3 Motorcycle Comfort in Winter WHY HAIR FALLS OUT Nebraska Nobraska Nebraska T1IE I1KE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 191f. DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD L'nilUI S l a. vnnri d r v. v " (of the scalD. the hnir roots shrink, loos-l en and then the hfllr comes out fast. To i stop falling hair at once and rid the calp of every particle of dandruff, pet a 25-cent bottle of Unnderlne at any drug store, pour little In your hand ' and rub well Into the scalp. After n few application all dandruff disappears and the. hair stops coming out. Advertisement. Meals Will Fit! No Indigestion, Gas or Acidity Eat without fear of sourness, heartburn, belching or dyspepsia. The moment "Pape's Diaper Em' ' reaches the stomach all distress goes. If your meals don't fit comfortably, or you feel bloated after eating and you believe It Is the food which fill you; If what littlo you eat lays like n lump of lead on your stomach; If there Is difficulty In breathing after eatinff. eructations of sour, undigested food and eld. heartburn, brash or a belching of gas, you can make up your mind that vou need something to stoo food mentation and cure Indigestion. To make every bito of food you cat aid in the nourishment and strength of your body, you must rid your stomach of poisons, excessive acid and stomacn gas Which sours your entire meal In terferes with digestion and causes so many sufferers of dyspepsia, sick head ache, biliousness, ;constlpation, griping, etc. Your case is m different you are a stomach sufferer, though you may ca'l It by some other name; your real anl only trouble is thnt which you eat doe? not digest, but quickly ferments and sours, producing almost any unhealthy condition. i A case of Tape's Dlapepsin will cost fifty cents at any pharmacy here, and will convince any stomach sufferer flva minutes after taking a single dose that fermentation and sour stomach is caus ing the misery or indigestion. No matter if you call your trouble catarrh of the stomach, nervousness rtf gastritis, or by any other name always remember that Irislant relief Is waiting at any drug store the moment you de cide to begin Its use. Tape's Dlapepsin will regulate any out of order stomach within five minutes, and digest promptly, without any furs or discomfort all of any kind of fooc you eat. Advertisement. HAIR GROWS OR NO PAY Wh.n ymir ha.fr falls out. ther li lack of nature's nourishment, which coram from th blood. The Modern Vacuum Cap draw tha blood to th hair roots and Kivn It KKNKWKO I.IFK. Tht la forced circulation, which dlalenrla the imall blood veaaels, removing; all the i-logged and iluaalah blood from around the hair roots and supplies freah new blood. The hair takes on new Hie. Makes your hair have a liemlthv alow. Slope it from falling out and renewe the lire In the dor mant hair folic lea so that they again arrow a healthy head of hair. We send our (tps out on SIXTY DAYS FREE TRIAL In your own home. We let you he the Juris. If ou are not a tin fled with the showing made you return the Cap, and there are no chars.. We run all the rlik that you will be glad to purrhae the t ap at the end of elxty days, or WE IJtHK. There la no publicity, or unpleasant notoriety, aa all shipments are marie by Parcel Post without ad vertising. Write today for our booklet and par tlculara, sent sealed in plain envelope. Modem Vacuum Cap (V.t Jitjo Uarriay lUot'k. J Denver, Colo. BETTER JHAN CALOMEL Thousands Have DiM-overo.l Dr. Ed wards' Olive Tablets are a Harmless Substitute. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet-the sub stitute for calomel are a mild but aure laxative, and their effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. They are the result of Ir. Edwards' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. His efforts to banish it brought out these little olive-colored tablets. These pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel does, but have no bad after effects. They don't Injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. They take hold of the trouble and quickly correct it. Why cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the gums. So do strong liquids. It is best not to take calomel, but to let Ir. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its place. Moat headaches, "dullness" and l.iatl lazy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Ur. Edwards' olive Tablets when you feel "loggy" gnd "hravy." Note how they "clear" clouded biin and how they "perk up" the t'piriis. At 10c and 26c per box. All drug gists. The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, Ohio. TOCROwifslASSISTl ..y. W NINE GROUPS IN O'CONNOR FIGHT Heirship Right Are Being Tested in Action Brought at Hastings. judge Corcoran' hears case HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. S.-(9peclal Tel egram.) Nine groups of professed heirs are contesting the state's claim In a le?al tattle which ODoned in the district court ) this morning on the application of the Hate to have title In the John O'Connor estate quieted In the name of the com monwealth on the ground that there are no heirs. The case involving the will offered by John T. Culavln of Omaha, has been ap pealed to the supreme court, but Culavln may make a showing In the heirship trial ns a nephew. There are nearly a hundred visiting lawyers and claimants here, whose expense thus far has been estimated at about t2l,000. Tie estate is valued at about IIOO.OjO. The taking of evidence was begun today on the claim of Hanora O'Connor of Leeper, M ch., and her four sons. It is related that John O'Connor disap peared from Albany, N. T., afout forty live years ago. He was clerk of a school district board and at the time he left was short In his accounts. Evidence will I be submitted to show that O'Connor fci-jcame to Hastings, changed his name to O'Connor and made this city his home. Objections to the Jurisdiction of the court were raised this afternoon, but Judge Corcoran of York, w ohis presid ing for Judge Dungan of this district, said he would not pass on the question until after the evidence Is in. The trial is expected to last well Into next week. VICTOR WILSON FILES FOR RAIL COMMISSIONER LINCOLN. Jan. 3. (Special Telegram.) Victor E. Wilson of Ktromsburg made good his threat to enter for the demo cratic nomination for railway commis sioner and filed this afternoon. Mr. Wil son Is also an ex-member of the lower house, serving in 1900. Crete to Have Farmers Institot. CRETE, Neb.. Jan. J.-(Speclal.)-The university department of extension has planned for a farmers' Institute to ba held In Crete Saturday, January ft. At 2 p. m. O. Hull of Alma will ad dress the men on "eeds for Stock and How to Grow Them." At the same hour Miss Frances Wyman of Lincoln wl I give a sewing demonstration for the wo men. In the evening Miss Wyman will speak on "The Efficient Kitchen," while Mr. Hull will speak on "The Farm Home." The officers of the Crete Farmers' In stitute are: President, G. B. Leavitt; secretary, John Bovee. Tnrkey Dinner for Newsboys. FALLS CITY. Neb.. Jan. S. (Special.) The carrier boys for the Falls City Dally Journal were given a turkey dinner at the National hotel .on New Year's rlRV by the editor. A. R. Ketm., Especially 1 ro' accidentally shot himself In th printed menu cards marked twenty cov-! hea(1 wh,le nnnting this afternoon. It is era, the guest list Including the Journal j thought the wound will prove fatal. Tho office force. At the afternoon matinee i cident occurred as he was crossing a thev were entertslned at the Movies thea-: ter, the guests of Manager W. T. Oliver. AMERICA PLANS rORCE AGAINST COMBINED FOES (Continued from Fage One.) army under federal control which with the reserves would total 1,500,000 in six years: fion.ooo fully trained regulars and the remainder continentals. 2. Increasing by 60 per cent the equip ment and personnel of the ooast artillery in four years nt a total cost of $K1,0(A,M0. 3. Accumulation In four years of re serve ammunition and material worth 1 04,000,000. Details of Program. In view of the enormous, and what they regarded as almost prohibitive, cost of these proposals. Secretary Daniels and Secretary Garrison mapped out the $1,000, 000,000 six-year program which President Wilson has laid before congress, provid ing essentially as follows: For the navy: 1. New construction within five years costing )500,000,000, which will add six battle cruisers and ten dreadnoughts to the fighting line by 1024. 2. Construction during 1916-17 of two battle cruisers and two dreadnoughts, with proportionate number of smaller craft. a. Distribution of the remainder of the building program through the next four yearg at a rate of $100,000,000 a year. For the army: 1. Expenditures within six years of ap proximately $600,000,000 to produce a total mobile federal force of 1.000.000 men, 141, 000 regulars and 800.000 continentals, this force to be In addition to the national guard, now numbering 129,000. 2. Expenditure of the full $81,000,000 rec ommended by the War college and board of review for new coast defenses. 3. Expenditure' of the full $104,000,(100 recommended by the experts for reserve material, DEATH RECORD William Martin. ANSELMO, Neb., Jan. Special.) "William Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Martin of this place, succumbed to the ravages of Blight's disease just before the new year was ushered In. He had been a sufferer for many months. He was about 33 years old and leaves a widow and five small children, the young est about S months old. Mrs. Henry Keller. ANSELMO. Neb.. Jan. J.-(Bpeclal.)- The funeral of Mrs. Henry Kelley. who died early Thursday morning at her home here, occurred Saturday trom the St. An selms Cathollo church. Mrs. Kelley with her husband was an early settler in this community and was prominent in social circles. Mrs. Kelley leaves besides her husband, who is president of the People's State bank, two slaters, Mrs. Pierce Ksne of this place and Mrs. Ben Johnson of Broken Bow. Year-Old 114 troap. "I have a little girl years old who has a great deal of trouble with croi p." writes W. E. Curry of Evansvllle, Ind. "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar. ob taining instant relief for her. My wife and I also used It and will say It Is the best cure for a bad cold, cough, throat trouble and croup that I ever saw." Those terrible coughs that seen to tear one to pieces yield to Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold everywhere. Advertisement. A new top for a motorcycle and side- down In a few minutes and no tools are rar, the Invention of Victor H. Moos. 2Tifi required. Jlfry curtains are used on both Leavenworth street. Is attracting con- sides. alderable attention locally. j On account of the motor being en- Thc motorcycle and -side-car are en- closed the heat la held inside the closed on all sides and bottom. The top "limousine" and It Is warm and corn is a regular one-man fold-up, same as an fortable even In the coldest weather. In auto top. Over the driver the top Is the summer the motor will be on the collapsible and Is put In a bair under the outside of the enclosure and ventilated to side-car when not in use. It can be taken keep It from being too hot. ENTERS CONGRESSIONAL RACE IN SECOND DISTRICT 3eti.t5.3aker Mayor of Holdrege Shoots Self Hunting HOLDREGE. Neb., 'Jan. 3.-(Speclal Telegram.) John Bragg, mayor of Hold- lence Pumng a gun aucr nun. THREE MEN DRILL WAY OUT OF TEKAMAH JAIL TEKAMAH, Neb.. Jan. 3 -(Special. ) While the sheriff and his wife were at tending a reception of the Masonic lodpe In this city Saturday evening, threo of the eight men In the county Jail mnd their t-scape. by drilling a hole in the north side of the Jrlck wall of the JkII. The cbcaped men are Joe Ac'ams of near I'ehllng, Neb., who was awaiting trial on tho charge of criminal assault; Ed Miller and Sam Williams, who are accused of stealing a horse and buggy from a farmer near Lyons, and who were ar rested by Sheriff Compton of Washing ton county, at Blair as they were driv ing out of the livery, stable with the stolen property. Tho remaining men In Jail gave the alarm and In a short time the sheriff and his deputies were hot on the trail of the men, but up to this time have not been successful in catching them. STATE TREASURER HALL IN ANNUAL REPORT (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. S. (Special.) Accord ing to the annual report of State Treas urer George Hall there Is a balance In the state treasury, or there was a bal ance November 30, 191K. of $1,204,7011.35, as against $746,106.93 November 30, 1914. The total receipts during the year were $7,411,302.65 and the disbursements $4,952. 603.22. The fund on hand is divided as follows: Cash and checks on hand $ 19.0M.60 Cash on deposit S93.WS.40 I'ntverslty warrants on hand.. 93.3:M.W! Normal school warrants 1U6.SS0.37 Johnson county warrants held as cah I,y0.00 Bonds on hand as cash 8.1,000. 00 Total. .$l,a04.7J8.35 TEEDE VICTIM OF JOKE AS FIRST CHILD ARRIVES (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 3. (Special Telegram.) Assistant State Superintendent A. V. Teede started out the new year with a new baby at his home, the first in the family. The story goes that the nurse Placed the b"by wl,h three otner" of bout ,he -e aee ln a room Bt the I hospital and then called on the happy father to pick his child. Teede Is a German, so it is said, but proceeded to pick out tho Irish kid In the bunch. Peace will now be declared. (irln Kplilerolc at Anselno. ANSELMO, Neb., Jan. 3-(Speclal.) There Is an unusual amount of sickness In this section of the country. Grip, fre quently terminating in pneumonia, has teen almost epidemic. Several deaths have occurred within the last two weeks resulting from this complaint. Physicians have been rushed until one of them had to take to his bed and himself had a nar row escape from the grim reaper. The changeable weather I) med as the cause of so much .sickness. tap That toaah Now! When you catch cold or begin to Cough take Dr. bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It penetrates the throat an! lungs. All druggists. Advertisement. i NOTES FROM BEATRICE AND GAGE COUNTY BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. S.-(Spcclal.)-The Virginia Farmers' institute will be held next Thursday and Frldiy, and pluns ure. being made to entertain large crowd. The speakers will be Kiiperln tcnJciit Trauernicht, Farm Demonstrator LlebiTs, P. I Gaddls, B. R. McKelvle apd Mrs, Enima Reed Davidson Thomas J. Woods, a pioneer of Eeatrlce and for the Inst twenty-five years em ployed In J. It. Spl'-er'a harness shop, dle.i suddenly r'aturdajr of pneumonia, rt'ed 70 years. He Is survived by his widow and one daughter, Eylene. Fu neral services were held Monday after noon at Centenary Methodist church. The Hoard of Education of Wymote held a meeting Saturday afternoon to consider the advisability of closing the schools because of the smallpox outbreak there, but no action w taken. The churches have been ordered closed and no social gatherings will be held until conditions improve. Two new cases of the disease were reported Haturday. Mrs. J. Pearsall, for the last thirty years a resident of Beatrice, died Satur day at her home In tnts city aged 73 years. fhe Is survived by her son, Milton Pearsall o'f this city, and one daughter, Mrs. George Hum of Lincoln. The body will be taken to Tccumseh today for In torment. NEBRASKAN INTRODUCES ALFALFA IN MINNESOTA TECCMSEir, Neb., Jan. 3.-(BpeclaD Prof. W. L. French, now an instructor In agriculture In the public schools of Aus tin, Minn., Is visiting relatives here. Ho formerly lived in this county. Five years ago, when I'rof, French , assumed his work in the Austin schools, there was no alfalfa raised In that section. It was un known grass to the farmers there. The agricultural classes of the Austin school do mucii demonstration work and Prof. French had the pupils work with alfalfa from the beginning. The results were al most sui prising, tho grass thriving nicely. As a consequence the farmers near Austin became interested, and I'rof. French and his classes went among the argrlcultur ists and told them how to raise and har vest tho grass. At the end of five years there are thirty-five fanners reporting good crops of alfalfa, and there will be many more to raise It another year. Iloiine Horned at North Ilend. NORTH BEND, Neb., Jan. 3.-(Special.) Tho house occupied ny Henry Keller- man, manager of the Farmers' Co-Op-eratlve union, was practically destroyed by fire Sunday morning about 11 o'cloi k. Mr. Kellerman and family had started to drive to Bcrlbner about an hour be fore the fire was discovered by neigh bors, who succeeded In saving a small portion of the furniture. The fire seemed to have started In a cioset on the first floor and burned between the walls li such a manner that the hose company could not reach It. The loss on the bul'd Ing was covered by Insurance. Mr. Kel lerman carried $1,C00 insurance on the contents. Rub Rheumatism Pain From Sore,' Aching Joints Rub pain away with a small trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oil." What's Rheumatism? Pain only. Stop drugging! Not one case ln fifty requires' Internal treatment. Rub sooth ing, penetrating "Ht. Jacobs Oil" di rectly upon the "tender spot" and re lief comes Instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" Is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica lini ment, which never disappoints and can not burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Oet a small trial bottle from your druggist, and In Just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic and sciatic pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer) Re lief awaits you. Old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" has cured millions of rheumatism surfers in the last half century, and li just us good for sciatica, neuralgia, lum bago, backache, sprains and swellings. Advertisement. METAL DELIVERY BODIES UmOm la riou Wort ha f mail ur r. Prieaa fit IS and up dUvre4i. Ratiy W bull in cbai. llttfbly mgtha t I Ulo flniabtfd incnamoi kkm& on. IttHiig Kyfctljr tra. tarrid la atock iuik ahitHMnl. W.raaiMH' Stations at our aiponaa. Alae Metal Usntne (MM aaduB. wntatodajr. CM.UMBIAJ VTUL TANK CObVsRT. West liifc Hirrrt. asa City. Ma. One Man Killed and One Fatally Hurt by Runaway Car M'COOK, Neb., Jan. S.-t.peclal Tele gram.) O. V. Chariot was Instantly killed I and P. 8. Plmmons fatally Injured In the McCook yards of the Piirllnston company about 7:30 this morning when a loaded coal car ran over them. The men were Inspecting an empty c-al cur on a side ' track when a knuckle broke on a roup i ling of a loaded coal car which was be . Ing pulled up the steep Incline Into the coal chute. The relessea cr dashed down the incline and ran over the two men. Both are married and have families. PETITION FOR ZUEL0W ON FILE AT LINCOLN (From a Staff Correspondent.) MNCOLN. Jan. S. (Bpeclal Teleram.1 K petition was filed this afternoon with the secretary of state asking that the name of Otto Zuelow of Schuyler te placed on the primary ballot for the re publican nomination for congress In the Third congressional district. Mr. Zuelow served In the lower 'branch, A Child Doesn't Laugh and Play If Constipated Look, Mother! Is tongue coat ed, breath feverish and stomach sour? i ir-i:r : . a.. r . ' can't harm tender stom ach, liver, bowels. Mother! Tour child Ian t naturally cross and peevish. Pee If tongue Is coat ed; this Is a sure sign Its little stomach, liver and bowels need a cleaiislng at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full or cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gentle liver and bowel cleansing should always be th first treatment given. Nothing equals "California fyrup of Figs" for children's ills; give a tea spoonful, and In a few hours all' the foul waste, sour bile and fermenting food which Is clogged in the bowels passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harmless, delicious "fruit laxa tive," and it never falls to effect a gooj "inside" cleansing. Directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are plainly on the bottle. Keep it handy In your home. A lit tle given today saves a sick child to morow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a 60cent bottle of "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs," then look and see that It Is made by the "California Fltf Byrup Company." Advertisement. a HI i !:'! v 1 . tin :--i. .hi. j DP i i CO ;;1;:.t;:;t:. a i:' f! I i! li! 'ii!:' H'hji, -r-..:: .Ill DO i i;'J i 1 Pi !H; ii l1 i ! I lV''-'ltli:' !l ,;:nt'.iMi'irM''t!ttfii CD i'iii 1 v'T f w i; it 1 r s a i ! CD I! a r rr- cr i ... ailhouttted woman and a man Helen Holmes powerful, fearless Helen Holmes the most daring girl in motion pictures interprets the role of the heroine in "The Girl and the Game" with remarkable dramatic intensity. Summoning every ounce of strength, ah battles wit ha gang of safe-blowers. Does the win? It's one of the big scene la im mm mm we mm Featuring the Fearless Film Star HELEN HOLMES If you haven't seen this stupendous photoplay, you're missing one of the best motion pictures ever brought out. There's still time to see it. Go today! Hundreds of theatres are now showing "The Girl and the Game." See daring, dashing Helen Holmes. See ber lovely gowns. See her wonderful portrayal of the heroine. Be thrilled by the "big scenes." Half a million dollars have been expended In the production of this gigantic play. The story by Frank II. Spearman Is appearing in leading news papers. - ftsaef lit Your favorite motion picture theatre will show this great photoplay. Ask the manager. See the Motion Pictures at Leading Theatres Read the story every Monday in the Omaha Daily Bee Motion pictures productd by A Signal Film Corporation and dittnbmttj t hromg h i Mutual txchangt. in AmtrUa. Exhibitont Writ or wirt yomr nearest Mutmal osckamgo. of the siarc legislature In 1W5 and has since that time been mayor of his home city of F.'htiylrr and more recently post master. URE AT THE STATE HOUSE TO ATTEND TAX HEARING (From a Staff Correspondent.) 11NCOIj. Jan. X (Special.) County Treasurer W. (1. Fro of Douglas county we here today at the hearing before the supreme court of the state treasurer's suit to' compel . tho county treasurer to make monthly remittances of taxes due the state. Mr. I' re will be a candidate for the re publican nomination for sheriff of Doug Is cov.nty, according to his own state ment, and expects to land and fight out the battle with Sheriff MrShane at the polls. V' y .nth m Our Semi-Annual Sale Is Now On A Splendid Opportunity to In vest In a New Suit or Overcoat W, Suits and Overcoats flow , $2Q00 it " " " $Q50 $g50 " n " " $1375 Lounging Robes at Reduced Prices Alterations Free, and We Are Just as Particular that the Fit Be Correct as Though You Paid the Regular Price. Wilcox & Allen 203 South 15th Street ijimrwa.'. 'W'Mt:anrwi !!Ht'!rr1 X',' 1 ! i Wl:! ! ni l! .' I! !l !:(! !' : ,t-.li .1.L-U..I !'IV- Ill I'l 11 '."Slili!'!'!' !! 'i ii i !:l ' : I" I ! !!!! ! ill 11 i illi ii lii ;l ii Lli. !ll':i' ii 1 , 11 i ii i:-. :ii u'i' .r !!i;i!'iiiH;!llil!l,ilii!!i :if;!ji!ii!;!iiikft lOilli'liiiiiliiiiiiliiHii?'; againtt th pane, a uer straggling ... 1 I , n' "li l :. l:iJ:.r bT A K mi ';iV" .ttT VI ! 1 SJvBSir: iff -mm iiiil iil; .j!;i!;i!iii;!i':iii; :i:!i .X Hi r 'JF .i; !i, ' Ktf 1 M i ;1tt":::;-'. M 1 'I r ii! ! ill ii 1 S 1 1 v! ' 1::-.:: :'..:;.;!,;; m n Ki'iiS;' fk-T1";- : V. ". m 1 Y :. 'i;V ' i (let a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea, or as the German folks call It, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon It, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time. It Is the most effeotlve way to break a cold and curs grip, as It opens the pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once. It Is Inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore harmless. Advertisement. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackage proves it 25c at all druggist?. Near Douglas oc ac .i:ii'-!!iiP!!!,ll !! ill' 1 i -i j( nt n L I. 11 I mmkj h mm ill iMsii' mm m v sw J3flKvf 5 TlllllMWISISS II IT