Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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    f A
f of
Installation of Officers Following
Annual Election it Program
with Many Organisations.
Wood mm of World.
South 8I camp No. !U entertalnM
members Wednesday evening. The oc
casion vii a Joint meeting with Boutb
Side grove No. 69 for the installation of
officer of their respective orftanlantlone,
A musical program was rendered.
Fableskl camp No. TV will meet todny
at 1 p. m., Woodmen of tlia World hall.
Twenty-ninth and Walnut. Several can
didates will be Initiated besides the
tranusartlna; of regular business. A reso
lution committee will report resolutions
on the death of John Kowaleswskl,
former clerk of th camp.
W. A. Eraser ramp No. 4W will meet
Tuesday evening at Muller hall. Seven
teenth and Vinton. An Interesting en
tertainment ia promised. The committee.
In chirr U Floyd Payne and C. J. Hoff
man. Alpha camp No. 1 held an enthusiastic
meeting Tuesday evening, January 4, the
occasion being the annual Installation of
officer. Many prominent Woodmen were
present and delivered addresses.
Blorenoe camp No. 60a will Install offi
cer Monday evening In conjunction with
Mlna Lua grove at Woodmen hall In
Florence. South Side grove will be pres
ent with Its drill team In full uniform,
which will add enthusiasm to the occa
sion. Druid camp No. 54 Installed Its offi
cers Monday evening In conjunction with
Welcome grove officials. Several appro
priate addresses were delivered with
number of musical numbers. Refresh
ments were served.
Alpha camp. No. 1, Woodmen of the
World, and Fraeer csmp held a Joint In
stallation at Barighfs hall, Nineteenth
and Farnam streets, on Tuesday evening.
Sovereign Hon. J. U Kaley acted as In
stalling officer in lieu of Sovereign Clerk
John T. Yates, who was sick and unable
lo attend. The followlns program was
iven before installation: An address was
lellvered by Charles Unitt for John T.
Yates; piano solo by Mrs. Paul Gerhardt;
solo by Mr. A. C. Winter; address "Fra
ternity," Hon. John L. Kennedy; piano
solo. Miss Irene Winter; solo, Mr. Harry
J. Unitt; humorous stories by Hon. David
H. Mercer. Refreshments were served and
the evening was closed with a dance.
Florence Lodge otes.
Monday evening Roblnhood camp,
Woodmen of the World, enstalled offi
cers for the coming year. The drill team
Benson did the work, with B.. F.
Thomas of Omaha as the installing offi
cer. The new officers are: V. B. Carl
son, council commander; J. U. Crane,
advisory lieutenant; M. E. Hersklnd,
clerks; F. A. Ayres, hanker; A. A. Lar
son, escort; E. E. Thomas, watchman;
William Peppercorn, sentry; H. H.
Avery, physician, and August Peterson,
manager. After the installation a ban
quet was served.
The Knights and Ladles of Security in
stalled officers Tuesday evening.
At the Installation of officers of the
Kagles Wednesday there was music by
the newly organized Eagle band. The
past worthy president was presented
with a diamond ring as a token of the
appreciation of the members for his serv
ice for the last year. These officers
were Installed: Past president, J. H.
Crourh-' president, George Gambler vica
president, F. H. Grossman; chaplain, B
C Andrews; secretary. K. L. PlaU;
treasurer, W. B. Parks; trustee, Henry
Behrman; inside guard, T. R. Jacobson;
outside guard, B. C. Foster; physician,
H, H. Avery; conductor, Rosa Holzman.
Thursday evening Violet camp. Royal
Neighbors, Installed officers rs follows:
Past oracle, Mrs. Nellie Mulligan; oracle.
Mrs. David Shipley; chancellor, Mrs.
Rose Simpson; recorder, Mrs. Ida Flnit
enkeller; receiver,' srrs. Watklns; Inside
sentinel, Mrs. Maru Leach; outside senti
nel. Mra. Albert Case; manager. Mis.
Hulda Peterson.
Friday evening the Odd Fellows en
Joyed a doublo attraction In Installation
of officers by one of the state officers
and put on an initiation in the first de
gree. These officers were installed: S.
C. Jenson, noble grand: Edward Ray
mond, vice grand;. W. E. Rogers, se
retary; James Kondred, treasurer; A. J.
Ore, trustee. A big banquet followed the
work of the evening.
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Annual Meeting
of Omaha Club
The annual meeting of the Omaha club
mill be held at t!io club rooms at S o'clock
the evening of January 15. At this meet
ing three directors mill N elected to suc
ceed Messrs. Prognn. Foye and Quio,
wrtoso terms have expired. Prior to tho
meeting dinner will be served, hut It will
be for members of the club only.
The following omahims will go to Lin
coln on Tiier.d.iy to nitend the annual
ln.iu-t of the Nebraska P-cmocrntlc
I kilters' association: Mayor lahlinun, Ls
J. Piattl, T. J. Flynn. T. J. O'Connor.
Phil Smith. J. F. Morlnrty. Joe Wright.
It. J. McArdle, Meyer Klein. C. E. Fan
ning. It. P.. Floharty. George Rogers, J.
P. Butler, J. A. Tuthlll.
On account of the death of Bishop
ffcannrll a dramatic production planned
by the Patrician club for tmnday matinee
and Monday evening has been postpom.1
one week, ft w to have been given
t CYelghton auditorium by plsyers of
the club, which Is a young men's sooial
and educational organisation of the
parish of St. Patrick's churvh. Out of
respect for the memory of Bishop Bcan
nell presentations of the play have Writ
put off until the afternoon of Sunday,
January and the evening of Monday,
January I. John V. Krennan. formerly
connected with Ak-Sar-Iten productions.
Is directing the plsyers. John Shuns nan
Is a inemlhT of the committee on ar
rsngrments, which made the postponement.
A "For Pale" will turn second-hand
furniture Into cash.
To Install Officers
of B'rith Abraham
At I o'clock this afternoon, at Work
men hall. IN North Fourteenth street,
will occur a public Installation of officers
of Nebraska State lodge No. 144. Order
of lt'rllh Abraham. In addition to the
Installation there will be memorial serv
ices for deceased members, besides an
entertainment at which there will be
music. The occasion marks the twenty
third anniversary of the lodge.
The installation of officers of TVrllh
Abraham w-Hl bo by 8. Tlavtts. grand
master, with J. N. Snluer, conductor.
and John Felilinan. grand district deputy.
In carrying out tlie program of the
afternoon there will be addresses hy Rev.
(Mr, Bromson, Mr. Levenson. J. Sherman
ana It. J. Goldstein. There will be piano
seectlons by Misses Esther and Anna Leaf
and violin solus by W. O. Wright.
Maurice M. Leaf will entertain as a
I cartoonist.
"DANDY" the Orchard & Wilhelm
Christmas Pony Has Been Awarded
To Frank Freeman, 1522 S. 28th St., Omaha, Neb.
The Next Three Successful Contestants Were
Anton Ooebel, West Point, Neb.
Mrs. S. J. Ooffman, 2510 Poppleton Ave., Omaha, Neb.
Gertrude Carlisle, 1004 S. 34th St., Omaha, Neb.
And Will Receive the Other Awards
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
414-416-418 South Sixteenth St.
A Furniture Sale of
That is not limited to any one class or grade of Furniture, but includes Furniture for every
part of the home, for the
Bed Room, Living Room, Dining Room
The prices rerrwiit substantial reductions from the true value of furniture of the iiioMt dependable
character the kind of furniture on which. thU store has built Its reputation furniture whirh we are Bell
ing at these greatly reduced prices because January Is the month tve detote to stock reducing.
Read over this list and boar In mind that these Items are only a few '
selected at random from a great many.
Bala rrloa.
B?nlar January
Frio. ls rrloa.
$14 7. BO 60-Inch Mahogany Colonial scroll
dresser $100.00
$100.00 Mahogany Kl-Boy, special 00.00
I'nlon Pacific council recently, consoli
dated with Knoxall council of the South
Side. Installed officers for 1916 at the
regular meeting- Thursday, January .
This council is the largest and most In
fluential one In this state, having a mem
bership of close to 1,000.
The new officers are: Herbert V. John
son, regent; Lloyd A. Maguey, vice re
gent; W. A. Von Kroge, Jr., orator; W.
M. McKay,! secretary; .Phil J. Tebblns,
treasurer; W. t. " Counsman,. collector; j
Arthur Beaoom,. chaplain; Paul Hunting-;
ton, guide; Charles Phelps, warden; C.
A. Oraves, sentry; Vernon Bennett. or-
ganlst; Joseph Martin and X. B. Chap
man, trustees. Dr. Pinto was the Jn-)
stalling officer and representative of the
I, grand council.
Moines: Commander, Dr. C. ,B. Folts,
lieutenant commander, George W. Jew
ell; record keeper. Thomas K. Gerin;j
chaplain, A. G. Finney; sergeant, J. T.
Roberts; master at arms, J. C. Pageler;
first master of guards, O. II. Tyson;
second master of guards. V'. P. Coe; sen
tinel, W. E. Shelton; picket. O. J. Tlcker
ing. A musical program was rendered,
after which a bouquet wns served to all
the members and their friend, which in
cluded a large number of women. Danc
ing was indulged In till a late hour.
Brhr)-Ma of America a Yeomen.
l-est Wednesday evening Omaha Home
atad. No. Initiated, a class of, can
didates. The degree team put on the
work. . Captain Rax-kley of the degree
team resigned as captain and was given
a unanimous rising vote of thanks by
ma memoera for his work In the past.
ia captain of tho drill team. Nettle
Jordan, will have charge of the women's
drill team and also of the degree team,
which will be reorganized and consist
of both men and women. In order that
each character In exemplifying tho de
gree may as fully as possible represent
tha historical lesson taught by the. de
gree work.
Next Wednesday evening Omaha Home
stead will give a dance for the Yeomen
and their friends. Wednesday evening,
January 19. there will be a public In
stallation of officers by State Managi-r
W. J. Tlley.
Order of Scottish Clans.
Clan Gordon, No. 6.1, held a regnlHr
meeting Tuesday evening. Ono now mem- I
ber was Initiated. The clan will hold the
annual Burns celebration at the Swedish
Clearing Sale of
Comforts and Blankets
Excellent Qualities and prtoea
so low that a Quick clearanoa
Is assured.
Note these Items:
Wool finish. Gray Blanket,
blue or pink borders,
f 4.23 values for $3.15
Fine Wool Blankets, white with
colored borderi. plaids, Gray,
Tan, etc., full size, 70x80
7.50 values for $5.2ft
90.75 values for $8.00
Plaids, pure white with bor
ders and Plain gray blankets,
66x80 Inches.
3.23 values for $2.45
Plain Gray with pink, blue or tan I Heavy all wool blankets plain,
borders, 66x80 inches plaid, assorted colors. 68x80 Inches
$2.73 values for $2.00 $3 75 values for $4.25
Dainty pattern eilkollne covered
Comfortable, cotton guaranteed,
absolutely sanitary.
Aaclvat Order of t ailed Workmen.
North Omaha lodge. No. 109, is making
preparations for a large crowd Wednes
day evening, when all lodges of the
city will be guests. The Joint mating,
under the auspices of the Central com
mittee,' will be h-ld that night. Kuther
William K. Rigge of Creighton univer
sity will talk on the "Sun."
America lodge. No. 230, will hold a
benefit dauce at Mueller's hall Wedues
dsy evening.
Union Pacific lodge. No. 17. will have
an entertainment Friday evening.
Bans of lit, (Irorgr,
Shakespeare lode will hold Its first
open night of the mason Wednesday eve
ning In the lodge room in Baright's hall.
Froteraal Aid I slua,
Banner lodge will have a public in
stallation Thursday evuiiing In Myrtle
hall. Fifteenth and Douglas streets. Re
freshment will be served.
Mondamln lodge. No. 111. held their first
meeting In the large hall of Lror tem
pi and will continue to hold regular
moating there every Kridsy night In
stallation of offirers took place with
Mrs. y. Ro!.r as installing officer. She
was presented with a beautiful bouquet
of flowers. M. i. lawless, president of
the order, was prem-nted with flowers as
. a compliment from the members. The
next entertainment, a mask ball, will be
y January 11
f i
Omaha Tent. No. 75, had an open meet-
Inir last Mnmiav .vciilnL' t uh4rh the
following officers for tilt were Installed
Tather 1'atrick J. Judge, pastor of
Sacred Heart Catholic church. Is ill In
bed. and his assistant is also sick. As a
result a professor from Creighton was
called upos to say mass at Sacred Heart, j
Do Your Meals
Look Too Big?
If So Kat a Stuurt'a lyiepsia Tab
let an'l You'll Soon Iao Your
!'Var of Fixxl.
Heavy cotton Comfortables, full
Blze, assorted colors,
$1.00 values for $1.45
K.rtra heavy cotton Comfortable,
72x84 Inches. Plain border of
heavy seteen, good grade silkoline
$2..15 values for $1.75
$2.85 values for $2.15
Down Comfortables,
$11. OO values for $8.00
$3.25 value for $2.45
$:t.K5 values for $2.00
Lambs wool Comfortables, cov
ered assorted, patterns and colore,
heavy sateen.
$.75 values for $5.00
$7.75 values for $5.75
ale Frloe.
$ 80.00 Mahogany Colonial post design chlf
fonier 55.00
$ 93.00 Mahogany scroll bed, . $5(MH
sterol ar
$117.01) Mahogany buffet, rhlna closet
serving table, three pieces. . . .
$ 20.00 Mahogany serving table
$ S7.00 Mahogany tapestry covered rocker...
Chair to match
f 16.50 Mahogany, tapestry upholstered,
spring seat rocker ...... 1X00
Chair to match ; 12.00
3 8.00 Mahogany wing back rocker, tap
estry covered
Chair to match
$ 37.50 Beautifully carved table lamp, solid
$100.00 Mahogany settee. Chippendale lines..
$ 60.00 Mahogany rockor
$ 64. 0 8-54 Golden oak dining table
$ 66.00 Fumed oak bed davenport, Spanish
leather upholstered 80.00
$178.00 Ivory enameled vanity case, large
mirrors, with cane Inset
$ 21.00 Fumed oak chair, leather slip seat
and back ......-...
$ 3.50 K. K. chair
$ 12.00 K. B. arm chair... M. ......
$ 16.00 Flanders chair, cane seat. ..........
$ 40.00 Leather rocker, loose cushion seat..
$ 68.00 Spanish leather settee 23.50
$,72.00 Spanish leather settee 25.00
$ 19.00 uoiaen oak arm cnair, leatuer seat
and back
$ 60.00 Mahogany chest
$ 30.00 Mahogany rocker, leather Beat and
$ S0-. 00 Fumed oak bookcase
$ 26.00 Mahogany rocker, black leather auto
$ 32.00 Walnut desk . . . . . . .
$ 40.00 Mahogany dresser .................
Xr i i si m m a r a j - r m i hi if ii
When a stomach is sore, wotik, raw
and out of tune with perfect health, 1
man's meals become a source of great '
pain to hlin: and a good dinner looks :
like some gigantic creature or torture.
Hardwick & Magee Bundhar and French Wijtons.
Whittall's Anglo-Peraian and Anglo-Indiana are
Rugs Offered in This Sale at Savings
Not to be Duplicated for Monthsto Come
mITEST) MAKES, toprothcr with Hartford Sax-
X ony Knjys and other well known grades are
offered at price savings that have attracted the
rug buying public of Omaha. Buyers are not
disappointed when they come to this sale as is
evidenced by the big total of the week's busi
ness. Don't delay if you need a rug of any
kind, it is important to you that you learn what
this store can give you. This is a partial list
only. There are many other items we cannot
$12.00 9x12 Crops Seant Tapestry Rug....
$14.00 9x12 Cross Seam Tapestry Rug..,
20.00 9x12 Cross Seam Axminster Rug.,
ale . Fries.
, 12.05
Wh.n he berlas
To the poor ays- I the nas of Stuart's
peptle a vleoe of ! Dysvevaia Tablsts,
pie looks as bl as I H seems a mere
this. i I hits.
.Smart s Iyspisia Tubiets do the work
of diKestion in a pleasant, quick, thor
ough manner and very rapidly drive
away the effects of ovcrvatlmj, hard
work and disease upon Jhe digestive ap
paratus. For Indiaestlon, Hour Stomach, Belch- i
inf. Gas, Coated Toiikuc. Intestinal In
digestion and all fctomuch Uinordt rs and
Pains or for loss of appetite Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets are Invaluable.
Surely their world-wide Indorsement Is
sufficient to Justify you in either getting
a &0c box from your iliUKKlst, or mailing
coupon for a free trial.
Sale Price.
$25.00 9x12 Cros Seam Heavy Axminster Rug... $15.05
$28.50 9x12 Seamless Axminster tiiM.RO
136.00 9x12 Heavy liody Brussels .f2SiO
Ai 132.50 9x Ilent Body Hnissels ---'o
$60.00 9x15 Wblttall Teprac Wilton iw.f
J-A lwy''$s $36.00 9x12 Heavy Body Brussels -O.a
&'&'li&:'y$ $40.00 9x12 Wilton ...
.VvlJoaV.f W $48.60 9x12 Bundhar Wilton .t;-"
i''f isv? iftt-lXi $57.r0 9x12 Whlttall Analo-Indlan Wilton 4.R
$32.50 9x Best Body Hnissels
- ----'---rv--'?'----A 115.00 9x9 Hartford Saxony
Free Trial Coupon
r. a. Stuart Co., 81t Stuart Build
ing, Marshall, Mich., a'tid me at one
a free trial ixukuge of Stuart s Lys
pi Mia Talilctu.
ri t y Htsts
$01.50 11-Sxir. Bent Qual
ity Body Brussels S.Vi.OO
$Si;.5 11-3x13 Bundhar
Wilton ftlO.OO
$77.0') 10-fixl3- Hartford
Siixooy 15.00
$f.0.0d 10-6x13-6 Heavy
Wilton Ruts k.V.50
S2..0 10-6x12 WhltUll
An:lo-lnt!lan $ia.50
$4 5.00 10-(..10-6 Body
Brussels $i37.5
$i::.50 S-2x10-6 Bundhar
Wilton ;W.OO
$68.00 9x15 Bundhar Wilton $10.50
ale Vrlet.
. . . ao.oo
... , 20.00
. ... S0.00
... 1S.75
. 70.00
$44.00 Mahogany chiffonier
$ 60.00 Mahogany sofa. ...
$ 72.00 Mahogany Low-Boy ....-...--
$ 18.00 Mahogany dressing table. .
$116.00 Mahogany divan
$ 16.60 Whit enameled wood bed........
I 32.00 Mahogany upholstered rocker.
$ 60.00 Three-piece Mahogany parlor suite,
Spanish leather upholstering.
$ 66.00 Mahogany dresser ... ... . .
Bomnoe to match
$ 19.00 Jacobean rocker
Arm chair to match, tapestry loose
cushions ....-"-
$ 34.00 Fumed oak serving table
$186.00 Four-piece fumed oak dining suite,
buffet, dining table,, china cabinet, serving
table r:"":'
$ 85.00 Mahogany settee, upholstered in
brown denim . ...-
$ 33.00 Fumed oak library table
$160.00. Mahogany china closet, beary co
lonial, with full mirror back .
$ 60.00 Fumed oak bookcase . . ..
t 19 On Fumed oak china closet..
$ 61.00 Upholstered chair, upholstered In
brown denim 57.50
$ 46.00 Walnut toilet table, colonial style. . . ao.oo
t 35 00 Arm chair, upholstered In cretonne.. 17.50
$ 17.60 Fumed oak cellarette .............
$ 12.60 Wicker Fireside Screen
$ 85.00 Fumed oak library table.
$ 25.00 Mahogany wing chair.
$ 89.00 Tapestry arm chair.
$ 68.00 Fumed oak buffet ........ .........
$ 66.00 Fumed oak china closet.
$ 48.00 Fumed oak china closet
$ 42 00 Tapestry arm chair, loose cushion seat
, 42.50
7.50 H
2.50 I
Zfl.OO I
10.50 I
23.00 I
24 .OO
Continuing Our January Sale of
Curtains, Portieres, Curtain and Dra
pery Materials and Upholstery Fabrics
20 Styles
Muslin. Scrim. Laco Curtains
One pair of a pattern
Values $3.50, for 95c.
25 Styles
Lace. Net and Scrim Curtains
One or two pairs of a pattern
Values to $7.00 Pair, for $2.85 Pair.
10 Styles
Portieres and Over Curtains
In Green, Blue and Brown; light weight
Values to $8.00 Pair, for $1.00 Pair.
60 Styles
Bunrialow Nets. Cream and
Colored Madras and Muslins
Kegular values 85c to $1.95 a yard, reduced l Sf
one-bair price
"18c to 98c Yard.
25 Styles
Overdrapory Materials 36-in. to 50-in. Wide
Values to $2.50 Yard, for 38c.
JlfM.i vlhir imalhr t'zed ivgs are
firired tt rem i'ou) privet. Aha cur
iict viadc ru;ut Ijiij reductions,
han first cost of mutt rut.
After Holiday Sale of Bric-a-Brac Continued
. Wonderful opportunity for the purchase of anniversary presents and other sifts.
$57.4 0 Hreadon China Tea Bet of ,10 pieces, now Z I
$ S.OO Dresden China Candle Sticks, now......
$ 5.00 Wedgewood Vases, now -
$ H.50 Wedgewood Creamer and F.ugar, now . J
$ 9.00 Set of (0) Persian China Cupa and Saucers, now 4.ftO
$13.50 Marbl Statue "Beatrice," now O.T0
$10.00 Marble Ptatue "Cupid and Psyche," now o.oo
$ COO Bronze Vase, now -
$14.00 Humidor, solid mahogany, now
C 7( .In rrtt ntorp nor "''"
iT1" $
$ 6.00 Lavender Silk Pillow, now
And a lnre nuinlwr of small gifts suitable for prises as well
as many gifts of the more preteutions sort.
All styles drapery material rep
resented. to S H yards, at
Closing out all one pair lota of
Values $4.25 to $40.00, at
Orchard (t Wilhelrn Co
414-416-418 South Sixteenth Street