- r-o .vriuvi , ! $l.2l'il 21", No. 3 hard. $1 I74j 1.2. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 11. James M. I , ,om . No , vfliow, nominal: No. 4 vrl Hoppcr, the California novelist, who l : low. 71'yf721-; No. 4 white, 71Vrf724c. now In Paris as a magazine correspond- nl": No. 3 white, 44Vo46c: standard . , , , . . . , 1 4V'4ic. Rye: No. 2, !:. Barley: 64'(fi cut, has been ordued lo reiort for duty Timothy; 37 V? Clover: lOOTKii in the French army on the theory that rfrll.00. Pork: $11Ui'rMrt.90. Ijird: no.UI'-ft he is a citizen of Franco, according to W U. . Bibs: $10.Ov 10.47. . , , ,. . . BI TTER Easy; creamery, 23ri30'4jc. Information received here. It became J ,.;(i,jS-Hlgher; receipts. 5,255 cases: known today, In a cablegram to his firsts, '"Vo ."!' r ; ordinary firsts, 28c4i4c; father-in-law, Joseph A. Innanl of this Included, 2Zi?c. .. I.,, , 1.1 1..! POTA rOK- lower; receipts. 37 tars: city, In which Hoper appeals for aid In Mic-liiKaa. Wisconsin. Minnesota and proving his American citixenship. jliiikota. white, $l.o0rl.O8; Minnesota and Hopper has been offiUally declared by 1 ''""'"- f!;1.0"' . l 0""1 , , 1 , I'Ol LTIH Alive, lower; fowls, l.Vie; the French war office, the cablegram 1 springs, 154c; turkeys, ISc. American Fiction Writer is Drafted Into French Array ays, to be a army service. Frenchman and liable The cablegram asked for ; for j Mitt TURK I.KKHH, M 4.nK.l7T Texas Lands. SALE OR TRADE. Irrigated truck faun. Rio C.rande Valle. Texas; 40 acres, all under nil. tivation. Hood Improvements. 228 City Nsfl bank Bldg. Wisconsin La ads. L'PPER WISCONSIN Rest dairy and , general crop state In the unirn. ,-e'tleis wanted: lands for sale at low pttces on easy terms. Ask for booklet R4 on Wis consin Central Land tlrant. Excellent lands for stork raising. If interested in fruit lands aak for booklet on appie or rhards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Soo Line Railway, Minneapolis. Uinn. a copy of Hopper's marriage certifi-atc. Tbia cannot be produced, as all record were destroyed in the San Francisco fire of lis si, so Leonard rpent yesterday in preparing affidavits and hunting up wit nesses who might be able to give testi mony that would convince tho Frencil authorities. Hopper, who Is a graduate of the uni versity of California, la the son of an Englishman and French woman, who were married In Paris. Hopper was born In the French capital. He came to Cali fornia with his mother after the death of his father. The novelist was married in Berkeley, Cat. Ilia wife and their 5-year-old son, James, are In Parts with lilin. MASS MEETS OF WOMEN TO PROTEST DEFENSE WASHINGTON. Jan. 11. -A plan for holding mass meetings of women all over the country on Washington's birthday to protest against "unnecessary war pre parations by the 1'nlted States" was launched here tonight at the closing ses sion of the annual convention of tue Woman's Peace party. ttuolallona of tbe Day on Varloas f oiuiiioilltlea. NEW YORK. Jan. 11 FLOl'M Firm; spring patents, $ i.:f6 40. II EAT Spot, firm: No. I imiiim. $l.:i74; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1,414; No. 1 northern. Manitoba. $1 45, f. o. b , New York. Futures, firm; Mav, $l.34. 1 URN Spot, flim; No. 2 yellow, 87c, prompt shipment. OATH-Spot steady; No. 3 white, 50f,i5lc. HAY-Steady No. I. $l.2inol.224 No. 2. $1 074'al.l5; No. 3. 954497 4c; shipping, 85 9o. . HOPS Unlet : r.lale, common lo choice, 1915 trop. 16'i:c; 1914 crop, 54i9c: Pacific coaHt. 19L5 crop, IISil.V; 1914 crop, 8fil0v. HIDES Steady; Bogota. 3fti:ilc; Central America. 29c. LKATH Ell-Firm; hemlock firsts. I3'o 34c; seconds. 32o33c. PROV!SIONS--Pcrk. firm: mess, $19 254 19 75; family. 2I.OOa2.VOO. short elesr. $19 .50 4121.00. Beef, steady; mess, IHWa 17 On, family. $18 00,1 18.50. Lard, firm; middle west. 10ilU4o. TALIW Steady; city, 8c; country, 74 ftc; special, Mie. BCTTER Steady: receipts, 18,236 tubs; rresmery extras. S.7'.j34c, firsts, 2Sl32c; seconds, 254'6274e. Ei'KiS I'nsettled: receipts. 9.574 cases; fresh gathered extra fine, 34u'iuc; extra firsts, i-"iiS5c; firsts, SOllc; seconds, 284 624c. C1IEFSK Ktealy; receipts, t.2ST boxes; state whole milk flats, held specials, 174 over tha country are expocted In tha annual bank elections todsy. The changes will be .made to anticipate the prohibition against Interlocking director, ates contained In the Clayton law. Tha law went Into effect October 13. 1914, but, to allow the banks more time to readjust tne personnel or tljelr manage ment, two years were allowed for the elimination of directors serving mora than one bank. The effect of today's elections Is expected to bo to r 11 miner? o murh of the banking talent from the boards of many large Institutions, Many Wall street banks are understood to have several representatives of other Institutions on their directorates. The Clayton act sperlfles that "no per son shsll st the same time tie a director of more than one bank organixed or op. dating under the laws of the United States, either of which has deposits, capital, surplus and undivided profits ag gregating more than $5,0OO,floO " In many lasej the reillustmens mads netersary will pot lake p'ace for some n'H.ths, al'l-. .igh todays meetlis the last rj t'sr stock! Iders" rsMinos hei're the leqiliements, of the Clayton law must be n i I. Among the local national banks which announced changes In directorates today were the First National, Chase National, Liberty National and the National Bank of Commerce. Resignations from out-of-town batiks were also announced by local bankers. Frank A. Vanderllp, president of the Na tional Clly Iwnk, resigned from the board of the Rlggs National bank of Washing ton, D. C, and other New York financiers formerly active as directors of national Institutions In Boston, Philadelphia, Pitts burgh and Chicago, have taken similar action. James J. Hill, retired from the directo rate of the Chae National bank, bis son, James N. Hill, succeeding him. Charles M. Schwab and Daniel C. Jackllng of Ran Francisco and Salt Ike were added to the board. No. 4.... 14.... !.... nn . . . .i ... ti . ... 14... 4... I .. U... u... i ... in... 10.., 11,. ... 10... ... l... ... t... 40... a... 17... At. . .11161 . .l':i . . 041 ..104; . . 10H6 . .IH . . 547 .. tin . . (Hit) .. 7S .. ' .. T'l ..1080 .. 171 .. 4111 .. 4 .. 17 ... 131 W. Pr. 0 a tr, a !mi In. . 7 15 U.. 7 sr. .. 7 45 I. I Jj HEIFBiRS. I i)i 1. . a M II.. 6 :, 22.. I Ml 1 II, 10 .VI l., Ml CALVES. 4 7b .. Ml U. 7 no I. a mi 1 . on 1. AT. . . iml . .U'117 . . "Ha . .Kl.n . .1:1112 Kill m (61) 7W. Mil 19 3(H tm BTOCKERS AND FEEUEB8. .. .. 7 .. &i:i .. in . .10X1 .. Iis4 ..!"( 4 (M 4 00 I'd 411 w 6 M, I 00 7 lh i to II. IJ. . IS.. Si.. .. i. . in . IV.. 4.. . . . 1t ... 4.4 ...tin ... H(. . .. .7 ... kl'4 . .. lw . ..I'l'l ...13(1 Pr r 6 U IS 7 o 7 1 1 40 7 (II 4 10 a f. S i 00 4 -0 15 4 14 G 75 1 to I :'5 8 II t 10 li 4 "i 7. ' I 10 ; ir. 1 74 Alsaka Oolit Alll. rhMni.m Am.rloan lmt tuar.... Amarlran (xn Ainsrlran IH-nmotlr Amarlraa H 4k H Am. s R. pfii Am. Hiar R-floln American Tal. Tsl Amnrlran Tnrairpo Anaronria Coepar Atcttlann II I.I will LoeomntlVa ' Hallhni.ra S Ohio Ilelhlrlni Hts.1 Hrnoklfn Rapid Tr (alllnrnla ivimlauin .... na.llan Parlfle tVnlral Iswlhar " timpsalia 04ti fhlraao O. W Chicago. M. aV Bt. P...., t'Miaao N. W fhlraaw, R. I. P. Rv.. China Copptir ,, tVlorado rus at Iron.... Cnirlhla fttael Hnrrr S It. O. M I)lllllra' Securities .... Brie iiral Biaotrla II'. (Iriat Northern iM tlrrot No. Om rtfa Ouasanhelm Kiploratloa.. Illln.ila (Vnlral Intarhnmush con. fnro.. Inspiration Cippvr tntematlnnal Harrsatrr... Kanaaa Cut Hnulharn. . . . lhlRh Vallsy loulnvlll. Na4vlllt.... Mtlran Paimlaum Miami 4"omMr Mlanmirl, K. (4 T. pfd..,. MiRMiuri raririo National Blsenlt National Isw Navaila rVtppar , Nw York ('antral N. Y.. N. 1! H Norfolk Wsstarn Northsrn Paolflo Paoltlc Mall raclflo Tl Tal I'ennaylTanla Piitltnaa Palara Car liar con. Coppar Heading Itipiil.llo Iron Rtwl..., .Mouttiern Paolfto Amilhsrn Railway ffinilAhakar CVvmpany ... Trnna as Coppar Taiaia (Vsnpany fnlon Parlfle l'nlnn PsrlMo pM I nllad gtalaa Rtaal I'. St. Pteal pfd t'tah Copper Waatam t'nlon Weatlnshauaa RlActrlo .. Montana Powar Ylonftral Molnra Wahaah B od 12.r.0c; sales. 2,HK steady at a Janu- 12.78c; NEW oulet; middling upland bales. The cotton market closed tiel decline of Wttl points. Cotton futures opened steady; ary, 1125c; March, 12.57c; May, July. 12.91c: fictolier. 12.rco. LlVERIOf)U Jan. 11. COTTON Ppot, easier; good middling. ft.54d; middling. K.21d; low middling, 7. Rid: sales, 10,000 hales. I 1 At. I.onla riraln Markft. f4T. TOITIS. Jan. 11.-WH HJAT-No. i red and No. 2 hard, nominal; May, $1.22; Julv, $1.15. CORN-No. 2. T3c; No. 2 white, TlflTtHc; May. 77'ac; Julv, 774iC. OATS No. 2. IViH4c: No. ! white, 4,'jc. I IOCS-Hog hupplles this morning were rather disappointing, falling by sixty mil or more lo come up tu expectations. At that, though, receipts were iincnu, somo 2:i4 cars, or I8.OU11 head, being r porled in. This Is larger than a week ago by .V"i. is 14.000 heavier than two weeks ago, and a pain of l'LOO head over the corn (..muling (lays last year. Actual receipts al Chicago also fell short of the cstlniale, and as early ad vices from that point were of an encour agalng iiHtuie, sellers priced their droves at a flat dune advance right frouJMlie tart, some even asking more than That. Shipper started the ball rolling by tak ing good hogs of butcher and heavy weights at flat 1"C higher prices, paying around a.C.VtW.Tn for the big end of their droves, and as high as K' 75 on mora than one occasion. Packer trade got off t,, s slow start again today. Killer buyers on first rounds turned up their noses at hogs offered on a 10c higher basis, hut little by little raised their offers until a few hogs final y began moving at fully 1"C hlgtier prices. I hey tried to hold values to this level, hut the heavy demand from all quarters could have only one effect, and the market continued to tin prove as the morning advanced. The lute trade was the best, manv of the late sales being fully 15c higher than Monday. Contrary to the general rule, there was no not livable weakness on the close and everything was cleaned up In good sea- wi'i. Hulk of the sales landed at I" 6 75 the latter price being tho highest paid Iteprcsentstlve sales New Nebraska Post masters. WASHINGTON. Jan. 10 (Special Tele, gram. Nebraska postmasters appointed: Hlake, Oarfleld county, Mrs Rosle Hart hel. vice Emma S. fmlth, resigned: Tonwanda. Holt county, J hn H. Jonas, vice Henry Hookstia, failed to qualify. Brother of I. ale Pope Dead. ROME. Jan. 10. Angelo 8arto, only brother of the late Pope Plus X, is dead at the age of 79 years. For years lie was the posimasUT of the village of Urazle. Na. 57.. (., 7k.. tt . U.. 12 53. At. . -lf ..It .170 . 2! . XA . S4U ..1M Ha. PT. ... 4 SO ... ID ... n m . 40 4 10 ... it. No. 71. kt., TO. , M pigs. At. . IUI ..Ml ..1S.1 ..VI ..Ul a. Pr. t 5 on bS 4 70 n'4 1 7 Liverpool tiraln Market. t nn-nnooi. T . 1 1 T.-TT ..' k nr' cnr.l No. i Manitoba. 1.1s 4; No. 2, i:ta 3d; No! S, 13s: No, 2 hard winter, new, 12 hVtd. t OllN "'pot American mixeu, new, jus 6i. kill 4. 10.1 1.700 47.100 11. MO 4t.l' 2na l.aoo 1.SIM I, .v tl I'fl S.ROO 44.M10 4.WI0 400 1.4(a) II. 000 I I'm l.jno 4. Soil jm I Ml 7(10 I. ton l.noo 14, led r.000 'i'sno 1.400 1.400 t. 1.700 l.ion S"0 1 4"n 27.ii 41 1 (too l.fea mn $.00 "rwwi mo l.noo l.fcw u ao I.M0 4,000 47 s HI Ms ION', 1I2 llt 2m 1 lin, (M,. 4 117 M'4 174, S4 4 14 1t 100 US Va MH 4'v4 61 4 ' i"4 17S 116 49 14 1071, 47 10i, &!, VJtl MH 'ii 1 sv, i n " 1M lt'i Clnni. If.'. M (rfl toai 11$ 114 147 am, l'l 10.'.', M 415 MS IM' 1771, US U loo l.U 17'i MS ', M4 '44'vi 41 IrO'a 124V, 47 ES 10714 19 4V, loa Ml ia 114 37H tm 47 4 1,V4 1 44 H 1IW lir.'i 9,60l mo 4, 100 4 son T.son 1 400 1.HI0 SO. 000 Moo 1.600 T.yo 1 lOl.noo I, am too 17.KO0 M0 TOO .!O0 International Marina fwt. 24.900 Total sales fnr tha day, 445,000 share. Mr, r.4 MV, 6J', W! V4 l.-.T 0S 6l, 1.7S W'4 fc' I1TH TH MV, T "J 440 T'4 M i M4', tii 41 4 no ?! 1.'. J k l:.7; 2', U1 7 MV4 (iS 7t) 4MI S04. 7v, ' bt ui liMl, III'. 11.1 17 ;m. a litti', P..'.'. S4 II.. Ml, 17;i, 5 I . V' 1.1 J', 17' S5V, 4i; M, US 4i, 41 171 124 47H M 107 S lS 4tiV lnv S" SO UHI4 114 717 li', a UI 47 rK 101, 77. V, llS iU'i 12 4(1 Mi 104S SC. .Vi. tKI 10l, !'.S r: S17S v.: .1V, r..e, 117S S '' Metal Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 11. METALS Iad, $5 90. Spelter, not uuoted. Copper: Steadv; electrolytic, $23.754r24.i3. Iron: Steady and unchanged. Tin: Quiet at $4.15 bid. At London Copper: Spot IM l.s; fu tures, 4 15s; electrolytic, 114. Tin: Spot, 17$ os; futures. 174 10s. Anti mony, 125. Lead, .11. Spelter. 90. agar Market. NEW YORK. Jan. H.-SCQAR Rs w, steady; centrifugal, 4. 1WJ4. 52c; molasses, 3.rien3.75c; rerined. easy, 20 points lower; cut loaf. 6.85c; crushed, 6.55c: mould A, 6.20c; cubes, Cc; XXXX powdered, S.SOc; powdered. 5.S5c.4 tine granulated, 5 7.': diamond A, 5.V5c; confectioners' A. ft. 65c; No. 1, 6.50c. Futures opened very quiet today and at noon prices were a point or two sbov last night's closing. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Jan 11 MERCANTILE AI'KH-IViii per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Sixty - day bills. $4 7I4: demand. $4 7ti; cables $4 7i.. SILVER-liar, u(Hc; Mexican dollars. 45c. hdnph tiovernmeni. easy; railroad. Irregular. TIME LOANS Firm: slxlv days. 2,v 2 per cent; ninety days. 2 per cent, six months, 2Vn:i per cent. ( ALL MONEY-Steady; high. percent; low, 14 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent: last loan. Z per cent; closing bid, l per cent; offered al 2 ler rent. Closing quolatlnna on bonds today were as fallows: . l;M. K I T 1t a.. 77 . Mo. I'll-, ry. 6a 44 .1011 N. V C. orh. (ta.... 77 .101 M. Y. t'lty 4H IKV, 1(44 N. V. 4t au 4a....luv, MR. WHEAT GROWER (rr wtu vat tov to tn-raiTxaATa '"DLUEOTEM WHEAT" 1 ', UmxttlUJ hr ffiucthmu. Stmt Sfraw, iVa-5J.lrri Qmmlitim aat MHUmg tSra 'Halls all tha yar raund at from luhsir nukl I man Mian Na. I Kiaarl la Taeaata an4 aUatti. It milll (laOSas your ayaa te aaraonallr axaala "Blnasttsm Wheat," and far your eaWTsnlsne J will mall aoiall saoipl tor lbc: ar 10 lb. bT Par eal Post far 41 00 I. A. XoOXB, The Bins. Urn Whaavt Kan, Spaaoar, Waahlng-toa. f. H. rt. a, r. do eoupon II. tt. a. ras do ooupoo tt. 4a. re (to minion fanama Sa nnupnn Am. KmeltTra ia. . A T aV T a. 44.lor do 3a Armmir m. .. MK O R U Atrhtfion run. 4.... Hal oi In 4a . I'aclltr Ut 1 lira, a iln 4 .a.. II U !.(- .. M I H P I 44s . R. I P. r. 4a. (' a n r.f. 4'a .. . D. a It. (I. rat. 1st.. Krl .n. 4a (10. toiaisrir 6a 111. No 1 4V4a III. (an rrf 4a . . . K . (' Ho. rat. U N. tint. 4a.... Hid. II. A H. II" N. Y.. N. 101 V4 CT. fm Ill No. Pai-irio 4a ref. 4. (fir. T. T ia. 02 Ptinn. oon. 4Sa. ov do ran. 4Sa IV". nadln trn. 4". 14 M 1. H K . 1. 1'12-V, Ho I'ar. r. Urn. do rrf 4a 7 So. IUiIwhv 5 6't4l'nln I'a.lflo la 744, d ct 4 1" . g. Huhhar ta K Htl 6a "!) M. Wahaah lal tm W fnlon 4 !HlWo1. Wac. ct. .It ... ...;. .. lonii ...Kii'. .. loi'S . . in, 4. 7 3V4 ...107V. ... art ...IO.H, ... 7S ... i V .. loavt ...14 loss IOl 4S I I SHEEP Arrivals of sheep and lambs were only alaiiit half as large as Mon day's receipts and showed about the usual Tuesday volume for this time of year, rxttmutes called for thirty-nine cars, or 9.5Ki head, putting the total fnr the week to date at 27.414 head, as sgslnst 27,tio2 last week, l).4nl two weeks ago, and 711 :"76 a year ago. Tho lamb trade has fully recovered from the effects of yesterday's heavy run, and buyers were all anxious for to day's more moderate supply. The msr kel 0 !ned out on a l"n 15c higher basis, and on occasions was thought to be even more than that. Shippers paid as high as $10.10 early In the day, and packers lutef bought lambs at the same figure. Loral Mocks aari Bonds. Quotation furtilaliad by Puma. Hrinker a Co., 44 (aiiaha Nalluuul Uiiik building Omaha. Nrtt: Mora. llnl. AakaU. Hankarc Mortfaa lxiao II lo 4ntlnrSal (iiu. a Klatrl pfd 70 'i-V hreislaa ilnUI Co. a boon (Font).. iV KJS Kalnuout Traniary Co. pld ia m Tiri National hajik. Otnuiia XfiO 4e0 l.lnr"ln T a T nm 7 pr cent i tl Mountain glalra T. 4 T 1"7', 1 ' I, Nw Slats T. td 47', JV, Nva-H-hnalder-Kowlar (fc wl y Omaha A Oduik II Bl'lffa Ht. Hr p'd . 70 1: oniana a ' Hlufla Hr. a Bnlla, pld (si k farkard Mnor (ar la.. 1 r. pli..l"J lm l'lra Mill u Pfd f. lull Slum t'lir 4ito-4i Yda. t par rant pfd. 7(4j M t'nlua HttH-k Yard slues 7 U1 Bnnrla IIT ot Omala ftrhoot 4V,a. 145 103 M Chrnna "oiliitr. Nab.. 4a. 11 V, poualaa hocunua u. a-". (Saiv Lavs) N For Sprains. Lame Muscles Absorhine, Jr., brings quick relief. Keep It always at hand for instant use. Athletes use Absorblne, Jr., for the mus cle that has been strained, for the cut or laceration that runs a chance of In fection; for the abrasion that pains and the limbs that are stiff and lame from over-exertion. Walter Johnson, the famous pitcher of the Washington Americans, says: "Absorblne, Jr., Is a first-class liniment and rub-down for tired muscles. I have used it myself to advantage and can heartily recommend it to ball players everywhere." Absorblne. Jr., la a concentrated anti septlo liniment only a few drops re quired at an application. It is safe and pleasant to use leaves no greasy residue. Sold by most druggists, $1.00 and $2.00 a bottle or postpaid. Liberal trial bottle for loo In stamps. W. V. YOUNG. P. D. V. 104 Temple St. Springfield, Mass. I.iuroln Traction ha. 184. I.lacoln Tal. A Tal. . 1 Montraal T. a P. Co. Ha. 114 Matropotltan Ga (a 141 Omaha R. U 4V P. r. hm. 13J oniaha c H m Hr IK I'hcIII" US- E. 4a. lS4'i poltawatlamts (a . la., na IMS Hmlntn TvTwrltar Co. 4a. 14 . . Hoeky Ml. Kul 4a. IMS. and bonu. Had (loud. Nal... 4S. 1W lu Il T Tl4hon a. 1924 Kl. KVanrla lvaa l)la.. Mo., 4a. 140. W'k hlU I'nloa bio. k Tarda to. 1934 . m -'44 M "V, 4 17 71 4 lOTtj 7 ft J4 1 7 1 It'V lnO lVi 104 U ev lot 1 Thous H rw ti Thousands of Fine SUITS and OVERCOATS at Half Price