THK 1JEK. OMAHA, WKDNKSDAV. .1ANUAJ.Y o, 191(5. 11 i v V IlKAIi KHTATK t'tHM a n n i.mi rim si.K U 11 UAS1A. j UI'FK.rt IsCON ( general crop stall i wnnted. Ianlr for INSIN Hest dairy ami ltd In th union: settler for (ale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booMet 34 on Wliel- In Central Innd Grant. Racetlant land for stock raising. If tntsreteJ In fruit I lands aak for booklet on apple orchards. lAdrima Land and Industrial Dept.. boo jl.lne Rnllway, Vlnnaapolle, Minn. MIlCELLAftMUl-B. HAVE TOL' A KAHU FOR ALB Write a good description ot your land .nd send if to the Ulcus City (la ) Jour nal, "Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad kttdlum " Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every Paturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve dif ferent daya for Ml or K woida. (4. or It Word . . . . Lara-eat circulation of any Iowa news ipaper; 1-O.OuO reader daily la (our great tatasv. 'RKAIj K8TATE FOM KXCHANGK FOR EXCHANGE We will echanga a five-room cottau with five lota, all rlear, valued at (l.Ow), for a more expensive house and assume some encumbrance. The rottaire Is located In Omaha Heights, eatt of 30th St., on Hlme- The lot ar all right, but tho houso needs some repairs. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Phono Pour- 502. 1507- W. O. W. llg. o. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Ollt edire brick apartment house of M rooms; only 2 years old. In splendid loca tion In Omaha: built by day fabor. Owner would take (rood city property, either vacant or Improved, or good farm Land, or part ".ash and balance real estate. SCOTT & HILL CO., Ground Floor MeCatrue Bldg, 1 HAVK some good town property In Iowa to trade for some land near 8. Omaha 10 to SO acrea. MKist be well Im proved and good soli. Describe fully in first letter what you have and price. Ad dress Fox SSI. Stuart. Ia. I HAVK an SOO-acre ranch to sell or trade for income property; would like to hear from a good real estate hustler who can Ket me a deal. Write Box 76, Kdgar, Neb. NKAR 2'th and Dodge fits., 8-r.. all mod. home. In fine repair; very valuable lot. A bargain for some one; terms or small property taken In exchange. HASP HKOfl.. 1W McOaguo BMg. TO KXCITANOK R3x0 ft., on NT St, Omaha, near 26th St., for California property. Address J. M. Caldwell, 240 Webster Ft., San Francisco. Cal, TWO good lota In town of 1,000 popula tion. Dunlap. Ia. W00 cash or trade for Inoome property. Joe B. Tupper, Logan. Iowa. AL.I.. kinds of real estate. Wxchangea. John A. Olson. Bee Bldg., Omaha. TWO clear Omaha lots worth $600 for 1615 auto. Colfax ZS. REAL ESTATE LOAN8 t TO r for loans on best ciaaa city rwatldancea In amounts c,u up. aise (arm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETEKa TRUST CO.. J2 FamamBi. liOANS on city and farm property. Fire, tornado, miriary ana auiomoone in surance, w. O. Tcmpleton, u3 Bee Bldg. T. 2"2n. OMAHA homea. East Nebraska farm. O KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. MM Oninha National. Phone Douglaa tilt. Hot TO 110,000 made prompt j. F. D. ; weao, wean xsiag.. lain at r arnam pua MON EY on hand for city and farm loan a H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 221 State Bank Bldg. CITT and farm loan. B. 6H. per cent. J. H. Dumont Co.. 41 Elate Bank. 6 CITT LOANS. C. O. Carlberg. (ta ll Brandels Theater Bldg. A "For 6a la" ad will turn second-haad furultur into cash. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 24TH STREET FAliNAM PEICD REDUCED TO $11,500 Corner lot with brick Improvement, renting at (XauOper year. Nonrealdent owner la sacrificing for immediate aale. Tbla la located Just two biocka from Farnara St. and bound to show a quick and substantial Increase in value. In fact, la worth not lea than (14,000 at this time. Investigate at onoa. GLOVER & SPAIN, Doug. 3962. 979-30 City National. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE SEE THIS PLACE! CATHEDRAL DISTRICT! 40C1 Charle St., ( room, modern, hot water heat; house 1 In good repair; large lot, near schools, store and car line. The price and term are reason able. Owner will consider a vacant lot as Dart Payment. Poaaeaalon can b given at once. This Is worth Investi gating. CREIQH, SONS & CO., Douglas 300. 60S Boo Building. NEAR FIELD CLUB S rooms, strictly all modern; paved street, close to car and school; elegant yard with shrubbery: first-class loca tion, just north of Field club on 3Mh Ave. Price 13.600. A dandy home. C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE $200 CASH Living room, dining room, two bod rooms, bath, kitchen and pantry all on one floor; strictly all modern; furnace; east front lot: all ready to move Into: cement basement witn hot and cold water; elegant fixture. Price (2,900. Located t. 3ith Ave. C. G. CARLBEIIG, US Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Daadee. WESTWARD GROWTH Remember Omaha's beat residence growth has always been west. First Capitol Hill. Then West Farnam. Now Dundee. The past proves that esrly purchases In tha best residence districts mean profits for the purchasers. No better time than now to buy property in Dundee a newest addition, the right location, between 4Hth and iid. Dodge and Howard 8ts., and plan that new house. Low prices easy terms. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. T. tut City Nat- Bank Bldg If KALaKSTATF MISCELLAXEOVS RPTUIOS., DOUG. 1653 A FINE brands new bungalow, living room across front of houae; two front riHjrtis have beamed ceiiiua; i rooms fln lehed In oak: 2d floor unfinished; could finish 1 rooms; screens, window shades; lot 40x128 ft.: paved street; 1 block to car. Price (3.S60. Easy terme or lot as nart payment. LEGAL NOTICES Ths) ITtiliti Tnd Cnmnanv TO THE STOCKHOLDERS Or THE . T . .1,1 KT 7 . . . . I , & . T The annual meeting of the stockholders cf The I nlon Ijiod Company will be held at the of' Ice of the Company In Omaha, Net. on January loth, litis, at 10 o clock A. M , for trie election of fl.a diraotnra. and for the transaction of audi business as may legally tome before the meeting. LEX. MILLAR, becrvtary. D.Sdd at GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Receipt Are Light. Demand it Quite Actire and Prices Remain Steady. CORN IS CENT TO TWO HIGHER OMAHA, January 4. MM. Cash wheat was vtrady, selling at prac tically unchanged prices. The wheat run was rather light today, but the demand for thle cereal was quite active and most of the sample on the tahle were eold. The receipt! of corn were also light ana there was sufficient demand to take care of the light offerings. The bulk of the sale of corn rangea from 1 cent to 1 centa higher, but a few cars of the poorer grade sold at un rhnnged price. tiats were Irregular, selling from H cent higher to H cent lower. The demand for oats was moderate and the receipt were very light. There wa a fair demand for rye and barley and these market were quoted unchanged. . learn es were: Wheat and flour equal to ws.ono bushels: corn. HS.fttt bush els; oata, fcaj.uOO bushels. Liverpool close: Wheat. Hflld lower; corn, Va id lower. Primary wheat receipts were 1.M1.A0O bu. and shipments 1,130,000 bu., against of bu. and hlpment of l,oa.4jo bu. last year. Primary corn receipt were 1.W1.000 bu. and shipments S6.W0 bu., against re ..f r7 0 bu. and hipment of l.oM.noo bu. last year. Primary oats receipt were 1.001.000 bu. and shipment TBI. 00 bu., against re ?p,p,of bu. and shipment of I. Olu.000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECFMPT. Wheat. Com. Oats. mi c ; 4Hn 7CT Mliiiiieapolla 27l 'xiuth :.. .:: Omaha M 14 Kansas City H& 71 It St. Loul lot 61 32 Winnipeg M These sale were reported today: Wheat No. I hard winter, f- car, (1 10: cars, $1 0l; cars. ll.Oi; l car. (1.07W; i cars ll.oj; l j-fi carg. u.og. No 4 haVd wlnUr: 1 care, I1.04H; 4 care, $1.04; 2 1-fi cars. tl.; 4 Car. $1.06; 1 cars. 11.01; 1 ars. (l.lia Sample: 1 car, Tc; 2 cars. Sc; 2- car. 0c; 1-6 car. 70c; 2-6 car, tee. No. J spring: 1 car, 11.10; car, ll.flp; 1 car. II. 07. No. 4 spring. 4 car. II 02. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, I1.10. No. 3 mixed: Hi cars, ll os; 1 car, 11.04 No. 4 mixed: 2 cars. 11 04; J w. c. No. 1 durum: 1 cars. (1.09; 12-6 care, 11.08. No. 2 mixed durum: 1-5 car. 11 o. No. 3 mixed durum: 1 car, 11.08. Corn No. 1 white; 1 car, Mc. No. 4 white: 1 car. 64e: 4 cars. Mc. No. S white: 1 car. S2c; I cars, eo'ic. No. white: 1 ear, 0c; 1 car, Mc. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, 0c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. 66c. No. 6 yellow: 1 car. tiSVtc: 1 car, MVe. No. vellow: 2 ears, 6!Hy.': 1 car. 6fic. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 63, No. i mixed: 8 car. 61c; 4 cars.OOc; 1 cars, 00c; 1 car, f9c: 1 car. &c. No. 1 mixed: 2 car. Wtc; 1 cars, 67c: 1 car, UV; 2 cars, Wc. Sample: 1 ears, 6c; 1 car. 66c i 1 car, 64c; 1 car. 62c; 1 ar, 4c. Oats No. t white: 1 ear, 41c. Standard: 2 cars. 40ic. No. I white: 2 cars. 40V,c. No. 4 white: 1 car. 3Hc; 1 cars, 39c. Sample: 1 car, 2ahic; 2 cars, 38e; 2 ars. 37c. Barley No. 1: 1 ear. 66c: S car. 63c: No. 4: 1 car. 3c. Spelts Vi car. 11.20 per 100 lbs. Rye No. 3. 2 2-6 cars, 92c; l- car, fc.c N. 3: 1 car. We. Omaha Cash Prices TVheat : ,'o. 2 hard. IIOMhl.ll: No. 1 hard. !1.0SV'1 1": No. 4 hard. fell.04S: No. 2 spring. ll.Ofta 1.12. No. 1 spring, (1.07(.1.10: No. 2 durum. $l.o 1.10; No. 1 durum, 11.0?1.0i: sample, 70JP rf. Corn: No. 2 white. aoflKftVtc; No. 4 white. 62Vs94c: No. 6 white, flfwffc: No. a white, 674i40r; No. 3 yellow, g7c: No. 4 yellow, IM(ftfi5c: No. 6 yellow, iUS' c; jno. yeuow, Mfwy; ; no. mixed, 6'aCc; No. 4 mixed, taw; No. 6 mixed. 58V4Wllc; No. 1 mixed, 6Sf!i ita: No. 2 white. 404N1e; standard. "41tl.c; no. 3 White, 4O0F4OHC; No. 4 white, S9fl39Wc. Barley: Malting, ?Mc: No. 1 feed. 63tc. Rye: No. 2, l!&92c; No. 3, SWS90C. t nieago closing price, furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, atock and grain broker. (16 South Sixteenth. Omaha: Artlclel Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yesy. Wheat May. 1 33TrH July. 1 16'. Corn. May. 7676ii July. 76&76 Oats. I May.l47HTW July. 46 Pork. Jan.. M 75-80 May. 11 86-92 Lard. Jan.. R7H May. 10 U6-10 Ribs. Jan.. 10 16 May. 10 66 1 2 i t tin, 1 V 1 1S 7Rl iVA 1 18W 1 l&V 1 1(VD 7 i 74 V 76'4 46HJ4 4rvfr4Sf IS SO I IS 65 IS S6 18 S5 19 03V 10 20 10 26 10 00 11 7H IS (0 7H! saersB ,9 S6iffJ' 10 lb I 10 10 10 10 10 16 10 66 10 12HI io 12W 10 nii 10 46 B-Bid. CHICAGO GRAI! AMD PBOVIMONC Feat area of Traaliaigr mmd Cloalnjr Prices oh Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Jan. 4. Improved export demand brought about. an advance In tha wheat market today after an early de cline. Tha close was strong. 2Vc to 5 (Sc net higher, with December at (l.ZMkO l.S74, and May at 11. 1 Corn rinlshed with a gain of vc to SfiH and oats of c. IVovlslona underwent a setback of 6ii7Hc to X. Leading exporters who nave been de cidedly bearish heretofore as to wheat made a sudden turn today to the bull side, bales to Europe were said to aggre gate 1,136,000 buahela. The foreign In quiry was felt at nearly every Important trading center ana notaoiy so in jiansaa City, Omaha and Winnipeg. (ioaaip that a widely known speculator wa reinstating a big line of long wheat had a good deal to do witn spreading bullish sentiment. This did not happen, however, until soon after the opening, a substantial break In prices had been forced, mainly In consequence or lower quotations at Liverpool. Corn swayed with wheat. Tha lata rally, though, was somewhat Influenced by tho smallneas of receipts and by some Inquiry from the seaboard. Oats showed relative strength through out the day. The chief reason waa the wide discount or oat under corn. Provision were beariahly affected by the increase shown In the monthly re port of warehouse atock here and In the west. Steadiness In the bog market waa Ignored. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat : No. t red, tl.i3'vtJl JfH: No. I red, ll.UHjl.21H: No. 2 hard nominal; No. 1 hard. 11. 131. IK1. Corn: No. 3 yellow nominal; No. 4 yel low. 6V70c; No. 4 white, 67Vi3Wc. Oats: No. 1 white, 4SUM4iC; standard nominal. Rye: No. S. 7iji(c. Barley: Wallc. Heeds: Timothy, tt!0iqe.26; clover, (10.00tins.ii0. Provisions: Pork, 117 Wjll.66; lard. l8.67Vi 37H: rib. (9.623:10.36. BUTTER Lower; creamery. 22Vt0Hc. EOCs Lower; reeeipta, 6,673 raws; first, rWa1c; ordinary .firsts, (SkVJVc; at mark cases Included, tmr?ttC. POTATOES Lomer; receipts. 42 car: Michigan. Wisconsin, Minnesota and Da kota whites. U0"V; Minnesota and Da knt Ohlos. fc'aKOe. POULTRY Alive, lower; fowls, Uc; springs. 13c: turkeys, lac. OMAHA GRNRRAlTlf ARKET FRUITS Orsnges: Cai. navela, S4s. 12.00 box: Cai. naveia, sua, tl.iii box; Cai. navela, Ms, lutfs, (160 box; Cal. navela. 136. 13.00 box; Cal. navea, 160s, 176a. 2t. iZm, (3.26 box; Cal. navela, 2tioa. Zls, Ibua, 13.60 box. Lemons: Extra fancy Cal. bun klst, , (due. 0o box; extra fancy Cal. Red Ball, (4 60 box. Grapefruit: S6s, 4. 64a. 13.60 box; 64s. sOa, 13.76 box; Clear water grapefruit, all slses, MB box. ci rapes: F.mperois, (4.6t'i&&(i0 keg; Mala gas, 17 00UOU0 bbL Cranberries: BIL. tll.OO; box. 14 00. Bananas: Medium slaa bunches, (1 6"y41.T; medium slaa Jum boes, 12 0rt,i-2.ab bunch; medium else Juin boes, 2 6orr2.7B bunch; extra large Jonv boes, I3 0ril26 bunch; mammoth Jum boes, (3.60i176 bunch. APPLEd Barrels-iBen Davia, Illinois, 13.; Jonathans, . aV J.. (3.50; Jonathans. Kanaaa. 14.00; Missouri Pippins. Htar, JSW; Oenltons, Htar. (1.60; Jonathans. Ptar. IS 60; Ben Davis, Missouri. 13; Black Twigs (bhleldj, (4 .60; Black Twigs (Comm.), 14.00; Ben Davis, Htar, 13 26; Damlnoa, Bechtel's. (4.00; Ben Davis, Reenters. (4.00; Willow Twigs. Bechtel s. 14.00; Ramanltea. Beehtel's. (4.u0; Oenltona, Bechter a, 14-00; Wallbridga, Bechtel s, 14 BEEF CTJTH Ribs: No 1. lSic; No. J. 1V; No. 1. Uc. Chucks: No. L tc; No. 2. c; No. . lc. Loins: No. 1. (Oo; No. 2, 16c; No. i 14e. Rounds: No. 1, 13Vc; No. 2. U'Nc; No. (. llc. Plate: No. i llic; No. t Cc; No. (. Tc. APPLKrf (lioxost Ham Heautle. He, 11.76; extra fancy Jonathans, Washing ton. 12 0". Newton f'lpDlns. 12.00; Arkan sas mucks, 1.75; Wagners. WiS; Delici ous, 12 jo; Orunes' Golden, ti 00. Pear- mslnes, 12.26: Staymen Wlnessps, extra funey, Washlnaton, ;00; Spltienburgs, Washington, fancy, li.M. Cder: Nehawka. 13 :i keg. VK.JETAHLES-rottoes. Had Hvr (thlos, V bu.; whiles, 11, Tl bu. Sweet route. Kansaa, 13.(0 bbl.; Jar ses, 11.76 hamper, onions: Tellow. ie II.: red. 2"c lb: Spanish, 1171 erate. Cn cumnere. li.0 dos. Peppers: 60c tasket. 1 'aullfloaer: 12 75 crate. Bnissel Sprouts: Ih. Cabbnae, I'.e lb; red. 2a lb. New Beets, Carrota, Turnips: " do.; old. IK Ih. Head Iettuea: (1 00 do; crates. !.: leaf, 4"e dns. Kadlrhes, 60o doa. Cel. ery: Jumbo. Wo dox: Mlehigsn. li box; Parsley: 60 do Eggplant. (1.60 do. Ruta bsaoes. Ho h. HONET Comb 124 sections). (171 rase: Airline, (2 dos. a-os. tumblersV 11. rase. Figs: New. twelve 10 o., (fc ease. Pates: rrome.1ary. ItSst, 1115 rss e-larr. ifriai. 12 U cs: slurred lie lb walnut. fl.M box; fard dates. Nl'TS Peanuts: No. 1 raw, He lb )noatlns of the Day on Variosja Commodities. NEW VOTIVC. Jan. 4-FTiOr R-tadv. WHEAT Spot firm: No. 1 durum, 11.37. f o. b.. New York; No. 1 north ern, lmluth. SI.30S, and No. 1 northern. Manltoha, 11.31V c. I. f., Buffalo. Futures, steadier; Mav, 11. S. CORN Sjiot, steady; No. t yellow, 4c, prompt. HAT-Spot, steadv. HAY-Unsettled: No. 1. (M0C1.B4. IIOI'S Cjulet; state common to choice. lSlfi. lHfiWc; 1914. 6flVc; Pacific ooaat, 1116. lUnl5e; Itll4 SiBlOc. HIOKS Steadv; Bogota. SOjme; Central America, t!V:. LEATHF'.R Firm; hemlock first. ISO 34r: seconds. Slff.Hc. rilOVISIONS-Pork. steady: mess, 11100 150: family. (HlXVy 22.00; short clear. JIS..rOii,f22.60. Beef, steady; mess, llsOJ 17.00, family, !lR.Orv7l8.rA Lard, .teady; middle west, 110.Ofc-qnO.1S. TALLOW Steady; city, (c; country. THfoSoj special. 8c. HUTTER Barely steady: receipt., (ant tubs; creamery extras, 3&334'c; first., 28ti!Ce: seconds, 2.VU271. , KGGS- Firmer; reielpt', 11.118 esse: fresh gathered extra fine, 17iMc: extra firsts, S.'t9:c; firsts, S94c; second. 11 fl 32'4c. CHEESE Firm; receipt, 776 bote; stale, whole milk, fresh fists, held spe cials, li'Vefl.c; average fancy, I7ffl7c; current make, specials, Ken'ac; average fancy, IrtS'olS'Uo. POl,LTnY--f)resad. quiet: freeh killed chickens. 14H27c; fowls. 12m17c; tur key., 245!ic; live poultry price not t tled. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 4. COTTON pot. quiet; middling uplands, 12.40c. Bales, 4,400 bale Cotton future opened steady; January, l'Tttc; March. 12R.V: May. 12.76c; July, 12anc; October. 12 64c. Cotton future closed steady; January, 12 22c: March, 12.4.V; May. 12.c; July. 12fic: October. 12.62c. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 4. COTTON Knot firm; good middling, (46d; middling, 8.12.1; low middling, 7M, sales, 10,000 tales. Kansas City Gntla aad Prwrlsloas. KANSAS CITT, Jan. . WHEAT-Wo. 3 hard. tl.Uiffl.I7; No. 2 red. (L171.; May. tl.l4; July. Sl.lOSJfl lot. CORN-No. ( mixed. AaSic: No white, 6c: May. 71Se'71He: July. 72o. (lAin-Ko, z wnue, 3qptvc; no. s mixed. aSKfrtOc. BUTTER Creamery, Mc; flrsu. -Sic; seconds, 29c; packing, lftc. Bt SOK Klrts, Hc; seconds, joe. POULTRY Hen. 12Hc; turkey. 17c; springs, 13c. Mtnaeaoolta Oraiai Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Jan. 4. WH BAT May, Cl.iT!: July. C1.214i: No 1 hard. (1.24; No. 1 northern. (1.tl9 1.227: No. 2 northern, FLOUR Unchanged. BARLEY-64(&70c. RYE SISflKtc. BRAN HR.OOflll.80. CORN No. 3 yellow, 76B7i OATS No. 3 white. 42WW2HC PEED Flax. C2.HHgg.2l. . Louis ttrala Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 4. WHEAT No. 3 red and No. 2 hard nominal; May, Cl.&H 1.21V. July, (1.16. CORN-No. . 70ir70Hc: No. 1 whlte.70 70ic; May. 73: July. 74W74HC OATS No. 2, 42V(f43c; No. 2 white, nom inal. Local Secarltye jQuntaulnna fumlatisd hr Barns. Brlnker Co.. U Omaha National bank building: 8t-- "14. Aska4. Rankers Mnrla( IB 14 low a fv.. p(a rr iouIii Hotel (a. and hwiu. 4 hrmont Creamarr t'-. aM 1W 1 lncoln Tl. a Tel.. eora. 7 par osnt. 4 Monnlals ttatos Tal. A Tal 1"4 1""4 Nrw Mala Telana. pf4 "t Nve-S.haelnaT-Fowler fe " fmiatiai . B. Hi. nr.. pfd ssWj 7ls Omaha C. B. tr. B. . wti 7 rilmii CVr B.ork Yarla. . a. 17.4. 1 Hlom CKr eXork Tarda, torn t Prlera Mill i n.. ld ' l iilno rltock Yards Block i H f lir M Omaha Hrtioola 4a 1U.... lf las 10 tAiTnna Co.. Nab., ht. 1l ' Tlundaa Slealtr . Sa, lMt r. r.. n. m. tv R r. ta. tri...M Iowa By. A l.lsht s. 1H1 Lincoln Traotloo (a, t" lnroln 1 H. P. Co. ha. 131 lr Motropolllan Oaa 4a. 1M1 K New stal Tal. ta. 193 Omaati R. L. A P. Co. (a. lt Omaha C. B. Bt. R. ta. IW H Parlflo O. A K. a. 1MI Rnrkr Mountain Fuel and boeua rr.ed Cloud, Nab. 4s. 1M (iloui CUT Tal. a. 14 V ak " s 7 Wichita I'nloa istoc'k Yards a. IW4.. il Coffee Market. kp.w YORK. Jan. 4. COFFFE The market for coffee futurea was less ac tive than vealerdav and fluctuations Were Irregular within a narrow range. The opening was unchanged to f points lower under some scattering uquiaawwn, wmm mav have been Ineplred by the slightly aaler ahnwlni of the Braxillan cables. hot there anneared to be no selling pres sure from primary sources and later steadied on reporta of Increasing scarcity of ocean tonnag-a and a little buying for ir.uronean account. The cloae was net unchanged to 1 point higher. Balea, .6i bags. U'.ntatlrma: January, .4Kc; eeo- ruary, 67c; March, s.boc; Apni, a.iic; May, .7c: June a.sic; juiy, a.nic; aiu ui gftle: SeDtember. (.860: October, - Nmimlirr. 7.03c: December. 7.06c. Bpot coffee, steadv; Rio 7a. 7S: Pantos 1. or. Tha cost and freight situation waa about unchanged with quotatlona ranging from S.74 to 00n for flantoa 4a. Fngllsh credit. The offielal eablea reported a de cline of 76 rets at Rto and of -.' in the rate of Rio exchange on uonaon. Omaha Hay Market. . w . tt . t. a vniinin hit. Choioe upland. C8.603no.OO; muet be extra rhalca to bring. 110.00: No. 1. t.60ft 60; No. (. (4.IVS9B.60; No. 3, (4.6Oi&.60; choice midland. f.OJaTJ.6": must re extra enoica to brine-. 60: No. 1 r.hMM.60; No. (. FcfWW.bO: No. 1, (4.606 60; choice low Und. (7 OOfiW.60; No. 1, C4.60r7.00; No. 2, (6 0i"S.00; No. S. (4 aS.00. STRAW Choice wheat, (6.0(KSi.SO; choice oat or rye. Co Onn nO. AI-FALFA-Tiolce. (120WJ12RO; No. I. (I0 6iill.60; No. (. (8.60id'l0.OO; No. (. (6.00 00. Oil aad Roelw. SAVANNAH. Oa, Jan. 4 TURPFN TINE Btrong; fAWfc; aales, M bbls.; receipts. VA bbls.; shipments, X bbls.; stock. t1.0S4 bbls. ROfllN-Hrm; sales. 4W7 Mils.; re ceipt a. KK bbls.; shipments, 49 bbls.; stock. 106.331 bbls. Quote: A, B. C. D, In 70; F. 16 76: F and O, (6 80; H and I. (6ffi; K. 00: M. K.60; N. 17 00; WO, r007.26; WW. 7.60. flavor Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 4-aTTaArV-Raw. steady: centrifugal, 4 4ok4 &o: molasses. l.AH433.Slc; refined, easy. Bugmr futures opened very quiet and at noon were a point or two lower on light selling. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 4. DRT GOODS Cotton goods and yams firm today; men's wesr In active demand for fall; silks act'va. Advertiser and customer profit by the "CUtssiriod Ad" hsblt. No. I roasted. Re lb.; Jumbo, raw, rH- ) il year. ..n ...1 .-.1. ."! mass an etiort 10 .run 011 in. su- , b r(.,- ,rnr1 uownuid soon follow: !?: .' "i""'?- .;''?!"'!' '"" v. v; .v ....I.Mer. rUvM'rig'il Is ,v roav.ct.o- .ha, ,h. exnert 1.M-; aimnnna, I'saas. inc in.: r.nguan wai- 'i came, nogs ana sneep si i" , itii' - ...... ..... , . resnonse to a anirited r for' nuts. No. 1. 1c lb.: Kngllsh Walnuts. Omaha Live IStock market for the year first sales when flnslly ma, e l..nkrd ! IVandird railways nar.lmilarlv iranacno ' ,nlon pf Nv' '' Prtment havln I No. 1. WHc; fllberta, 16c lb.: pecans. 11 S? 1 to date as compared with last lljr and ta , w'h ; given to the public and congress lib; pecans, lumhoea, 1.c; Braslla. !( Ih. ll ! Inc. leo. Iie..w Monday. 1 n maraei nexer iacumo i.-.,,.,, aeliina waa mraiimtmH ... 11.. . ., ,, . , .,, . MlftiRN-No. 1. rice. 4c lb.: 40 Mb. tattle 17.M4 .W2 10. anything hu, a slow, draggv ffalr and , ' "J 'Vhe .,..,1 , . . d nd ,l" nr",,,Bl "evlng outlined a policy I packages. (2 60 ease; Nebraska white. c Hog, ;, 2!,ji 1.0.M trade dragged alonn through the whole '"'y '"'..end li a In -II i.ia.., of jTtli--' ' nv. I f-oat r not Ion. mhllt- naval orfloorsi W.VlVAUfi 13 ' '''ffln.V.T'nMn,";! t. ' !'P- ,,l0w the unnroken policy of not altempt- rX? calrfeme, pr ' VPXX "Tf'no? .'.VoW.nV l iaT'VhlcAr?' rkVkrhX 'astV.w.'y. it., h "com- ni-i ,f .hem sho. log a ire's11;!;;,', con.rder.e'mhe? of moderl '- " f the navy. ease. (; chums. 13.50 case; chums. H Dt. )16. HI4 litis. H-I3. IIH1. IH10.!H figure after being held all foienoon al , " I',.' , "'7, " m..i J regarded as confidential. I have puhllshen CI 76: salted peanut. (1.26 can; pc71T(T.( k. I 7 12 ' l J ,M"1 Va"ai'Kn. sll their recommendation for Increase In horseradish. U.JtcM Dec g , 7 7 00 . . K the navy. Navy exp-rta w. g,v. their 5.EW YORK BBSKIttl- MARKBT Vic. " Jfi. J g; ? 3 T U I . look to be far from ate.dv. ; ; " -J J ' -rth": vl,w" ,0 t,,B "v"1 "f,,,rs """"tlttee 1 J- r --. I 1 .1Mul,.on,' Vi:. 0.l,:L,piy; ?, .". ." .ince - h B congress and hearing, will be published OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET. w aa a ai kaj v V a w aawaa at m Cattle Reoeipti Large and Trade is ' , Slow to Easier Sheep Ten to 1 a Quarter Lower. HOGS WEAK TO nVE CENTS OFF OMAHA. January 4. Il Receipts were: Cattle. llog. Sheep Official Monday M; RS,t II il Estimate Tuesday 7.7O0 l.t 1W Two days' totals IH.M7 2T.."1 II iV7 i r""" wren , weeks ago 0 .it . .6.1 1 I'.Oi'- "4- heme 4 weeks ago! !!!!.' K.3(4 3i,tM RKi'KlPTS. Cattle.ltoKS Sheep. li r a. C. H. aV Bt. P n Dec! H ( S5't 7 li 1 rl E 9 7 7 ( I the best ewes moved readily enough early i !'n"' .ho"r, t"rVet tallied . This give congres and the people tho lc it. t (TCI 7 14 7 iff S T 71 : at price, that were cloae to steady good I m frn.-Uon. to alnmst s PJ)n Bbove pplnlon, of tU, prrla.- IVc m. ((lilt ft'. T (w. T 61 ( light Mexican ewes going to a shipper , " J u a. ,. '.'' ?',k . lc iv w 704I S 7 081 6 8-i 7 V, 21' at (n.C. Anything weighty. ho ever, i ' lo belr.nj to readjust Uot. d alu.s. Dec! IT; 6 ? 7 li, 7 ta 7 '771 tl found the outlet poor, and heavy tiiff J,"' "if "u'" ,,f "toch atiuiuiitrd to Ni ,0Jil flryppVl T.paApv 1T1 j"an IT" T711 7" "tti 7 1 I'M 1 21 Ina still In first hands at midday. j 'rclea by the further decline In ex- P Ol O Vl Or 1 f Vl Its (in Jan I 7 171 .M 7 ... ! o i 7 So P-eeders were In slim supply, although 1 . iennany to 75V the lowest IieiCIlSralil IS Ull Jan I ( K 7 V) 7 H 6 ! h . V So severs! loads of a fleshy sort went fori'!? recorded since the outbreak of the jjjThALr-j. y,m rvow' " r,,, uitp:L. Trial for Treason Sunday. -Holidny. Quotation on heep and lambs: lmb. demand sterling lose to 4.74. the Receipts and disposition of live gtock M ,., m ...; Ismhs. fsir to ''ighest ciuo'atlon since Hst Augusi. at the Union Block yards lor the lasc , (!) Oij, : Ismhs. clipped. 17.7.' t Anglo-French f-s were firm. Imi bonds BERLIN Jan t-IVia London Jan 4) ini.fiir knura T . i i v n i. i. .. In genera aere ar t..i .1 -.i.. eniu-irt, dsn. a. nit innon, dan. .i - .vw. ..w". . ift.fc,,, iniiii'i., i .-.MM-r, a,'-",,. iri niihn ), ", . --..- - .. ... , IS 4 I K 4i 2S 10 1 75 3 t 1 ! 3X 2.1 IH 2 4 12 2 2.1 70 rW'ahaah 4 Missouri I-aclflc ... 1 h I nion Pacific M 4.i 2 I C. at N. W., east... v C. 4V N. W., west... SI C, f"t. P., M. O.. 47 C. B. Q., east... H C, B. aV Q., west . . . 37 C, R. I. P., east. 17 C. H. I. A P., west. 2 Illinois central .... z Chicago U. W S Total receipt ..Ml DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Miecp. ... 7s. ' i.7t l,i2T Morrl st Co twlft a Co ..1,374 ..1.022 .. Ss2 4. id-' 447 2T.i :.k2 4.20.1 2.470 2,44s C'udahy Packing Co. Armour at Co rich warts aV Co J. W. Murphy Morrelt 17 2 6 47 m 131 810 14 j J76 ti HI 114 101 d X2 6 141 104 ( M t SO 65 101 ia MS 64 W ta (Lincoln Packing Co.... Ho. omaha Packing Co. w. B. Vanaant Co Benton, Vans ant A L. . Hill tc Son F. B. Lewis Huston ar Co J. B. Root at Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Huax Rosenstock Bros F. U. Kellogg Werthelmer Degeo... H. f Hamilton Hulllvan Broa Rothschild A Krebs.... Mo. aV Kan. Calf Co.... Christie Hlggln 17 Hoffman Roth Meyer Baker at Jones.... Banner Bros John Harvey Dennla 4k Franc I Kline Jensen A Lungren.-, Carter Other buyers 4,4M Total 7.06S 19.480 15,102 CAT 1 I.IC Karelnla wera aulle liberal thla mornlna. 11a cars belnc reported in. making tha total for the two days 14.627 head, ths largest of any similar period than for many weeka back and larger than a year ago by over 4,000 head. Unfortunately a number of trains were late In arriving at the yards, which al ways means a late ooeiilnu. as buyers are very much Inclined to hold back until everything 1. In before filling orders. Blockers and feeder were the first cattle Jn the yard to sell. The offer, lngs of such were not vary large and as there waa a fair buying demand the of- terings were pretty mucn an cleaned up In good season. Prices paid wera gen erally stesdy with yesterday. Killers, that Is, rat steers, cows and heifers, were alow to open with the feel ing weak. In other words buyers started out bidding a little lower, giving the Im- reaalon that It would be a slow ta Ter market. The market continued alow throurhout the day, price ranging anywhere from weak to Quite a little lower on the gen eral run of killing cattle. uuotauona on Cattle Good to choice yearlings, (12609.26; good to choice beeves. (7.60aa.2S: fair to rood beeves. CS.7V3T.40; common to fair beeves. (6.75 60; good to choice grass heifers, (t 60 choice grass cows, (t.SMf od eowV (4.6oa4.2B; eom- a7.60; good to g 2K e b I t arMw4 mon to fair cows. xa.boig4.D0; good to choice feeders. 14.e0iff7.16; fair to good feeders. t00.0: common to fair feed- era. Sfi OMUiOO: good to choice stackers. (rt.7fciy7.36; fair to good etockers, (A .To; common to fair atockars, gB.ovtpJ on; stock heifers, (6 J6.tf4 00; stock cows, (4 60 (.26; stock calves, (6.0Ditt7.K; veal calves. S7.00SJO; buUs, stags, sic. (l.Iia9U. Representative sales: BEEF STKERa No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr I n st is ; 1 H 11 t 40 IS to im at 14 ITU (76 II liJ ti t M in is low T et T lftsi 7 is l u T to II 111 T s& 11 llMi T m )'i t u uio i to S DM T U STEKRH AND TI EIFERS. IM II .1110 7 M HEIFERS. HUC 40 I... , 110 I 00 10 .. , 417 I 14 II... 447 1 00 17... M ID ... Ill T on l... CALVES. 141 4 00 I... IW I it 11... ... BX II ... ; i io ... na l en ... u 1 14 ... Hi I 71 ... M It I ... . . . fcOl i Ml TO STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. list I M U al III 417 I 10 12 Ill It 7t I 10 II 4.1 I W M IU II fcOl I 14 11 4 t 41 M IN 14 I 9 II 14... II... 23... ... HOGS The hog market was well su Piled today, receipts amounting to i cars, or U.uOt head. Bo far thla week soma 27,671 head have betn received, this bring; li.uuo larger tn.n a week ago and fc.ono heavier than last year, but smaller than two weeks ago by nearly o.OjO head. With liberal receipt, al all points pack ers lnstlmated that a fresh decline was In order, and made first offers a dime lower than yeslardiy. Despite the heavy supplies, however, sdvlces from other points Indicated a fairly firm tona to valuea and local sellers priced their droves on a steady baaia. (Shippers got in the game fairly early, offering figures that were around a nickel lower ana as pack ers were not bidding anywhere near that r;ood Just at that time the outaiders had ittle trouble in buying such hogs aa they wanted 6c below yesterday. A little ahlpplng competition proved to be what the packers needed, for they soon raised their handa and when they made their first purchases values were no mora than a nickel lower. Even then movement did not become very active, I ss most salesmen had not given up hopes of getting ateady prices, and before hogs negan to move witn any great aegrev ot freedom values bad to be boosted an other notch, so that whan the bulk was cashed the trade did not look to lie more than weak to 6c off and In a great many cases prices spneared lust about steadv. On the cloae trade weakened off again on all kinds, although lights probably vers hit the hardest. A good many hog that cams on late trains were not yarded until after the best time of the msrket, and they along with what hogs were left of the early arrivals took declines of tarylOo as compared with Monday, and eold fully a nickel lower than the early prloes. There were still a good many lights and underweights, running down to pigs un sold st midday Kummlna ud the b e and of the offer. lngs sold at figures that were no mora than ateady to 6c lower, while tha market rinsed slow st a decline of 6al0c. A good share of the early ! landod at (6 Mk4 .5.r,, tops reaching (4 0. while closing uud. r ' K prices ranged from 1 down to 1 . . Hepresentatlve sales: . 8h. Tr. N.i At. rt Pr. .IM ... l t4 t ... 11 ... Ml If ... t 14 . . m H IH l 'l . U ll . . Ul m i HI IN ... I" 2M 40 HV, t .. i : tii ... m : "... Mi . . to kS l .. 1 FlU. !. ... I 0 84 Ul ... 'J r SHKKI --A ei lll'oal supply aa on .t..,nl (lv.elshl inn. or iTi.OXO head. arrlMng The two onys toibi or V.hM head Is tle lara-esl is nr.- four week go l.elng near.y "'im aa . I.ut anVsl' ' r .".an the .ami ' ".'bnleal rnm.ltlon. were mainly tespona 10 4v. va laIi Vv smlie t tlio head .!. reeen t speeu.H . I. e ora... espe- lUre i.ta aere nr-ttv al moat eerlpta aere pr-lty Keneroiia al mi otl'er pijlnts as well as iere. and pack. fok sdvantnge of the slue of tha suppl lea rood to choice llaht 17 7MTS r,: vearllnxs. fair to rhuli-e heavy, 17.0iw)37.76; yearlings, feeders, (i.75(lt.26; wether, Talr to choice, C"; ewes, good to choice, (fiOotf 426; ewes, fair to good, (S.OOrJrl.OO; ewea, feeders. (4 Wo.(6. KeDresentatlva sales: No. 10 Utah feeder ewes :16 Utah feeder lambs.... ft? fed lamb Utah lambs r.'4 fed lambs .7 fed lamba 7 fed la in ha 144 fed lambs 174 fed ewea 17:1 fed ewes 12ft feeder lambs 224 fed lamba 241) fed lambs fed lambs 1! fed Ismba IP'J fed lambs 1" fed Ismh 42H Colorado ewea A. Pr. ,102 (10 ffl (60 11 S 16 71 00 7 10 72 t 10 SI S 26 ,73 4 109 16 , ll 00 .64 S 0 . T 10 .66 (If. .77 20 .71 16 . 7 16 .71 16 .106 ( (0 CHICAGO 1.1 VK STOCK MARKET tattle Wealt Hog Stead y Sheep Weak. CHICAGO, Jan. .-CATTT.-Recelpt 6. coo head, market weak. Native beef steers, M.26Q9.M); western ateera, (s.304v 116; cows and heifers, (3.00O4.46; calves, (7.0010.76. HOOB Receipts U.0O0 heady; market, steady at yesterday's average. Bulk of eslea. 90; lights. (a.4fT.S6: mixed. mwvann; heavy. M.6O0f.OO; rough, (.60s .; plgsT CA.MVtfa.bO. SIIEKP AND LAMBS Receipts 11.000 head; msrket weak; wethers, (tl.&'-fl'i.lO; ewea, (4.6tKB.0; iamb. (7A04j( .86 Kanaaa City Lire Moek Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 4. OATTLB Re celpta, jo.uoo head; market steady: closed strong: prime fed steers, (S.TrVijiO.26; dressed beef steers, SA.60tfJl.60; western steers. H.Vii.a; Blocker and feeder, V.0O; bulls, S6.2ba.vv; calve. .0uu HOGS Receipt. 24,000 head; market strong: bulk of sale. (4(k(M.70; heavy, li(Bo.75: packers and butchsra, (o.604f s.i"; iignt,; pig, sn.oiW.oo. riHEKP AND UMBS-Receipts 11.000 head: market strong; lamb, (H. 7&94V40; yearling. 17.2(C.Id, wethers, (0.(1x87.26; ewes, (t .6OrY.60. Bloaa City Lira Ksek Market. SIOUX CITT, Ia.. Jan. 4. CATTLE Receipts. 1,600 head; market, so lower; native steers, 1A.6KJ37XO; butcher. UbOlt 160; rows and heifer. (6.00t.l6; canners, U.60ta4.; Blockers and feeder. (6004T 4.70: calve. 14.aOyV.00; bulls, stags, etc.. 146f4T00. 1KH,H Receipts, 11.000 head; market steady; heavy. 6000; mixed, 4.ln fo; light, t& bulk of sales. M.Sod (.66. HHEFP AND LAMBB-Racelpts, 1,600 head; market steady; ewes, H.60C4.W; lambs. t;.2i0.16. Bt. Irftwls LIto Rtoek Market. 8T. IUIS. Jan. 4 CATTLE Receipts. ti.700 head: market steady; native beef steers. !7.IVk(i.60; yearling steers and feeders. (6.0U&7.16: southern steers, (6.26? 1.60; cows and heifers, ROOD 60; native calves. (6 00tyn0.n0. HOT48 Receipt a. 14.000 head market higher; pigs and lights. (8 764W.90: mixed I t butchers, (fl.70itr7.00; good heavy, (AM f'L . , . . LS,J?l!'P LAMBW rtjcelp4s. 1.200 head; market steady; rearilnga. H.ftff 9.60: Ismba. (S.OOt7.6o; sheep and ewea. Bt. Joseph Lira ttoek Market. T. J05.BP1T, Jan. a-CATTLB-Re-celpts, (,700 head; market steady ; steers, (A tVaffOOO: cows and heifers, C4.00ffla.60, calves, 14 000) . HOUR Receipts. .(O0 head; market lower: bulk of sales. M (6fi .66. PHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,600 neao; market siow; iambs, (a.6ag.i. gtock la Sight. Reoelpts of live stock at the flvs nrin. clnal western msrketa: Cattle. Hogs. Bheen Omaha 7.T00 Ifl.ono i nieago ,iti faVOOO U,0i n 11,0.10 1.2IO 1.600 Kansaa City lo.onn 24.0iiO ft. l.oula (.TOO 14 0110 Sioux City 1.600 11,000 Totals Si. too 121,000 49,700 Metal Market. NEW TORK, Jan. 4.-M ETA Lft Lead. 1670 bid. ielter not quoted Copper, firm; electrolytic. (2S.OO43n4.oO. Iron, steady and unchanged. Tin, strong, (41.00 bid. At Ixindon: Rpot copper, 17 11s ad: futures. ! (s; electrolytic, 111 Ppot tin. 174: future. 176. Antimony. 1J. Lead. 31. Bnelter. M. Bank t'learingrs. OMAHA, Jan. 4. Rank clearings for Omaha today were I4.224,41.61 and for the corresponding day last year. 13. - 414.6T6 W. Handbacc Full of Securities Found on Fall River Boat NEW TORK. Jan. 4.-Ths police today are aiding In the search for the owner of a handbag found In a stateroom of the steamer Providence on Its arrival at fall River. Masa. from New Tork. last Friday. The bag was marked "W. R. W. Grif fin. East Liverpool. O.- It contained a . (60.000 stock certificate, certificate, for 19 .hare, of stock In an oil company, a paas book msde out to W. R. w. Orlf fln. general manager of the Steuben vllle, Wellaburg A Well-ton railway. East Liverpool, O.. and a bank book and rheck book of tha I'nlon National bank of Pitts burgh. The door of tha stateroom In which the baj was found was looked and the key was on ths Inside making It appear that tha occupant may have ft by way of tha window, possibly falling overboard. Word was received today from Bast Livsrpool thst tha family of W, R. W, ' u" masy na receive a letter from htm In New Tork In which he said he wss going to Boston. They were not u.a h.. ... . ' . " """'. however, believing he had " by rail. NEW YORKjTOCK MARKET Feteriih Tone Attributed to Alarm Ariiing- from Internationa Relations. GAINS AT THE OPENING NEW YORK. .Inn. 4. For asnt of a mote plausible reason tlie fever, h Ion tIM(.d ..,r,h,Blon nrlftlna fr.m the n- I leinatlonal Htmn , V"? "."?. l"-' ames r, n- in ini hit. ii' nai Tiirniri n.-iipim r 1 i,nP'" aeveiuiinrnis nnn anon neiim tHn.1a. onr vsluc. auri.uuie.l f. t'' rhii United mates registered 4s advanced per cent on call. Number of aalea and leading Quotations en stock were as lollows: aiae. wits. Law. CUae l.aai a ;., Hoi si aoi, v, n 4U l, hi toi, !' M', M lb U ; ills l!H iii'4 II4V ins IH'i .'' nr. nit, n I.0OJ Ul" 1IS IM., - lOjta al lis', ..', J.nn ldftt 7i, II 7lW III Ills, ll.s, 100 4 4M in. Sit, S3. MM 111, sat, m ix ins iii, mm 1 H M t.3', U' HIM (J1, l 1.a l l'as in-, 1:14 14i Alaska Ool4 AlHa-Chalmar, A marina heat tlusar..... Amarlcaa faa Amarlran lrometha .... American A K Am. 8 A R pM Am. Siitar Haflnlna Amarlran Tal. Tal Amarlran Tnaiea Anaronila t kappar Atohlaoa baldmia I.ocnnnMve Ha.Mehera eXaal Hear Its Rapta Tr talifnrriia ltnlaum .... aoaOlaa Pacific .'antral Laaihar haaasneae A OtHe . hliaao a. W , Itilrajii. M. A (M. P ttilraso N. W .Tilrago. H. I. P. gy., ..'Mno topper Colorado Ku.l A Iron... "Yurlhln Hlarl Kanvar H 1. pfd lUatlllara' Hecurltlae ... arte itaneral Klartrte ......... Ureal Nnrtnarn r4 lra No. uie elfa (Intaranhalm Riplarallnn lllliiol. I'anlral , lntertomuah t nn. Corp. Inaplra.lon Copoar llilaiiatlnn4U Harrearar... kanaaa file Mouthers .. Ihiih Vallar lxtuiayllla Naahviiia.. Mliaa Patrotauni Miami ropper Mlaaourt K. A T. Pf4... Mlaaourl Parllla National Blarult i ; nv ilk 11 4 l"0 H MV, l.ino ,V4 i, 7n 4S 4i 4,i ll.lns 411, u tl ) 114't 1.4 17S. I. TOO !,7' 1BH SOS IH Ml I. T in;, ana j.hj .) Iiiiii, lima, )isi4 m an wis 7. 1l tl, 4.. 45- l ino 1 tot iok.j Vans isv, m, jiv, 1.100 U I1H in, .sno ijaa, jm 1tiSi 10. mo ii ii it 'iini "i ",v M II. ins win M4 m4 I. is l4 to li 11. lw iisa iop u intu l.n T7H 74 m2 I.TO0 114 1 1714 Il7l l.trt) lt t In 414 fi fi I ae n4 mu nu in lM'J t ., 1.40 M I.M 14V, gu 4n H4 t4 14.IK1 14V llita oj mi, a4 national laail Narada Copper New York central W. T.. N. H A H , Norfolk A Waalarn Norlharn Paolfin , Parltlo Mall Pae.flr Tal. A Tel Pennarlvanls Tullman Palara Otr Bay t'oa. tloppar Jtaadlnf Bapnlilla Iron B.eal... Hmithern Pw'ifle Southars Hallway BluearteJier Compaay ,,, TansaMaa CVrppar Taaea mpanr inlon Paelfla t'nlna Paoina pf4 Valiad aiaue fltaal V. A. staal p4 Utah Onppar Wattara I'nloa Waetlnshonae Rtartrto ,, Montana Power Maneral stotora a. 1N4 IM 17.60 !4Va IV 4BV4 t km pi ta ;i B.aa I44 us It K M II 02S ti.i' i s so invt ht nt T.ino li s snt, anu IM 114 mv. , ICBM t 17 S Oaii T 0 wabaaa B pf m vr it 31 u 11 Inlarnatlona.1 Marina pM. 4 WW K 11 llw loiai awaa tor ins day. BW.oro sharaa, New York Moaey Market. NF.W YORK, Jan. 4.-MT5RCANTILB PAPER Iftdt, per cent. BTEULINO rTXCHANGB-Bltty-dsy bills. C4 7(H; demand. (4.74; cables. (4 .76. PILVER Bar, MHic; Mexican dollar. imn. BONDS Oovtrnment; firm; railroad. Irregular. MONET Time loan, firm; sixty day., ninety daya, 8VTT per cant, six months, im per cent. Call money, firm; high 1 per rent; low, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at i Closing qiiotattons on bond today war a follow: V- S. rat. la. rag.... 4Ma. Par. e. da ... 41.1 de roupoa aft N. T. c. daa 4a ., 144 TJ g. la. ra. tniTN. T. on 4-a ...ton 4c toupsa WIN. T. state 4a...llin4 V. S. 4a rag lo. N. T.. N. II A H. no enapne 1114 eT. ta Panama la ouoa..loik'a. Paelfla 4a...,,., u 14 Am. Itmaltare sa Ilaw da la ... s A T. A T. e. v,a..in7'.n. B. K rat. 4a..... 1T Armour A Co. 4is.. llaPaa T. A T. la 1A0U Atntuaon n. 4s. .1. ItHPans. aea. 1141 lots Hal. A Ohio 4a do arm. 4tia lonst Can Parltlo lat ona.iRaeitln aaa. 4s M rpae. A 1 silo 4Ve... ll L. A S. W. r. 4s. Tit, f. n. A O 1. 4a.... 0 Ho. Par. e. la 1ST O M A P 4V,a .104 so ref a sou : R. I. A P. r. 4a. v,W8o. Rallwa.r la lo ft. A t. raf. 4tta ... ar-upnlon Panfie 4a ITi ti A It O. rat. la.. If do ev. 4a Mw, Krle sen. 4a 74 g. tluboar Is. ..! dm. Klartrlr ka....104Wt H Btaal ta 104 Ot. Na lat 44 00 V. Wahaah lat la InVi III. fan. raf 4a.... Sk'a'Waal. t'nloe mi .. tiu. K. C. Ho. raf. ta M'.Waal. Rlar. ey. ta..l?a I- A N. nnl. 4a , Anala-yranok la .... lit, M K A T. 1 4a... 74 w Did. a sa 1 r 1 si itiii 11 11 nil nr4n m ma 1 1 1 pn 1 Winter Office Quarters If )'ou have found that you are not entirely com fortable in your office, wo can assure you of having all the comforts of proper heat and ventilation. While wo have only a few offices from which, to select, possibly one of these will be just exactly what you want. THE BEE BUILDING "The building that i always new" Thg only room that wa can offer now ara tha following;, but U they do not meet your requirements we will be (Ud to place you on our walUng Unt il' hoi oe office euite, north light, very de Room222 'rhle for two doctor or dentiita; waning room auct ig private unices, (20 square feet Room 322 Ru,t'- consisting of waiting room and , private office; north light; 620 square feet. A splendid office for a dentist or a physician Room 63ft n,y vc,nt mom on the 17th street side of the building. Faces directly on Seventeenth street. Partition for prl. vale office and waiting room. Site 1ST square feet Room 101 At ,ns he1 of ,n stairs, on the floor opposite The Bee business office. 8Ue 170 square feet. Would be specially use ful for a real Apply to Building Superintendent, Room 103. Daniels Refuses to Permit Admirals to Talk on Navy Plans WAFHINOTON, Jan. 4. Becretary I'snlnls disclosed today that he had de clined request to permit either Hear Admiral risks or Hear Admiral Knight to speak on the navy program, even though he wa assured that the proposed addresses would not be made public. The request wsa made by John V.". (coll. president of the commercial cluh of Chicago, by telegraph to President Wilson. Ceeretary lamel replied in part Trlvate Information ha been received here from Vienna tht Dr. Krl, who I. prominent In Au.trtan political affair, a the leader of the young Ciech party In th Relrhoriith, now on trial on a charge of treason. Dr. Koerner, secretary of th young Ciech faction, and everal other Rohemi.n politician are being tried t th sm tlm on similar Charge. Pr. Krmari cm Into International prominence ome time ago through th movement for rapproachement between Bohemians and Russian. H repeatedly visited Petrograd In this connection. Huerta Improves After Operation EL PASO, Tex., Jan. 4.The third oper ation upon General Vlctorlano Huerta to relive him of fluid In th Intestinal tract due to protracted Jaundlo. wa preformed today. After the operation Dr. M. P. Bchutr Issued th following Bulletin: "General Vlctorlano Huerta wa tapped this morning for th purpose of reliev ing him of fluid In the Intestinal tract. the operation was mora extensive than heretofore, and permitted drainage of a larger aere. Th patient wa much re lieved and aubaequantly hi pulse and temperature became normal." P.vaporatrd Apptea aad Dried Frwlt NEW YORK, Jan. 1-EVAPOrUTED APPLP5" Dull. DR1KD rRlTlTrJ-Prunes-rirm. Apri cots and peaches qulst. Raisins steady. MR. WHEAT GROWER IT WXUi VAT TOV TO XaTTSITZaATSI "DLUE&TEM WHEAT" VmxctlltJ hr rVWschVrseu, 5taaf 5rraw, No-SkatHrbtg QatJitUt ass Milling fsryaW Halls sll the rear retrad st Iran I U la par bushel more thaa fit. Biport la Tacoma and Seattle. It will gtsa'dea year erae la paraonallr eiamin "Blnaatam Wheat," and for reur cenyanlanca I will mall srnsJI aampla toe lie: er 10 tha. by Par eel Pest for i. V. A. (tollsl, Tha Sin. tsm Whsa Kaa, Bpeaoer, Washlag-toa. Painful Swollen Veins Quickly Relieved and Reduced Mr. R. M. Remler, of Vederal. Kan a, writes an Interesting account of her sucnees In reducing a severs tuts of en larged reins that should be encouraging to other similarly afflicted. She suffered with badly swollen and Inflamed vein (In fact, on had) broken), for more than seven years before she became acquainted with Absorbtna, Jr., and used it. Ab sorlitne Jr., was faithfully applied for several week and. to quote from her let ter, "Th large knots In tha vein left. , It wa all nicely healed, and has not bothered me alnce." Ab.orblne, Jr., 1 an antiseptic lini ment healing, cooling and soothing Safe and pleaaant to use. (1.00 and (100 at your druggist's or postpaid. Liberal trial bottle postpaid for 10c In stamps. W. K. YOUNG. P. D. K. 104 Temple ft. Springfield. Mass. 845.00 $45.00 818.00 estate nrm 830.00