TlIK OMAHA SUNDAY Itr.K: .1AM iV it What is Going On in Society Circles (Continued from I'aje Two) lute Tlrv. f.uthrr V. I.iiriden, who was for a number of ycara on the atate board. For the Niblacki. In honor of Mr. anil Mra. Austin j Xihlark of Chlraso, Mr. and Sim. Louis Naah Openrd tlielr homo for a Now Year's j tea from 4 to 7 and ankod Mrs. Nthlack's 1 nld friends. Including the young married pet to meet her. Social Gossip. Miaa Laura Mltrhell of Lincoln Is tha j Riiest or Miss Alice Duval. Mra. Charles Korvwater and son leave January i for California. Miss Mary tvnd entertained Thuraday evening- for Miss Lucilr Tetera. Beatrice Moniponiery entertained for a few friends Thuraday evening. Virgil Pe France gave a dnnclng party Thursday night to seven couple. Harold Van Dunen left Tuesday for Holyoke, Colo., where he has located In business. Dorothy Griffith entertained her frlenda New Year'a even at the home of Mrs. J. C. Buftington. Mrs. F. 8. Cow gill and son. Winston, leave today for Chicago, where Mr. Cow gill will join them Inter. Mlaa Ellen Crelghton went to Greeley, Neb., Wednesday with Mr. and Mra. John Daugherty, to spend a week with them. Mra. Oarrle Lajnoureaux of Kansas and Mrs. William T. Miller of Medicine Hat, Canada, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Lamoureaux. Mr. E. W. Hart returned early in the week from Denver, where he spent Christ mas with his daughter, Mrs. Lawrence I'hipps, Jr., and Mr. Phlpps. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Byram of Chicago have been the guesta all week at the home of Mrs. Byram's brother and sister, Mr. and Mra. Harry Tukey. Jeseph Millard, 2d, and his brother, Ray, went to Chicago Thursday to bo with their father, Mr. W. B. Millard, for a few days en route bnck to school. Mr. Nathan W. Post, lieutenant Vnited States navy, and Mrs. Post and eon, f'ichard, of Kansas City are the guests of Mrs. Post's mother, Mrs. It. C. Jordan. Mr. William Fitzgerald has returned to Troy, N. V., leaving Mra. Fitzgerald and tlirlr small son here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Byrne, until Fcb rimry. Air. nnd Mrs. K. R. Morrison and fam ily of Kansas City and Mr. and Mrs. Ilutry Kyram of Chicago are guests of .Mi. and Mr?. A. V. Tukey dtying the holidays. Mrs. Charles Turner and her sisters, M;s Clara and Miss Marguerite Schnel ili r of Fremont, came to Omaha Tuesday lor the Millard dance and were at the Fontenellc, returning home Wednesday. Mr. and Mr3. Charles Stewart of Coun- I Fluffs, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Donald McFerren and Mr. and Mra. Wil liam McFerren, returned home last week from Hoopeston, 111. Mrs. John F. Coad. accompanied by her daughters, Mia Irene and Misa Beatrice, win leave the middle of the month to spend the winter in Los Angeles, where they have taken apartments in the Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Crane of Springfield, O., who have been the guesta of Mrs. Crane i mother, Mra. E. Wake ley, left Wednesday for Kansaa City, where they will spend the New Year. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Crsln went to Kan sas City Thuraday to visit friends before returning to their home in Springfield. O. Mr. and Mra. D. C. Bradford and Miss Claire Helene Woodard left Wednesday for New York, to be gone two weeks. In and Oat of the Bee Hive. Mr. Herman Schwake of Lincoln re turned home today, after spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. O. F. Slavln. Mr. E. L. Beall will return tonight from a business trip to Kanaaa City. M r. and Mrs. L. E. Doty and son re turned Monday from David City. Mr. M. P. Duffleld of Ottumwa. la., visited his mother and brother, Mrs. S. A. Duffield and Mr. Jean Duffield. Mra. W. A. Graham, who was called to Magnolia, la., six weeks ago by the Illness of her father, Mr. Johnson, re turned last week. Mr. Johnson, although still very ill, is out of danger. Mra. Fanny Manning, mother of Dr. E. T. Manning, has returned from an ex tensive western trip. Mr. J. H. Dumont, who has been vis iting In Toronto, Canada, with Mra. Dumont for the last month is expected home thia week. Mrs. -Dumont will visit until the end of the month. Miss Kllxabeth Redman is spending the New Year's holidays at Dunlap, la. Mrs. Catherine Leach and daughter, Mary, of Hebron, Neb., return home to day after spending the holidays with Mrs. Leach's dauchtT, Mrs. 1. K. 8lnvln. Personal Mention. Mr. and Mis. Fred Kiebpl. jr.. have moved to Indianu, where Mr. It it-be 1 has accepted a position with a firm In South Hend. Mlsa Lillian Edith Sluuni has been .pending the holiday vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Shrum. Mr. Koiier llolinan, who spent Christ mas In Indlniii-polts. Ind., has returned. Mr. George Daniels of Topeka, Kan., l rived T'.iedny t i n.tild a wee-Ji with Mr. anil Mrs J. II. Harte, and family. Mr. r. nd M:.. V,. i: Eduecomb spent I'hrisinias in Falls City with .Mr. and Mr. I'tel. parents of Mrs. Eilgecomb. Mr. Eilgecomb returned after the week i nd. ;i,i(l Mrs. Etli:ecomh Friday. Mr. W iMard K. Talbot of Dayton. O.. a s:emlin'- the hulldays Willi his parents. Mi. mid Mm. NiUhan O. Talbot. Miss Is.i belle Ross of Chicago is visit in; Mr. und Mrs. Janivn llodge. .Mr. anil ifiis. M. A. Pinney of Burlinu lon, la., who are er route to Portland, Die., to spend Hie winter, are visiting at the T. (. Putnam home. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Singer, who were in Chicago Christinas work, returned J'ueaday. .Miss A dle Gillespie of Mapleton. Ia.. t. iurned with Mr. and Mrs. George QUIea p:e, Tuesday, for a vlait. Miss Helen Curtis will return to Rock ford. 111., Monday. Mr. 11. J. McCarthy will letum from Chicago after New Tears. Mrs. Mo Carthy, however, will remain indelinltely va her slater, Misa Kate Mausa ia atill :erlouely ill. Mr. and Mrs. D. Cullen and family have aa New Tear's guetits Miss Ida Dolan of I -oh Angeles. Missea Lee and Gertrude Weber and Mr. Frank Weber of Minneapolis T'ic sn:all mui of Mr. and Mix. Charles II. Itrowii. who ju&t arrived here last week from Virginia, was taken to the Sisters Who Are Guests of Omaha Friends in , n I v. 1 . n.: (S . J 1 . ) . ulH Henrietta Fori hospital Christmas day and operated on for appendicitis and ia atill at the Clark son hospital, but la recovering quickly. Misa Helen Murphy left Sunday for Sioux City, where she will visit until after New Year'a. Mr. C. J. Lord left Monday for Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Root have returned from California Mra. William E. Fitzgerald and small son, Master William, of Troy. N. Y., aro visiting at the home of Mrs. Fitz gerald's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Byrne. Mr. Fitzgerald spent Christ mas In Omaha, but returned home Mon day. Mrs. E. D. Marr and daughter, Miss Mildred Marr, of Kansaa City, spent Christmas In Omaha with Mrs. Marr's daughter, Mrs. Louis Lorlng , and Mr. Lorlnc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa B. Braden and small son. Master Thomas, are the guesta of Mrs. Braden'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Guild. Mr. C. A. How of St. Louia was In Omaha Tuesday to attend the funeral of Victor Caldwell. v Miss Blanche Garten of Lincoln Is the guest of Mr. and Mra. Paul Hoagland. Benson Social Circles Mra. James Orendulf visited at the home of J. N. Hoi-ton on Tuesday. Mrs. J. Calvart entertained the Toung Womtn'a Kenalngton club at her home Tuesday evening. Jamea McCIung has gone to Primrose, Neb., on a few days! business trip. Mrs. Arthur Kaiser has returned from n extended vlait In Cheyenne, Wyo. Mlsa Helen Jorgensen Is recovering from the effects of an operation at Lister hospital. Mr. and Mra. N. H. Tyson have re turned from Chicago, where they apent Christmas relatives. Mr. W. H. Tindell of Chicago la spending the holidays with Ills sons and old friends here. Mr. and Mra. John Robinson have re turned to Broken Bow, Neb., after three months' visit here. Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Nelson entertained the Lutheran church council and families at dinner Monday evening. They were assisted by Miss Gladys Anderson, who is horn from Peru, The fire department was called out Tuesday evening when fire broke out In the pigeon houae of Harry Corrlngton. The barn aud about 10) pigeons were burned. John Vogel, an old German of Benson, who was a resident here for some time, died suddenly Tuesday and was burled Thursday in Mount Hope cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Flug entertained at dinner Sunday, when covera were laid for Mr. and Mra. D. C. Flug of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Leader of Mlnden, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leaders of Rich field, Neb. The Junior Luthersn Brotherhood will hold a reception Tuesday evening at the church, when sixteen new members will be taken In. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pace of Council Bluffs, and Mr. Will McFarlane of Denver, Colo., were recent guests at the R. C. lloldi home. The Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran an 1 Preahyterlan church will unite in a week of prayer, beginning Monday evening, t be held at the different churches. Mr. and Mra. A. L. Sthiale return, Tuesday from York, Neb., and enter tained last Saturday at a New Year'.' dinner. The Methodist Indies' Aid society w I1 meet at the home of Mis. Calvert next Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. I!. I. ("aussett entertsin' i last week at a family reunion. Almn twenty-five guests were present. Mrs. K. E. Paddock entertained tli Hifh Five eli'b Tuesday evening. A dainty luncheon whs nered. The Katherine chapter will meet at the home of Mrs. Dave Waahbum next Mon day evening. A special council meeting was called by tie mrtynr last Wednesday evening, wlien C. C. Johnson was given the contract for hardware goods of the new city hall The Benson public schools open Monday after two weeks' vacation. Only two cases of scarlet fever have hei n found among the school children. Mr. and Mra. C. J. Johnson returned W'rdnesdiy from Winter-set, la., where they visited Mrs. C. R. Meyer, formerly Misa Cora Johnson of this place. Mr. E. A. McGlasson was pleasantly surprised Tuesday evening by the Tri Clty Birthday club. A dinner was aerved to twenty guests. Mr. John Riige of Clough, S. D., and Miss Cora Felton of Benaortvwere mar ried by Rev. Mr. McCIung on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clough will re fide in South Dakota. 1 The Baptist MIfAinnary circle will meet at the horr.e of Mrs. A. Farris next T!iur ', afternoon. A general discussion will be had. Sophia Paaaovoy Is recovering at lier, home from a long nines inuatd by a vrra T sato Louise, Tort metal pencil cap being lodged in her lungs. She was taken east for an oper ation. THE STORE BEAUTIFUL At 16tti u. u. v. or FURS At Half Price MINK SETS thHt formerly sold as high ns $Hr.00, now $47.50 mink Murrs , that formerly sold as high us-$50.00, now $29.75 LYNX SETS that formerly sold as high as $65.00, now at $37.50 rox SETS that formerly koM uf to $'55.00, now on sale at $19.75 Social Affairs of the South Side The Monday Night Whist rlub wll he entertained by the Missrs Rnfferfy next Monday evening. Miss Ixiulse Watklns will leave Wednes day night for Davenport, where she la attending school. James Thompson of St. Joseph, Miss, Is spending the week with his aunt. Mis. William Mangan. Mr. and Mrs. J. W Williams entertained at a dinner Saturday evening for Mr. and Mra. T. J. Stlllwell of Steamboat Springs, Colo., and Mrs. Edward Dlen of I Lincoln. Holiday decorations were used. t overs were laid for ten. Miss Uoldie Johnson la spending the holiday a with her father at Sea brook, Tex. Miss Alice Sheehy, who is attending school at Des Motnea.ta., is passing the holiday vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Sheehy, 2:2 F atreet. Misses Mildred Blls and Dorothy Van Sant entertained at a watch party Fri day evening at the home of Miss Bliss, 2'M E street. Miss Mn a Spears Is spending her vaca tion at Lincoln. Mlllls Miler la spending a few riaya at Tecumseh, Neb. Dr. Joe Sheehy of Kansas City Is spending a few days visiting his parents, Mr. and Mra. I. J. Sheehy. South Side. Miss Cecilia Nixon wll entertain the Adah Pleasure elub at her home, 721 North Eighteenth street, Monday even ing. Mlaa Grace Harding returned Monday from Alliance, after spending a few days with relatives at that place. Mrs. Frank Conley. 1030 North Nine teenth street, entertained the new Cen tury club Thursday afternoon at ker home. The house was decorated with O rkm and Farnam Streets In the U. S. Bank BuIIdlna Announcing Onir First Great Starting Monday Morning at 8:30 An event which evolves our entire high-grade stock, and one that will interest thousands of critical Nebraska women. In order to effect a quick clearance, vigorous price-cutting has been resorted to, offering all our Suits, Coats, Dresses and Furs at HALF-PRICE, and in many cases even less than half. No garments sent on approval, s 1 J s J 1 1 M 1 . mi.. 1 XI 1T1TTTTm excn&ngea, ana none accepted savings this sale presents: All Our High Coats up to $25.00 Regular 120 and $22.50 Corduroys are Included at this price. Some were $25.00. Also some pretty ZJ be lli! ei In this lot. Coats up to $29.50 Swagger Oordnroy CoaUa, Flake Corduroys, Zibellnes and Broad cloths. Formerly sold at $25, $37.50 and $29.50. All good looking. Coats up to $37.50 Very Stylish Corduroys, Velrets and Broadcloths. Many fur trimmed and plush trimmed. Were $32.60, $35.00 and $37.60. DRESSES For All Occasions These represent the greatest Dress values ever presented in a January sale. Dresses for street, afternoon, dinner and dancing. All our $29.50 Dresses on sale at $14.75 All our $39.50 Dresses on sale at $19.75 All our $45.00 Dresses on sale at $24.75 All Our Tailored Suits at Suits up to $29.50 Fur-trimmed Suits of broadrlotb, poplin, serge and whipcord. These Suits $14.76 will surprise you. for they are most unusual; some were $25, others were $27.50. Suits up to $35.00 Mostly fnr-trtnrmAd Broadcloths, Whipcords and Poplins; a few Vel veteen Suits, and a number of smart Covert Suits. Some were $27.60, some were $30 and $35. Choice of all our Finest Tailored Suits that have sold from $45.00 to $63.00, at Every garment in that the style and ORKIN BROS.-lGth and Famam MRS. T. J. GIST of Falls City will give the principal address at the memorial meeting of the Omaha Woman's club Sunday af ternoon at the Y. W. C. A. 1 f holiday decorations. Card gamea were played. Prlzea were won by Mrs. Han non and Mrs. Royd. Twenty-five mem bers were present. Mr. Van Da via of Harvard, Neb., who haa been visiting his aunt, Mrs. I, A. Broth CIMMCIE oacx ior creaii. me prices Grade Coats at Coats up to $39.50 SUk Plunties, Rich Corduroys, handsome Broadcloths and smart Coatings in many far-triranMd and plain styles. Were $36 and $39.60. Coats up to $45.00 Luxurious Silk Plushes, Broad cloths and Corduroys, for street and dress occasions, and rich Imported Mixture Coats, for motoring and street Were $40 and $16. Coats up to $65.00 Handsome Ereiring Wraps beau tiful Daytime Coats or Durctyoe and other wanted materials; for merly $45 to $C5 and a few higher. SM75 Suits up to $40.00 Broadcloth Suits, Velvet Suits and I'oplin Suits. Many fur trimmed. Fcorea of smart models. Some were $:10 and $ St; many were $37.50 and $4: Suits up to $45.00 Including some of oar most hand some Velvet and Cloth Suits. Some were $4000, some were $42.50 and $45.00. this sale is from our own regular quality are of the type that appeal Jones. Twentieth and Missouri avenue, during the holidays, returned home Sat in day , Clsrk Davis, son of Mr. and Mr". Warren Dn Is, Vt Noith Twenty-f if h street, left Saturday for Swarthniore, I'a.. where he la attending Swarthmore coll. ri Mr. Davis returned only re-i-ent! from a pleasure trip through Kiit-oie. He Is at present making rliol nstic ierord at the eastern school. Mrs. D. J. Sturrock and daurhter, 'liace. are Msltlng relatives at Ord. Ni lv. tliinnyh the holidays. They will return Sunday In time for Grace to Like up li.-r Inn In the principal' office at ttio South Mich school. llurd Stoker, local alumnus of the , South IIIkIi s hool and at bresent attend ing the rnlvcrwlly of CWagri. where he Is n senior student In the law college. Is tatting with relatives at Floux City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Msrllng and fam ily spent the week end at Neola. ta. Mr. Mnrling Is a prominent buyer In the South nniaha Live Stock exchange. Mori Is tilsen entortamed at a dinner party at the Rome hotel Thuraday eve- ii'hk rompllinenlary to Shirley Meneree of Ann Arbor. Mich. Ten guesta were I reM-n't. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johnson of Wll- j llston, N. D.. are visiting the parents of Mrs. Johnson. Mr. and Mra. F. A. Hart, f.'4 North Twelfth street. M-. and Mrs. Finney of Ashland are the holiday guests of Mr. and Mra. George Stewart. 1W M street. South Side. They will return home Minday afternoon. Mr. Vere P.lngo returned from famous, cel.. Wednesday, where he spent Christ mas with his parents. Mr. snd Mrs. Joseph Hamn returned to their home In Pine Blurfa. Wyo., Mon day. They were visiting with frlenda and relatives here. Miss Rdth Marks, who haa been visit ing Mr. and Mra. Herman Steinberg, re turned to her home Thursday. The Reglna club and the Centurion club entertained at a watch party Friday ers Deiow quicmy wow uic utj-.ii uinii Half and sip pffs . v Evening Gowns All Very New Many one - of - a kind styles handsome combinations of exqui site materials artiRtie fashioned for women who want real beauty in their dresses. All our $57.50 Gowns on sale at $29.75 All our $65.00 Gown on sale at $34.75 No woman in need of a Dress for any occasion should fail to attend this sale. Hal! and Less 832.75 stock an assurance to particular women. $221 $2l earning at the Centurion cfuh rooms. Tha rooms weie lienut ifully decorated In red and green. About seventy-five touplea were present. Mlsfes Doris and Helen Van Sant en tertained the O. F. T. rrm at a luncheon at tlirlr home Wednesday afternoon. A miniature t'hrl-tnins tree centered the banquet tnhlo. Cn crs were laid for Misses TVhmIp Alsworlh, Mope Hlbhard, Mildred Conway, Margery Ahhott, Alts, Davis. ;ia!ys W'rlghl, -orla Van Sant and llolen Van Snnt. Miss Li:cilo Nitschc entertained at a t o'clock turn heon at her imme, 101 Nortli Twrnty-sei olid street. Tuesdajr compll- nienlnry to Misses Irfiuise Watklna and smith, two high school glrla who are home visiting duriiur the Christmas: holidays. Covers were laid for Mlasen Marie Roach, I Unions McElroy, Helen Cressey, Eleanor Alexander, Arllne Ab bott. Melon Dennis, Sadie Uothholtx, Magna Horn, Alice Sheehy, Millie Smith, Klsa Smith and Louise Watkina. SOME DEALERS REGOKMESO WORTHLESS IMITATIONS of DaMIraol for a faaat renta mora profit. Be member, DeMlraol ha etood the severest ef all testa Eminent Dkral-s cian nave use recommended for over twelve yeerOL Inslat on DcVtlrwele aa you '111 get the tml real hair remoTer arts. Wrtte (or taa Irittlt aKa.i n vAnnnM batr. DeMtracle Chemical Co. Far Ave, and lltta streeU New York, fold and recommended by Sherman Mo Copnell Drug Co.. Owl Drug Co., Har arl I'harmacy and loyal Pharmacy. A Room for the ltoomev, or a Roomer for the Room. Bee Want Ada Do tha Work. THE STORE BEAUTIFUL FURS At Halt Price FOX MUFFS that formerly sold at $25.00, in this sale at $12.75 OPOSSUM MUFFS that formerly sold $12.50, in this sale at $9.75 PLUSH MUFFS Choice of about 85 Plush Muffs, formerly sold at $10.00 and $12.50, to b closed out while they last at $5.75 m MR Ui!ljlJi!j Less JVJV r 3