Ifi Tin: BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1916. A NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Salient Feature ii Steady Reiist ance of the Exchange to Pressure. SELLING IS PERSISTENT NKW TORK, Jan. 6.-Ths ssllrnt fa .lura of tWs feverish msrkrt was Its rtndr tt(itno to prs-jur. SelHnu for )wli accounts wss prlMrrit, llqiit'latlon toTrrrtnt: about numerous arwclaltlPK, Iwhllft Investment shares mere the. tsrset (of besrlMi asTeslons. lowMt prloen wrre made by mmr of the potential lend ers, notably t'nlted states Kteel. In the final hour, but Ii ses were comparatively Iwlerate. In that class. Sentiment anion; professions! traders euscested prreater anxlrty cnncernln the outcome of International affalra. but the conservative element enprewied Ita oellef In a aatlafartory adjustment. At the. actlva openlns: of the movement falna or 1 to S polnta wero made by va rious laauea, chiefly coppers., l.-rka-wanna Kteel and some of the lens actlva specialties. Italia. In general, rose frac tionally. Heavier offerlnss of special deacrltw tlona, notably otla and automobile laauea. save the market another aethark durlnn the late aeaalon. ITIcea continued to aa. almoat the only exception hem lncka wanna Fteel, which made an extreme ad vance of sla polnta to K. In connection with more or leas familiar rumor of a deal. Coppera aa a arroup were more at fad y than any other division of the liat. Total aales of atocka aggregated Hn.ttiO eharea. nemlttancea to Germany made the new tow record of 74Vfc and demand sterling added to Ita recent advance of t.'a1. Bonda were irrcnilar with a moderate Inquiry for .Anglo-French fa. Total aalea. par value, aggregated $.V440.ftiO. I'nlted titntea bonda were unchanged on call. BLACK AND WHITE BALL THE LARGEST SOCIAL EVENT IN NEW YORK It is to be held January 11 for benefit of the Ladies' auxiliary of the Lying-in hospital. Many of the debutantes will be seen in the special dances. Miss Anne Morgan, sister of J. P. Morgan, heads the exe cutive committee arranging the ball. POSTMASTER GIYES LESSONSJO CUPID In Little Over Twenty-Four Hour Colonel Wharton Find Five Suitors for Widow. Number of aalea and leading Quotations .en atocka ware aa follows: 1 lM. Hlfti. Vm Clew AUtfra 0IS M'l t'i !i AIMe-rhalBiera I tv i"t Amertru FUM eTnaar 1 7 Amerlran C l W '4 Amrl.a lnomntl .... .ml m m Ainartraa S. R .4W 1I4 ll Am. a IX pM Mia Ill 1IIS 111 Am. Hoar Rafinm... 114 Amerlima Tl. T.I KX 1J7S 1IT4 lit Aweriraa Tobaooa AmuommIa Chr I7.1IO Wl M4 M'4 AtxMaon l.K IK 1IH HMin Uvnll Jl.Mn 1H4 11?'-, It I mora Ohio .. .mo SM. N:, . HeOlletiem Hel 44k 4 Itrnnkim F.al4 Tr n 7 rji, M California rvtmlwim .... I.snt 7 3T" (anaataa faHtlo I.snn 1". nlrl iMlhar t.e MS US " mIi Ohl MX M a.' .' hlra, W 4na lt.t 11 i Ctitraan. M. Ht. P 4 HIS 10" l" 4til(ia M. W 11" rMfMo. b.i 4k r. Kr i"'i par M't (lnraWt Kim4 Iroa.... W t l !', Crurihla KxmI It.ins 'q Ii I Dnnr a. H. rt. pt XI tHetllian' UmevriH .... ,4.n 4TS 4 44 Tiri 4:h Vleneral BIrrto emt 174 1TI lil Oraat KorUiern pfd 1 " 1H Ii4'4 ITi tliwl Xn nr no t in Kn lOucirMhetin Raalonulea.. I.7H) US SK' " Illlnnla thntnl In4 ' Intrnnni(h oa. extra., I W) S '4 Xi'4 InaiMnutoa Ciwf 44, W") 4ir, 4ft t ItilarMlloeal Hrrator... )' !"' 10 xnu I'ltr Houthara.... l.tm IH US 114 lhl4i Valler l,4iW II IIS loiii.Tlll. a Naahvllla Y2'i tilran Ptrnlaa at.VO 134 1114 lln Mluil 1npfr n.KlO H i .11 3' Mluntirl, K. T. tM lli'a Wwmrt ParlNo . '4 4 4'4 Nallenal (,1m 111 M s Nevada IWiw t.ae !' 14 l New York Central Il.ana !', 1H4 1', N. T.. N, H. H T IHS W '' Narfnlk a 'HI 1 " 1M ltt'4 Narttxtra PaellK 1U 1I7S I1T4 Fx trie Mtl Il'i FScttlfl Tel. Ttl 0i4 TSnaarlvanla 1.4 ' If Pnllmaa ISlayna Vu 4 1M ltl lo r a. Oopixr t, H S S-H UO(llll( I'. H-pubUo Ima a ataal.... 1WM MS 4.114 MS ffetithara Panlhti 4,(wg 10J', lots IS Hnvthern Rallwar S mtohaltr Humaaar .... 14, to 1444 II I'4 Twiiian Ofaer S Teias Contpaur Z24S t'alon f.rido (.IN US 1US 1N Vnloa Parina pM I'4 l Bllwl VtmUa HtMl '.. M.K Hit MS M'4 f H. gtael pti am 111 1TTS 1US , l uk rinpeer 11. lea 11 S wS IVaatlern t nlea 4 tV, MS l4 Waetlnchetiae RlMtrla ... 14. f tS Hli 'S MmtUMia Powar t.fi 'ins T4'4 '4 Oenerai Motnra 1.7" 4Jt 4 471 hah B dm iT.mn r:s m IH Inieraattonal Marina pfd. .4nA 79 71 71 jpj ONE. HOWEVER. LEFT AT POST The young widow in Texan who en-. trusted to John- C. Wharton, post- j master of Omaha, the task of finding' her a husband, already has five suit-I or. j Some little matrimonial agent is. John C! And he beamed with hon-j est pride and manly satisfaction as; Penny Soup Lunch Makes Profit On First Day Served The pei" lunchea at Train achoot were repeated at noon, when 'Hal boys and Rirla enjojrrd a warm enack of soup and crarkera. The cook did not make enough soup to aerve ten children and the teach ers, who were disappointed. A larger sup ply will be provided hereafter. Hlce soup was served. Bean soup will be offered today. The soup served on the first day coat five-sixths of a cent per child, yioldtna; a profit of one-sixth of a cent on each bowl aerved 1 he bread or crackers, which are donated, are not figured In with the cost of the soup. Superintendent Graff attended tha lunch room and bougV. a bowl of soup, for tr he exhibited five letters on hi, desk.! WD1 " "p """J. '"T Ju" ,n" "m s anyooajr else. 1 nia is not a Cliattljr prop- It was In Monday evenings Hoc that the story was first pultllsh'-d ahout the loney heart in Texas. The widow Is but 25 years old. five feet seven Inches tall and weighs 1) pounds. Two of the letters came from Oinalin. one from (.'olumbus, one from Ansley and one from Polk, Nrh. All were from men lesa than 35 years old. One of them addreased to "P. M. Poatniastcr. Omaha, Neb.," statea that the would-be aultor "haa red hair, but is otherwl.-e consid ered good looking." One of the letters comes from a youni man of ambition. He is a widower and has a farm. j Seetla Help Farm. I "I am 82 years of ape." he writes. ositlon. The aoup la trade to sell at I cent a bowl and no profit Is expected nor desired. NEWSBOYS CONFESS TO SNATCHING A PURSE rtennle Scavla. axed n years. 2?W South Kirteenth; Bohemll Irobek. aged 12 years, and Joa Drohek, aged 14 years, 1414 Wil liam; aa well as Frank Balkavlc, aged 13 years. 2321 South - Fourteenth street, were arrested by Detectives Doland and Walker. The lads, who are newsboya, confeased to snatching a purse containing fi: from Frank Garraute of Audubon. Ia., and were turned over to juvenile authorities. Why Use Pyro Coke? $8.50 Per Ton "Pyro" is coal refined. Take the tar, the heavy oils and most of the volatile gases out of Colorado's top-notch coal: "Pyro" is what remains. "Pyro" is practically pure carbon. "Pyro" is smokeless, sootless, almost ashless and the cleanest fuel you can buy. Use "Pyro" alone in a hot air furnace, mix it with Econ omy Egg, $0.50, or with Cherokee Nut, $5.00, in a hot water heater. No special instructions for burning Just keep the firepot full. Use "Pyro" and your bills for fuel will go down. SUNDERLAND BROTHERS CO. 70 YELL-0 WAGONS. Phone Doug. 252. Main Office, Keeline Bldg., 17th and Harney Sts. Total aalae fur the da. , share. Nw York Mower Market. NKW TORK, Jan. 6. MERCANTILE PAPFR-ViiiS per cent. STKRI.INO ECHANOn Plxty - day bills, M 71: demand, f4.?4; cables. S4.7M. HlI.VEllr-Har, bic; Mexican dollars, "e HOVPS Oovwnmant, steady; railroad, Irrerular. Tl M M IOAN-tesdy; alxty and ninety daya, l per cent; alx months, 2VQ3 per "".ALU MONET Easier: high.' 24 per rent; low, 1 per cent; ruling rata, I per cent; laat loan, J'4 per cent; closing bid. X per cent: offered at 14 per cent. Closing quotation on bonda today war as followsi V. ef. la. raw.... av.'M. Tt. r. la.... 41 S to enuaaa M N T. C. Sab. ....1H, V. . na Iflltt'N. T. (Mr S. ...1M'( a WHinea ,t..,...lolw.N. T. Hut tm. .1114 r R. 4a. ra lit N. T , W. H. H 4 enapoa II t. 4a ...IK Numi ta iBa..l'i'.HNv luteins 4a . An Hmeliara 4a 4o a a. t. a t. . 4.. ino. a u rr. 4 w, AraiiMtr ftt. 4a-. 4tPu. T. A T. ta lm Airhlaoa am. 4a.... M raa. eaa 4S4a Kat. a ! 4a rut o m. 4VM ro. J-arlfle lat WaAaamiia no 4m as Chea. a fXilo 4a... llVta. U 4 . IT. I. h Il'i r. H U I. to.... 41 gn. Pae. f. U. IK'. ' M a S P 4a..ll 4a rat. 4 IKi'i . U . a r. a Wld. Railway la 10J C, fi. ruf. 4Ha.. . M4Vnloa Part He tm..... Ii 4 TL (l nl. 4a.. M e o 4a rna a mtt. a. Rnkbar 4a. ...IM cxo. Kleatrla 4e....lMu. a rul 4a im He. let .... MtWahaak lat ia I'X'l. 111. Oa. raf. 4 0I-..WM. t'nlaa 4Wa... S K. C. . rf. la... HSW.l Klae. ct. 4a..l3T'a 1 N. ant. to H Auio-lTocl la .... M-a M. K ft T. lat to.. TV. 1114. with cloaa to tero weather, it is f Inured that it will freeze about ati inch every twenty-four hours. Cutting ' will com mence when a thickness of twelve Inchea Is reached. While men have not been h'red for the lea harvest, the forces are lnlnn figured out and the Ice cutting tools are l'lmr gotten In shape (or work. Judge Foster Rules Family Fuss a Tie William Itlchards, 2308 Cuming; afreet, was arraigned before Police Judge Foster charged with abusing his wife. Ha as serted that he charge should rightfully hava been reversed. Mrs. Richards waa asked to tell her atory. Fifteen minutes) later tha following persiflage was still being dispensed by her: "And I said to Will, "will you take sugar in your coffear and ha iaya, 'yes,' an' he never take auga. Hasn't since ha waa sick, when I had Just come back from a visit, and waa just aaylng to Mrs.." Help, help.", shrieked the Judge, and Mr. Richards waa finally prevailed upon to cease. Hha then admitted that she smoked cigarettes and had walloped her husband across the brow with a poker. "It's a tie." aettlcd Fouler, and waived tha eoupl out of tha room. A "For Bala" or "For Rent" Ad placed In Tha Bee will accomplish Ita pur pose. OMAHA. Jan. I. Rank clearlnga for Omaha today were $4.7.'1;1.j"j. and for Die corresponding day laat year l.UH. 144. . Three Are Fined for Abusing the Members of Families II. W. GiUtland. 401 North Nineteenth ' street, was arreeted at Fourteenth and Iouglaa streets by Officer John II olden Tueaday evening for being drunk and abusing his 17-year-old wile of on month. "The aileat language I aver heard since I hava boon on the department." waa llulden comments of UUlUand's re mark. Tha offender waa fined K0 and Coats. George Pmlth, 1084 North Forty-eighth street, charged with being drunk and abusing hia family, was fined and costs, and Jamea Kacl. Hit North Twenty-fourth street, was given a like fine for a similar offense. JOHN LEW B KIN FALLS OVER HIGH EMBANKMENT Unconscious, half froien, and with an ankle broken, John Lembkln. 1811 (Turn ing street, waa found at tha foot of a high embankment over which ha had fallen at Forty-ninth and Center streets, early yesterday morning. Thomas Shandy of Forty-eighth and Wrlgbt streets, found tha Injured man when on hia way horn from work early In tha morning. At police headquarters when he had revived sufficiently to talk aoma, ha spoke vaguely of a gang pursuing him. "They've been after me for a long time," he repeated over and over. "They threatened to cut me to pieces with a knlfa lots of times. They chased me to Forty-ninth and Center streets, where I fell over the bank." Whether the man was really . pursued by enemies, or whether his mind la wan dering somewhat Is yet unknown. Commercial Club is Looking for Live Wires for Work If you know how to extend Omaha's trade" territory, you must speak up promptly so the Commercial club may put you ou a committee for that pur pose. . If you are sure you can put a fleet of barges on the Missouri river before tha close of the year, speak also, for the club wanU you on a river committee. Yes, and if you are Interested in any other line, and are a member of the Commercial .club, it la up to you to kpes-k. for the club wants ta know your preference aa to committees on which you would serve. The ballots are to go out the latter part of this week to all members for a vote on the directorate for the new year. The ballot will contain some 300 names. Sev enty-five directors sue to be elected. , Along with the ballot will go a little card on which each member la to mention one or more subjects of club activity In which lie ta greatly interested. This In formation Is to serve to guide the execu tive committee In making up the person nel of the new standing committees for the year. i sna my nrst wire niea auoiu si nini j ago. i am an aione on me i'" m and have to do the mllklnR. churning.! cooking. houHewotk, tend chk-kena. j etc. It Is too much for a man ana i need a wife. If this woman Is strong and uat to farm work I would be pleased to mary her. I have a large farm, S20 acrea, and one htrd man and 1 can't afford to hire no housekeeper besides. I don't seem able to get no wife around here. They are all down on me and goalp all over the county, these buazy bodys. If a man la hard worker evry-j body have got It in for him. I would I like make acnuanlence of this widow. I j think she wold sute me. Hoping, she Is j uat to farm work and you'll give me her adreas, yours truly." This letter roused the sleeping ire of the postmaster. All his chivalrous ad miration for the "dear creatures" rose up and heaped anathenm i;pon this fellow. Mast Have Good llnatmnd. 'Why I expect he mlffht want her to help pull the plows, cried the honest postmaater. "1 won t send him her ad- drcsa. No, sir. Thia little widow shall not be made a slave with my help, l it get her a ood huabaud, or none at all." j Colonel Wharton win send tlie wiaow s ddress to the other four and will forward their letters to her. It was suggested that he ought to be allowed government frank In hia matrimonial endeavors. But he waved It aside. "I shall cheerfully bear the expense of thia myself." he aald. "What are a few stamps If I can put Joy and bllsa Into two hearts where now only gaunt loneliness stalk sT Whet prlco tan be put upon the service of turning a lonely widow Into a happy wife, a forlorn and unloved bach elor Into a worshiped husband T No, gen tlemen, I acorn pecuniary consideration. 1 spurn the very thought of financial re muneration." So saying, the colonel called hia ste nographer and began dictating the let ters that shall carry the hope of love and connubial bllsa to five unclaimed hearts. 'It's Certainty of Quality Satisfaction Here That Makes January Sale Underpricings Draw Record Crowds Every Day Thousands of wise ones are providing not only for present but for future needs You'll find it will pay you. cSW TUT AWTrs, day. ii 1116 1 DODGED DOUGLAS STREETS New Bar gain Surprises Brought For ward Each Day. VOCATION BUREAU HAS OFFICE IN THE CITY HALL Myrtle Roberta . haa been placed In charge of the vocation bureau which haa been eatabllahed on the fifth floor of .the city ball by the Collegiate Alumnae asao- clatlon. Office space waa granted by the Board of Education. It will be the aim of thia association to assist young men and women to find work for part of their time in such Instances where employ ment would enable continuation of educa tion. An investigation haa ahown that some leave achool because of financial Inabil ity to finish their studies. FUNERAL SERVICES WHICH WERE DELAYED HELD TODAY Funeral services were held from lleafey A Heafey'a chapel this afternoon for Frank Davidson, aged 67 years, who died several weeks ago of pneumonia. Inter ment took place in Holy Bepulcher cm tery. The funeral waa delayed until relatives were located. TWO OMAHA GIRLS' ENTER BEAUTY AND BRAINS CONTEST Two Omaha girls. Mis Harriet Chruina, 420 South Ninth street, and Misa Violet Cook, toil Howard street, have entered the "Beauty and Bralna photo conteat being conducted by the Photo Play Mag- asms in conjunction with the World Film corporation. is HELP WANTED" ' - - , Final Disposal Sale , OF TRIMMED HATS Comprising All Our Early Models Large, medium and small shapes, in black and colors. Some made of silk velvet, others of plush, gold and sil ver lace, etc. HATS WORTH TO $12.50. Sale $MSale Price " Price Lstdies Silk Boot Hosiery. Regular 7Eo quality, in black and tvll AQ n most desirable colors. On sale Tnurs., pr."lvC Ladles' 85o quality Boot Hose, In black OC or white. Special, bargain Thursday tt iuC Ladies' Kid Glorea. That sold to 1.60 fair; 1 and 2-button lengths In white, tan or Mack, cither lambskin or doe skin; slightly soiled or mussed from handling, otherwise perfect. To close, pr.aC I When the APPETITE IS POOR DIGESTION BAD LIVER LAZY BOWELS CLOGGED YOU SHOULD TRY IIOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS IT STRENGTHENS AND INVIG ORATES THE ENTIRE SYSTEM Our Cloak Department's Busy, Thanks, and Why Shouldn't It Be? with all Tailored Suits, all Fur Coats, all Cloth Coats, all Fur Sets, Muffs & Scarfs All Dresses and Gowns AT JUST HALF PRICE Never before were assortments more complete and varied or styles more attractive in January than right now. Buy soon be fore the lines are depleted. .. . Here's Some Thursday Specials You'll Want to See French Coney Fur Coats. On sale (IA tf I Children's Fur Sets, worth M-00 and d QC Thursday at 51U,UU M0, t T rs English Refuses Change of Venue for Art Hauser t . Judf English yesterdsy afternoon ra iufcd a change tf vmue for Arthur liVer, charred 'Hh tha murder of W. If. 6i1Jth. Woodmen of tha World c sh ier, luuser's trtal will start la district court Monday. ICE CROP SOON TO BE READY FOa THE HARVEST T!e f'rospetU of a cold anap that may oi,i,irJ several days haa started activity eiiiong the Ice tnr-a and thy are llnlnf tiM tu fcrvln cutUny on the lakes and ivotrs st the earlUst p.,tL!e date. r this tune the lie on HSI mtcr Is ii.,-t to fight liirh' In i.'.W ki,-, and Furniture, Rugs, Stoves and Draperies At Prices Never Before Quoted in Omaha at ut of Business Sale Women's Fiber (Sweaters. One big lot that sold at J5.00 to $7.00. Good colors At $2.95 Children's Winter Coats In good quality bear skin, good colors; sold at $2. SO and IS. 00. At 95c Women's long Kimonos That sold at $2.60 and $3.00; good colors. On sale to close at 95c Rune s Going Women's Velvet Vests, comfortable, stylish, sell regularly at ?5.0'J. On sale Thursday, 2 QEJ at Sweeping Price Reductions on Wanted Merchandise of All Descriptions in January Sales Third Day of Big Special Inventory Grocery Sale This Sale Meant a Big Saving- to You by Buying Now for Your Future Use Nothing Reserved, Everything in the Entire Store and In Our Bis . Warehouse Rooms Must Do Sold Plenty of Extra Salespeople to Walt on You and Prompt Delivery Guaranteed We must hurry this big stock into the homes of thd people and in order to accomplish this purpose, an extension of time at the same low prices will be allowed if it is so desired. ' Q1MI FOHIMTOBE. CO- 1513-1515 Howard Strcot nun 17 pounds best pure granulated sugar ft.OO 4t-lt. sack best blgb grade Dia mond II Hour, nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes, sack.. $133 8 lbs. best white or yellow corn meal i Tc 8 lbs. best rolled white break fast oatmeal B3c 4 pkga. best domestic macaroni, vermicelli or spaghetti 23c 10 bars Beat-'Eru-AU. Diamond C or Laundry Queen white laun dry soap SWc 4 cans fancy wax, string, green or lima beans SHc 4 cans Golden pumpkin, hominy, saner kraut or baked beans . .ittks Four 16-os. cans condensed milk for c Eight 6 -os. cans condensed milk for 3c Four 1-lb. pkgs. condensed mine meat J2c SS-oi. Jars pure fruit preserves for ac 28-ox. jars pure strained honey for 23c 4 lbs. fancy Japan ric or pearl tapioca 23c 8 lbs. best bulk laundry starch for ... 23c The best soda or oyster crackers, pound 7c 4 pkgs. E. C. corn flakes 1B Hershey's breakfast cocoa, lb. 20u AlacLaren's peanut butter, per pound ' 12 He The best tea sittings, lb....liHc Fancy Golden Santos coffee, a fine drink, pound .....2c THK Ul'TTKrr EOGV CHKK8E AND UlTTERIXE MAKKKT The best country butter, carton or bulk, lb Sic Fancy No. 1 country creamery butter, lb Uttc Fancy dairy table butter, lb.. 27c Good dairy butter, lb 23c The best strictly fresh eggs, per dozen 8oc The best No. 1 storage eggs, per dosen 23o Fancy full cream. N. Y. White, Wisconsin cream or Young Amer ican cheese, lb SOc 2 lbs. good butterlne 2Ac Good table butterlne, lb. ..17 He Fancy table butterlne, equal to creamery, lb 23c EAT HIGHLAND NAVEL OHANGKH NOW. The most healthful fruit grown. Recommended by the highest phy sicians In the country. Thursday, per doa. 13c, SOc, 23c, SOc and 40c FKESIf VEGETABLES. Potatoes, IS lbs. to peck, at.. 23c Wisconsin cabbage, lb., at....le 3 bunches fresh shallots, rad ishes or carrots ioc 2 heads fresh leaf lettuce for.. 5c Fancy Denver cauliflower, per pound st 7j,c Old beets, carrots, turnips or parsnips, at. per lb ic Try HAYDEN'S First.