TIIF, O MAT I A SUNDAY TiTX: .TANTTAIIY 2, 191H. 5-B What Women Are Doing in the World MR. AND. MRS. ALFRED NOYES OF LONDON, ENG LAND Mr. Noyes addresses the Fine Arts society at the Hotel Fontenelle Friday, January 7, at 4 P. M. Mrs. Noyes will accompany him here. An interesting meeting of the home e-tonomlrs department of the South Omaha Woman's club will be held Tues day at t lie home of Mix. Roy lennls, .who will be assisted by Mesdames Byron Clow. A. W. Taps and W. A Nltsche. .A question box on kliese topic will make tip th discussion: "What Is meant hy the terms bleached and unbleached flour, cake flour and bread flour?" Should the hmmowlfo buy "trade marked" goods In preferenre to private trands? Pisctiss the use of beet and cano sugar In can ning. Mrs. R. M. loverly will levlew "Principles In Cookery." Mrs. II. H. Keru i.st Is Under of tnc proKram. Mrs. Isaac V. Carpenter, the president, entertains this week's meellnii of Mil .Siama. Mrs. P. M. Conklin will lead the piopram on Riownlng's "Cleon." Mrs. Thomns tndale will give the historical setting of the poem; Mrs. J. M. Welshans, the Interpretation, and W. J. Hots will have aa her subject, "Clcon's accomplish ments aa Compared with the Urammar lana'." Miss Ruth Thompson will be hostess for the story tellers' section ot the As aociation of Colleginte Atumnae. Wed nesday afternoon. Miss Josephine lluse will tell a history stiry of India; Mrs. S. K. Davies, a German love stoi-y, and Miss Vera Du Bols, Indian legends. Mrs. O. C. Bonner will lead the pro gram on "Pawlowslcl," which will be given by the literature department of the Omaha Woman's club, Wednesday morning; at 10 o'clock, at the Young Women's Christian association. Mrs. J. B. Adams will discuss, "A Child Went Forth;" Mrs. Bonner. "Russia from an American Viewpoint," and Mrs. Grant Williams will give a reading. "Nebraska Day" will be celebrated by Chapter E of the P. E. O. sisterhood, with A program at the home of Mrs. Herbert H. Neale Thursday. Mrs. O. W. Trlbble will read a paper on "Eminent Men and Women of Nebraska;" Mrs. George B. Eddy on "Laws of Nebraska Affecting Women," and Mrs. R. B. Zachary on "Music." A ono o'clock luncheon will precede the meeting. Mrs. Robert Grant being the assisting hostess. Miss Frances Graves, who waa most active In suffrage and social service work here, has gone to New nor o me ora- fnrd reformatory to take a course or training for reform work. The opportu nity camo to Miss Graves through Pr. Katherine Bemcnt Davis, now in cnarse of New York City penal insmuuonB. u was throught Miss Graves' efforts that Dr. Davis came to Omaha last year to give a series of talks. 1 Hi: V MX v, " . . ' :, " '. t ' E V tin 1 The Omaha Federation of Mothers' Clubs will hold a social meeting Friday, January 7. at the home of Mrs. E. H. i MiLii..t 5ioi Hawthorne avenue. A good program will be provided. Mothers who are interested are Invited. The Benson Woman's club will take a month's vacation over the holidays this year. Its next meeting will be January 13. The usual New Year's reception has been omitted this year. The Benson Ladies' Social club met Isst Thursday afternoon at St. Bernard's hall at a social card party, and luncheon was served to about forty guests. The Business Women's club will hold a business meeting Tuesday evening at 7 o clock in the Young Women's Christian ussociation auditorium, preceded by a .supper at 6.i6 p. m. Chapter B. N. of the P. E. O. sister hood meets Saturday morning at 10 (.'clock. Mrs. Rudolph Rix and Mrs. II. K. Cameron being the hostesses. Mrs. G. u. Lehnholf will be In chafge of the meet ing. The Omaha Story Tellers' league meets Thursday afternoon in the public library. Miss Emma Rosicky. the president, leads the program. "Pranks and Plays" and Kxperimenis" tiom Louise Alcott's works wlil be told by Miss Eloise Mills :nd Miss Ruth Thompson, and Miss Ssrah Sanliorne will report a canvass of next year's work. The Dundee Woman's club will resume meetings on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. L. fcielby, 4&04 Davenyort street Lyric poetry of the Bible will be studied under the leadership of Mrs. N. K. type, Mrs. W. 11. Hancock and Mrs. W. E. Khoades assisting. Mrs. E. A. Benson will have charge of current events. General Heniy Iawton auxiliary of the I'nlted Spanish War Veterans will hold its regular meeting Wednesday at 1 o'clock, at Memorial hall. Installation of officers will take place. The Mothers' Culture club of the West Farnam district meets Wednesday with Mrs. W. H. Mick, who will be assisted by Mis. J. C. Aldrlch. Mis. T. L. Combs wilt read a paper on "Recent American Architecture" and Mrs. E. O. Hamilton on "Public Buildlnus for Children." Child-Labor day will be observed on January 23 by churches and Sunday schools throughout the country, accord ing tn the National child-labor commit tee. Saturday, January X. has teen set aside for the observance of the day in synagogues, and in secular schools and clubs it will be celebrated on Monday. January -t. The proper observance of this day may save 1'.W) children from wrong conditions ot labor, says the bul letin of the committee. Mrs; Frances Ford of Chicago, who has chaige of th-' children's page on the Chi cago News, was the guest of her mother, .Mrs. W. C. Gray, for Christmas. Mrs Kuril Is well-known In club circles here ss she was one of the early presidents of the omaha Woman's club. Mrs. Draper timiih and Mrs. W. P. Harford, also pioneer members of the ckb. spent Bun day aftiinun with Mr. Ford, who re counted the Chicago su'-erssea of Mrs. Klin Pcattie. also a former Omaha woman and president of the club. story for the grownups. A piano 'solo will be given by Mrs. Mildred Tontsett and a paper, "Why Mothers and Teachers Should Be Good Story Tellers," will be prepared by Mrs. W. H. Moellar. The Tennyson chapter of the Chautau qua circle will meet Monday at 2:30 with Mrs. John n. Webster, 371a Farnam street. The roll will be responded to by quotations from Edgar Allan Poe. Mrs. W. B. Howard will lead the lesson In astronomy. Mrs. F. H. Wray will have charge of the history lesson. Miss Ethel Parsons will sing, "The Bridge," ac companied by Miss Olive Seymour. The place of meeting of the Mothers' Culture club has been changed for the next meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. J. O. Detweller, S524 Dodge street Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, January 6. The program will be given In the year book with Mrs. T. L. Combs and Mrs. E. O. Hamilton reading papers. The Benson W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mirs. E. J. Crews, 6022 Main street, Friday at 2:30, January t. The subject of the occasion will be "Local Survey" by the leader, Mrs. D. Vleno. The first meeting of the new year of the U. S. Grant Woman's Relief coma will be ' held Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. On account of the Installation of new officers the session will be short. Invitations to join the post will be ac cepted. General John M. Thurston will speak and Miss Lillian T. Eddy will act as installing officer of the corps. The Social Science department of the Woman's club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Thomas Brown Friday afternoon, January 10, from 2 to 6 o'clock A musical program will be given. A memorial service will be held Sunday fternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Young Women's Christian association auditor ium. Mrs. T. J. Gist of Falls City, for mer state superintendent of the Federa tion of Woman's clubs and Nebraska sec retary of the general Federation, will give the memorial address. Walter Graham will have charge of the nvualcal program. Mrs. E. M. Syfert will conduct the afternoon's exercises. The Business Girls' luncheon to be given by the Business Woman's coun cil will be In Agricultural hall In the county court house Tuesday. January 4, from 11 to 2 o'clock. Mrs. C. B. Wilson will give a talk to the business girls snd women. Dundee Society Notes lowed by an Orpheum party In honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Peek of Moilne, III. Mrs. Oeorse Ijiinoureux entertained at a bi Idge-luncheon lsst Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Wllllsm T. MI'ler of Medicine list. Can Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gilchrist entertained at cards and a wstt-h psrtv Friday nlsht. Among the resei ntimis nisde at th Fontenelle for New Years rip rtero ". S. Plbhernsen. foiirteen; M. l'ur- ke, seven; Oscar Ueben. elEhiien; T. J. Nolan, six, and C. A M Msi'.in. fo.it. Mr. and Mrs. l'lmer .'imderlnd of Kunsss Cltv me the guests of Mr. nd Mis. C. U Corke. The Misses I'm mid liuie Wlesi- en Thursday afternoon In honor of Miss Lillian Wslton of York. Neb. W. W. Briscoe of 'Lyndon. Km., Is the guest of hla sinter. Mrs. S C. Cotner Mr. and Mrs (Milrley Wl'erni are a;ond Irrn New Year's In Chicago. Miss Liny Dane entertained st brlUne Wednrsdny evening. j Mrs. Hethert HUs will entertain the ' liumlee Fri1n Hiliie l.on- heoii rlnh this eek. tertajned u ; iv" i snd t i nM l l)anaertn. Mreak It Nnw, I'IikT it -I loney is tine for eci-tli." I-Im S -.;lies tlm liuiKs. Iivnei-s I r e i. Only ;."r. A;l trug:;IM.. dei-- number of yoirtg women itl"in?nt. Brownell Hall Girte To Pick the Twelfth Day King and Queen I'.rownrll will open Its winter term next week. Hoarding pupils should en lell hr'oi-e o'clock. M'ltidny the thlitj. The regular school exerri-'S will lc;in with rharel Tue.ds, Jannsry t. On Thus ilii, .l.-inuaiy . bclni! the f'-n 't of the l't'lpl..-in :'l be held the ClirlsliviMS celehrs'.i -n of the sclioil At II li In the ehspel of Sv Matthias there will he a eh onl servlie and nt !:. In the gym nsxiuni will ts'.e plnre the annuwl Twelfth liny psely with rliiJ cske and the choos ing of the Twelfth rtiy king and queen. All "old girls" snd patrons of the School are cordially Invited to this celebration. An Infornuil luncheon wilt be S"rved Im mediately after the service. All those who sie loinliirf to the service snd who reins In for the afternoon exercises are sked to telephone Mis Johnson on Mon day so she can strange for luncheon. A "Kor Ssle' In Tl.e Hee posr. or wil "For Reiif Ad placed B'-coit,pllsh I'.s pur- The Dundee Dancing club gave a dance Friday at the Harte hall. The Misses Margaret Williams and Grace Slabaugh were hostesses for a dancing rarty Friday evening. A watch party was held Friday evening for the Harmony club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Benson. , Mr. and Mrs. Fitchle spent the last week with their daughter in Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs. George Brandela hava been entertaining; a house party of the following guests: Mrs. Anna Rogers, Mlsa Lillian Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Carney, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bosworth, Dr. and Mrs. William Harper, Mre. E. P. Nolan and Townsend Vetcher of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Lewis of Omaha. Mr. George Daniels of Topcka, Kas., Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harte. Mies Louisa Fort, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrlt Fort, formerly of Dundee, now or Chicago. Is the guest of Miss Dorothy Belt. Mr. and Mra. Thomas Tar-wood of Council Bluffs were the guests of their daughter. Mrs. F. S. Hamilton, on Christ mas. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tarwood New Year's. Miss Laura Mitchell of Lincoln Is visit ing Miss Alice Duval. Mr. M. P. Duffleld of Ottumwa, la., was tne guest the last weak of hla mother and brother, Mrs. 8. A. Duffleld, and Mr. Jean Duffleld. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Plnrey of BVirllng- w.i, inrguu to roruana, ors., are tne guests at the F. O. Putnam horn. Miss Alice Duval entertained at a tea r.w Tears. She waa assisted by Mes- names w. u Bel by and Oliver Bldrldge, no several young ladles from Omaha ana iunaee. Ul T . . ... ' uvivm wncnt entertained I dinner Monday for several members of tne (jDeriin Ulee club. TO. v.. ... ... yiw vunon woman's club will meet nwntroiy with Mrs. W. L. athv. Mrs. C. L. Jones entertained Tuesday at r. and Mrs. J. E. George entertained t dinner at the Fontenelle Monday, fol- J3sn7b ANNOUNCING THE GREATEST MERCHANDISING EVENT OF THE ENTIRE YEAR OUR ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Starting Monday, 8:30 A. M. Jnnusry 3 r.r.d Continuing All Week SUITS-COATS-DRESSES-WAISTS-SKIRTS-FURS Offered Regardless of Cost or Trofit at most Sensational Reductions Jk WOMEN'S AND MISSES' WOMEN'S AND MISSES' FASHIONABLE FALL SUITS j-Handsome NEW COATS 5 VELVET, . BROADCLOTH, SERGE. GABAR DINE, IN ALL SIZE3 AND COLORS AND IN THE BEST STYLES SHOWN . THIS SEASON. "-vs.-" SUITS Worth S25.00 YOUR CHOICE m SUITS i SUITS PLUSH. BROADCLOTH, MIXTURES, DUVE TYNE, FUR TRIMMED OR PLAIN, IN BELTED OR FLARE MODELS. Hundreds to Select From. Worth $35.00 YOUR CHOICE Worth $45.00 YOUR CHOICE COATS Worth ?0.C0 YOUR CHOICE $1212 I $192 $9M $13S COATS Worth $25.00 YOUR CHOICE COATS Worth $32.50 YOUR CHOICE $17 50 WE CANNOT ACCEPT THE RETURN OP SALE GARMENTS FOR CREDIT OR REFUND Stylish Dresses For Women and Miises Oar Entire Stock of Dresses and Oowns At Half & Less Afternoon Dresses Evening Dresses Party Dresses Street Dresses $20 $30 $45 Dresses Dresses Dresses for... .$9.75 for... $14.50 for... $19.50 An Old-Fashioned "Rummage Sale" Odds and Ends from the Regular Stock, or Garments Slightly Soiled, Offered at a Fraction of Their Worth. At $2.75 22 Coati Worth From $10 to $20 Each. 12 Silk Prince Slip Worth from $4.00 up to $8.75. 10 Fancy Silk Petticoat Blue and Pink, Laca Trimmed. At 95c 15 Houa Dre Worth to $3.60 15 Nurse' Striped Gingham Uniform 10 Nurse' . Whit Graduate Uniforms 15 Silk Petticoat Bright Color Only At 35c 3 FOR $1.00. About Seventy-Flv Lingerie Waists Worth Originally from $1.50 to $2.50 But Soiled and Mussed from Handling Limited Quantity While Thsy Laat NEW SILK WAISTS A Big Sale Table at $2.95 Silk and Lace Waifti Regular values $8.00 $3.98 All Waists up to $3.50 Off A Special Lot of Advance Spring Dresses In Wool and Serge. AOff The Dresses should b full price, but thsy arrived at "81 Time," so w feel compelled to offer them at a reduction. Their prleea range from $10.00 to $20.00. ALL. GO ONE-FOURTH OFF NOTICE SPECIAL ITEM IN THE RUMMAGE SALE "COATS AT 2.7S '8 THE BIGGEST BARGAIN ITEM OF THIS SALE. SALE OF FUR SETS, SCARFS and MUFFS W wish announce thai cur entire ifocifc Furs, including Jimtricmn Mink, Jap Mink. rook Mink. Stack Fox, Tied Fox. Sitka Fox, glue Wolf, Hac coon, Opossum and Chinese Wolf, will be offered in this salenot at one quarter or one-third off, hist- POSITIVELY AT ACTUAL COST, to effect an immediate cleaiance: All Waists $7.50 and Vs Off up jar DCXs New Separate Skirts Choice of the house, val. ues to $10.00 $4.95 Choice Our Entire Stock SILK KIMONOS Off The South Side Women's Christian Temperance association will give a tea Thursday afternoon at 2:80 o'clock at the home of Mrs. William Berry. 38J9 South Twenty-sixth street. The program will be In charge of Mrs. I C. Banner, superintendent of scientific temperance Instruction In the schools. Mr. N. M. Graham, assistant superintendent of schools, will give a talk on local bene fits from the work. A part of the musi cal program will be a violin solo by Miss Bessie Roy and singing by Miss Eleanor Alexander. Mrs. W. T. Graham will speak of the work In the state. The Dundee circle of the C. C. L. will meet Mondav afternoon. January . at the home of Mrs. Paul Themanaon. Mrs. p. J. White will have charge of the pro gram. Roll call will be answered by cur- , rent events. Mrs. P. J. White will hava paper on "Wasps snd Hornets and Their Doines." A psper on '"Besvera s Carpenters and Engineers win oe given bv Mrs. Lee Smith. Mrs. Allen White will live a reading- Mrs. Miles Gren leaf will hsve a paper on "Ths Wonder ful Housekeeping of the Honey Bee." Miss Locke will glvs a reading- and Mrs. Don McCown will give vocsl solos. V. W. C. A. otea. At lha Younar Women's Christian asso ciation vesper service on ounday after-1 nnon the president of tne association. Mrs. J. M. Aikin. will bring a New Tear's niHiiiiiii. There will t special music. At the social hour which follows the service. Mihs J!Uil Brandon will he the hostess.. In tins hour there ts oppor-t innitv tn meet concenial aeauaintaneea and snenci a very uieasani nine ai un association home with other youns women. I.laht refreshments are served and usually some sueclal feature fur en tertainment. Kexmnins Mondav. January 3. all class u.,,rk villi be resumed in all departments. I There will be one new class under Miss Kif M.Uuili. a course in the study of in.nJern novels, lhat 1. those of the eight eenth and iilneieentn lenluru. I nis win he a course of ten lectures for 12. meet- hit: on T.ieeday lilKlil at 7 o'clock. The January number of the Budget will he ready fr distribution and can be sucuied at the association office or through the various churches. On Wednesdiiv evenlna the Athletic club jsirls will entertain the "A" girls of the ihsical department at a party, nliich will begin at 7 o'clock. This Party I is an annum airuir. The board of trustees of the Old lo-J pie's home will meet Tuesday motning at I ho Yoiiiil- Women's Clillatiun Asse- tiatiun building. ' The members of. the .North iidc circle of the Child's Cont-ervation league will tell stories at the next meeting which will be held Fridf.y, January 7. at S Vclock in the aft-riion at the Monmouth "a ik School auditorium. .Mis. Walter I'Hc- will tell two short riniics f.ii- tmv J'.tf-. u:lr stories fori . . . , , .,, . . , , , . I street, for a cmi'iicn win oi- iiu iy Mm. j. i . V( radian, mi, ti. vioui-n aim m s lroii. Mis. C. J. Vonder Mill tell t The Rube! Furniture Company ut off illSISlSS We Have Given Up the Lease on our Store and Warerooms and Posi- i tively Must dispose of our Im- Stock in of Time. be Closed all day Tomorrow, Mon day, Marking Down Prices and preparing for the Greatest Cash Price Furniture Store, Rug and Drapery Event ever held in This City. For full informa tion in regard to this Great Going-out-of-Business Sale see mense Period a Very Short Our Store Will (This In Talk No. 10 of a Series on "Th True Story of Kcitl Kslatt.") A Real Estate Mans House" You hear a great deal about the substantial old house; about how much better people built years ago; how everything was done by hand; how ruurh better materials were used, and so on. As a matter of fact, there are no better examples of build ing knovrn than the houses which are built today by the estab lished real estate men of a city like Omaha. "The Ileal Estate Builder" has made the building of house his profession. By syslematlzlnK his work and using the most modern methods and machinery he is able not only to build you a better house than those put up thirty years ago, but he Is able, to build it In one-third the time and at considerably less expense. Some of the materials used In the old houses were unneces sarily heavy and expensive. The up-to-date real estate man knowa how to get quality and strength without being wasteful. You will rind that (he houses built by the real estate men ar alftnys in the very latest style to the smallest detail because the real estate man must Veep in close touch with what the publlo is demanding. Building laws are very stringent now and every house must be soundly put together. But the established, reliable "Real Ksiate Builder" Is not satisfied with only keeping "within the law." He is building the very heft he knows how. Hit future Is slaked in every house be builds. , , You are at liberty at any time to go through any of the houses being built in every part of the city by representative real estate men and inspect for yourself the quality of the work and materials. A walk about sny of the newer sections will convince you that "the reHl estate man's house" is enjoying a decided popu larity. (digued) K. R. BENSON. C. F HARRISON, G. G. WALACE. Committee. SALES MADE THIS MONTH IN OMAHA BY J. A. OLSON The lollovtiiiK are a list of sales made and clol this month by John A. Olson V. A. Maxeiner, New Kngland Bsksry company, bioux City, la., vacant corner and four houses. Sixteenth and Dorcas streets. Investment, espe.ts to Improva In Hl;: K Khafenheig. Hingham. b. reaidenre si 131 South T enl y-ninlli home; B. W. Buvd, t'li-monf. nt res, near J'!lehuj'. 'o''. Iind Tlia iiee Want Ads. It pays! Monday n tit) vening rapers FURNITURE COMPANY Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful. Let The Bee get you a good job. "Situations Wanted" ads are free a?