Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 14

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    12 A
i6weep of the Grim Reaper Among
Leaders of the New and the
Old World.
Msy 7, WIS stands out In the death
It of world-wide notables ( April 15
ootni Urn In the roster of distinguished
ead of 1912. In om respect tbe tragedy
f the steamship Lusltaol resembles the
elancholy doom of the Titanic. Both
rrled a large number of distinguished
eenfrers, most of whom perished 1.100
in the Liusltanla and 1.M0 In the Tltanlo.
(Amorc the victim of the Lusltanla trair
Wdy were Alfred O. Vanderbllt of New
Tork City; Charles Frohman and Charles
Klein, theatrical managers; ESbert Hub
ard. the noted writer and lecturer; J.
'Foster Rtackhouse, the explorer; Fred
Irlco O. Padlllo, Mexican consul general
at Liverpool; .Major F. Warren Pearl,
'wife and three children of Philadelphia;
fJollan de Ayala. Cuban consul general
t Liverpool; Mme. Marie de Pace, man
ner of the Belgian Red Cross work,
pho visited Omaha In the Interest of the
Icauae, and many others of lens renown.
Following is a partial list of the year's
Biotable dead, classified by professions:
raklle Life.
Percy If. Illlrursworth, Iondon, parlia
fcwntary secretary of treesury.
i Count ferslus J. Wltte, i'etrograd. first
jTrime minister of Russia.
I Charles A. Schleran, former msyor of
fRrooklyn and founder of Academy of
. Chsrles Francis Adams. SO, Lincoln,
EMsss., puhllclnt and historlsn. creat
krsnrisoii of president John Artama.
I Colonel W. J I. Crook, Washington, dis
bursing officer of the White House,
(President Lincoln's bodyguard,
i Ferdinand Burg. Anhduke Charles of
Austria, who renounced hla title to marry
Kut of hla station.
Plr John C, Lamb, British statesman
ptid chemiat.
Curtis Uulld, Boston, ex-governor of
LMaaxarhuaetta, ambaa-ador to Russia Un
klcr Taft.
.Nelson W. Aldrlch. New Tork. reoubll-
tatfs aenator from Rhode liAand
, Charles E. Llttlfleld. noted Maine con
imtn, KdwarJ c. Wall. Milwaukee, member
f democratic national committee.
Frederick Seward. New Tork, assistant
se-retary of state In cablneta of Lincoln.
(Johnson and Hayes, son of famous civil
'.war secretary
kDr. Amos W. Barber, Cheyenne, former
overnor of Wyoming.
Grand Duke Constantlne
Wclenllst and author.
'Dr. Alfonso Costa, Lisbon,
L..,'Srf',., r"M former president
pf Mexico.
Jeremiah O' Donovan Rosaa, New York,
Drieh revolutionist.
John D. Long. Bingham, Mass., former
iecretary of the navy.
Anthony Comatock, New York, long
I-?.. lede'" t boclety for Suppression
f V Ice.
William Spragtie, Paria, famous war
governor of Rhode Ialand.
it.B,'.p. i'UJ!dr MacDonald. London, noted
Brltlsh diplomat.
Julius Caesar Burrows, Kalmasoo,
"sr United f14" senator of Michigan.
Hlr Charles Tupper, retired Canadian
igKrtAlbart Btsaf, former premier of
. Sir Uonel Carden, former British mln-
Franrla Ma. sH rvvkf
tml? tnltcd tiutea aenator from
Prefesalea mt Law.
'w.lU!ry. Clm'r Caldwell, Ixs Angeles, for
pier I nlted eJtates circuit judge and civil
twar veteran.
Franklin C. Haddock, Hertford. Conn.,
lawyer, author and lecturer.
Oenersl J. I. Rinaker, Chicago, civil
War officer, attorney and mnrnum.n
-"i3- Pearson, New York, distln-
u Smith Mcpherson. Des Moines, federal
Hiatrlct judge.
Joseph U Barbour. Hartford, Conn..
Qcadlnc lawyer of Connecticut.
-tmbert 8. Quackenbuah. . New Tork.
vote real estate lawyer.
Charles 8. Zane, Salt Lake City, for-
"r mw uarioRr or ADranam uncoln
end flrat chief Justice of Utah.
u V?.'0"'1 wmiam Jy. New York, lawyer.
wiiuit aim lyonarntn.
Rabbi Solomon Rclvndler, rabbi emer
itua Temple larael, Boston.
Kt. Rev, Lawrence i anion. Catholic
blohop of Fait IKe.
Ht. Rev. Iilahop Cotton, Catholic) bishop
of Buffalo, N. Y.
Rev. Jeaae R. Thomas. D. V., Brook
lyn, theologian and author.
Rev. 1 J. Mroanahan. P. J., prof ea
sof of ethl-a. Insole, college. Baltimore.
Angtia M. Cannon, hall Lake, patriarch
In Mormon church.
Mot Itev. James K. Qulgley, Roman
Catholic archhlahop of Chicago.
Mra. Kllen . White, St. Helena, Cel.,
one of the founders of the Seventh Day
Adventiata. . . .
ltt. Rev. William R. Toll. Protestant
Eplxcopal blahop of Chicago.
Ordinal Seraflno Vannutelll, Rome,
prefect of the Hacred college.
Rev. Dr. Paul P. Bergln, Hartford,
Pi-eehyterlan mlaalonary.
Cardinal Claudius F. Vaaxury, primate
of Hungary. ... ...
Rl. Rev. T. J. Conaty. Catholic bishop
Of Ixia Angelea and Monterey.
Rev. David B. I'helan. Kt. Louis, noted
prleat and editor.
Cardinal Benedetto Txrenxelll, Rome,
Rt. Rev. Oeorge BHIer, Hloux Falls,
Fpiecopal blahop of Month Dakota.
Kev. 'harlea Ml Charroppln. K J., Bt.
Iuls, renowned as aatronomer.
Ht. Rev. David II. Moore, blahop of
tha Methodlat Episcopal church, Cin
cinnati .
Dr. Poloman Schechler, New York,
noted Jewlah theologian, prealdent of
the Jewlah Theological seminary.
Hev. John B. Stahr. Lancaster. Pa.,
prealdent of the Ueneral Synod of the
Reformed church of the United Btatea.
Railroad Men.
Kidney B, IJggett. Pittsburgh, Pecre
tary of Pennsylvania lines west of PltU-
laaao Rich. Pometrllle, Mass., clyll en
gineer of Southern Pacific railroad.
William Hunter. Philadelphia, chief en
gineer Philadelphia & Reading railroad.
William H. Bancroft. Salt Lake City,
prexldent of Oregon Short Line.
Matthew II. Shay. Cleveland, veteran
locomotive engineer File railroad.
Sir Sanford Flemmlng. Canadian rail
road engineer and sclentlat.
Sir William Van Home. Montraeal, na
tive of the United Btatea, builder and
manager of the Canadian Pacific rail
road. ,,
William F. Allen, Orange, N. J., well
known railroad man. Inventor of system
of alandard time.
Thomaa P. Kowler. former prealdent
of the New York, Ontario A Western
Art lata.
Anne Whitney, Boston, 1, oldest sculp
tor In United Statea. ,
Roawell M. Shurtleff. New York,
painter and civil war veteran.
Anton von Werner, Berlin, noted alle
gorical painter.
Theophlle r . 11. I'onpoi, r rencn miu-
Prof. T. B. St llman, Jersey City, noted
ch-mlcnl enKlneer.
Dr. Karl K Uulhe. dean of Michigan
lYof. John II. Van Amrlnge, former
depn of ''olumhia rollese. New York.
I'rnf. Fxra It. Thayer, former dean of
Harvard Iaw school.
Sir Arthur WiU am Rurker, lxndon,
noted sclentlat, educator and author.
Pref. Arthur V. Wright, noted sclen
tlat of Yale unlveralty.
Mr Henry B. Roei oo, lndon, emeri
tus profeaor, Victoria unlveralty.
Atiguatua J. DiiHola, uroieaaor of Civil
pnglneering Sheffield Scientific school.
Dr. Thomaa Hunter, for half a century
tenrher and principal of New York Gram
mar Schools.
Prof. Kdward Van Dyke Rohlnson. edu
cator and economist, Columbia univer
sity. Meal af Letter.
Rich American Expatriate at Lait
Realizes Ambition Nuned
for Tears and Years.
I tarv nalnter
can leader and for thirty veara United i Alhan J. Conn nt. 04. Washington.
of Russia,
leader of
Judge F-mllii McCletn. low City, dean
f law college. University of lows,
David If. CraJ. K?vntnn Wva 1m4..
pt the district court.
General B. F. Tracy, New York, dls-
noiKuiBiim iswyvr, puouo oilicer sund
Vivli war veteran.
wuiiem m. ivmt mtnent New York
Ieaao L. Rice. New York, widely known
lawyer, manufacturer and author.
Charles K, .Granger. Long Beach, Oal.,
former chief tuatice of Iowa,
Arthur P. Dodge noted New England
lawyer and roagadne publisher.
Lord . jveratote, former lord chief
Justice of England.
Abraham Oruber.. New . York, noted
cr ana poiiut-ian.
Jowrnaltaaa. .
jnmes creelman, Washington, noted
mr trrraponnent ana speclaJ writer.
John D. Chainplln, New York, dls
tlnguWhed editor of encyclopedias.
Hev. tjeorge C. lUnklu. Da.llaa. Tex,
fdltor of Texas Christian Advocate,.
welter U Sawyer, Boston, newspaper
editor and author ft bova' boons.
Colonel Charles . Boy n ton. widely
Arrown WsahliiBlon newspaper man.
Hamual Row lea. editor and publisher
f Springfield (Mara.) Kopuhllcan. '
taptein Henry King, editor of St Louis
O'o he-Democrat.
Wlillen, R'khlll Nelson, publisher
1 . ivy ni.r,
Elbert Hubbard, East Aurora, N. Y.
ipublieher, loat on Lualtania.
jarr. r. Hudson, chief editorial writer
Ion Ittubtirgh Dlapatih.
!n c. Peck, uwmr of Brooklyn (N.
(T.) 1 lines.
I St. Clair McKe'.way, dltor of the Brook
lyn Eagie.
Co1mu-I A. J. Blethen, alitor and pub-
lher of the Seattle Times. . ,
Charles A Conant. New York., noted
flnant-tal writer and autliotlty.
I Rev. Daniel Al. Birmingham. Orovllle,
fal.. editor Fourth palate, educator and
tieorge Fitch. Berkeley, Cat., noted
9iumiHiat and author.
Edward B. Phelps. Philadelphia, insur
ance editor and rtatlatlclan.
Charlie Heber Clark tMax AdelerL Bos
Ion, well known humorlat.
Dr. William A. Croffut, New York, edi
5or. author and traveler.
Sir James A. II. Murray. London, edl
Kor of Oxford Exigllsh dictionary.
s i , Jou!,,'r- managing owner of Bt
fLouls Olobe-Demorr&t.
Dr. t;roa Alexander, editor of the
Melhodlat Review.
k Victor B. Bender, newspaper publisher,
ormerly of Council lilnfft.
Dr., Charles Joevf N. Ditmont. pro-trl-tor
of Cologne Oasetle, Gerinasy.
... . iiaiun, jiuncwr newspapr pub
lisher of Toledo, O.
Herman Kidder, publisher of New York
ICtaats Zeltung.
, Edward U Pretorlus, publisher of St
ILouia Tlmee.
Simon HrtnUno, New York, noted pub
lisher and book seller.
John W. Harper, founder of New York
(jM.t'l.hlng house of Harper brothers.
. W 11. Rand, New Canaan. Conn., head
k-f the frublkahlna? house ot Rand. Mo
kNelly Co.. Chicago.
Juh a. Putnam, New York, one of the
founarrs of Fubilauing bouse of Putnam
Rt Rev. Thomas M. A. Burke. Roman
Catholic bishop of Albany. N. Y.
Rev. John C. Clyde. D. D., Eastoa Pm.,
gninUler. author.
Rev, R. F. Weidiiar. Chicago, presi
gleiit of iAitheraa Theological Seminary.
I Itev. Emory J. IUynu, Pouglikewpls
px. V.. li,iiat minuter and editor of
khurch publli ationa.
Rt. Kfv. C. P. Maes. Catholic bishop
af l an liiKtcn. Ky.
Rev. EdoaH T. Horn, D. D., Boston, sn
gtui horny on lllurtcy of Lutheran church.
i Krv. I 'r. tirorKe Waahburn, president
pf Ki tert colu-ia at Vvustaiali,vlc, to
i.n,eil'n Jii-l.l itiun.
l.(. KrV Jueepli Jfol, CatholiU btrtlCp
tit lT-H t ttlH
i . i u i n b I Antonio Alisrdi, Rome, sub-
w: hi or ritcrei c,lee.
I in. i-.irr. Itudoiptt Dubs. Ifanliburg,
1 . Luiot bt LuiLcJ Evfejitteluai iliurcu.
tlnffiiltihed nortralt rHinter.
William S. Eamea, bt. Louis, art critic
and architect.
Wslter Crane, London, noted book
Oeorge M. White, Salem, Mass., de
signer in lithography.
Karl T. F. Bitter. New i org, noiea
sculptor, died of injuries In automobile
Edgar Melville Ward. New yprg, fore
most American genre painter.
James W. Pattlson. leader or Chicago
art world.
John White. Philadelphia, noted por-
trslt painter.
tendrlk W. Alcsdag, famous uuicn
rredericg uaxea syivester, bi. uouis.
noted landscape painter.
Profession of Arms.
Brigadier Oenersl Charles H. Tomp
kins. U. H. A.. Wsahlngton, Medal of
Honor officer of union army.
Ma lor Ueneral Sir Luke O'Connor,
Irishman, who rose from ranks in Brit
ish army, won Victoria Croa in Crimean
Lieutenant ueneral A. M. Stoesael, Rus
sian defender of Port Arthur.
Brigadier Ueneral Andrew Hurt, u.
8. A., retired, Waahlngtou, veteran of
civil, Spanish, Philippine and Indian
Rear Admiral Alfred Adamson, U. 8.
N., retired, Brookline, Mass., civil war
Ueneral Cvrus Hussy. Washington, dis
tinguished Iowa soldier in civil war.
Cantaln William McCarty Little. U. B
N., Newport R. I., lecturer on naval
tactics and strstegy.
Brigadier Oca era I Charles snaier, u.
A., retired, Indianapolis, Ind., civil war
Lieutenant ueneral William Henry
Beaumont De Horsey. London, com'
mander of famous Light Brigade al
,' iimiii . .nil.. vii.i.Hiim'I'ic, ninnt-
Ican citlsen, former admiral in Turkish
ueneral Edward l.. Moiineux, rew
York, distinguished in civil war.
Brigadier Ueneral John J. Chandler. U
0. A., retired, Los Angeles, veteran of
civil and Indian wars.
Captain Iouls D. C. Oasklll. Denver,
principal captor of Jeff Dsvls.
Rear Admiral John McUowan retired,
Washington, naval veteran of civil war.
Ueneral John C. Black, Chicago, noted
civil war officer and Grand Army leader.
Ueneral Ueorge A. (Handy) Koraythe, U.
S. A., retired, distinguished in civil and
Indian wars.
Ueneral Franklin Fisher, chief signal
officer union srmy in civil war.
Brigadier Ueneral Henry H. Freeman.
Pouglaa. wyo., veteran of civil and In
din wars.
Brigadier Oenersl Walter Heuae, V. S.
A., Washington, veteran of Indian .and
1'hlllpplna wars.
Brigadier Ueneral Oeorge M. Stern
berg. II, S. A., retired, surgeon general.
Rear Admiral Thomas 8. Phelps, U. 8,
N.. retired. Oakland. Cal.
Rear Admiral Nicoll Ludlow. IT. S. N.
retired. New York, veteran of civil war.
Medical Profeasle)
Dr. Frank Fuller, New York, physician,
denttat, civil war veteran and territorial
governor of Utah. 1M,
Dr. Cyros Wrackett. professor emeritus
of phvstcs. Princeton unlveralty.
Kir Ueorge Tupper. Iindon, dlaonverer
of typhoid serum, . sacrificed his life In
effort to find cure for leprasy.
rinKiu c. k w s. rw iuik v-iiy,
eye and ear specialist and author of
medical DaDera,
Dr. Ernest P. Magruder. American
physician, died fighting typhus fever
riague in IsaiKan slates.
Sir William R. Cowers. London, widely
known writer on medical subjects.
Dr. Sarah Fl'laeell, Dalton. Mass., noted
nhvsiclan of New England.
Dr. Robert If. M. Daw bard, professor
ot surgery, rorantm university.
Dr. Paul Eiirllch, BciUn, medical scien
tist and discoverer.
Dr. Charles J. Klnlay. New Orleans
first discoverer of yellow fever tiana
milted by moan u I Una.
Dr. K. F. .lours, New York, notel
csncer spri'lallst and preacher.
l)r. William Noyes, New York, noted
speAiaiist la mental diseases.
bert De
LONDON, Jan. 1. Among the
honors conferred by King Oeorge at
the New Year are the following:
Barons William Waldorf Astor,
Lord Charles Beresford, Sir Alexan
der Henderson, Sir Thomas Shaughn
esay, David A. Thomas and Captain
Cecil William Norton.
Among those who receive baron
etcies are Vice Admiral Sir Freder
ick C. D. Stnrdee, Sir William
Ooschen, Sir Charles Johnston and
Alfred Booth.
The privy counsellors named Include
William Crooks and Sir Frederick Ban
bury. Earl Cureon of Kedleston and the duke
of Devonshire are made Knights of the
Garter. Lord Mersey is elevated to the
rank of vlonount.
Comes as Surprise.
The New Year's honors announced to
night stand apart from the conventional
lists through the absence of rewards foV
political and party service and the sub
stitution of recognitions of various sorts
for war activities.
There wss one notable surprise the
conferring 6f a peerage on William Wal
dorf Astor, the wealthy American citl
sen, who years ago became an expatriate.
Another surprise is the appointment of
William, or Will, as he is better known.
Crooks the labor leader, to the privy
Mr. Astor's title Is considered as being
jthe fulfillment of the ambition which
sixteen years
ago to become a British sul...'ct. There
l no one ab? to recall a former In
stsnce of an American becoming a Brit
ish peer except it was the case of Lsrd
I Fairfax of Cameron. It Is gossip tonight
Marshall P. Wilder, St. Paul, author,
humorist and lecturer.
Thomaa H. Peck. Salem, Mass., author
and lecturer on geneslogy.
Mary El saheth Braddon, English nov
elist London.
Colonel John A. Joyce. Washington,
author and soldier and roet.
Fanny Croehy, Bridgeport, Conn.. 9S,
well-known hymn writer and author.
Ezra S. Stearns, Fltchburg, Mass., noted
genealogical and hlatorlcal writer.
Ralph Boldrewood, noted novelist of
F. Hopklnaon Smith, New York, author,
artist and engineer.
Dr. Jooat M. W. Van der Poorten
Schwartex, (Maarten Mart-tens) Dutch
Remyde Oourmont Paris, noted French
poet and editor.
Prof. Alexander Van Mllligen, noted
English historian.
J. Fred Helf. New York, writer of
popular songs.
Leader In Flaanee.
Norman B. Ream, New York financier
and capitalist.
Henry Scllgman, noted New York
Horatio Yl Davis, Ft. Louis banker and
Nathan Mayer Rothachlld, Baron. Lon
don, head of British branch famous bank
ing house,
Appli-ton R. lllllyer, Hartford, Conn.,
benkor and philanthropist.
Oeorge If. Russell, Detroit banker,
former president American Bankers' as
sociation. V ItlsT Bsjslness.
Albeit A. Sprague, Chicago, noted mer
chant nnd promoter of the arts.
Jumea ( Fargo, New York, manager of
Wells, Ear go Express companv.
Edward Tlldcn, Chicago, meat packer
and banker.
r reneriCK wmainw l avior. f rmanemnin. I ft.lm . - , ,
inou.;!!! si-it'iiiu iu manage
ment movement.
William Illusion, Ph'ladelrhla, president
or saw manufacturing firm.
Edward D. Kaston, Areola, N. J., pres
ident Columbia Ursphnphone company,
pioneer In talking machinea.
uavin ai r-arry. itushvllle, Ind.. manu- that some of the kings advisers enter
facturer of vehlclea. tsin th. K.iir , . . , .
John Cudahy. one of the foundeia of i a.'n the bellrf tnt Mr- Astor's honor
Chicago's packing Industry. will be especially pleasing to Ameri
manager Renter's Telegraph company.
Clarence W. Seamana. Brooklyn, head
of Union Typewriter company.
Frederick Sharon, San Erancisco, mil
lionaire, president of Palace Hotel com
pany.. Ferdinand Bulgberger, New Tork, noted
meat packer. '
John B. F. Herreshoff. Brlatol. n. I..
noted builder of yachts.
Albert O. SDaldlnar. Kan Dteiro. "father
of base ball" and sporting irooas manu
facturer, Chicago.
W, Attee Burfee. Dovlcstown. Pa., lsrs--
est seeds merchant In the world.
f. A. H. widoner. Philadelphia, widely
known financier and traction magnate.
Andrew Freeilman. New York, noted In
business, sports and politics.
Maalral World.
Henrv W. B-wen. Roaton. California
pioneer of '9, leader in church mualc.
Whliam I.. Brown, Boaton, famous plan
Irt and teacher of music.
Mme. Oervllles Reache. New York. con.
irauo, metropolitan opera.
cans. "
Sacreeda at Last.
Mr. Astor's reputed candidacy to the
peerage was a topic which greatly en
grossed society after he launched M
career as a British subject. Unfortun
ately for his ambitions they were be
clouded by an Incident which U supposed
to have incurred for him King Edward s
displeasure. A popular British officer
is said to have appeared at a reception
at Mr. Astor's London mansion, whose
nam was not on the Invitation list. The
officer arrived with a party of Invited
guestat with whom he had been dining,
which la frequently the case in London
society. Mr. Astor. It Is said, requested
the officer to depart and King Edward
was reported to have been much Irri
tated, sine the officer held a high place
In the king's esteem. This etory was
By Taking
Will Find
u u u
Advantage of ths Hifcth Grade Values that You
Going Out of Business Sale is still on in full blast. No
one-third or one-fourth or one-half off. It's simply no profit at all.
Sell out. that's what we intend to do. You cannot equal the prices or bet
ter the grade of merchandise sold by us. Note our windows, read prices
quoted. Come early Monday.
Men's and V o u n K
Men's Kniti, In ail
colors, size and
M yles. Worth $13.00.
These are unbeatable
values. Now On Kale
Men's Fleeced Under
wear and Jersey KH
bed. Kxtra good val
ues ftt 75c. This
Is n sna!.
ICmlle ('. Walcltenfnl. Paris. !,,. . .. . . . . ..
French composer. xV. I . C y p"D"'nta l ln um-
Karael josephy, New York City, famous ' '"o large conirinutions
ICdaeatora aad Sctrntlats.
Theodore M. Pavia, New York, noted
Prof. J. Irving Manatt, head of Greek
depart mwit Drown university.
Ir. Winfred H. Martin. New York,
authority on Oriental languages.
Prof. 8nm"ei VV. HhatliiH. I'hampalsn.
III., head of mathematics department
l niversity tr Illinois
John Japer. New York, superintendent
or city schools.
P-of Kevrre F. Weldncr, president of
I.titheraii Theological semtnary, Ihl'ifn,
Him, V t 1 v PAnn. 14liifa
member of faculty. Ames Agricultural
colle. Ames. la.
Mr James Honaldson. Iondnn. vie
chancellor of 1'nlveralty of ft. Andrews.
nr. rrans Adlcks. founder of Lnivers tv
of Frankfurt, lierinany.
ur. John li. tloodrlch. Hurllnaton. Vt..
pmfeaaor of latin unlveralty of Vermont.
James O. Crosweli. New York Qty,
Doted scholar and schoolmaster.
Mm.' Alive la Mouruui. Ilartfnnl.
Conn., noted missionary educator.
Lr. tnarifs k. itenarrson. professor of
sociology. I niversity of C hliaso
lrof ireoenca w. i-uinan. antnropolog-
Ut. llarvar1 university.
Prof. K. W. Coy. tlnclnnatl. educator
and author of iJi'ln and Urerk text booka.
Dr. Thomas K. Lounabury, New Haven,
professor emeritus of English In Valo
William II. Reed, I aramle, Wyo . pro
fessor ,f geolosy, Wyoming iinlvrrsity.
Ir. Joseph O. Holmes, Washington,
noie I geologist and originator of "safely
Pi of. Rmest Newman, noted Oerman
psyiholoaint and author.
lr. Cl aries V. Bhesrd. Kumm rvlll.
8, 1'.. profoesor of chemistry, kliowu as
"Father of the Tea Industry '.'
sirs. Mathilda C. Rtavciuon. Ovon Hill.
Md . noted ethnological scientist an I
i.,y 8. Csllender, professor of political
oononiy, Sheffield ttlentlflc s hool, t'on
111. t leu t.
concert pianist
Thomas C. Dasnii. New Tork blind
oriranlat and oom poser.
ineouore ieschetllsky, famous German
teacher of piano.
Anton llegner, rtew Tom, noted cellist.
ieorae Edwardea. famnua Knullsh nro-
ducer of musical comedies.
Stase anil Drama.
Charles Frohmann. American theatrical
manager, perished on Iusltanls.
John Bunny. New York, movlna nlctura
I harlea Klein. New York, dramatic
author, perished on I-usltanla.
Julia walootl. Chlcaao. one of the old-
eat actresses on American stage.
Sarah C. Le Moyne. lake Placid, N.
i .. noted American actress ot the old
P. Clay Ford. Passaic. N. J., resident
manager of Ford's opera, Washington,
When Lincoln was shot.
Paul ilervlen, dramatlo author and
member of French academy.
Hlanch Walsh, Cleveland, well-known
scire wi.
Stephen Phillips, London, dramatist
and poet.
Otfcer Rotables.
AV, Ij. Kuykendall,' Denver, pioneer of
Wyoming and the Blsck Hills.
Mrs. John D. Rockefeller. Pocantlco
Hills, N. V., wife ot richest man in the
Charles J. Games, noted New Tork
Willlsm a. (Honey Roy) Evans, Baltl
more. Md.. noted blackface comedian.
!avni Jennings, noted clalment for
-Jenninsa millions," In England, died
in woranouse.
Mrs k'.llen t MrMatln KJloa VMnM
widow of Ueneral McClellan of civil I
war fame. I
Frank James, Kxcelslnr Springs, Mo.,
last survivor of notorious James gang of
rohbers. j
Thomas Dermot, Ban Frenclsco. father
of Ortrude . and Maxlne Klliott, stage
Mrs. Kohert B. Rrownell, Oxford. N.
T., one of the few women who enlfsTcd
as a soldier In the civil war.
David Jennings, noted claimant for
Kir (esorge Narrs, Ixmdon, noted Arctic
William W. Cole, New York, noted cir
cus man.
Oeorge K. Ijoder. Rochester, N. Y.,
fal her of the Myatlo Shrine.
Mra Mary Anna Jackson. Charlotte, N.
C. widow ot the famous confederate
Uenit fcmllh. New York, Inventor of
quadruple system of telegraphy.
Jeremiah O'llourke, New VorK, famous
church architect.
Mrs. Kllsabeth Hutchinson, Portland.
Ore., national treasurer Women's Chris
tian Temperance Colon.
James Kelr lianlie, Ixtndon, noted Brit
ish labor loader.
Mrs. Abih-ati Bcott Ounlway, Portland,
"mother" of woman suffrage In Oregon,
noted writer and poet.
Henri Fabre, distinguished entomolog
ist of France.
Joseph J. McCoy, Kansas City, noted
plainsman of southwest.
James Ma pes lKidge, Philadelphia, noted
engineer and Inventor.
Hev. Robert Leavens
Will Speak Here
Rev. Robert 'F. Ieavena of Fltchburg,
Mass.. will address Unitarians of Omaha
Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock at Tur
pln's hall. Twenty-eighth and Famam
streets, taking as hs topic, "A Free
Church." This la a part of the movement
on the part of local Unitarians to re-es
tablish a church organisation her. Other
noted men of the church will speak later
In the year.
RAN FRANCISCO. Jan. l.-Jeff Mo
Carn. former United Btates district attor
ney for the territory of Hawaii, arrived
her on the steamer Great Northern to
day and explained that he gave up hla
position because he could not both be
holiest and happy In it.
"I was honest and tried t b happy,
he said and added that he would return
to hla home at Nashville, Tenn. II was
appointed by Prealdent Wilson two years
sgo and resigned November 15, effective
December tl.
to the war fund. Ills daughter-in-law.
Is one of the famous Langshore sisters.
wen known In the United Btatea for
their beauty. 8he has been an sctlve
worker among the wounded.
Coat Kins; Made Peer.
CARDIFF. Wales. Jn 1 -ll.vU l
Thomas, known as "the British coal
king," has been raised to the peerage for
his services in supervision organization
in the United Statea and ('anuria of f.
cllltlea for obtaining war munitions.
Men's 1 -Buckle Over
Shoes, the kind
you've always
bought at
Men's Mncklnaws, In
all the leading ,
colors.' Not one
worth lews
than 8.50.
Men's Roll Collar
Gray Sweaters, all
sizes to (it. Always
sold at ft.OO.
They're NOW
M e n's Four-Buckle
Overshoes, in all
sizc, values
Sj 69
Men's Raima c a a n s
and Overcoats.
sizes and styles,
ue worth $12.00
to 915.00.
ttaBTf nr
All a Mn
. Val- w M ww
Men's Black and Tan
Hose, worth 15c a
pair; also Cotton '
Work Glove,
worth 10c.
Men's Work or Dress
Shoes, Elkskln, Gun
Metals, lace or but
ton, worth S2.30
and 93.00.
and uisses
oafs and Suits
175 Women's Suits In
all sizes and colors.
Worth to 910.00.
These must be
sold at once.
Women's Petticoats,
Flannelettes, in
many colors and
sizes. Worth 91
each. x
Women's Waists,
slightly soiled,
all sizes,
to 91.50.
.... ra
8 OO Women's and
Misses' Coats. All
sizes and colors. Not
one worth less than
97.50. All must go.
$j 98
Women's Dungalow
Aprons and Dresses,
in all colors and
sizes. Worth to
75c to 91.O0.
Women's One-Buckle
Overshoes, that
always sold
Women's and Misses'
Coats. About 200
all, very stylish, real
bargains at
In . llHn
Women's Hats, In
many styles and col
ors. Not one worth
less than
Women's Shoes, in
all sizes. Velours and
Crhn Metals, lace
or button. Worth
to 93.50.
Women's Suits and Coats of the better grades that sold for $22.50 to $35.00 are now on
sale at cost. All Furs and Fur Sets are going below cost. We're forced to sell at once.
214-216 North 16th treet. Half Block North of the Postoffice
A "For rials" ad will turn second-hand
furniture into cash.
Phone Douglas 252
Humphreys' Seventy-seven
For Grip, InXluenza,
The ease of administering and
carrying Homeopathic medicines
will be a revelation to those who are
sccustomed to the old school no
big bottle and spoon, just a small
vial of pleasant pellets that fits the
vest pocket.
To get the best results, take
"Seventy-seven" at the" first feeling
of a Cold, a chill, a shiver, lassitude.
If you wait until you begin to
cough and sneese, have sore throat
nd lnfluensa. It may take longer.
ZSo and tl.OO, at all dru1sts or mailed.
umpire ys' Homeo Uedicln Co 1SI
V llllain Street. New York.
Attention Business Men
We have a rood Investment In an
established I'lintiiess in Council Bluffs,
Iowa, f 5,000.00 needed to enlarge same.
Tills Is a growing- business and will bear
the closest Investigation. 10 (uaran
teed, or active part taken on good salary
and profits of business.
30 Broadway, Coaaou Blafta, la.
January Discount Sale
Ilegtiinlng VelnetMlay, Jan. 5th.
Such well-known brands as
Society, Chic and I. & 11. System.
A real sale at real redactions.
Nebraska Shea & Clothing House
Cor. SSth ft N Sts., South Omaha.
This Institution la the only one
in the central west with separata
buildings situated In their ov".
ample grounds, yet entirely dla
ttnet, and rendering It possible to
classify cases. The one buldlng
being fitted for and devoted to Us
treatment of non-contagloui and
non-mental diseases, no others be
ing admitted; the other Rest Cot
tags being designed for and de
voted to the exclusive treatment
ot select mental ease requiring
for a time watchful ear nnd spe
cial Burslag.
Yon Want.
lomething ?
It costs you
nothing- to join
the "Swappers
Column." Just
telephone your
ad to the Classi
fied Department
Tyler 1000.
You May
Find It In
The "Swappers Col
umn" is a co-operative
market where folks
who have something
they dont want trade
it for something they
DO need.
' ) i