Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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Hhe Bees.-.Home Maazitie Page.
Gaby Deslys and Her Pet; First Dog to Wear Earrings
The Sun
His Own
Sun DiaJs Beautiful, i
Useful and Romantic
Were the First Instru
ments Invented to Meas
ure the Flight of Hours,
and Are Still the Truo
Watchdogs of Noon.
Anita Stewart's Talks to Girls
No 8 The Smoking and Drinking Menace
gTVcA" -s . . . reW : V
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Above, are shown pictures of Gaby
Deslys and Babe, her tiny Mexican
Chihuahua dog. The dog Is the first
to wear earrings. These earrrlngs
were- made of pearls to match Gaby's
famous $200,000 necklace, reputed to
have been given her by former King
Manuel of Portugal. Mrs. Ella
Wheeler Wilcox has written of all
this as follows:
Tha dot- is an Interesting animal of
great intelligent. In the ntire animal
kingdom .be la the farthest advanced
toward the human incarnation, of alt. the
quadruped. This is due greatly to his
cloae association with human beings and
the education received through their com
panionship. Everything which Is contains the divine
essence. It sleeps in the mineral kingdom,
stirs In the vegetable kingdom, sounds In
the animal kingdom and thinks in the
human kingdom. Everything is on its
way back to God. Everything has its
place and sphere in this present incarna
tion. It would be folly to take the min
erals and try to use them as vegetables.
It would be ridiculous to try to make
vegetable appear as an animal and It is
quite as ridiculous to undertake to make
an animal appear like a human being in
attire or deportment.
Animals are entitled to our kind care,
our sympathy and our affectionate treat
ment. By bestowing these we help them
along toward the development which will .
fit them for . a higher plane and at the ;
same time we develop our own characters
by showing our consciousness cf respon
sibility toward weaker things. But the
moment, we begin to give animals the '
same treatment which we give to chil
dren or human adults we make ourselves "
ridiculous. There are silly women who
give their dogs a seat at the table; there
are silly women who talk baby talk to
their dogs and lavish caresses upon them
in public, and now comes the silliest of
all women who la bestowing diamond
earrings upon her dog.
' It Is not only silly, but It Is unkind to
the dog and accomplishes nothing save
to exploit a foolish vanity and desire for
publicity. That great soul, J. Howard
Moore, says in his "Unlversay Kinship:"
"Look upon and treat others as you do
your own hands, your own eyes, your
very heart and soul with infinite care
and compassion, as suffering and enjoy
ing the members of the same great being
with yourself. This Is the spirit of the
ideal universe, it is this alone can redeem
the world and give to it the peace and
larmony for which it longs. Yes, do aa
you would be done by and not to the
dark man and the white woman alone,
but to the sorrel horse and gray squirrel
as well; not to creatures of your own
Human beings seem to divide them
selves Into two classes: the sturdy in
dependent folks who work out their own
life problems as independently as may be,
and the spineless weaklings who waver
through life seeking props.
No human being is really fully self
sufficient; no human being ought to rely
to any great extent on any outside In
fluence to bolster him up so that his
uncured weaknesses will not spoil his
life. In the final analysis everyone has
o wor
iia &i
work out his own problems and "dress
in weird."
After all. friendship, love, sympathy.
guidance and the best Intentioned desires
to help will aid no one who does not
choose to help himself. Do you remember
the old fable of Aesop? It Is called "Her
cules and the Wagoner." This is how it
"As a wagoner was driving hla wain
through a miry lane, the wheel atuck
fast In the clay, and the horses could
get no further. The man dropped on his
knees and began crying and praying to
Hercules with all his might to come and
help him. 'Laiy fellow said Hercules,
get up and stir yourseir. Whip your
horses stoutlly. snd put your shoulder
to the wheel. If you want any help then.
you ahall have If "
How wonderfully this tells the whole
storj. Anyone worth helping will make
a loo the effort to help himself. Anyone
who cries weakly snd ineptly for assis
tance would fail even when assisted, be
cause each time failure stared him In
the face he would shriek aloud for help.
The "clinging vine" is miserably un
fair to himself and equally cruel to the
"sturdy oak." Every human being has
Ills own problem to face and his own
burdens to bear for everyone the per
sonal problems are hard enough.
To some strength enough is given so
hat they have it to spare for others
ven after they have managed their own
Uvea. To them Inevitably an appeal will
lie mude by the "weaker brethren." And
a treneroua nature must atwaya give lav
Ih1iI of lh help and underatandlng It
has In Its pouter to offer.
But if you are one of those who are In
I - "-:''1
! I
, , ! , v x ; -
anatomy only, . but to . all creatures. Do
more than live and let live; live and help
live. Do , to the being below you as . you
would be done by beings above you.
"Poor, undeveloped, untaught creatures.
They are fellow mortals. Let us be kind
and merciful to them."
But that doe not mean that we are to
give our four-legged animals diamond
earrings, necklaces or lings, put them in
chairs at our tables, or otherwise place
them on a par with human beings in a
manner which does not benefit them and
which they cannot understand or ap
preciate. The finest bred horse In the world would
not enjoy a four-post bedatead as a place
of slumber. What he needs is a light, airy,
comfortable stall, with clean straw 'for a
Looking for the Props
the habit of casting your burdens on
others, stop for a moment and think :
Are any of your problems ever really
solved when you do not solve them?
Don't you see that life in Its wisdom in
sists on disciplining you and "whipping
you into. shae?"
If today you are given a certain situa
tion and if Instead of facing It you rush
with It to a wiser mind for solution and
unreasopingly and with rather pathetic
faith accept the solution Just because the
wiser mind has offered It, you are deny
ing your reasoning powers a chance to
figure out your problem and refushlng
to seach your own nature for the re
serves of strength which may well be
Read over again the little fable ot
"Hercules and the Wagoner." Determine
to stir yourself when you find the wheels
Advice to the Lovelorn
Do Net gee Illns Awla.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 11 Thla sum
mer 1 met throutrh a flirtation a man
eight years my aenlor. Ha aeemed to be
a gentleman and I took great liking to
him. He asked me if I would let him be
a good friend. Now I hear he la married
and a gambler. u. J u.
Vou must have absolutely nothing more
to do with this man. You should never
have flirted with him In the first place,
and now that you know he Is a gambler
you must drop htm at, once. The case
would be still worse If he Is married. But
whether or not he la, he la still a danger
ous associate for you and you muat end
your acquaintance at once',
l-t Well Fh Aloa.
Pear Visa Fairfax: I am going about
with a young lady whom I love dVarly
and who has told me that my love Ik
reciprocated. Previous to our friendship
she had aeen much of another man, but
aft. r she bad consented to become my
wife the refiiMed to see him. Now he h
begun t-lMihoiilng her, anil akin
whether le in call, tu which ahe re-
fled no. He rrsiitel her lth a nunl-
cuio set, which she has never uvd.
bedding. The most Intelligent cat or dog u u Bot rlffht for euiml1tt ,nnumorous
In the word, however finely bred and perTOn, who for of another.
carefully educated, does not appreciate , want t0 known the exact tlme ghown
having his mistress call herself hla, by th. ,un at tha pomt on the ,arth
mother. where they happen to live, and not the
The devotion, the faithfulness, the loy- conventional time shown by what astron
alty and the unselfishness of many a ' omera call the "fictitious sun," which
dog, in fact of most doss, may well put they have created to make easy work for
the majority of human beings to shame. clocks nobody being able to maks a
Few of us have the faith In our God, j clock that could accurately follow the
however devout we may be. whloh en-1 sun, whose apparent motion through
ables us to illustrate It by obedience and 'the sky varies in accord with the varla
devotion suctr as a dog shows his master tlons of the earth's real motion around
or mistress. All theae things are to be lit. Four times in a year, about April 16.
appreciated by the right-minded human June 14. September 1 and December M,
being, and affection, protection and kind-
neas shown the animal. To go farther
than this simply makes us ridiculous and
does the animal no good.
of your chariot are caught In the mire.
Give yourself the exercise of. trying to
extricate youraelf.' Then if you fall, you
have a right to wiser counsel and when
you see it applied to the altuatlon, you
will be able to figure out why you failed
and ao act more Intelligently in your
next difficulty.
Don't get Into the habit of rushing with
all . problems- to some one wiaer and
stronger than you. Aid and counsel are
splendid things. But the exercise of your
own ingenuity and Intelligence and good
Judgment are of equal importance. Don't
be a "clinging viae."
If you are, you will impede the oak
to which you faatened yourself and you
wilt make yourself so weak that if storm
bends or breaks your oak you must be
cast to the ground a mm of tangled
leafage, doomed to destruction.
Would it be proper to return this to htm.
after ah had It more than a year? P. F.
Tour friend should have returned the
gift st the time whan ahe ceased receiving
the other man's attentions. To do so now
would be merely to give him a ohanoe to
protest, and so to reopen affairs between
them. 1e beat way to rid herself of his
uaweioome attentions Is to tell him
frankly that she cares for some one else.
Has Treated Yew Vafalrly.
Dear Mlas Fairfax: I met a young girl
ten months ko and learned to like her.
I perausded her to Improve her education
In KuglUh aud music, for which she hu
a talent; ahe accosted It and J started to
rein her with expenses
After eight months I told her ray inten
tion, hut she aaid she did not ears for
me. Wilt yuu advise me if you think I
have any hope tu win her heart?
You had best discontinue your aooualpt
ance with the girl; ahe certainly had no
right to let you pay her education, and
now that she has tn'd you ahe does not
cure foi you, both riUnlty and piooilcty
otiiiand discontinuing your frleudahip.
"Kindly tell tis all shout a sun-dtal,
how It la built, the prlnrlpte underly
ing the bit a. Can a set nun-rilnl give the
correct time summer and winter alike?
W. N. N. Richmond Hill."
Moras non nuraero nisi sprpnaa ("1
count only the sunny houra". Sm-h waa
the favorite motto Inacribed on the old
sun-dlals, and It reveals at once thp true
application of the Inatrumpnt aa a mpaa
urer of time, and tha poetic beauty of
the conception on which It la baed.
The sun-dlal has given to literature
one of lla finest allegorical phrases, "The
shadow on the dial." What metaphor, or
rhetorical flgtire. excela that In contem
plative power? strung girl.
The slow on-creeping of the d.irk gray, Aside, however, from the physical ef-dellcate-edged
aliade of the gnomon, fecta of cigarettes, I am personally faa
gradually reaching and covering the sue- tldloua, and It revolts me to smell a girl's
cesalve figures of the hmira is a curl- ! breath reeking of tobacco, and see her
oualy fascinating eight. It Is like the fingers stained with nicotine. If I were
march of doom. With a magnifying glass j a man, j shouldn't like to klaa that kind
you can see the movement of t'me's , 0f nps nor hold that kind of a hand,
shadowy finger. To the Imagination It I never smoke rtgarettea, and I never
Is an uncanny sight: It Is mere motion ;
made visible, for what seems to move
Is nothing, because a shadow has no
substance. There is' no Invention that
man has ver' made which puts under
his eyea so startling an image of tha
fleetlngnea of life as Is furnished by the
sun-dlal. The movement of clock-hands
has no such effect, for that la mani
festly a purely mechanical phenomenon.
Here, perhapa, Ilea the occult reason why
these instruments have never been popu
lar. why they were often attached to
churchea and cemeteries, why moral
maxims . appeared In the mottoes that
they bore, and why, in these days, when
ever you find a man who has taken
pains to furnish his garden with a sun
dlal, you are sure to discover that he
is of a meditative or contemplative dis
position. The sun-dlal tells the true sun-time,
at the place or on the merldinn where
It la situated. Clocks ate prevaricators
and compromisers. It you want to know
the moment when it is truly noon you
must go to the sun-dlal for that Infor
mation. Tour clock will, ordinarily, give
you what la actually somebody else's
noon, situated a considerable distance
east or west of you, while somebody
else's clock will give him your noon, and
neither will have the real noon. This Is
all right for general, practical purposes
In this all-grasping age, when we have
made the world our oyster, and are oon-
r A mrltV all MM n It mt Anm. hut
tne clock and the sun agree.
There you have the whole philosophy ot
the sun-dlal; It holds up Its motionless
finger (the gnomon), exactly In the meri
dian on sunny days, and the sun, travel
ing from east to west through the aky,
throws the shadow of the gnomon onto a
graduated dial, and causes thai shadow
to move eastward across the dial, keep
ing perfect step with its own progress In
the opposite direction. It shows the true
local sun-time at all seasons.
The simplest of all forma of sun-dlal.
and the easiest to make, tm a flat plane
of metal or stone, placed hortsontAlly,
snd having the line ot the true meridian
of the plaoe, or the true north and south
line, drawn through Its center. Another
line, at right angles to this. Is the a
o'clock, or east and west line.
Upon the meridian line la set up the
gnomon, a thin triangular pleoe of metal,
one of whose angles is a rigtit angle,
while one of Its two other angles is
equal to the latitude of the place where
the instrument is fixed upright on the
dial In such a way that its right-angled
corner Is st the northern end of the
base, or side on which It stands, while
the side opposite to ths right angle points
directly toward the pole of ths heavens,
whose elevation above the horison always
equals the latitude of the place where the
observer stands.
The shadow of the gnomon will move
across the plate on the side opposite to
that on which the sun shines, snd will
reach, in succession, a series of hour
lines, which must be drawn at such dis
tances apart aa to correspond with the
relative positions of the principal merl
dlans of ths globe.
Ths edge of the shadow approaches
the gnomon before noon and recedes from
It after noon'. At noon the sun will shine
directly down upon the top of ths upright
triangle, or exactly in Its plane, and
there will be no shadow, the moon Una
on the dial corresponding, as we have al
ready seen, with the direction of the
gnomon Itself. Standing on ths south
aide of the dial, tha forenoon hours will
be on ths left, and tbs afternoon hours
on the right.
The proper pne'tlone for the hour lines
on the dial can be ascertained by a sim
ple geometrical method, which Is too
long to be described here, but which will
found, for Instance. In the Encyclotwdla
Americana. It la very important to have
the meridian on the dial placed In exact
aooordance with the real meridian, and
the ascertainment of the latter is a prob
lem in elementary practical astronomy.
Many complicated and extremely beauti
ful forma of sun-dial were made In the
days before clocks and watches became
cinmon. They are precloua curtoa for
thoae who can appiectele them.
Copyright. 1!1R. lntrrl Ni Prr to.
"Ilnva n ilrrlt. Anita? Wbl' Von
don't mriokP? Oil, you poor llttl dy-hpfor-)-:tr(liiy
Thl wlu:t ot( of my frtcndu mv to
nr. and thf ar" nlr Rlrla. too. Somf
tlmra I tMnk t'irv ar th t ctrln n
the worlil born.iac thry have rump 'in
aMhPd tlirouch all tnp flrp of tpinpta
tion that tlp dpvll hlmaplf llnht around
thp fret of a prPtty poor girl In a Ms
, city.
' Hut o many of Ihpm iaa rlitarPttpa,
, and thpy trll ma that I don't know what
j I'm mtarlns whpn I don't Join thpm In
j a amoke or two aftpr a trjina momlnf'a
l work In thp atudlo.
"Oh, ypa. I do know what I'm mlaaln
I In not amnklnir laarpttPB., I aay to
j thpm. "1 am miming a bad caae of
nervpa." And that. If Mtni to mp, la
' thp rpal anKwrr to the qupatlon of why
. women shouldn't amoke.
We wotriPn are Jumpy enough anyway.
We are nothing but bundlea of nervpa,
and why we ahould add to our ovpr aup
ply by cultivating the cigarette hahlt, I
have never been able to underatand. If
' hiiHky and phlegmatlo men find that
clarettea are roffln nalla. their effect
I la even more deadly on a delicate, high-
touch liquor In any form, not even a
cocktail, or a glass of champagne at
dinner, although at times It Is embaras
sing to refuse.
But It seems to me that the water
route la the only aufe route for a girl
to travel, for young as I am, I have al
ready noticed that nearly every woman
who makes a wreck of her life runs her
craft aground when she Is befuddled with
Kverybody knows this, snd that's what
makea them auspicious of ths girl who
drinks at all. and that's why you hear
men say and they say It with reverence
when they are discussing a girl. "Oh,
she's all right. Straight aa a string.
Never touches anything but water."
Just aa they'll ssy with a leer of another
girl. "Fond of the drink. That kind you
Of course this Judgment Is often very
unjust. A girl who takea a drink with
men may never drink too much. But she
is always In danger, whereas the girl
who doesn't drink at all Is perfectly
safe, so why run the risk?
More than that, there's a lot in avoid
ing the appearance of evil. We girls are
emotional creatures, easily excited, and
Just the thrill or dining In ,a gay res
taurant, with the mualo, and' the lights,
and the flowera, and all the beautifully
drissed women coming In, runs through
cur veins like wine, and brings a flush
to our cheeks, and a sparkle to our eyes,
and keys our voices up to eonoert pitch.
We may not have had a single drop
of liquor to drink, but if there are a lot
of wine glasses at our plates, and if we
have taken even a sip of champagne, th
chances are that every one about us will
think that we are Intoxicated.
Drink ruins a woman's looks quicker
than anything else In the world. It dims
her eyes, It washes out tha roses In her
cheeks. It puts fat on her figure. It puts
folly In her heart, and makes her do the
things that she would give her life to
undo. It Is a cures to men. but It la a
curae and ruination to women, and that's
why I 1 1 go a'l Klrls to Join me on the
water wagon.
"My but Sanatogen
makes one enjoy
AND you know It V a pleasure beyond
l the telling; when, after weeks of
overwork have weakened your system's
forces, you begin to take Sanatogen and
fit! that old-time vigor come back with
new desire to accomplish and a new
joy in living. -
The best of it is that it's no trmptrary
relief that Sanatogen gives but a rtal,
lasting improvement in bodily health
and especially in the health of the nerv
ous system. For combining the proper
ties both of a edf and a Itmie, Sanatogen
nourishes the nerve-cells, rebuilds the
wasted energies and tones up the whole
system as h helps gather a new store of
You can scarcely doubt that Sanatogen
will ktlp yesj when you remember that
over 21,000 doctors have endorsed it in
personal letters and when you read
what John Burrtughs, the celebrated
naturalist, writes:
"lawtumtftMlimw Si 1 m sis. afrM
h lk pi cal fcvnaf a wm m pms saw aaS aw
artaS uaia sm auaii Saw-mi. "
Or what Colon! Watterson, the fam
ous editor, writes:
f Soaateuak I anal mr "SbSit -eut
ft.ut.fM acnfcg ie""Nf te aw aieww apu
Sanatogen is sold by good druggists
everywhere in three sizes, from $1.00 up.
tad Vum. rterMfiouii fflnTsai 0
Jfsdicins, LcmOom, tU
forElbtrt Hubbard's New Book "Health in the Making." Written in his attractive manner and filled with his
shrewd philosophy, together with raoiisl sdvicc on Sanstoges. health and contentment. It is FREE, Tear this off as
reminder to addressTHE BAUfcK CHEMICAL CO., 1 i Irving flacc, New Yeik.
gawsgssiwsMsaSBBsaaaMsaaeTOaisqsaa MSH'iwwmum w'aweeasa
t; v . x i . . 'v ,1
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M ' t ' ' v .VX-'.V vvv ; .
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fv ,7,:... ,; :
fisasft nnsit sriJiia'f tf T11 " ' "' '' "'
Ths avsrage married woman has
die to get a vacation.
Aa a rule woman can
more by tears than smiles.
None save those of brutal Instincts
sympathise with the wlfe-beater.
It is better to tell the truth In ths first
place than to admit things when backed
up In a corner.
Klavlsh solicitude on the part of the
wife seldom wins affection of a selftsn
Tha business man who begins the day
with a smile may be excused If ha lets 11
relsx when a bore approaches.
If we could take a peep a hundrel
years rjence we would all be surprised to
find how essy the World can get along
without us.
. .,
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