Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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ALFRED NOTES has corns and
We learn that ho Is not
JLJl. He Is Just plain Mr. Noyes and no "sir" nor "lady" about
himself and his wife after all we were promised by some of the
Omaha newspapers.
It seems that the majority of the
signment to cover Mr. Noyes' little reading Friday afternoon at the Hotel
Fontenelle. wrote more of his phystral make-up, his height, his hair, and
so on. as If the illustrious author of "The Wine Press" had been the latest
running horse to cut a record or a price
It all goes to show that we are very
sight, and it Is still Buffalo Bill and Maxlne Elliot who can draw the crowd
every time.
1 personally am enchanted with the criticism of Mr. Noyes made by a
smart Omaha matron, famed for the charming tricks her tongue can turn
tor her circle.
"I'm In love with Noyes reading," she said, "he fascinated me be
tause he read poetry like a plumber.
And she bullded wiser than she knew. There is an East Side plumber
with a little shop In Second avenue, New York, who can read lines that
end the cold shivers down one's vertebrae. ,
It Is the men who live with the elemental things of life who know
whet lines mean, and who feel them.
Did you ever see a scrap book whose leaves were rouehed by the horny
bands that often turned them over?
It is such a scrap book that Is surest to be filled with the best and
finest poems published In our newspapers and magazines. And it Is good
to hear the fellow who pasted them there read them. He'd have little
trouble keeping his audience could he get one.
Drexel-Colwell Wedding.
Mrs. Edna Colwslt, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fredrick A Oouldlna; of Chicago,
will be married to Mr. rrank Frederick
Drrsel. this evening at 8 o'clock at ti
home of the bridegroom s sister, Mrs ner room by Illness.
John Harte. Rev. Dr. Oliver D. Baltiley, I Mr. C. V. Warfleld of the public achool
rector of Kountie Mataor!at church. of-.,board la quite 111 and confined to his
fklatlng. Owing to the advanced years rom
of the mother of the bridegroom. Mrs I MJ" r raiicos uillman. granddaughter
Fred Dre.el. only the member, of the '' Richard leave, this even-
h. niwiAnt. .nd a verv.ln" rr 1 ",rl. 1 e P-nt at the
lV"l " .!,.. a,. I
The brtde weir a gown of pink
satin, hand embrldered In pink "chrysan
themums, skirt short and full, with gold
lace drapery, caught with brilliants, pink
pumps, and hair bound low with pink
band covered with brilliant.. A cor.ago
bouquet of pink sweet peas and llllet
of tha valley will be vim.
Tha muslo will be given by Mis. Helen
Chase of Uncoln, on the violin, accom
panied by Miss Ruth Harts on the piano.
After the marriage eeiemony, Mr..
Harte, a Minted by members of tha bride.
I room's family, will serve a buffet supper.
Mr. snd Mrs. Drexel will be at horns
sfter February 15, at 1011 North Thirty
fourth street.
To Honor Miss Cudahy.
Mr. and Mrs, Roaencrsns Baldwin srs
to entertain st dinner preceding the bsll
which Mrs. Charles F. Spalding of
I'liicago will glvs on Wednesday at
the Klarkatonn for her son, Vaughan's,
fiancee, Mlaa Florence Cudahy. A num
ler of other dinners are scheduled for
the sama night at various homes and at
the Hlacsstnna. Tha wedding of Miss
Cudahy and Mr. Bpalding Is set for Jan
uary 23.
Dundee Dancing Club.
The second dance of tha Dundee
1 lancing club was held at Harte hall
Friday evening. Hereafter Oil. club will
hold its dances every other week. The
committee in charge was Leslie Wil
liams and Blrney Miller. Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Gilchrist. Mrs. S. R. Rush and Mr.
and Mra. E. B. Perrlgo acted as chaper
on. Tboss present were:
Mlasea Misses
Margaret Fordyce, Iiorotliy Arter,
l ldu. I-ancdon.
KHiabeth Ferriso.
Catherine Conrad,
Kathleen Germain,
Kuth Cooper,
Krilth Hamilton,
ciriea Browne,
Margaret Robling,
Velieia i'resson,
Kthel Plel,
Margaret Wright.
Martha Ouger,
T'lilllp (iray.
Iwrnce llogue.
liob Keeeler,
I 'an Woodward,
Mvinaon Kale,
A nicely n Rueh,
Margaret Williams,
Hasel Turner,
Penelope Hamilton,
Harriet Warner,
Marlon Brown,
Myme Ullrhriat.
Mildred Hamilton,
Florence Fs.tmelter.
Helen Wahl,
Taul fcUmuel.on,
M. H. Jones,
Hlrney Miller,
Fred Klewlt.
H. H. Bller.
Ward Hiowna,
r-am Wlllarrt,
Iwrenca Mci'ague, C. F. Rtiac.he,
i. f. Biinoerianil,
Frank Pareooa.
Parthnld Htedi.iHer,
J. Aiwmon,
Merle Curt!.
J. Arthur Klein,
M. Morse,
Edgar Johnson,
Ueurse Cooper.
W. H. Teteraen.
Ieslle Williams,
For Miss Callahan.
Mrs. Chsrles Kountie will have give a
bridge-luncheon at her home Wedneaday
sftetyioon for Mlaa Charlotte Callahan,
whose marriage to Mr. Quenlln Twacht
man will be anlemnlaed st Grace church
chantry. New York Clly, Thursday, Jsn
tiary 30.
Thursday afternoon, Mrs. rtobert Din
ning will give a tea to the younger set,
from 4 to S o'clock. In honor of Mlas
The dance of ths Crelghton t'nlveralty
Miser club, which wss to bs given Tues
dsy evening at the Hotel Fontenelle. has
been postponed Indefinitely out of defer
ence to ths memory of Bishop flcennell.
Today's Events.
Ir. and Mrs. J. K. Bummers entertain
this evening st dinner, followed by s
bos party at the Boyd. v
Ths Monday Drama .class met this
morning with MUs Kste McHugh.
Lincoln Notes.
Mies Cstherine Kennedy will be mar
ried Wednesday at the cathedral, to Mr.
John Quintan of Omaha.
Mrs. K. 8. Putnam of Omaha, Is th
gueet of Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Putnam.
Past Events.
Mlas Sophia Rauber entertained the
Les Amies Whlat club Saturday after
noon at ber home. Prisea were won by
Mrs. II. M. Barr and Mrs. J. M. Uer
bsrd. t
Stork Special
A dsughter was born Sundsy evening
tt Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Dooley. Mrs.
Dooley was formerly Miss Lola Klnyon.
Social Gossip.
Mra Ludovle R. Crofoot left Saturday
evening for Chicago and la expected
home Thursday morning.
kiis Katharine 2wlnnell arrived Aun
.ly morning to be the gue.t of Mlaa
l.:iiU-ih Davia.
tia. John II. Beaton Is aspecting Mlas
Mttry Huline of Chicago Tuesday morn-
Monday, January 10, 1916.
knighted after all.
reporters, who were given the as
Angora cat.
much the minions of the sense of
Personal Mention.
Alias Blanrha Rorensen has sons ssst
to spend some time In Philadelphia, Bos
ton and New York, whro she la hearing
grand opera.
Mrs. K. W. Nash Is still confined to
"Mln of her courfn. Mr. Richard V.
Jobst, and Miss Kathleen Caaln.
Falls from Street Car
and Fractures Skull
John linger of Mlndeti. Is., fell from
a moving street car at Twenty-alxth and
O streets at I a. m. and, suffered a
i fractured akull. He Is being attended at
the South Bide hospital snd Is reported
ss being In a critical condition. Mr.
linger arrived Sunday evening with a
toad of hogs and was on his way to the
market when he wss Injured.
Oar Jitney Offer Tbla aad So.
Pon't mias this. Cut out this .lip, en
close with So and mail it to Foley A Co..
Chicago, 111., writing your name and ad
dress, clearly. You will receive In return
a trial package containing Foley'. Honey
and Tar compounds, for coughs, colds
and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain
In sides and back, rheumatism, backache,
kidney and bladder ailments, and Foley
Cathartic Tablet., a wholesome snd
thoroughly cleansing cathartic, . for con
stlpation, biliousness, headache and slug
gish bowels. Sold everywhere Advertise
A dramatic club has been organised
among the young Lithuanians In South
Omaha, the officers for which are Wll
Ham Babalsuakaa, president; Miss Kats
Basar, vies president; Mrs. George 11. 1
unaa, aecretary, and Miss Minnie Redeckl,
treesurer. George Bjlunas Is the coach snd
Is drilling the thirty members of tha club
for a play which will be presented
shortly sfter Raster.
The dramatic club has been active In
work for the Lithuanian relief fund an.1
also maintain, a library of T.ithuanlnn
fcngllnh books at the home of MUs
Redeckl. Meetings sre held the first Fri
day of each month at Okroroaa hall,
Thirty-sixth and Q streets.
Over 1.000 are numbered in the South
Bide Llthunlan community and the spirit
of organisation is strong within them.
The B. V. B., a singing society has or
ganised recently alao. There la the Lithu
anian Alliance of America and St. An
thony's society of tha Lithuanian church,
presided over by Fster George Jonaltlg.
- -i-irin 'iriri r.n
KAift comaa opt? j
- - -ri., --ii-in n.ruuu
Dandruff cause, a feverish Irritation of
(the scalp, ths hair roots shrink, looaen
and then the hair comes out fast. To
top falling hair at once and rid tha scslp
of every particle of dandruff, get a Si
cent bottle of Danderlne at any drug
store, pour a little In" your hand and rub
It Into the scalp. After a few application,
the hair .top. coming out and you can't
find any dandruff. Advertisement.
It is not necessary to shampoo quite
so frequently If your hair la properly
clesnsed each time by u.a of a really
good shampoo. The easle.t to u.s and
MunrRi urying anampoo that we can
recommend to our readers may bs pre
pared very cheaply by dissolving a tea
spoonful of canthrox, obtained from your
drugglat. In a cup of hot water. This
rubbed Into the scalp creates a thick
lather, soothing and cooling tn its action,
as well as very beneficial to scalp and
hair. After rinsing, the scalp Is fresh
snd clean, while the hair dries quickly
snd evenly, developing a bright luster
snd a soft fiufflness that makes It seem
very heavy. Advertisement
Curling Hair Like ThU
Promotes Its Health
For those whose hair la straight and
lank nothing better could be recummend-
q than the silmerlne method. This In
sures a beautiful curlineaa which la per-
recur natural in appearance, and t0
health of the hair la not affected aa
where the heated Iron I. used. A few
ounce, of liquid allmerinw which ran of
course to bad at any drug store last, a
long time, ao It la quits economical to
use. It is pleaaant to use, too. being
neither sticky nor greasy, and la easily
applied with a clean tooth brush. The
hair should be moistened lbs full length
wior. retiring.
The' p7"wavy effect , evidence In
hr'y "mpVu'th1: JlrTtl
'he liquid alo serves aa an excellent '
Irvsaliig, giving the hair a dellahlfU
new Canadian coins, now ordered, will bear the profile of
Mrs. Reba Porter of Island Heights, N. J., a well known
model in the New York studios. Numismatists claim these
coins will be the most artistic ever issued.
r (A .V"
v - - v V
7VV . , -. . fc - , ft ;j g
...:!. S.: : ? - k iff jr
Services for Pioneer Held at St.
Patrick's Church, Where He
Attended Forty Years
From the church of St. Patrick, in
whose parish he had lived for forty
years and of which church he was a
trustee st the time of his death, the
funeral of John Power, pioneer and
former sheriff wag held yesterday
Preliminary services were held st ths
home, 181.1 South Tenth street. Burial
wa. In Holy Bepulcher cemetery.
Rev. Teter Gannon, prleat of Pt. TtX
rlck's parish, celebrated the requiem
mass, and waa assisted by Rev, Father
Ktonann and Rev. Father Slnne. Father
Ktenson preached the funeral sermon.
Many old friends and acquaintances of
Oet a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea, or as ths Oermsn folks call
It, "Hamburger Bruit Thee," at any
pharmacy. Take a tableapoonful of ths
tea. put a cup of boiling v ater upon It,
pour through a sieve and drink a teacup
full at any time. It I. ths most effective
way to break a cold and cure grip, as
It opens the pores, relieving conge.tion.
Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking
a cold at onoe.
It Is Inexpensive and entirely vegetable,
therefore harmless. Advertisement.
Nut. ! rtu Wna"i U7 mr. Prlim tH W
tnd u t.Urd. IUtlv to bolt t. chMit. Highly
Snuk4 tnanaoMi Wkadoa. LUriiw t!iir)lllr
tr. I'arriMl in .lack ukk Mlil4 Wlr..ti
Ale. MuU lluM f J
an4ua. Wnt tui&y.
INK lk ttnti. aawaa. Clly. Me.
10 Experienced Furni
ture Salesmen. Apply be
fore 8 A. M. Tuesday.
Rubel Furniture Co.
That'a the Sixe
of Our Staff
SUg-uturea and drawlBgs
of all desorlpUQDs. awe
(oaeUia; P a. t ograpbs,
rebmUdiBar vlotarea, aaA
all kinds of art work.
:;ha im;s,
At Tear rtlsja.
Bee Engraving Dept.
Vhoas Tyler 1000
I I - !
i . i i, .f I;
HrV T. himi . n" "fLi
the well known pioneer attended the
funeral, the deceased having lived In
Omaha since 1870 and taken a prominent
part in huines. and political affairs..
Pallbearers were: Honorary, James P.
iCngllsh, T. F. Moloney, P. C. Heafcy,
John Ru.h, Andrew Murphy and Richard
O'Keefe; active, Patrick Kgan, John Gar
vey, C. E. rarsons, James Roach, T. J.
Flynn, Joseph 8herry. ,
Don't Kealeet Conaha or Colds.
Dr. King's New Discovery should be In
every home, for coughs and colds. Chil
dren and aged like It. EOc. All druggists.
Read Ths Bee Want Ads. It pays!
Women's Lisle Thread and
Fine Cotton Hosiery. In black
an4 white fall fashioned,
spliced soles, heels and toes,
wide doable frarter tops. Odd
lots from the Black Cat Hos
lery Co. Reiralar 26c y r
quality, special, pair. .I'jW
Those Fine 29c Hose
Women's SUk Boot and
Fiber Hosiery, fashioned and
seamless i double lisle garter
tops, relnferoed heels and
toes with double soles. 60c
3uauty, special, mes
sy, pair
25c Handkerchief!, 10c
Hen's and Women's AIL
Linen Handkerchiefs, plain
hemstitched some have In
Itlals, others embroidered.
Worth to 26c, special, oa
biff bargain square, JQ,
Crocheted Clippers
Women's Crocheted Slip."
pers, all sises, rolled topt
red, bine and lavender eel
ors. Hi and $1-60 values,
ffr vrtZ' 89c
Table Damask
Fnll bleached. In the mer
cerlsed finish t the quality of
wear. All tery prewy p
" terns. 64 and 64 Inches
wide. Special,
Knit Underwear
Misses' and Children's
Fleeced Cotton Tests, Ankle
rants to match, worth tor 26c,
on sale In the base Jlr
ment, garment laVjC
Knit Underwear
Women's Vnion Suits, me.
dlam and fleecy lined cot
ton broken lots and C()
slses, worth 110 OVL
Felt Shoes and 81ippers
Women's Felt Shoes and
.Uppers, with felt soles.
Worth to 76c, sale OCr
price, pair WW
Slumber Slippers
Women's Slumber Slippers,
all slses. 2&e and 86e val
ues, oa sale Tuesday, gg
Sofa Pillows
Stamped and Tinted Rofa
Pillow i. In floral and con.
ventlonal designs. fr
26e values
Storm Ala&kas
Women's Storm Alaska, all
slses. Worth IL soe. 1Q
rial. Tuesday, pair....
I '
Proprietor Will Be Called to Ac
count for Sales to Person of
Whom He is Advised.
The city council committee of the
whole recommended (or passage an
ordinance introduced by Commis
sioner Jardine and designed to bold
saloon proprietors responsible for the
sale of liquors to any persons of
whom they have been advised by
husband, wife, relative, guardian
or business partner."
Mr. Jardine explained to the council
that the primary purpose of the measure
was to protect" certain men and their
famllle. and he expreaiied the belief that
the ordinance could not be used for black
mall. I think It Is a good ordinance," said
the mayor.
The person notifying a saloon keeper
Significant you never find a drug
gist, anywhere, who is out of
Pre part J by a Doctor of Dental Sargtry
Send 2c stamp today for a generous trial package of either
Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder or Dental Cream.
I. W. Lyon & Sons, 077 W. 27th St., N. Y. City
Petroleum Coke
All heat, no dust, no ash.
Everburn al
H Careful
H Drivers
All Sizes CLEAN HOT LASTING The Coal for Every Purpose.
Per Ton.
McCaffrey Bros.
ing Coal.
Per Ten
$5.00 .
120 South 17th.
Tyler 40.
saaWsswsjsjssjsjliW W HM
January White Sale
'Bleached Sheet, Sheeting.
Muslins. Domestics. Etc.
This merchandise stands out strong as one of the big
value-giving features of the "White Sale. Being merchan
dise of every-day utility, women know what values are and
we know that thousands have already testified their ap
proval as customers.
FINE BLEACHED SHEETS Heavy round thread qual
ity, made from good grade, reliable sheeting, similar to Lock-
wood. Three-inch hems, torn
63x99-Inch 72x99-Inch 81x90-Inch 81x99-Inch
53 Each. 57 Each. 59 Each. 65 Each-45x36-Inch
1 aTTTe J 42x36-Inch
12t2 Each. J SLIPS 1 liy2 Each.
1-4 Brown Sheeting:, full standard
make, extra welg-ht, full SI to
Inches wide. 3e value, at yard . . . 0 C
42x36 and 46-86-Inch Bleached Pil
low Slips, (rood quality, soft y
finish. Each 1-fC
86-Inch Bleached Muslin, extra fine
quality, free from dressing. Fnll bolts
to select from, Tuesday,
at yard OfC
86-Inch Unbleached Durham L. L.
SheetlnB. extra weight, soft finish.
Fnll bolts. 7c value, specially Cr
priced, yard UW
86-la. Superfine" 5o. 600 Lentrloth,
fine soft finish, for underwear, cor
set coTers, etc. 10 value,
sale price, yard
Tuesday's Silk Bargains
Three special items marked at .010 prices
as an additional inducement to visit the largest
silk store west of Chicago.
40-Inch SUk and Wool
Poplins, splendid
weight, soft finish t In
all the new colorings.
Worth tl, special f.Qr
Tuesday, vard...,Uyi
40-1 n. Silk Bedford ford
Suiting, extra heavy, very
soft supple finish t Just the
material for your spring
salt. A bargain at 70
11.601, special, yard. . f ?C
Our January Sale of Waists Continued
muet serve the notice in such manner ss
to properly Identify the person to whom
liquors shall not be sold. Further explana
tion was made that if this ordinance Is
psased a saloon proprietor will not be
able to escape liability by saying he in
structed his employes and did not know
of the sale.
There was not a word of objection to
the ordinance.
Fifty-eight years ago Monday Rev. B. A.
D 1 Ml., it, hi. M
married In Hill. N. H. Now Mr. Russel 1.
9t years old snd Mrs. R'leaei lsT9, and
they sre celebrating their flfty-elghth
wedding anniversary In Omaha with their
son-in-law. W. B. Howard. 472J Capitol
avenue. They are spending the winter
with Mr. Howard.
The three judges of the municipal court
have written to the city commigeloners
asking that arrangement be made for
quarters for the municipal court in the
court house bulld'ng. The law requires
the city to provide and maintain quarters.
Bernice Coal
(Southern Anthracite) Com
fortable Furnace Coal.
Per Ten
and ironed, bale price
86-Inch Bleached Muslin and Cam
bric, ions; serviceable lengtasr- 1
Values to 10c, yard JJw
27-Inch Krinkle Seersuckers, all the
wanted blue and white, pink and
white, and tan and whtto stripes.
Good quality, 12 He Talue, 71,
yard T-
27-Inch Fancy Ontlnir Flannel, fine,
soft, fluffy nap. Extra weight, fXr,
10c value, yard OjC
27-Inch Dress Zephyrs, neat checks
and stripes. All the leading staple
grades values to 10c, 71
yard 7-
Hlghly Mercerised Black Sateen, 86
Inches wide, Bookfold. Fast black,
hand loom woven. le value, Y)n
sale price Tuesday, yard laVJV.
Mill Ends of Georgette
Crepes, Chiffons, etc., in all
colors. Lengths from 1 to
2) yards. Regular fUO
and $1.76 qualities, 7 "
special Tuesday, yd. I DC
Is Your House a Homo or
is it a collection of brick walls,
carpets, chairs and tapestries?
Make it a home by serving for
breakfast Shredded Wheat,
the food of health and
strength. Being ready-cooked
it is so easy to prepare a
delicious meal with Shredded
WVieat In a fem mi'ntiffie,
I ' ... - W "
! Contains all the gOOdnCSS Of
i , , .
We WriOle Wheat better
tUan DOrride-eS for children Or
lim" "UgCS IUr CnUUTen OT
grown-ups. Made at Niagara
Falls, N. Y.
When scarlet fever and other
epldemica are abroad milk Is
one of the worst carriers of
disease germs. Even "so
called" clean dairies may
carry the disease to your
home unless the milk Is pas
Is "milk scientifically treated
by heat until all disease germs
are eliminated and it is ren
dered entirely safe.
If you will visit our Sunlight
liairy we will cheerfully show
you the process bv which wo
make your fnllk safe for your
self and children. We are
happy to know we are not en
dangering lives with our milk.
and Leavenworth
10 Experienced Furni
ture Salesmen. Apply be
fore 8 A. M. Tuesday.
Rubel Furniture C0.
jt -p-S. fS"eTi8'l!w.
Down OomforU
Satin, silk and atn oov
ered down filled comforts at
Reduced Prices.
$ 7.00 ralues at. . . .S 5.00
$ 9.00 values at . . . .8 6.50
11200 raluee at.... 8 9.00
tlMMJ values at.... 812.00
$20.00 values at.... 815.00
Chase Plush Lap Robes
Also Wool Auto Bobes at
Bed need Prices.
7.00 values at..
10JKI values at. .
112.00 values at..
I HUM) values at..
Silk Lined Cashmere
2-riasp, in black or chamois
color. Should sell at 2o a
pair Tuesday, while a 11m-
ilea quantity lasts,
Hemstitched Cloths
Mad of a fine quality mer
eeriaed damask, all In very
pretty patterns hemetltehed
all around f sise 63x68 Inches.
Beirular $1.26 aa
cloths, each 31.UU
All-Linen Towels
Hemstitched, wtili Jacquard
borders made of fine quality
German buck, 18x36 Inches
and 0x40 Inches. OZn
Tuesday, each LoL
Special Ford Radiator
That rarer the eatlr ltx4
and fraat, aad aava a as aad
nlleaaei ha,r leatker rala
farerd. Ther aril ff m An
reaalarly at SS. Bale I
Her, eaek ,,u
Hemstitched Scarfs
Mercerised Scarfs, all pretty
patterns, with hemstitched
pnds. Our 25c num- in
ber, each IV C
Women's 2-Clasp Kid
Broken lots of higher-priced
lined. Specially priced for
Tuesday, to sell , cq
quickly, at, pair OL
Stamped Centerpieces
On pure Irish linen 86
Inch klse, floral and Madeira
designs, fl and 11.26 HZr
values, special I
Army Blankets
Extra lleavr Dark Gray
Arasy Blaaketa. welaht Iba.
each. Strictly all timm wal
filled. Slae aOxSO ma r(
laehea. Ralarly , 24.3U
warth SS. each v
Stamped Quest Towels
Made of Turkish Toweling
some with colored in
borders. 26c values 1UC
Fancy Flower Baskets
In plain and color. Bas
ket that sold up to 1Q
60c, choice for 17
11 IgMsMWslsMWMsmaPWs
S 8.50
glcMMk Advertisement.