Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1916, Image 1

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    he OM '..iA Daily Bee
The Bee Is The Paper
yo ask fori If yon plait to to
abseat mors than a few Says,
to The Bo BuUaa to yon.
VOL. XLV-NO. 171.
Ob Tnlii, at Hotel
MOW Steals, OtOl B
Prominent Resident of Council
Bluffs Succumbi at the Age
of Nearly Eighty-Five
One of the Hen Who Joined the
Atlantio and Pacific Oceans
with Links of Steel.
General Grenvllle M. Dodge died
Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock fol
lowing; a long Illness at bin home In
Council Bluffs.
General Dodge became very 111
some time ago and for the last week
was unable to take any nourishment.
Arrangements have been made for
a military funeral. Four companies
of the Iowa militia from Council
Bluffs, Red Oak, Shenandoah and
Glenwood will form the Iowa bat
talion, and five companies of the Ne
braska National guard from Omaha
will take part.
The General's Family,
General Dodge had three daughters,
Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Krank M. Pusey
and Miss Annie Dodge. Both of the
latter two reside In New York, where the
general's wife also lives and has lived
for many years. All live on Riverside
drive. Mrs. Dodge went to New Yorlr
many years ago for the purpose of per
mitting their daughter, Annie, to prose
cute her art studies. Mrs. Dodge did
ndt come. She Is old and very 111. They
have been estranged for many years, but
the husband amply provided for her and
her daughter. They never ceased to be
friends, '
General Dodge bad several grandchil
dren. Orenvllle and Langford Mont
gomery, sons of his daughter, are men of
prominence. Gronvllle lives In Philadel
phia, and Langford Is a naval officer.
He Is commander of the destroyer Hamil
ton. Mrs. Eleanor Parker U the daughter
of Mrs. Montgomery. 6he Is in New York
with the other members of the family.
There Is one great-grandson, Grenvllle
Montgomery, In Philadelphia. The gen
eral has one sister, Mrs. Balrd, at
Boulder, Colo.
The General' Career.
, The death of General Grenvllle Melletl
Dodge marks the passing of one of Iowa's
most distinguished and best loved citi
zens. It marks tho passing of a man who
was known not only throughout the
length and breadth of his adopted state,
but a man whose name was familiar
throughout the United States and one
whose fame had spread to foreign lands.
General Dodge was the last of the de
partment commanders of the federal
armies of the civil war. He was also the
last of the men who conceived and wc rked
to a conclusion the problem of linking
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans logether
by rail, for it was General Dodge who In
a great measure was responsible for the
construction of the Union Pacific rail
road, much of which was bullded under
his supervision, thus placing his home
city and -Omaha on the great transcon
tinental highway.
F.lghty-Foor Years Old.
General Dodge was born In Putnam
vllle, near Danvers, Mass., April 12. 1831,
HiB father conducted a little bookstore
in the postoffice building In South Dan
vers and here young Dodge worked even
ings during the winter. He was a great
reader and recently he told a caller that
when a. boy In the store he read about
ell the books on the shelves, liking best
those that dealt with scientific topics,
not caring for fiction or anything of the
Summers young Dodge found employ
ment driving the delivery wajon for the
village butcher. In due time he was
graduated from the village school and In
lS4t! entered the Norwich university at
Norwich. Vt., taking the military and
scientific course. Four years later he was
graduated as a civil engineer and the
following year he entered Captain Part-
(Contlnucd on rage Two. Colunm One.)
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuesday: ,
Kor timnhn. Council Bluffs end VVinlty
- Cnuettled Tuesday; no Important change
in temperature.
Trmiirrntnrra at Omaha Yceterday.
5 a. in..
It a. in..
7 a. m..
8 a. I,:..
8 a. m
10 a. m 3
11 a. m Sti
12 in
1 p. m
2 p. m 42
3 p. m 44
4 p. m 4.1
f p. m 42
p. in 4J
7 p. ni
1 ii. m S9
Comparative Lot' I r.rciird.
lnifl. isir.. r.m. i':i.
Iliheist yesterday 44 i 21 4)
l owest yesterday 2' 21 14 "1
Mean temperature Si 1 4 S'l
I recipltatlon T .04
Temperature and precipitation depart
ures from the normal at Omaha since
March 1st, and compared with the last
two years:
Normal temperatunre 21
Kxresa for the day H
Total deficiency s nee March 1.......... 46
Normal precipitation " Inch
Heflctency for the day ............ US Inch
Total precipitation since March 1..J7.41 in.
Deficiency since March 1 1.90 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1914.. 3 49 Inches
Dcftckency for cor. period. 1913.. 5.58 Inches
34 un.t. from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State
Temp lllifh- Raln-
of Weather. 1
t'heyenne. clear
Davenport, clear
I enver, clear
iKn Moines, clear
lfcxine City, clear
North Putt, clear
Omaha, clear
l'uello, clear
Itapld City, cloudy......
t-anl Fe, clear
Hheridxn, clear
Sioux City, clear
Valentine. n-rt -loud v..
tuL Ian.
f) 44 .no
is ? .
f2 i .
& 4-' .00
44 4H .
Wj 44 ."0
44 44
i 2 .
(V M .00
8 52 .00
48 M .00
1W 4J .00
81 .00
U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Mrs. Amelia Carstens Dies Monday
After Death of Hnsband Christ
mas and Sister Sunday.
Following the death of her hus
band, August F. Carstens, on Christ
mas day, and her sister, Catherine
Maukepiang who lived with her, Sun
day morning. Mrs. Amelia Carstens,
4402 Leavenworth street, died Mon
day morning. Grief over the death
of her husbAnd and sister was re
sponsible for her death.
Mrs. Carsten was 76 years of age.
Her sister, who died the day before,
was 77 years old. Both were born
in Germany.
A double funeral of Mrs. Carstens
and her sister will be held at the
residence Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Burial will be In Evergreen
To complete the tragedy Mrs. Carstens'
only son. Henry C. Carstens, and his
wife are confined at Lister hospital, seri
ously 111 with pneumonia.
In addition to her eon and daughter-in-law
Mrs. Carstens Is survived by five
grandchildren and one great-grandson.
Schmidt Attorneys
Allege Misconduct
on Part of Jurymen
LOS ANGELES, Ca., Jan 3.-Alleglng
that the Jury which convicted Mathew
A. Schmidt of first degree murder last
Thursday had misconducted Itself, at
torneys for the prisoner made a motion
today for a new trial on the charge that
he murdered Charles Hagerty, one of the
twenty men killed In the blowing up of
the Times building by James B. Mc
Namara, five years ago. Hearing of argu
ments on the motion for new trial was
deferred as per the stipulation entered
into last Thursday until Wednesday,
January 12.
On the same day David Caplan, alleged
accomplice of Schmidt and MoNamara,
will appear to have his case set for trial.
He Is also charged with the murder of
Charles Hagerty.
Both Schmidt and Caplan were In court.
Schmidt appeared cheery and spoke smil
ingly to Caplan.
"I did not see anything In the papers
about your confession today," he said.
"You are slow this morning."
Reports that Caplan had something to
confess and would do so have been
Tho motion submitted today on behalf
of Schmidt, besides citing a large number
of legal points and precedents, alleges
that the Jury which convicted Schmidt
after a deliberation of forty-six minutes
was guilty of misconduct because Its
members had been permitted to take
motor car rides and on various occasions
had been allowed to dine at home.
Explosion on Ship at
Brooklyn Dry Dock
NEW YORK, Jan.- 3. One man was
hilled, ten were seriously injured and
eighteen others are missing following an
explosion and fire today on the steam
ship Atteo at a Brooklyn dry dock.
PONCA. Neb., Jan. 3. (Special.) Mr.
and Mrs. O. P. Sullenberger celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary New
Year's day at their home In this city.
Both are well known throughout the
county since their arrival here In 1869,
when they took a homestead a mile west
of the present site of Newcastle. After
few years' residence there they moved
to what was then the little town of Ionia,
where Mr. Sullenberger and a few others
ran a saw mill. During the grasshopper
times In Dixon county Mr. Sullenberger
was a member of the relief committee.
In 1878 he moved to Ponca with his fam
ily and has since resided here. In 1K78
he was elected to the state senate. He
was a member of the county board of
supervisors In 1876, the same year when
the Covington, Columbus and Black Hills
railroad was built into the county from
Sioux City.
After his return from the state senate
Mr. and Mrs. Sullenburger ran the Cen
tral hotel here until the year 1880, when
he bought the durg- store which was
located in the building now occupied by
the K. K. Rice grocery store. Later he
was for many years county surveyor of
Dixon county,
Mrs. Sullenberger is 74 and still en
joys the best of health.
Their son, Wilson, of Des Moines, la.,
and daughters, Mrs. Bert Wood of Coun
cil Bluffs. la., were present at the cele
bration. Their son. Linn, Is a missionary
In Oautemala City, Mexico.
(Fioiii a Staff Correnpondeiit.)
LINCOLN. Jan. . (Special.) Mrs.
Kenneth Mcilay, wife of the chief clerk
in the office of the secretary of state,
died very suddenly this morning. Early
last week a child was born to Mr. and
Mrs. McRay and it was supposed that
she was getting along nicely. This morn
ing, without warning, she passed away.
Mr. and Mrs. McRay were married
only about a year ago. Her parents live
in Chicago and have been sent for.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. S.-Spectal.)-Mrs.
Reed, wife of the attorney general, was
callea to Malvern, la., early this morning
by a message announcing the very se
ver Illness of ber father, T. M. Alshop
of that city, who is 87 years of age.
Mrs. Reed bas been under ths doctor's
care for several days, but took an early
train for Iowa. During the day Mr. Reed
received another message that Mr. AUhop
was better.
Army and Navy Authorities Propose
to Spend Over Billion Dollars
to Defend the Western
Possible Assault by Two Foreign
Powers from Pacific and At
lantio Seen.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. Possibil
ity of a combined attack by two for
eign powers to break down the new
pan-American doctrine evolved from
maintenance by the United . States
and acceptance by South and Central
American republics of the Monroe
doctrine is one of the fundamental
bases for the national defense plans
formulated by army and navy stra
tegists. They believe it essential In ths formu
lation of a national military policy, - It
was learned tonight, to provide against
the eventuality of an assault upon the
doctrine by either an Asiatic or a Euro
pean power, or even by an alliance of
two such powers, which might hurl
forces simultaneously at the Atlantio and
Paclflo coasts.
Vlttmate Aim of Plast.
A nsvy equal In strength to those of
sny two world powers, except Great
Britain, and an army prepared to fight
for the Integrity of the pan-American
idea anywhere in pan-America, is the
ultimate aim of the plan of the military
Ten years Is the time the navy general
board believes the United States has in
which to prepare for a readjustment of
world forces which follow the European
war. In setting 1925 as the time when
the United States navy should equal any
afloat which means reaching the two
power standard of the British navy the
board estimated that much time would
elapse before the shock of the present
war passed sufficiently to permit any of
the belligerents to look to South and
Central America for colonial development
or trade aggression.
Plans. of the army war college would
be consummated In six years. The army
officers take the position that the
United States must have sufficient
troops and troop ships to land foroes In
any threatened pan-American country to
meet an Invader.
roller Aaatressive Oae.
All these preparations, It is now known,
have been presented by strategists to
the administration as essential to support
the Monroe doctrine, so thst the United
States may be able to act alone. If neces
sary, to preserve Its ideal of no entan
gling alliances. Such Ideals, ths military
students have stated, impose new dutina
on the United States duties that require
something more than a policy of mere
passive resistance.
While the administrative branch of the.
government has submitted to eoimu n.
definite plan which contemplates an In
creased expenditure of more than $1,000,000
on the military and naval establishments
n the next six years, all other aarenclcs
of tho government are acting to unify
and harmonize the Pan-American nations.
To students of diplomacy the Pan-American
declaration of President Wilson In
his opening address to congress; the
declarations for Pan-American llnttv
made to the Pan-American Scientific con
gress are by Secretary Lansing and the
general effort for unity of all the Ameri
cans on a basis of friendship and equality.
take on added significance when con
sidered in connections with the admini
stration's preparedness plans.
A Mgalflrnnt Factor.
The recent announcement that the am
bassador from Argentine, Braill and
Chile has ben selected by the United
States to represent it on the commissions
provided by the peace Investigation
treaties with France, Great Britain and
Italy Is regarded as one of the slgniricent
factors in this connection.
Significance Also is seen In the dis
closure that an effort to postpone the
Pan-Amcrlcan congress on the ground
that sufficient time had not been given
to prepare an adequate scientific program
was met by the statement that the United
States was lnsilently desirous of taking
prompt stops to further the spirit of Pan-
American accord, confidently, sympathy
and mutuality. South American capitals
uniformly report that the congress Is re
garded there as more political than
scientific and that approbation of tho
sentiment of Pan-American unity It freely
Information Not Hevealed.
What confidential information the army
war college and ths navy general board
may have gathered concerning the Inten
tions of any certain power or powers Is
not being revealed; but there are certain
matters of general knowledge which are
known to have entered Into the study of
possibilities upon which the theory of a
two-power attack upon the Monroe doc
trine was based.
With the military problem agreed upon
and defined the two boards of strategists
were asked what. In their opinion, would
constitute sdequate national defense.
Their answer was to build a two-power
navy and organise a federal army of
sufficient slxe so that a portion of it
could be used in any southern country
sgalnat a foreign Invader without impair
the safety of the United . States Itself.
Board's Recommendations.
To accomplish this the general board
then recommended for the navy:
1. Authorisation In Itl-1T of SJOOOOOOno
In new ship, as axatnat a total Invest
ment in nentlng equipment now afloat
during ths hut thirty vein of 1jS9 iss Ml
X. Construction of four hattle cruis
ers and four dreadnoughts undor Oils pro-
ri mil.
S. Expansion of ship building facilities
to aamit of even heavier building pi
grams in succeeding years.
Kor the irmyi tne war college recom
1. Expenditure In 1WS-IT of approxi
mately shou.wx.wp to produce a mohlle
(Continued on Page Turoo, Column Two.)
torpedoed in the Mediterranean sea, with a loss of 3C0 lives.
. si 1 v.w w I I
Mikado Starts Three Armored
Cruisers to Canal to Protect
Its Commerce,
TOKIO, Jan. 3. Announcement is
made by the J1J1 Shimbo that a
squadron of Japanese warships will
sail for the Sues canal, presumably
to protect Japanese shipping. It is
said the armored cruisers Kasuga.
Toklwa and Chltose have been as
signed for this service.
Japanese Freighter Bank.
TOKIO, Jan. S. The owner of the
Japanese .freighter Kenkoku Maru has
been advised that the vessel was sunk
by a German submarine In the Mediter
ranean on December 29. The members
of the crew were landed - at Cannes.
France. The Kenkoku Maru was under
charter by a foreigner. It was loaded
with hemp at Manila and sailed for Italy
and Eagland.
The Kenkoku Maru was a steamer of
S.10S tons. It sailed from Manila
November 4.
' British Sain Is slink.
LONDON, Jan. S. Ths British steam
ship Oleagyle has been sunk. There are
about 100 survlyors. '
Ths Glengyle sailed from Shanghai for
London on November 26. It was last re
ported at Slrgapore oh December S. Its
route would take it through ths Sues
canal and the Mediterranean, and it may
bs assumed it was sunk In the Mediter
ranean as were ths Persia, Vllle da la
Clotat. Tasaka Maru and several other
Ths Glengyle was on of ths largest
steamships which has been sunk since
the activity of submarines In the Medlter-
rsen became pronounced. Its gross ton
nage was 9,396.' It was owned by the
Glen line of Glasgow and was the largest
steamship of that Una.
Tho Glengyle had been in service only
a comparatively short time, having been
built at New Castle in 1901 It was 60)
feet long, 62 feet beam and 34 feet deep.
Its master was Captain Webster.
The Glengyle had on board about 120
persona, passengers and crew. All with
ths exception of three Europeans and
seven Chinese were landed. fck far as
Is known no Americans were on board.
Ths Glengyle, which was homeward
bound-from Shanghai, was sunk In the
Mediterranean on Sunday. This was Its
second voyage.
Davenport Man
Lifts Lid to. Test ...
Mulct Law Repeal
, DAVENPORT, la.. Jan. S.-The first
step In the fight of the Iowa Liquor
Dealers' association to test the validity
of the repeal of the Mulct law, making
Iowa dry, was taken this morning when
the saloon of John Mill. In Davenport,
was opened at T o'clock. A crowd of
men gathered In the place and liquor Is
said to have been sold. About 7 30 o'clock
two special agents, com . the . attorney
general's office entered the saloon and
told the proprietor and ' bartenders to
close up. The crowd was put out of the
place and a conference followed.
The special agents are working under
the direction of Attorney General Cos
son of Iowa, who is here to conduct the
fight for the state. They are G. A. Brun
son and G. E. Bidwell. John Hill, the
proprietor of the saloon; two bartenders,
Louis Wendal and E. A. Gelsker. and a
porter, Henry Nissan, were placed under
arrest by the special officers snd turned
over to Sheriff Eckhsrdt.
Later John Schnack and J. J. Naven.
two other saloon keepers who had opened
their places, were arrested. All were
releaaed on their promise to appear. It
la probable that the criminal action
against the men will be dropped and In
junction suits will be started in the dis
trict court and the rases be brought up
for trial Immediately.
Great Oleo Plant in
Denmark Burned
LONDON, Jan. I.-The destruction by
fire on Sunday night at ASrhuus, Den
mark, of the odeomergartne and oil fac
tory, one of the country's largest In
dustrial establishments. Is reported by
the Copenhagen correspondent of the Ex
change Telegraph company. He a:d
that this will temporarily put an end
to Scandinavia's entire manufacture of
oleomargarine, since this factory was the
only one of its kind In Scandinavia. The
establishment Is said to have been In
sured for i. l,O0o,0UO with a Brltlnh company.
' - an i , - m
Roberts Says Question Whether It
Reverts to Europe depends "
Upon American Merchants.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. Whether
the foreign trade of South America
reverts to European markets after
the war, will depend largely upon the
Interest shown now by American in
vestors, said George B. Roberts of
the National City bank of New York,
in a paper be read today before a
sub-division of the Pan-American
Scientific congress, lie said that for
the last six months South American
countries had imported more heavily
from the United States.
"The exports of South America have
not fallen off as much as the Imports,"
he sdded. "and are coming more largely
to tho United States than, heretofore.
This applies particularly to coffee, coooa,
hides and wool."
Mr. Roberts explained that ths finan
cial crisis In a number of the South
American countries at the time the Euro
pean war began was largely responsible
for ths difficulties of business men', in
those countries. The wtaWfircvented
them from rocelvfna; the financial assist
ance they perhaps would hare received,
especially in Argentine and Brasll.
(tegular Trade In terra pted.
"But, as It was," he said, "all tho
countries of South America suffered by
ths ourtailment of credits to which they
were accustomed, 'the Interruption of
regular trade and the stoppage of con
struction work. Importations have been
largely reduced In all lines.
"South America's trade with Germany
practically has ceased, and importations
from all countries except the United
States have been largely reduced. It Is
probable that a fair share of ths new
trade diverted to this country by the war
will be permanent. Much depends upon
the interest taken by tho United States
In the development of South American
enterprises. Trade will bs created by in
vestments in South America."
Drraa Endorses Laaalna's Plan.
William J. Bryan has declared In favor
of the administration's recent suggestion
for a Panamerlcan convention for arbi
tration of boundary disputes.
'This evolution of ths Monroe doc
trine," Mir. Bryan said, "enforced by the
United States alone into a Panamerlcan
lam, supported by all the American ree
publics Jointly, will not only Insure
solidarity of sentiment, but wilt by the
union of their strength, lessen ths ex
penditures necessary for their protection
from possible attempts at Invasion."
Mr. Bryan also advocated the adoption
of his proposal, while secretary of state.
that the United States underwrite bonds
Issued by Central and South American
countries to develop their resources.
Villa Making Way
Toward Border Near
Columbus, N. M.
KL PASO, Tex., Jan. 3. Arrivals from
Chihuahua City report today that advices
brought there by some of General Kran
clsco Villa's personal following declare
he Is making toward ths border In the
direction of Columbus, N. M., with about
a doxen followers. Rumors of the kill
tng of Villa by General Carransa's troops
were discredited today In dispatches
from Casas Urandea.
Dispatches from Chihuahua City today
declared that the telegraph line between
Madera and the capital had been cut. but
that Villa troops were said to be entering
Chihuahua City and surrendering horses
and arms.
Miller to Aaavrcr bnreA
YORK, Nob.. Jan. 3. (Special Tel
gram.' Deputy United States Marshal
Tom Carroll of Omaha left this morning
with Fred Miller to answer to the federal
court on the charge of attempting to rob
the Bradahaw postoffloe. Miller was shot
by Marshal Trump and has been In the
Lutheran hospital here the last two
Barned M'allo Rendering Lard.
KEARNEY, Neb.. Jan. S.-Speclal Tel
egramsDesperately burned wh'le render
ing lard st her home on Sunday, Mrs,
R. Babcock lies at her residence here,
perhaps fatally Injured. The fire In the
house was extinguished by the fire de
partment with a small loss.
lirrake Arta by Fall.
KEARNEY, Neb., Jan. S. (Special Tele
gram.) Icy walks claimed another victim
In Kearney yesterday when Mrs. Meta
Sonneland slipped snd broke her arm
near the elbow while walking along Rail
road street.
0. liner, Persia, which was
j t. at i i i r a
x i u ;7 iHV.-r
General Ivanoff Gains Gronnd
Result of Heavy Fighting
on Southern Flank.
LONDON, Jan. 3. The latest dis
patches from the southern extremity
of the Russian front indicate that
heavy fighting is continuing, with
the Russian army of General Ivan
off gaining ground.
One correspondent reports that
these operations began with an of
fensive movement on the part of the
Austrians, designated to straighten
their line, and that after repulsing
the attack, the Russians assumed the
Initiative. It Is evident that the Rus
sian advance has now extended a
considerable distance beyond the
Stripa river.
In other dispatches It is asserted that
two great offensive actions clashed, ths
Russians having advanced as a threat
against the Teutons In their Balkan oper
ations, while the Austrians and Germans
felt the necessity of improving their posi
tions against ths attack expected from
Uenersi Ivanoff early in ths spring.
Whatever. moybs the facts, there is
(Continued on Page Ten, Column Six.)'
France Releases
Men Taken from
American Ships
State department was officially ad
vised today that the French govern
ment, in response to representations
made by the United States, has ordered
the Immediate release of Germans re
cently removed from American ships on
the high seas by the French cruiser Die
cartes. The advices were received through
the French embassy. The State depart
ment also was informed that the men
arrested would be turned over to tho
American consul at Fort ds France, Mar
tinique, where they were taken for de
Four American steamships were held
up near Porto Rico last month by ths
Descartes, which in each case removed
one or mors Germans or Austrians. Chief
Steward Schaade was taken from ths
Carolina on December S. On the follow
tng day one German and two Austrian
members of the crew of the Coamo were
taken on board tho Descartes. On De
cember IS the purser of tho Borinquen,
William Gar be of Brooklyn, was i
moved. The fourth vessel held up was
the San Juan, 'from which two second
cabin passengers, Germans, were re.
Punishment of the
Subsea Commander
Scarcely Salutary
LONDON, Jan. S. Commenting on the
sinking of the Persia, the Westminster
Gasette says:
"If the German and Austrian naval
departments had timed and continued
their action with the deliberate Inten
tion of reducing their respective foreign
offices to absurdity and prove by one
satirao and tragio touch that the 'pun
ishlng of their ehlipnen and their e
planatlons offered to the American gov
ernment were but a contemptuous flum
mery, they could scarcely have dons
The Pall Mall Gasette says:
"The mockery of President Wilson s
protest and the derision of the amoids
offered could scarcely have taken a more
wanton or Insulting shape.
"Berlin and Vienna. We ware say. aie
quite prepared to work upon a cummer
clal tariff In their slaughter of Araer
lean cltlxens so long ss Washington Is
content to put a price on them.'
Mis. Hannah Blesendorfer, wife of Jo
seph Biesendorfer, died yesterday from
heart trouble. She was 33 years of sge,
and a as born and reared in Omaha. She
was the daughter of Mrs. Catherine
Barry . In addition to her mother, Mrs.
Blesendorfer is survived by her husband,
one son, five brothers and three sutlers.
Funeral servtoes wtll be held from tho
residence, tttH South Thlrtenth street.
Wednesday morning at S:S0 to Bt Cath
erine's church at o'clock. Interment
will be in Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
State Department Instructs FenfielA
to Make Inquiries, as to Na
tionality of U-Boat Sink
ing Persia.
President Will Come Back to Take
Personal Charge of Situation,
Again Become Acute.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. Germany
o longer contends that the Lusltania
could be classed as an armed vessel.
contention which was advanced as
justification for the dstruction of
the ship with more than 100 Amer-
can lives. Secretary Lanalnar dis
closed today that the contention had
been abandoned in the course of the
negotiations for settlement now In
progress between the United States
and Germany.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. Secretary
Lansing Indicated today that the
United 8tates probably will take no
step In the case of the Japanese liner
Yasaka Maru, torpedoed In the
Mediterranean because W. J. Leigh,
the only lost passenger who was sup
posed to have been an American,
never established his American citl
senshlp. Leigh was born of American
parents In China.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jsn. t-Ths
new International crisis brought on by
the Teutonic submarine campaign in the
Mediterranean moved forward swiftly t -
President Wilson has cut short his
honeymoon at Hot Springs, Va and w'll
leave there tonight, arriving in the capi
tal early tomorrow to take perstnal
charge of ths situation.
Baron ZwledlneK. charge of the Aus
trian smbaaay, assured Secretary Lans
ing that should it be found thst an Aus
trian submarine sunk the Persia With
loss of American life his government
would promptly give reparation and sat
isfaction. He asked that Judgment be
suspended until all the facts were known.
The State department instructed Am
bassador Penfleld at Vienna to, znaka in
quiries tor information jto .determine the
nationality of th stiaanerina and develop
ths facts In ths case.
Consuls and consular agents In tho ,.
Vicinity of Alexandria were Instructed la
gather affidavits from tho Persia sur
vivors and any . others which might
throw light on tho situation.
Tho fact that ths Persia mounted una
gun was disclosed In a dispatch from
American Consul Garrels at Alexandria.
What effect that will have on the situa
tion, howsver, cannot bo definitely deter
mined until it Is known whether the gun
was mounted for offense or defense.
Everywhere in Washington la official
and in dlplomatto circles and at the capl-
tol, where congress reassembles tomor
row after the holiday, recess, tho situa
tion was Viewed as most critical and
fraught with grave eventualities.
Chairman Stone of the senate forulgii ,
relations committee, conferred with Sec
retary Lansing at ths secretary's invi- .
tatlon, but was non-committal about '.he
visit. Senator Stone admitted that the
submarine crisis had been discussed an t
that ho expected to confer with President
Wilson on tha letter's return tom-irrow. '
He said ho did not know whether tho.
crisis would be considered by tho foreign
relations committee "Just yet."
There seamed to be a growing Impres
sion in official quarters tha: tomorrow
tha president may call ths congress
leaders .together and acquaint them fully
with ths situation.
Will Bead Notice to Tarkey.
Secretary Lansing said that soma ac
tion would be taken to formally notify
Turkey and Bulgaria of the attitude of
tho United States toward submarine war
faro so that all the central power bel
ligerents operating In the Mediterranean
might not bo uninformed
Mr. Lansing was asked today what tha
attitude of tho State department would
bo If Information developed that Austrian
submarines In the Mediterranean were
oommanded by German aaval officers.
Tho secretary said the department was
Inclined to let the nationality of tho ves
sel Itself determine the responsibility.
It Is possible that Ambassador Gerard,
(Continued on Page Two, Column Four)
The Day's War Ncvs
rearardlaar te amber at Uvea
loat la tha alaktasj ( tka lines'
Persia, bat It la fearoa the death
Hat will exceed liOO. Waahlaugtan
la reurrlsc Jadsjsaeat regardlac
the slaklaaj of tha ahla.
Kaakoka Mara by a Gerautn sab
marina was aaaoaaeed la Tokla
today. Japan has decided to
aead n sqaadroa to tha Saea ennat
Heary Card party haa bean sTvn
araalssloa to paaa through Ger
many to Tho liasjao.
to have been aa tha British
steamer (,! le, itik in tho
Mediterranean on Sanday while
homeward bennd from Shaasrhat.
f Urrass minins; operations an,
n large arale an the western (rant.
from American ahlpa on tha hlais
aeaa by tha French e raiser Des
eartee have bean ordered, rslsassd
by tha French