f THK HKH: OMAHA, TUKSDAY, .1ANUAUY 4, 1!U. r n to GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat and Corn Receipts Are Very Heavy and Cash Demond for Both ia Good. BUT GENERAL TONE IS BEARISH OMAHA. January t. IMS. Wheat and com receipts were rery heavy today and there viu a pretty (nod each demand (or both of them cereals. The general tone of the cash market was bearish, wheat declining from t to 8 cent per buahel. Most of the corn corning In the local market at the present time is wet and Immature and does not sell aa readily ai the better gradea Commercial grades of com sold about a cent lower, while the off grades ruled bout 4 centa lower. Oat a reoelpti were not very heavy and there u only a moderate demand for thin cereal, prices ranging from 1 to l'A Centa 'or. Rye and barley aold at practically un changed prices. Llverrool close: Wheat, unchanged to higher; corn, md higher. Primary wheat receipts were 4.07S.OO0 bu. . and chlpraenta SW.uOO bu., against receipt of 1.4M.014 bu. and ahipmenta of 81i,0t bu. lest year. Primary corn recelpta were IflMOW bu. and ahipmenta 6&.onO bu., agatnat receipts of l,ti25,0H0 bu. and ahipmenta of l.ftU.000 bu. last year. . . Primary oata receipt wera l,M2.00O bu. and ahipmenta Snn.000 bu., against recelpta of 740,000 bu. and ahipmenta of 72S.0.4 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat, Corn, nets Chicago Minneapolis . lJuluth Omaha Kansas City Ft. Loula .... 110 161 .1.201 . 6.10 . 'l . 7M . 2A0 2S8 476 U.3 Winnipeg 1,4! These salea were reported today: Wheat No. I hard winter: 1 car, l.o. No. S hard winter: 3 cars, U.W; 1 car. ll.ORVfc' 24 cars, $1.08: 1 car, 1.074; 6 care, tl.07; 1 oars, 11.0$. No. 4 hard win ter: 1 ears, $106; 4 cars, 1103. 4 cars. S1.02; 7 cars. 1.01- 1 car, Jl.OO. trample: 1 oar (durum), 11.04; I cars. 9Rc; t cars, Mc; 1 car, 90c. No. spring: S cars, O.0; car, ll.OS; l car, 11.074; 1 car, gl.oa; 1 car, S1.06. No. 4 spring: 1 car. 1102. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, S1.08. No. i mixed; 4 cara, 1.W4. No. S durum: 1 car, S1.W4; S cars, il.OS. No. S durum: 1 car, 11.07; t car, $1.06. No. 2 mixed darum: 1 car, $1.08. No. S durum: 1 car, $1.04; 1 car. 11.06. Corn No. 8 white: 1 car. Mhic. No. 4 white: cars. 3c. No. 8 white: 8 cars, eoci 1 car, $4c; 2 cars. R9c. No. white: 1 car. 14o; 3 cars, 68c. No. 1 yel low; 1 car, J4e. No. 3 vcllow: 1 car, c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, .'4c; 2 cars, c. No. yellow: 1 csrs, 63c; 1 car. We. No. yellow: 2 cara, lc; 4 cars. 60c: 4 cars, 6c; 1 car. Me. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 64c; 2 cars. 634c; i cara, R34c; 9 cara, fclc. No. 6 mixed: 4 cars. 60c; 6 care, 59c; 1 car, Mo. No. 6 mixed: f car, 68c; 2 cars. 67c; 3 cars, 66ct4,; . t cars, S6c; 2 cara. 65c. Sample: 1 car, fio 2 cars, Mr; 2 cara, 634c; 9 cars. 63c; B cars, hie; 2 CRrs, file; 8 cars, 47c. Oats ; Standard! 1 car, 40Hc. No. 8 white: 20 cars, 40c; No. 4 white: 1 car, 3SHfcc; 11 cars, 3fc. Sample: S cars, J7c: 1 car, S.Sc.. Rye No. 2: 3 cars, 92c. No. 8: 1 car, 90c.. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard. $1.08ijl.ll; No. 8 hard, Sl.05V4fjn.O9: No. 4 hard. S1.flflfal.06: No. 2 soring. Sl.Wtfl.11: No. ! spring. Sl.OuUfi 1.0: No. 2 durum. S1.07Val.0S4: No. 8 durum. $1.0fi43l.O7: sample', WoSrSI .04. Corn: No. 3 white, 4 n4'c: No. 4 white. 63fffi3rv No. 6 white, MiMS: No. . white. 6'4tfc: No. 8 yel low. fiTigWic: No. 4 yellow. "'.4io4c : No. 6 yellow. VS4i2c: No. 6 yellow. 67Ufr1e; ,No. 3 mixed, SSc:. No. 4 mixed. tf4c; No. 5 mixed. b(fiVc: No. mixed, 64oViKc; sample mixed. 4MMc. Oats: No. 3 white. 4Ai'S41c: standard, nir ; No . 8 white. 394i10o: No. white. 3M44739c. Parlcv: Meltlnf, 0ftilc; No. 1 fecl. 63 GSc. RVe: No. , 910irc: No. 3. S9B90e. Chicago closing prices, f'irnlshed The Hee by Logan Brvan, stock and grain brokers. 315 South Sixteenth. Omaha: Article! Open. I Hlgh.l Uw. Close.! Prl y. V hen 1 1 1 T MW126424HI 1 25's! I I 1 SiHil 134 B!l 2544 KKAli i:STATl: YOU KXCHAXGK FOR SLli OB &(JnANGE Gilt edge brick apartment house of 60 rooms; only 2 years old. In splendid loca . tion In Omaha: built by day labor. Owner would take pood city property, either vacant or Improved, or good farm land, or part -ash and balance real estate. , SCOTT & UJLI CO., . . Oround Floor McCague Bldg. FOIt SAI-K OR TRADE The east hnlf (H of the north est quarter and the northwest quarter , ! of the northwest quarter i and the northwest quarter of the north east and the north hair H1 of the southwest quarter (Vi, section 16, town ship 71, rangi? "f, i'nlon Co., lows, lij mi. cast of Crcston. 1. J. M'AVOY, Millard. Neb. 1 HAVK some good town property In Iowa In trade for some lend near 8. Omaha 10 to 90 acres. Mkist be well Im proved and good soil. Describe fully In first letter what you have and price. Ad dress Box 221. Stuart, la. TWO grod lots In town of 2.000 popula tion. Dunlap, Ia. $0 cash or trade for income property. Joe B. Tuppcr, Logan, owa. REAL ESTATE LOAXS 1 TO e for loans on best Class city residences In amounts 12.000 up. also farm leans. Reasouable oominiaa'ona. PETEHU TRUST CO.. 1822 Farnam St OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KF.EFB REAL ESTATE CO.. IQH Omaha National. Phone Douglas I71&, IJJ04) TO 810.000 made prornptl). T, ST Waad. tVead Bldg.. 18th A Farnam Sta. IdONKT on hand for city and farm loana H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. ' 42TTY property. Large loana a specialty. Tboroaa. 828 State Bank Bldg. OTT and farm loana, t. SH. per cant. J. H. Dumont 4 Co., 41f StaU Bank. . CC2. CITY LOANS. C. O. Carit II Brandeis Theater Bldg. Carlberg, He- A "For Bale" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cash. REAL ESTATE SOUTH BIDK Creighton's 1st Brand new, large living room acroas front of house, dining room with Dutch window, kitchen, pantry, rear entry with refrigerator space, cement baae roent and walka: two bedrooms, bath and sun room on Sd floor; corner lot facing south and east; lot 40x142; close to school; iccsted at 26th Ave and Arnrr Price, SA.WO; $x cash, balance monthly, C. G. Carlberg, 813 Brandeis Theater Bldg. COUNTY OKFICIAL XOTICSB. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR FUR NISHING GROCERIES. (Readvcrtlsed.) Notice is hereby given that the county clerk In snd for Douglas county, Ne braska, will receive sealed proposals for supplying Douglas county In the several departments where such supplies may be needed during tbs year IMS with grocer lea Bida to be received up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, January U, 191a, and opened on that date. All bids must be submitted upon blank proposals to be furnished by the county clerk, and will be received for supplying th- oourvty store. Rlvervlew Home and county hospital, etc., and all information not Included In this notice may be ob tained at the office of said county clerk. Each bid must be accompanied by a car. tlfied check or cash In the sum of $60.08. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bida Dated Omaha, Nebraska, Dee. SI, 1911. FRANK DEWEY. County Clerk. JldlOt LEGAL NOTICES The I'nlon I -and Company. THE STOCKHOLDERS Or THE UNION LA IN LI LUMrAIV I . The annual meeting of the stockholders of Tha t'nloa Land Company will be held at tbe of ilea of tbe Oompur In Omaha. Neb., on January 10th. at 10 o'clock A. Si., for tie tWiuo of five dlreotora aad for tbe t.-ansacUoa ot such business may legally come before the nasetlog. LEX. MILLAR, ecrtary. DAxtSub aa July.MlT-lRH Corn I t IT I 1 MV1 May.pmj July. Oats. May. rork. Lard. Jan.. Weil's 77 76il. t sVtTVIV (B 18 7R 19 WV 19 02H I ".70 4Vtj47: 19 OS i h ia rri 874 10 IS May. 10 SS17l 1 J5 10 li 10 Whs. Jan.. May. 10 n 10 rs 10 I 10 174 I 10 N 10 iwan in m 10 SS'tl A-A iked. B Bid. CHICAGO GRAIN AND rROYISlOWS Features ( the TradlaaT Cleetnej Prloea ea Board ( Trade. CHICAGO. Jan. 8 Heew enlargement of the United States visible supply total gave a setback today to the wheat raer-lf ket here. The outcome was a weak close at lMic to VAtriVc net decline, with May H.2.l4 and July 11.164. Corn lost 14lVo to l4c, and oata HI? 4c l"ro visions fin ished unchanged to 10c higher. Piling up of domestic stocks brought about selling pressure on wheat right i . .1 . . ' -r.- , . .7l.iV. ... . .... - ...nni. ... rr,., .n,.h k. .h. minuunciiiai 01 mn rmurgu against 1 shipments of grain to Ualveston. Foreign buying of future deliveries helped a good deal to check declines In the wheat market and to cause some up turns from the low point of the day. The purchasing on trans-Atlantic orders was imuii in H115 rfuiy option. 1 Corn saaa-ed with whul rvvnmhla 1 weather and Increased arrivals tended aiso to weaken the market. Oata developed comDaratlve strength. ' n lavoriie tneory waa I oat oata were at too large a discount aa compared with corn. Fair general buying put firmness Into provisions. The Immense receipts of hogs appeared to hare little or ne affect. Chicago ("ash Prices Wheat: No. S red. Sl.214ftl.22S; No. 8 red, $l.lWl.tOT; No. 3 hard. S1.18120; No. 8 hard, $1.1; l-HV. Corn: No. S yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow. tVf704c: No. 4 white, 674'3 704c Oata: No. S white. 43V4j44c; stand ara, 44444ic. Rye: No. I. 07a Barley, 6475c. Seeds: Timothy, S6 001r 00; clover, S10.00iIplS.o0. Provisions: Pork, $17.86; lard. $9 4: ribs. $8.7b.TS. Bl'TTKK Steady, creamery. 224flMc. BfKJS Higher; reoetpta, 1.660 cases; firsts, 36c: ordinary firsts, 2VtfgZ7o, at mark cases Included. S2tf27Hc POTATOES Higher; receipts, 6 ears; Mlohlgan and Wleconaln whites, Oc4Tt.oo; Minnesota whites. SOQttc; Minnesota Ohios. KvW90o. POltiTRT Alive, higher; fowls, MVic; springs, 144c; turkeys, 18c. M ... . . ' . . - . NEW YORK GEXEtlAL MARKET ((notations ( tke Day em Varloaa Commodities. NEW YORK. " Jan. S.-FLOTJRBarelv steady; spring patents. 86.80fi.k; winter patents, S5.80U&80; winter straights, S0.E6 (i6.71l. WHEAT Spot, easy; No. 1 durum. $1.3(1 f. o, b. New York: No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.35, and No. 1 northern. Mani toba, $1.SIH c. I. f. Buffalo. Futures, essler; May, S1.S2H. CORN Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow, Soc, prompt shipment OATS Spot, barely steady; No. S white. 48Vt-49Hc. 1 HAY-l nsettled; No. 1. Sl.20tfl.S5: No. S. $107Hbl 16; No. 3. SOotPJl.fc.'Vi; shipping, 86 fc90c. HOPS Quiet: state common to choice. 1916, 16Q2Sc; 114, i39c; Pacific coast, 1915, llio l"c : 1914 SfU'lCe. HIDES Steady; Bogota, 30331c; Central America. 29e. . LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. 329 24 r; seconds. $M?&. . PROVIfilONii-Pork. steady: mess, $19.00 19.50: ftimlly, $21.008C00; short clear, $l.56e22.50. Beef, steady; mess. HiS.f.Oii 17.00. family, $18.flob18.60. Iard. steady; middle west,. $10.06 10. IV TALLOW Steady; city. 8c; country, 7V6c: special, 8c. BUTTKIl Steady ; receipts, S..70R tubs; creaniery extraa, '3,-tfS4Vc ; firsts, 23 32V-: seconds, 254327Vc. BOGS Firm; receipts. 8.916 cases; fresh gathered, extra fine. 3rC36c; extra firsts, 34A344c: firsts. 4j34'c: seconds. 3032c. CHEESE Firm; receipts. 1,52.1 boxes: stste whole milk, flats, held specials. 171 fal71tc: average fancy, 1717'4c, current market, specials, 17$17c; average fancy, itvwmc. TOl'I.TBY-Alive, prices not quoted; dressed,-very quiet: frtsh killed chickens. 14i(tW7c;' fowls. 12VW7c; turkeys, 244jc. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET FRUITS-rf)range: Cal. navels. 64a, $2.00 box: Cal. navels, s, U.ti box; Cal. navels, 9is. 100s. $I.5 box; Cgl. navels, 126s, $3.00 box; Cal. nave s. 160s. 176s. Sttts, IJis. tXX box-. Tal. navels, 2s. 31 tie, 260m, $3.50 box. lemons: Extra fancy Cal. Sun hint. 3Um. SODs. $j.00 box: extra fancy Cal. Ked liali. f4.u box. Grapefruit: 86s.' 4s. 64s, S3.y box: tits, 80s, $4.71 box; Clear wator grape-fruit, all sues. $4.26 box. tlrapes: F.mperors. S4.6OO6.00 keg; Mala gas. ST.OfXp'H.iiO bbl. Cranberries: Bbl., $12.00; box. $4.00. Bananas: Medium slse punches, l.3l.i6; medium sise Jum boes, $'J.00fl.2.2i bunch: medium aixe Jum-boes.- U.6iAj2.7b bunch; extra large jom- ooes, Hums ounrn; manunoui )UW boes, $a.fOiS.76 bunch. APPiKS (Barrels) Ben Davis. Illinois. $3.26; Jonathans. U. A J.. $3.60; Jonathans. Kansas. $4.0w; Missouri ltpplns. Star, $3.60; tlenitons. Star. $3.60; Jonathans, Star. tM; Ben Darts, Missouri. $3.26; Black Twigs 1 Shield), $4.50; Black Twigs (Comm.), $400; Ben Da via. Star, $32n; Damlnos, Bechtel s. $4.'i; Ben Davis, Bechtel s. $4.0U; Willow Twigs, Bachtels. $4.00: Ramanites. Bechtel s. $4.00; Oenltons, Bechtcr's, $4.00; Wallbrklge, Bechtels, $4i. BEEF CTJTfi Ribs: No. 1. I'c: No. 2. I6W0; No. 3. 12Vfcc Chucks: No. 1, c: No. 2. 84c; No. 8. KSc. Ixlns: No. 1, JOWc: No. i. 16c; No. .: 14-. Rounds: No. 1. I3c; No. I. Ve; No. 8, llc Plates No. 1. 8e; No. 2, 8Wc: No. S, 7c. APPLKS Hoxes-Home heauties. 95. $1.76; extra fancy Jonathans, Washing ton, 82.00; Newton Pippins, $7.00; Arkan sas Blscks, $2.76; WaRners. $?.2S: Delici ous, $2,50; Grimes' Golden. $2.00;. Pesr malnes, $2.26: Staymen Wlnesapa, extra fancy, Washington, $2.00; Spitienburga, Washington, fancy, $2.60. Cider: Nehawka, $3.26 keg. VEGETABLES-Potstoes: Red River Ohlos. 90n bu.; whites, $1,00 bu. Sweet Potatoes: Kansas, $2.80 bbl.; Jer seys, $1.76 hamper. Onions: Yellow. Z'ic lb.; red. 2c lb: Bpanlah, $1.76 crate. Cu cumbers, $2.00 doa. Peppers: 60c basket. Cauliflower: $2.75 crate. Brussel Sprouts: 20c lb. Cabbage, lc lb; red. Sc lb. New Beets. Carrots, Turnips: 60c doa; old, lHc lb. Head Lettuce: $1.00 dot; crates. $4.00; leaf; 4c dos. Radishes, SOc doa Cel ery: Jumbo, SOc dos: Michlgsn, 12. Oil box; Parsley; 60 dos. Eggplant. $160 dos. Ruta bagoes, lSeo lb, HONEY Comb fS4 sections), S8.7S case; Airline, (2 dos. 6-ni. tumblers), $1.80 case. Figs: New, twelve 10 01., 86c case. Dates: Dromedary. (86a), $SS6 ease; stuffed, walnuts. $185 box; fard dates, 12c lb. NUT Psanuta: No, raw, me lb; No. 1 roasted, 8c lb.: Jumbo, raw, Sjc lb.; Jumbo, roaated, 9c lb.; mixed nut a 16c: almonda, Dakes, 16c lb.: Kngttsh wal nuts, ro. 1. isc id.; Knciish Walnuts. No. 2. 134c: filberts. 16c lb.: pecans. 12VK lb; pecans, jumboes. 17; Rraxtia lc lb. rvrtUKN-Na. 1, rtoe. c 10.: 40 im. packages, $2.60 case: Nebraska white, ac cording to quality, SHclg8Vto lb. MISCELIANEOCB Corn pops, $5.16 case; cornpopa, case, S1.86; kornettea, S8.S6 case; kornettea, case. liM. check ers, $3.60 case: checkers, W case, $1.75; cracker jack. $3.60 case- cracker Jack. H case, 81.76; cnums, xs.ao case; cnums. 14 case. $1 76: salted peanuts, $1.26 can; horseradish. $1.75 case. Kaosata Cllr Orala aad spoellaas. KANSAS C1TT. Jan. S. WHEAT No. S hard SMltrl.rT; No. S red. SllfWl .20; Mav. $1.14431.141; July. Sl.OAS44t1.ma4. CORN No. S mixed. MWc: No. S whlta 67ff67Hc; May. 70Tc- July. 71 He. oath rso. z wnite, 43wtc: fo. 1 mixed. SSXuHOe. BUTT1CR Creamery, SSc; firsts, 81c; seconds, Wo; packing, lse. FOtlfl Firsts. 'c; aeconds. SAc. POULTRY Hens, 10HHlc; turkeys. 16c. springs, ISo. Mlaaeevtalla Grata If artcavt. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. S WHEAT May. $1 1V. July. $l.l$A4l.irA; No. 1 hard. $!HV. No. 1 northern S1.UT4 i. !'; re. 3 nortnem. ii.iie4ji.i'. riCR-Vnrhanged. BARLErT-33c, RTB-4Jfr4Ho. BRAN III Sll Id CORN-No. S yellow, waaoe. OATS-No. S white. 41aQ42c. . luasats Orala Saarlset. ST. LOUIS, Jan. I. WHEAT No. 8 red. $1241.r: No. S bard, nominal; May. $L.l-.arl WA; July. Sl.UV CORN No. S, Tie; No. I white, 70H4 Tie; May, iiyrte: July, 74c. OATH No. 1 4i'a4Sc: No. S white, nominal. All I If 1 111TH (IMIi; 11 1 TInT ! UfflAnA lil V fi iMlMlfl RI A f Mi I Cattle Receipts Large and Trade is Slow at Steady Prices Sheep Fifteen to Quarter Up. HOGS FULLY ITVE-TKT LOWER OMAHA. January S. 11. Receipts were: Cattle.Hnra.Fheep ret t mate Monday .M 9.(H IS-iOO day last week.. $.b7 o.Wl '- day Wks. aero. i,:ij JJ.177 IJ.wH Same day I wks. ago. ,7 M-.2 10.M7 Same day 4 wks. ago.lo.XM D.ss 1.V310 Same day last year.... 1,371 .7 Si.SAt The following table shows the recelpta rsittle, hoga and sheep at the I m"h Live Block market for the year to date a. compared with laat year: I 191(1. 19is. mr. ftl MM Ml 7.S o 17 112 lJ.-t 40 tv. ii , m.rk-. .t" T... j " - i.w ! wneons Date, bee if Deo. H Ieo, l. Dec to. 11. 11914. 11913. iUIJ. H911 uowii-. S 34 40 Tool T1 ! 47 T 45 T 481 To! 7 T 02 f 02 S to S 81 t M f 91 K T 06 I "41 7 67' 37ViJ T cat ( l 7 491 Deo. 11 fTT ':. 7 12 S 061 7 681 8 K 3f.VI 7 03 7 0W 6 Of 7 Ml 8 OA Pec. 19! T 0i: T STM T It S5. Deo. f St, 7 4. 7 13 ic- I MI. Iec 704 7 14 7 65! 7 Ic. Iec. IKC. Dec. 34 7 681 3T Si 41 1M1H 6 3X'V 7 04 7 SS t 61Vl 7 141 7 68i 7 08. late. 1HH. 11916.11914. !1913".liyirnmi. 1191". 'I 1 I 'SI I I fl ,J V . ' I T-" I !.': !! ? Sll ! Jan. Jan. Jan. 6o! 7 80 7 13 5 90, 9 iC1 9 30 Sunday. Holldav. Reoelpts and disposition of live stock Ksas t Ity Lire Stork Market. at the Union Stock yards for the las. j KANSAS CITY. Jan. 8. CATTl.K V.s-twenty-four hours: .ccipts. 1f. head: market steadv; prima RErr.IPTR. ! fed steers. SS.SS1r9.2f: dressed beef steers. CaUle.liogs.bheep.li r a. C. M. St. P... 23 Wabash Missouri Pacific I'nlon Pacific .. 1 2 32 i 3 1 1 2: 1 4 7 3 1 1 11 2 .1 1 4 v. 8 lit 49 12 TION. Cattle Hogs Sheep .. 858 1.4W T74 .. sM lVh S.79K ..1 2.297 X.m S47 6M 1,834 .. in , . 90 ..101 , 249 ... 17 .. 52 .. t .. 898 ,. 2i4 .34.1 .. 70 ..19 . 1?) .. 91 6 .. 30 C C N. W., esst.... 65 & N. W., west.. 68 St. P., ML & O.. 64 C, B. & Q., east... 2 C, B. ft Q.. west... 63 C-t R. I. & P., cast. 16 C. R. I. P.. west 1 Illinois Central .... 14 Chi. Great Western. 27 Morris ft Co Swift ft Co Cudahy Packing Oo... Armour Co J. W. Murphy Cudahy, from countiy. W. B. Vansant Co Benton. Vansant ft L. Hill ft Son K. B. Iewis J. B. Root ft Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Unas Rosenslock Bros P'. O. Kellogg Werthelmer - Degen. H. F. Hsmilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild & Krel.s... Mo. Kan. Calf Co... Christie Hlggina Huffman Meyera Baker. Jones ft Smith Bsnner Bros 3 113 33s 162 126 63 608 John Harvev Dennis ft Francis Kline Jensen A Lundgren... Other buyers Totals 8,373 8.2. 12.'K4 CATTLE Receipts were the lai-tteat for a Monday since four weeks ago and larger than a year ago by about 2.UX) head. The marKrt opened about a:eady on killers, but with the genersl trade a I ttle slow. Sellers stl were asking pretty stiff prices, trying to force the market uy, wiiiiv uujrifl w,-i n iirtMsina wsltlng to hear report from other points before doing very much business. On the other hsnd stock cstile and feeders were In good demand and opened taadv to a little stronser. The esrlv market on that kind of cattle was also j fairlv active. I Quotations on Cattle Good to choir yearlings, $3.26g3.26; good to choice beeves, $7.60. 25; fair to good beeves. $i.76'(y7.40; common to fair beeves. $5.75 6S.50; good to choice grass heifers, $6.60 if69; good to choice grsss cows. $6.1)4 S fnie to sood eowa 14.60(95.26: com- mon to rair cows. u.BOHiatw; gooa to rnoice reeoers, vi.wat.ia, xair to gooa feeders, $s.00&4.60; common to fair feed- TI,lJt, y Z ?: -?"!v" " Sr' I.7i: common to fair atockers, t&0tW!.JO; ... ..1 .j. inn iv r-. . " . ' , stock belters. Uaatw; stock cows. h.wj 'iL'.'St". ca,Ive": 6 0(3.7 Ri,i calves. $7 OO6S.40; bulls, stagj. etc., 3.75a.. iwpuwniaiivf ,ai.. BEEF 8TKKRS. No. 14... a.... I IS... 4S... .... M. ... 17.... I.... t... .,.. 7.... U.... 4 ... At. Tr. No. Hi: 4 w 104 HI 1J Ws i 1 lIli 7 00 10 aa 7 an : 1141 t an A. Pr. 7 4 19 IV. ' Jail ; IT 1 11T 1 lt;i 1174 T a' BTKKRH AND HBirERS. 714 4 SO 42 mi no 51 4 90 HI! T M Ci 7 n H HIKERS. tj f. o -a 4o ra Mn to J 4S0 4 7 J aa 1 s'0 I 1 STOCK ERi? AND FEEDERS. OT7 I IU 4 31 1:1 4 if. :a 4 in 774 7 V all 4 71 M Tim 14 1134 7 St 143 T 74 SS. HOG 8 There wss Just a fair Monday run on hand, aome 118 cars or S.OOO head making up the day'a supplies. Receipts today are nearlv twice aa large as a week ago, but are 3,000 short of two weeks ago, and almost t0O smaller than for the corresponding Monday of laat year. Chicago was . deluged with hogs this morning the Inpourlng being apparently the accumulation that piled up during the holidays, and while local supplies were In sympathy with the declines being forced at other points. Shippers did not get in so neavny aa at last weeg a ciose, and what hoaa they did bur ware In moat caaes a dime, lower, their purchases being, msde largely at fb.nofije.iio. iade largely at sn.nove.ou. Packer. tr(ed hard to put up drove, at 1 l.w t K.it vhila Ih.lp ..rl m yv. -" - bids were mace that way they had to raise tneir najiaa a iron nmoi. aiijinms mui-n w num. v nuu mumiro tumuli Hmnm prices wr nn inura t.an tviaj lower, and while at one time In the middle of the trade prices wera even better than that bulk of the offerings son at a vai'ir. a-i nn-. The commoner grades of light mixed hogs, that la stuff weighing around SnO pounds and nearly all the underweights were neglected ny most ouyers up until the close, msny loada of this description falling even to attract a bid until the more desirable bogs had been cleaned up. . ueprescnintive sales: No. A. bl. Pr. No. at. ra. pr. . ITT )o 4 & . ' M 4 40 . M 40 4 44 ..if 40 4 44 ..124 ... 4 40 44... 17... 47... 7. .. 41... 17... ..MA ..141 ..17 ..III . 4 ..Ml M IM ... IS ... 4 44 sa 44 40 4 a XI . JO . 47.. ao.. 4V. . ... 4 44. PIOB. .1IO I on is M ... is 4 on .13 HHKEP-Reeelpta were of pretty good volume estimate calling for fifty cara, or 12,1X1 head. Thla la almost three timea aa large as auppliea a week ago today, but Is slightly smaller than two weeks sgox and a shortage of 10,'ttJ head aa compared with the corresponding Mon day of last year. Iambi were In good request and any thing at all desirable moved In good sea son st a full latitbc advance, meat salea showing the long end of the gan. Beat handy-weight lambs reached $9 50, tha highest price paid s.nce July, while others of real good quality and desiraule weights touched tv 40. Bulk of the fair to good offerings moved at $vshe.. As a general thing, muttons showed about as much gain as lambs. A good share of the ewes offered landed around $), beat here g.lng aa high as $ r. which I aa hlh a figure aa has been been raid for ewes since August. Wethers touched S7.U), being tie first to show up here In a good many da vs. Choice light Tolorado-Mexlran yesrlings moved at $4.2, the beat price that has been paid here since last spring. What few feeders were offered found a ready outlet at figures that wera strong to possibly higher than laat week. Ood Idslio lambs, weighing a little under sixty pounds, sold at $s &0, almost as hlt;h tas they would have gone at any time this season. A few tlaln feeding ewes wcr a little bird to move, but landel at . 10 towards the close. Quotations cn sheep and lambs: Imhs. good to t hi Ice. i.?J?50; lamha. fair to good, tiiniHrO.M: lanihs. dinned, 17 7Mf t.IS; lambs, feeders, 17 onf. AO: yearnnks good to choli light. r77Mj' W; yearlings, fair to choice heavy. S7 evfjTTn; yearltnm, feeders, lf..7MIK.2r.; wetrera, fair to chol -e, . Sj4fT7.no : ewes, good to choice, Shiu ewes, fair to good. $.VOifr.00; e. feeder. $4 HO. 15. Representative sales: No. Av. 140 fed lambs 7$ 4 culls 70 613 t'olorado lambs 74 rr 1 !' M 2i s Montana fed ewes lot Jul , -1 I.. II.. ? VIMwmiiua.nxiniii Jill inise.. i tllHAUO LIVK STOCK MABKKT r.HMOO, Jan, ATTl.E-lvece.pt, ;1 is.w neaa; market, strong; native oeei I steera. S.4i.V; western .teer.. , ..: cows and heifers. J.a..4. calves, m.NK tieceina. auw neaa. next to tne 1 I I . . ... t , I . AAA - - . . . . I. rri.i race Dta on record: market. 1 e'eadv, at RtMOo decline; bul w" .wi.1 ' 11. v., W .x,4 &a. i.j MiAAda.. k.' r:lfrM; rougii. $4s04J.sl); pig., ' h,rnmmo': advanrtn 4 to 4t'H and th, 40 v- "j preferred ?4 to f'V Associated Oil NHEEP AND LAM R8 Reoei pt a, U.0X 'g'tered a total gain of 4 at 77 and head; market strong; wethers, Stoiffi Te""" "'fany cmo within strlkinir 7.15; ewes, $4.dnsi.6; lsnibs. SJ.rtaJW.uO. Mllstance of Its record on the advance of . ,. . . 2 to fW4. at. l.oula Live Stock Market. 1 V'n.teJ States 8teel wss forced Into T mill T. l-riTTt i'-i.iM, ''iJjF xv hcd. :market , In,ha. 9.MW. V lMPB Receipts. I.'fs) strong; yearlings, Srt.50Vie.So. 60; sheep and ewes, JivW-rt 8si . pi.jiu..ii, western steers. $il 2oiti.i.'; stock- i er and feeders. Si.aiUjg.OD; bull. $3.i-if .6.t: calves, SS.0fl).. HOU8 Hecelpts, l7.0O head: market lower; bulk of sales, $tHni.7tJ: havv, $ Xiji.72U. tackers and butchers. Siho'tf 6.70: lights, 8 46Si.sjv. pa. ti.Ortffe.flO. i SHKKP AND LAMBS Reoelpts. 3.000 I head; market hlcher; Inmhe, Ss.7KsW.IO'. yearlings, $7 .jrvfps.23; wethers, $41.00w.75; !cwe. SC.Otxtitxja M011 4 Ity Live Stack Market. SIOCX CITY. la. Jan. I CATTLE Receipts. S.Oflu head: market lOtfloe hiahor: native steers. $:f7.70; butchers, $. 6 26: cows snd belters, $4.0O8.06; csnners, $3.7:fi4.!5; atockers and feeders, $5.0)f4.7j; cslv. s, s;9.0i; bulls, stags, etc., $4.J IKHJS Receipts, 8,709 head: market 6c lower; heavy. $;..V)rJ.e0: mixed, $.4''iK.Yl; llgt.t. KlAi.4n: bulk of sales. 98 8tK(.!V. SHEEP AND LAM BS Reeel pts, 3,500 heiid: nisrket ln15e higher; ewes, $4.b01 0.U0; lambs, S7.Wfl.la. Stock la SIBkt. Receipts of live itock from the five prln 'IrsI western markets: Cattle Hogs Sheep. ItS.iM) W,'li) II. no 8.(r 4.ta 1J OH) .6i) i.i.ou) lias l,om 17.i0 J ki 3.000 3. TDK J.j(Vl 'hlcago .... 'Omaha !.t. IxuIn.... 1 Kansas City fioux city.. Total ..49,600 134,700 tt.SOJ Loral Ntacka and Bonda. . iur,,tt"0s runl4 by Barns. Rrlnker to., hlt. 7 IH .'1 ! '. II u r) 7I'4 (7 II iori"' 99 v-.nian nillODBI DaitK butldlnt 914 H 14 i" ' tm ii 47 'e an Ml. I Peer 4t Co., M 1 Rnllri Mengdge Ls . l nrla Ho(i to. snd tionui I Kslrraont tsniTT fe., pM, -dt ; Unjoin Tl. Tel., roni I Miatsln Sisim Tsl. a Tel Nve--hneMr-Powir r fnmii A B. at. , vt'. omiha a C. n r. g., m.... I "" liy rttorii Yndi. s a. rant sr4 7, I " ;i'v f'ik Vanis. com sn I ft" I ,nt.,,,,1 ,n, " ' , An,,0.rr,ni.M- itta u jriiv or nnuiha ftrnoolf 4Wn, ib f 'heyenne Cwintv, Nab., m 19tl.. ! cuiiJiy r-aikius to. 6a. ikm Pusaa R ity vt ta. ltil 1 D u- .H- R- l" I'M . 10 VH 1", 100 a, V0 n 91 7 M, 7 it" .. 1J . . M .. n .. M .. i, . . 9.1 1 r'WH " !' o. .WH Ptr LlS'oln Traction 6a, Mil. l.larnln ). H P. To. im 1tJ. . Lincoln Tal. Tal. (a. IK1 Metropolitan Osa Da, tst faw .Sib la Tel Sa. K Omaha K. L r. Co. S, t"l.., nninha s r. H si Rr. a, )?s , Taclflc Os Ralentrlr 6. IK4! . Tloi hy Mountain Kual an4 neniM. He4 flouit. Nh.. 4'n H ; M 9n, M4 4 Mmu tMr Tal. s. 1M. wirhita i nion Hto YanU 1 : Coffee Market. M-'-W TORK. Jan. 3.-The market for nnrfM rutin am u .Ia.u.. ml.,. ...(,- , ,h ,v,nHn,.ii e nr..n 3 n,. . k in.. -.,, ti I inlt wa8 unchanged to points higher on . ,,e EiiroiMan buving of July and Sop- 1 leniiier, wnne prices later improved on caiterfHi covermgs or marcn and repona thst ocean freight room was becoming ecHi-err. The close waa a shade off from the i.est under realising, but ateady at-a net advance of 3 to 4 point a. Kales, 11 T.iO .4!V r ehruary . . c; I eini-i;n, d.w, jmi, o. liar, may, e.ioc; jtine, o.ic; .Miiy. 0.W; aukusi. a.nic; r-ewem- ber, .Wi'; October. 6.c; November. 7.02c; l'eceinbcr. 7.()V. ttpot coffee, stesdy; Rio "s "Sc; Santos 4s. !k?. Cost and freight offers were firmer with 4s quoted at ..9ffl9.0 basis rlngllsh credits, and Rio 7a at about t1 !7vt'i. I The official rabies reported no change In mllrels prices. '! Market. NrTW TORK. Jsn S.-COTTON'-Bnot. steady; middling uplands, 12.40c; sales, 2, Tito hales. Futures opened barely ateady; January, 12.:c; March. 13.5'ic; May, 13.70.-; July, IS.anc; October. 13.48c. Cotton futures closed steady: January, 12 23c; March. 12 4c; May. 12.69c; July, U.82c: October. 12.4e. Cotton closed stesdv todsy, net 4 points lower to 1 point higher. t ivrDWiiM t a fTt-T-i.r,al . . ateadv: American mlddllnar. fair. 1 L'wt good middling. 8.34d; middling. 8 Old; low middling, l.bia. Bales, iw.oi") oajes. . Kvaporated Apples and Dried Kralts NEW TORK. Jan. 1 EVAPORATED APPLh-Steady " NV c7op. finv? s . .. .. . . to Mr : i noice. t'.tii'hc; prime. arric. I irikti FRl'ltB-Prunes. quiet; Call- ; fornla, 4(?TlJ"tiC; Oregon, 7Vc. Apricots, steady: choice. lO1;; extra choli ii lHic;' fancy, lie. Peaches, ateady; choice c; extra choloe, 6140; fancy, 7VVffAc: , Haisine. steady: loose rauei'siela lia'l seeded. TVtfrttc; seedless. V3Ue; Iondbn 1 layer, nominal. gar Market. NEW YORK. Jan. S -UOA R Raw. ateadv, centrifugal. 4.4M7-4 Me; molasses. S.ti'fl'J.Mc; refined, steady; cnt loaf. S.fcoc; crushed, $75c: mould A, 4.40c: cubea. Kit; im powdered, alOc; powdered, $0nc; fine granulated. S.ls; diamond A, a Doc: confertlonera' A. $.aoc: Vo, I. t.TOc. Futures were Irregular ee. January declined S polnta on sea tared 1 ug, while later months were supported 1 commis sion bouses. . . . 1 . ' SAVANNAH. Oa.. Jan. J. Tt'RPTJN- fa. i A ' I is jnii es. , n a. i LiRnvt iim ay. . ji . ..ii.u .a .i . . . 8 971 7 W 8 03 .rA head: market higher; native Wef ; ,JTV ' mTrmAv afVee the VlAifc ,..e s f th Picture. 7 67 IH rMn..; ye.rllnr. .ra ,nd IVLl 'ZLiJ1"1. vl"' I. "1' Th. .rtlnn nf th. tiletur. In wblrh h. 7 25 5 9 7 Tfll. steers. $3.364r8.n; cows and heifers. $4 w X. ,Z"'l:' -V. "p" " the story, visiting military scenes with Vl.SiSi.S. .d: .W. They inspect an armored T M S 9ii 7 7i 8 I) i.. . ..I., .-j u.1.1. .-I..J V.' ol JN o Among in motor car. ana wnue tne turn snows 17 711 til .., butchers. S.7i.96 good heavv. ;. uC2 .... .JlT 0"w OIK. A,r thsm doing so. the Omaha young man TINE Firm, 'Ac; salea. 1 bbls.; receipts, home or ner tatrer. t;iz isonn 1 weaty M bbls.; shipments, 270 bbls.; stocks. 11. 7C ! seventh street, from scarlet fever, after b ROSIN-rirm: sale.. MS bbl. ; receipts. ' "ln- of "" Wk nd. df v A k 711 bbls.; shipments. S.044 bbls.; stocks. Sunday Miss Evans taught her Sun 74.003 bbls. Uuotatlons: A. R, C, D, 15. 'day school class and that night became K. $5.70; V. ft. S 75; If. SV80; I MM: K. 1 ... . . 4- aK. -. xm a ia. ' ar .vi. x:-i mi ryj mt a" --'. a-.av. i 'w. 1, f 1 wv i-.i WW, $7.V). Metal Msrsat. NKW YORK. Jan. I. M STA LA Lend : Offered at $610. Spelter: Not quoted. Cop per: Firm, electrolytic, 171 00. Iron: Steady: No. 1 northern. $SD.uurN.M: No. S. $1 .fotfeaoO: No. I southern. $i.7sa.; No. 2. SlgausySO oe. Tin. nominal. At London Copper; Spot. S Us; fu tures, 44 lis: electrolytic. XU0 Is. Tin: Spot. 171; futures. 17X Antlmouy, iltt. Lead, S0 7s d. Spelter, sl Crwde Oil Rtaee Again. LIMA, O.. Jan. S. Another increase of 10o was recorded In all Lima and Ftndlay gradea of crude oil here today. New nuoiatlons announced here today were: North and Koutb Lima. $1.41; Indiana, $!., Wooster. $10. Dry Uaa4i Marks!. NEW YORK. Jan. I DRY OOODS Cotton goods and yarns strong todsy. ( anion aims, nigner; burlaps, strong; dress goods, active. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Tear Beg-ins with Some Misgiringi Owing to Teutonic Naval Activity. OITHTNO TRICES ARE LOWER NKW YORK. Jan 3 On the etock e- eKatllTA 1 1. a M.,n r I n i' a . . 1 1 H ..tun misgivings. In consequence of the sinking" cf the Hrtti'h liner l' fla and the tiirther activities of the Tputmili- naval fnroi-a. opening prices were one to morn tiail four pi'lnn lower, but tlie" lossea vioi-e lergelv recslned, only to tall back Again. incrure midday another rally efface I ni!it declines and thereafter the rec rd for the moat part was one of Irr-gular advances. " ,:"".Kro7.?: Cl' "Vi oti shares, more part'ciilarty Msxlan , i . i 'rMZLn mlr' "'.T.. f"'"-!" L,m?i r.- -, :v: . 1 petroleum, which according to rumor Is " " ' "" v Ito merae wit 1 Mexican, alan waa atrona-. -.Tl"" i"T "9 reason ot ino exraor I ing 4 to 1494, but such erstwhllj favorites at Baldwin Locomotive, 8tude. baker, t'ruclhle Steel. Lackawanna Steel arid Hethlelieni Steel dlxplaved heaviness, the latter fulling almost io to 4. hut l arrening later. The entire railway list denoted pressure ?onVluen5UC''P,-r!lt, T""' ?ni1 Trnn- ennt mentals. Total salea of stocks miuniea ti i.i.;i shares. Momis closed firm, after .cessions In speculative lsa,es. Total some eop. OT tHinds. Iisr vnhiA . . i I bm.cioo. u ' Ansln-Frenrh rn k.. 1.. . " - -i",,ti. v..t nnvi:it in contrast to t.erman and Anstro-Hun-garian bonds. 1 nited states were unchanged on call. Number ol sales aiKl leading HuuUtien on stocks wera aa lolliws: 9lea. flirt, tot. C.oaa Alaoka Got AIMe- baJmera Amartrmn 9et rkiaar A marl ran tu Amarirma IjoroinotlTe ... Amrrlcaa g. a k Am. 8 A R. pfd Am .tlnar lurinlns AmaHcan Tal. a 1 at American Tooarco Anaoandai (-00 par AthM Baldwin IiromotlTs Bahlmoea a (hli natnlvham Htaa4 Itroolilyn Raplit Tr OJIfomla Pafrolaura .... ranadlan Par It I o LIU la. 4' a. I'-M mi A0.il tna .ton lis I ll IK 1.1.4 ista, k 13. ton l4 i.ton 10 .ve iis . n, m o ;v 41, h 42 S ... .1WH 111 M'fc 1 te ets !t li.H !. Int', tos lies 112s IKS H4S 1 1 1, m i;i s 11 j n.s M .s to. lt, MS 4S 14 lm n in p;'S 3H IS tlaniral Laalhar ( naoapeaka a Ohio Chlcaro tl W rtilragn. M Ht. P.... ChtraD 4 M. w Chlnago. iH. I. S P. R,.. f'hlrui i'ofp(r olora4o Fual A m n t ron U'4, HIS IMS '' 17V, ITU K.nOS US (.700 - -,!. al MS 70S ruribia Hiaal Danrar a R rt pfct niatillrrar Saaurttlee .... r.n Oenaral Klaotrle tlreat Norlharn afd Qraat No. Ora otft Ourcrnhalm Rtplonaitoa.. ""nola tVntral Inierhornush con. Corp.. lajoplratlon Copper tntornailonal tUrvaatar... Kanaaa k etout barn )ih Vallay Imlavllla a Kashvllla... ajiili-an Petmlaunt Miami Ceppar ... Mlasourt. k. T. PM.... Mlasmirl Paotflc National blocult National tart Mavada Coppar New York Ontral K. T.. N. H. H Norfolk ft Waatars Nurthara Parlflr Parlttc Mali Parltlo Tel. Tal yannrytvanla Pullman p.tlara rar Itay (n. Copper artln Hapubllr Iron Steal.... ."oulliem ParlMe tomham Hallway Studaliakar (Compear .... Tannaaase CVfipar Tatsa t ampany I'nlon Paolflc I'nlon Fsotfia pr I nlted Htatas atari 1. S. Maal pM... I 'ah Coposr Waatam I'nlon aaattnghsiisa glactrte ... Montana Pnwar Ilenewil Motflra Waoaab II pM Iiitarnatlmial MHrtna pM. Total aalra for tha day. t, 'J0 7, 4?S 4iS 15S tj, 174S 1"4 IMS i5s 4S 9 10ft il 4.S 11D ? IS l.HX) JIS lens l.llltf s SI'S ll'e lot ro) inia, il.ino ITS li ltV :v 14 4 124 M4 US l'S 7S 7M i.v as IM tS 24. am lice, l.io T. lS IDS 71 ltlS II 121 47's nrs ms ns ton 12 1 4e 'tns 51 Itii't) 4 :s ns MS MHl it"; Kvis MS MS IMS l't I s fs T.ium r ae hs4 4.ne at 7.a la? I ton ass 1.70a nv ." iu l.tnn us 104 ao 9 1.00S 117 IMI ! Tiw s 14 7 S IS T t 1374, M f, 11M, m "S S IMS ! MS 117 ; 'a a. 4 -a 11 a i.3et i;s i V.nits.ssn'ahsrwi.''' vn 1 n.u M v..v.t nkw York Jan. S.-MERCANTIUE PAFKR-Ws'a per cint! RTKRMNd HXCH A vriK an.r!a hiiia : $4 snX; demand. $4.7H: cablea $4.74',. HILVhH-tiar, M'pc: Aleatran dollars. 42c. PONDS Ooverrrment, steady; railroad. firm. MONET Time yeans, weak: sixty dsvs, JHfli per cent; nlaetv days. 21pl per cent: six months. IVjitfV per cent. Call money, firmer: hlgti, 2la psr cent: low, 14 per cent; ruling rate. IV per cent; laat Wnn; SH per cent: closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2S per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today wtre ss follows'. V S raf 7m. rag ... SSiaMei Pee. ft. a 4o ratUMn M K. T. C. 4aK b... IKS r. S. . rap tni"4W T. Tllv 44...Tl' 4a rrmena la"". T S'a as ..US4 V. 8 ta res US X T.. N. at. A H 4 laaaia tie av. (e nm Paaamn Sa ronnon. .mi No. Pariria aa 9 Am. 'meltra 4a....114 4a Sb atai A. T. T. r. 4a..t;v' . U raf. 4a )'. Armour Co. 4a. MtaFar. T. T f I Airhlann tea. 4a.. .. SS Fatta. aae. 4ia lS Pal. nhle 4a 1 4a aea. 4ta can. fariri' 1st Saadlaa aea. 4a 44 Chtu A OWa 4s.. M e. I. S. r. r. 4a 71. f. H 4 O i. 4a ... ro Paa. ev 5a Jivrv. r M S P a 4s. .in' its raf. 4s ' C R. I. a P. r. as. kallwaw f kri r A S rol. 4s i'.Lnlne Puitlo as..., tu D A O. tf. 4a . . 5' 4a r. 4a H Frla ra aa Tl !.'. a hubar 4a..KU'a On. va"trla as W4ur a. St--l as. 4 Ot ! lat ma l4Ma la aa toil. Ill ran ref 4i "'.tal. t'nloa 4Vk . . at K. r. So. ret. la... WWttt Clae e. ls .1U4 1. a ST i aa..... Anate-rrawtk le .... M K. A T. la 4s.. Tata DI4. I.lverpeel Grata Msrvat. LIVERPOOL. Jsn. S. WHBAT No. t Mxnltoha ISa Sd : No. S. 13a 2d: No. S. 1 12s lHd; No. S hard winter, new, 12a Sd. J OORN-Spot, American mixed, new, Sa tOd. Bask Clearings. OMAHA, Jan. $. Rank clearings for Omaha today were S4.770.SM.M and for tha corresponding day last year. $3.4M,544 L Vera Evans Dies of Scarlet Fever Miss Vera Rvans, 17-year-old daughter - m W W . A Slum mm Ill nr., I, f. nmul w. I1.II.J ir.n--l(r-.l hnivli Aim A m t tV,-. . . . .. . . . , " " .iiuai High school. "LURE OF NEW YORK" LURES BURGLARWH0 STEALS IT "The Lure ot New Terk has departed, but those contemplating an excursioa to the metropolis need not abandon their journey as this particular "lure" Is a four reel feature film, valued at S&OS, which was stolen from VM ftetnge build ing. C. L. Maua. 114 Chicago street, re ported the theft to the police. CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE UP CITY BUDGET WEDNESDAY The city commissioners expect te begin their work as a budget board Wednesday afternoon. : " "ir-niiisi learure. anvanc- . . Omaha Lad Sees His Picture at Strand Homo on Vacation To ee himself In a motion picture while attending the Ptrand theater fun day Itli Uls parents, waa the unusual experience of M. 1.. Conn, son of Mr. and Mrs. t,. M. Cohn. who live at the Colbert apartments, Thirty-ninth and Fa main stree'ta Young Cohn, who has been spending the hoPdaya with his parenta, will grad uate from the Northwestern Military academy, where he has held high offlrca In tho drill otganliatlon. He waa on the overland trln In armored autoa, which th academy undertook last summer . yo through Omaha. While the military youths were In southern California a director of the Triangle Film company staged one of the scenes of ""The Lamb" around the armored car In charge of tho squad of which Cohn was a member. This film feature is now being shorn n In Omaha at the Strand and In the audi ence at Its presentation Sunday were Young Mr. Colin and his father and mother. He was decidedly surprised to discover himself In the very foreground appears standing In the Immediate fore ground for severs) minutes after he has helped the picture actor Into the car. Other Omslians who know young Cohn and have seen I he picture agree that It Is a good I'kenesa and a remarkably large clr t1''"" of h,ln- ! TT U s a i n 4 m aT XlCdVV lluLlUlULO Ul Y Grain Pound Down Prices on All Kinds Lsrge recelpta and the lead set by Chicago broke the Omaha market, wheat selling off 3 to S cents, corn. 1 to S cents. and onts. t to IH centa. Tha recelpta for the dav wera: Wheat. 291; corn. SIR: oata. 7: rya. IS; barley. 13 rarloada, a total of 64. against 6S2 received on the corresponding day a week ago, Tha heavy receipts Increased stocks in storage to S.SOft.OOO bushels, against S.K$9, OnO bushels on the corresponding data of one year ago. In detail the stocks In storage now and one year ago In tha Omaha elevators: Now. Tear Ago. Wheat . .1.2"a,0il0" .. S4.( ..l.lTn.(" .. 124, MM .. 9.000 IHVOIO all Ortil Corn . Oat . 1.WH.O00 4.0t IB. (Ml Rye .. Barley Totals 3,asI,0W S.ttfit.0lM The Omaha market opened fairly firm and strong, but as soon as reports of trades In the May and July options started to come In. tbe entire Una com menced to decline. Tbe drop In cash grain, however, was not so great aa In the options, reports Indicating that May snd July wheat sold off S to S cents per bushel In Chicago. Omaha prices ranged around the following: Wheat. $1.08 to $1.09; corn. St te S9tt cent; oate. SS to Hi centa per bushel. The demand continued good and about evtrythlg waa sold be fore the close of the session. Columbus Stirred Up Over Speeders Who Hit Mr. Howard Keeling Is high In Columbus. Neb., on sccoiinl of the wsy a reckless bunch of autoists ran down Edgar Howard, tha Columbus editor. Sunday, according to Information obtained by I. J. Dunn of Omaha by long dlslanrs telephone Mon day m urn Ing. When Mr. Dunn read the account of tha accident he st enca telephoned ta Mr. Howard's sfflco at Columbus for particu lars as to Mr. Howard's condition. He was told that tha physicians now believe Mr. Howard may be out of bed In three or four days, unless It proves that there are Internal injuries, ot which they can not as yet be certain. It waa aald at tha offlc that Columbus authorities working on the case have a clue to the Identity of the men a he ran over Mr. Howard and then rapidly dashed out or town. It is believed there that arrests may follow before long. Hot Penny Lunches to Be Served Today Arrangements have been completed for serving "penny lunches" at tha Train school, beginning at 11:11 this mornlug. Tho Idsa waa started a taw months ago by Mrs. N. H. Nelson of the Omaha Woman's club and the start will be made at this school. Hot soup and bread will be served. A room In the basement lias been fitted up as a kitchen. Teachers and older pupils will assist la serving. Observations have been mada et chil dren who do not get a hot lunch at noon time, and It la asserted by investigators that a warm lunch tends to better de portment and Improved lessons. DOZIER ARRIVES TO TAKE . UP HIS NETWORK HERE R. M. Doster, recently appointed assis tant general freight agent for the Mis souri Pacific, succeeding A. R. Malcolm, promoted sad transferred te the pacific coast, has arrived from Memphis, and at once took charge of tbe Omaha oft We. At Memphis. Tenn.. Mr. Poller waa commercial agent for the Missouri Tacific and supposed he waa a company fix ture there. Last Friday noon he re ceived a wire from the company head quarters in St. Louis giving him notice of his promotion and appointment. In the telegram be was told not to hurry, but to take his time In getting away from Mem phis, but to be In Omaha this Monday morning. 0MAHAN SUSPECTED OF BIG JEWELRY ROBBERY Hawkins Mrrter, jewelers of Spring field. Mo., ware robbed ot lewlry to the value ot $300. when thieves gained en trance to their establishment Sunday. A pair of gloves bearing the trade mark of an Omaha firm were found lying on the floor ot the store. FLAG ON UNION PACIFIC BUILDING AT HALF MAST Shortly after word waa received that General Orenvllle M. TVdge. who waa one of the men who built the I'nlon Pa cific railroad, had pasaed away, the 1 1fi on the Union Pacific headquarters build ing wss lowered to half mast. ANTIS FIGHT ROME HOTEL LICENSE Rothery on Stand at Hearing Be fore tho City Council Says Bar ia Sot a Saloon. HEARING RESUMED TODAY According to a statement made by tha Frrd W. Rothrry, under oath be fora tht. city council, a hotal bar should not bfi classified aa a naloon. lie declared that a bar In a hotel Is operated for th accommodation of guests. Mr. Rothery Is applying for the retail liquor license at tha Route ho tel and testified before the council In defense of a protest filed by Rev. F. A. High ot the Antl-SaJoon league. He hag been assistant manager of the Rome for tbe last year and testified that for a period of five weeks was In full charge during tbe absence of Koine Miller. 1 urlng the examination of Mr. Rothery by Klmer B. Thomas and Iean Ringer, for proteatnnt. Information waa brought out to the effect that Mr. Rothery had been a member of the Methodist ohurclt up to a few years sgn, never drank, smoked or chewed, and seven yeans agro waa asked by Rev. Mr. High to act as superintendent of the letter's Sunday school. Mr. Thomas facetiously asked the witness If he would rather be a ssloon keeper than Sunday school superinten dent. gnsikt Bar laleraeta. Mr. Rothery testified he bought the stocks of liquors and bar Interests of the Rome hotel at T p. m. last Friday, giv ing his note In payment tharefor. AN torneys for the protectant said they will allow before the hearing ha bean con oludad that Mr. Rthety , la- not a bona fide applloant: also that during tha last year he had knowledge of alleged viola tions of law In tha Rome Vineyard. Tha heating will be resumed at S p. ra. Tuesday. Tha protesting aid will Insist that signers of the Rothery petition shall appear before the city council and per sonally testify aa to whether they era resident freeholders of the ward In which the Rome hotel la located. The applicant proposes to show that the signatures ap pearing on his petition were approved on eighty other salobn applications of the same ward Third ward. Religious Census of the City Schools is Now Proposed President Ernst of the Board of Edu cation states he Is much opposed to the taking of a proposed religious census ot the public school children. About a week sen he was approached on the subject by John B. Llchtenwall ner, who asked permission' to take such a census for an ergsnliatlon he repre sented. "I told Mr. Uchtenwellner I would op pose anything of that nature In our school system. Aa I understand the mat ter, the Mea was to secure a census of tha school children. showing what churches and Sunday srhnols Ihey at tended," stated the . president of tho school beard. Mr. Llchtenwallner conferred with Superintendent Graff several weeks ago on the same subject and yesterday called on Secretary Rourke. Sues for Wages for Fourteen Years and Six Weeks on Farm Suit for Si.OOO. which, he alleges te the mount of unpaid wages dua him from Mary Keneway, for whom he werke-1 fourteen years and sis weeks, te brought by William Sparrow, farm hand. In the district court, Sparrow says ha worked en Mary Keave way's farm near Waterloo. Nab., from October 1, 1901. te Daeasabes. IS, 191$, Ha believes he should ba paid at least SI a tay, $2 a month or SSU a year. 7he principal and Interest at this rate for fourteen years and erg weeks Is $5,404.40. Sparrow's attorneys sejr pefef re ceived considerable lea than SUOee freru Mary Keneway In small amowsts at va rlrma Intervals. DIPLOMAS AWARDED AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Graduation sd elassss ht teacher train ing was held at tha R. L Wheeler Me morial lresbytertAA church ef the South Side aad tha First Preebyterijua ehurelt ot Florence Sunday. Rev. Ralph H. Housemsn, educational eupertntsedsxt of the synod ot Nebraaka, delivered the spe cial addreae at both senrtoea. Ten. received the daaofninattonal di ploma at the South Slda church this morning. Thar are Mrs. George T. Car ley, teacher of the class; Florence, Benson. Ruth Derbyshire. Mabel BL Lee. Lanes Lewis, Nellie Nichols. Alloa Pollen. Grace Sturroca. Violet Walla. Zeolefc EUedge. Tboae who received dipioenaa at the Florence church are Mrs. J. B. clutter, teacher; Mildred M. Allison. Esther E. J ansae iv, Kaoraa Lews. Oladys Nevey. William Sorenaeo. Marguerite Suttle aad Grace Thompson. IDEAL WINTER WEATHER . PREVAILS OVER THE WEST According to the station weather re port, that come to railroad headquarter. Ideal winter weather, wtthout anow. Is the rule all through Nebraska. Colorado and Wyoming. The railroad report, indicate tempera turee of from $0 degrees above to 4 below In Wyoming. S to SO degrees above tn Ne braaka. with tbe eoldeat at Sidney. Gen erally throughout the state the tempera tures were from S to S degrees above this morning. Everywhere It was clear and calm. HIGHWAYMAN HOLDS MAN WHILE PAL ROBS HIM Earl O. Dillon of South Bend. Neb., waa robbed of $33 by twe strangere at Twelfth and Podge streets Sunday even, Ing. One of the highwaymen held Mr. Dillon, while the other went through his pockets. The police are en tbe trail ot the robbers. Flaawlal aaaa an4 tnawa la Dials a4 fr teae Rn!ta. A Mra a THIS Otl aT HttVltiW. 41 a amr. wa4 w tmm samel eopr. Joha Mulr a Oa., 41 ftruilAa . Na York rw. i ,.' ,1 a insurn