2 -D THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 1916. 'h Who aid Wta w m Meal Estate. .11 t - . ., . . EAL ESTATE MIHCKLLANEOUS PAVING MINNE LUSA Bids for paving the streets in MINNE LUSA were opened last Tuesday. Competition was keen on account of it's being the largest contract ever let in Omaha, and we arc pleased to be able to announce that the cost for paving and curbing will be lower in Minne Lusa THAN ANY OTHER DISTRICT IN OMAHA. This Means Dollars to You Minne Lusa 1916 t will be the busiest spot in the west. Over 100 Homes .will bo built there, in addition to 50 now building. v ' Over 500 Lots already sold and they are selling every day. A Sharp Advance in prices will soon begin. Minne Lusa means OPPORTUNITY for YOU. Don't be too late. $700 will buy one of these choice lots with all improvements paid for. . . . Charles W. Martin & Co. Phone Tyler 187. 742 Omha Nat'l Bank Bid. SHULER &CARY Extend to their friends and clients best wishes for a Happy New Year and the hope that each of you may . share in the great prosperity in store for this city dux- . ing the present year. Remember, that we are specializing in the subdivi- sion of Omaha properties and are the owners or exclu sive agents of desirable residence additions, where ap proximately 1 . - ' $225,000 worth of vacant property has been sold during the year just passed. Scattered vacant lots can be had in these several additions at prices ranging from ' $200.00 to $1,200.00, on easy terms. There never was a more opportune time .than the present to plan for your home. . ' "We will assist you in financing your home in any of our additions. ' - Shuler & Cary Phono Douglas 4233. Start Your Home With The New Year If you can't buy the house you want, start in by se lecting a lot and commencing to own it. But Remember! When picking out the location, be sure and have the surroundings of the best the street cam convenient and the property where it will, grow in value. . Dundee. Has all the public improvements. . Has an ornamental ' lighting system second to none in oc around Omaha: 'Has excellent car service, only 18 minutes from the center of Omaha. Dundee is West Omaha's bett residence growth always has been west. Think of the increase in value along Farnam street, a thoroughfare to Dundee. See Dundee First . Where you can get a lot with all these advantages and yet at prices within the reach of all. We still have r. . . lew we can sell as low as $25 cash and $10-$14 a '.mouth. Phono or write for plats with full information. George & Company 902 City National Bank Bldg. FREIDIB WKL8H. I A FINE BRAND nw bunalow, living txrn acroaa front of house, two front $Kms have beamod celling: t rooms ftn I 'e1 Irt oak, $d floor unfinished; could f!msh I rooms. tScreens, lot Ui: ft., paved bt. 'ilce. A Ly ternu window shadoe. 1 block to car, v terms or lot as umn "RASP BROS., DOUG.. 1653. JUKE OFFER, t-roora ttouse, jS7 heward. G roMu iiio'irn. 4!t and Hami'ton. t. l. Iti I Hl.N&ON Cu., 1U rsrnaiB. REAL E8TATF MISCELLANROl'ft 202-204 Keeline Building. WHOLESALE If you are looking for a large amount of floor space, ws aave it. Ia the flve-atory and basement brick building, alluaUd at lUn and Doug las tu.. In toe heart of the beet wholesale district. Uver 40.0UU aquars feet of sales apaoa, larse baeeiueaC Kqulpped with a splendid elevator, big reduction la price if sold In neat tan d- lull Information at office. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., ' IMS rarnara 8t. Tel. Doug. U ftKAl ESTATE MIHCEM,ANEOrSKEAI ESTATE MISCTXLANEOIS BUSINESS INVESTMENT ' ; . $ 7SQO. a 2.Z I3Z fiET y. 'i f " i . - - ' : f if . ; 1 1 " I f . t ' -V - i I tSSWV4 gBlS4 rfJrt'1'"' A good location for vwholesalA and jobbing busings, convenient to the stations and retail district. There are very few small pieces of ground ho well located which can be picked up at such a moderate price. Bee us at once. GEORGE & COMPANY, Thone D. 758. 902 City National Bank Building. SHOLES WEST FARNAM HOMES SlA.MO for a beautiful tapeatry brick, tile roof residence: large living room with fire place, beam celling, built in book caaea; nice dining room, solar ium, kitchen, butler's pantry, refrig erator room, etc., on flrat floor; four nice white enamel bed ' rooma. aleep Ing porch, flna bath on aecond floor. Hard wood floora throughout; hot water heat. Cathedral district. Dandy, pluce. On 3M near Karri am. nice lot 66x132 foet.- excellent 12-room houae, hot water heated; very well arranged; finished In hard" wood throughout; fine billiard room; owner's family lias Srown up and left; very anxioua to lapoae of this house. Will make price right. INVRHTIQATK. , - - DUNDEE . Exceptionally fins hrlck home; large living room, neam celling, fireplace, built-in bookcaana; fine mualc room, dining room, solarium, den, butler's pantry, kitchen, etc., on flrat floor; four Big bed rooms on second floor; fine sleeping porch; excellent tile bath with very finest plumbing flxturea: third floor ell finished. Hard wood throughout. - Hot water heat. Fries '"' WANT AN OFFER 1011 Farnam 8t.( well built, s-atory and.baaement brick building, steam heated throughout, -22x133 feet. Tries ll?.0CO. , FOR LEASE All sr rrt 6r' Western'-Newspaper Vnton building, located at " ffith and 'Howard atreets. This la three stories and basement, hr'ck building. SfixlSJ feet. Exceptionally -well lighted baae ment. Can be arranged for three stores en Howard . and . one on 15th atreet. Would like to ront to one .party at net rental, and let them' make their own repairs, but will rent . separate and make alteration. , D. Vy SHQLES CO., . HM City Nation) Bank 31dg. Douglas 48 DUNDEE SPECIAL M.SfO Av J-story, frame house, lo cated at H0 North both Ave., east front, on lot 60x135 feet, running through to ftoth Ht., making a double frontage, with ample room to build an additional house. both street paved and all specials paid. This is a well built -house, with large, airy rooma; living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor, two bedroums and bath or second floor) water, gas, electrlo light and vacuum heat. Do not pass this up. but see me tomor row. 11.400 A fine, sightly lot located on Isard, between 61st and &M Hta.; south front, alse bcxl.Vi feet, In the midst of attractive l,oiO to fX.Ou) residences; faved streets, with speciala paid In nil. . This la one of the hla-h eleva tions In Dundee and In a restricted dUtrtit, which you well knew Is a great advantage when selecting a sits . for a ptrmanent home. . EVANSTON t - Have a splendid location for a home, with a ' beautiful view of Elmwood park snd Happy Hollow golf grounds, which can be purchased at a price less than Its value. Also have an a tit active, up-to-date " R-rcom brick and stucco, atrlctly mod ern house, at $7,500. Kasy terms; can you beat ItT ; MINNE LUSA Here Is a chance to aecurs a beau tiful lot In this attractive addition, aavlng safe restrictions that will In sure future values to those seeking permanent homes. Price t&X). C. A. GRIMM EL, MS Om. Natl. Bk. Bldg. Deug. 115 FOR SEVERAL YEARS I HAVE BEEN ADVERTIS- ING WELL-BUILT HOMEa Perhaps you have thought this pbraae was merely an advertising slogan, and that all houses were bulk Just about alike. It haa cast, me real money to advertise. Do you suppose that 1 can afford to vasts all the cost, of this ad vertising by even building )ust en ' house that is not In reality well buiitt Phone me for a list of some of the homes I have built. Look them over yourself, then compare with othera you nave seen and others you can look over while under construction. Of course It coats a little more, but Isn't it worth 1-OOK OVER WORKMANSHIP ON MY HOl'SK NOW I'Nl'KR WAT IN l.RA KM WORTH H hiiGHT.S. Jf. H. JTKL'bUNOEJt REN BON ltl FOR LONG TIME LEASE? TWO CLOSE-IN CORNERS- Tweuly-flrst sd Leavenworth 73x133 WILL. RUILD TO BL'IT Twentieth and Howard 147xl9T Fine for apartment or hotel. Only one block from Uraln Kxchange. Lk J. HKALET. City Nat. Rank Bldg. - BUY A HOME-DON T RfcJN'T. A good . 7-room house for only tl.SO renting all the time at $14 par month. We an sell you this on a payment of taio eaeti. balance l per mouth. Owner might Uke a cheap let as first payment, raving aad ail ether teaea paid iiivkh tirffwsTiinrwi'. r $th Floor Omaha Nat Bk. Doug. ITSl. o REAL ESTATE NORTH BIDE a-R. AND I LOTS. Only $ blocks from North Omaha Bt. ear easy terma er will exchange clear for ether Onutna property. Hasp tiros., 104 McCague tUd. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE DESIRABLE MODERN COTTAGE WITH LOT 132x132 FEET This Is strictly modern ft-room home located on east and south front cor.ior lot In Florence; two blocka from car line, with plenty of shade and shrub bery and a fine outlook which cannot be obstrueted. Waa built for a home, but owner la leaving city on account of change of bualneaa and therefore offera this desirable property for only U.CoO. We want an offer, as this place must be sold. A fine home with plenty of room, suitable for small GEORaE & COMPANY, Douglas 7R6. 802 City Nat. Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL MERCER PARK Maybe you are making plana for new home In 1814. If so, do not make a selection until you have Inspected this very attractive residential dis trict. SOME OF THE FEATURES No frame houses. All lots front on a BOULEVARD. All specials tn and paid. Our prices are low, our term most reasonable. . ' W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., "1320 Farnam 8t. Tel. Doug. 1084 24TH AND TEMPLETON $3150 The blggeat bargain in a bunga low to be found anywhere In Omaha. Big living room aoross the front of the house. Two fine bed rooms, tile bath, big dining room and kitchen on the first floor. Oak woodwork, fine fixtures and flrat class decorations, make this one of the most attractive little homes that you can Imagine. lAt 60x130 with the paving paid In full, AIIMOTRONG-WALSH CO., Tvler 153. ' Keel'ne Bldg.' SIX ROOM BUNGALOW, 4x40 ONLY $3,000 Oak finish, mission Style, nicely ar ranged, one room finished on second floor, large basement, bricked tip and cemented floor, east front lot. 40xl, entirely enclosed In a good iron fenfe. good garage. Iron flag pole, a dandy nlco home, away below Its cost, tn & good location. V. H. GATES, 47 Omaha National Bk. Bldg. Doug. lt BEING FORECLOSED GET A BARGAIN ' $1,800 -room cottage, bath, gas, electrlo light, paved atreet. Bemia Park dis trict, near car and school. Terma to suit. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., 80 Bo. 17th Bt Doug, toil BARGAINS FOR QUICK SALE. Five-room cottage, modern except heat larce Int. filled with shrubbery. A bar gain; t0 cash. tMUance on small mommy payments. Price only ZJU. Located at 4107 N. th Ft. NORRIS & NOUKIS, 400 Bee Bldg-. Phone Douglas 'S70. VACANT, BARGAIN Fine home site. 86th and Grand Ave, ftast front surrounded by new homes, Prtoe only fJbO. Terms: $10 W cash and balance ti.oo per month. One of our very beet bargains. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1330 Farnam Pt. Tel. Doug. 10S4. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE FIELD CLUB DISTRICT A beautiful brick residence, reinforced Concrete porch floor, brick balustrade with Bedford stone coping: front veatl buls with tile floor; coat rloeet with mirror door off vestibule; living room with fireplace; bookcasea; French doors between living room and dtn; beam cellinxa In living and dining rooma; built-in buffet; window aeet and pan eled wainscoting below plate rail in dining room; oak finish on the first floor and oak floors throughout: kitchen with built-in china cupboarria, broom and table leaf closet, with elolhes end dust cbute; rear entry for Ice box. wltn drain: second floor has three lirge bed rooms, with larse rloaeta and mirror doors; large sleeping porch; bath room haa tiled floor, base tub, pedestal lava tory and ahower bath; large attic: bae Bient equipped with launcry tubs, t llet floor ' drain; piped for gas and aired for elex-trlcity. with necessary wall pluga for fans. Irons and vacuum cleaner. Entire house hsa up-to-date aeini-tndirect lighting fixtures. All walls nicely decorated; screens for en tire house. Comer lot, with fine shade trees. Paving all paid. Price, $7,). NORRIS & NORRIS, 40S Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4rN. CREIGHTON'S 1ST. Brand new, large living rorm serosa front of house, dining room with Dutch window, Htti'hea. ntry, rear entry, with lafrtgerator apace; cement basement and walks, two bexirooma, bath and sua room en td floor, corner lot. facing south ant est; lot 40x14.; close to school: locate 1 3Oi Ave. and Arbor. Price, $610. J 50) cash, balance monthly. U. U. CARLBERG., Ill Brandcla Theater Bldg REAL ESTATE HOETH HIDE Peters Trust Company Modern Honsos ' ROOMS WKST FARNAM. XO Daven r nirt M.. innl modern honi. ! ROOM K California St I HO ! ROOMK-W P. Ave. 42.5 ' RMM8 iT.H Parker Pt. (rolnredi. 30. tin S ROOMS 1143 Park Ave ;0.no T nfwiMiJM.il W mmoi Cf in o I 5 ROOMS 17 S P :!Ht St JO '0 ' I MonrnN kxcevt llR't. 1 5 nOOMR PhPlhv fnurt. rlo t no raprt ard wt tanrt tl ci'ft tnvna II RoOMS-mn Reward Pt ir vi I tlcallon. m n and tatV thta over. 6 ROOMS-31M Leavr.Wf r h .-t 10 GLOVER & SPAIN 4 ROOMfM 2 N. 2S1h Pt 12.tif, J ' . , 4 ROOMS SOI S. 2Mh Pt 5.W I lV'ic. 1!l-?n City National... 8 ROOM.4-SM N. Slat Pt 8.0) Peters Trust Company I li23 Ka rnam Pt. DoiiffHa ?!'. BRAND NEW HANSCO'M "F7RK 11 OMR. I3.S00. You ra torrlfallv invited to rldo with tia on an Inspection of a dandy new d-roorn un-to-data hunfrnlow. on a lot 48x1.11 Roth atreeta paved and neighborhood hlnh claaa. When can you go? PAYNE INVESTMENT CO Mh Floor Omaha Nat. Bk. Ioiin. 1781. o Bl'Y ON EASY TERMS. We can aell you a irplendld A-ronm . modern houae. with para, only on 1 block from Field club and two from Hanacom park, on a payment of I'JiO oaeh, balanr Kt per month. Paving and all taxes paid. You can't go wroni o- tla. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO Htb Floor Omaha Nat. Bk. Doug. 17B1. NEAR HANSCOM PARK 6 rooma with aun room, all modfrn, furnace, elegant fixtures, .Hist completed, east front lot. 4141: cement basem-nt and walks, close to school good nction. Price, 2.900; I2O0 cash, balance monthly. C. G. CARLBERG., . 31! Brandelg Theater Bldg. Pi REAL ESTATE! WE8T SIDE WEST FARNAM STUCCO RESIDENCE Irge living room with beam celling, fireplace, built-in bookcasea; dining room with built-in cut glass cabinets, qtiartered white oak wainscoting below plate rail; kitchen with built-in cabinet; butler's pantry between kitchen and dining room, with built-in cupboards; table leaf closet, dust and clothes chute; rooma on firat floor finished In quarter sawed white oak; second floor has four bedrooms with mirror doors; bath room with tiled floor, equipped with bath tub, pedestal lavatory and shower bath; large attic; basement with laundry tubs, floor drain, toilet, fruit cellar and coal bin; vapor neat; aemf-dlrect light ing fixtures; screens; lot 69x139. located 4602 Farnam Bt. Price, $7,000; terms. N ORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 427a, LAST CHANCE CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Positively the greatest sacrifice that haa ever been made of a first claea home in one of the moat desirable res idence districts In Omaha. This house', haa rooms and Is full two-story with . large attis and convenient basement. . Modern to the slightest detail. Fin ished in oak and located on one cf the very beat east front lots on 40th street near Isard. It would be Impos sible to buy a lot and duplicate the , house for less than $4,800. If sold Monday the price Is 13,460. $960 cash; balance straight loan at l per cent. Flrat man In gets the property. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., ' Tyler Keeline Bldg. SEE THIS PLACE I CATHEDRAL DISTRICT! 4031 Charles St., t rooms modern, hot water heat, house Is in good repair, large lot, near schools, stores and car line. The prloe and terms are rea aonable. Owner will conalder a vacant lot as part payment. Possession can be given at once. This is worth in vestigating. CREIGH, SONS & CO., Douglas ano. tot Bee Building. WEST FARNAM DUPLEX Practically new, eight rooms each, hot water heat, double garage, east front, .tile roof, built for permanont Investment by owner. Wants to make a quick turn for other Investment. In come $1,440 per annum. Any reason able offer will be considered. Nothing tter In this high class district In vestigate, GLOVER & SPAIN, Pong. 39J. 91-!0 City National. WEST FARNAM 7 rooms, oak and mahoa-anv finish. strictly modern. In restricted district; owner left city, will take $1,000 caah. balance In paymenli monthly at per cent. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Omaha National Bank Building, Doug. ZTlb. NEAR FIELD CLUB rooms, strictly all modern, paved street, close to car and school, elegant yard with shrubbery; flrst-clasa location. Juat north of Field club on 28th Ave. Price, $3,500. A dandy home. C. G. CARLBERG., SUJ Brandels Theater Bldg REAL ESTATE smtTRBA! Usaarr. Dundee or West Famam Home Wanted The owner of i lots and S-room house, located on 38th t., between Mson and Pacific Bt., would like td put la same as first pay- -ment on a good Dundee or West Farnam house of T or I rooms. The property above described Is in the Field Club district and In the very near future ought to be quite desirable as It is located In the Immediate vicinity of fine homes. Will be pleased to hear from anyone having! a Dundee er West Farnam home on which the above property ran be put in as part of the purchase price. O 'Neil's Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Trier V4. e84 Brandels Theater. A "For Sale" or "For Rent" Ad placed In The lie will accomplish its pur. I pose. REAL EHTATE INVESTMENTS NEW YEAR'S GREETING. CLOSE-IN BRICK APART MENT NETTING 10. Eight apartments of the easy-rentinf? sire, Idenl location, practically now nn.l tir-prof. f'rst dam heating. Plumbing and fixtures hhrntighoiit. Income .',.;)0 ix - r itiiuim. Sdc I rfiuon for moKlnsr qt'k sal. Might cnn rtrr ml amount of trade. Thla a . hlrh rlns In every Farnam Street A Growing Street We offer for a short time one of the best corners on Farnam St. for $2(0,000. Harrison & Morton 511 South 11th St Rocco Bros.' building, three stories snd basement, brick, 33xft. corner, next to market. No better location for com mission house. For terms see Birkett & Company 423 Bee Uldg. Doug. 633. SURE VALUE WITH SPECULATIVE FEATURE. NEAR 25TH AND FARNAM. Dot 2xlS0, rental $2,100 per year. i-nce tu.Etw. GLOVER & SPAIN, Dotig, mt. Mft-20 City National Income $1,080 per Year. Two double, all modern flat buildings, within walking distance of the heart of the city. Can aell thla at a price that will net you 10 per cent above alj ex penses, taxea and Insurance. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney. 100 FT. $35,000 a Harney near 20th (Near Grain Exchange.) HARRISON & MORTON REAL ESTATE OR IN VEST .U f.N To. Want to associate with some high arade Institution tn Omaha, on a strictly com mission basla. I am thoroughly- experi enced and am looking for permanent connections. Address, 456 Bee. 100 FT. $12,500 Famam near 31st St. HARRISON & MORTON. 136 FT. $25,000 Farnam, corner 82d. Some Improvements. HARRISON & MORTON REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 15 ACRES I This land Is northwest of Florence about 1 H miles, baa a good 6-room bouse, with barn and good well ; some fruit trees.' Owner wants offer. Now Is the time to buy to use or as an in vestment. , CREIGH, SONS & CO., Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. REAL KHTATE KUK KXCHANUH 35.000 ACRES good rolling land, south east Missouri. Elevation 560 feet. No mountains; no swamps. Within three mtlea of railroad. Splendid colonisation proposition. Price, $350,000. Will ex change for income, business preferred. t.iiOO acres. Orange county, Florida, unimproved; high-class citrus fruit and vegetable farm land, surrounded by good groves and farms; center of state and center of winter gardening and citrus fruit belt. Htuh-lying, gently rolling; dry: average elevation 140 feet above sea level, fioae to town of 8.OJ0 and another of 4,090. All lies from ad joining to within I miles of railroad. Good roads; $.v ner acre; clear of In cumbrance; $76,000. 64,i vacant lots, Orange Center, Orange County. Florida. High-lying, dry, well-located; some Improved with oranges, grapefruit; clear of encum brance; $16,1:3. Address Owner, P. O. Box 297, Kansas City, Mo. o . RUNNING WATER HAY IMPROVED A f.OSO-acre ranch located within eight miles of rail road town. Rock County, Ne braska. Two sets of improvements. ONfi-QUARTEL LEVEL, I HAY All well grassed. Drive auto all over it; 300 acres hog tight. All fenced, Klk- .hn. V. mi, b-V. it Al.WAVCi I-IVJNO WATER, t lcar of encumbrance. Pi-ire. IA per acre Want farm in Monona or Harrison County, Iowa. Address lull City National Bank. o Section land, urown county. cumbrance. $1,000; 100 acres, Decatur Co., Iowa, $10,000; incumbrance, $2,600: ail acrea Improved, 12 miles from Oklahoma City, Okl $14.0u0; lnc miDrancc $l'.0i). Ten-room modern. No, 2SUi Ave., Omaha, $4,6(X; incumbrance, (l.t00. Separate or all together, for merchandise or all f r apartment houae. List with us for quick deals. HARRINGTON REALTY CO.. Florence. Neb. Phone Florence 44Q. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Gilt edge brick apartment house of 60 rooma; only I years old. In splendid loca tion In Omaha: buiit by day labor. Owner would take good city property, either vacant or improved, or good farm laud, or part 'ash and balance real estate. SCOTT & HILL CO., Ground Floor McCague Bldg. FOR BALE OR TRADE The east half 04) of the northwest quarter !') and the northwest quarter (W of the northwest quarter ) and the northwest quarter () of the north eaat (') and the north half ( of the southwest quarter f), section 16. town ship 71, range 2 Union Co., Iowa, li ml. eaat of Createn. P. J. M'AVOY. Millard. Neb. FOR EXCHANGE J,5oO acrea. Cherry County, Nebraska, and 100, Mu ly County, South Dak 1 1. ALL CLEAR. Prlte llt.OoO. Want Omaha property or small eastern Ne- biaaka or western Iowa farm. Addrew 1516 City National Bank. o 1 HAVE aome good town property In Iowa to trade for some land near 8. Omaha 10 to 80 acrea. Muat be well Im proved and good aoll. Describe fully in first letter what you have and price. Ad dresa Box Ul Stuart. Ia. Ten rooms, sll modern, incumbrance $6.t; equity, $1,200; wants clear western land er Iota. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 10 Om. Nst. Fk. Bld,t. Ioug. ni ANNUAL INCOME, $9u0 Price. $4.6". Want Omaha, bungalow or eottage for equ ty. Will assume. Ad- dree ltli Cltl y Nat onal Pank. n TWO good lota In town of $.001) popula tion. Dunlap, la. $mjS caah or trade for Income property, jo a. Tupper, Logan, I Iowa. ALL kinds of real estate, knrham.. rfona a. uieon, set xiiaa., ui WANTED TO BORROW ""First Mortgage Discount for Quick Cash Tn s first Hum mnrtange of tXO'H on trnperty cop- iit f'.W; originally, and now worth aliout .K This mortans is ahnolutoly gill-edce, the property is nctunlly worth the vnlnation beyond all question, and will stand a most rigid and refill Inspection. This mortgage la payable $tXj earh year and bears In terest at per cent, payablp also at end of pnch year. The property is a bunl nees property. Just completed about I'mp of the mortKsse. which is Oct. I, m- and I have pre u red Itemlked state nent of all costs and know that thi aluatlon In nctiinl rost. Also know that parties signing tho mortgngo arH reliable and successful business men. Otherwise I would not hnve taken the mortgage myself. I am Just now en tering into an Investment which will re quire between $R.W10 and $7.MX. and need to ensh thla mortgage for quirk cash hy not later than Jan. IS. I will aell it for $2,s:01 which will make a good In terest investment to a. buyer, and with security that is sound. If can be ar ranged would like to have option of buying hack this rnortesge at end of o dnys by paying premium of $100 over celling price. Act quickly, for unless sold In time for my investment this offer' Is cancelled. Address me at onco for comp'ete Information. Address A !!? care Bet. WANTED to borrow twelve hundred on Hx thousand property. Write T 471, care Bee. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR 8 A LB COLORADO. BARGAINS Have a few special bargains in farms and raw land in eastern Colo rado. Phillips county; must selU Write W. K Irwin, Holyoke, Colo. o FLORIDA. VILLA GROVES THERE Is more money In well-chosen real estate than In any other Invest ment. Ten dollar down ($10) per month places the large or small investor In possession of a fruit grove In south east Florida, planted with the best fruit trees known. The profits from fruit alone demonstrate that Villa Groves are a sound Investment and more profitable than Insurance. Villa Groves offer an opportunity for the thrifty 'to accumulate capital by small Investments. Villa Groves are the mer chant's savings bank. Why? Because Villa Groves are his "safety first" plan. Villa Groves are a safe and sound investment for all classes. Write for full particulars and litera ture to Bryant A Greenwood, 1301-H Westminster Building. Chicago, III., or call and see their resident agent, Mr. A. Parsons, 460 Omaha National Bank Building. H i fd Smart, clean-out selling agents. BARGAINS In Florida high lands. 1.200 acres at $7 per acre. Write box 330, Ar cadia, Fla. IDAHO. Want Money? Let me tell you how to get it. Idaho land Is full of It, and the land isn't very high-priced, either. Cllmatio and living conditlona are excellent electricity used for cooking, lighting and heating on many farms educational advantages unexcelled. There are many tracts of land irri gated and non-irrigated suitable for all kinds of farming, for sale cheap and on reasonable terms. Seed raising highly Srofitable. I will give complete informa on to you free for the asking. R. A. SMITH, Colonisation ft Industrial Agent, Union Pacific System. Room tot. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha. Nebraska. o IOWA. 25-ACRE FARM, B miles of Council Bluffs. Every foot good smooth upland; 6 acres alfalfa new cottage with 8 good rooms, small barn, good road to city. A cheap place at $4,000, $1,600 cash will handle. M'OBr REAL. ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. Ia. EIGHTY acre farm. 10 miles from Coun cil Bluffs; 65 acres under cultivation. 14 acres of timber and pasture; some al falfa. Good Improvements. $3,000 cash. Balance long time at 6 per cent or will make very good price for all cash, if taken at once. Phone Webster 8213. O MISSOURI. GREAT BARGAINS $5 down, $6 monthly buya 40 acres good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $176. Address Box 808. Excel sior Springs, Mo. NEBRASKA. WILL FURNISH STOCK TERMS LIKE RENT- 160 acres, well Improved, SALINE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. All under plow. Fine living stream. Price, $J0,0O0. $4,000 only necessary to handle this. BALANCE IN TEN YEARS AT 5', PER CENT. IN EVENT OF CROP FAILURE WILL CARRY PAYMENT AND INTEREST DUE THAT YEAR. WILL FURNISH CASH TO HITV pin. LOAD OK bTEERS TO FEED THROUGH THE U'IMTPD Will vl . I J Hi. WINTER. Will help a good man 1 anv reasonable way to pay for thU farm. NO TRADE. Address 1615 City .National Bank. o KIMBALL CO., NEB. Choice section, all can be cultivated, 15 miles south of Bushnell, one crop often pays for land. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2713 A FIVE-ACRE tract, with good Improve ments, all fenced, part in alfalfa and pasture, variety of fruit, close to town, good college and schools. Price $i.ri00. Nd trade considered. Owner, Box 3S7. Blair, Neb. LOOK HERET 640-acre school land lease, running 24 yeara. In Cherry Co., 9 mllea from town A bargain. $275. Write owner, L. C t randull, .No. l'4 Locuse .St., Uncoln, r.eb. VV IsXOftSIA. UPPER WliSCONSlN-rieat dairy and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted: lands for aale at low price on rasy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wlscon sin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for atock raUlng. If Interested In fruit landa ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., goo Line Railway. Minneapolis. Minn. MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE V rite a good description of your land nd aend It to the Sioux City (la.) Jour fal. "Iowa'e Moat Powerful Want Ad Mtdlum " Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturddv evenlnar and Sunday for one month, giving slxtoen ads on twelve dif ferent days for $2; or td wolds. $4, or 7$ aorda 16. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, 25O.MJ0 rvadeis dally ia four imi state. W FOR FALE-&40 acrea good timber land: very low price, $6 per acre. ACT QUICK. JIM WRAY. SIOUX CITT, I A ;RF.ND your name today. Receive offers I from Isnd owners, nenta everwk Free, l ulled Realty Association, Jolietj FARMS WANTED WlANTd to Pnt- Bmli f"n. about 60 to 76 acrea. must be In goed location. of referencea given by man aui wtls. Call Harney su. 4