Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Indigestion and
s Stomach Misery
i Just Vanishes
? i
The moment "Pape's Diapep
sin" reaches the stomach
all distress goes.
Instantly stops any sourness,
gases, heartburn, acidity,
"Really does" put bad stomach In order
"really does'' overcome Indigestion,
dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness
In five minutes that Just that makes
tape's Ptaperetn the lamest sell Inn
stomach regulator In the world. If what
you eat ferments Into stubborn lumps,
you belch gas and eructate sour, undi
gested food and acid; head Is dlsiy and
actus; breath foul; tongue coated; vour
iiieldes filled with bile and Indigestible
waste, remember the moment 'Tape's
lHapepsIn" comes In contact with the
ptomnch all such distress vanishes. It's
! truly astonishing almost marvelous, and
tne joy Is its harmlessness.
A Urge flftv-cent case of Pane's Ils
peprln will rive you a hundred dollats'
worth of satisfaction or your druggisl
hands you your money back.
! It's -vorth Its weight In gold to men
'and women who can't get their stomachs
lenulated. It belongs In your horn -should
slwsvs be kept handy In case of
a sick, sour, upset stomach during the
day or night It's the quickest, surest
'and most harmless stomach regulator In
the world.
Pape's Dtapepsin instantly neutralises
the acids of the stomach, stops food fer
mentation or souring, absorbs gases and
i start the digestion. The relief Is quick,
aure, wonderful stomach sufferers hava
e. pleasant surprise awaiting them. Advertisement.
You'll need a Wardrobe Trunk.
Anyone who knows wardrobe
trunks knows that a
Is the last word in workmanship
and oonTenienoea.
tes trrr top make every
garment as aeeeeatble aa the first.
la another feature.
Every trunk has REINFORCED
edgea and Is fibre covered.
OUR $20 and $25
Hartmann'a are beauties: and we
also have higher priced ones.
Freling & Steinle
"Omaha's Beat Barrage Builder"
1803 Farnam
W. H. C. Woodhurst of North Platte
and C. C. Swijjart of Sheridan
County in Eace.
Guttery in Lincoln
to Answer Charges
Peace or War Meeting ,No Matter
Which. Will Be Held at Lin
coln Tonight.
It's Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets For
Yon! , .
Beware of the habit of constipation. It
develops from Just a few constipated
days, unless you lake yourself in hand.
Coax the jaded bowel muscles back to
normal action with Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Don't
force them to unnatural action with
severe medicines or by merely flushing
out the Intestines with nasty, sickening
Dr. Edwards believes In gentleness,
persistency and Nature's assistance.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets open the
bowels; their action is gentle, yet posi
tive. There Is never any pain or grip
ing when Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
ate used, just tne aina or treatment
old persons should have.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a vege-
able compound mixed with olive oil, you
will know them by their olive color.
Take one or two occasionally and have
no trouble with your liver, bowels or
stomach, 10c snd lo per box. All drug
The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus,
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Jan. 10.-oSneclaI.)-W. H.
C. Woodhurst of North Hatte will be a
candidate for the republican nomination
for representative from the seventy-seventh
district, composed of the counties
of Keith. Lincoln and Dawson.
Mr. Woodhurst was one of the sub
stantial members of tho last legislature
and was exceedingly popular with his fel
low members, not only among republic
ans, but those of the opposite political
faith. Mr. Woodhurst did not waste
much time talking, but got there Just the
same when It came to good work. His
filing reached the office of the secretary
of state this morning.
Another filing which came in was that
of C. C. Swlgart of (Sheridan county, who
files for the republican nomination from
the Seventy-third district, composed of
the counties of Sheridan and Box Butte,
represented In the last session by Frank
M. Broome of Alliance, democrat, who
will not be a candidate for re-election,
having been appointed receiver of the
land office at Crawford.
Masct to o East.
Edward ' U. Maggl. chairman of tho
State Pardon board, will leave this week
with Mrs. Maggl and Miss Gretehen for
Boston to visit brothers and sisters at
Chelsea. From there Mr. Maggl will go
to Washington on business connected
with the immigration department.
Mrs. Ileed'a Ktff Dead.
Attorney General Willis E. Reed left
this afternoon for Malvern, la., in
response to a telegram that Mrs. Keed a
r..v... t M AtKtron had died at 2
o'clock. Mrs. Reed was called to Malvern
last week because of the Illness of Mr.
Aistrop, who was 87 years of age. He Is
a wealthy cltiien of that city and one of
Its pioneers.
Soperlntendeate to Meet.
On January 38 and 27, ending at noon
of the latter day. there will be a confer
ence of county superintendents at the of
fice of the state superintendent followed
on the 28th with a conference of city
superintendents of schools. The confer
ence will be In the nature of taking up
the matter of more progress in the school
and of making the slogan adopted "Ne
braska Bchools, the Best in the LTnlon,"
a winner.
Superintendent Thomaa will go to
Sprague and Colon tomorrow to address
patrons of those places at dedications of
new school buildings.
Hyera Serves Notice.
Sheriff Ou Hyers of Lancaster county
Is on the war path. He says he Is tired
of running down automobile thieves and
then have the complaining witness refuao
to prosecute after the thief has been
arrested and the automobile returned to
the owner.
Lincoln has been Infested with a gang
of young menfwho have ben appropriat
ing automobiles left by their owners while
attending the theater or other places of
amusement. The owners have generally
raised a howl and the sheriff has put In
lots of time In running down the of
fenders only to have the owner of the
stolen machine relent because the thief
happens to be a boy and refuse to prose
cute. Hyers says he is tired of It and
warns the public that If they want him
to hunt down automobile thieves they
must prosecute or hunt the machines
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
IJXCOLN, Jan. h. (Special TeleKram.)
Dr. W. D. Guttery, superintendent of
the Norfolk Insane asylum, arrived In
Lincoln this afternoon to answer the
marges made by Editor Huse of Nor- (From a Stuff Correspondent.)
folk before the Board of Control Satur- ' LINCOLN. Jan. !. (Special.) The
d"y. jetasre Is set; the actors In the great
Dr. Guttery snys that If there was ' democratic pet -to-gethcr extravagan
cruelty used against the patients, as It ' have nil learned their parts, the last
Is alleged, he knew nothing of It and It i 'rrs rehearsal has bn hcend and tomor
others here and went over the situation.
The present depot la entirely Inadequate
to the need here. Is an old frame struc
ture entirely devoid of present dsy conveniences.
was against his orders to the employes.
The board would say nothing tonight
regarding the conference with Dr. Gut
tery, which was still on at a late hour,
simply stating that as soon as the matter
had ben Investigated the public, would be
given the facts.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Jan. M.-tSpeelal Tel
egram.) Alleged conditions at the Ne
hraska State hos lut for the Insane at
Norfolk aa shown by affidavits of present
row night will witness the production
of tho ureat political ilramrv, "Democratic
Jobs, or Who Threw the Monkey Wrench
In the Political Appointing Machine."
Who will be the heavy vllllan and who
will be there, will not be announced until
the curtain goes up. There will be no
comedy parts, tho play being of too
serious a nature, unless some actor not
From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOI.N, Jan. KV-tSpeclel -According
to a report filed with the governor
by Superintendent Clark of the boys' In
dimtrlal school at Kearney, the pulia
tion of the school November S W was
eleven less than at the same time In 1!lt.
There were reelvd at th school 19J boys
In 1915 ranging In age as follows:
10 and under 12 years
1J and under 14 years 2.1 1
H and tinder 1 years S.I 1
l and under is years 2
Of that number three am colored boys
under le and two under R
The cash fund of the Institution has
been steadily Increased In the Inst three
now announced should Imbibe too freely I years, the report showing K. 2
of grape Juice and spill the beans. That H.5T7 In 1914. and IYK74 In 191.V
t V. M ,.ln..t. f . . 1 1 1 1 n . Aai.l,,n ! D.lnt. I I. U . - - I 1
. !? .p'oy,!' "re ri fnr,h toy '" I In the irty Is willing to admit, but they mi the Institution farm amounted to J9 9-I.
are all In the other faction.
heroca are found opposite. i$2.RS4; hogs (167 head), 12.1:3, and pota
GRAND ISt-ANP. Neb.. Jan. 10.-Spe-
clal Telegram.) -Judge T. C. Munger held
a short session of federal court In this
city today. John Frederick, Joseph Pom
enfleld and Knnh Dendowakt pleaded
guilty to the rhaige of destroying a mall
box and were fined I5 each. Dallas Tries
was roamed wl'h the costs of the case
against him for breaking Into en Inter
state shipment and Mie case was dis
missed. Mrs. Jrnnle Mulvaney and Hans Chris
tian Michael pleaded to separate acts of
sending uninsll.iole matter through the
malls anil were fined In the sum of $C5
and costs each. Various minor civil cases
were settled.
The court adjourned at noon aa only
half a day's session.
Even Cross, Sick
Children Love
Syrup of Figs
Look at tongue! If feverish;
bilious, constipated,
take no chances.
tne isorrolk News as follows: That Dr.
Guttery has been cognizant of cruelties
and has retained employes guilty of the
acts; that the superintendent has humili
ated femalo employes In several ways,
permitting and In some cases using
vulgar language In their presence: lin-
Tho grcst climax will come In the play t toes, 11. fit".
when Diogenes, who has been hunting
for a perfect democrat to lake the nom
ination for governor, appears on the
stage and presents his find. It Is said
TKiTM8K.lI. Neh.. Jan. !. (Special.
while the of which alfalfa brought In It .: he.- I George W. Pol soy writes 10 irirnns inn ,
fiom his home In Newport mat ne is re- clMn ,, ,WM.t
41 California Syrup of Figs"
can't harm tender stomach,
liver, bowels.
Don't scold your fretful, peevish child.
Fee If tongue la coated: this la & sure
sign Us little stomach, liver and rowels
are cogged with sour waste.
When listless pale, feverish, f't'l of
cold, breath bad. throat sore, doesn't eat.
sleep or act naturolly, haa stomachache,
tndlgeitlon, dUrrhoea. give a teaspo.M
fnl .f "CallfornW Fyrup of Figs." and In
a few hours all the sour waste, the sour
Vile and ferment'nf food passes out -f
the towels an I you have a well and
jlavful child npaln Children loe this
harmless "fruit laxative." and mothers
can rest easy after giving It, because It
never falls to make their little "lnsldea'
moral acts have ben reported to thn I 'nBt l,,t' Pl"encs haa hurned up several
superintendent and femalo employes In- I nations of uninspected oil hunting for
volved have been retained; Dr. Guttery ' ,ho ",Hn "n(l tno " commissioner Is
baa taken liberties with women employes. I "lrpy securing evidence aga'nst him to
which In one oae was resented by a I be "pru" " tho Pvrfect man docs not
blow; tho superintendent was carclrs ,how lm wl,h ,h" pro,H'r Pedigree,
during a smallpox epidemic and durln U ,,n'0",to'1 ,hBt s'pr nr'""
a diphtheria epidemic in the hospital clr- ! 7'" "ppnar "1 bl,lshl" ',"
culated freelv ahnut h i ..v I laa fP'rlted away by Larl Gaddis
out taking care to prevent spread of the
dlsesse; favoritism has been shown to
certain subordinate female nurses, some
of whom are charged with using p'rofano
A swcplng charge Is made. It Is under
stood, that Dr. Guttery falls to enforce
Important regulations laid down by the
Board of Control and that he has been
neara to call a patient a vile name In
Dandruff Soon
Ruins The Hair
Girls if you want plenty of thick,
beautiful, glossy, silky hslr, do by all
means get rid of dandruff, for It. will
starve your hair snd ruin It If you don't.
It doesn't do much good to try to brufh
or wash It out. The only sure way to
get rid of dandruff It to dissolve It. then
you destroy It entirely. To do this, get
shout four ounces of ordinary liquid
arvon; apply It at night when retiring;
use enough to molBten the scalp and rub
It in gently with the finger tips.
By 'morning, most If not all. of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four
more applications will completly dissolve
and entirely destroy every single sign
and trace of It.
You will find, too. that all Itching and
Igging of the scalp will stop, and your
hair will look and feel a hundred tlms
better. Tou can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive and four
ounces Is all you will need, no matter
how much dandruff you have. This sim
ple remedy never fails Advertisement
CAMBRIDGE. Neb.. Jan. W.-fSpeclal
Telegram.) The farmers' Institute opened
here today with a fine exhibit In all lines
Mousrl Bros., Andrews, McClung, Rod-
well and Thompson, well-known breed
era of HereforJs, Angus, Galloway snd
Shorthorns, had prize-winning exhibits
Mousel Bros, are tending forty-two hesd
that they exhibited here to the Denver
Cattle show. Rod w ell is shipping eight
and McClung twche head also to the
Denver show. These herds have been
raised here and their owners are notet
in all shoas for their ribbons, Mousel
Bros, having the largest herd, number
Ing about 300 registered Herefords.
The blue ribbon for 2-year-old Polled
Angus bull wont to McClung. which Is
not surprising considering the fset tha
it was a champion calf when shown as a
yearling at the Chicago and Denver
Judge Ferry and Johnson, as veil as
Day and Rod -veil, had fine exhibits o
Jersepa and Holstelns. A fine exhibit
horses of all daises was shown by Proud
Newcomb, Carver and other well known
fllm-Yrar-uld Had troin.
"I nave a little girl 6 years old who
has a great deal of trouble with croup,"
writes W. K, Curry of Evanavllle, Ind
"I have used Foley's Honey and Tar. ob
taming Instant relief for her. My wife
and I also used it and will say It
the best cure for a bad cold, cough
throat trouble and croup that I ever
saw." Those terrible roughs that aeem
to tear one to pieces yield to Foley's
Honey and Tar. Sold everywhere. Adver-tUcruent.
Jitney Driver Kara pes. j
FA1RBURV. Neb.. Jan. l().(Sneell
Telegram. ) A Rock Island switch engine
truck a Jitney at the crossing between
the Rock Island shops and Grand Island
stock yards, demolishing the machine.
W. F. Hubbard, the driver, barely es
caped death. Engineer John J. Mulkey
was In charge of the switch engine and
ho backed Into Hubbard while he was
crossing the tracks going for a passen
ger south of the shops. Hubbard was
badly shaken up and escaped with a few
and hidden in the ruins of an old brew
ery, only to escaie and appear In the
play at the most auspicious moment and
announce that he Is the Moses to lead
the party In Its last onslaught on the
republican trenches. Ho will announce
his platform of cold water and cold com
fort and the curtHln will go down while
tho orchestra plays the anvil chorus.
Injured Aurora Boy Wilt Recover.
AURORA, Neb., Jan. 10. (Special.)
Warren White, the 16-year-old son. of
Mr. nnoi Mrs. J. A. Strong, who lost an
arm In a traction engine last Wednes
day, Is recovering from the shock and
l'i( a of blood and will undoubtedly eur
vlve, according to the physician who Is
attending him. White caught his coat
sleeve In the machinery and his arm was
torn away. Amputation at the elbow was
ORD, Neh.. Jan. 10. (Special.) Attorney
E. V. Clements of Ord will be a candi
date for district Judge at the forthcoming
primary election. Judges J. R. Hanna
of Grand Island and J. N. Taul of K.
l'aul have held tho two positions on the
bench In this district for nine and thir
teen years, respectively. Judge Paul has
Htated that he will not again be a can
didate and Judge llanua haa not been
heard to make any public announcement.
Judge Bayary H. Palno of Grand lnlanl.
who was a randidnte five years ago, will
probably be In the race again this year.
Falrhary Nrm ftntea.
FAIRBCRV. Neb. Jan. 10 (Special. )
Roy Riley has been circulating a peti
tion around Farlbury asking to have the
name of R. W. Sahln of Beatrice, put on
covering from tho sf rlous injuries he re-, KMn tt handv. Mother! A Httle riven
eclved in a fall four months ago. He fell ; tvosy MVft a girk child tomorrow, fcut
from the top o: a hay stacg to tne i grX ,h genuine. Ask your druggist for
ground, alighting upon his bark, and. aa
a consequence win temporarily paralysed
Irom his shoulders down. Heveral spe
cialties were called to his home and he
the ballot as a candl(,te for district) as suhiected to careful treatment for
judge for the Eighteenth Judicial district.
According to figures compiled by the
Falrbury postofflce force there was an
Increase In business Of f2.S74 & over 1914.
At present there are only twelve or
thirteen rases of smallpox In Falrbury,
according to reports received by Mayor
K. W. Mason. These oases are all mild.
Kdncatlonal Movies In Hla"h.
HASTINGS. Neb., Jan. 10.-Speclal Tel
egramsEducational moving pictures
will bo used hereafter at Hastings col
lege, arrangement for a supply to come
weekly having been made, by Prof. W.
K. Kent with the Edison company. The
movies will be used In the solence
all this time. .Mr. Porsey Is regaining t:si
of hla limbs and bands, being able to
write with difficulty at this time, and his
physician believes he wilt be completely
Read The Bee Want Ads. Tt pays!
El. TAPO, Tex., Jan. 10. P. Kean,
bookkeeiwr employed on the Hearst ranch
at Rabrlc.ora. and held prisoner several
weeks by order of General Villa baa been
killed by Mexican troops, according to
advb'es today from Madera.
s jo cent hottie or t auromia yrup oi
Figs," which haa directions for babies,
rhlldren of all ages and for grown-ups
plainly on the bottle. Remember there
are counterfeits sold here. o urely look
and see that your Is made by the "Cali
fornia Flir Syrup Company." Hand back
wilh contempt any other fig syrup. Advertisement.
10 Experienced Furni
ture Salesmen. Apply be
fore 8 A. M. Tuesday. .
Rubel Furniture Co.
Tecnmsrh Wants New Matlon.
TECUMSEH. Neb.. Jan. 10.-8pee!al.)-February
1, Is the date set for officials
of tho Burlington to inform the citizens I
of Tecuniseh whether or not a new :
station will be built here during the year'
1!R There has been agitation for a new;
depot hero for some time, and recently
officers of the road met representatives '
of the Tecumsch Commercial club and
Guarantee Fund Life Association
Omaha, Nebraska
Organized December, 1901
zsa n nrr
oh m
I mw
Send tho Coupon for FREE Trial Botilo.
It ?A
1 :,: yVTm&'- ft
t; )
i -- - -r 1 "
Jan. 1,1915. Jan.l.l'JlG.
Farm Ixmns (first mortgages) ... .$ 918,751.31 $1,257,371.31
Municipal Bonds 25,000.00 66,000.00
Cash in Banks and Treasury 35,691.10 41,809.85
Agents' Balances Secured 17,587.02 . 24,022.62
Bills Receivable 3,970.34 1,967.23
Call No. 52, due Dee. 24, 1914 175,836.38
Call No. 56, due Dec. 24, 1915 234,025.10
Accrued Interest ; 1 5,587.64 20,864.27
Total .'. $1192,423.79 $1,646,060.38
Guarantee Notes to amount of $584,178.15, of members in
good standing, are not included as assets.
"Brownatone the Only Quick, Safe, Satisfactory and Positive
Method for Browning and Beautifying the Hair.
The Mnt Popular Hair Tinllng
Preparation In the World.
ft ClrarM Awav Pi'mxjes HI i
There Is one remedy that seldom falls
to clear away all pimples, black heads
end skin eruptions and that makes the
fliir. soft, clear and healthy.
Any druggist can supply you with semo.
which generally overcomes all skin dis
eases. Acne, eczema. Itch, pimples,
rashes, black heads In most cases give
way to temo. Frequently, minor blem
ishes disappear overnight. Itching usu
ellY stops Instantly. Zemo Is safe, clean.
to use and dependable. It costs only
Ec; an extra large bottle. l.. It will
not stain, la not greasy or sticky and Is
r-KSHlvely safe for tender, sensitive sklna.
Zemo, Cleveland.
y Absolutely Removes
.' iiuiyuBiiuu. unepacKage
Droves it 25c at all druggists.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. 10. (Special
Telegram.) The end of the John O'Con
nor heirship hearing la In sight tonight
folowlng the conclusion of the case of
Hannora O'Connor Allman of Ban Fran
cisco, who says she Is a sister of O'Con
nor. The only remaining claim to be
beard la that of James H. O'Connor of
Bt. Joseph, as a brother.
Attorneys for Hannora O'Connor All
man had a photographer cited this after
noon and request was made for an or
der compelling him to deliver Into court
negatives made of evidence In her case.
Application was also made for an order
tor compel Daniel 8. Johnson of Omaha,
to return to court copies of evidence de
livered to him by the photographer.
Judge Corcoran Instructed the photog
rapher not to circulate further copies of
the evidence. He will pass formally on
the application later.
Considering the length of time It has
been on the market "Brownatone" H un
doubtedly the largest selling and the
most universally used hair stain In the
world. t
"Brownatone." will Instantly cause gray
hairs to disappear, will give any desired
shade from light to the deepest brown or
black. It comes already prepared (no
mixing), and any one ran apply It easily
and with the sure knowledge of happy
results. Just comb or brush It into the
hair. It will not rub or wash off nor
fade, and can not be detected
Since "Brownatone-' Is to be had. It is
now a very easy matter to have beauti
ful and becoming hair. It Is absolutely
safe and harmless, as It contains none ot
the dangerous chemicals contained in
hair "dyes" and hair restorers "
InttHtit Hair Stain Hotter Than Slow
Pome folks would have you believe that
they have discovered some marvelous
combination that will "restore" the color
to gray, streaked or faded hair, without
staining It. No such preparation has
ever leen discovered. Many preparations
are advertised In this deceiving way
but they all depend upon sulphur, lead,
silver or nlher dangerous mineral for
gradually dyeing the hair.
There la only on preparation so fsr as
wo know that Is entirely free from all of
these highly dangerous and poisonous
chemicals. That preparation Is "Brown
atone." It Is so rasy and safo to apply
that the wonder Is that anyone ever
utiea anything else.
If the gray shows on your temples or
is streaking jour hair If the enda of
your hair are lighter than the balance,
or If for any reason you wish to stain all
or part of your hair try "Hrownatone."
Death Losses Reported (proofs not filed) . .......$ 32,000.00
Liability under annual installment policies term
inated by death 47,627.81
Taxes on premiums, accrued (estimated)... 20,000.00
Miscellaneous office expense (estimated) 5,000.00
Total. $ 104,627.81
Keserve Fund $1,076,121.94
Surplus Fund 246,177.37
Mortuary Fund 199,088.20
Mortuary Trust Fund 56,242.00
Expense Fund 68,430.87
Total $1,646,060.38
38.5 6
FRKK Trial Bottles -re not to be bad at dealers, but are sent direct only on
request from the laboratories of The Kenton f'hannaral Co., 2 J'lke Htreet, Cov
ington, Ky. Hend the Coupon today (enclose 10 rents for postage and packing),
and try this wonderful preparation.
"Hrownatone" la su)l In regular tdzes, 2Do and IIP11, by all leading druggist
ever;' where.
In Omaha "Brownatone" Is sold and recommended by fiherman aV McCnnell
Drug stores and other leading dealers.
Free Trial Coupon
Dam't Let ir Cold bet Worse.
Bell's Hn-Tar-Honey will cure your
cough and give you restful sleep. Uood
for children. Only 2dc. All druggists.
The Kenton Pharma-al Co.,
629 1'ike Htreet, Covington, Ky.:
Knrlosed please find ! cents (colne or stamps), rleaae seed m trial bot
tle of ' Hrownatone."
bhades: Uolden brown, medium blown, dark brown or black.
State which
Town htntf.
First Mortgage fnrm lonns, due and unpaid
Interest on loans, due ami unpaid.
Death losses, due ami unpaid...
Average rate of Int. earned on invested funds,
Mortality cost for each $1,000 insurance
Percentage of actual to expected mortality. . . .
Annual rate for each $1,000 insurance, age 35. .
Hate for other agcB, 21 to 55 years, in same pro
Total losses paid since organization $821,974.25
New insurance gained during year $9,360,000.00
Insurance in force end of year $G9,390,000.00
J. C. BVFFINGT0N, President L. A. WILLIAMS, Vice Pres. and Sapt. of Agents
EDWARD M. MARTIN, Vice Pres. and Counsel C. E. HAVERSTICK, Treasurer
I W. HUGHES, Secretary L. . GILLESPIE, Auditor
R. E. LANGDON, Assistant Secretary J. Ss HELGREN, Cashier