10 TTIE BEE: "OlfAIIA, JANUARY 191u WANT AD RATES WANT ADS for th eTonlng adltton must reach The Be Offlc lfor U o'clock noon. WAVT ADS for ths morning t4 Sundav editions must reach Th Be Offlc before 7:45 p. ro. WANT ADA ieelved after thea honr viu rnske their fim appear ano under "Too Late to Classify ' ' CASn RATES. One time, t rKt a word. Two or more roimnill time. It cents a word. each Insertion. 8ri-n consecutive times. 1 cent a word, each Insertion. CHARGK RATKS. One t'rne. 1J cents a I'ne. Thro consecutive time, W cents a t!ne. each Insertion. Seven consecutive, time. I cent a line earn Insertion Thirty consecutive time. 7 esnta ln, each Insertion. Cot it sis average word to ths Hn. No sdverttsement taken for Vb than K cents. NOTICES. Cards of Thank. Death. Fun;! and Lodge Notice. It cent H" each Insertion. Minimum chart M rnt Partle advertising tn theaa enl omn and having their answer dd-ased tn car of The Bes will rieas aak for card to enable hern to get their letter, a ttona will bs delivered except on pre sentation of card. An advertisement Inserted to h run until discontinued tnut o topped by written order. The Bee will not he responsible . foe mora than th first Incorrect lnrlkin of any advertisement. Tha Bea reserves tha Tight re)ert or rewrtta ell advertise ment. Ton can place your want ad In TY Bea by telephone. TELEPHONE TTtVER 1000. DEATHS AND FLNERAL NOTICE (DDXSKNDORrRIt Mr. Hanna. aged 3$ years., beloved wife of Joseph. Mho la survived, bealdes her husband and son. by her mother, Mra. Katherln Kerry, and five sisters and three brothers. Funeral Wedne!y morning from realr fence, 8404 South Thirteenth, at :80, to HU Patrick's church, at o'clock. Interment will be In Holy fiepulchar cemetery. CAR8TENS Amelia, wlf of the lat August F. Cartena, and Catherine Maukrprang, her slater, died at th residence, 442 Leavenworth ireet. Funeral services will be held Wednes day at 1 o'clock at residence, Rev. Wil liam Bchaefer officiating;. Interment In iXergreen cemetery. Friends welcome. VAN NOT William A., January 8. 1916, aged 40 years and 21 dayn, at home of his mother, Mrs. I. T. Van Noy, 2422 Poppleton avenue. Funeral services will be held from II. K. Burkett chapel, Wednesday, Janu ary 6, at t p. m. Interment In Forest Lawn cemetery. Private. Friends Invited. HOTJ8H Lyle. aged 11 years, January 2. Funetal from St. Mark I,utheran church, Twentieth and Burdette, at 2 -p. m. Tuesday, DONAOHUE Mr. A. Funeral Thursday, t p. m.. from lat residence, 6425 N. 24th St Friend In vited. BIHTIIS AND DEATHS Births Roy and Blanch Hassenger, tfilt North Eighteenth, girl; Frank and Anna Maydell. 6224 South Twenty-first. loy; Jule and Helma Selleth, bH Kouth Twenty-fourth avenue, girl; Olol and Agnea 1'Jcik, 15o Folk, girl; Ignats and Anna Udron. M1 South Thirty-eighth, girl; Oalogero and Maria Franchitno, iw ptouin i weniy-aecona, gin; a mo ana Maria Mandola, South Sldo, boy; John and Mattl Hamilton, JS6.1 Famam, girl; John W. and hiva C. Kuril. (,KH Boule vard avenue, girl; Roliert and Zellnr J'leroe. North Blxteentn, boy; Lloya and Mabel I eck, 2804 Ellison avenue, boy; John and Mary Tonrich, 1J.4 South Six teenth, girl; Frank and Annie Fran lew ski. on South Fortieth, girl; Andrew and Annie I'ranca, 612 South Thirty ninth, South Bide, boy; Walter and Kate tiwlecrak, KM South Thirty-fourth, South Ride, boy; Karal and Kate Yswlec, VA routh Twenly-elirhth, South Side, girl; Kostence and Karollne CrekaJ, 4fW South Fortieth, girl; R. J. and Minnie Kountree, 41)1 North Twenty-third, boy; ller and Marts Mradv. hoenltal. tKy. Deaths James Mclnerney, U years, JOM North Twenty-first; Frank I. Schmidt. S6 years, 1F1 South Tweniy-eignm; airs. Nellie Rlamdon. 23 years, B714 Castelar; Myra Anhrya, 40 yeara. Thirty-eighth and Q: Albert Walbua, 1 year, 4321 South Seventeenth; Margareta 8chwarlander, tJ yeara. 6414 South Thirty-third; Andrew Alexander. 2 veers. 1C4 t'ass; Kd lialley, to yeara, hoapltal; Sarah Uacha- lor, T7 years, J louse or Hope: itrs iierg. M years. Thirtv-fourth and Meredith av enue; Charles F. Kahs. 62 year. Twenty fourth and Farnam; Ueorga B. Iodge, CO years, hospital; Rose Millar, hoapltal; Margery MeOord, 20 year. 23tt Cl&s; John C. Mclrath, 20 yeara. lWl Caaa; Hannah J. Palmer. M years, Twenty 'ooad and Howard. . MARRIAGE) LtCH ! Perm Us to wed have bean Issued to th following: Nam and Residence. Age. Jobe Cooper, Omaha 27 .Marian Ethel Oray. Omaha 24 Robert E. I-ce, Dunbar 22 'pran Redfield, Nebraska City !Q IJouia Adreme, South Side 24 earah Backer, South Side It Miles J. Brewer, IJncotn 17 Julia E. Btrejo. Table Rock 24 BUILD1NU PERMITS. Osborne Realty company. 3014 Fine, , frame dwelling, $4,ino; Scott & 11)11, fram dweilniKB as followa: 2M South Thlrty-awond avenue. tJ.&iO; SVWj South Thirty-second avenue. 22.rt; 61 South Th!rty-second avenue, I.'.5ii0; 22 South Thirty-second avenue, t2.bai: Charles S. Ely, 3b4 liarnry, frame dwelling, t&.oia; C3. O. C'arllenc. 234 feouth Ttilrty-f Iflh la venue. U.000. ANNOUNCEMENTS CIIIROPRACTIC If a!ck. regardleaa of the nature of your aliment, chiropractio will do for you what no other science can. When all else rails try me and not th dlt ference. I adjust the cause of BO-CAIJED 'incurable' ailments and all deranga meuts tecuilar to women. Dr. W. 11. KNOLLBNKERO fboa Tyler IMS. Butte III Bea Bldg.. LEASE FOR BALE on two offices nicely located on second floor THE BEE BUILDING Inquire of the Superintendent, Room 103. TUKODEGAARD'B "Lucky Wedding Kings" at loin and DoukUs Rts xERCla"E AT Y.M.CA.-Rusliiu AUTOMOBILES WHENEVER you ar considering sell ing or buying a used car and you want full value fur your money or you want peopl who ar willing to pay for what they are soiling you will have no re gret If you buy or advertise through the used car column of Th Bee. phone Tyler luW. AUTO T1KK8 REBUILT, $2.u0 TO $5 00. DUO TIRE CO.. Kll Chlcaso St. EeaVIN'G i-lty. six-cyfliid roads'teri cuililct.-.ly eu'ilpued. aood order; luake offer qui. It. Fonterielle Garage. i 10 iiitkr ,'iur worn ut simile tire Into K larni.lre l J 'lplex tire. Zk-tH)i JtruS., ? H I'urr.ttrn hi. IiousIms 4VTS, liAh,A(Srf in l.s''it;y uwi snd drinoa ii.;u,s tlts. Zeiebrl, Lit Fariaia. 1 J. . TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM L EMPRESSDW15&"b0UGLAS Hearst-Sells; No. 104. "The Secret Message," one-reel Ka- lem. "The Woman of Mystery." three-reel Blograph. "By tha Might of hla 'Right"." one reel Vltagraph. PRINCESS. 1117-1 DOUQLAS. Six reel of (rood picture. Including' e locted Keystone comedy. North. GRAND. 16TH AND BINNET. Robert Warwick In Th Flah of an r.merald. iiarta. And a one-part comedy. LOTHROP, 2 4TH AND LOTHROP. Paramount presenta Marguarlt Clark In "The Crucible." Swath. APOLLO, 282 4 LEAVENWORTH "An Enemy of Mankind." -reel Kalem feature. funny Jim and a Oreat American Game. The Race for the Gold Mine" Kalem feature, Helen Holme In "The Dyna mite Train." ROHLFF. 2561 Leavenworth. "The Thief," Fox feature, featuring Dorothy Donnelly. West. MONROE. SCB5 FARNAM. The Oembler of th West," 4-reel Blo aranh. "lreamy Dud Goes Bear Hunting." E- aanay cartoon. oath aid. I1E8SB 24TH AND N. The Wrong Train Order." Kalem. Cat Marvin' Wife," s-reel Vltagraph. The Elttl Puritan." ORPHKUM. 24TH AND M. World Film Featur. -iiougnt, Featuring Frederick Lwl and Ethel Orey Terry. a MOVIES . lit FEATURES i!t TODAY GRAND. 1CTH AND BINNET. Th Flash of an Emerald. I part. MONROE, 2S 66 FARNAM Th Gambler of th Wast," 4-reel Blo- grapn. ROHLFF. 1681 Leavenworth. "Th Thief." Fo feature. 0RPHEUM. I4TH AM. World Film FaatTtre, "Bought. " AUTOMOBILES AUTO clearing house. Buy, sell and ex- cnangeusea cars, law ram am. p. 3310. T0OR eWa R.TT" for any magneto we canl repair. Coll rs patted Baysdorfer, 210 N. 18th. FREE winter storage when car are painted and repaired. Johnaoa-Danforth Co. JOE MURPHY Auto repairing at Middle State Garage. Phone Tyler 2u7. NEBRASKA Bulck Service Station. 1914 f arnam St. Phone Douglaa 721. Industrial Garag Co.. M A Harnsy St. BUSINESS CHANCES Office For REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE Same floor as Bee Office TIIE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 FOR HALE OR TRADE General etore snd butcher shop, located at Winnebago, Nebraska; old eambll led business; large sales; good profits. Will sell on essy terms, stock and fixture In first-class condition; Invoiced about 113,000; build ings ti,uu0. Will sell either business sep arately, with or without buildings. If Interested, writ or call on F. I M CLURE, Second and Pearl Streets, Houx City, la. - o BARGAIN. I must sell my new stand by Jan. 1, 191; carries full line of cigar, tobacco, candle, magaslnea, stationery, etc; good paying business, 36 per cnt profit; csn be taken car of by wlf while hus. bsnd works; two living rooms In rear; reasonable rent: good reason for selling. For further Information, call Colfax 1M2. IF YOUR Business College will stand rigid Investigation and la )uat what it la advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yourself, you will he lerfectly satisfied if you use the Business Chanc column of Th Be. When buying or selling a business, phone Tyler 1000. NOTICE. All peopl thst ar using oil burners and are dissatisfied, please call at 116 W. O. W. Bldg., or phone Red tXS and make appointment to see th Miller generator work; no smoke, soot; noth ing but heat. CHEAP for quick sale; good paying tailoishop and pantorlum In town tow), five years' business stabllshel, poor health; must leave at one. We also have a good pool room. Write the Jones Land Co., Creston, la. LIST your buslnes with tn (or quick results; buy, si'll snd exchange. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO.. Room I, Balrd Bldg. Tel. Dour, 3630. I7TH AND DOUGLAS ST MUT sell during January, millinery and ladies' furnishings in Iowa town. Wall established. Good reasona for selling. 13. two rah. Address Y 1M, Bee. THEATERS Buy, leas or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Ex. Co . 14W Farnam. D. 17. FOR BALE On account of sickness. 4- yesr lease on Brown Park Mineral Spring Baths, South Omaha. G. . Concannon. OFFICE fur rtutl estate or insurance; am floor as Be offioe; 13x!l feet; Ml. The Bee Bldg., Office Room 103. NINE furnished rooms, full of roomer. oppoall the Burlington depot. Gooo location. Call Tyler 70. TO SELL or buy a business, call on Busch A Borghuff. Frenser Blk. D. S&IX TO GKT In or out of business call on QANOKSTA D. 433 Be Bldg. Doug. 3477. SICK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In established shunts. D. 3o30. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS HAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of courses tn a reliable Hi slness tahool, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will b aold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course investigate this at once, atnc Kail Tcrrn begtna soon. Call office, Omaha Be. Kill CATIONAI. GKT nOYLF.3 OH EAT OFFER FOR THE MID-WINTER TERM Junt (end me your name and I'll give you by return mall the greatest, mat attractive offer ever made by a repu table buxlnee training Institution. It a combination premlum-and-cah-relela offer that will both make you money and save you money. MID-WINTER TERM OPEN9 JAN UARY JD, IN BOTH DAY AND NIOHT SCHOOL. In Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Stenotypy., Touch Tyepwrltlng, Telegraphy and Civil Strvlce preparation. Write, tele phone or call for big 114-page catalogue and last Isaue of college Journal. IiOYLES COLLEGE, H. R. POYLES, PRESIDENT. 18th and Harney St Tel. D. 1565. Omaha. Nebraska. TIIE VAN SANT SCHOOL PTENOG RAPHT BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Toung Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class tn typewriting. lone c. Duffy, Ovner aiid Manager. nfiLI',thHt. 2!T?iL; F&R sale, the following scholarship In a first-class Omaha lluslness College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. ne unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or steno graphic course. v ill t e sold at a discount at the office of Th Omaha Bee. FOR HALE i'lllM I CKK. FOR SALE Here is a classification that la of the utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offnrs soma ex ceptional opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your article at lts full value. Rhone Tyler lino. HAR DM A NPI A NO Fin condition, 7B; hard coal burner, ilS; gas range, nine small tables and chairs, small soda fountain, cheap; also good sewing ma chine. $!. Must be sold at once. 181 Harney St. S-HOOM. furniture complete, ;oods prac tically new. Will sell at a barxaJn in one lot, or separata. Cs.ll Douglas (064. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1M N. 24TH. WEB. 1601. Doclra bought and sold. J. C. Reed, UVtiH-a liw7 arnam flt. Douglas 214. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sal cheap. k20 Bancroft St. IIORSKS AND VKIIICXE. Thirty-two milk wagon for sale, cheap. jonnaon-oanrortn Co., totn ana -iar. TEAM of mules, harness and wagon. 1S83 h. tn st. Clll'LTItt AIHII PUT STOCK. For Pale 8x12 ft. chicken house. Web. 7470. MM) grain. 100 ba, 11.75. Wagner, 1 N.l. TtrKMHIIKHS. TTPERWITERH aold, renteo repaired. Central Typewriter Ec. 1905 Farnam. RELIANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co., car bon paper and Inked ribbon. D. 8'.'42. TYPEWRITERS for rent Z Bee Bldg, MISCELL,AMOl!N. FOR SALE CHEAP. Buslnes Collexe Course. Full snd complete scholarship In nni of the heat Omaha buHlness schools. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, hut will be sold very reasonably. If Interested Investi gate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the of fice of The Omaha Bee. ALL KINDS of woodworking machinery, Including shafting, belts and pulley. Everything In the best of condition. This Includes moulding . machlnea, jointers, band saw, tttltlng table saws, sanding and boring machines, etc. I'hone Douglas 838 or call lliu Harney t., George II. Le Co. - INDUCTION motor, three-quarter horse power, 328 Amp, 230 volts, 1,200 speed. Good condition. $30. Allen N. Cameron, lwrence. Kan. ONE 10-horae gits I. H, C. engine; on - hoi Marseilles shelter. Will sell or trade one or both. E. W. Patrick, R. 3, Tekainah, Neb HOATi 0 baskets delivered. 31; Illinois nut or lump, K.w, xs.so per ton. Douglas 5131. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Rruns-wck-Halk-Collcnder Co., 407-40 S. Vrth St. W t(l Golden Weat Whisky, 4 full P-'-v quarts bottled In bond, prepaid. Cackle Bros., Omaha. DIAMOND-LOCKET, men's and ladles' watches, reasonable. Friedman, 1111 Doug. HELP WANTED FEMALE CLERICAL AND OeKlCE. BTENO.. a llttl bookkeeping, good future. permanent; alsxt at Suo, steno., enper- lenceu, w. eieno, ana ciem, iigni work, $30, with room and board. Co operative Referenc Co.. 1014 City Na tional. STENOGRAPHER fdO.OO eTKM).. BOOKKEEPER .00 LEDGER CLERK (good penman).. 40.00 P. B. X. OPR 35.00 THE OANO AGENCT, SOf) BEE BLDG. BTENO. and bkpr., $75; steno.. tub; steno., IV); steno., $45; steno., $40; compt, opr., $o0. WATTS REF. CO., 3-40-42 Brand. Thea. FACTORY ANO TMAnKS. APPRENTICE Oppenhelm. Halrdrea- aing. DOMESTICS. THE Servant Olrl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired result. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to Th Be offlc or telephone Tyler 10(i0. WANTED Housekeeper, not over 40, to take charg In modern horn for a wla ower with one daughter) good hum to right party. Call Wal. 1122 l.cror l p. m. and arier s p. m WANTED Experienced white girl for aenerai noueewora; ainaii lemujr. wvu wages. Laundress kept. Reference re- quirea. Mrs. annur b. noger- sit Casa St. Wal. 840. WANTED Girl for general bouse work. Only on that is fully experienced lu family of 3, has nice steam healed room, and good wages. Apply 27J4 Spalding Bt. Colfsg ). WANTED Neat, reliable colored nsild. about 30, to do laundry and assist with housework; re f. required; permanent to right party. Mra. Stewart. 2231 S. 32d Ave. WANTED A girl for general housework on a small ranch In family of two: good horn for right party. Address 1103 t'anric St., Omaha. WANTED Competent maid for general housework, family of three, no wash ing, good wages. Mr. Welt H. SViulre. phone Harney S3uZ. WANTED -Competent white maid for general housework; family of 3. Mra George C Tow is, 3M7 Dewy Ay. Phone Har. 40V3. WANTED A WHITE GIRD FOR GEN VlUL HOUSEWORK; hM ALL FAM ILY; OlMJD WAGES. H. 741. 1304 8. SoTll ST. WANTED At once, a competent girl for general housework. Call Harney 741. Address 13U4 South $Sth street WANTED A housekeeper. Call Sundays or eveiunss aner . i ail v ainui .. Address Reward St., Omaha. WANTED A good white girl fur general nouse urs. no oooaing; small lamiiy. 2.115 H. r-'d St. I'hone Harney 4101. WANTEDi gril l to as.l d wllh general housework. 3o06 Harney St Small family. Phone Harney '.II S' ANTED -Maid forgeneral housework. Must be good rook. No laundry. 416 8. th St. Har. 26fau. WTntED Olrl for general housework. German or Bohemian preferred. Call at 3Ji Dodge St. EXPfc-KlENCKD woman wants work as rhamberma'd or any housework. Call Webeter 1110. GIRL tof general housework. Tliree In family, oiiod salary. 3411 Jones fit lKugtaa 316S. WANTED Ex perl, nod sxooi awl. Mr. 41 T. Kouutse, 3Ji Dewey. Hu 2i4. IIKLI WANTF.P KF.MALK DOMESTICS. WANTEI Competent whit girl for gen eral housework In small family. Pnone Walnut 242V WANTED tllrl to assist with work an1 car of small child Harney 7W. house I'hon WANTEI Middle-aged ladv for house keeper. German preferred. Tel. D. 814. Wanted Iadlea' laundry; neatly done by eperlenced laundress; cheap. W. 2157. WANTED A good girl for general houa work. Apply at once. Yr S. IMh Pt. V ANTED Olrl for general housework. private family. I'hone Henson 4.1. WANTEI fllrl for general housework. Har. 2104. 10'J) 8. r.th Ave. WANTEI) Girl for general housework In family of t. Wal. 100. LACE curtains and bundles carefully laundered. Webster 42X3. WANTED A competent Apply 101 8. 32d Ave second girl. WANTED Girl for general housework. 117 H. tld HC Har. B.IS. MIKELLAItKUt. IOCJNU women coming lo.umana - stranger are invited to visit tne xoung Women's Christian Association building 1 at 8t. Marys Ave. and Wth 8t.. where' k.. -,ni k-rtir-.d i. ...it.hi. hoarrfln- I places or otnerwise aasiaiea. unon tor jtnMJMAUSM treated suecessiuny, re our travelers' guide st I'nlon station. suits guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 3,4 lice Hid. A RARE opportunity; comrcrtabla liv ing; home sewing; plain cloth seams; any sewing machine; steady; no can vassing' no trlflers wanted; samples l"c; returned If not satisfactory Home Pew ers' Co., Jobbers Hewing, Rchohoth, Del. WANTED Four neat appearing young ladlea, 18 to 23 years of ag to travel for advertising Co.. $18 a week. Call between t and 6 p. m. R. G. Chichester, Hotel Harney. GIRL wanted for pressing ladles' clothes. Call at 29"7 Ieavenworth. WOMEN Become government clerks; 170 month. Write immediately. Franklin Institute. Dep't 608, K, Rochester, N. Y. ITELP WANTED MALE CLERICAL AND OFFICE. BTENO.. ROOK KEEPER t.e.00 STENO.. BEOINNtR 45.00 CREAM BUYER (Investment) 7&.00 MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR UO.OO THBCANO AGENCY, 800 BKH BLIK3. SALESMAN, wholesale. $125 and ex penses; steno., pio; steno., )(5; bkpr., $H6. WATTS REF. CO., M8-40-41 Brand. Thea. HIGH-GRADE oommertcal positions. WEUT. REFERENCE BOND AB3N., 762 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. AGENTS, SALESMEN, SOLICITORS. WANTED -W offer an exceptional op portunity to good salesmen to sell groceries direct to the consumer. Write Harper Bros. eV Co., Wholesale Grocers, Chicago, HI. MEN everywhere make 1 10 dally placing aamplea of new necessity with automo bile owners. Orolo Manufacturing com pany. Louisville, Ky. WATER Gas Burner will do your cook ing, heating and lighting. 1G1 Capitol Ave., Pin una. COAL agent wanted In every town; get a trial car. I . M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. WANTED Salesman for Florida land. Big money for hustler. M 360, rare Ree. BOYS. WANTED Boy to sell cottage cheese on commission after school. Alamito Panltary Dairy, 26th and Leavenworth. FACTORIES AMI TRADES. HURRY, HURRY. DON'T DELAY. SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER If you can't attend day school you can hold your Job and at the same 'time get your automobile education If you enroll In the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 240S. LEAVENWORTH. RED 3110. YOUNG MAN, be a barber. I teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tool fur- nisnea. i give you actual shop work. You have chance to work Saturday and keep half th receipt. My stu dents In big demand. I have colleges In all principal cities In IT. S. and Can ada. Call, write or phone A. B. Moler, President. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE!, Omaha. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work, for the big spring rush. Fin training work on autoa and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2flf$ Farnam St. Omaha. Neb, LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college; low rate tui tion, Including set of tools; wages paid; electric, massage, hydraullo chairs; cat alogue free. 1124 Douglas St., Omaha. WANTED Two men for moving. Must to out on road. 623 S. 16th St. Flat A, in loom f. Drug Stor Snaps, Jobs. Knelst. Pee Bldg. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men wishing positions as fire men, brakemen, electric motormen on first class Nebraska and Iowa roads, writ Immediately. No experience neces sary. I to $100 a month to start on. No strike. Name position wanted. Inter Railway, Dept. 223, Indianapolis, Ind o GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Thou sands of appointments to be made. Free booklet telling where they are, what they pay, with specimen examina tion questions. Nat't Co. Institute, 430 nevemn ft., wasningion. u. c WANTED Men to try examtnatlona for government Joba: $70 month. Common education sufficient; pull unnecessary. Apply Immediately. Address Y l'. Bee. CMAHA railway mslTrferk examinations coming. $76 month. Sample questions fre. Writ Immediately. Franklin In stltuts. Dept. 221 K., Rochester, N. V. SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION as houseman janitor work or handy man; can repair, paint and do general work In apartment, residence, rooming or boarding house, reliable, in dustrious, sober, references the best. Ph one Douglaa 7830, call for Johnson. CITY saleiman. six years' ' experience, calling on grocers and bakers, would like to make connection with reliable firm for m& Referenc furnished. Webster 2673. COLORED man and wife wish place to gether as Janitor and housekeeper or inalj,; city firing license; reliable refer ence. Phone Har. 4.'ti). 266) Douglas St. YOUNG reliable man wishes position as Janitor or snythlng he ran do between 10 a. m. and 4 p. in. Address 50$ 8. 2th St. Phone Harney S74. WOMAN wishes work doing general housework, or dishwashing In hutel or boarding house. Call at 1411 In th rear of Chicago HC EXPERIENCED farmer, married, would like to lake charge of farm; good hog man; extra good with cows. P. 353. Bee. WANTED Situation as housekeeper by experienced woman; give full particu lars In answer. Address O 4t2. Bee. YOUNG lady wishes position as P. B. X. operator; 4 years' experience. Address Y 184, Bee. WIDOW woman with 4 children wants day work or washing. Colfax 140. CARPENTER. A-l finisher or repairer. Furniture repairing. Harney zao. WANTED Plain or fancy sewing; at noma or out, nea ssoi. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET Persons having lost soma article vronld do well to call up th offlc of th Omaha 4k Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many artlclea each day ar turned In and th company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Iug. 4H. LOST -Gold, heart-shaped locket, wlih diamond setting In center, one side; valued as heirloom; reward for return to 224 I'. O. Bldg., or Hotel Castle. C. H. Stiver. LOST or Found ads in Omaha's Lost and Found medium means th Immediate return of that article If advertised In The Bee, the lost snd Found paper. LOST lady's opvn-fej-eJ Elgin wauh. mono ram E. V. 1 . In Rlvervlew park. Return to 3ul5 N. 2vth, Webster 62. and receive reward. KHT AND FOUND IRT Jold watch and fob. liberal re ward for return. No question asked. Return to Re office. o3-'l LOST Kundsy at Hsnecom park gobl satch fob; Initials L. C. B. Call Red T..' Reward. FOt'ND Gasoline boat In river Ice at Rellevue. Alfred Dillon, Hellevue, P. n. Bos No. M. MEDICAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. B. R. Tarry curea piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guars nteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. lintITtW Kilrea.f nil v tr treated jkui 1 u IVLi i.hV . ., nn-rf1f. nr. ITT,'?;!.0"- &lirt,7lt'' rElfi..' irelcal ray & Matheny, X Bee Bldg.. Omaha. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th Pt. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable- board ing places or otherwise assisted, iook for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. I'hone Douglas 41.15 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Pt. I WOULD like to meet unincumbered lady, age 37 to 4C, who would take a amall financial Interest In a drugless sanatarlum. Address Doctor, P. O. Box 65, Omaha, Neb. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. TTP.PP ntla guarantee and Abstract ivxnv Co R modern abstract offlc. 05 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 6487. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract offioe In Nebraska. Z0g Brandels Thea. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DW0RAK, C. P. A. 433-437 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 740. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. M. F. Shafer A Co.. 12th-Farnam. D. 7474. ARCHITECTS. Everett S. Dodd. 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1081. AMATEUR FINISHING. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 41$ Bee Bldg. Dept. D. AT'l'OHNEYS. C. T. Dickinson, 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1304. AUCTIONEERS. Dow Auction Co.. 1115-16 W O W. R.32B. AUTO INS CHANCE. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglas 281. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator r7pCo. 202 Far. D. 1001 BAKERIES. E. H. REEDER. 1506 N. lth. Web. 337. BATHS. BATH-214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vanor and modern Turkish baths for ladies and gentlemen; lady : attendant for ladles; Swedish massag. ;i'l! Farnam St. Dougtaa 8437. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th end Martha Sta. COFFEE BY MAIL. POTirKrF'.T"' Ssve money. Use better V-WI r t'-Cj coffee. 16 lbs. high grade bv parcel post, prepaid, $3.60. W. A. Skalfe A Co., Omaha Nan, CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS DR. BURHORN, ldth and Farnam, Wead Bldg. D. 347; Palmer school graduate. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. I Talrd Bldg. V. $461. . i DR. W. IT. KNOLLENBERG, Suit 811, Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1036. CHIROPODISTS. Carrie J. Buford. 2A Pax. B!k. Red 4f7. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS STEVENSON, 23 S. tld.- Lyuglaa 6630. Lessard A Son, 1906 Capitol Ave, T. 163. C. W. Hokanson. 2605 Lvnwth. Tyl. ilW. DANCING ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mfeckle's. Doug. $440. DE I.TTXH ACADHMT. Ill & lth 8t. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Keiater'a Dressmaking Col. 1628 City Nat Terry Dressmak'g college. BOth A Famam. DRESSMAKING. LADIES' JACKETS remodeled in the lat est style; reasonable prion. 1911 Far nam St. Phone Douglas 28&. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 130 N. 12th. D. 5071. DETECTIVES. JAME8 ALLAN. $12 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all casts. Tyler 113. DENTISTS. 4 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. $12 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglss. D. 11M. DRUGS. DRUGS at eut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo- Connell Drug Co.. Omah Neb. KLECTROLVsTsT Uloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 3C65. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO .Be Bid. D 3. FURN ACES AND TIN WORK. HABERBTROH. 4036 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all slses and styles; hemstitching, point editing; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work bui ton holes, pennant. Ideal Pleating Co.. $U0 Douglaa Block. Doug lss lo. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam St D. 3000. L, HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. It Member Florists Telegraph 1. Ass n. HESS at SWOBODA. 141a Farnam St A. DONAOHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. FURRIERS. SAM KNEETER. 1920 Farnam. Red 6834. H. Rothols. 3818 Leavenworth. H. 2763. A. L. KOLOVRALEK. 717 S. 14th St. HISTORICAL COSTUMES. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In tha country. Theo. Lichen A Son. 1514 Howsrd. D. 41 ill INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. Lyric BM Jl s I ICES OF THE PEAC E. H. H. CLAIBORNE, til Paxton Blk. Red T40L Notary public; deposition steno. a W. BRITT. 3ul Barker Block. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY LIVE ITOIK COMMISSION. MARTIN PHOfl a CO. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTIRES. DTTTITCTN Thomas, Douglas Pt. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DA VIDSON MOTORCTCLES. Ksrgsln In uaed machlnea. Victor Rom, 'The Motorcycle Man." 27os tenvenworth. MOVIHU 1'ItTlHB MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, rT you csn. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Ring. OSTEOPATH PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 1B Res Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. BaroeU. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. IT. H. Pturgeg 630 Brandels Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses msde over Just like new. 1907 Cuming. D. 24457. PLUMES CLEANED. CURLED, dyed. D. Elsele. I1S City Nat. PRINTING. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 524 B. 13th St. CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS S751. DOUOLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. PIANOS FOU RENT. $3.50 per month. A. Hosoe. 1513 Douglas. SEWING MACHINES. AVE rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all aewlng machines. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglas 1662. SCALE! REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co . 61 S. 12th. D. 2911. SHOE REPAIRING. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co., 2O04 Farn'm. R. 3444 STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 8. IS. TORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture t Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 13th. Doug. 2724. STOVE AND FURNACB REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 120S- Douglas St. Tyler 20. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 623. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter I mo. for $3. unver Typewriter Agency, 1306 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 316 S. l$th. cl. All makes for sal or rent RENT a "Remington" not Just a type- I(a. V n m f 1 1 T n .... 1 O, n . . , i.iii, . nil vvubihb 1 .o. TRUNK AND SUIT CASES. FRELING A STF3NLE, 1S06 Famam St. VACUUM CLEANERS. ALL makes. E. B. Williams, $01 S. Itta. Tyler 1011. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. Id fl. Paxton Bk 11 yr. ex p. WEDDING STATIOMEUV. Wedding announcement. Pong. Ptg. Co. WEDOlNb RINGS. BRODEGAARD'S lucky wedding ring" at 16th and Douglaa Bta. WINES AND L1UUOR9. ALEX JETE8.' 201-3 8. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plat dinner 11 to 3, 10a HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Kleln'a Liquor houa. 623 N. 16tb. Douglaa 1809. SWAPPERS' COLUMN GAS engine. "Fairbanks A Morse," sta tionary gaa or kerosene engine, 4 horse power with lo-gallon gaa tank, coll and water connections complete. In A-l condition. Would trade for 1 or 2-horse power engine, or, what have you of equal value? Address S. C. 495. Bee. STEEL casting rod with tri-part reel, equal to any casting reel made and as sortment of artificial bait, minnows, frogs, spoon, spinners, hooks and lead ers, etc.;. cost nearly $00; in good con dition; will trade for. what have you 7 Address 8. C. 804. Bee. AROO" Rosdster. 1915 model, completely equipped. Machino not run over 60 miles since motor completely over hauled. Might swsp for high class Vlc trola outfit, player piano or toward a touring car, as need larger car. Address 8. C. 736. Bee. BEAUTIFUL mahogany bookcase and writing desk combined, 6 shelves, 1 drawers and writing desk, solid mahog any and hand carved. Will exchange for sectional bookcase in good condition. Address S. C. 811. Bee. ROADSTER, lightweight, two-passenger, 1916 model, Juat overhauled and fully quipped. Will swap for th best 1915 model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get: but It must be A-l condition. Address s. c. ?a, nee, SHOE repairing outfit. Including Singer machine, new cost $66; Solidity Jack, cost and other tools and find ng too numerous to mention. Will trsde for good harness and wagon. S. C 12 Bee. ARTISTS, students, etc. Set of I. C. 8. handbooks containing complete course In "General Illustrating;" will swap for good small camera or typewriter. Ad dress 8. C. 8o5. Bee. WANTED to swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any uae for and get something you really need. Write Room 104. Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler lOuO. ALL furniture in 45-room hotel; reason able rent on tjulldlng; South Side; will exchange for real eatate; value $1,800. Address S. C. 603. Bee. 1913 HALLADAY touring csr 30 H. P. In first cIrks condition. To swap for "Powers 6 A" or 'Balrd'' moving plc machlne wltft motor. 8. C 4f9, Bee. ONE HusHtll A Lane piano; cost $600; In flood condition; will trade for light tour ng car, delivery car or good large team of mare mules. 8. C. 807. Bee. AUTOMOBILE owners! Salesman's eam nle for fixing any blowout In five in lo llies. Retail price $10. Will swap for what have your e. i . ki, nee. WHAT have you to swap for Twin Ii dlnn motorcycle, free engine clutch, Wi model. In A-l shape. Address S. C. an). Bee. $300 EDISON cabinet grand , phonograph and 100 records. mahogaViy upright p'ano; one or both for auto. 8. C. 14, Bee. WHAT have you to trafle In good second hand auto for a large orean In best condition. Address 8. C. K13, Hoe. WATCH, small .21 rifle, gaa heater, for telegraph key sounder, etc., or what have you? Aggress b. i i". we CAM ERA A 3x4 camera. In aood condi tion. Will rafl for phonograph. Ad dressSCSOS, Bee. . WILL exchsnge Oriole go-basket and lc box fur something useful. Address 8 C mC. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other autuniuMfe baricalna see the "Automobile' classifi cation. SiATK8-He lo; will s 11 ci.eap or tradj f r something I ran ut. S. '. w42, care ru-u. SEVEN drawer, new se in nurh m to win for what have you? eV t Bee. HAVE ilo'ln to swap for good suu.trc trenk. Ad. "res S. C. Mil. Bt-e. OH!'TnGT'N I- I iil t . tiiit have ..uT Address S. C. SliZ. lce. WANTED TO RUT WANTED To buy on monthly payments, small store room, with living room above, In Central school dlJtrict. Phono Red 7ST.4. CFFI K furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed. 1?C7 Farnam. Doug. ). WANT to buy a Picture show. Mean busi ness. Address Y 177. Bee. RENTALS APIKIMh.Ms 4 Ml Htll. IDEAL FOUR-ROOM APARTMFNT Near 2.M1 Harney, facing south and east; Just what you have been looking for; large south and east front living room, with plenty of windows and In direct lighting fixtures; south front, dining room with good closet; nice large kitchen with gas range and built-in refrlcerator and enpboardn. He sure to see this Ideal apartment. Just Vacated. ERNEST SWEET, WARM, COZY APARTMENT Fine apartment of four rooms and bath, nicely decorated; oak finish; steam heat; Janitor service. Everything first class. See it and you will take It. SCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas 1009. THE for rent sdvertlsements appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler lOoo. 5-ROOM FLAT. newly papered and painted, $12 per month. Call Doug. B7. Kemp A Kuchnlck, 2512 Ieavenworth. MODERN 7-r. apartment. Including beau. tiful east sun room. In west Farnam district, fur rent. Harney 1399. o 9u3 N. 17th, 6-room all modern Apt., $15.50. K29 Cuming, 4-r.. all mod. Apt., $32. RASP BROS.. DOUG. 16.U BEAUTIFUL 6-room apartment. Noth ing more complete. 2fi'l Sherman Ave. St7 CIAR E 24th and Harney. Call Har ney 47. SIX-KOOM. heated flat, 1023 S. 21st St. d. m DOtRD AWD ROOMS. FURNISHED rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort in pnvaia families or hoarding houses of the high est class will be found in the Furnished Rooms column of Th Bee. Phone Tyler ltioo. 2T2 ST. MARY'S ave. Warm room, walk ing distance, $4 60 and $6.00. KLKMSHKD HOUSES. UP-TO-DATE furnished houa or apart ment rnr tne winter: must D iirsi class. Address O 443, Bee FURNISHED ROOMS. HOTEL 8ANFORD. HOTEL HAP.LeY. 19th and Famam. lotn ana amam i. hecinl UwlcB to Permanent Quests. MODERN furnished room for 2 gentle- men in private family; close in. H- ROOM with breakfast. $3.60 wk.t strictly mod. home, new furnlsh's,cloe In. H.3193 2 MODERN rooms, en suite or separate, $3 for two or $1.60 single. 322 N. 21st St NICELY furnished room, close ui. alt modern. 8. r.'d St Fine modern sleeping rooms. Doug. 7031 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. OUTSIDE steam-heated apt.., furn. for light hkpg.: $6 wk.; 2102 Chicago. T. 2607. LARGE, outside, steam ht. rma., furn. for holisekeeping. $3.60 wk. 2102 Chi. Ty. 2i07. FARNAM. 2822 Two nlc housekeeping rooms; electricity, steam, gas range. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. NORTH. MAKE OFFER. 6-room house. 4037 Seward. 6-room modern, isi ana nnmmon. C. D. HUTCHINSON OO., 1623 Farnam. WALKING distance, 2644 Dodge, 8-rooia modern house, 126. Key next door. W. . W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Web.' 4875. FOR RENT 6-room, new, modern, up-to-dat brick flat. 2223 Willi Av. Rent $26. Tel. Douglaa 1630. $18 6-r., mod, ex. heat. 1818 Pratt. P. 655T. SOUTH. 6-ROOM cottage: gaa, eleotrio lights, near Commercial High school, $22. Call Webster 6376. FIVE-ROOM house; modern except fur nace. 623 S. 24th Ave. Har. 4355. WEST. FOR RENT. 1631 Harney St, mod. 10-roora brick house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094; D. 1216. MISCELLANEOUS. $j6.R PARTLY mod., Pierce 8t $30 6-r., strictly mod., 1600 N. Mth St $25 7-r., strictly mod., 1718 8. 26th St. $26 7-r., strictly mod., 8840 Franklin St $J6 6-r., strictly mod. and garage, 2721 Franklin . $37.60 6-r., strictly mod. bungalow, 1111 8. 36th Ave. $46 7-r., strictly mod. and sleeping porch, $616 Pacific SCOTT & ILTLL CO., Douglas 1009. $15.00 2S15 Wool worth, 5 rooms. $30.002663 Jones, 6 rooms. $26.002708 Jackson, 6 rooms. $.10.00 704 So. 31 at, 6 rooms. 130.00 220 No. 22d. 6 rooma. $30.00701 So. 2Hth, 8 rooms. $31.60 flos So. 15th Ave.. 6 rooma. $40.00704 So. 24th. 6 rooms. GLOVER SPAIN, Doug. 1962. 1919-20 City National. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Eepsrate, locked rooms, for house hold goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. gn 8. 16th St. Douglas 4163. FIDELITY RFNTAL . FHR3 SERVICE 1 AV-t-l Phone Douglas 28 for complet list of vacant houses .nd apartments; also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ships. 3-hors van and 2 men, $1.2i per hr.; storage. $2 per mo. Satisfactory guar. D. 43.18 A T. 2". s. 1ST'!. 8-r. all mod. house, well ar ranged for renting rooms, close In, $40. 2..A, N Irt St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $15. 3u04 N. 27th, 10-r., all modern, $27.60. RASP BROS.. DOUG. 16i3. FOU RENT 6-room all modern cottage, 2516 Mason St., $26; 6-room, partly mod ern, 1619 Elm St.. $16. O. C. Olson, 1U8 McCague Bldg.. Douglas iw3. GORDON VAN CO. Moving. 219 N. 11th. Tel. T. 394 or H, UM7. t n limn exP Exp Co., moving packing and storage. 1207 Farnam St. Douglas 6146. HnncoaCrelgh Sons A Co.. Be Bldg. 0USeS)n ,n part. of th guy. M AfiOARD Van & Storaee Oo. : Moving packing, storage and shipping, p. I4' SEE the Central Furniture Stores FRE9 RENTAL LIST BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow, $30. Web. 12:. 5-RM cottage. Bellevue. Nefc . $7. D. 7961. GARAGES. OARAGE. Fireproof garage, centrally located, equipped with elevator, stock room, of fice. stenni heat, about .UHi square feet will te for lent In a few days. Very reasonable rent. Conrad Young, 3.'2 Brandels Theater. DoukIms 157K STORES AND OEFI4 ES. MODERN store near postoffhe; low rent G. P. Stebblns. liilO Chicago. REAL ESTATE FARM at RANCH 1. 1ND FOR S A LB FLORID A. BARGAINS in FoiiJa hlih lands, 1.2u0 acres at $7 per acre. Write box 3U, Ar- CHijia. Fla Nt.ltR 4R . CHOICE KAPM HAKGAIN3. 2ii-aci mUm' farm. $70 er 245-aore, Cedar i-oiinty. "i0j r. t!-acre, bottom lnd farm. .'v per imvacre. Hurt county 113) per. . C. S. RELVEA. v Omaha Nat. Hunk HI'lt. Quia In. L.IOK IIK'IK. sio-scre school land bane, running '.'4 irum. in t berry Co.. nii'ea fitn.i I :. A bargain, ",:. Wr te hit, '. en ndall. No. 1641 Lm ii:it Ft.. Lim i'i. Nib. -o V