6 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUARY .1, VANT AD RATES WANT ADS for the evening Litton mum reaih The Bee Offlca before U o clock noon. WANT ADS for the morning snd Sunday edition must reach Tta Bn Offlce befors 7:45 P. m. WANT A TV received after these hotrra will make their first eppear aooe under 'Too Lata to Classify. CASH HATES. On time, I pent word. Two or more consecutive timet. V4 cents a word, each Insertion. Seven consecutive times. 1 cent ' a word, each Insertion. CHARGE R.TFS. On time. 13 cents a I'ne. Three tonamitlvn times, 10 cents line. Mrh Insertion. Seven consecutive tlmea. t cant line earn Insertion Thirty erninMut'T tlmea. T enta a. Una. each Insertlo. Oortf s average words to the Mn. No advertisement taken tor than cent NOTICES. Cards of Thanka. Death, Funeral iM Lv1sw Notice. W cents a Una each Insertion. Minimum cnarga ( cents. Parties advertising In these rol imrn ami having their answers addressed In car of The B-a will r lease aak for carda to enable hem to get their lettera, aa none will be delivered except on pre sentation of cards. Aa advertisement Inserted to ba run until discontinued must topped by written order. The Pee will not be responsible for more than the first Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement. The Bee reserves the right te reject or rewrite all advertise ments. You ran place yottr want ad m Tfce Bee br telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. ANNOUNCEMENTS aimoPRAcnc If sick, regardless of the nature of our ailment, chiropractic will do for Vou what no other science can. when ill else falls try me and note the dlf- '! edhist the cause of BO-CALLED Incurable-' ailments and all derange ments lecullsr to women. Dr. W. II. KNULLENBERQ fhone Tyler 193f.. Suite 313 Bee Bldg. LEASE FOB SALE ' on two offices nicely located on second floor THE DEE BUILDING Inquire of the Superintendent, Room 103. VeEDLE work wanted, tatting, crochet In and embroidering dun at home; ample of work sent on request. Lucy Oesrhart, Mnlvern. la. t TbRODEGAARD'S "Lucky Wedding Rings" st 1'ilh and Douglaa Bts. 8iJCERCl.SE AT Y.M.C.A. Business men. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are considering selling or tmylng a used car and you want full lvalue foi your money or you want people. ho are willing to pay for what they are t suing you will hnve no regret u you uy or adveitise through the used car AITTO TIKKS RPIllTIIr. U no TO 15.00. rt'O TIRE CO., 1111 Chicago Bt. EeavIno cltv, aix-cyllnder roadster, completely equipped, good orders make fitter ulck. Fontenelle Parana. WE mnke your worn out slriKle tires Into g.iaianlerd Duplex tires. Zwlchel Hros., tt.H Fsinoin St. 1oukIhs 47s. it A HO A INS in slightly used and demon strating tires. Zwiebei, 2518 Farnam. I) 4S. . AUTO, clearing house. Buy, aell and ex chanee ned cirs. 2Ju Farnam. D. 33W. ifOrt IlKWARU for any magneto we can't tepatr. Col a repd. Bayadorier. gm N. istn. VANTKP 'ft luy a used Ford touring cor. i;0 cah. Hike H.udio, mih, and lake t re win er mcu-ngn when cars are painted kiid rojjuir. a. Juhnton-Danforth Co. JOE Mt'lti'll Y-Aulo repairing at Middle hiate tiMiane. fnone lyier on. M.Bi.AdKA Biiick Service Blatlon. VJU Karnaui Ht. 1'hone Itouglse 711. JuiluslrlHl (Wmtf Co. M Hsrnev Bts. I BUSINESS CHANCES TISII1NG YOU A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. RELIABLE BARGAIN COMPANY The greatest bargains of the year Hesijauittitl and looming liouee. $000. Mh bt. KHiining house, snap, 10. ol tisl and lis b r shop, snap, &!. Oowntown barber shop, bargain, 'onfectlonery t Cafe, Farnam Bt.. H'iO. "arnain Ml. rooming and boarding, S'0. tarber shop, in lowa town, c.000. xi&. Suh. drug stores, snaps, 31,300 to $4.u. laloona. bcjil locations, Sj,u to le.ouO. We will place you In good localiuns snd In most any business you name at 'try od bargaina. be ua first. RELIABLE BARGAIN COMPANY Room 3. Balrd Bldg. Tel. D. 3630. Residence Phone Doug. 7930. N. W. Cor. 17th and Douglaa BU. Office For REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE Same floor as Bee Office THE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 ttoo BARGAIN. I must aell my nes slsnd by Jan. L ll. carries full line of cigars, tobacco, candies, nrngasines, stationery, etc.; good paying business. 35 ier cent orofll: . n Ut taken care of by wife while husband works; two living rooms In reer; reason able rent; good reason for eelllng. kor further Information call Colfax 1L32. IF your Bualnee College will aland Hstd tnveatigailoa and Is Just what It is ad.nllr't. or if you are looking to start ii, tusinrss for yourself, you ill per-t'-Aly saimfled If vou use the Business Chance column of Tt,a Bs. When buy ng or selling a huslnss Phone Tyler !). notiTJeT " Ail people that are using oil burners sud are dissatisfied, pluaae call at 115 W. o. W. bldg., or phone Red and mke ai; iotnient to ace the Ull.er ienerdir woik; no smoke, soot; notli- ;i.g Lui Deal. e( r t'n.a'a Tm- al r Supply i. for bar- u. lu eeiabiut.icU aUotts. l. &A. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM lsanaBBSaancnsc empressd"wi5&"douglas Hearst -Sella- No. NX. The tM-cret Message," one-reel Ka- The Woman of Mystery." three-reel Blosraph. -Hy the Might of his Rlghf," one reel Vltagraph. rRINCESS. 1217-19 DOUOLAg Four reels of good pictures. North. GRAND. 16TH AND BINNET. "AmMtlon." Mutual Meaterplctur. "Oeorae Ovey In a Cub Comedy, one reel drsma. LOTHROP, 2 4T1I AND LOTHROP. Metro presents Calll Calll In "The Iiiehrosd." Booth. APPOLO, 2824 LEAVENWORTH. "The Mystery of Mary," four-reel Edison. "The Revolt of Mrs. Wlggs," Vita graph comedy. West. MONROE. 2C55 FARNAM. Harry MJbrey and Gladden James In "Tho Bear," Broadway Htar feature. "The Fixer," HloKrnnh Comedy I Tama. konlh tMr, HESSE 24TH AND N. "A Voice In the Wilderness," two-reel Kslem. "On the Eagle Trail." Belig. "A Motorcycle Elopement," Vltagraph. "Hllngaree," Chapter !. ORPHEUM, 24TH AND M. Mutual Feature "The Ace of Death" In Three Reels Movrcs . FEATURES 11 TODAY APOLLO, 2824 LEAVENWORTH "The Mystery of Mary," Edison. four-reel BESSU. "SUngaree,' 24T11 N Chapter !. LOTHROP, 24TH AND LOTHROP. Calll Calll in "The Highroad." OUPHEUM, 84TH AND M. Mutual feature, "The Ace of Death," In three reela. BUSINESS CHANCES CHEAP for quick aale; good paying tallorahop and pantorium In town 8,000; five years' business established: poor health; must leave at once. We also have a good pool room. Write the Jones M o., creston, la. L18T your business with me ior quick results; bur, sill and exchange, RELIABLE BAROAIN CO.. Room 3, Balrd Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3G20. 17TH AND DOUQlAH 8TS. MUBT sell during January, millinery and ladlea' furnishings In Iowa town. Well established. Oood reason for selling. 2,u catih. Address Y ltd, Bee. MAKE offer for WJU8 Main at. Benson. Full Int. 13 rooms. Want some money, vacant lota or acreage, balance month! v. Owner, Bog M, Omaha. THEATERS Buy, lease or ell your the ater, innchlne and supples through Tnealer Kucli. Co.. 140(1 Farnam. D. TMJ7. For Bale On account of sickness, 4year lease on Brown Park Mineral Hprlng Baths. Houth Omaha. O. H. Concannon. !'OR BALE A bargain, cigar store,-1I cated In one of the llveat towns in lowa. Address J. J. Caffrey. Perry, la. OFFICE for real eslnte or Insurance; same floor aa Bee office; 13x21 feet; SJ0. The Dee Bldg., Office Room lux A TWO-CHAIR white barber outfit, or will aell fixtures separate; cheap If taken at once. 1313 N. 34th Bt GOOD suburban p dure show for aale or Sood trade, 33,600. Address Box 624, inaha. Neb. TO BELL or ouy a Duainees, call on Busch A Borghoff. Frenser Blk. D. SSiX TO OFT In or out of business call oil OANOESTAD, 4f3 Bee Bldg. Doug. 34T7. KDlCAllONAIi GET BOYLK8 GREAT OFFER FOR THE MID-WINTER TERM Just send me your name and I'll alva you hy return mall the greatest, most at tractive offer ever madu by a reputable business training Institution, It's a com bination preinlum-and-caali-rebate offer that will both make you money and save you money. MID-WINTER TERM OPENS JAN UARY 3D. IN BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. In Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Btenotypv, Touch Typewriting, Telegraphy and Civil Service preparation. Write, tele- Iihone or call (or big 114-page ewta ogue and laat issue of oollege Journal. BOYLE8 COLLEGE, H. B. I!OYLE8, PRESIDENT. Ulh and Harney Bts. Tel. D. 1666, Omaha. Nebraska. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS 8AVE MONEY O.N COURESE. For sals, with good reasons for selling, a variety of courses In a reliable Busi ness Bcuool, one of the leading business colleges or unmna. will be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate this at once, tinea Fall Tenn begins soon, can oirice. Oman a Bee. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evenlug Bchool for Toutig Men and Women. (Saturday morning class In typewriting. Ions C. Duffy, Owner snd Manager. 3(4 S. isth 8t. Omaha. FOR sale, the following scholarships in a flral-cla.a Omaha business College: One unlimited combination busmena snd shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-mouths' business or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a dlsoount at the office of The Omaiia Bee. FOH SALE FLH.Mlt.Mtv. FOH SALE Here 1 a classlf tctlon that Is of tiie utmost Importance to every reader, aa this column offers some exrmp tlonsl opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your erule at Its full vslue. Phone Tyier l(m. HARDMAN PIANO Flue condition. $7.; hard coal burner, $16: gas range, as mall tables and chairs, amall svda fountain, cheap; also good sewing machine, fcj. Must be sold at once. IMS Harney tit. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. K N. 34TH. N EB. Ir7. kroughl and sold. J. C. Reed. w"" M Farnam St. Douglas 814. HORSES AND VEHICLES. llilrty-two inllk wagons tor sale. 1 neap. Mt-, ,,,, .,,,, v,,.. .i nu . ir. WANTED-Tealy borate for slock. Be.i sou ZtiA. von H.M.K Ml Kll 41. 1NTIU MKJI1I. T l BKTTLI3 an estste; mnhogsny ii rlht plHno and a Killson cahlnet phonograph st 3f Douglaa Bla. Tyler li. Call after only. POILTHV ASI PUT I TO( K. HAVE left half doiten Buckeye cockerels st l esch. .1. R. Hyerly, Carroll, la. MM grain. Imi hs. l.7.. Wwgner, w)) N IH. TV I'K l Hl l l-.H. WILLI AM It NO. 4 Have Williams' vlsliile typewriter No. t, all the latest Improvements, almost new. only used about one month; cost ITS. Will sacrifice at $) Address H. 627. H-e. T PKnKITKHD. TYI'KRWITF.HS sild, rentd repaired. Centrsl Typewr'ter Kxc. 1906 Farnam. RF.LIANCK Klhbon and Carbon Co., car bon pair and Inked rlhltons P. ?42, TYFKWRITKH8 for rent 22s Bee Bids. llll KLL ANKIII S. roil BALK CHF.AP, Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of the best Omaha business schools. Oood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be eold very reasonably. If Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begina soon. There are a variety of courses for aale. For particulars Inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. ALL KINDS of woodworking machinery. Including aliening, helta and pulley. Everything In tho b st of condition. Tine Incluilea moulding machines Jointers, lnd saw, tilting table sawa, rending and boring machines, etc. Phone Douglas or calkins liarneyBt.,Oeorge H. foe Co. FOR BALP New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co . 4o7-08 8. 10th 8t. Ooiden West Whisky, 4 full quarts bottled In bond, prepaid. Cackley Bros., Omaha. iTlAI, & bankets delivered, $1; Illinois VsVJUlJ nut or ilirnp is m, J&.60 per ton. I lol I g.M3l . DIAMOND LOCKET, men's and ladlea' watches, reasonal'le. Friedman. 1211 Doug. HELP WANTED FEMALE AtiK.NTS AM SALKSWOMK-f. WOMKN who can spare couple of hours a dRV In own nelgnoorhood. Write or call The Cnlted Buyene, Room 326 Bran deia Theater Bllg. Phone Doug. 2M7. lAtTOHV AND TMAOUS. Apprentice Oppenhelm, Halrdresslng. UOMKSTICH. Til K Servant Oirl Problem folved. The Bee will run a Servant Oirl Wanted Ad FHhK until you get the desired results. This up) 'lies to residents of Omaha, Boutti omaha end ixuncii ttiurrs. tiring an to The Bee office or telephone Tyler lnO. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, white or colored, steady position to right party, good wages; miwt be able to furnish good references. Call at Room 323, Hotel Castle, 16th and Jones, between 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. WANTED Neat, reliable colored maid, about SO, to do laundry and aaslst with housework; ref. required; permanent to right party. Airs, titewart, ZJ.M a. SZU Ave. ANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing; small family, good wagea, nice room with bath. 1111 Woolworih Ave. Phone Harney iWO. W ANTED A young girl to assist with housework: good home, permanent place to a neat, willing girl: high school girl would do. Phone Wal. 82.12. WANTED A white girl for general . housework. One who can sleep st home. Oood wagea. Htreet car fare, paid. Ap ply 3217 Poppleton Ave. WANTEl Competent maid for general housework, family of three, no wash ing, good wages. Mrs. Welte H. Bqulre. Phone Harney 3303. WANTED Competent white maid for second work; 8 In family; reference re Qulfed. 607 8. Hth Bt. liar. 800. WANTED At once, a competent girl for general housework. Call Harney 741. Address 1304 Houth 85th street. ' WANTED A housekeeper. .Call Sundaya or evenlnga after 8. Call Walnut Address 4648 Beward Bt.. Omaha. WANTED A girl to as-dst with general housework. 3604 Harney Bt. ttmall family. Phone Harney '.St. WANTED-Girl for general housework; small family. Call Web. 21 or 308. Beward Bt. after 7 p. m. WANTED Oood girl to assist with gen eral housework, good wages ana s home. Web. 6343. WANTED Good, clean, foreign girl to do laundry work and aaslst with house work. Harney 8-M. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small family. Har. 3104. Hi.u H. th Ave. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework In small lamlly. Phone Va In ut 2430. WANTED Girl to aaslst with house work and cure of small child. Phone Harney 756S. WANTED Girl for general housework. Very small family, 319 Farnam. Har ney 4148. WANTED Girl for general housework; small fumlly. Phone Red 4757. 713 N. -oth WANTED Experienced second girl. Mrs. C. T. Kuuntse, 39Ji Dewey.Harney 2J4. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; family of 3. Harney. 2au.- W ANTED Mtddle-agedlK(iy foT house keeper. German preferred. Tel. D. 8145. VANTKI Good girl for general house work. 638 8. 39th St. Harney 2351. SvANTElWlTrPfor gene7al housework no washing. 25T3 Bt. Mary's Ave. LACE curtains and bundles carefully laundt red. Webster 42S3; WANTED A competent second girl. Apply 101 w. Sid Ave. MISCELLANEOUS. lulNci women coining to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to Visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at Bt. Mary s Ave. and 17lh St., where they will be urectea to suitaDie Doaraing 's or otherwise assisted. Look fi our travelers' guide at Union station. A RARE opportunity; comfortable Tir ing; home sewing; plain cloth seams; any sewing machine: steady! no canvass ing; no triflera wanted; samples loc; re turned If not satisfactory. Home Sewers Co., J obbere Sewing, Rehoboth, Del. WOlilEN Become government clerks; $70 month. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute. Iep t 668, K, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Young lady viollniat to aaalst teacher with beginners; first position. Hours 4 to p. in. Box O 467. LADY dish washer and a dining room girl. Ooronado Hotel, Friend. Neb. II EI J WANTED MALE CLERICAL AND OFFICE. HIGH-GItADE coruinencal poatUona. Wt.iT. REFERENCE A bONU AJdN 73 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. AUKNTS, SALESMEN, SOLICITORS. BFJST Policy Forma, easy sellers, home office helps, notes taken care of where banks refuse to buy. All policies an nual dividend, with total disability and Drenilum waiver, loans, cash. Llbeiat contracts with agents. Write the com pany stating aas. present position and life Insurance experience. Columbia Lite Insurance Co., Fremont, Neb WANTKI We offer an exceptional op portunity to good salesmen to sell groceries direct to the consumer. Write Harper Broa. at Co., Wholesale Grocers, Chicago, lit. MEN everywhere make $10 daily placing h tuples of new necessity with automo bile owuera. Orolo Manufacturing com' pany, Louisville, Ky. COAL agents wanted In every town; set a trial tar. I . M. cox. Mo. Platte, Me. RKI.1AB1.H men for district managers. Call at Room 3 Brandeia Theat. Bldg. W ANTE1 Salesman for Florida land. Blic money for hustler. M-SVl. care Bee. FACTORIES AMU TRADES. I l- 1 ii,i 11 1.-. iJinnu T u 1 1 1 I Tri-t itv Barber olie..: low rata lui- .1,.., i, iii inir set of 1k a: waves bnl J - 1 e'ectrlc inasituKe. hdrau.lc chairs; cat. . I loeue ti y). IUI Dou.las at.. OuuUia. HELP WAXTEIV MALE kaTthThif.s Titfi-:g. (JOOD MEN WANTED to learn autrt work, for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electric stsrting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, Jrf.J Fsrnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. HURRY. HURRY, DON T DELAY. BEE OUR BI'ECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can't attend day school you can hold your Job and at the same time get your automobile education If you enroll In the N (HIT CLAf3 OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 2t LEAVENWORTH. RED S110. YOUNG MAN, be a barber. I teach you1 quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tools fur- nlshed. I give you actual shop work. You have chance to work Saturday, and keep half the recelpta. My stud.'nts In biff demand. I have colleges In all prin cipal cities In U. B. and Canada. Call, write or phone A. B. Moler, President xw T tri, uAuuirn IVil.l.WlW I W..bib ' ' , - ; I UANDMAN wanted who la a No., 1 meat; cutter ana counter man, lor up-io-aaie sanitary meat market in central lowa town: population 2,600; married man pre ferred; permanent location for right party. Write Y ISO, Bee. Drug Btore Snaps, Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. HOTELS AND HF.T A I H A NTS. EXPERIENCED second cook wants place; no boozer; good reference. Phone I Douglas 7813. I MI9CKLLA NEO US- GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Thou sands or appointments to be mane. Free booklet telling where they are, what they pay, w th specimen examina tion questions. Nnt'l Co. Ins ule,.4J) Seventh St.. Washington. D. C. VANTED Men to try" examinations for government jobs; ,0 month, tlommon education sufficient. Pull unnccemiary. Applylmmedlately. AddressYl()S. Bee. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming, tli month, tinrnpi questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin In stitute, Dept 321 K. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Twenty-five extra men for Gertrude Hoffmann's Bumurun com pany. Apply stage door Orpheum Theater fcunclay 10 a. m. , HELP WANTED MALE AM I'KMt I.E. WANTED Women accustomed to sell ing ready-to-wear garments, and men to aell llnena. App.y early Monday morning. Thomas Kllpatrlck Co. SITCATIONH WANTED CLERICAL position wanted by Jan. 1 by young man with good businesa training and practical experience aa bookkeeper in bank and lumber office. Call Tyler POO. Room 630. CITY salesman, six years' experlene. calling on grocers and bakrm, would like to make connection with reliable firm for 1!16. Reference furn.si.ed. Webster 2673. EXPERIENCED railroad man desires to locate with local firm, to learn bus. news and take charge of traffic department. Beat of references. l'huue Tyler KOo. Room 4CT. MAN and wife want position on farm where wife can take charge of hnuae; both have alwaya lived on farms and give the best ref. C. D. Itng, Florence SITUATION wanted by lady cook, Swed ish, hospital or private house, good ref. Wagea $10 to $12 a week. Address Miss Manson, 1619 Dodge Bt. WANTED Position as fireman by an ex perlcnced man or work or any kind about machinery. O. E. Miller, 6.1 Mill St.. Co. Bluffs. Is. YOUNG man, aged 25. wants steady po sition of any kind In cltr or country. Address P. O. Box. 1402 Wiiltam. Omaha. POSITION wanted aa aalesman by young man with 3 years' experience In retail house and 1 year wholesale, dry goods. Tel. Tyler 1600. Room No. bit. MIDDLE-AGED colored womarf with email girl wlahes place to do housework out of town; will go anywhere. Addreas 2412 P St., Bo. Om. Tel. So. 3272. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, all around man with any make car: sober, induutrlous and not afraid of work. Call Colfax 2SI4. WANTED Situation as housekeeper by experienced woman; give full partlcu lars In answer. Address Q 4n2. Bee. WANTED Job all house carpenter In store or office building, by a competent mechanic. Call Harney 394K. AUTOMOBILE and accessory salesman ia open for engagement Jan. 1. O 674 care Bee. WOMAN wishes work aa chambermaid or work In boarding house or hotel. W co ster 7059. COMPETENT woman wants day work of any kind. IL Ml. 2709 Doug. Mrs. Grille, COLORED girl wishes place aa dish- wasner or rnamDermald. Call Har. 2665. FIRST class plumber wlshesituaTioTT. vi.i naroy, uougias, Omaha. FIRST clasa steam and gas fitter wishes situation. 1321 Douglaa. W. Ward. WIDOW woman with 4 children wants uay wnr or wanning, eollax 14H0. CARPENTER. A-l finisher or repairer. Furniture repairing. Harney la2. WANTED Plain or fancy sewing; nume or out. itea raoi. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET JIAIUWAX LVMt'A.IU. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to aacertain whether they lea it in tne street rara. Many articlxa each day are turned In and tne company Is anlous to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4s. LST Hill fold containing M. on 24th Bt., between Bprague and Leavenworth, or on street car, Wednesday evening. Please return to u. c. C alien, 4016 N. 24th St., for reward. Ixtst or Found ads In Omaha's I-ost and Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article if advertised In The Bee, the Lost and Found paper. LOST Sunday at Hanacom park, gold aatch fob: Inlliala L. C. B. Call Red !. Reward. FOUND Gasollne boat in river Ice nenevue. jiureti union, iienevue. tr. t. Box No. M. I MEDICAL . PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and Other rectal diseases without aurgical operation, cure guaranteed and no m. ney paid untu cui-e.l. rue lor boos 01 rectal diseases with testlraunlals. DR. E. K. TAHnl, 240 Bee Bldg. RUPTURE fho"t,ulif s-'SSS operation. Call or write Drs. Wray 4k Matheny. 30 Bee Bldg.. Oiuaiis. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser. 314 Bee Bldg PEIIBONAL TOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to Visit the Young Women's Christian association building st 17th St. and St. Mary Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding puces or otherwise assiated. Look lor our travelers' gul'le at the Union Station. THE Saltation Army Industrial home so ld It your old clothing, furniture, mag- t lines. We collect. We distribute. Phone ouglas 4135 and our wagon will call, fail and Inepevt our new home, 1110-1113- 1114 iHidge tt. I WOULD like to meet unincumbered ladv, age $7 to 46. who would take a small financial Interest In a druglerxa SMiiMtarlum. Address Doctor, P. O. Box iw, Omaha, Neb. WANTKD TO BCT WANTED To buy on monthly paymenta, small store room, with living rooms above. In Central school district. Pbon Bed 7M. CFFI' F furniture nought and sold, i C. Reed. 1?"7 Farnam. Doug. 14. WANT to buy a picture show. Mean bust' nes. Address Y 177, Bee. Strict!" hlxh arade piano. Web. Ji. WANTED TO RENT WANT to rent, a three or four room furnished apartment near public school. Address F 3o8. Bee. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY ABSTRACTS OF HTLfc, T"L,1'T Title guarantee and Abstract Jiijitit ) () abstract office. 5 8. 17th Bt. Tel. D. MS7. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 2o Brandeia Thea. At t Ol TAM . E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. j 43S-4.77 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 7406. Al VKIti IXl.NG MIV L1. I IKS. F. Shnfcr A Co.. lrth-Farnam. D. T474. ARCHITECTS. Everett B. Dodd. 612 Pax ton Blk. P. 301. AMATEIjH r l.IlliU. FILMS developed free If furchased from Photo Craft Shop. 41 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. Al'lOliNEVS. C. T. Dickinson, til Paxton Blk. D. 104. AUCTJOAEKHS. Dowd Auct'on Co . 1116-18 W O W. R..12S5. Alio IMIIHAME. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglaa 2813 ALTO RADIATOR. HEPA1HS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 203( Far. D. 3001 BAKERIES. B. H. REEDER 160H N. 13th. Web. 8ZI7. BATHS. BATII-214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladies and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladies; Swedish massage. Il Farnam St. Dougtas 8437. BRASS AM) IKON FOISDHIKS. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Bts. COFFEE BY MAIL. rnPTt'FTi1. Save money. Use better V,V1 rlJlJ coffee. 15 lbs. high grade iiv parcel post, prepaid, 83.50. W, A. I Bknlfe Co., Omaha Nerj. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS DR. RURHORN. lth and Farnam, Wead Bldg. D. 5347; Pklmer school graduate. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. I Talrd Bldg. D. 846L DR. W. II. KNOLLENBERG, Suite 312. Bee Bldg. Tel. Tyler 10W. CHIROPODISTS. Csrrle J. Buford. 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4f7. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS STEVENBON, 823 8. 3M. Douglas 6620. I Lessard &. Sop, 190( Capitol Ave. T. 1631 C. W. Hoksnson. 2505 Lvnwth. Tyl. 2192-J. DANCINU ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mteckle's. Doug. 5440. DE LUXE ACADFJMT, 111 8. 18th St. DHK8bMAKI.N1. COLLEtiE. Kelster's Dressmaking Col. 1C28 City Nat. Terry Dressmsk g college. 20th Se Farnam. DRESSMAKINU. ' LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style;, reasonable price. 1311 Far nam Bt. Phone Douglas DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. 5072. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 813 Neville Block. Ev dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 912 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcklea. 724 City Nat. Bank. '; ITaft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. 21M. DRUGS. ! Di!iTS.2.ari,iJT,cef : '""'iftT1 Pdl r" ,," f.r.,- 7 H.u.'T" ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 24 Bee Bldg. Red 3056. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D.387. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERBTRO. 402 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. EVERY TH INU FOR WOME.V ' ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box nlnu I ItiL' f rt' mroii Kiittrt,, .11 - , 'styles; hemstitching, point edging; em- Droiaery. oeaamg, uraiaing, cording, eye let cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 ttouglaa Block. Doug laa 19:. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florisu, 1H04 Farnam St. D. 3000. U HENDERSON. Wi Douglas. D. 125. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Ass n. HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam Bt. A. DONAOHUB. 163 Harney. Doug. 1001. PCRRIF.RS. SAM KNEETER. 1&0 Farnam. Red 6K3I. II. Rothols, 281 S Leavenworth. II. 2763. atA. L. KOIXVRALEK. 717 8. 24th Bt. I- HISTORICAL COSTUMES. !J,TI1E largeat stock of maaouerade and I theatrical costumes In the country. ITheo. Lleben ar Bon. 1514 Howard. D.4115 INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. Sr I.yrlc Bid. JIST1CE8 OK THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 612 Paxton Blk. Red 7401 Notary public; deposition ateno. C. W. BRITT. 301 Barker Block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. CO. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTLHES. TlTTTtKIN Thomaa. Douglas 2611. UUUA.1M v 22ia Cumlllg Bt MOTORCYCLES. II ARLET-DAV1DBON MOTORCYCLES. Bargsln In uaed machines. Victor Roos. "Ttie Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. MOVING PIC I CHE MACHINES. OMAHA Flm Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture ma on 1 tie ana rum Bargains. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glaasee fitted, pay as you can. L ir. unci any 1111 . ir. w. Midg. OSTEOPATH PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 61 Bee Bldg. PATENTS. D.' O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H H Bturges. 636 Brandeia Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND VEDD1NQ. OMAIIA PILLOW CO.-Msttresses made ever Just like aew. 1X07 Cuming. D. I til. READY REFERENCE DIRECTORY PL IMF, I.F,AKl. CURLED, dyed. D. Elsele, 11 City Nat PRi.vrisu. WATERR-BARNHART Ptg. Co., qualify printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 ft Uth St CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUOLA3 3754. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 44. PI A . OS FOU HE1T. I3..t0 per month. A. limine, 1613 Douglas. HEWI.VU MACHINES. M't' rent, repair, sell needles and ' parts of all eewlng machines. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., l.'th and Harney. Douglas 1W. SCALE HtPtlHI.VU. Otn. Standard Pcsle ra., SIS B. 12th. D. 2911. SHOK REPAIRING. Harley Bhoe Rep'r Co., 2nf)4 Farn'm. R. 3444 STEEL IE1LI.GS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 1B. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture Supply Co.. 414-16-18 B. 12th. Doug. 2724. STOVE AND Fl IIX At l HEPA1HS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts. furnac co ls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Btove Repair Works. 130,-8 Douglas St. Tyler 20. TOWEI, St PPLIKS. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 623. T V Pl-.WRITF.RS FOR REST, RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for $5. O.lvcr Typewriter Agency, 1W Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange. 318 S. 18th. Bt. Ail makes for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington'' not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Doulas 12M. tit LINK AND SUITCASES. FRELINO & STHINLE, 1806 Farnam St. VACUUM CL.EAA4i.HM. ALL makes. Tyler 1011. E. B. Williams. 80S S. 18th. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. ep. WKDDI.Xi S'I'ATIOMEUT. Wedding announcements. Dong. Ptg. Co. WEDDI3U RINGS. BRODEGAA RD'S "luckv wedding rings' at 16th and Douglaa Sta. WINES AND LltUOR9. ALEX JETES, 201-8 S. 13th St. Wines, liquors, cluars. Plate dinner 11 to 3. 10c HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. 532 N. 16th. Douglaa 1N09. SWAPPERS' COLUMN CAMERAS One 4x6 folding camera, In good condition, and one one-mltinte postcard camera, almost new. Will trade toth for a good 6x7 or 6V4x74 view camera. No Junk. Don't answer unless you mean business. Address S. C. 641, care Bee. GAS engine, "Fairbanks A Morse," sta tionary gas or kerosene engine, 4 horse power wltn 10-gallon gas tank, coll and water connections complete. In A-l con dition. Would trade for 1 or 2 horse power engine or what have you of equal value? Address S. C. 496, Bee. STEEL casting rod with tri-part reel. equal to any casting reel made and as sortment of artificial bait, minnows, frogs, spoon, spinners, hooks and leaders, etc.; cost nearly $20; In good condition; will trade for what have you? Address B. C. 804 Bee. "ARGO" Roadster, 1915 model, completely equipped. Machino not run over 6J miles since motor completely overhauled. Might swap for high ciaas Vlotrola out fit, plavcr piano or towards a touring car, as need larger car. Address 8. C 724 Bee. ROADSTER, lightweight, two-passenger, 1916 model. Just overhauled and fully equipped. Will awap for the best 1915 model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get; but It must be A-l condition. Address S. C. 75. Bee. BEAUTIFUL mahogany bookcase and writing desk combined, 6 shelves, 3 drawers and writing defck, solid mahog any and hand carved. Will exchange for sectional bookcase In good condition. Address S. C. Ml, Bee. Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you ISally need? Write Room 104. Bee Bids;., or phone Tyler 1000. ARTISTS, Btudenls, etc. Set of I. C. 8. handbooks containing complete course In "General Illustrating"; will swap for good small camera or typewriter. Ad dress 8. C. S06. Bee. ADDING machine; cost $3u0 new; excel lent condition; want Jewelry; book cases, filing cabinets, automobile. Good stock or anything of value. Address S. C. 6S. Bee. LARGE Omaha residence lot with two cottaaes. near 2Mh and Mason Bts.: value $1500. Will exchange for acreage or small farm. Address S. C. 670, Bee. AI L furniture In 4S-rooni hotel; reason able rent on building; South S'de: wlil exchange for real estate; value $1.1.0. Ad dress B. C. 103. Bee. 1912 H AL1.A DAY touring car 30 H. P. In first class condition. To swap for "Powera V ir "Baird" moving picture machine with motor. S. C. 4-9, Beo. ONE I'.uskcII & Iine piano- cost $000; In good condition; will trade for light tour ing car. delivery car or good large team of mares or mules. B. C. 07, Bee. AUTOMOBILE owners! Salesman's sam ple for fixing any blowout In five min utes. Retail price $10. Will swap for what have you? S. C. 324, Bee. MANDOLIN lligh grade Burton mando lin, cost $:6, trade for typewriter or small diamond ring or pin or 34x4 auto rasing. S.U4ii3.Bee. 1914 MODEL Exce'ialnr motorcycle, fully equipped and In the best of shape. Will trade tor diamonds. Address B. C, 4oO, tn-e. WHAT have you to swap for Twin In dlan motorcycle, free engine clutch, 1912 Model, In A-l shape. Address S. C. on, Bee TWO nice lots, out of town, value floo.ui). for Victrola, or what have you? Robert R. Neil. 2114 Chicago Bt. intone D. 5.43. BANK STOCK 10 shares bank stock, par value $30; pays per rent: will trade for auto or diamond. S. C. 41. Bee. WATCH, small .22 rifle, gas hesler. for telegraph key sounder, etc., or what have you? Address B. C. M0, Bee. PISTOL .25 automatic Colts pistol, 7 shot, new; for typewriter or 34x4 auto rasing. 8. C. 46?, Bee. CAMERA A 3x4 camera. In good conll tion. Will trade for phonograph. Ad dress S. C. fOr. Bee GROCERY store for cottage: new stock; everything first-class. Bargain - for $ 1 , 600. L. 343. WILL exchange Oriole go-basket and lee box for something useful. Address 8. C. K2, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For otner automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. SEVEN drawer, new sewing machine to swap for what have you? S. C. 8H5, Bee. V-'.Oub clolliing slot k for clear land, lota or equity in residence. J 4ii3, Bee. HAVE violin to awap for good square trunk. Address B. C. 801. Bee. ORPINGTON- pullem. vmi Address B C Mil What have Bee. RENT A iJi APAHTMr. 1 a I Ml HEATED DWELLING WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern and up-to-date, heat and jani tor service furnished, lui S 3Sth St., $). PA Y X E A SLATER CO, 616 uuiaba Nat I Bank Bldg. KEXTALS APHTMF.VI' Mt FI.VIS. IDEAL 1 miR-niK)M APARTMENT . .. Near 2T.11 Harnev, facing south and ejst, iust what vou have been looking Tor, large south and east front living room, with plenty of windows and indirect lighting fixtures; south front "lining room with good closet; nice large kit chen with gas ranee and built-in refrig erator and cupboards. Be sure to see this Ideal apiirtment. .lust vacated. ERNEST SWEET. FOR RENT Cozy apramtent. 6 rooms and bath. Park Ave., steam heat. Janitor service, hot and cold water, choice cf first and thrd floois. Alsi modern house, 3h12 Jones U., reduced rents. Westergaard & Peterson 364 Brandeia Theater Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Phone IKiiikUs 129n WARM, COZY APARTMENT Fine apartment of four rooms and bath, llcely decorated; oak finish; steam heat; Janitor service. Everything finst class. Bee it and you will take It. SCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas 1009. HEATED APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN. 4-r. Apt. 4, THE CARLYLE. 625 P. lfith. St., large flight rooms, hardwood finish, tiled bath, strictly modern and up-to-date In every detail. PAYNE SLATRR CO., 616 Omnha National Hank Bldg. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee daily cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needtf of any one desiring to rent Phone Tyler 1000. 6-room steam heated flat, 919 S. 13th St. $.0O. FELL & PINK ER TON" CO.. ttto Keellne Bldg. FIVE rooms and bath; steam heated; electric llnht and gas; completely mod ern. Rent K'fi per month;, heat furnished. 810 So. 17th a ve. 3-HOOMS, 2717 Dewey; has built-in bed; NEW; sub-lease; 324.50 sum.; $27.50 win ter. HASTINGS IIEYDEN, 1614 Harney Bt 6-ROOM FLAT. newly papered and painted, $12 per month. Call Doug. W7, emp and Kuohnick. 2612 Ieavenworth. u.N account of my removal from city will transfer lesjie on my 4-room apart ment In the Hamilton. Doug. 2540. BEAUTIFUL S-roorrTlipartment! Noth lng more complete. 2.ri01 Sherman Ave. 5-R( iOM, modern flat and sleeping porch. 2708 Jackson. Red 8153, H RMS1IKI) APARTMENTS. FURNISHED apt. for rent for several months. Mrs. W. S. Poppleton, Apt. No. 12. The Knickerbocker. Har. 1948. RED H58 3-room modern furnished Apt. BOARD AND ROOMS. FJrnlsiied Rooms that offer ever mod em convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of the high est class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler 1000. 25e2 St. Marv's Ave. Warm room, walking distance, $4.0 and $6.00. rtiUMSHKU HOUSES. UP-TO-DATE furnished bouse or apart ment for the winter; must be first diss Address O 443 Bee. FCHN1SHED ROOMS. HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HARLEY. l'Jth and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. Special Rates to Permanent Guests. HARNEY ST., 2356 Fine room with large cloKct, suitable for two; east exposure; walking distance MODERN furnished room for 2 gentle men In private family; close tn. II.. 71ji. ROOM with breakfast, $3.60 wk.. strictly mod. home, new furnlsh's.close In. H.S19 2 MODERN rooms, en suite or separate, $3 for two or $1.60 single. 322 N. 21st St. 2609 Dewey. Nicely furnished south front room, walking distance. Red s79Q. N1CEL.Y lumibhed room, close modern. W! o. ad St HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 26TH ST.. SO. 313 Up-to-date rooms; water, gas range In kitchen; modern ; near Farnam street. Mrs. Brown, prop. FINE, modern, light-housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Walking distance. Tel. Doug. 7ft31. ' OUTSIDE steam-heated apts., fum. for lig ht hkpg.; $6 wk.; 2103 Chicago. T. 8007. LARGE, outelde, steam ht. rms., furn. for housekeeping. $3.60 wk. 2102 Chi. Ty. 2h07. FARNAM. 2822 Two nice housekeeping rooms; electricity, steam, gas range. HOUSES AND COTTAUES. NORTH. . NEAR 23th and Dodge Bts., s-r., all mod. home, in fine repair; very valuable lot. A bargain for someone; terms, or small property taken in exchange. RASP BROS., 10 McCague Bldg. 6-ROOM, strictly modern cottage, hot water heat, close In; rents for $6. 403 Lincoln Blvd. W. H. Dorrance. Tel. D. 620 or H. JUL WALKING distance, 2t44 Dodge, S-room modern house, $2. Key next door. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Web. 4875. 2t2i Wirt at., 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $15. 2oo4 N. 27th St., 10-r., all mod., $27.50. RASP BROS.. Doug. 163. FOR RENT 6-room, new, modern, up-to-date brick flat. 2223 W1UU Ave. Kent $36. Tel. D. 1530. 5-ROOM flat, 3701 N. 24th Web. 6A, all modern except heat. 0-K00M house; modern; Colfax 3272. 3I32 N. 23d; $30. $13 6-r., mod. ex. heat. 1018 Pratt. D. 6361. SOCTH. MOVING AND EXPENSES PAID. 114 S. 29th, 7-r., all mod. house, In ex cellent repair, close in, $25. 3036 S. 16th. 6-r.. part mod., $10. RASP HKO.S. Douglas 1H63. 2til CALDWELL, walk, dist., 7 rms., mod. ex. ht., newly dec. dandy Majestic coal range and gae for cooking; reduced rent to desirable tenant. Web. 37'Jtj. 622 S. 19TH St., S-r.. all mod. house, well arranged for renting rooms, close In, $40, RASP BROS., Douglas 13. WEST, FOR RENT. 2632 Harney St., mod. 10-room brick house. Hot water beat. Inquire T. J. O Brlen. Tel. 11. 1094; D. 12 U. SOITI1 SIDE. FOR RENT-Fine home, all modern, neat, easily heeted, good location, best car lines. 713 I'nrk Ave. 11. 1241. 1513DORCA"S St., 6-room house (walking distance). CHEAP. Douglas 361:1. 5-ROOM house, modern except furnace. J.i3 S. 24th Ave.. Phone Har. 4355. MIHl KI.L4EOt a. HOUSES MODERN. 5-R., 3127 Vinton, BUNGALOW, new. 5-R., TS17 N. 20th. heat, water heat, garage. $."3. 5-R., rM N. 19th. nearly new. $J0. 5-R , s:ta Ohio, heat, water heat. $20. 5- R . 3TU4 N. 19th. choice cctt ige. $ 2. 6- H.. :CIK Cuming, good I.Kailon. t:J.j0. -R., 2M5 Decatur, new furnace, $13. 7- R., 5M S. 2th, close In, very choice, $.!5.0i. s-R.. 41 Chicago. ('Hthedral dlst.. $25. 9- K , 2130 Binuey, suitable for 2 fami lies. M 7-R. 4719 Burt, Dundee, NEW. $3". HOUSES MODERN EXCEI-T HEAT. 4- R., 2V4 Miami. NEW. $ 8. 6-R., 31;.7 Meredith, newlv paperel, $13. 5- R.. 41.5 N. 31st Ave., NEW, f.-0. 5-R., M21 Manderson, choice cottage, tl6.0l. 5- R., lrji Emmet, very choice, $12 .50. 6- R., Ml P. 24th Ave., close in. with barn. $22.50. 7- R., 3-.12 Bristol, newly papered, $15. 10- H., 1!' Emmet, suitable for two families. l-f. HOUSES PART MODERN. 4-R., 16 5 N. Stth, water, gas. 311. 4- R., Ibl3 N. 23d. lights, wuier, toilet, U.l. 5- R., 3217 Webster, chol -e cottage. 113.50. 5-R., Ml9 N. o.'d. electric luhts, water, chicken houne. $I2 6i. a-K., 0t' rpiuld ng, gKd cot age. $:!.rV) l-R., WI7 Corby, gus. r,ai-r, toilet. $ij. 6- R., 1M2 IJike. h cr. toliet, $.2 51. FLATS MODERN. 6-R., 42? N. .Hd. NEW, sun parlor. t3'..i C-R , "it S. itn Ave., close in, $ 1t. 6-R., 2&S3 Harney, clrnie In, $:u' FI.ATS MODI'RN EXCEPT HEAT f.-R., 4VJ N. 2lst. cloae In, very choice $21.50. We have others, send for our WeekK printed I at. HAbTl.NGS UEYDEN 1614 Harney bt